So every so often I write a fanfiction in my head about all the incarnations of the Doctor meeting each other, and now I'm just thinking about how everyone would react to 13
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Last night I had a dream where I met Peter Capaldi and it turns out he's super short, like a lot shorter than I am, and I was super freaked out being around him and he was super chill.
Of course, I looked up his height this morning and he's 6'0", 4 inches taller than me.
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Why am I so weirdly sexuality attracted to Tom from Toonnami???
And i mean Tom 3.0, not the one with a face
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tfw you used to AMV Hell all the time, and then years later you’re watching a random movie and it has a line that was ripped from it for one of them
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Omg, I hope that one day Lindsay and Michael tell such a great story about Iris that Jordan ends up having to animate her in a RTAA
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Thank you both for the information! I think I have a good idea on how they would talk about themselves in their native tongue now.
Linguistic question for Russian Speakers
I have a character who is agender and speaks Russian as a first language
Would Russian allow them to refer to themselves in a gender neutral manner, or is it set up to only allow someone to refer to themselves in a gendered way?
They also kinda old, so they learned the language several decades ago and might not be up to date if the language has changed to accommodate gender neutral people.
I mean, I’m aware Russia is not the friendliest country towards queer people to say the least, but I know nothing about how the language handles gender at all.
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Linguistic question for Russian Speakers
I have a character who is agender and speaks Russian as a first language
Would Russian allow them to refer to themselves in a gender neutral manner, or is it set up to only allow someone to refer to themselves in a gendered way?
They also kinda old, so they learned the language several decades ago and might not be up to date if the language has changed to accommodate gender neutral people.
I mean, I’m aware Russia is not the friendliest country towards queer people to say the least, but I know nothing about how the language handles gender at all.
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I was looking up the actor who played Siris in season 14 of RvB and I found out he played like half the cast of Dragonball Z (including Piccollo and Vegeta), Zoro in One Piece, and fucking Alex Louis Armstrong in FMA
Fucking Chris Sabat everyone.
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I finally watched Suspiria and Jessica Harper must have been exhausted after filming the movie, since she fucking carried it the entire time.
I was super disappointed. I have been told it was a very good, very terrifying movie, and after watching it, I only feel like it was worth watching because Jessica Harper was in it.
I couldn’t feel the tension until the end, when Harper’s character was finally investigating the weird things happening. Before then... it just felt like it was coaxing through the plot.
The music was overused and ruined all the scenes that tried to create any tension or suspense because all I could think about was obnoxious the music was.
So yeah, Jessica Harper is great, and Suspiria is overrated.
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It wasn't a music video, it was a live recording of Scissor Sisters playing I Can't Decide. So glad I remembered this because I love the dance they do at the end.
Ugh, I’m trying to remember a music video I once watched and and I can’t remember anything about it for the life of me. All I can remember is that it got progressively gayer as it went on and it made me very happy.
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Ugh, I'm trying to remember a music video I once watched and and I can't remember anything about it for the life of me. All I can remember is that it got progressively gayer as it went on and it made me very happy.
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It’s been a year since I was forced against my will into a psych ward after suffering a major breakdown and trying to kill myself. Honestly, being in the ward was more traumatizing than anything else I experienced. I watched my mom die of a massive stroke when I was 13. I spent years after that being abused by my stepmom. After all that, my most traumatizing experience is going to a place that is supposed to make me feel better. They took away my medicine and I began to go through widrawal symptoms. They would forget to tell me meals were ready and would throw away my uneaten meals. I wouldn’t sleep at night because I couldn’t stop sobbing and crying. They took away my comfort stuffed animal due to ‘safety reasons’. I constantly asked to go home, but they always ignored me, and I was once told if I kept asking, they would keep me there longer. I had no idea how long I would be there. My only connection to the outside world were the public phones that were only open during certain hours and for only 5 minutes at a time. On day 3, I finally convinced someone to release me. Against doctors orders, but I got out. I filled my empty stomach from missed meals with the best bbq ever, and got to sleep in my own bed. I texted all my friends what happened, why I had disappeared for 3 days. The worst part was… my dad was around to see all this. He saw me at my most vulnerable, and had to live knowing his daughter was in a psych ward because she didn’t want to live anymore. My brother also had it bad, he was the one who brought me to the crisis councilor who forced me to the ward in the first place. He walked into the ward during visiting hours and saw me in my pj’s looking like shit from no sleep and constant crying. I’m sure he blames himself for everything, but I don’t blame him. He was just trying to keep me from killing myself. So… that’s what July 5th-7th means to me. The three days I spent as a prisoner in a psych ward. Nightly breakdowns and sobbing fits. Complete loss of control in my life. Complete isolation. I’m better. On stronger medicine. I have good days, and bad days, and okay days. These next few days are gonna suck for me, remembering last year. But I guess I’ll be okay.
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It’s been a year since I was forced against my will into a psych ward after suffering a major breakdown and trying to kill myself. Honestly, being in the ward was more traumatizing than anything else I experienced. I watched my mom die of a massive stroke when I was 13. I spent years after that being abused by my stepmom. After all that, my most traumatizing experience is going to a place that is supposed to make me feel better. They took away my medicine and I began to go through widrawal symptoms. They would forget to tell me meals were ready and would throw away my uneaten meals. I wouldn’t sleep at night because I couldn’t stop sobbing and crying. They took away my comfort stuffed animal due to ‘safety reasons’. I constantly asked to go home, but they always ignored me, and I was once told if I kept asking, they would keep me there longer. I had no idea how long I would be there. My only connection to the outside world were the public phones that were only open during certain hours and for only 5 minutes at a time. On day 3, I finally convinced someone to release me. Against doctors orders, but I got out. I filled my empty stomach from missed meals with the best bbq ever, and got to sleep in my own bed. I texted all my friends what happened, why I had disappeared for 3 days. The worst part was… my dad was around to see all this. He saw me at my most vulnerable, and had to live knowing his daughter was in a psych ward because she didn’t want to live anymore. My brother also had it bad, he was the one who brought me to the crisis councilor who forced me to the ward in the first place. He walked into the ward during visiting hours and saw me in my pj’s looking like shit from no sleep and constant crying. I’m sure he blames himself for everything, but I don’t blame him. He was just trying to keep me from killing myself. So… that’s what July 5th-7th means to me. The three days I spent as a prisoner in a psych ward. Nightly breakdowns and sobbing fits. Complete loss of control in my life. Complete isolation. I’m better. On stronger medicine. I have good days, and bad days, and okay days. These next few days are gonna suck for me, remembering last year. But I guess I’ll be okay.
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Something kinda weird happened to me this morning and it's really TMI but I gotta share it somewhere because it was weird So I had a long ass dream last night about making cosplay, because right now I'm getting ready to start building Halo spartan armor to cosplay RvB and all I need now is the foam to cut the pieces from. Well, my dream had me frantically looking through a Home Depot for the type of foam I need, and the layout kept changing so I could never find it. Finally, after some searching, I was on the right track, but I started to come out of the dream just as I was getting close to finding the foam. I was also getting close to, well, coming... just as I was waking up I fucking came, my mind still on finding the fucking foam. I had a fucking wet dream about finding foam for cosplay. What even is my life.
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'Watch Red vs Blue' my college roommate told me. 'It's funny' she told me. 'It's got good plot' she told me. 'Why are you sobbing?' She asked me after today's episode
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Okay, so I don’t agree with Joss Whedon’s way of writing women, but I’m watching Cabin in the Wood and it’s just so fucking good...
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RVB Season 15, Episode 12 Spoilers
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