greatalliesfoundation · 4 months
Committed to the growth of the LGBTQIA + and other minority members, through providing them with stipends, useful information on business and employment (subject to availability)
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greatalliesfoundation · 4 months
Hello! I'm a transgender, polyamorous male.I am attracted to men and nonbinary people who exclusively identify as masculine. What term would fit this sexuality? I've been told that would make me androsexual or bisexual, but I'd like another queer person's advice.
My initial advice is to not worry about it too hard. Labels are fluid and made up to describe whatever we need them to, and gender is complicated and fluid too, so there isn't really a "wrong" way for you to ID here. But I also definitely understand wanting to have a "fitting" word for your sexuality. So let me give this a little thought... And definitely take this more as a suggestion to help you find what feels right, rather than some strict boxes for you to put yourself in.
There's achillean, which is the male companion of "sapphic". It encompasses all sexualities attracted to men, for men/masc identifying people to use. So you can be achillean and also be bi, pan, a gay man, etc.
You could indeed ID as bisexual attracted to men and some nonbinary genders. Or a gay man who's open to masc people.
I'm not as familiar with androsexuality, but it seems like it would fit. I think it's mostly used by nonbinary people, though? Just because some folks don't feel comfy identifying as a "man loving men" or similar. So I think it's more commonly used when someone is looking to describe a sexual attraction to a gender type without implying anything about their *own* gender. Doesn't mean you can't use it, though.
Hopefully some of these options help. Feel free to reach out again.
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