gv-archangel · 5 years
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❤ Milestone Giveaway!  ❤ ((ENDS MARCH 16TH))
Yea, you read that right! I’m still speechless with all the love and support and can’t thank you all enough, but I’ll do my best with some free art!
1st: Full color and shading/effects for ½ drawing of 1 character
2nd: Greyscale w/ minimal shading for ½ drawing of 1 character
3rd: Sketch 2/3rd drawing of 1 character.
You must be following this blog as it is a Follower Appreciation Giveaway! (new followers are welcomed of course!)
Both likes and reblogs count …plz don’t spam
No giveaway/spam blogs
Winners will be picked by a random number generator on 3/16/2019
I will DM the winners, if there is no response within 48 hrs another winner will be chosen.
I will NOT draw: Extreme Gore, NSFW, Furries, Mechas, over complicated armor designs.
Good Luck! c:
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gv-archangel · 5 years
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Another link to the wonderful artist here: palavenmoons.tumblr.com/ To those who missed the Jingles sketch I posted a few minutes ago, Pally does a raffle for their supporters through ko-fi monthly, winners getting a free sketch of their OC of choice. Jingles won last month, and Jae won a few months before that I totally forgot to post. So of course my Turian tech nerd has to be sitting around, doodling with electronics (before he loses the whole arm and part of his body becomes tech). Art belongs to palavenmoons.tumblr.com/ Turians and Mass Effect belong to EA/Bioware. Jae is mine.
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gv-archangel · 5 years
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Of course, credit for the wonderful artist goes here: http://palavenmoons.tumblr.com/ This was kind of a commission(?). I'm a monthly supported for Pally through Ko-Fi, and one of the benefits is I get into a monthly raffle for a free sketch of an OC. I figured Jingles could use a little attention, since he's currently in the process of losing his poor mind in his campaign... The poor guy just wants to find his girlfriend, continue to be the craziest uncle he can be for a random child he sort of adopted, and continue killing cultists. Is that too much to ask? (Apparently my DM thinks so.) Once again, art credit goes to http://palavenmoons.tumblr.com/ Jesters, the inspiration for Jingles, belong to Red Hook Games D&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast Jingles is mine
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gv-archangel · 6 years
What happens when I have excess money and the random thought "what would happen if my favorite franchise ran into one of my favorite infuriating games?" crosses my mind. You get a Turian Grave Robber from Darkest Dungeon. Val does love her knives, doesn't she? Thanks again to @palavenmoons for the wonderful commission!
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A commission I finished recently for @gv-archangel
Had so much fun wih the premise and outfit!
Val x DarkestDungeon’s Graverobber. Woot!
Commission Info - Support me on Ko-Fi?
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gv-archangel · 6 years
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Palavenmoons 1300K Raffle!
A small thank you raffle for -all of you-. For every like, reblog and comment - I may be super silent and, very derp to interact but - I appreciate every single one of them - and of you! It makes my day, and it always makes me want to do better.So, thank you so much!
This time around, there will be 3 prizes, each one of them a One Character Wing it Half body, either color or greyscale, SFW content only. Any fandom, DnD, Fantasy settings, OCs… welcome!
The Rules!
+ You must be following me.
+ One Entry per Person (I will check). No giveaway blogs.
+ Only Reblogs count! (but you can like this either way!)
+ Will draw the winners by November 21st at 00.01 CET. If any of the winners don’t reply within the day, someone else will be given the slot.
Thank you so much once again! <3
Commission Info - Support me on Ko-Fi?
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gv-archangel · 6 years
And the other song, the one maybe not immediately recognizable. Hey, Jingles can try to be romantic.
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gv-archangel · 6 years
A slightly edited version of this song appears in my latest Jingles misadventure. Not that most people couldn't recognize it, but I figure it couldn't hurt to share such a song again.
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Just the reference for music mentioned in the latest "Adventures of the Mad Clown." Though I'm sad I can't find a good acoustic version to make it match the story more, it's still a decent song and worth mentioning here. Enjoy!
And I'm still open for commissions!
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Why do I always forget to reblog this? Seriously meant to do this ages ago. Gotta give my Turian gal Val a little love, right? Especially after a door literally blew up in her face.
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Colored sketch commission done for the amazing @gv-archangel of his turian character Val, spending some good time in her place!
Turians @ BioWare/EA Val @gv-archangel
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Just added my email to this. Please contact me through there if interested in something from me! [email protected]
Open for Commissions!
Figured it’s time I give this whole “writing for other people’s money” thing a shot. I’d like to expand a little bit on what I’m comfortable with, write some new things I haven’t before while trying to make others happy. And if I pad my wallet a little in the process, who’s going to argue?
Rules are all listed below, including pricing and how to get in touch with me. Give it a read if you’re curious! Thanks for the look!
I can’t promise these prices will stay the way they are forever, depending on interest and feedback, but I won’t change anything mid-commission. I won’t be that asshole. Just, if you’re crazy enough to be a repeat customer of mine, don’t be surprised if I give you a slightly different quote the second time around. I tried to base my pricing off the time I spend working on these projects, as well as what seems to be about the going prices here. But like I said, first time giving this a shot. So apologies for the growing pains as I figure this out.
For a good look at my current writing stuff, check out my FanFiction gallery here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3995298/
Anyway, open for commissions! I’m open for writing something from scratch, or for editing an existing piece. Read below for all the details, message me if interested!!
Keep reading
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Open for Commissions!
Figured it's time I give this whole "writing for other people's money" thing a shot. I'd like to expand a little bit on what I'm comfortable with, write some new things I haven't before while trying to make others happy. And if I pad my wallet a little in the process, who's going to argue?
Rules are all listed below, including pricing and how to get in touch with me. Give it a read if you're curious! Thanks for the look!
I can't promise these prices will stay the way they are forever, depending on interest and feedback, but I won't change anything mid-commission. I won't be that asshole. Just, if you're crazy enough to be a repeat customer of mine, don't be surprised if I give you a slightly different quote the second time around. I tried to base my pricing off the time I spend working on these projects, as well as what seems to be about the going prices here. But like I said, first time giving this a shot. So apologies for the growing pains as I figure this out.
For a good look at my current writing stuff, check out my FanFiction gallery here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3995298/
Anyway, open for commissions! I'm open for writing something from scratch, or for editing an existing piece. Read below for all the details, message me if interested!!
Commission and Editing Rules/Prices
General Rules: 
- Please look through my gallery before sending me a message I just want you to know what to expect from me, so no one is disappointed in the end.
- If interested, send me a message at gvarchangelcomms[at]gmail.com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
- Payment will be through PayPal with USD. I will send you invoices as needed.
- I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason I see fit.
- Things I'm particularly comfortable writing:
Mass Effect/Dragon Age/Dishonored/Dungeons and Dragons/Witcher based fanfiction.
Romance and friendship based pieces, with a focus on the relationship
Fighting/combat pieces, both firearm based combat and hand-to-hand fighting
Worlds with established lore I can dig into and play with
- Things I will not write:
Non-consensual/abusive relationships
Strong kinks (macro/micro, vore, underage, essentially anything I feel uncomfortable with)
- Anything that does not fall neatly into these categories, please message me, and we will discuss it. I can't promise I'll accept the commission, but I will happily discuss it with you.
What to Expect From Me:
- I will keep you updated on what I'm working on and how far along I am with the piece. If I am nearing completion, I will include an estimated completion date.
- If you ask for an update, I will happily send you a status update on what I'm currently working on. 
- If your piece includes something I'm not comfortable with, it may slow me down some and the quality of the piece may suffer. I will let you know if I encounter something like this, and we can discuss what to do from there.
- I have my own job and writing projects aside from commissions. I respect that you are paying for the piece and it will get priority, but I can't dedicate every free moment to it.
- If I have any questions, I'll message you and attempt to work around it until I hear back from you for clarification.
- You are free to post the completed piece wherever you wish. All that I require is a link back to my page, giving me credit for the work I did on the piece.
Writing Commissions:
- Try to be specific with your initial request of what you want. We can work out finer details as we go, but I need enough to start with to make a good first draft. This includes an approximate length that you would like the piece to be.
- Once I confirm I'll take the slot and the references are good, I'll give you a rough estimate of when you'll hear back from me with a working draft. 
- I will send you the completed first draft and ask you for any significant changes that need to be done. This will focus more on high level changes: if scenes should be entirely changed or removed, if something in the plot goes against the character, or the plot went in a direction you didn't prefer.
- This will be the time to find the biggest changes. Here, the big changes will be free. Later on, there will be fees if significant changes are made.
- After the changes have been made and the draft is approved, that is when the first half of payment is due. Once payment is cleared, I'll dive into editing.
- Edits from this point on will focus more on making sentences flow more, correcting typos, and generally making the piece more readable. There should not be any significant content changes from here. 
- On what I would consider a near final draft, I will send it to you to check for any corrections that need to be made. Please focus on ensuring all of the character details are correct here as well. 
- When you've approved this, I'll request the final half of the payment and do a final check on the piece.
- After the payment clears, I'll send you the completed piece.
- I will leave your piece in a Google Drive folder for you. I can guarantee the link to it will work for two weeks. If you need to download it again after this point and the link doesn't work, let me know and I'll set it up again.
- I reserve the right to post the piece as a part of my gallery and my own form of advertisement. Any postings will include a link to your page, giving you credit for the characters and commissioning me.
Editing Commissions:
- PM me with a link to your piece, or an email we can use to exchange the piece back and forth after edits have been made. Please also include in your message a basic description of the piece (including the fandom that it features), what you're hoping to accomplish with the piece, and any particular concerns you would like me in particular to look for.
- I will confirm the word count and request half of the payment.
- Editing will include a separate page of nothing but my own thoughts on the piece, including what I think what works, what doesn't, and suggestions in high level changes.
- Editing will also include checks for any typos, grammatical errors, and restructured sentences. All changes will be made with highlights for easy comparison.
- I will also include comments throughout the piece for brief thoughts I have on particular sentences/phrases.
- After I have completed all edits and written out all of my thoughts for the piece, I will ask for your final payment. I will send you either the edited piece, or the document of concept thoughts/suggestions.
- Once payment clears, I will send you the remaining half of the edits. This can either be done through email, or I will leave your document in a Google Drive folder for you.
Writing Pricing: All prices will be rounded down to the nearest 100 words. If the piece comes out to 5780 words, you will be charged for 5700. And all NSFW pieces will incur a 10% price increase. That is for adult pieces: mature will not be subject to this extra fee. 
Mini-Story: Pieces between 1 and 5,000 words. Typically enough for one decent length scene, maybe two short ones. The price will be $0.01 per word.
Short Story: Pieces between 5,001 and 10,000 words. Roughly the length of a traditional short story, typically two to three scenes. The price is $0.015 per word.
Medium Story: Pieces between 10,001 and 15,000 words. The price is $0.02 per word.
Long/Serialized stories: If you have something longer in mind, or want to get a short series of several stories, message me with what you want, and we'll discuss pricing and details.
Editing Pricing: All prices will be rounded down to the nearest 100 words. If the piece comes out to 5780 words, you will be charged for 5700. And all NSFW pieces will incur a 10% price increase. That is for adult pieces: mature will not be subject to this extra fee. 
Mini-Story: Pieces between 1 and 5,000 words. The price will be $0.007 per word.
Short Story: Pieces between 5,001 and 10,000 words. The price is $0.01 per word.
Medium Story: Pieces between 10,001 and 15,000 words. The price is $0.012 per word.
Long/Serialized stories: If you have something longer in mind, or want to get a short series of several
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gv-archangel · 6 years
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The wonderful artist for this piece can be found here: https://eshpur.tumblr.com/ or @eshpur They're an absolute treat to work with, and I can't thank them enough for this piece. I saw their wonderful art style, and I felt that Jingles needed to be immortalized in this wonderful way. For whatever reason, the stained glass vibe of it gives me this random idea of Jingles being a patron saint in a church. And let's just say that is beyond a terrible idea, which makes it even more entertaining. Art belongs to https://eshpur.tumblr.com/ D&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast Jesters and Darkest Dungeon, Jingles' greatest inspiration, belongs to Red Hook Studios Jingles belongs to me
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Always happy to discuss my odd creations.
Reblog if it's okay for people to come into your askbox and ask about your OCs
Even if I’ve never spoken to them, even if I don’t know them from a hole in the wall, even if they’re on anon, people asking questions about my OCs make my day.
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Song number two of the d&d shenanigans for Jingles' introduction. Not that the original isn't amazing, but I'm loving this cover at the moment.
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Almost forgot I did this: my bad everyone. Anyway, this is the first song Jingles plays in his "When Jingles Met Jessie" piece. Just... imagine it acoustic or something.
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gv-archangel · 6 years
Hey, Corvo and Dex made it to Tumblr.
"Scouting" Trips
The party decides to send the evocation/necromancy wizard and rogue to scout an orc camp run by an orc with a prosthetic canon arm. About two hours later, the party sees a massive fire coming from the camp. Wizard and rogue come running. Bard: “Scouting. What happened to SCOUTING?!” Rogue, laughing: “We did. We got intel.” Rogue pulls out a letter from the orc boss, then a massive arm-shaped canon. Rogue: “Also, I stole his arm.”
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gv-archangel · 6 years
So, my campaign with Corvo the stab happy spider halfling came to a slightly premature end. We are now in a new campaign with new characters and way ahead in time in an alternate timeline thing. Very Fallout-y, but in a good way. Short version is, we all got to build our own little towns and communities. And I... kinda made a cult.
The College of the Jester is a bard college, one that specializes in making both entertainers and survivors. I'll post more detailed stuff about them later, but they essentially live to make as many people happy as they can before Cthulhu and his companions come back and smite us all. And let's just say Jingles is not exactly a stable graduate of the College. But hey, Cthulhu invading your nightmares every night will drive anyone a little bonkers.
And yes, he's basically a discount Jester from Darkest Dungeon. I have to give those guys at Red Hook Games credit for the starting point (and for making a great game). But for now, enjoy Jingles. And thanks @palavenmoons for the great art to commemorate him!
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Wingit Sketch commission done for @gv-archangel “Listen here, every rose has its thorn.” Darkest Dungeons…. eoeoe 
Buy me a Ko-Fi? - Commissions Info - Contact: [email protected]
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