liz6306 · 2 years
PH Katsuki x Folk Singer Reader
Word count: 1’373 words
Pairing: PH Katsuki Bakugou x GN Folk Singer Reader
Note: So I can totally see pro hero Katsuki going to a bar one night with friends. (of course he makes it seem like he’s reluctant but he really isn’t.) He honestly expects that the bar is going to be boring as just a few minutes in, they already some drunken old geezer performing on stage. But then, just as he deems his night to be done and over with, Mina begs him to stay and listen to her friend perform at least once. It’s then Katsuki sees Y/N up on stage that his mind is changed for him, he immediately sits back down and stays till the show ends, practically forcing Mina to tell him when the folk singer will be singing once again.
Katsuki was already tired, and the last thing he wanted to do after work was drink with his rowdy group of friends. He had told them time and time again, that he’d rather be at home catching some sleep as he wasn’t a big music fan— but they all wouldn’t give it up, begging him to come and see this local singer.
He thought it was stupid. Wasting his time on some singer…
The spiky haired blond huffed as he entered the pub with his friends, all of them talking animatedly about a hard day’s work. “It’s great to be back!” Denki would cry out with relief, acting as if he hadn’t been here just a week prior to now. “Dude, you were here a week ago.” Sero then reminds him, causing the electric user to blush slightly as he waves his dark haired friend off. Mina as always, looks overjoyed to be back as well, waiting excitedly for her old high school friend to take the stage like they do every Thursday. Her excitement was sweeping over the room and Katsuki was growing annoyed with it as he sat he Kirishima who gave him a sympathetic look, knowing the man would have rather been home by now.
The blonde turned to the bartender with tired vermillion eyes shining under the warm lantern lights of the bar, asking gruffly, “Can I get a whiskey over here?” The bartender working seeing a familiar expression on the other side of the bar would simply nod, understanding the blonde’s pain. “If it makes you feel better, Karaoke ends in about thirty minutes.” Kirishima tries with the grumpy man.
“I’ll be out of here by thirty minutes.” Katsuki answers simply, taking a swig of his whiskey that the bartender ever so kindly provided him with.
He noticed Kirishima huff and roll his eyes, but he says nothing as he didn’t want to start any petty arguments with the redhead. He instead tries to engross himself with his drink, ignoring the old man who sang in slurs up on the stage. His friends try to bring him into their conversation but even then he remains in his shell, really not wanting to be there. Katsuki watches the clock tick, sighing every five-ten minutes, he’d glance to the door and then right back to the clock in a vicious pattern of boredom, wondering when his torture was to end. For in between his chattering friends, the background talking in the bar, the sounds of drinks clunking against tables and the poetically written words of a song being misinterpreted by the slurs of a drunken fool- Katsuki found himself feeling lost and out of place in such a scene. This place was one that often accompanied itself with people like his friends, people who liked to embrace a social setting. It wasn’t a great place for people like him- who more so preferred to settle into their own space at the end of the day and go about their nightly routines.
Nevertheless, Katsuki suffered through it for a good thirty minutes.
He just decided it would be best to leave before the next intoxicated idiot could wobble up onto the stage. The blond got up with a tired grunt, some of his joints popping from him suddenly moving after he had been still for so long. The noise caught the attention of his friends though, who all looked at him with furrowed brows. “Hey man, Y/N hasn’t gone on yet- where are you off to?” Denki asked happily, not catching onto Katsuki’s annoyed and fed up expression.
“I’m going home.” Katsuki deadpans as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. His friends all looked upset with him as soon as he had said that though, immediately voicing their protests. “Come on, man! You haven’t even met Y/N yet!” Kirishima argued first whilst his grumpy friend scoffed. “And I don’t care to, so I’m out of here.” Is what Katsuki responds with, ready to push past them all. “Katsuki, please stay! I’ve been wanting you and Y/N to meet for ages! They already know about you and they said that they’d want to meet you!” Mina cuts in next and the blonde snapped his head in her direction. “Are you all trying to fucking set me up!?” He asked, his temper now flaring as he glared them all down. It was only Sero’s comment that both assured him and pissed him off that they weren’t. “Even if we were, They’re way too good for you.” Was the snide remark made by the tape-hero. Katsuki scoffed and gave the black haired man an unamused look, the group laughing slightly well Mina stood, her eyes pleading her friend to stay. “Just listen to one song, please.” She spoke gently and Katsuki could only groan as he relented.
The blond sits back down and watched as the stage was set up for the next performance, waiting impatiently for this person.
“Where the fuck are-”
“Look, here they come!” Kirishima cheers, the blond glaring at him as he didn’t appreciate being interrupted in the slightest. He then rolls his eyes, turning back to the performer and freezing. If they weren’t a perfect sight then he didn’t know what was. He adored the way the light was shining on their skin, giving it a soft glow as gentle shadows contrasted it, the specks of the lantern-light that lit up their eyes on the stage made the colorful hues pop out in the cozy bar and it emphasized their little idiosyncrasies in a unique manner. He could pick out the little things, like how their hair complimented their face-shape or how their eyes scanned over the crowd, brightening when they met with Mina’s.
Or how they landed on him with curiosity lacing their gaze…
He swears that he felt his heart stop, his throat constricting on itself when they gave him an awkward smile and a quick wave. Katsuki now stuck admiring how parts of their face would crease or scrunch up when a smile spread on their lips, he admired even the slightest twitch of their brow as all of it simply intrigued him.
The man didn’t even know what to do when they started to strum chords on their guitar, they seemed to be rather happy as they began to tap their foot against the stage- sometimes knocking on the bottom of their guitar when they had a quick interval between the song. He was practically holding his breath as he waited for them to start singing, curious to hear what they sound like.
Needless to say, they didn’t disappoint.
Katsuki wasn’t a big fan of music, he didn’t listen to it a lot and he certainly didn’t listen to folk tunes often- but he supposed that he’d have to make an exception. For the singer on stage was good enough to be that exception.
The easy timbre of their voice was hypnotic, sending waves into his mind that had him relaxing in mere seconds. The energy they created as an artist had his constantly running mind calming itself at once and he was loving it as he watched them play. Suddenly, three songs had passed and then the whole show, Katsuki still in the aftermath of his blissful mind. “You alright there man?” Denki asks, ruining it for the spiky haired blond. He chooses to ignore what the other man had said though, instead turning to look at Mina. “When the fuck do they perform again?” He demands the answer, earning a surprised look from the pink woman and the redhead beside her. “Uh, every Thursday.” She replied, still slightly shocked by the blonde’s question as he turned to go pay his tab at the bar.
“I’ll see you guys later.” He grunts out.
Katsuki didn’t have the mind of patience to start up a conversation with the Folk singer just yet, he also feared that he wouldn’t know what to say. So, the blond paid for his drinks he got and began to head back home, his mind churning with thoughts on how he’d start a conversation up with the singer when he returned.
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