kpop-au-s · 4 years
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hyuna ‘flower shower’ mv behind the scenes
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kpop-au-s · 4 years
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monsta x mvs  •  [pt. 3]   [pt. 2] [pt. 1]
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kpop-au-s · 5 years
I’m so sad that I have to take this back but a NEW ERA HAS BEGUN
hongjoong’s mullet is only getting more powerful by the day and I’m so glad I get to be one of the crazy bitches that sees it irl
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kpop-au-s · 5 years
hongjoong’s mullet is only getting more powerful by the day and I’m so glad I get to be one of the crazy bitches that sees it irl
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kpop-au-s · 5 years
Princely manners ch 7
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Author: etoiles
Pairing: none
Warnings: violence death
Note: last chapter to this it ends a bit openly so you can all interpret what happens in your own way
“This isn’t enjoyable?” Kyungi spoke her eyes flickering over to where Malai was having an internal battle with herself.
“... why are we sitting here and letting our allies fight for what we want.”
“Because we must keep our strength up Incase they fail.”
“And if they don’t.” Malai looked at Kyungi sharply as she spread some cheese on a slice of bread. “Then they’re dead and we have unwilling subjects. They are strong but they are not strong enough.”
“I have faith. All in due time.” Malai’s Head kept telling her to kill Kyungi and it was beginning to get unbearable.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Kyungi nodded not watching as Malai sauntered out the door, her back straight.
Her shoulders dropped as soon as the doors closed behind her and the eerily silent halls greeted her. Nothing was the same. The halls were dark and dreary. The atmosphere was sad and anxious even if no one was in the halls. All the servents were the throne room under watchful eye of Kyungi.
Passing the bathroom Malai walked to the room she knew was Tao’s. She didn’t expect to see it messy with clothes and papers thrown wherever they fit.
“What have you done.” Malai sighed and left the room going back towards the throne room.
“She will be gone in time.” Kyungi’s voice hit Malai’s ears and she began tiptoeing towards the throne room. Once outside the cracked door Malai stopped and listened.
“We will rule and she will be of no use. And then she will be gone. She is powerful which is why she must go. Do you doubt me?”
“No your highness.”
“Then do not worry, Malai will be gone. And I will be ruling.”
Malai rolled her eyes and looked back to see a scared maid shaking in her spot as she stared at Malai. Raising her finger to her lips Malai stepped towards the terrified woman and looked into her eyes.
“I will kill her. She will be dead in a moment. I’m sorry it had to come to this.” The woman nodded and Malai pointed to the back door at the end of the hall.
“Hide.” The woman was out of sight in seconds and Malai looked at the second door leading to the throne room. It was open wider than the other one and she slipped through the opening and intro he darkness behind the thrones.
Kyungi was dining like her life depended on it as a man in a black cloak exited the doors Malai had just been in front of.
“Where is that girl?” Kyungi growled standing from her set. The servants and workers cowered away as she stepped down the two steps and onto the floor. “I swear she is so obnoxious.”
“Obnoxious is an understatement.” Malai hissed as she wrapped her arm around Kyungi’s torso and held one of her throwing knives to Kyungi’s throat.
“What are you-“
“I am not an idiot. I know what your plan was. I know you were going to use me for power and then kill me, but I guess you were too blind to tell the simple signs of rebellion.”
“Well of course I was going to kill you... you were a threat to my pow-“
“You’re terrified I will overthrow you once you begin to rule, because your followers love me more than you. Yes I know. Now shut up and be a good hostage.” The men and women in the room watched the insults being thrown in confusion before they looked at Malai’s face and breathed a sigh of relief. They were saved.
The grounds were bloodied and dead bodies were strewn across the stone. But there were still hundreds of people in combat.
Tao was still frozen on the steps and if he wasn’t he would have fallen down the steps as the doors flew open and Malai stepped out holding a dagger to Kyungi’s throat.
Once in front of Tao she let him go and cleared her throat.
“Stand down.” The clashing of swords only dwindled slightly and Malai growled as Kyungi smirked. “STAND DOWN!” The fighting stopped as everyone whipped around to stare at Malai.
The people on the royal side in awe and suspicion and the cloaked figures in surprise.
“You all know what happens as soon as she dies. Yes?” The cloaked figures stayed silent and Malai growled.
“I asked a question now answer.”
“Yes.” The chorus of voices had the royal side in awe as they watched the cloaked people stare at the floor. Fear flew through the air.
What they didn’t expect was for Malai to step away from Kyungi. Red magic wrapped around Kyungi’s body keeping her in place as she smirked.
“Tao if you would.” Malai shook Tao from his stupor and he picked his sword up and held it at Kyungi’s neck.
“So if you would, kneel.” In a shuffle the cloaks fell to their knees and Malai looked at Tao.
“You’ve all been tried for tyranny and acts of violence against the kingdom of Dryant. And I hear by sentence you to death by execution.” A murmur fell across the royals as they watched Malai step back and nod at Tao again.
“Kill her.” His arms flew up and brought the sword down and sliced through Kyungi’s neck in a single swipe and when everyone looked back to Malai, she was gone the only thing left a thin layer of red smoke.
And then the cloaked figures fell into heaps at their feet. And the royals rejoiced but some did not.
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kpop-au-s · 5 years
Princely manners ch 6
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Author: etoiles
Warnings: uh violence?????
5 / 7
“You’ll never get me to agree and you know that.” Malai hissed blood running from the large split in her lip.
“Oh I think we’ll convince you.” The burly man in front of her spoke as he stepped to the side revealing a small computer.
On the screen was a video of what looked to be a prison room. Damp and dirty the stone had moss growing on it and a large amount of stains she couldn’t identify.
She stayed silent as the tape played and a man dragged another one into the room. The tape was black and white and she couldn’t only recognize the person being dragged by his drooping eyes as he made eye contact with the camera.
“When the hell did you take this?” She growled and the man smirked. It had been two months since Malai had been taken. And in those two months he hadn’t gotten a word out of her besides curses and insults.
“Yesterday. He looks quite sick does he not?” He smirked at her hanging form, circling the small table.
“There’s no way. He’s not stupid enough to get captured.” She hissed and the guard smirked wider.
“You were.”
“Stop lying to me this won’t work. That is simply someone who resembles him closely.”
“Would you like to hear his screams?” The guard clicked a button on the computers keyboard and the sound began playing. The clanking Of metal on metal and the shrieks of a man she knew all too well.
That was Baekhyun’s voice and there was absolutely no mistaking it.
“Let him go.”
“We’ve mapped every single place we could. She hasnt been anywhere.” Yixing leaned on the wall biting his thumb as Baekhyun and Suho stood at the table marking town after town. Sehun paced with Tao only in the opposite direction as he rubbed his face. It’d been six months since Malai had disappeared and they were beginning to grow anxious and worried.
“We haven’t checked the mountains. They could be holding her there.” Suho spoke eyes drooping.
“That will take weeks t-“
“Your majesties.” A young girl in maid clothing ran into the room. He breathing frantic as she gasped for air.
“Malai, she... she’s outside the palace. And she’s with...Kynji. They’re- there’s so many-“
“Thank you.” Suho dismisses her as they rushed out of the room and to the front of the palace.
The king and Queen were already there standing in front of the crowd of men and women dressed in black cloaks, magic flowed and sparked through them and the air until the five men came to a stop and it all lit up in Malai’s hands.
The red energy surrounded her hands and faded up her arms. She moved her right arm and pulled the hood from her head revealing the scar that ran through her eyebrow and jerked past her eye and down her cheek.
“Tao.” She spoke nodding, not even acknowledging Baekhyun’s existence as she glanced at everyone but him, as if she couldn’t see him.
Because she really couldn’t see him.
“Malai, what’re you doing?” Tao asked stepping forward. Malais face stayed Stoney as she watched his walk forward. She twitched her finger and he came to a stop in his place as the ground protruded our infront if him in rocky spikes.
A laugh came from the other figure next to Malai and they threw their hood down laughing with her chest.
“Oh that ones my favorite.” Kynji was still as arrogant as ever, with maybe a slightly better sense of fashion.
“Anyway, we’re here to take over. There’s two choices, one) fight and lose only to be executed and left to watch us rule. Or two) surrender and spare your lives.”
The quartyard was silent as Tao stared over every cloaked person in front of them. There were hundreds in the stone path way. And they were all spread out with weapons and plenty of magic to use.
He glance behind him to see the men from the army creeping around the royalty their weapons at the ready.
“Choose already. Don’t make this take longer than it has to.” Malai’s voice sent chills down Tao’s spine as she spoke. It was emotionless. She held no life in her veins. This wasn’t the Malai he knew.
“We won’t surrender.” The king spoke his voice stable as he held his head high and as if they had a button the men and women cloaked pulled their unsheathed their weapons and their magic surged to their hands.
And everyone was fighting. Not a single person wasn’t, except Kyungi and Malai. They walked through the fight flinging soldiers who tried to get to them to the side as they ascended the marble stair case and got closer to the large doors.
Sighing they jerked to a stop as a sword was thrust in front of their necks. They looked right to see Tao gripping the hilt so tightly his knuckles were turning white.
“You won’t do it. So why fight?” Kyungi spoke her voice dropping an octave as she turned her head and Malai rolled her eyes facing forward.
“Because this is not my sister. She is not the same and if I can’t get her back the way she was then I don’t want her.”
“Hm,” Kyungi pouted in a mocking face before her eyes lit up in amusement. “Sentimental...” her hand crawled over Tao’s and his eyes frantically looked to her fingers. He couldn’t move, and it was because Malai had him under her hold. He hadn’t even noticed her mind take over his body.
“A cute trick, huh?” Kyungi chuckled pulling the sword from his hand and holding it in front of herself as Malai groaned.
“Let’s go.” Malai growled and Kyungi smirked and dropped the heavy weapon.
“As you wish.” Tao watched as they threw open the doors and immediately screams shook his spine and his heart began to beat faster. No one on the ground noticed as they fought. Then the doors shut and the screams were merely muffled through the thick wood.
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
princely manners CH5
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Pairing: idk???
Requested: no
Author: etoiles
Ch 4 / 6
Three sharp knocks on the door prompted the guard to open it and reveal Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.
Fortunately the guard was Jongdae who saw their panicked faces and immediately asked what was wrong.
“Malai... we need to see Tao.”
“What is this about?” Jongdae stood at the corner of the table as Baekhyun paced beside him and Kyungsoo leaned on the dark wood. Tao growled as he walked into the room his eyes dropping. He had just been woken up from a peaceful sleep.
“It’s Malai, just read this.” Tao’s eyes skimmed through the letter hopping back to where it said Malai was leaving before he looked up at Baekhyun.
“Don’t find her? Who does she think you a-“
“Read thé back.” Tao flipped the paper over and rolled his eyes.
“A week, she doesn’t actually think...”
“We can’t just run out after her. You can’t leave your post and we may be rogues but we’re not trackers.” Tao gave him a “The fuck” look and Kyungsoo sighed.
“We didn’t track humans. Besides she knows we know her patterns she’ll change it up she knows how to cover her tracks. She’s good at hiding, it’s why she was able to stay here for a year rather than a month.”
“I’m not... I won’t just let her run for a week. We need to figure it out by tomorrow.”
“It’ll take a week to prepare anyway. Get someone to cover your guard duty. Supplies, food, water. Get ourselves a plan and weapons. We can’t do that by tomorrow morning Tao. I wish we could but we can’t. And we’ll have to bring the king and queen into this to get you duties lifted for however long.”
“Baekhyun this is our fucking sister we’re taking about. I just got her back I’m not letting her slip away again.”
“Tao I’m not saying you have to. We just need a week. We can’t rush this, she’s not dumb she will know what we’ll try and where we’ll go.”
“A week.”
“She what?” The kings voice echoed around the room as Sehun and Suho’s eyes widened and the queen gasped throwing a hand in front of her mouth.
“The letter your highness.” Baekhyun spoke handing the king the letter. His eyes flew over the writing before he looked up at them.
“Sir, I just... I know it is much too much to ask of you but I need two weeks worth of supplies for us and three horses. I need to find her.” Tao bowed after he spoke and the king sighed.
“Stand Tao.” He rubbed his temples as Suho snagged the letter from his hand and Sehun read it over his shoulder. Tao straightened up and stared at the king as he thought.
“Tao I can’t just let you leave for one woman. I know what she means to you.” He spoke seeing Tao and Baekhyun’s mouths open in protest. “But I simply can’t-“
“We need to find her.” Sehun called and the king silenced at how fearful his voice was. “She’s in danger. Whoever this woman is is obviously not just trying to scare her. She’s trying to destroy her.”
“Father if we may. She’s not just some girl. She’s the town herbalist and she supplies Jongin with the plants he uses in the garden. She keeps everyone here healthy. If it weren’t for her we would collapse as a kingdom.” Suho spoke trying to keep his voice from shaking as he clenched the paper in his fist.
“We wouldn’t need a single soldier. Only me. And us three, we will go it alone.” Tao spoke bowing his head hand the king looked at him bewildered.
“You are a soldier Tao. My best soldier. What if someone tries to take the kingdom when you’re gone? I can’t have you leaving. Not for this.”
“But sir-“
“No, you can’t go. I can spare a few other men but not you. You lead those men.”
“Sir Jongdae is just as well trained as I am-“
“And he has his post and you have yours. Baekhyun is her understudy. He can take up her post as the town herbalist. No one is going to look for her. She said not to come looking for her did she not?”
Baekhyun looked down as Kyungsoo stared daggers at the king.
“You haven’t read the back of it have you?” Tao spoke and watched as Suho turned the paper around and read it aloud.
“P.s. when you come to find me give me a head start. A week.”
“She knew you would come after her...” the queen sighed her eyes glassy.
“She knows exactly what we will do she knows exactly what our next move would be. Sir she’s trying to keep us away from her but as Prince Sehun said she’s in danger this woman wants to destroy-“
“She doesn’t just want to destroy her.” Baekhyun spoke grumbling with frustration. “She’s dealt with this woman before. Malai has gotten away but she’s never truly gotten rid of her. This woman isn’t just some scary bed time story. She means to torture and absolutely gut Malai. She wants to turn her and get her to be a minion. This woman is trying to get to Malai as a means of war to you my King. This woman isn’t just a simple villain. She is The Villian.”
“And who is this woman?”
“Kyngi Oh.”
“And you couldn’t have just told me her name?” The King cut off Sehun as he groaned.
“I didn’t want to make this bigger than it should be sir.”
“Well that completely changes everything. This woman had been trying to overthrow me since I was crowned. If she is in our sights me must destroy her and if finding Malai is how we do it then I can send out as many men as needed.” Baekhyun hissed and fell to his knees as a wave of pain hit his head. the queen stood from her seat quicjly but was stopped as your voic echoed through the room.
“Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo gripped his arm until as sort of 3D projection showed up behind him and everyone stopped talking.
“Baekhyun?” Your vision whispered and you looked back quickly. “Baekhyun. Get up.”
“What?” He groaned and you stood up quickly your form towering over his hunched one.
“Don’t come after me. Not now. She’s closer than I thought.” Your form hissed and your hand went to your shoulder they couldn’t see what had hit you but they did see the blood soak your shirt as you tore the weapon from your skin.
“I’m trying to talk to someone asshat.” You yelled and baekhyun hissed in pain.
“Sorry but don’t come after me. It was a mistake even suggesting it. Don’t get yourself killed for me. Stay at the town. Stay in the palace. Tell everyone else to not worry. She can’t begin until I’ve given up and it won’t be happening for a while. I love you. Stay alive. Hey assho-“ your form glitched out of view and the people in the room besides Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stared where you were in shock.
“W... what?” The queen asked and Kyungsoo turned to her.
“Magic. She’s not only a herbalist but she’s also a witch. It’s crazy how many people are so oblivious to it.”
“A witch?” The king asked his nose turning up slightly.
“She won’t kill you with a poison or a curse she’s not what those idiots preach about and spread into people’s brains. She didn’t want to be a witch and if you shun her because she can do magic then don’t even bother trying to find Kyugi because you would deserve to be overthrown.” Baekhyun hissed pushing Kyungsoo’s hands away.
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
“She’s a witch.” Tao breathed and Baekhyun smirked.
“You missed a lot bro.”
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
Princely manners (ch.4)
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Pairing: idk???
Requested: no
Author: etoiles
Ch 3 / 5
You returned home that night. Sehun and Suho insisted they show you around the palace. Places like the library and the observatory held your interest for longer than other rooms. What did hold your interest for a surprisingly, to Sehun and Suho, long amount of time was the weapons area.
They had asked of your interest and you explained that before you became a herbalist you’d wanted to be a guard. You had wanted to be where Tao is now.
So they gifted you one of the many well balanced sets of throwing knives. The family crest was carved into the hilt and they said they would tell every guard that if they saw you around with the knives to leave you be. They could possibly think you had stolen them.
What you didn’t expect when you arrived home was the white letter on your front doorstep.
No words dawned the front or back. You cautiously opened it waiting for a poison to spray onto your face but you were greeted with a small slip of paper when you turned it upside down.
The side you could see was blank but you could make out a single word on the other side in thick black ink.
You turned the paper over with shaky hands and found a word you dreaded.
It was signed -K.O.
Dread filled your body and you sucked in a breath stumbling backwards.
“No, how?” You looked around and out the open windows finding the slowly emptying roads of the village and your roaming horses.
How did she find you? Of all places how did she track this one?
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.” You groaned pacing the room before you looked at the paper again and sighed.
“You want a game. Let’s play.”
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo expected for the house to be dark. You weren’t usually up late during the night, knowing you’d have to wake up early.
But what the didn’t expect was for it to be completely silent. You always played music when you went to sleep, whether it was hyped up or calming. There was always a melody flowing through the house at this time. And it wasn’t there.
Creeping in the unsheathed their knives and walked directly past the crisp white envelope on the table. The house was untouched, everything was in its place even your happy box was in place. Although Baekhyun didn’t check inside, everything inside the box was gone.
“Where is she?”
“Maybe she stayed at the palace for a while longer.” Kyungsoo spoke looking around the living room.
“No after what happened last time...” baekhyun peeked out the closed windows before he sighed and fell into one of the dining chairs. His eyes ran over the clean space before flickering back to the envelope.
“Kyungsoo.” The shorter man rushed to his side as a baekhyun tore the envelope open, relaxing when he found your loopy cursive.
“Baekhyun (and most likely Kyungsoo),
I am writing this to you to tell you that she is back. I don’t know how she found me or where she got the information, but I have left the town. Do not come looking for me. I couldn’t stay here when she knew where I was especially when you two and even Tao are in the vicinity. I couldn’t let her find out about you three... ever. Now as my brothers I’m trusting you to keep this quite. Do not tell anyone. Act as if you woke up and I was gone. Act as if you are mourning my disappearance and that this letter really contains me saying I was leaving. I repeat DO NOT, come looking for me.
Baekhyun flopped the paper over just to check and found himself in luck at the small writing at the bottom.
“P.s. when you come looking for me give me a head start, a week.”
“We have to go tell Tao.” Kyungsoo spoke and Baelhyun nodded scrambling out of his seat and forgetting his jacket before he and Kyungsoo were out the door and running towards the palace.
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
Princely manners (ch. 3)
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Pairings: idk yet
Requested: nope
Warnings: cussing, violence later on
Ch 2 / 4
The table had chips and cards spread across it as you watched the clock slowly click to 2 am. The bell went off and you smirked as you laid down your hand.
“Flush.” Minseok gawked as you gathered the chips which you could easily cash in as the King pulled money from a bag by his feet.
“I learned from the best.” You bowed as the king handed you your wad of Money and everyone slapped Minseoks back.
“Ah fuck... thank you for having me I had a great time. But I must be going.” You bowed before rushing out of the main room and out of the palace.
You heard your name be called but you knew the man waiting for you would leave if you were later than you already were. You also wanted to avoid all three men Jongdae had told you about for the night.
You stepped out into the cold air and cursed yourself. You had forgotten your cloak inside.
Sighing you ran down the steps hiking your dress up as you approached your horses. Only there was no one at the front. Don’t be stupid.
You sighed as you called out for the man and received silence.
You should go back inside.
Maybe he’s out here. You stepped around the carriage and went to scream before a hand fell across your mouth and another across your arms and waist.
“Not a sound.” The man spoke into your ear and you shivered at his hot and fowl breath.
You thrashed in his arms trying to get out but his grip was too strong. You whined as he dragged you back.
“What did I say?” You hissed and you felt his arm disappear from your waist but then the one around your mouth went to your neck and you were pushed back.
Your knees hit the edge of the fountain and you were dunked under the water.
Your eyes opened as wide as they could as you began thrashing and grabbing at his hand around your neck. You began thrashing harder and gasped as his hand threw your necklace to the stone ground. You choked as water entered your lungs and nose and his hand began gripping your throat tighter.
You saw a chance as you were lifted above the water and coughed out the fluid in your lungs.
“Help!” You got out one scream before you were dunked back under and his hand tore yours away from your skirt.
You didn’t hear it but you felt as you were jerked from the water and your throat was released.
You coughed and coughed, hacking up the water in your lungs as you began to heave and throw it up. Tears fell from your eyes as you finished and your chest burned with each inhale. You looked over to find Tao beating the man to a pulp.
You didn’t even notice the royal family and guards Baekhyun, Minseok, and Jongin run down the stairs.
You began sobbing as what had just happened fully set in and through your tears you saw someone slide to their knees in front of you.
“Hey Malai. It’s okay, everything’s okay.” A sob shook your chest and you began coughing and crying more at the pain that spread through you. Something was draped over your shoulders as a pair of arms you recognized as Baekhyuns held you to his chest.
“He... he tried to...” You rasped and Baekhyun rocked you back and forth. You heard the crunching of gravel and Yelling from your right but didn’t look. You could only guess what was happening.
Yixing and Jongin pulled Tao off the bloody man, as Jongdae cuffed his hands behind his back and instantly took him to the dungeons.
“Where is she?” Tao asked before he spotted Baekhyun on the floor his back hunched over someone else. Yixing and Jongin let him go and he sprinted the short distance to you.
His heart shattered at your broken and hurting sobs. He dropped down next to Bekhyun who looked up and handed you over to Tao.
“I... i- he tried to... he tried to kill me, and... and...” you stuttered trying to get your words out. You felt Tao’s grip on you tighten and Baekhyun inhale sharply.
“I want him dead by tomorrow.” Tao growled at Yixing and Jongin who were close enough to hear you words. In fact everyone was close enough now and Suho had to hold Sehun from going after Jongdae and beating the man.
“Of course.” Yixing nodded and turned to the king and queen who nodded. It was illegal to try to kill anyone of the same kingdom. The punishment was death. And you had nine witnesses.
You weren’t in any shape to go home. Baekhyun had pulled your horses around back along with Yixing and Jongin. The king and Queen requested for two rooms to be opened to you and Baekhyun for the night.
Tao has led you to the room next to his and you watched him run a bath. You soaked and soaked until you wrinkled, and then you soaked more. You scrubbed as much as you could but the feeling didn’t disappear. It wouldn’t disappear.
You stepped out in the pajamas Tao had laid out for you and found him sitting at the end of your bed.
“Baekhyun is in his room. He said if he saw you he might go and beat the man.” You nodded as you slipped under the cool silk covers.
“Are you Alright by yourself?” He asked and you nodded. He stood and made his way to your door.
“I’m sorry.” The lights went out and the doors shut and you quickly fell into a rough sleep.
Sitting up and swearing you glanced at the clock to find 4 am on the screen. You’d gotten an hour of sleep. Breathing heavily you stood and made your way into Baekhyun’s room. He had the one next to you.
“Can i Sleep with you?” You asked as he groaned at your awakening him.
“Of course.” He croaked and lifted the covers. He pulled you into the tightest hug he’d ever given you and you slowly fell into a mostly peaceful sleep.
You kept your eyes closed the next morning recognizing that you weren’t in your bed and that last night had happened. you had almost been drowned.
You groaned at the dryness of your throat and the ache in your chest. Coughing, water and spit fell onto your hand.
“You’re awake.” Baekhyun rushed through his bathroom doors before he kneeled by your side and stared at you.
“Are you okay, do you need anything? Water, food?”
“Clothing.” He nodded and exited the room before returning with a set of neatly folded clothes.
You slipped into the bathroom and tried to ignore your reflection as you pulled the black pants and white t-shirt on.
You exited to find Baekhyun sitting on the bed and the King next to him.
“You’re awake. The man who did this to you is being out to death as we speak.” You throat tightened and he looked at you sympathetically. “Breakfast is downstairs if you would like to join us.”
You stared at him for a moment before nodding and leaving the room with him and Baekhyun. You didn’t expect the dining room to go silent as you entered but it did. The king sat next to the queen and Baekhyun sat at the end chair leaving the seat beside Sehun and across from Suho open.
Minseok and Jongin were nowhere to be found and you get your chest sink in disappointment.
“Are you Alright?” Sehun’s voice hit your ear as everyone began eating again and you glanced at him.
You nodded and put on your best smile before sipping your water and trying to eat the waffles and bacon in front of you.
You snorted as you glanced at Baekhyun and he glared.
“Don’t even-“
“Hey bacon would you like some baekhyun?” You croaked and he slammed his hand onto his forehead and groaned.
“Do you really have to do that every time?” You nodded and glanced up to find Suho smiling widely and Sehun smirking at Baekhyun.
“I promised you.”
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
Princely manners (ch. 2)
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Pairing: idk yet
Author: etoiles
Warnings: cussing, violence later on
ch 1 / 3
“I see no reason for you not to go.” Jongin, the royal gardener spoke as he browsed your shop. He came in from time to time to restock on his herbs and flowers he felt needed to be updated in the royal garden.
You huffed while leaning on the pillars next to him as he sorted through the bright blue flowers you had out.
“I’m sure Tao is only trying to rekindle your sibling relation ship after he left. He did only find you a year ago and now you’re being standoffish. He must feel incredibly terrible and foolish.”
“Good. I just, i don’t want to be hurt again.”
“No one does.” He hummed and you rolled your eyes at his tone.
“Do not get philosophical on me.”
“Alright but don’t bail, I heard Minseok is going to be there, Chanyeol too. We can all see eachother in one place again. Even if your brother is shadowing you.”
“Oh baekhyun? He and Chanyeol are friendly enough with each other I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“I meant Tao.”
“He’s probably guarding Prince Sehun and tried to tell me he wasn’t guarding Suho to throw me off.”
“What ever you say Malai. I’ll see you at the ball. And please do come. Minseok has been insisting on meeting up with you. He misses you.”
“Tell him I miss him too.”
The night of the ball had rolled around and you found yourself sluggishly preparing your face. You applied eyeliner, mascara, highlight, and lipstick at the slower pace you could before you glanced at the dress handing on your door and sighed.
Most people assumed you were just a herbalist, but did get quite confused when they came into the shop looking for oregano and stumbled upon your more poisonous and magical plants. The townsfolk didn’t know you were a witch. And they didn’t need to know. The only way you could prepare your dress for the ball was with magic. You’d let the sewing machine make the most extravagant dress you could imagine.
The blood red color matched the silver and red beading and drapery perfectly. The crown that say upon your head made of your braided hair made you looked regal.
The king and queen only had sons, so the woman were allowed to go all out and not outdo the princess that would be. But once Suho chose, the extravagance would be toned down, and the woman would simply come in beautiful dresses.
Groaning you rolled your neck as you whistled to the two horses outside your home and they trotted over to you side. Cars had been handed for the world after realizing their impact on the Global Warming and amount of CO2 in the air. Now horse drawn carriages were the way to go.
You nodded at the man who sat on your front porch. He stood and sat on the bench on the carriage and with the okay from you he began to make his way to the royal palace. You only owned the horses. The carriage was his and you had payed him 200 to take you to and from the party. Apparently a lot more than he was usually payed. Prices of anything had also gone down with the disappearance of cars and fossil fuels.
You thanked him as he stopped in front of the palace. The last few people trickling in. You pat the two pitch black horses before he pulled them away. He’d be back at 2 am for you. Unless you call for him earlier. Stepping up the grand stair case you breathed heavily as you joined the small crowd of people in attendance.
The announcer Jongdae, He was really a guard, was just beginning the royal introductions. Dukes, dutchesses, princes, princesses, kings, queens, earls, countesses, and so on were announced.
The townspeople milled around the bottom of the room as the royalty made their way down the steps. You went to take the side stairs before an arm grabbed you and pulled you over to the stairs. You were surprised to see Baekhyun bouncing in his spot as he led you towards the stairs.
“Royal guards Tao’s brother and sister Baekhyun and Malai.” You looked at him from under your mask in surprise as the spot light hit you two. You looked back after finding him starring straight ahead and leading you down the stairs.
A low murmur made its way through the crowd. People pointed and you could sense their words about you as you made it to where the royalty were standing. Why the hell were you being considered even close to royalty. You might look it, but you certainly weren’t it.
“Baekhyun what the hell was that?”
“That was our announcement dear sister.”
“I swear to god...” Jongdae went on to announce the few people left but no one was listening. You could only find that you being a royal guards family infused with royalty was why. But baekhyun knew better. It was your appearances. Your blood red dress and his dark blue suit made you stand out in the sea of black and white. Most people thought for they would stand out in Black or white. But they didn’t. You did. And it was your differences that made people stare and point. Baekhyun knew you were a good looking pair. If anyone saw Tao they could assume his brother and sister were also beautiful and you both stood up to the expectations. Sure they couldn’t see your whole faces due to the masks, but your auras showed your confidence and worth.
“And finally, prince Suho.” Suho began down the stairs and you looked up to find him in a suit dead set on being the exact same color as your dress.
“Baekhyun...” you growled and he held his hands up in defensive.
“I didn’t say a thing.” Suho stepped down to the platform and just so happened to stand right next to you. You nodded as he smiled at you and Jongdae announced the next royal.
“Prince Sehun.” Sehun’s suit was also a red Only His was more Burgundy than blood red. It matched your dress too. You stood straight and started ahead as he steeped on to the platform and stood to your other side. You glanced back to find Baekhyun sneaking into the crowd. You snagged his sleeve and pulled him next to you. He apologized as he knocked into Sehun who only smiled and said it was no problem.
“You will stay with me, and you will not leave my side until I can find Jongin and Minseok am I understood.” You growled not noticing Baekhun’s amused look he shared with Suho.
“Understood.” He whispered before Jongdae’s voice fell across the room silencing the crowd.
“And last but not least, king and Queen, Jihoon and Junhyi.” Everyone fell to one knee, even if they were in skintight dresses, as the king and Queen made their way to the platform.
Sehun and Suho stood before them and bowed before they tapped yours and Baekhyun’s shoulder. You stood up slightly confused but bowed to the royalty informs of you.
“Your highness, your honor.” The queen perfected going by her old lawyer term, your honor.
“It’s lovely to have you here Baekhyun, Malai. Tao is quite ecstatic.” You resisted the urge to groan at his name as you smiled and nodded.
“It’s an honor to have been invited.” Baekhyun answered for you knowing you wouldn’t. They nodded before turning around and Jongdae spoke.
“All rise...” once everyone was stood he spoke again. “Let the ball comense.” You had no idea how he disappeared so quickly but you wished oh so terribly that you could.
You acted as if you didn’t hear Suho call your name as you bowed to the royals and dragged Baekhyun to where you had spotted the tuft of red hair you knew to be Chanyeol. You pushed through guests towards the other side of the room before you found who you were looking for.
“If you two are going to make out with eachother please go somewhere else.” You spoke staring at Baekhyun and Chanyeol as they stared at eachother. Minseok and Jongin laughed as Chanyeol and Baekhyun went slightly red before they sped away and behind a wall.
“I really am glad they’re together but if they make out with eachother in front of me one more time I might just cut their tongues off.” The two men in front of you laughed as they sipped their drinks.
“You are still the same uptight woman I had the pleasure of meeting.”
“I’m not uptight just, unamused.” You told Minseok slapping his arm. Minseok wa s known for being the town joker and poker perfectionist. There was a rumor that after the party was to end at Midnight the few lucky guests who were invited would stay behind to play poker with the royal family and Minseok. It was tradition, one that most didn’t know about. The only reason you knew about it was because the invitation Suho had given you, had the playing time on the back.
“Did you get invited to the game?” Minseok asked as he searched the room for whoever.
“Yes.” You spoke glaring a little. “Although I’m not happy about it I would like to leave here as soon as I can.”
“But you’re amazing at Poker why would you be mad. You’ve even beat me a few times.” Minseok almost choked as he stared at you.
“Yes well there are people I’d rather avoid here and things I’d like to do, like sleep.” He rolled his eyes before shrugging.
“Your loss.”
“Oh I’m coming, and I will win, but then I will be leaving.” Jongin laughed until you saw Kyungsoo slide up next to you and Jongin stare at him.
“Oh dear god have I lost two men to my brothers?” Jongin laughed as he grabbed Kuungsoo’s hand and began walking away.
“Sorry Malai.” You turned to Minseok and poked his chest.
“If you start dating Tao, boy oh boy.” He grabbed your wrists and pulled you closer to him his eyes mischievous.
“You more than anyone should know I don’t swing that way.”
“That doesn’t mean your leanings can’t change you idiot.” You scoffed and slapped his chest stepping back as he laughed finishing his drink.
“Speaking of leanings There’s Tao, I’m gonna go refill.”
“Minseok.” you hissed but he was gone before you could do anything more.
“Malai.” Tao’s vocie sounds behind you and you turned around staring at him stone faced.
“Malai, meet Sehun. Sehun my sister Malai.”
“You absolute fucking liar.” You spoke as Sehun stepped out from behind Tao and extended his hand.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, formally.” He spoke and you shook his hand smiling.
“I’m sorry my brother is dragging you around trying to gain must trust back, but I’m sure you know all about it as his mouth is quite big.” Sehun chuckled as Tao smiled in relief.
“Yes he does have quite a big mouth, but he is also quite loyal, I only know the basics. And I am sorry that I am intruding in your sibling bonding time.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault women are ravages who like to touch what they can’t have.” You spoke and he shook his head smiling.
“You are just as charismatic as Tao told me you would be. Even Yixing said you were quite easy to talk to. I didn’t expect it to be this easy.”
“Well, you know what they say, stall by taking to new people so you can avoid your old problems.” He laughed loudly and you saw the women watching almost faint and other women turn their heads to watch.
“Well then if I am only a distraction then I must exclude myself from this. I’ll go find Yixing and Suho.” Tao nodded as Sehun bounded away and you faced him glaring.
“You said you weren’t watching either of them.”
“I said Suho, not Sehun.”
“Why you little...”
“Would you like a drink? And maybe some fresh air?” You nodded after taking a deep breath in.
“What’s your poison?”
“Literally? Nightshade.”
“I meant alcohol.” He snorted as you nodded.
“I’ll meet you on the balcony.” You wandered off after he left easily finding the second floor and then the small isolated balcony no one occupied. Two chairs were on the landing and you laughed. He really was trying to gain your trust. You sat in the left one and stared out into the garden that Jongin tended to. It was absolutely beautiful. You recognized every plant in the ground even a few of the new ones he’d bought the last time he’d been to your shop.
“Your poison.” Tao handed you the glass of golden liquid and you nodded as he sat down across from you.
“Is there anything new to your life?” His voice startled you from your staring and you looked at him as he drank his Bloody Mary.
“No. Baekhyun is still a nuisance and I still run the herbal shop.”
“No boy? Or girl, if you swing that way?”
“That’s funny, you assume i’m in a relationship. No. No one who isn’t absolutely vile.” You spoke and he nodded the silence falling over you again.
“And you? Anything new with you?” You asked. If he was going to try, you would make it hard, but you would cooperate.
“Other than being prompted to second in command under the princes… no.”
“You were promoted?” He nodded and began explaining his job and responsibilities. You hadn’t even realized that you’d spoke for an hour until Jongdae’s voice came over the speakers.
“We’re going to begin the traditional dances. Please join us inside or by the floors.” You looked inside to find everyone flocking to the dance floor as you and Tao stood by the second floor railing. A tap on your shoulder took you from your staring.
You were surprised to find Suho standing behind you watching you with a sort of hope in his eyes.
“If I may be so bold, would you let me take this dance.”
“O… of course.” You set your hand in his and he led you down the stairs. The crowd parted as you made your way to the floor. You hadn’t even noticed Tao pluck a fine woman from the crowd to dance with, being too stunned by Suho to notice anything but him.
The music began as you stood in the middle of the floor. The king and queen stood to your right, Sehun and some woman to your left, Yixing and Tao were in front and behind you. This was usually the dance the woman the prince had chosen danced with him. But Suho has most definitely not chosen you. How could he. He’d spoke two words to you and honestly you weren’t really his type. You knew his type, and it wasn’t you.
“Prince Suho what the hell?” You asked as he began to waltz with you.
“I haven’t found someone worthy tonight. And you were the only woman I deemed worthy to dance with for this dance. The other women here are absolutely annoying. Even the cute ones.”
“Why the hell are you dancing with me then? Excuse my language. But isn’t that like breaking the rules of this dance?”
“No, there are no rules, just traditions, and sometimes traditions must be broken.”
“You know who probably is a good match for you?” You smirked, finding Minseok in the crowd and making eye contact with him, you rose your eyebrow as he smirked and tipped his drink towards you.
“Who?” Suho raises his eyes brow as you spun.
“I guess you’ll have to wait for my answer.” You spoke as he let you go and connect with your next partner.
You were pleasantly surprised to find Sehun in front of you. His hand was warm on your waist and light, delicate almost.
“Have fun with Junmyeon?”
“My brother. Suho. Sorry that name is still weird for me.”
“So his real name is Junmyeon.”
“Yeah, Suho is just a royal name for him. So if he has to run away no one knows his actual name.”
“Well that’s a morbid way of thinking about it.” Sehun shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
“So have you and Tao made up? You spent a while talking.”
“Made up? No. Talking? Yes.” You both fell silent as the music got more intimate and you were pulled closer to him to seem normal with the others on the floor.
“Do you know how many people would die to be this close to you?” You whispered as your head was laid against his chest.
“Yes.” He whispered as you stepped back and forward moving around the floor.
“Why are you guys so interested in me. I’m only Tao’s sister. That means nothing.”
“Tao has been… how do I put this.” He sighed as the music went back to normal and you backed away. “Worried, I guess. He’s been thinking quite a lot. He ran into Baekhyun a few weeks ago. They reconnected. And then Baekhun brought you up during their conversation and he just… he hasn’t been able to forgive himself, he tells me about the night he left. He tells me he was guilty for even considering it, and then he left and he felt like the world was on his shoulders because he’d left you. He really does want to make it up to you Malai.”
You sighed finding Tao’s form over Sehun’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I know.” You switched partners again and were ecstatic to find Yixing.
“Long time no see.” He smiled and you laughed.
“It’s good to see you Yixing.”
You bantered with him about trivial things as usual until you saw couples from the crowd join the floor.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Jongin, Minseok had an intoxicated woman on his arm. You made eye contact with his as you passed spinning with Yixing and laughed at his “help me” face.
“Next switch match me with Minseok.” You whispered to Yixing as he laughed and nodded.
“That woman seems quite intent on taking him home.” You nodded hearing the beat change and Yixing let you go.
You spun and were quite disappointed to find not Minseok but Suho.
“Oh god.” You breathed looking over his shoulder and finding Yixing with Chanyeol laughing.
“So, who is my type?” He rose an eyebrow and you looked down before over his shoulder and glaring at Tao who was smirking.
“Ah it seems to have slipped my mind.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“No seriously, I can’t remember.” He gave you a stern look and you blushed and looked away.
“If you say so.” The dance ended and you quickly left his vice like grip and sped to the bar. You got the strongest drink you could and downed it in one go, alabite a bit of a burn hit your throat.
“Someone is trying to avoid someone.” You were surprised to find Jongdae step up next to you and sip his own glass of alcohol.
“Well I seem to not be avoiding him very well as I’ve danced with him twice.”
“So Suho?”
“What you don’t even.”
“I’m not blind. You’re in a blood red dress of course everyone knows who you danced with. Especially when his suit matches it perfectly.”
“Yeah, why the hell does his suit match my dress?”
“He requested for it to be tailored to that color.”
“Do you know why?”
“May I have this dance?” You groaned as he led you to the dance floor as began dancing what you would call a traditional married couples dance, although it’d been changed to a courtship dance.
“The fuck are we dancing this dance for?”
“You know what I see when I do this dance with you?”
“People starring because were most certainly not dating.” He smirked and shook his head as he grabbed your hand and placed his othe rone on your waist.
“No, good guess but no. I see the men who glare at me and ones who look amused. Example. Suho, Sehun, and Minseok seem to want to tear my throat out at the moment. Chanyeol, baekhyun, Jongin, and Kyungsoo are watching yours and the other threes reactions quite amused. Now the kicker it Yixing who is laughing his ass off and Tao who is watching quite closely as to where my hand is on your waist.” You glance dover his shoulder finding him correct as Tao watched his hand.
“You know what I see?” He looked at you in interest before nodding.
“I see a man in a suit who is a guard dancing with a common town dweller because he is amused by how people react to it.”
“And you are quite correct.” You spun out of his arms before back into them and he dipped you almost too close to the ground for comfort.
“Jongdae what are you doing this for?”
“Suho is supposed to find his wife at this ball, and according to him he has not. And yet when I dance with you he looks like a mother bear watching her cubs get close to a human, territorial and worried. Now Sehun has no need for a wife, as of now, but when I dance with you he looks like a snake about to bite, scared and aggravated. Minseok? Well he looks about ready to tear me to shreads. What am I doing this for? I’m doing this to see which of the princes like you better and at this point I think they’re in the same boat.” You stepped away from him and bowed before walking off the floor him leading you towards the balcony.
“So what I want from you. I want you to talk to them. Mingle. And get to know them, as well... people you know. And then as you become closer I will gauge which one of them likes you more.”
“And Minseok?”
“Minseok doesn’t matter.”
“Minseok vey much does matter.” You growled and he looked at you confused.
“Do you have feelings for him?”
“No but I won’t hurt him just for your princes to play with me.”
“Then tell him you have no interest now before he goes too deep.” Jongdae walked away leaving your mouth open and you mind scattered. How the hell were you supposed to choose between the princes. Or even make them choose if it went how he imagined it would.
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
Clumsy ☁️
description: you’re the 8th member of got7, but youre hella clumsy so prepare to be babied
characters: jackson, mark, jinyoung, jaebum, yugyeom, bambam, youngjae
warnings: fluff????
author: -étoiles
Walking along the slick stage you stared down at your feet with every step you took, trying to keep yourself upright. You smiled as your feet past the first half of the stage and you jumped a bit. 
being yourself you immediately slipped causing you to squeal as you fell to the floor. you shut your eyes waiting for impact when you felt two arms catch you quite clumsily and plop onto the floor. a groan came from who you now knew to be Jinyoung as you leaned on him for support.
“how are you possibly this clumsy?” he hissed as you sat up and laughed.
“sorry. i didn't mean to.”
“are you alright?” Jackson asked speeding over and helping you to your feet.
“I’m fine, Jinyoung caught me before we had a rerun of last time.”
sitting on the stage with Youngjae and Bambam you laughed as you watched Jaebum chase Yugyeom around the seats. Youngjae wheezed as he held his stomach and slapped the floor, causing you and Bambam to laugh harder.
“Yugyeom I’m going to kill you.” you laughed at Jaebum’s cake faced fulled rage, leaning forward on the edge of the stage.
turns out you were leaning too far forward as you felt you butt lift off the stage and your arms began flailing next to you, slapping Bambam and Youngjae in the process. 
you screeched as hands gripped your arms and you were pulled back on stage so far that ypu grunted as your back hit the tile.
“Are you okay?” Mark’s face asked from above you as you huffed and outed.
“fine, thanks to you.” he smirked and began laughing. leaving you to roll over and laugh along with him relishing the moment with your overprotective brothers.
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
hey! i was wondering if you could maybe do another reaction ? (got7) where the reader is played as a female, the shortest and the eighth member yet she’s clumsy asf so the boys have to be at her side at all times? lmao, ik; but i love your blog and i was just pondering at it
I’ll get this up in a short bit and thank you for the support 💕
0 notes
kpop-au-s · 6 years
┃┃╱╲ in this
┃╱╱╲╲ house
╱╱╭╮╲╲ we
▔▏┗┛▕▔ support
Multiple groups at
One time because it’s what
They deserve
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
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the story of light 14/?
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
Princely manners (ch. 1)
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Description: Prince Suho and Sehun seem to have taken extreme interest in you, the royal guard Tao’s sister.
Pairing: idk yet
Author: etoiles
Warnings: cussing, violence later on
ch 2
You walked down the crowded street humming a broken tune as you dodged children running around your legs. The basket on your hip was getting heavier the longer you walked.
Sighing as you saw your house come into view you groaned and turned to see the shorter man smiling beside you.
“Give me my watch back, Kyungsoo.”
With a sigh Kyungsoo begrudgingly handed the expensive wrist watch over as a laugh sounded from beside you.
“I’m telling you you’ll never get her.” Baekhyun and Kyungsoo we’re like a duo you couldn’t escape. They’d been friends since diapers and were like brothers to each other.
“I can’t go one day without you two bothering me can I?” You laughed as you all made it to your guys house and you stopped in your tracks.
“No, nev-“
“What the hell are you doing here?” You hissed, cutting Kyungsoo off, as your eyes landed on the three guards in front of your’s, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo’s Home.
Of the three stood Tao who sighed at your reaction. The other two looked towards eachother behind his back surprised at your hostility and words.
The world had andvanced in the treatment of women, but most of them were expected not to curse. It had gone a large step forward and a shuffle backwards.
“I’m here to invite you to the ball being held for Suho.”
“And why the hell would I-“
“We’ll go.” Baekhyun spoke pulling you back as he glared at you.
“Fine go. But I’m not going.”
“Can you please not make this harder than it has to be?” Tao’s voice was tired and you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I could make this way harder than it has to be, but I’ll spare you the time.” You reached for the door when another voice came from behind the three guards.
“If Tao’s efforts are as I can tell futile, then I would like to formally invite you to the ball being held in my honor.” Suho stepped out from behind Tao and you shook your head and squeezed your eyes shut.
“You really want me to go don’t you?” You asked stepping back in front of Tao and nodding to Suho.
“Im trying to fix what I broke, and I find that trying to gain your trust back is the best way to go. Even if you, my own sister doesn’t want it to happen. I want to be on good terms with you.”
“Mmm, and how are you supposed to gain my trust if, no offense your highness, you’re spending all night guarding him and watching his every move?” You hummed, crossing your arms.
“None taken.” Suho smiled as you stared at Tao.
“Yixing is staying with him the night of the ball.”
“Of course you dragged that poor man into this.” Huffing you crossed your arms not even noticing Kyungsoo having put your food away for you.
“I’m only going because you dragged Yixing and Prince Suho into this.” You smiled at the other three before stepping into your open door and shutting it in Tao’s face.
Is this an actual update? Wow, so for the jackson imagine I have the end to it I just have it written on paper and I can’t find the fucking paper so I’ll update it when I do find it if any of you happen to be concerned about that.
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
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the story of light 13/?
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kpop-au-s · 6 years
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the story of light 12/?
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