minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
There was a great flood in the past explaining why land is bigger in treasure maps.
Climate change hit Minecraft hard 😔
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minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
The inventory is, basically, a really complex form of arcane manipulation that certain creatures use to store things within their souls. Players seem to have the best mastery over the concept, hence their extremely large inventories, and the limitations of the inventory are done both to prevent the raw arcane energy from mixing in weird ways (for example, you don't stack equipment because you could end up accidentally diluting the enchantments over several pieces of equipment), and to try and make the most out of the available space.
As for why you lose everything upon death, that's because when respawning, the soul briefly phases out and back into reality, making everything within it just drop back into the world.
This a great and complex explanation that I am now stealing for my personal headcanons! I love it!
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minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
Deepslate is degraded Bedrock. Nice n’ simple one.
Seems a bit scary that the world is getting deeper... if the warden is exposed, what else lurks beneath the bedrock?
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minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
Not the same person, but blackstone is a genuine in-game item found in basalt deltas and under lava lakes, and acts functionally like cobblestone. Here is a photo from the minecraft wiki.
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I knew that
I will no longer reply to asks at midnight.
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minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
The Stone Swords Wither Skeletons use are actually made of Blackstone, which is what gives it the withering property. - 🍁
Why does blackstone offer withering properties? Was it created by withers?
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minecraftheadcanons · 9 months
Hey next time please don't publish an ask that is shitting on how other people draw Pillagers/Illagers, it's rude to call designs boring! To that anon you can make them look like whatever you want but the moment you disrespect other styles and interpretations that ain't it chief.
Hey, I appreciate your feedback.
I personally don't feel like the ask is directly attacking all generic designs. To me, it's okay for people to like or dislike certain designs or headcanons.
I'm posting this ask to get a bit more feedback on if I need to be stricter on this in the future.
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
I've decided that pillagers/illagers just being scary looking humanoids is a little boring. What if, perhaps, they have more elephant-like features? Gray, wrinkly skin, a short "trunk" nose that is used in communication, sparse hair and large ears. It sort of fits, since elephants are known to be smart and wise, important qualities in someone who's mastering magic. However, elephants are also peaceful, unlike the pillagers. I wonder what happened to make them choose such an aggressive lifestyle?
This is such a cute picture of pillagers! I've never seen ideas of them to be so separate from villagers.
While elephants are peaceful, they will do everything to protect their family. Perhaps pillagers just want to protect something?
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
I have a headcanon that albino piglins are considered "attractive". However because of their white fur they are often killed before adult hood due to sticking out like a sore thumb in the nether background. But the few times they have lived to adulthood they find themselves having a lot of suitors...
Does albinism show up in other minecraft mobs, or is the trait only common to piglins?
Might other piglins work harder to protect the rare child?
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
I like to think the reason skeletons dont have crossbows is because they have no muscles and cant pull the string back fully (those who tried have probably gotten an arm pulled off or something). I also like to think skeletons have some sort of magic that holds their bones together and sometimes pulse a faint red or green glow were the joints connect.
Tears of the Kingdom constructs ay?
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
I have a HC that creepers arnt hostile at all. Basically, creepers are hyper bundles of joy and are very attracted to sertaint players because they may a type of "aura" to them (usually players more in tuned to nature find themselves being followed by creepers a lot). And the reasone they explode is because there very excited and.. well.. blow up. Ways to avoid being blown up can be anything form slowly backing away (to show your nervous) to feeding it (?). Though there are exceptions to this...
So, they're like geese. Curious, but unafraid of humans.
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
How far do you think the connections between the end and blazes specifically go?
Not only ender eyes open only after you've mixed in blaze powder in them, but end rods require blaze rods to craft, and today i stopped to pay attention and purpur blocks have a very similar coloring quality to blazes and wildfires.
Here's a comparison:
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I have never nothing anything like this!
Perhaps blazes are forged from End Magic that combines with the deepest fires of the nether?
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
An Overworld born and raised player, when going to the Nether for the first time, can begin to experience something called ‘Nether Sickness’. Due to not being used to the flow of time and the density of the air in the Nether, the player can experience hallucinations, delirium, and lose track of time easily. This can not only be extremely unpleasant, but it can also be extremely dangerous, because you need to be on your guard constantly in the Nether - Nether Sickness is a common cause of casualties for players travelling to the Nether. Therefore to get used to the Nether conditions, players typically only enter the realm periodically in short trips to slowly get used to it. They will still experience Nether Sickness, but to a lesser degree. Those of which who often commute back and forth from the Nether to the Overworld won’t experience the sickness, however they may still experience a form of inter dimensional jetlag which can sometimes cause insomnia.
This can also be the case for those who are very often living or were born in the Nether (there are small collections of Nether based players, typically to attend to the nether roof highways for travel, mining or for nether research) when entering the Overworld. They can catch hypothermia and are more vulnerable to Overworld born diseases and infections, and in player cities, it is often a law for people to quarantine for around three days when returning from a particularly long nether stay, as they could potentially endanger themselves or others from the sudden change of environment.
Also, players can sometimes get rashes or random minor gashes on their body from any form of teleportation (whether it be going through a portal or using a pearl) due to not being evolved to cope with it (a small section of their body can sometimes get left behind). In worst case scenarios people can lose a finger, but that’s very rare, and usually it’s only a very small wound. These wounds occur less often once the player gets used to teleportation.
I love this.
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
Warped mushrooms have psychedelic properties
Do Crimson Mushrooms have anything special as well?
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
If any players spawned by the server glitch (founders, it was called in a previous hc) are near a mob, they merge with that mob in the first moment of their creation.They become hybrids. Similarly, if a founder is raised by mobs, they take on the likeness of their mob parents, resulting in a broken game code where “species” should be. If a founder isn’t, well found, they grow more like their mob counterpart + eventually lose all player likeness, some founders can still emotionally recover though and regain their player psyche, but still keep the mob like appearance. All ‘normal’ players are descended from founders.
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
Elytras by default resemble gray or light purple insect wings, but players tend to decorate the hell out of them. Whether it's feathers, or black dye and cutting out small areas for a sharper shape, or hollowed out bones, or leaves and flowers, or little crystals, or dyes creating patterns ranging from rainbows to cobwebs, an elytra will rarely be recognizable for long.
I imagine a subsection of race car elytra, crafters designing for the fastest speed, the best control.
Versus the category working for the most extravagant fashion (Hello Miss Universe!)
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
Herobrine has seen the ancient past of minecraft. For now he is just observing the present until judgement may be casted.
Please let herobrine know it was someone ELSE who murdered those cows. I was an innocent passerby!
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minecraftheadcanons · 10 months
Blaze powder maintains the properties of super hot metal sparks, except permanent. Have to be transported in a metal pouch once harvested. Harvesting blaze powder is sort of like scraping bark off of a rae tree branch. Using a blaze rod to sharpen your blade is seen as a sign of power.
Would blaze powder, perhaps, provide a temporary fire effect to the weapons you sharpen with it?
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