be the unbreakable force they tell you to run from
unknown abc 
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4th november 2018
At 1:55pm I sat down for my first ever hsc exam. It dawned on me at that moment that I would never be taking another exam or paper or test for this subject in my life cause let’s be real I’m not really interested in the food and beverage industry of hospitality so that’s done. I write this almost a month later I’m waiting for my results and this part is probably the worst I guess cause I can’t get away with a “I’ll do better next time” or a “I can study more” it’s as Aslan says “what’s done is done” and he couldn’t be more right. What’s done is done. I put my all or none at all it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s such a small exam in comparison to the world but such a big one in comparison to my life. I have to say I was very relaxed the two nights before and the morning of. I mean I watched 2 seasons of the good place and in the morning I watched more. Funny thing is the good place seasons 1 and 2 revolve around ethics and philosophy which is a little section in hospitality called legal and ethical issues in the workplace so that was funny. Anyways I need to sleep I have my first ever hsc assessment tomorrow for math and I want to do well. Oh and I also watched crimes of Grindelwald today and it was awesome
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a year ago...
so i had my hospitality exam today and well it was i wouldn’t say a flop but i preferred my previous hospitality exams i have taken. the 2 extended responses didn’t make quite sense but i’m overall quite happy as it was my first ever HSC type of exam. it was my prelims which is the half yearly and really important year 11 exams and the fact that i’m doing it in year 10 motivates me a little. but this exam did help in giving me a broader scope on how Hospitality HSC and trial papers will be layout out like and the wording of exams.
moral of the story is: no matter how hard or little you study, honestly stressing takes you absolutely no where. i used to stress out the night before an exam like crazy i would run around screaming IM GOING TO FAIL but since i’ve entered year 10 i don’t know how i’ve entered this peace serenity where its a period before my exam and i’m not stressing like yes, there is a little doubt, the butterflies or zoo in your stomach, sometimes a little stress like did i remember this oh great what if thats in it. but don’t run yourself down over it. and some might say oh you don’t get it your parents are hard on you. um hell no, have you met my parents. they are all about the education and the 99.95 ATAR #sydkidswouldknow i am a brown child so i have grown up  with the expectations of doing well. and going to a private school that pushes on good HSC and ATAR marks, getting good in hospitality is essential for me. anyways i need an early night because i didn’t get enough sleep last night
night y’all and be relaxed
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