hello!! i’m new on tumblr, but i thought it would be cool to post my bujo pages here! i was thinking about starting a bujogram, but i wanted to get some tips from some people who also bujo!! :):))
i’ve been bujoing for just over a year now, although i can’t seem to make a habit of bujoing on a normal schedule. i’ve never gone a full month using my bujo tbh, and i feel really bad because i’ve gone through 2 journals already.
my biggest problem w bujoing is that most people use it as a sketchbook/calligraphy practice/to-do list, and i get that it helps manage stuff, but i think that also kills the point of a bujo! i’ve watched ryder carroll’s vid on the bujo system, and i noticed that most people don’t use the actual journaling bullet, which irks me because what’s the point of a bullet journal if you’re not going to journal? but that brings me to my next dilemma!!
i use my bujo as more of a diary, and i’m not too comfortable with putting my deepest, darkest thoughts out on the internet (as i’m sure most of you aren’t either), and i was wondering really what’s the point of bujoing if you’re not using it as a diary/aesthetics?
also, i know that bujo supplies are so expensive! books range from $10-25, a tomboy 10pack is around $25, fudenosukes are a bit cheaper (but it’s still about $1.25 for one), and don’t even get me started on retail washi tape... the only staple items i’ve come across are fudenosukes, sakura microns, and crayons supertips! stationery pal has cheap stuff, but shipping is literally $40 to where i live so what the heck??
it’s 3am, i’m hungry, and i’m struggling with my thoughts haha
blurry pic bc ~private~ :)
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anyway!! please message me or ask me stuff if u wanna talk! i consider myself an okay doodler (i love drawing food in my bujo), was waitlisted for art school, and am stuck in quarantine so i wanna meet new people :) have good day loves
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“For the last time, God, the Dark Lord didn’t start the virus!” I shout into the telephone receiver clenched in my hand, exasperated. I was sure it would split into a couple million pieces, the pieces wedging themselves into my body, hopefully piercing a vital organ so I could die a second time.
Here we go again, I think. Another boneheaded half-wit blaming the Devil himself for all of humanity’s misdeeds. The guy just can’t catch a break.
“Well, if he didn’t, who did?” He booms back. I throw my hands up and grunt a sound of annoyance.
“You literally created the universe! Figure it out!” I scream, sweat dripping down my forehead. At this point I can’t tell if it’s because of the soul-sucking heat of the lakes of fire, or if the Almighty One is just a dimwit. The pool of sweat forming on my desk grows by another few drops.
“I do not create monstrosities,” He says as if I’d just condemned His children all to Hell.
“How the fuck do you explain anti-vaxxers?!” I exclaim. Surely He must know that those who end up in Hell belong here.
“Erm... a drunken mistake?” He offers sheepishly. I open my mouth with a retort profane enough to absolutely cook the Big Guy, but another telephone on my desk starts ringing. “Ugh!” I groan loudly and slam the receiver in left hand while grabbing the one ringing with my right hand.
“What!” I shriek. It’s not a question, it’s a challenge. A test of dominance, of prowess. Would they be foolish enough to invoke my wrath? Have the gall to whine to me about their mortal problems, how Dave is cheating on you again with that bitch from the PTA?
“You would know, wouldn’t you?” a sultry voice drawls into my ear. Oh God, oh shit, it’s the Devil himself. All of my confidence just half a second earlier dissipates. I can now definitively say that the sweat is because of my boss, knowing that within the nanosecond he can literally fire me on the spot.
“Hello, sir, what-what can I do for you?” I stutter.
“Just checkin’ up on my current favorite sinner,” he replies, his voice light and silky. “How’s the day job?”
“It’s going good, sir,” I say, trying to cool my head. It doesn’t work. This is Hell. “Absolutely great, one hundred percent.”
“I hope it is, Karen,” he says. “After all, this is where you belong.”
You are the head of lucifers P.R. department, describe a regular work week.
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