macpaw · 7 years
Gemini 2 got the Red Dot Award
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It’s rare that MacPawers give up their jeans and sneakers in favor of ties and dress shoes, but that’s exactly what happened on October 27. In glamorous Konzerthaus Berlin, the well-dressed team behind Gemini 2 received their well-deserved Red Dot Award.
Since 1955, Red Dot has existed to reward good design, with its Communication Design category laser-targeting projects that exhibit “clarity and emotion” and “affect the viewer in an emotional and sustainable way.” As people who believe every app — even a supposedly boring utility — should make you feel a tiny bit better, we’re happy Gemini 2 was recognized for that particular effort.
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Back to the future, or how Gemini 2 got this way
When we started designing the new version of Gemini, the task seemed daunting, because the bar had been raised pretty high in the past. Gemini was one the Best Apps of 2012 according to Apple, imitated by a few hundred other duplicate finders and loved by users everywhere. So, we fished for ideas in the future.
“My theory was that in 30 years UI design would play with surfaces: nanomaterials, textures, fabrics,” says Dmitry Novikov, Art Director at MacPaw and Gemini’s lead designer. “So I thought, what kind of surface is the most fitting for finding duplicates? That’s how we came up with the one made entirely of duplicated circles.”
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Sorting out thousands of files can be soul-crushingly boring, so we wanted to cheer up and reward our users. With a little inspiration from computer games, sci-fi movies, and other nerdy stuff, we came up with an achievement system for Gemini 2. Much like a game, it would have badges, ranks, levels, and experience percentages.
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“I think a big idea behind gamification is that every minute of your time is valuable,” says Aleksandr Ageev, the author of the achievements artwork. “You might as well make it fun.”
In the end, it’s all about you
Although it’s flattering to have the recognition of design critics, it’s you — our users — we’re doing this for. And because it’s you who suggest, beta test, and comment, this award is also yours. Thank you for a chance to affect you in an emotional and sustainable way make your Mac life a little happier.
Kudos to everyone who worked on Gemini 2
Anton Mironov
Denis Stas
Alexey Prykhodko
Oleksii Nezhyborets
Serhiy Tatarchuk
Serhiy Buchnev
Serhiy Krivoblotsky
Alexey Pawlowski
Vera Tkachenko
Alex Chirva
Alex Yemelyanov
Dmitriy Novikov
Oleksandr Ageev
Liudmyla Khomiak
Oleh Prokopenko
Pavlo Haidamak
Dmytro Litvenchuk
Roman Tyshchenko
Anatoly Kasyanov
Serhiy Grigoruk
Volodymyr Radchenko
Volodymyr Voronin
Yaroslav Kopylov
Taras Neporozniy
Dmitriy Tereschuk
Ray East
Dmitriy Bilkun
Ivan Kuziv
Sergey Yaremenko
Julia Petryk
Olga Kurylenko
Olga Medikari
Oksana Kizikelova
Alice Kotlyarenko
Pavlo Huk
Roman Tikhonychev
Yevhenii Peteliev
Yevhenii Batsiun
Oksana Vdovychenko
Oleksandr Kosovan
Bogdan Grechanovsky
Andrew Dvoynos
Kate Uglitskikh
Oleksandra Cherniavska
Beta testers of MacPaw
Every human and cat at MacPaw
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macpaw · 7 years
Please give a warm welcome to Wallpaper Wizard 2
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Some six years ago, a Ukrainian company named Coppertino — who happen to be our good friends — made an app. It solved a trivial but common problem: how do you regularly get fresh desktop pictures without going through the tedium of image search in Google? Users loved Wallpaper Wizard, because it was a simple idea, executed well.  
Eventually, the team moved on to their next big project, which gobbled up 99% of their time and resources. They could no longer support Wallpaper Wizard, but 400K users who couldn’t picture their desktop without it expected updates, and fixed issues, and new content. So, we stepped in and acquired the app.
Since then, we’ve gone a long way with Wallpaper Wizard. We put together a massive database of HD photos, hired a person with impeccable taste to curate them, built a powerful engine from scratch, created all-new design that complements the beautiful content. And today please give a warm welcome to Wallpaper Wizard 2, the newbie in the MacPaw squad!
In short, here’s what you’ll like about Wallpaper Wizard 2:
Seriously good images
Like we said, all wallpapers undergo the scrutiny of a moderator, so you’ll never have to sift through Windows XP-ish landscapes. We’ve already done that for you, don’t thank us.
HD 4K quality
Finding good pictures for your desktop is one thing, but finding pictures that look good on a big Retina display? Ouch. But don’t worry: all wallpapers in the app are in 4K quality, so no resolution issues anymore.
A new desktop every day
Wallpaper Wizard works like a playlist: just add all backgrounds you like to Roll and let the app set you a new one every week, day, or hour. With over 25K images and new arrivals monthly, you’re very unlikely to run out of wallpapers within your Mac’s lifetime.
Beauty for all your displays
For a little extra, you can use Wallpaper Wizard 2 on each of your multiple displays. Set the same background on all of them, use a different for each, or have wallpapers roll through all displays one by one.
What about upgrades?
Wallpaper Wizard 2 is available on the Mac App Store, which is notorious for the absence of upgrade pricing. So, unfortunately, there’s no way we can offer a special price to the users of version one. But those who like to try before they buy can do so on Setapp, the app subscription service we launched earlier. You can get a taste of Wallpaper Wizard 2 and an impressive array of other Mac apps for free, because the first month of Setapp is always on us.
We can’t wait for you to see the MacPaw newbie — and believe us, there’s a lot for you to see as far as wallpapers are concerned. So go ahead, get Wallpaper Wizard 2 on the Mac App Store and let us know what you think by leaving a review.
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macpaw · 7 years
MacPaw acquires The Unarchiver and commits to making it even better
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MacPaw just bought the Unarchiver, one of the Top Free apps on the Mac App Store. We’re super stoked about the news. We promise to maintain, improve, and keep it free for everyone.
Now let us tell you the whole story. This week we did something big: we took it upon ourselves to acquire the best unarchiving application on the Mac market. The Unarchiver is an overwhelmingly popular piece of software for dealing with a common problem — different archive formats on Mac. Getting this app to join our portfolio is a huge privilege, we cannot begin to tell you how excited we are about the deal. After all, The Unarchiver is more than just an app, is a whole niche.
As Mac users find out shortly after buying their Macs, macOS is far from perfect when it comes to interaction with, for instance, RAR archives. More often than not, you’re stuck in a clumsy dialog with your friends and colleagues about sending files some other way, because you just can’t view them from the archive.
Dag Ågren, the creator of The Unarchiver wrote it more than ten years ago. He never expected this little utility to make its way to the Top of the Mac App Store and stay there for good, gaining millions of users in a few years.
Dag was excited about the success for quite a while but ten years is a long time to spend on one project. Not so long ago he got carried away with other endeavours, leaving the Unarchiver almost unattended.
When MacPaw team found out that Dag has no time whatsoever to work on the app, we swooped in and seized the amazing opportunity: to keep The Unarchiver alive for the users. Since millions of people love it and rely on it, it would be truly sad to leave the app with no support for the future OS or with no design updates.
MacPaw developers hope to not only maintain, but improve the The Unarchiver. We plan a major facelift and a couple of new features. The app is going to get prettier and we’ll keep it updated for the upcoming macOS. Naturally, it will always stay free for all users. Welcome to the MacPaw family, Unarchiver, we’re going to love you.
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macpaw · 7 years
CleanMyMac 3 is gearing up for High Sierra.
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WWDC is essentially Christmas for Mac developers: we get to play with the new macOS, goggle at new gadgets, and tie all that goodness into our apps. This year was no different. As soon as macOS High Sierra was announced, we got our hands on a developer beta and started working on a compatible CleanMyMac 3 right there in the halls of WWDC.
Everything looks great, so we’ll roll out the beta version as soon as the public beta of macOS High Sierra 10.13 is out. And in the autumn, when Apple officially launches the new system, you’ll get a fully equipped cleaner for it. Just like in High Sierra, most of the fine-tuning in CleanMyMac 3 will happen under the hood, so you won’t notice any changes. Stay subscribed for more news and thank you for using CleanMyMac 3!
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macpaw · 7 years
Keeping Apple History Alive at MacPaw
Have you ever held a NeXTcube? It’s a tesseract. It’s an alien thing that was for no reason brought to us earthlings. Apple devices have always looked a bit out-of-this-world and that’s why we like them so much. So no wonder that when there’s a chance to get a huge collection of iconic Apple computers, you snatch it with the tightest grip.
Here’s the full story. Tekserve was once a small repair shop in the very heart of New York city. A small shop run by the brave Dick Demenus and David Lerner who dared to fix then-hardly-known brand of computers — Macintosh. Every lucky Mac owner in the city knew the door to knock on when their Mac misbehaved.
As the shop grew and became a landmark Apple dealer, the Tekserve team found themselves surrounded by beautiful Macs of all kinds. In twenty years they decided to turn the best of them, groundbreaking models, as they put it, into a museum-like exhibition. And later, when the shop was shutting down, an Apple Lisa, an alien Nextstation Turbo machine, and the rest of the grand collection had to find a new home on an auction.
The prospects looked pretty grim, because a collection like that had a high chance of ending up in some millionaire's basement. Luckily, MacPaw’s CEO Olexandr Kosovan heard about the auction and made an instant decision. He secretly bought all of the iconic Macintosh computers before the collection was taken apart and sold piece by piece.
That is how almost 40 Macs from every generation were reverently moved to MacPaw’s Ukrainian office, to the uncontrollable joy of a hundred Apple fans who work here. We think there’s hardly a better place for historical Apple computers than our futuristic Apple-inspired office. And hardly a better audience than a team of passionate Mac developers.
We also plan on adding the few missing models to perfect the collection. By the way, the collection is not just for us, it’s an office-based museum and we can give you a tour next time you’re in Kyiv. You’ll get to see a 128K Macintosh signed by Steve Wozniak, an illustrated edition of Apple Design History, and even a couple of WWDC relics.
We have them all (though it’s still hard to believe).
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macpaw · 7 years
The evolution of the revolution: Setapp gets a UI revamp.
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Our users have been asking for a better structured Setapp to help them explore apps easily and make choices quickly. So, we built exactly that.
If history has taught us anything about revolutions it’s that you better not lose touch with the crowd. Even if your revolution is limited to Mac apps. Since here at MacPaw wee see Setapp as our biggest endeavor yet, ever since we launched it, we’ve kept our users in the loop to make sure this new way is the right one.
Back when we were shut in our developer cave planning the product, it seemed right to integrate it into macOS: what could be simpler, more seamless, more Mac than a folder in the Finder? It would be just like Applications, only full of surprises and ever growing. But when we finally showed Setapp to users, they started tweeting at us asking for more guidance, a better structure, a simpler discovery mechanism. In other words, for something to help them decide which apps to download.
Could it be that the paradox of choice we were trying to eliminate was still there, even though Setapp was a lean suite of only 65 apps? We thought we had it all figured out with 9 years on the Mac market and millions of users.
However, after a couple of surveys and a few dozen face-to-face interviews, we learned this: a staggering 47% of Setapp users wanted the apps grouped and categorized. It would help them understand what every app was for and, therefore, make decisions more quickly.
So, we’ve done exactly that.
The new Setapp is no longer a folder — more like a catalogue you can flip through, still with full descriptions for apps you find interesting, but also with brief summaries to give you an idea of the app’s purpose right away. It’s like a snug little store, except you already own all the merchandise.
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In short, what is new in the new Setapp?
App categories
Apps are neatly organized now, into categories from Productivity and Lifestyle to Mac Hacks and Maintenance. There’s still an app for every job, but now you’ll find it faster.
Brief summaries
No need to open previews and read full descriptions to figure out what apps do. With one-line summaries like “The Duplicate Finder” you see it at a glance.
Installed apps at hand
Apps you’ve already installed are grouped into a separate category, so you can jump straight to the tools you already know and use.
Now, in case you’ve grown accustomed to the Finder integration, we’ve got good news: as a current subscriber you can use Setapp the way you prefer, either as a folder in the Finder or a standalone app with categories. But if you’re all for new and better, just trash the Setapp folder and enjoy the revamped UI: your updated Setapp application can be opened from Launchpad.
And those of you who are just about to subscribe? We’re a little jealous. You’ll start already with a better structured Setapp, built on massive amounts of feedback from other Mac geeks. So go ahead, take a look at how Setapp has evolved: the one thing that didn’t change is it’s free to try for a month.
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macpaw · 7 years
Setapp officially launches. The revolution begins.
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It's Here!
Can you feel in your bones that everything is about to change?
A little over a month ago we announced the public beta of Setapp, our new, curated subscription app service with ambitions to change the world (one app at a time). On January 25th, Setapp will officially launch as we move into a bold new future where everyone can take a shortcut to the best Mac apps.
We want to thank everyone that took advantage of our beta. Your input has helped us to turn the user experience dial all the way up, through the addition of refinements, optimizations, and additions to the service itself.
We are confident that you’re going to be blown away by Setapp’s offerings on day one, but know that this is just the beginning. Every day we will be working to make Setapp even better for our subscribers.
What is Setapp?
If you’ve been out of the loop, let us tell you why Setapp is so special.
Here at MacPaw, we are developing apps that add value to people’s lives. Every one of our apps is easy to use, offers clear and practical benefits, and is continually being refined to improve the user experience.
In short: we know good apps. And we know that most apps are not good.
With Setapp we are handpicking apps that are safe, continually updated, always the latest version, offer significant benefits, and provide a high-quality user experience. When the beta launched, we had just over 40 apps that met these criteria. Now we’re at 61, and the Setapp library will continue to grow and grow until you can’t believe how many amazing apps you’re getting.
To get these apps, people need only subscribe to Setapp for $9.99 a month. At least 60 high quality Mac apps for the price of a couple coffees! For that single price, you can use all 61 apps (and the apps to come) without any extra fees and completely free of advertising.
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The first month is free so everyone can try out Setapp and get the full experience before deciding whether to subscribe.
Setapp: You’re all set
We hope that you’re as excited about Setapp as we are. If you’ve been following MacPaw for a while, you know that we’re obsessed with finding new ways to improve the user experience and deliver even more value.
Setapp is not just the next big step for our company; we believe it could be the next step for the industry. We encourage you to join us in rejecting the status quo and experiencing the evolution of app distribution.
For launch, we have secured all the major payment options including Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex, Discovery, and JBS. The ability to pay via Paypal will also be added soon.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the official release of Setapp and start discovering all the incredible apps that we have hand-picked just for you.
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macpaw · 8 years
Setapp Beta Launch: Viva la revolución!
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Setapp is based on a monthly subscription. One payment—dozens of applications. Setapp is free (and will always be) from advertising, in-app purchases, and paid updates. You sign up, install it on your Mac, and get instant access to all the apps on the list. But that is not the best thing about it.
The best thing is the app collection itself. We have exceptionally high quality standards for software vendors. As app developers ourselves, we know the definition of a good product. We hand-pick every app that ends up on the list and rapidly disqualify anyone who appears to be not as committed to quality and UX as they should be.
That is why Setapp collection is not just 40+ apps for the price of two coffees ($9.99), it’s a trash-free space where you don’t have to guess if any of the ten identical apps is worth anything. Luckily for us, there are enough diligent macOS developers out there, so Setapp collection keeps growing. We want to cover most of user needs for any occupation, from time management and freelance writing to coding and server monitoring. And we’re almost there.
We’re thrilled to deliver our first beta and can’t wait for the official release. Sign up now to be the first to try Setapp, before it becomes mainstream.
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macpaw · 8 years
The new CleanMyPC: smoother, better, faster, stronger
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Another celebration here at MacPaw HQ: our one of a kind Windows cleaner is getting a huge makeover. We’ve just released a completely renewed version of CleanMyPC and it’s not just more powerful than it used to be, but it’s also really handsome. Here’s what’s new in the new CleanMyPC:
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Naturally, it cleans more
We discovered another dumpster closet on your PC, literally. The so-called ‘memory dumps’ contain old memory files and can grow as big as 8 GB each. With the new cleaning tool in CleanMyPC you can click all that garbage away.
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We’re taking care of your privacy in Edge
If you’re one of the dedicated Edge browser users, rejoice. CleanMyPC is now clearing history, cookies, and downloads in Microsoft Edge as well. Keeping your private data private just got easier.
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A whole new look
With its clean, polished design, CleanMyPC is a perfect fit for the new Windows systems. It’s sleek and simple, nothing extra but the tools you need to keep your computer in good shape.
Get the all-new CleanMyPC at 20% off and never worry about a cluttered computer again!
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macpaw · 8 years
Apple confirms our 8-year-long journey towards a cleaner Mac
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Our team is already testing what the developer preview beta has to offer and it looks pretty exciting so far. We’ll keep you guys posted with more news on Sierra and upcoming plans.
Today, at Apple’s WWDC long-awaited keynote we were a little surprised, yet happy. Among the new features in the upcoming macOS Sierra there will be storage optimization and some basic system cleaning. We’re glad to see Apple finally moving in the direction we’ve been pursuing for the past eight years.
Our CleanMyMac 3 started as a cleaner back in 2008, but has since grown into something much more. It’s your go-to app for keeping your Mac running smoothly. With its system maintenance, health monitoring, and smart cleaning, it takes care of the whole Mac, not just frees up storage space. And now that Apple has taken some of the cleaning weight off of our shoulders, we can focus more on awesome new ways to keep your Mac truly performing on the next level.
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macpaw · 8 years
WWDC 2016, we’re counting down the days!
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The Mac universe is buzzing louder as the WWDC 2016 is getting nearer. Traditionally held at the dawn of summer, this time it runs on June 13th through 17th. It will be five days of reverent learning and frantic networking, as we’ll be trying to meet all the talented Mac developers, and failing because they’re too many.
This year we’ve done a bit of eavesdropping and it seems like OS updates are going to be the major topic, with both Mac OS X, WatchOS, and iOS getting a new version. There’s also a rumor about a Siri SDK, which is BIG for iOS developers.
Meet up with the MacPaw team this year
For MacPaw, WWDC is traditionally the biggest meeting of the year. We’re always getting ready for it as if it’s prom night all over again. This time it comes on the heels of our last big release, Gemini 2, so our team will be sporting branded Gemini tees. When at the venue, look for the blue eggs on the white field, that would be us (not the eggs, the people in the tees).
We’re very much looking forward to making new partnerships this year, so do stop by. We have projects up our sleeves that might be of great interest to you.
Here’s a list of the lucky attendees:
Oleksandr Kosovan | @kosovan CEO
Sofia Dvoynos | @sofiux Operations Team Lead
Egor Belenkov | @belenkov VP of Business Development
Yaroslav Stepanenko | @Yaroslav_S Product Marketing Manager
Julia Petryk | @ua_philka PR Manager
Vera Tkachenko | @ivira Cocoa Team Leader
Sergey Tatarchuk | @1Serg Cocoa Developer
Nikita Savchenko | @_n1ks Product Manager
Dmytro Tretiakov | @dimaty_86 Cocoa Developer
Serhiy Buchnev | @tanlan3p Cocoa Developer
Alexey Pawlowski | @fellowmartian Cocoa Developer
Sergey Krivoblotsky | @krivoblotsky Cocoa Developer
See you very soon.
Love, MacPaw team
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macpaw · 8 years
Gemini 2: Like Gemini, Only Smarter.
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MacPaw is over the moon today — we’ve just launched Gemini 2, The Duplicate File Finder. It’s like the original Gemini that got new powers and almost human intelligence: Gemini 2 detects similar files, easily tells copies from originals, and adapts to the way you work with it. It’s free to download, so you can give it a try right away.
What’s New in Gemini 2?
Gemini users have been amazing: they’ve suggested enough new features to build a whole duplicate powerhouse. We’ve added them to Gemini 2, and here’s what it does now:
Finds similar files Technically, retakes and lookalike pics are not duplicates, but they still take up your disk space. You can now find and remove similar files, too.
Scans your Photos library Duplicate images are major space wasters, and they all live in your Photos library. We’ve added Photos support to Gemini 2, so you could find duplicate pics in their natural habitat.
Shows you how files differ Even if two files look the same to you, they still differ by size, or location, or date. With Gemini 2, you see what the difference is at a glance, thanks to the handy icons.
Learns to remove files like you do Let’s say you always delete the larger copy of a file. Gemini 2 will notice that, offer you to remember the choice, and start autoselecting larger files for removal.
Removes files safely If you deleted the wrong copy by mistake, don’t worry: you can easily restore it. Gemini 2 moves files to the Trash and lets you put them back, if needed.
Has a simple 3-click mode You don’t even have to review the files, unless you want to. Just drop a folder, let Gemini 2 detect duplicates, and hit Clean. As easy as that.
System Requirements
To run Gemini 2, you’re going to need an Intel-based Mac with 65 MB of free space on the disk and OS X 10.10 or later.
Pricing and Upgrades
All Gemini users get a lifetime 50% upgrade discount. Don’t put it off until later, though: this week, we add a gift license on top of your upgrade. And, if you just got the original Gemini app (by “just” we mean between April 10th and May 10th), the upgrade is free for you.
There’s also good news for folks who haven’t used Gemini yet: you can get Gemini 2 at half the price on our release sale. May 10th through May 18th, it’s 50% off for everyone.
Anyway, we could talk about Gemini 2 for hours (literally), but why don’t you download it and take a look instead? Be sure to tell us what you think about it: we’re always in touch on Facebook and Twitter.
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P.S. Oh, and of course there’s an Easter Egg in Gemini 2 (there was an egg-shaped-logo joke here, but it was too cheesy). Tweet @macpaw if you can find it.
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macpaw · 8 years
Encryptor: And Privacy for All
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Data encryption is all over the news. The U.S. Senate is pushing a bill that obliges tech companies to decrypt user data, if told so by a court order. Critics say that would mean the end of data security.
Here at MacPaw — we just do our thing, and our thing is helping you keep private data private.
With that in mind, we made Encryptor, the engine we built to power our Encrypto app, open-source for developers and anyone interested. Why? Because one, we believe data protection tools should be widely available and easy to make. And two, we think people have the right to know how apps that handle their private files actually work.
So, fellow developers — go ahead and use our code to build your own encryption apps. Our beloved users — go ahead and look what Encrypto has under the hood. You can get Encryptor here on GitHub, along with installation and usage instructions. Enjoy!
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macpaw · 8 years
Listen Fans, Now You Have Your Personal Radio!
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We’re glad to announce another addition to our favorite music player Listen – online radio support. Now there’s infinitely more music for our users with both local radio spots and international stations.
But that’s not even the best part. The coolest thing about Listen Radio is custom-tailored stations selected based on your own music preferences.
The new Listen online radio has:
Radio stations near you
Stations around the world by genres
Curated radios, based on your tastes
Check it out on the App Store and you’ll never have to look for new music again.
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macpaw · 8 years
What Kyiv has that New York doesn’t.
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The MacPaw family genuinely believes Kyiv is shamefully underrated and undervisited by tourists. “When there’s so much to see in the city, how come people still don’t call it the next Berlin?”, we wondered. Kyiv is absolutely swell. Our space station (that’s literally what the office looks like) is located in the very heart of the city, and we know the party never ends here. But others don’t.
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People don’t know about Kyiv. We have to do something.
While we pondered how to fix it, our designer landed the news about On the Grid right on us and solved the problem altogether.
On the Grid started as a home project of a Brooklyn-based design agency Hyperakt. They had moved to a new district and, amazed by the variety of hip places, set out to create a friendly guide for anyone interested. They felt that yelp-ish platforms don’t do justice to the vibe of their new ‘hood and made sure the guide is rich with nice photography and insider tips.
On the Grid grew bigger and bigger, as agencies from other districts volunteered as tributes to join. The next thing Hyperakt knew, they were in charge of a massive movement comprised of design agencies from all over the world.
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This photo looks nothing like the district we picked for On the Grid.
Designers’ City Guide sounded exactly like what we needed. We contacted Hyperakt and in a few days were gathering a team of activists as a newly assigned Ambassador to Kyiv. We ran around the local gems of our chosen district and found curators for the other parts of the city.
Finally, Kyiv City Guide for Designers by MacPaw is ready. We have to admit, we checked the New York’s version, and found something even New York cannot offer — the friendliest, warmest feeling you get when you’re going out in Kyiv. The feeling of instant and lasting connection to people and places. But it’s not worth advertising here, check the guide and try it on your own.
Special thanks to our fellow curators:
Eugen Shylov
Sekretniy Dvorik
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macpaw · 8 years
Listen: A Player You Always Wanted
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The new version of Listen 2.2.5 has arrived today and is available for download on the App Store. It’s an update with all the cool features you’ve been waiting for.
What’s new in Listen 2.2.5?
Added Sorting by Artists
"Shake to Shuffle" option is now turned off by default
Fixed all known playback issues
Added “Settings” icon to the main screen of the app; now it’s always visible and easily accessible
Now it gets even more convenient to use Listen, you can sort your songs not only by albums and playlists, but also by artists. For the seamless experience the "Shake to Shuffle" option is turned off by default, so that you don’t have to worry about random music switching in your pocket. And all your settings can be accessed hassle-free from the main screen of the app.
Stay up-to-date and enjoy your music with Listen!
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macpaw · 8 years
MacPaw is 7! [Infographic]
We used to be a bunch of friends making apps because we liked it. Seven years later, we’re still a bunch of friends making apps because we like it. But now it’s 80 of us. On the verge of 2016, we're looking back at our amazing journey.
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