marluvvs · 1 year
Love it 💋
hi babe <3 can you write hcs of ellie williams x poet reader ♥️
poet!reader x ellie
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a/n: love this concept!! also this is literal ass -It's essential for Ellie to appreciate Y/n creativity and express her admiration for her work. She always asks Y/n about her inspiration and writing progress, and shows interest in her career by reading her stories and giving feedback. -But at the same time, Ellie also thinks it's important to remember to communicate her own feelings and interests in the relationship. While it's great to admire and support Y/n through her career, it's important to have open and honest communication about their feelings for each other and their goals as a couple. -Overall, dating a poet who writes cute stories can be a unique and exciting experience for Ellie, as long as both partners maintain open communication and show mutual respect and support each others interests and passions.
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marluvvs · 1 year
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anyfood universe spring 2023
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marluvvs · 1 year
The crush 4 pt. 1
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a/n: first time writing smut, be nice..
╰┈➤ The Crush (make sure to read what happened before!!)
The next day, the group of friends headed out to the beach, spending hours playing volleyball and lounging in the sun. Melanie showed off her impressive volleyball skills, spiking the ball with ease.
As the sun began to set, they headed back to the cabin and started a campfire outside. They roasted marshmallows and shared stories, trying to scare each other with tales of ghosts and monsters.
Just as Bella was finishing up her story about a haunted house, they heard the first drops of rain begin to fall. Within seconds, it was pouring down, and they had to scramble to grab their things and run inside the cabin.
Once inside, they all collapsed onto the couches, shivering from the sudden drop in temperature. "That was some rain," Mars commented, running her fingers through her damp hair.
"I know, right? I didn't even see any clouds earlier," Alondra said, trying to wring out her shirt.
Melanie and Noah cuddled together, trying to stay warm. "I'm glad we made it inside before we started falling since it was so slippery." Melanie said, snuggling closer to Noah.
Noah wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. "Me too."
As the rain continued to fall, they all decided to make the most of their unexpected indoor time. They pulled out a deck of cards and started playing games, laughing and joking around.
After a few rounds of cards, they all decided to go to sleep since they had to leave the next day.
Melanie and Noah headed to their room to change out of their wet clothes. Melanie rummaged through her bag, searching for a dry pair of pajamas. "Ugh, everything is soaked." she muttered, frustrated. Noah glanced over at her, concerned. "Do you need some help? I have some extra clothes in my bag."
Melanie's heart skipped a beat at the thought of changing into Noah's clothes. "Um, sure, that would be great. Thanks." she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
Noah pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, handing them to Melanie. "Here you go. I hope they fit okay." Melanie took the clothes from him, trying not to blush. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."
“Turn around.” Melanie says confused since Noah hasn’t yet. “Oh right, sorry” he says nervously. Noah walked past Melanie and she watched as he pulled his shirt off and hung it over the bed frame. Water dripped from his hair, rolling down his back, stroking his fingers through his hair. “you're wet, Mel " he said while moving closer to her, she jumped feeling his breath on her neck. Melanie looks up at him confused by what he meant. “Your hair darling.” He chuckles. There is so much tension.
They start kissing, Noah picks melenie up, gripping her thighs. Melanies back meets the wall. Noah uses his free hand to unbutton Melanie’s shirt. Melanie uses both of hers to help him. They stop kissing for a while so Noah can take off Melanie’s shirt completely. The shirt meets the floor and Noahs fingers reach the button of her jeans. Noahs kiss was full of passion, and back on hers as he slides his hands between her hips and panties. Melanie let’s out a small moan looking up at him, keeping eye contact. He grips the waist-band of the jeans and lowered himself on her body as he works to slide them off. Melenie kicked her legs to help him take off her pants. Noah starts going back up, kissing her body, keeping the same eye contact as before. Once Noah is standing up, he reaches to the clasp of her bra. Melanie’s stomach clenches as he begins to unfasten it. Noahs mouth found Melanie’s again, this time it was gentle and slow.
They went on for what seemed like years, by the time they stopped they were already out of breath. Noah started to move down slowly kissing her body along the way, he reaches her crotch. She gets excited and lets out a moan. “Calm down princess, i haven’t even started yet.” Noah says. “Sorry I’m just excited, baby.” Melanie says still keeping eye contact. He starts to pull down her panties, revealing her beautiful pussy. “Oh god, im getting hard already.” Noah says while trying to calm himself down. “You should be” Melanie says with a smirk. “Are you ready?” He says while looking down at his bulging cock. “Mhm” Melanie says slightly moaning, She helped Noah take his pants and boxers off. “Oh wow!” Melanie exclaims, “what? What’s wrong?” Noah asks confused. “No, nothings wrong! It’s perfect actually.” She says winking. Noah chuckles while blushing.
“wait, before you put it in. Do you have a condom?” Melanie asks worried. “Yea, i brought some just in case i got lucky” Noah says smirking, “i guess you did” Melanie says. He rips the packaging of the condom with his teeth, slips the condom onto his cock and moves closer to Melanie’s pussy.
Feeling the tension between each other Noah’s cock got even more aroused. He slips his hard cock in while looking into Melanie’s eyes as she rolls them. He’s thrusting inside her, breathing heavily, getting harder each time, the wall pounding with each thrust.
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marluvvs · 1 year
The Crush 4 pt. 2
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a/n: read “The Crush pt. 1” first!!
╰┈➤ The Crush (make sure to read what happened before!!)
“Oh my god..Noah. You make me feel so good!” Melanie says while moaning, trying not to loudly so the others don’t hear. But it feels so good that she screamed. Noah started to thrust harder, making him moan.
They moved on to the bed, kissing while Noah was carrying her. Melanie got on top of him and started to ride his cock, with her right hand of her mouth and her left on his chest. “Mel.. you’re gonna make me cum!” Noah says while holding his breath, “not yet, when i tell you to.” Melanie says.
Noah flips her around so her ass is facing him.“you don’t get anything from me until you ask me. Admit you want me to touch you.” Noah says. Melanie nods. “say the words.” Noah demands “yes! i want you to touch me.”
He goes down to her vagina and starts to play with her lips with his tongue.. Melanie was making beyond pornogetic sounds.
Noah then slipped his cock back into her,he was thrusting in and out of Melanie . “im going to cum!” she screamed. “cum for me baby.” Noah said. She came,she let out a moan so loud that Noah covered her mouth with his hand. Not much after he came too. Noah got up to go to the bathroom. When he came out he was holding a wet rag. “spread your legs.” he told Melanie, he didnt say it in a lustful way but in a loving way. Melanie spread her legs and Noah cleaned her up. “you did good princess,” Noah said kissing the top of her forehead. “i love you, alright, get some sleep.”
“Omg. Did you just-“ Melanie said,she felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes widening in surprise. Noah felt his heart soar, a grin spreading across his face. He pulled her into a tight hug, feeling a sense of relief and happiness wash over him, “yes.” He whispered.
Melanie and Noah eventually drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
As they slept, the sound of the rain tapping against the windows provided a peaceful background noise. The only other sounds were the soft snores coming from Noah, as he slept soundly.
Melanie lay awake for a while, her mind racing with thoughts of Noah and their newfound love for each other, and the fact that they had the most amazing sex ever. She couldn't believe that they had finally admitted their feelings, and she felt a sense of contentment knowing that they were together.
After a while, she too drifted off to sleep, feeling the warmth of Noah's body next to hers. They both slept peacefully through the night, completely oblivious to the storm that was raging outside.
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marluvvs · 1 year
The Crush 3
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a/n: there might be smut soon 😏..
╰┈➤ The Crush (make sure to read what happened before!!)
Melanie and Noah arrived at Bella's parents' cabin, excited for their sleepover with their friends. They were greeted by Mars, Alondra, Bella, Sam, and Devin, who were already inside the cabin.
"Hey guys! We made it!" Melanie exclaimed as they entered the living room.
"Yay! The party can finally start!" Bella added with a grin.
Melanie and Noah were shocked to see that there was only one bed in the room. They exchanged a look of disbelief before turning to their friends.
"Uh, guys, what's the deal with the sleeping arrangements?" Noah asked, his eyes flickering between the bed and the floor.
"I'm sorry, we didn't realize there was only one bed," Bella apologized, looking flustered. "We can try to make it work somehow."
Melanie and Noah exchanged another glance, unsure of what to do. They both knew that they couldn't just leave one person to sleep on the floor, but neither of them wanted to be the one to suggest sharing the bed. "Looks like we're roommates for the night," Noah said with a smile as they entered the room.
"Yeah, it's cool. I'm excited for the sleepover," Melanie replied as she placed her backpack on the bed.
"Take the bed, Mel. I'll take the couch," Noah said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"No, it's okay. I can take the couch," Melanie insisted, feeling guilty for making Noah give up the bed.
They both stood there, staring at each other, until Melanie had an idea. "Actually, why don't we just share the bed?" she suggested, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Noah hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing. "Sure, that works."
As they climbed into the queen-sized bed, they both tried to give each other as much space as possible. The tension was palpable, and the silence between them was uncomfortable.
After a few moments of awkwardness, Melanie decided to break the ice. "So, Noah, do you remember that time in middle school when we went on that field trip and you got lost in the woods?"
Noah chuckled. "Yeah, I remember. You were the one who found me."
They both started reminiscing about old times, laughing and joking around. The more they talked, the more comfortable they became, and the tension between them slowly dissipated.
As they settled into the bed, Melanie realized that this was the perfect opportunity to make a move on Noah. She snuggled up to him, feeling his warmth against her side.
They heard some giggling and laughter coming from the other rooms. "I wonder what they're up to," Noah said with a smirk. "I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough," Melanie replied with a grin.
They spent some time getting ready for bed, and before they knew it, it was time to turn in for the night.
"Goodnight, Noah," Melanie said as she climbed into her bed. "Goodnight, Melanie," Noah replied as he turned off the lamp on his nightstand.
As they drifted off to sleep, Melanie felt a sense of peace wash over her. Even though she was still surrounded by darkness and silence, she no longer felt alone.
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marluvvs · 1 year
You should do a gic where Joel finds Ellie at a bar by herself with a girl who he knows is not good for her, she doesn’t trust Joel in what he’s trying to say to her and ignores him for the longest time but later finds out that he was right?
bad news
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a/n: sorry for not posting over the weekend, I've been staying at my friend's dorm 😭 also the reader is a bitch in this one sorry Joel has been searching for Ellie for weeks, ever since she disappeared after their argument. He had been worried sick about her and had checked all her usual haunts with no luck of finding her. But tonight, he finally found her. He walked into the dimly lit bar and spotted Ellie sitting at a corner table, her eyes fixed on the woman sitting across from her. Joel recognized the woman immediately as one of the bad influences from Ellie's past, and his heart sank. Y/n was one of Ellie's exes, she cheated on her. "Ellie, we need to talk," Joel said, approaching her cautiously. Ellie barely glanced up, her expression cold and guarded. "I don't want to talk to you right now." She said, with no emotion in her voice. Joel sighed heavily, knowing Ellie was stubborn and unlikely to listen to reason when she was in this mood. But he couldn't leave her alone with that woman. "Look, Ellie, I know you don't trust me right now, but you have to listen to me. That woman is bad news. She's going to lead you down a dark path, and you know it," Joel said, his voice urgent. Ellie rolled her eyes, clearly not interested in hearing any of Joel's warnings. "You're always trying to control me, Joel. I can make my own decisions." She said defiantly. Joel knew that arguing with Ellie in this state was pointless. He decided to take a different tack. "Fine, Ellie. Do what you want. But just remember that I'm here for you, no matter what," Joel said, before turning to leave. Ellie watched him go, feeling a pang of regret. She knew deep down that Joel had always had her best interests at heart, even when they disagreed. But was too stubborn to admit it. Days turned into weeks, and Joel didn't hear anything from Ellie. he tried to call and text her, but she never responded. He began to worry that he had pushed her away for good. But then, one night, Ellie showed up on his doorstep, tears streaming down her face. "Joel," She said, throwing herself into his arms. "I'm so sorry. You were right about Y/n. She was bad news, and she almost got me into some serious trouble." Joel held her close, his heart swelling with relief. "It's okay, Ellie. I'm just glad you're safe." "I should have listened to you," Ellie said, pulling away from him. "I don't why I didn't trust you." "Because you're stubborn," Joel said with a small smile. Ellie smiled back at him, and Joel knew that everything was going to be okay. They had been through so much together, and nothing could ever break the bond they shared.
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marluvvs · 1 year
The Crush 2
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a/n: this is a continuing version of the first “The Crush.”
╰┈➤ The Crush
As the weeks went by, Noah and Melanie's relationship continued to blossom. They went on cute dates, shared secrets, and made unforgettable memories. Noah couldn't believe how lucky he was to have someone like Melanie in his life.
Prom was just around the corner, and Noah knew that this was the perfect opportunity to take their relationship to the next level. However, he was incredibly nervous about asking her to be his date.
Finally, one day after school, Noah mustered up the courage to ask Melanie to prom. "Melanie, I know this may sound cheesy, but I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my prom date?" he said, trying to sound as confident as possible.
Melanie's face lit up with excitement. "Of course, I would love to go to prom with you!" she exclaimed.
On the night of prom, Noah and Melanie looked stunning. Melanie wore a beautiful dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, and Noah looked dapper in his suit. As the night progressed and the prom was in full swing, Noah and Melanie were having the time of their lives. They danced to upbeat songs, shared a laugh and chatted with their friends. But when the DJ started playing a slow song, Noah knew that this was his chance to ask Melanie to dance.
"Hey, Melanie, would you like to dance with me?" Noah asked, his heart racing with nervousness.
Melanie smiled widely and nodded her head. "I'd love to dance with you, Noah," she said.
They took to the dance floor, swaying to the rhythm of the music. As they danced, Noah couldn't help but feel a connection with Melanie. He looked into her sparkling brown eyes and felt his heart skip a beat.
"I'm having a great time with you, Melanie," Noah said, smiling down at her.
"Me too, Noah. You're such a great dancer," Melanie replied, giggling.
Later that night, Melanie excused herself to go to the bathroom. Noah followed her, hoping to steal a private moment with her. When he found her, she was fixing her hair in front of the mirror. They chatted about how much they were enjoying the night.
"Hey, Melanie," Noah said, standing behind her.
Melanie turned around and smiled when she saw him. "Hey, Noah. What's up?" she asked.
"I just wanted to come check on you and see how you're doing," Noah replied.
"I'm doing great. I'm having an amazing time tonight," Melanie said, smiling.
"Me too. And there's something else I wanted to do," Noah said, his heart racing with anticipation.
"What is it?" Melanie asked, looking up at him.
Without saying anything, Noah leaned in and kissed her. Melanie was surprised at first, but then she melted into the kiss. They kissed for what felt like an eternity, their passion for each other growing stronger with each passing second.
When they finally pulled away, they were both out of breath. Noah looked into Melanie's eyes and smiled.
"I've been wanting to do that for weeks," he said.
"Me too," Melanie replied, grinning from ear to ear.
Noah and Melanie knew that they were meant to be together.
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marluvvs · 1 year
The crush.
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a/n: For my dearest @ballerinasinparis
Melanie had been crushing on Noah for months now. She couldn't help but admire his kind and gentle nature, despite his social awkwardness. Melanie had always been shy around him and never really had the courage to tell him how she felt.
One day, Melanie's friend Alondra decided to take matters into her own hands and told Noah that Melanie had a crush on him. Noah was surprised but couldn't help but feel a little bit flattered.
During the winter break, Noah couldn't stop thinking about what Alondra had told him. He wondered if Melanie really liked him and if there was a chance that they could be together. He spent the entire break daydreaming about her and wondering what it would be like to be with her.
When they went back to school, Noah couldn't help but keep glancing over at Melanie. She looked as beautiful as ever, with her long curly hair bouncing with every step she took. Noah couldn't believe that he had never really noticed her before. He found himself captivated by her sparkling brown eyes and her spiritual smile that seemed to light up the entire room.
Finally, one day during lunch, Noah mustered up the courage to talk to Melanie. "Hey, Melanie," he said nervously. "I heard from Alondra that you have a crush on me. Is that true?"
Melanie blushed bright red and looked down at her feet. "Yes, it's true," she said quietly.
Noah smiled warmly at her. "I just wanted to let you know that I really like you too," he said. "I've been thinking about you a lot over the break and I couldn't stop looking at you when we got back to school. Would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Melanie's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Noah. She couldn't believe that he felt the same way about her. "Yes, I would love to go out with you," she said, her voice filled with excitement.
( based on a true story )
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marluvvs · 1 year
I love your works so much, don’t listen to the haters🙄 Anyways can u possibly do a Joel Goldberg angst type of thing??? Like where joel and the reader breaks up and than he kind of stalks her???💕💕💕
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a/n: Thank you so much for your kind words and support, I honestly didn’t know what to write so it might be sloppy 😔
Y/N's heart pounded in their chest as they stared at the glass cage in Joe's basement. They couldn't believe what they were seeing - it looked like something out of a horror movie.
"What is this?" Y/N asked, their voice barely above a whisper.
Joe's expression darkened. "It's nothing, Y/N. Just... something I built a long time ago. It's not important."
Y/N shook their head. "No, Joe, this is important. What is it for? Why is it here?"
Joe hesitated, looking down at his feet. "I built it to... to keep someone safe."
"Keep someone safe?" Y/N repeated, their voice rising. "Joe, this is a cage. You can't keep someone safe in a cage. Who did you put in here?"
Joe's jaw tightened. "It doesn't matter, Y/N. It's over now. I haven't used it in years."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Years? Joe, how long have you had this thing?"
Joe didn't answer, and Y/N knew the answer before he even spoke.
"Since before I met you," he said finally.
Y/N felt sick to their stomach. "You... you put someone in here before you met me?"
Joe nodded slowly. "Yes. But it was a long time ago, Y/N. I didn't know what else to do. I was trying to help them."
"By locking them up?" Y/N exclaimed, their voice rising in anger. "That's not help, Joe. That's abuse."
Joe looked at Y/N, his eyes pleading. "Please, Y/N. I know it's not right. But I need you to understand. I did it out of love.”
Y/N suddenly wakes up, not remembering that she fell asleep in the first place.
"You... you locked me in the glass cage?" Y/N asked, their voice trembling.
Joe looked away, his expression pained. "I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I just... I don't know. I felt like I needed to keep you safe."
"By locking me up like a prisoner?" Y/N exclaimed. "Joe, that's not safe. That's not normal. I can't believe you would do something like that."
"I know, I know," Joe said, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to lose you. I can't imagine my life without you."
Y/N shook their head in disbelief. "I can't stay with you, Joe. Not after this. I don't feel safe around you anymore."
Joe's eyes filled with tears. "Please, Y/N, don't go. I'll do anything. I'll give you money, I'll tell you where to go. Just please, don't tell anyone about the cage. I couldn't bear it if people found out."
Y/N hesitated, torn between their love for Joe and their fear of what he was capable of. Finally, they shook their head. "I have to go, Joe. I'm sorry."
Joe nodded, tears streaming down his face. He handed Y/N an envelope full of cash and a piece of paper with an address on it. "Go there. It's a safe place. You'll be okay."
Y/N took the money and the address, feeling numb. "Goodbye, Joe."
Joe choked back a sob. "Goodbye, Y/N. I'll always love you."
You were torn. Part of you wanted to believe Joe and give him another chance, but another part of you was terrified of what he was capable of.
As you walked away, you could feel Joe's eyes on your back, and a part of you wondered if you were making a mistake by leaving him behind.
a/n: also I don’t know what happened to the gif
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marluvvs · 1 year
Stop writing. You barely get likes. You’re posting for no reason. It’s honestly annoying, you’re not even good.
I write because it's a passion of mine and I enjoy it, not solely for the purpose of getting likes. While validation from others can be nice, it's not the sole reason I create content. I understand that not everyone will enjoy or appreciate my fics, and that's okay. I will continue to write and because it brings me joy.
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marluvvs · 1 year
can you please continue your recent bridgerton fic, I LOVE IT
╰┈➤ Lost Love Found
Here you go, I had already wrote it so I couldn’t post it to your request. sorry
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marluvvs · 1 year
Lost Love Found.
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a/n: This is a continued version of “First Dance”
As you left the ballroom, you couldn't help but feel disappointed that you didn't get to say goodbye to Nicholas. You knew that your sisters had locked you in that room on purpose, and you couldn't help but feel angry at them for ruining your chance at finding a husband.
The next day, as you were walking in the park, you saw Nicholas sitting on a bench, reading a book. You felt your heart skip a beat as you walked towards him.
"Nicholas, it's you!" you exclaimed, as he looked up and smiled at you. "I thought I would never see you again."
"I'm glad I ran into you too," he replied. "I was worried that I had lost you forever after last night.
You smiled at him, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "I had a wonderful time dancing with you last night. I hope we can see each other again soon."
Nicholas stood up and offered you his arm. "I would be delighted to take a walk with you, if you'll have me."
You accepted his offer and walked together, enjoying each other's company as you strolled through the park. You talked about your interests and shared stories about your childhood, feeling more and more comfortable with each passing moment.
As the sun began to set, Nicholas turned to you and said, "I would like to see you again, if you'll allow me. Perhaps we could go for a carriage ride tomorrow?"
You smiled at him, feeling your heart race with excitement. "I would love that."
And so began your courtship with Nicholas Bridgerton, a man who would become the love of your life. You knew that your sisters would be jealous, but you didn't care. You had found true love, and that was all that mattered.
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marluvvs · 1 year
First Dance.
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a/n: I thought this concept was cute/interesting! 💋
As I stepped into the grand ballroom, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. It was the annual ball where all the eligible bachelors of the town would gather, and I had come here with only one intention - to find myself a well-fit husband.
I was dressed in a white and gold sparkly dress with shiny bright diamonds with gold, which hugged my curves perfectly. As I made my way through the crowd, I noticed many men turning their heads towards me, but only one caught my eye - a tall,handsome, charming man, dressed in a black tuxedo with a red rose in his pocket. He introduced himself as Nicholas Bridgerton, and asked me to dance.
As we danced, we had a wonderful conversation that I felt truly connected with him. He was charming, witty, and intelligent, everything I was looking for in a husband. However, just as we were about to exchange our goodbyes, my sisters appeared, looking jealous and angry that I was getting more attention than them.
Before I could say anything, they dragged me out of the ballroom and locked me in a room. I tried to call out for help, but my voice was lost in the loud music and chatter of the ballroom. I was trapped, and the man I had just connected with was nowhere to be found.
As the night drew to a close, my mother finally found me, and we made our way back home. But I couldn't shake off the feeling of regret that I never got to say goodbye to Nicholas. I hoped that our paths would cross again someday, but for now, I was left wondering what could have been.
And so, with a heavy heart, I left the ballroom, not knowing if I would ever see Nicholas, the most sweet, most funny, most charming Bridgerton, again.
a/n: also, sorry it’s a shorter fic 🤍
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marluvvs · 1 year
can you pls do a fic of joe goldberg? maybe joe stalking f! reader
New Obsession.
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a/n: First “YOU” fic, this was interesting to write.. 😘
You had just moved to the city, excited to start your new job as a journalist. You had heard great things about the city and couldn't wait to explore everything it had to offer. Little did you know that your life was about to take a dangerous turn.
As you were walking home from work one evening, you noticed a man following you. You tried to ignore him and pick up your pace, but he kept getting closer. Finally, you turned around and confronted him.
"Can I help you?" you asked, trying to sound confident.
The man, who introduced himself as Joe, seemed harmless enough at first. He even apologized for following you and explained that he was new to the city too and just wanted to make friends. You felt a little uneasy, but you didn't want to be rude, so you exchanged numbers and went on your way.
Over the next few weeks, Joe started showing up everywhere you went. He would randomly show up at your favorite coffee shop or the park where you liked to read. You tried to ignore him, but he was persistent. He even started calling and texting you constantly, wanting to know what you were doing every minute of the day.
One night, you were working late at the office when you heard a knock on the door. It was Joe, and he had brought you dinner. You tried to politely decline, but he insisted, saying that he wanted to make up for being so creepy.
As you ate dinner with Joe, you started to realize that there was something off about him. He seemed too perfect, too interested in you. And then he said something that made your blood run cold.
"I've been watching you, y/n," he said. "I know everything about you."
You tried to get up and leave, but Joe blocked your way. He had a crazed look in his eyes, and you knew that you were in danger.
"You can't leave me," he said. "I love you, y/n. I'll do anything to be with you."
You managed to push past Joe and run out of the building. You didn't stop until you were safely back in your apartment, with the door locked and the curtains drawn.
But Joe wasn't done with you yet. He continued to follow you, sending you gifts and letters professing his love. You were terrified, but you didn't know what to do. You couldn't go to the police, because you didn't have any proof that Joe was dangerous. And you couldn't confront him, because you were afraid of what he might do.
Finally, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You did some digging and found out about Joe's dark past, his history of stalking and violence. You knew that you had to get away from him before it was too late.
You packed your bags and left the city, hoping that Joe wouldn't be able to find you. But as you drove away, you couldn't shake the feeling that he was still watching you, still following you. You knew that you would never be able to truly escape the danger that Joe posed.
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marluvvs · 1 year
i loved your glenn fic!♥️💋 can you please do one in which glenn and the reader are dating???
Glenn protects, always. ( continued )
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a/n: This is the first Glenn twd fic continued, and I’m so glad you like the first one so much! enjoy ❤️
╰┈➤ Glenn protects, always
It's been a few months since Glenn rescued me from the walkers. I never thought I'd be alive after that attack, but Glenn came to my rescue and pulled me out of danger. Ever since then, we've been inseparable. It feels like we've known each other for years.
Glenn and I had been dating for a couple of months now, ever since he rescued me from a horde of walkers that had been chasing me down. It was a terrifying experience, but Glenn had swooped in at just the right moment and saved my life.
Since then, we had become inseparable. We spent most of our days scavenging for supplies and fighting off walkers together, and every night we would sit around a campfire and talk about our hopes and dreams for the future.
"Hey, you ready to head out?" Glenn asked, interrupting my thoughts as he slung his crossbow over his shoulder.
I nodded, grabbing my machete from its sheath at my waist. "Yeah, let's do this."
As we walk through the abandoned streets, killing walkers as we go, I can't help but feel grateful to have Glenn by my side. He's always so calm and collected, even when we're in the midst of a dangerous situation. His quick reflexes and sharp mind have saved us more times than I can count.
It was a routine we had grown used to, but we never let our guard down. Suddenly, we heard a loud moan from around the corner. We both froze, readying our weapons for whatever was coming our way. As the walker came into view, Glenn fired a bolt from his crossbow, hitting it square in the forehead. I swung my machete, finishing it off with a clean slice. "Nice work," Glenn said, giving me a small smile.
As we continued on our way, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Glenn's presence in my life. He had saved me from a certain death, and in doing so had given me a reason to keep fighting. "Hey, are you okay?" Glenn asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up at him, taking in the sweat on his forehead and the dirt on his face. He looks exhausted, but he's still pushing forward. "Yeah, I'm fine," I say, reaching out to grab his hand. "Thanks for asking."
“I've been meaning to ask you something." Glenn said suddenly "What's up?" I replied, turning to look at him. Glenn squeezes my hand, and I feel a rush of affection towards him. We may be surrounded by death and destruction, but with Glenn by my side, I feel like we can conquer anything.
"I love you," Glenn says suddenly, his eyes meeting mine. I feel my heart skip a beat. "I love you too," I say, smiling at him. "I know things are tough right now, but when all of this is over...do you think we could start a life together? You know, find a place to settle down and build something of our own?" I was taken aback by his question, but as I looked into his eyes, I knew my answer.
"Yeah, Glenn. I think that sounds perfect." We may be living in a post-apocalyptic world, but with Glenn by my side, I feel like I have everything I need.
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marluvvs · 1 year
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Heyy! My name is Mars, I'm 19, an Aries with a passion for romanticizing/writing about fictional characters 😭. My preferred pronouns are she/her. ( request are currently open! )
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marluvvs · 1 year
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