maybailler · 1 year
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maybailler · 1 year
Também conhecido como ser o filho mais velho.
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maybailler · 1 year
Person I don’t see in a long time: Hi. How’re you doing?
My honest answer: Like I ran out of energy in 2012 but my body decided to keep going anyway. What about you?
What do Answer: Great. You?
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maybailler · 2 years
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Drunk! Eddie 🍺🥴
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maybailler · 4 years
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My Carnaval Siren with @rubyrose_oficial. . . . #pausaparafeminices #amomaquiagem #esfumado #maquiagensbrasil #maquiagembrasil #maquiagem_insta #loucaspormake #maquiadoro #makeporamor #beatthatface #makeupfeed #makeupfanatic #makeuplooks #makeupbyme #beautyjunkie #makeupinstagram #instagrammakeup #blueishmakeup #bluepalette #mermaidmakeup #oceanmakeup #sirenmakeup #siren #rubyrosepalette #rubyrosemakeup #rubyroseskypalette #carnavalmakeup #carnaval2020 #mermaid #artistcmakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qm9t9pjrz/?igshid=1qsjf8ywxoc0b
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maybailler · 4 years
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My Carnaval Siren with @rubyrose_oficial. . . . #pausaparafeminices #amomaquiagem #esfumado #maquiagensbrasil #maquiagembrasil #maquiagem_insta #loucaspormake #maquiadoro #makeporamor #beatthatface #makeupfeed #makeupfanatic #makeuplooks #makeupbyme #beautyjunkie #makeupinstagram #instagrammakeup #blueishmakeup #bluepalette #mermaidmakeup #oceanmakeup #sirenmakeup #siren #rubyrosepalette #rubyrosemakeup #rubyrose #carnavalmakeup #carnaval2020 #mermaid #artistcmakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/B8p-b5xJelW/?igshid=gc09k93lsflw
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maybailler · 4 years
More about things that weren't explored on the show. At list not enough for me.
I don’t know if this was included in shipsanddip’s wonderful meta or not, but she totally just made me realize a perfect explanation for why Derek never seemed to recognize Ennis. If Peter was really telling his own story, then of course Derek wouldn’t recognize Ennis; he’d have no reason to. 
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maybailler · 4 years
A pretty deep analysis of one of my favorite characters of the show.
"What the Hale Is Going on in Peter's Head?" – An In-Depth Examination
To fandom, Peter’s anything and everything. He’s a Chaotic Neutral, a psychopath, a sociopath, a tragic victim, an Evil Mastermind, a Bad Guy, an antihero, Tom Riddle 2.0. It seems like no one can decide what Peter is.
We could say he’s a wild card and leave it at that, or we could try to figure him out. And to do that, we need to find out what he wants. What is it that drives him? What is his motivation?
Before we can even start to delve into the mystery that is Peter Hale’s motivation (*cough* revenge *cough*), we have to first ask ourselves: What is he capable of wanting? I hear fandom most commonly refer to him as a psychopath, but what exactly is a psychopath?
No psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned “psychopathy" as an official diagnosis, but in common conversation and in pop culture especially, psychopathy is typically synonymous with “Antisocial Personality Disorder", at least in the USA. (Psychiatrists and psychologists in the USA use the DSM, or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; meanwhile, almost everyone else in the world used the ICD, or the International Classification of Diseases. We’re gonna go with the DSM because Teen Wolf takes place in California.)
Based off the DSM, if I had, you know, an actual psych degree (disclaimer: I don’t), I could diagnose Peter with Antisocial Personality Disorder, but I wouldn’t say the diagnosis fits him very well. I don’t own a DSM; it’s pretty expensive, but I’d say the internet’s good enough in this case. Here’s an edited screenshot from mentalhealth.com: 
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He qualifies for at least 3 of the criteria, so clearly we can diagnose him. However, he doesn’t fit the mold for the classical case of APD. (And he and the writers know it, too.)
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(not mine)
The hallmarks of APD are a lack of empathy and the inability to love. Think Hannibal Lecter. Now, can Peter empathize and/or love? That’s debatable. TL;DR. 
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maybailler · 5 years
Some days it's hard to keep a smile. Becouse no one never noticed that your smile is false. I wander if someone would notice if I stop smiling.
Quiet Soul
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maybailler · 5 years
Exactly how I think. I wanted to be safe not stronger.
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maybailler · 5 years
Trying to keep myself safe from my on thoughts. It's harder everyday.
Quiet screams
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maybailler · 5 years
I'm so tired of being tired. Tired of scream in my head and never to the world. Tired of close my mouth and my eyes and try to keep quiet.
Quiet screams
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maybailler · 5 years
Por um tempo pensei que meu desespero nunca me traria aqui novamente. Deveria saber melhor, eu nunca acerto mesmo.
Ressaca de Insônia
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maybailler · 5 years
Estou tão cansada de estar cansada. Cansada de me sentir presa a céu aberto. Cansada de sufocar com os pulmões cheios. Cansada.
Ressaca de Insônia
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maybailler · 6 years
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Harry Potter e o Mentor das Trevas - Capítulo 10 - Bônus (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/daCF41tM2I Depois de um ano difícil onde aprender a não confiar em ninguém, Harry precisa lidar não apenas com a verdade sobre a morte de seus pais, e sim com os mistérios que cercam tal evento. Há muito mais acontecendo em Hogwarts do que ele pensava, e pela primeira vez, ele pode fazer algo alem de sentar-se e esperar pelo ataque. Esta historia é a sequencia de "Harry Potter e a Serpente de Cristal", será complicado compreender os acontecimentos se não estiver familiarizado com o desenvolvimento dos personagens. Ajudinha para quem está chegando agora: - Dumbledore não é bom como todos pensavam; - Harry Potter tem seus proprios segredos obscuros; - Tom Riddle não é necessariamente o vilão aqui( mas ele também não é nenhum herói); - Harry é muito mais Soncerino do que Grifinorio atualmente; - Essa É UMA HISTORIA SLASH, HOMEMXHOMEM, SE ESSA NÃO É A SUA ONDA, POR FAVOR SIGA EM FRENTE E PROCURE OUTRA HISTORIA; - Drarry( por enquanto); - Lembre-se, é uma fic +18, e eu faço jus a essa classificação, você foi avisado.
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maybailler · 6 years
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Harry Potter e o Mentor das Trevas - Capítulo 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/9Dc6J6z81I Depois de um ano difícil onde aprender a não confiar em ninguém, Harry precisa lidar não apenas com a verdade sobre a morte de seus pais, e sim com os mistérios que cercam tal evento. Há muito mais acontecendo em Hogwarts do que ele pensava, e pela primeira vez, ele pode fazer algo alem de sentar-se e esperar pelo ataque. Esta historia é a sequencia de "Harry Potter e a Serpente de Cristal", será complicado compreender os acontecimentos se não estiver familiarizado com o desenvolvimento dos personagens. Ajudinha para quem está chegando agora: - Dumbledore não é bom como todos pensavam; - Harry Potter tem seus próprios segredos obscuros; - Tom Riddle não é necessariamente o vilão aqui( mas ele também não é nenhum herói); - Harry é muito mais Sonserino do que Grifinorio atualmente; - Essa É UMA HISTORIA SLASH, HOMEMXHOMEM, SE ESSA NÃO É A SUA ONDA, POR FAVOR SIGA EM FRENTE E PROCURE OUTRA HISTORIA; - Drarry( por enquanto); - Lembre-se, é uma fic +18, e eu faço jus a essa classificação, você foi avisado.
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maybailler · 7 years
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1. Trying to write, but getting distracted by reading
2. Or the internet
3. Or an extremely difficult task you’ve been putting off, but is now calling your name like a siren
4. NaNoWriMo – NAsty NOt WRIting-enough MOnth
5. Camp NaNoWriMo – Camp NAive NO-progress-despite-setting-my-own-goals WRIting MOnth
6. Rewriting, only to have the replacement work sound just as dreadful
7. Killing your darlings, and your not-so-darlings, and your okays, then realising you just obliterated 10,000 words of work and the story still isn’t any better
8. Having one sentence sound like a song, and the next sound like a trash compactor choking on a bicycle
9. Well-meaning non-writers who don’t understand why you’re crying at your laptop at 3AM
10. Constant internal screaming, not only your own, but the anguished cries of all the characters you’re planning to destroy in pursuit of greatness
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