illespal · 4 years
13 years... Nice
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illespal · 8 years
New month: a better future for #WEATNU
We are the New Underground has served the Electronic / DIY scene passionately since 2014. Lately a decision was made that will put more focus on the artists within the movement instead of allowing only a small few to be noticed. 
Laying the groundwork for #WEATNU included having a radio and label, but since our label WEATNU Records wasn’t getting the attention it needed, it instead became a great burden to myself and the artists who release per month. To make things easier new music is no longer planned for release. This decision was greatly thought through. The idea of #WEATNU is showcasing, it always has been. These artists under WEATNU Records are still with the label, but the label is simply closed to new releases. There is no date on whether this will continue or not. Music that was released through WEATNU Records will still be available on the label, this will not be taken down.
Getting back to this simple function that made us who we are will better serve newcomers and past artists. Already we have a small publication here on this account that is posted once a month called “News from the Underground” so far we are on the 3rd issue. 
This monthly artist recap allows everyone to know who has come to WEATNU that month. Giving them a chance to find the artist again, read about them and hear them on a playlist. This in turn gives everyone a way to be heard. Our radio WEATNU [OUR] Online Underground Radio and the other 2 Transmission Nova and EchoStation are doing well and will continue.
In the future more voice interviews, radio shows, and of course showcase radio could happen with less work on my shoulders.
 Putting all the focus on the radio and community was key for success. The same success we had in the beginning. These are new beginnings for WEATNU. It’s my hope that it continues to help the musicians who need to be heard.
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illespal · 9 years
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1.Turgon,Fingolfin 2.Thorondor 3.Maedhros,Fingon
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illespal · 9 years
don't miss it! :-)
#EpicMusic #Symphonic #Hybrid #Fantasy
my latest composition and production in the epic music genre, molding Symphonic, Electronic elements and Rock in one piece of uplifting and energetic music. Hope you’ll like it. :-)
“The Dawn is very near… as the first beams of the Sun touch the clouds you are standing atop on the mountain, staring at the River of Fate as it is swimming its crooked path, always further and further till it touches the Horizon and meets the rising Sun. The Dawn is here, and indeed, you’ve been waiting for it so long.”
Image by Juh-Juh @ deviantart www.deviantart.com/art/Dawn-388152074
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illespal · 9 years
Reverting back to our roots
One person I know said, “time to make #WEATNU fun again.” So I’m doing just that. The thing that made us popular and helpful was Showcase Radio. Showcase radio gave the new artists and past ones the chance to hear the latest music from one another. Showcase Radio was created around the same time our net-radio was made. Together the net-radio ‘#WEATNU [OUR] Online Underground Radio and Showcase Radio will help the artist once again be heard. I have put album of the week for Weatnu Records on hold to do this. It’s certainly less work than before. It’s nice to change things. And I was planning on starting it back up after the magazine was complete. I have high hopes that many as before will join us on mixlr and bring an ever closer bond to the artist and music lover, helping them discover these great artists. Coming this May Showcase Radio #3 where we will play 2 full hours of new artists coming to #WEATNU either on the label or those who play on the radio. Giving us back our edge and putting the fun back into #WEATNU. Check below for past Showcase Radio 1# and #2. 
#WEATNU Showcase Radio #2 Dec 18, 2014 by Almark on Mixcloud
#WEATNU Showcase Radio #1 Nov 13, 2014 by Almark on Mixcloud
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illespal · 9 years
#EpicMusic #Symphonic #Hybrid #Fantasy
my latest composition and production in the epic music genre, molding Symphonic, Electronic elements and Rock in one piece of uplifting and energetic music. Hope you’ll like it. :-)
“The Dawn is very near... as the first beams of the Sun touch the clouds you are standing atop on the mountain, staring at the River of Fate as it is swimming its crooked path, always further and further till it touches the Horizon and meets the rising Sun. The Dawn is here, and indeed, you've been waiting for it so long.”
Image by Juh-Juh @ deviantart www.deviantart.com/art/Dawn-388152074
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illespal · 9 years
who cares? babies are born of copulation of opposite sexes, and diversity is kept through free and random flowing of genes, which keeps our species survival chances on the long run, and best chances of an individual’s survival is if he receives lessons from both sexes in a well working family. this debate is indeed a cultural misery and we should step over it since long but so strong are the psychological barriers in both directions that it’s never going to happen. we should really tread on solid ground of the physical reality in these matters. all the things listed existed and happened, even degradation of the female side, which surely was a misery for half of the population for centuries.
apparently Socrates was bisexual? 
Why are people applying labels to people who didn’t even have the same concepts of identity and individuality to us? 
As far as I know the earliest evidence in western history for even the categories of heterosexual and homosexual were in the 1600s when philosophy and religion began to understand humans as plural and not universal. 
Socrates was not straight, bisexual, asexual, or homosexual. Unless you can come up with some writing where Socrates claims that he is x category in his sexuality and this x category corresponds to a category today and had a continuous tradition from antiquity to modernity, in the way that the identity of “molly” in the 1600s corresponds to gay today, what you are doing is ideological. It’s a high form of liberalism, the belief that throughout all of human history humans have always been the same and that we have just been simply “progressing” in a linear fashion, political forms such as fascism, communism, monarchism, are all “hiccups” that, according to this pensée unique, will eventually fade away leaving liberalism as the “end of history”
Socrates lived in a society that saw only free men, and only freemen from the poleis as full humans. Women were, with rare exceptions, viewed as incomplete and thus not worthy of love and sexual pleasure, scholars are even debating on if the history of romantic love as the ideal for marriage extends back before early modern times (1500s) in Europe. Marriage in antiquity was meant either for forging alliances between families and/or for producing sons as heirs. Therefore the “bisexuality” of Greeks at this time was literally the fact that only free and civicly-engaged men “loved” one another. Women were viewed merely as domestic servants and bearers of children. 
My area of specialty is far removed from antiquity so I don’t know much more about this, but I would guess that they didn’t have a term for sexual identity at all, that merely to be a free Greek man in a polis meant that you would love and have sex for pleasure with men and that women just cleaned, cooked, and did other domestic duties for you when they weren’t in labor with you 5th son. 
However, it is important to note that Socrates loved men even if we shouldn’t apply an identity to describe this love that didn’t exist at all in his lifetime. We should do this to shatter the myth that heterosexuality is how some are treating homosexuality and bisexuality, universal and having an unbroken history as an identity, including subcultures that carried on traditions, from the dawn of humanity to the present.
I haven’t read it, but basically this idea is in much more detailed form in Foucault’s History of Sexuality
History is debatable, we should not be trying to set up our own mirrored monolithic historiography to compete with the dominant liberal historiography. 
tl;dr Lao Tzu had anarchistic ideas but an anarchist that does not make Lao Tzu
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illespal · 9 years
Happy to announce, that the epic music tales’ First Cycle has been released for digital purchase on BandCamp! Be among the firsts to support the cause. :-) The edited, mixed and mastered tracks are now available for 10 bucks.  Purchase and FLAC and high quality mp3 will be available to you for download.
If you’d like, drop me a message so I can gather your names to an exclusive Hall of Fame of supporters on the official site and facebook page. 53 minutes of classical epic music.
Track list:
01 - Thoughts of God 02 - A Glimpse At Destiny 03 - The Dark Lord, He Who Rises in Might 04 - Blessed-One, King of the Archangels 05 - Queen of the Stars 06 - The Divine Smith 07 - Lord of the Waters 08 - Horn-Blower, The Hunter Lord 09 - Let These Things Be 10 - Power of the Awakened Ones 11 - Sailors of Fortuna 12 - The Invincibles
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illespal · 9 years
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#SymphonicTalesOfTheSilmarillion #SymphonicTalesOfTheSilmarilli
The cover art for my new album soon to be released 'Symphonic Tales of the Silmarilli' #tolkien #silmarillion #indiemusic
The album will feature 12 tracks, 9 of them strongly bound to the Silmarillion book, and 3 additional symphonic/choral epic music tracks.
This is supposed to be the first Long Play album on the topic and mostly related to the creation of Arda and its divine beings. A second one is in the plans which should cover the topics related to the non-divine beings of Arda, the First Born and other races.
The first album should be released quite soon.
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illespal · 9 years
Preparing the First Cycle...
Started preparing the release of the First Cycle of the Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion. There's material of about 48+ minutes in length. A tedious part, revisiting all the tracks and fixing up some structural, mixing and mastering issues. A bit more time (God knows how much) and if everything goes well it will be a time for releasing the First Cycle. This is always the most nerve killing part but at the same time it's elevating to get closer and closer to perfection. ‪#‎epicmusic‬
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illespal · 9 years
nice thanks for sharing :-) check my latest tracks as well in the symphonic tales of the Silmarillion
pZi ~ Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - VI. MELKOR, THE DARK LORD [e…
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illespal · 9 years
Oromë, The Hunter Lord, Compositional diary on my official site.
The Vala who is the greatest and mightiest hunter of Arda, the Horn-Blower, a menace to all creatures of the Shadow.
Check the music track on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pal_zoltan_illes/pzi-symphonic-tales-of-the-silmarillion-viii-orome-the-hunter-lord-classicaltolkienepic
or youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHochTPFsOg
Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9QjwbOQ_wT2mex8uKjcdDTQJRzEwTmVu
#Tolkien #Silmarillion #EpicMusic
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illespal · 9 years
On #YouTube, the eight piece in the series.
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illespal · 9 years
Oromë, The Hunter Lord
Here’s my latest, eight piece in the series, depicting the Horn Blower.
Original composition and production http://p-z-i.com
Oromë (Quenya; IPA: [ˈorome] - "Horn-Blower" or "Sound of Horns"), also called Aldaron (Quenya; IPA: "Horn-Blower"), Araw (Sindarin; IPA: "Horn-Blower") or Arômêz, is an Ainu, one of the Aratar and a Vala who was responsible for the hunt. He is the brother of Nessa and the husband of Vána.[2
During the Years of the Trees, after most of the Valar had withdrawn completely from Middle-earth and hidden themselves in Aman, Oromë still hunted in the forests of Middle-earth on occasion. Thus, he was responsible for finding the elves when they awoke at Cuivienen, and the first to name them the Eldar.[3]
Being a powerful huntsman, he was active in the struggles against Morgoth. He had a great horn called the Valaróma and a great steed named Nahar.[2] Huan, a Hound from Valinor, once belonged to him and was later given to Celegorm, one of the Sons of Fëanor.[4]
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illespal · 9 years
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already feeling nostalgic for the Easter feast table? here is one :-)
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illespal · 9 years
#SymphonicTalesOfTheSilmarillion Finally decided to keep on portraying a few more Aratars, the mightiest of the Valar who are described in Valaquenta and...
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illespal · 9 years
38 minutes long 7 tracks playlist for the Tolkien minded folks. Spread the word, my friends! Some classical and symphonic music with epic elements can’t hurt, can it now? :-)
                 pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - I. THERE WAS ERU, THE ONE [classical/fantasy/epic] music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          7:11                                             WATCHED                  pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - II. LET THESE THINGS BE Part1 [classical/tolkien] music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          8:36                                             WATCHED                  pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - III. ULMO, LORD OF THE WATERS [classical/tolkien] music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          4:26                                             WATCHED                  pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - IV. Manwë, King of the Valar [classical/tolkien]music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          4:51                                             WATCHED                  pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - V. ELBERETH,QUEEN OF THE STARS [classical/tolkien] music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          4:21                                             WATCHED                  pZi ~ Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion - VI. MELKOR, THE DARK LORD [epic/classical/tolkien] music           by Pál Zoltán Illés          5:14                                             WATCHED                  pZi - Symphonic Tales of the Silmarillion -VII. Aulë, Smith of the Valar [classical/tolkien] music2    
The tracks so far cover the genesis part and Ainulindale and also portraying some of the most important Valar of Valaquenta.
The Silmarillion is a collection of J. R. R. Tolkien's works, edited and published posthumously by his son Christopher, with the assistance of fantasy fiction writer Guy Gavriel Kay.  
The Silmarillion comprises five parts:
The Ainulindalë - The creation of Eä (Tolkien's universe) and Ainur by Eru Ilúvatar  and the start of the corruption of Melkor.
The Valaquenta - A brief description of the Valar and Maiar, the supernatural beings. The Valar Lords were called Manwë, Ulmo, Aulë, Oromë, Mandos, Lórien, and Tulkas in that order. And the Valar Queens were called Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Estë, Vairë, Vána and Nessa.
The Quenta Silmarillion - The history of the events before and during the First Age, which forms the bulk of the collection.
The Akallabêth - The history of the Second Age
Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
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