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Hi there, I was hoping for some advice on education. I was a high-achiever in high school. I graduated fourth in my class with highest honors and was a National Merit Scholar. I'm 21 now and have barely completed any college because of mental health issues (depression, a suicide attempt, bipolar II). I find myself underachieving (transferring from a selective private school to an average public school, an associates degree vs. a bachelors). I find myself fearful and anxious about school. Help?
I’d suggest speaking with a health professional and making a plan with them on how to get back on track. Somehow I went against the odds and managed to keep my GPA up throughout my bachelor’s, but it was really hard and I suffered more than I needed to for the sake of grades. Get your health straightened out, then approach higher education. Know where you want your life to go, whether or not grad school is in the future or if you want a bachelor’s at all – or admit you don’t really know and that’s okay too, so long as you have a plan. Have a nice heart to heart with yourself and figure out why you want to be in school. Don’t make the mistake I made and make achieving the endgame; the only endgame there is your health, and your life, falling apart. Education is meant to be enjoyed, not suffered through. So my short bit of advice is to find your passion, follow it, remember you still need to pay bills, and don’t forget about other equally important areas of life beyond school. Other than that I’m not entirely sure how to answer your request for help.
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On Being Bipolar
Bipolar II. That is what I found out I am. I have fully accepted this disorder because I have to; it would be irrational to say that I am not bipolar II when its definition helps complete the definition of me. Bipolar II means, in my own words, that a person has depression most of the time, stability some of the time, and hypomania sometimes. Depression is a form of despair, not sadness. Sadness is a temporary emotion in reaction to something that is unfortunate, whereas depression is a condition that comes and goes whenever it likes, disturbing the host with thoughts about the world and the self and how terrible each one is. Stability is when the person is his/her “regular” self, meaning there is no dominant mood and the person feels like most people do. Hypomania is a lesser form of mania, which is superficial elation and hyperactivity past the point of being happy: it is false ecstasy that leads to a crash afterwards.
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~Albus Dumbledore
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