kidscornercdc-blog · 4 years
Motor skills in children It is in the first years when the nervous system stimulates the initiative of exploration, of trials, of attempts to achieve different objectives, and it is through this natural need that the senses, the relationship of the mind and the body, manage to stimulate development childishly A development center that promotes this type of activity has as a priority to stimulate learning experiences that put children in situations of exploration, that is, that motivate them to know and use their body, as well as express their personality in a context of freedom that Displays all your capabilities. The benefits of psychomotor activities in children: They favor the development of the notion of space, time and quantity. They collaborate with independence and self-confidence. They develop a sense of rhythm and sequence. They stimulate the structuring of the body scheme. They develop security and autonomy. They favor the development of the creative psychomotor activity.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Language is used by people as the main instrument of communication, it gives us the ability to transmit knowledge, ideas, and opinions and therefore allows us to increase our learning and development. Literacy is the ability that allows us to translate language, make it permanent and accessible without limits. 
 Reading opens the doors to information and training in every way, allows us to advance knowledge and knowledge, gives us amazing discoveries. All people have the ability to learn to read and write. But both are skills that are learned, we are not born with them. Its learning goes beyond the understanding of symbols and their combinations, knowledge of their proper use and the creation of habit is essential. 
 It is essential to promote literacy learning, as well as the taste and habit of the process from an early age. In this way, we provide children with access to a magical world of extensive knowledge and experiences, with multiple possibilities, which will contribute greatly to their development in general, especially to the development of their learning and thinking abilities.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Learning with effort is a state of mind, restless, ambitious, exploratory. In this effort is the construction of knowledge that is to appropriate something, insert it into your personal sphere since that is what makes learning meaningful and gives you useful knowledge, which has a long life and that is applied or transferred to other fields of knowledge and can change reality creatively.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
From the prenatal stage in the child there are natural stimuli, involuntarily developed by the mother and other complementary stimuli that are also developed by the mother but voluntarily, so that the baby in the womb can develop their auditory senses better, visual, tactile and gustatory. Just as there are stimuli of many kinds, they cover the areas of motor, cognitive, affective and linguistic development characterized as a neurophysiological process.
Taking into account the importance of stimulation in the development of the child, a concern is created to know the aspects that favor early stimulation in the psychomotor development of the child; time when maturation continues to progress, while sensomotor learning is being increasingly exercised. This is a long-term process, on the one hand the cerebellum, which in principle supplies brain failure, is responsible for controlling movements and regulating language. On the other hand, the cerebral hemispheres will allow the child to acquire manual as gestural ability.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
We must teach our children to respect and appreciate teachers. These are some simple recommendations that can be useful to encourage a better understanding of the role of the teacher: - Everyone must remain in their place. The students are students and the teachers are teachers. The functions and limits must be well defined to avoid confusion. - Teachers must be in permanent contact with families. That way there will be a constant exchange of information regarding the student's performance and attitude. - Teachers must be united, both to organize integration activities with students and to support actions that involve helping any child with special needs.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Why should your children learn how to ride a bike? Teaching children how to ride a bike is fun and very positive. Keep in mind that, among other things, cycling plays a crucial role in the overall growth of children. Taking into account that this activity strengthens and improves their ability to make decisions, it can be said that riding a bicycle nurtures the integral development of children. This not only helps physical development but also allows mental and emotional growth. Most children want to learn to ride a bicycle. Certainly, it is an easy way to take them outdoors and exercise.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Being tired at the end of the day is normal for most children, especially those who are active children. The best way to prevent fatigue in children during the day is a good night's sleep. Generally, children will need at least 10 hours of sleep at night to function better during the day. It is not uncommon for children to feel tired or fatigued from time to time. There are many factors that can cause fatigue in children, such as:- Many activities performed on the day.- Excess of sports activities.- Not getting enough sleep during the night.- Being hungry. But if the child is constantly tired or fatigued, especially if he or she is getting enough sleep, you should consult the pediatrician. In some cases, fatigue or low energy levels in children can indicate a disease.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
For fun, entertainment or as a way to relax, putting together puzzles is an activity for both children and adults and from which many benefits can be obtained, such as: 1. It improves their observation, analysis, concentration, and attention. It exercises their visual memory since there must be a prior outline of how the puzzle was in order to remember where they have to place each piece.
2. The puzzle also helps the child to work the fine motor of the fingers through the movement of the pieces.
3. Building a puzzle requires logic and patience. They can play either alone or with several people, with friends or family. 
4. It is a game that stimulates, their spatial intelligence to keep the interest of reaching the end awake.
5. It develops the logical capacity of children, who have to create different strategies to assemble the whole puzzle.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Could television be beneficial for children?
Television can be distracting, but if used responsibly, it can also be helpful to the kids' development. Well-designed programs that take into account the stage of child development have more educational merit than programs that are not aimed at promoting their healthy development. Studies have found that 30-month-old children who watch certain programs, with good and educational content, resulted in a wider vocabulary and a much more expressive language.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
It has been scientifically proven that dehydration can cause a 15% drop in concentration capacity and a decrease in short-term memory by 10%. That is why it is so important that children are properly hydrated throughout the school day. Parents should be the first to set an example to their children. It is vital that children at home see their parents practice healthy eating habits such as drinking water. Remember that at early ages children mimic what their parents do. Another important role is played by teachers in the classrooms since children spend many hours there. Educators should make them aware of how healthy it is to drink water, not only for their physical well-being but also for intellectual growth. Water is the fundamental drink during childhood.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
Developing communication and language skills is a crucial aspect of a children’s success in school and in life in general. These skills include abilities such as receptive language (to understand others),  and expressive language (to communicate through verbal and non-verbal language). 
Kids that get to strengthen their communication skills are more likely to learn complex things at school and have higher levels of achievement. There are many ways to support the growth of a child's communication competencies during their early childhood; these are three of the most effective ones:
1. Engaging in more conversations with children.
2. Using rich words and more complex sentences to broaden the kid's vocabulary.
3. Providing children with descriptions and characteristics of any object.
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kidscornercdc-blog · 5 years
The first day of school can be a complicated experience, sometimes more for parents than for children. However, it is an important day in which children should feel supported and excited to learn new things. It is understandable that parents will be a little nervous; That is why it is essential to choose a learning center that adapts to your needs and expectations. Kids Corner offers you the best conditions for the development of your child!
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