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Lily grabbed her school bag. Her classes had ended for the week and she was finally going to be able to relax and chill with friends. Anything to get away from being at home for the whole weekend.
Getting in her car she could only exhale in relief, feeling the exhaustion wash over her, but enough energy to start the car and find her way back home. Windows down, metal blaring, feeling like she didn't have a care in the world.
It didn't take her long to come home. Pulling up she noticed several cars in the driveway she didn't recognize. Grabbing her bag she got out of the car and walked up to the house. Walking in things were scattered everywhere, as they normally were since no one seemed to ever clean but her. She thought to herself that if she didn't cook something her dad wouldn't eat, and even though he wasn't good to her in any way, he was still her father. Walking into the kitchen, the back door was wide open “Wow, he's actually doing something in the backyard?” She muttered as she walked towards the door, “Dad! I’m going to make something for dinner what do you wa…” She stopped when she opened it and saw several men standing around the yard, her father and ‘him,’ the only way she could describe him. He wasn't like the others, for obvious reasons. But there was something about him, made her uneasy.
Hearing her father say something to the man again, ‘I'll find a way, just a couple more days, please?’ was all she heard in hushed tones. Shit. This was the guy he owed money to…
Time period: Your call. Either historical or future AU. Just let me know. Either option means no one is coming to save your muse. Open to: All genders.  Sidenote: If your muse is capable of becoming pregnant, breeding kink is on the table so to speak. Summary: Your muse’s guardian/parent/spouse has incurred massive debt for whatever reason. It would now be impossible for them to make payment in full so a bargain has begun and your muse(s) are the cash on the dash so to speak. Triggers: Sullivan is a dark muse of mine. Only play with him if that’s your tea. If you prefer something with a potentially more fluffy outcome, please let me know and we can do something similar with one of my other muses.
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Sullivan tucked the branding iron back into the fire and nodded over at the other man. Dirt marred Sullivan’s complexion, which admitted was unusual. However, even he needed to put in the occasional day’s hard labour. 
“Your debt has grown beyond all management. I can see no means whereby you can rectify. Your home and your property shall be transferred to me forthwith.” the man stated coldly. He had a minor title but a great deal of money and a large section of land. What he lacked was an heir. Something he intended to rectify sooner than later. 
However, that was not a problem for the here and the now. He had a client that had used his money to try to gamble his way back to good fortune and was astonished to discover he was now out of funds.
It looked like he would have yet another house and more land to manage. He really did need to sort out his heir situation.
“Well, do you have something to say for yourself?”
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IM Discord
Um...Anyone want to role-play on discord? If anyone is still out here...? 18+ Preferred...Any of my character or we can come up with our own....if you have a plot you want, lets discuss it!! 
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Reblog this if you don’t mind doing multiple threads at a time with someone.
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Mia’s heart raced at the tone of his voice. Under the gruff tones however, she could hear something else. Something that with the way he speaking, it was apparent of how hurt he was when she left. She slightly gasped as he nudged her further. Taking position she tried to breathe a little more steadily. Biting her lower lip in anticipation she nodded, agreeing with him. “Yes…” She said softly.
With the first crack of the whip she gasped. She knew it was coming however the strike took her breath away. Looking back at him again to see if he would give her mercy. No such luck. Again she felt the sting of the whip, this time creating a small shriek of pain with a hint of pleasure. With continued cracks, she dug her nails into the wall, somehow hoping to cope with her punishments
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Source: @thexnaughtyxstories
unusual homecoming
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Reblog if you RP on Discord and it's okay for people to PM you for a plot.
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as your roleplay partner, i vow to:
always send you memes
be patient with you and your replies
never get angry with you if you want to drop the rp
be up for plotting 24/7 (even if im asleep you should spam me)
understand when real life gets in the way
pester you with a lot of headcannons
take twenty years to reply 
love you forever
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Finding an RP partner who runs with your batshit crazy ideas is like finding the holy grail.
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For the person who asked about Lily Ross’ Fashion
I put some pictures for those extra points and it got flagged... :( ...oops.. Sooo..This is what she said with one of the pictures that should be ok.... 
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“Hmm. I would say I have a punk rock style. Go to the beat of my own drums, Leather jackets ripped jeans tight skirts. Maybe to bed a nice big t shirt if I’m all by myself, or some nice black or red lingerie”
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Mia - Do you wish to marry and have a family? Why or why not?
Sighing she looked down at a picture of her brothers, whom she hadn’t seen in years. “Honestly, Family is a fantasy. My line of work, there never seems to be enough time, all the danger. It wouldn’t be right to have a family…” She said putting down the picture and walking away. 
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Mia - what is your favourite kink?
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Looking down she smiled. A little chuckle escaping her lips as she bit down on her lower to try and conceal it. “Truthfully…I like the manhandling. I see myself as an Independent strong minded women who doesn’t take shit. Once in awhile its fun to see if someone has what it takes to overpower me.“ 
0 notes
Even from the beginning she resented him for kidnapping her, for years she dealt with and obeyed his every command. From time to time she would misbehave, talk back, even challenge him on purpose, sometimes for good reason, sometimes she did it because it felt amazing. She would never admit it to him.
But her eyes opened. She couldn't help but admit what was going on around her was wrong. Fuck society, fuck the law’s...Someone had to do something and it might as well have been her. Who better to know how things worked than someone who has actually been there? Apart of her hated that she had left. But her passion to help young girls like she once was, just seemed to make sense. Till years later she couldn't help but yearn for his touch again.
Apart of her was hesitant as she moved her head to let him brush his lips on her throat. Closing her eyes she let out a small purr as her fingers caressed the back of his neck. His lips were warm as he slipped them up to hers and she couldn't help but kiss him back. Distracted from his kisses she could feel her cloths being slipped off her skin. Looking into his eyes as he commanded her she silently obeyed. Her heart began to race, with everything she’s done. Who knows what was in store for her.
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unusual homecoming
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Lily had been deep in thought when she felt the warmth of Bear’s hand holding hers. Looking at him she smiled shyly and looked down at his arm as she caressed it. She was smitten with him despite how little time they really knew each other. It was very different, being on the outside. She didn't feel as stressed, used or depressed...Honestly she loved it here. Her only regret, leaving her children. 
The thought of her telling him made her sick to her stomach. All the ‘ What if’s ‘ filling her mind so loud that she almost didn't hear his question, only the movement of his embrace to quiet the conflicting voices in her mind. Closing her eyes she let out a sigh of relief and a hint of frustration. “Umm.. Yeah I’m ok...It’s just...” She turned towards him, still snuggling in his arms. “There’s something...I want to talk to you about...” 
She had waited long enough. It hadn’t been very long in terms of a relationship but she felt it needed to be said. She had to say something before it could go any further. Lily was already falling for him and she had to let him know before it completely and utterly broke her heart. Horrible experiences in the past after letting someone she cared about know the true her, and turning out to be horrible people themselves. 
Taking his hand she smiled shyly and broke out of his arms only to softly pull him out of the room into the large hallway. It surly as quieter will all the festivities being in the room they left behind. Still, she stayed quiet as they walked down the hallway. Trying desperately to find the words to say 
escape || bear x lily
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Bear reached over and took her hand. They hadn’t been dating for very long but he really liked her. He enjoyed the way she felt in his arms, the way she laughed so shyly and unlike most of the women he had met on the ‘outside’ (as he liked to call it), he didn’t feel as ‘off’ about things or uncomfortable sharing small tidbits about his life.
It still made him nervous. The idea of sharing with her exactly where he was from and what happened there, why he didn’t like to talk about it and visited rarely. But somehow he felt like she might understand. Maybe. It was still too scary to contemplate. 
Pulling her in close, he used his hold on her hand to tuck her back against his chest and slide both his arms around her, snuggly. “What’s going on, Lily? You seem quiet tonight. Everything okay?” he asked quietly. Bear was genuinely worried about her. She just didn’t seem like herself but then again, he hadn’t known her for very long yet, who was he to say. “If you don’t want to talk about it, we could skip the gallery opening? Just go somewhere quiet?” he offered.
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A rush of excitement flew over Mia’s body as he nipped her shoulder. Her body missing the warmth of his lips just as much as he missed her. Feeling his mouth on hers she couldn't help but slightly melt into him. Remembering all the memories she couldn't let cloud her mind while she was away. His voice breaking her away from her inner thoughts as she turned to look at him. Smiling softly she nodded.
unusual homecoming
“Tends to happen when I’ve put a phew bullet in their buddy’s chest…” She smirked with a slightly snarky tone. “Should be anyway…Seeing as there protecting you and your…livestock..” She said a little grimly. Mia could feel his eyes on her as he circled behind her, closing her eyes she could feel the all to familiar leather caress against her skin before letting out an unconscious purr. Feeling his lips  on her jaw she found herself fighting with her thoughts, in the time she had spent away, she tried to forget about him. Learn not to love their what she could only refer to now as an unconventional love. “I’m surprised you would even ask.” She said with a crooked smirk. 
“Pitiful man.” Ubbe agreed with a nip to her shoulder. “Shhh… I know it displeases you but you belong to me as I do you.” He claimed her mouth in a long, slow kiss. Breaking it slowly, he met her eyes. “I have missed you. As has my whip.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Come my love. It wishes to taste you almost as much I do.”
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Sad Times...
Soo...Little update. My aunt passed away and I have a long drive ahead of me...So if anyone wants to throw a plot line at me that would be great. 10 hours of riding in the car is no good for a depressed over thinking little brain like mine....I need something/someone to help me keep my mind off of....everything.
So anything on your wish list? I can help you with that... 
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so i’m looking for new blogs to follow and the tags are so vanilla these days ?? that i don’t want to follow ppl when my blog is basically the personification of every messed up hentai film ever. so i’m gonna put this in 2 find other freaky fucks. if ur into/wanna rp/open to the following themes,   hit the like   and i’ll check out ur blog and probably follow u:
plotted, literate taboo threads
general hardcore/kink
bless up.
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“Tends to happen when I’ve put a phew bullet in their buddy’s chest...” She smirked with a slightly snarky tone. “Should be anyway...Seeing as there protecting you and your...livestock..” She said a little grimly. Mia could feel his eyes on her as he circled behind her, closing her eyes she could feel the all to familiar leather caress against her skin before letting out an unconscious purr. Feeling his lips  on her jaw she found herself fighting with her thoughts, in the time she had spent away, she tried to forget about him. Learn not to love their what she could only refer to now as an unconventional love. “I’m surprised you would even ask.” She said with a crooked smirk.  Source: @thexnaughtyxstories
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Ohh Yeahhhh...
Reblog if you’re a kind and friendly mun who likes to write violent and disturbing stuff...
Let’s see how many of us there are!
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