momchi-e · 2 years
Writing Tips
Punctuating Dialogue
➸ “This is a sentence.”
➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.
➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”
➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”
➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”
➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”
➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.
“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.
“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”
➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”
➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”
However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can ask be “outside”!
➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.
If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)
➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“
“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.
➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.
➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”
➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.
“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”
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momchi-e · 2 years
Kids All Die.
Chapter 1:
A beep came from the key card scanner, followed by a loud rumbling and the ear-deafening screech of a big metal door sliding open. From the doorway, bright white lights escaped out into the dim hallway, revealing a pair of heels standing right outside the now accessible room. 
" Who the fuck is it now?" A low grumble came from the inside of the room. The person in it seems to be quite pissed at the uninvited visitor. Heels click against the ceramic tiled floor of the room as a young lady walks in, dressed in slacks, a tucked in black button up, lips rose red, glimmering rose gold framed wire glasses sat on the face and powder brown hair tied into a neat low ponytail. " What kind of exercise is this now?", A mature voice spoke, the lady smirked at the sight of Yuelka hanging upside down from the monkey bars, behind him were a bunch more different exercise and play utilities.
 Yuelka let out a grunt at the sound of his trainer, he quickly swung himself up the bar and propped up to sit on it, finally facing her. "Oh shit, Evelyn, don't scare me like that. I seriously thought you were one of those stupid caretakers again. Those idiots really came around a thousand times this past week to check on me, their dumb excuse was that they wanted to make sure I was ready for my first mission. Do I look like I'm not?", He sarcastically pointed to himself, the annoyance evident on his expression. His trainer scoffed, "Don't be all bothered by that, it's natural they want to check on you. Just focus on your training, don't be a drag for the other guy. I trained you and if my student became a drag, that would be the most amount of embarrassment I'd ever have to face.", She said, walking towards the long rectangular table that stood pushed against the wall. Placing both her hands on the tabletop, Evelyn leaned back. "Make sure you're prepared, okay?", She said, showing her slight concern for the boy she trained. Yuelka hummed and hopped down from the monkey bars. "Thanks for the concern, I'll be ok.", He replied, flashing a small smile at Evelyn as he walked past her, over to the water dispenser.
Yuelka puffed out a breath and slicked the strands of his long hair back, beads of sweat trailed down his neck and down into the dip of his collarbones. Yuelka grabbed a disposable paper cup that sat on top of the dispenser and pushed it under the nozzle, filling it to the top before bringing it against his lips and guzzling it down in one shot. 
"Ha…", a sigh left his lips, "I only hope that he isn't a psychopath. Those guys are hard to deal with, you can never tell what they're thinking.", Yuelka said, tossing his paper cup into the small trash can next  to the dispenser. "Up for a brawl?" ,Yuelka asked as he turned to Evelyn. She scoffed and shook her head, "No thanks, I'm not keen on risking any damage to this outfit. It cost me a big chunk out of my wallet.", Evelyn said as she pushed herself away from leaning on the table and slowly walked over to the exit, "Sorry to say this but I've got somewhere to go, I'll see you later during the contract signing. Ok?". Yuelka nodded and half-heartedly waved to his trainer. "I'll see you then, send me your prayers in the mean time.", He joked. Evelyn chuckled and twisted the door handle, "Yeah, I'll do that.", She said as she walked out the room, shutting the door behind her with a click. 
Yuelka grabbed his towel out of his bag and headed over to the showers. That was enough training for today, he had somewhere to be really soon anyways. 
Yuelka soon finished up his shower and dressed up quickly, gathering his belongings and heading out to the canteen to grab a snack. He wouldn't be able to later if not now. 
The cafeteria was quite deserted at this time, most of the staff in facility were busy with their work, their break was still an hour away. That left only the lunch ladies prepping the food and empty seats. 
Yuelka walked over to the cafeteria counter, smiling as one of the lunch ladies, Mrs.Tina's eyes lit up at the sight of the pretty Slovakian boy who was loved dearly by the lunch ladies. He was thought as the therapeutic sweet boy that healed their tired minds and hearts. "Yuelka! Just finished training?", She greeted him with a glad smile. Yuelka shyly nodded. 
Then the sound of several other female voices spoke from behind the seperating wall behind Mrs Tina, "Yuelka? Tina, is Yuelka here?", The owner of the voice sounded excited. Mrs Tina grinned and turned towards the wall, "Girls! Yuelka is here!", She called out for her co-workers. Immediately, the sound of loud shuffling and chatter came from behind the wall, then popped out 4 more ladies dressed in the exact same attire as Mrs.Tina. 
"Yuelka!", they all greeted him, big delighted smiles on their faces as they leaned on the countertop next to Mrs.Tina. Yuelka happily smiled at them, "Hi, how's today?", He asked them. "Today was a delight! Jennie's kid bought her a new dress yesterday for her birthday. She wanted to flaunt it so we're going out after work.", Ms.Beatrice spoke. Yuelka hummed, "That sounds great, you girls enjoy yourselves. If any trouble comes, you know how to reach me.", He said, making the ladies giggle. "Oh Yuelka, you're such a little charmer!", Mrs. Jennie cooed, blushing. Yuelka let out a laugh and hummed, "Thank you so much for the compliment.", He said as he held her hand. The girls all cooed at his action, only for him to break out into a fit of shy giggling, letting go to cover his mouth with his hand. "What would you like today, Yuelka? The usual?", Mrs. Tina asked. Yuelka hummed, "Yes please", he said, flashing a bright smile.
Everyone except Mrs.Tina , headed back to the kitchen and started going about their work, one of them working on Yuelka's food. 
His food was done in a few minutes, a tuna sandwich and an apple juice. 
Mrs.Tina grinned and she brought it over from the kitchen, fetching it from Pepe, the one who worked on making it. "Here it is!", She said, placing it onto the counter. Yuelka adored her cute happy cheer and lightly chuckled as he handed over the bills to pay for his food. Mrs Tina quickly worked the register and handed Yuelka his receipt, "Ok, here you go! Good luck on that partner signing today.", She put her hand up in a cheering motion. Yuelka grabbed the goods and slightly bowed and nodded, "Thank you!", He said loudly as he walked to the exit. 
Yuelka checked his phone, only seeing that he had around 4 minutes left, he decided to shove the sandwich in his mouth and hurry over to the board conference room. He wasn't looking for anymore nagging from the staffs or his trainer today. 
Yuelka slightly ran, not wanting to waste time getting there. However, he then took a sharp right without paying attention to what's in front of him, and ended up colliding with something dense. The impact hit him hard enough to make him stumble back, almost falling on his behind, and the sandwich in his mouth to fall to the dirty hallway floor. 
"Shit…", the dense surface apparently was a human, but Yuelka already knew that. 
Yuelka pouted as he stared at his sandwich which was now on the ground, his feelings were hurt once that sandwich fell, he was looking forward to enjoying it but now that's all ruined. 
He wasn't in the mood to be fair now that his joy has been denied from him, even if he was the one who made a mistake and he knew it. He was more upset about the sandwich. 
Yuelka immediately lifted his head up, glaring at the person who made his sandwich fall. 
He saw a male around his age, neck length messy brown hair, pierced ears, a ring on the hand that he was holding up to rub his forehead with. He wore black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. The male was definitely someone who didn't work here, if he did then the work policies must have changed without him knowing, cause this man was practically breaking several rules of being an employee here.
Even though Yuelka made several observations about the guy, he didn't really care to confirm his suspicion about the guy's identity, he was more keen on getting justice for his sandwich. 
"You!", Yuelka said in a condescending tone, making the man look up at him in confusion to why Yuelka was sounding more mad than sorry, like a normal person would. "I'm sorry about that, mate. I just got lost and I'm running late so I wasn't looking right.", The man apologized with an accent, an Australian accent to be precise. He was quite calm, and it didn't seem like he noticed the sandwich he made fall from Yuelka's mouth. Yuelka glared holes into the man Infront of him, not caring for the blue eyes that stared back at him, puzzled.
"You ruined my sandwich, I demand compensation!", Yuelka raised his voice, trying to seem intimidating but he looked more like a sulking 6 year old. Not to mention that he folded his arms together at the end of his outburst. The Australian man was confused with what Yuelka said for a minute, until his eyes wandered down to see the sandwich sitting on the floor next to Yuelka's feet, then it finally came to him. The man made his lips into an '0' shape for a moment as he realized what Yuelka was pissed about, "Ah, I'll definitely buy you another one soon. But I'm so sorry I can't right now, I really can't miss this meeting or I'll be in trouble.", He said with a truly apologetic look on his face, but Yuelka was being childish right now, he didn't even care about him being late to the contract signing. 
Suddenly, the Australian man's phone rings, cutting off Yuelka's glaring contest. 
The man digs into his pocket and pulls out a phone, accepting the call and placing it up to his ear. 
"Hello? Yeah no shit I know I'm going to be late! I just got lost and now I ran into some trouble."
"Man just tell me that other guy isn't there yet, is he? He's gonna probably be a pain in the ass if I make him wait."
"He isn't? Oh shit, thank God. I'll make it there soon, I'm just slightly lost but I'll get there."
The man put the phone down and shoved it into his pocket, then looked at Yuelka who was still glaring at him. He suddenly grabbed one of Yuelka's hand and held it in his, surprising the upset boy. "Bro you work here right? I'm begging you please help me for a minute, I'll compensate you for that sandwich and buy more than that. I really need to be somewhere, it's really really important! I'm begging you!", The Australian man batted his eyelashes, his blue eyes intoxicating as Yuelka felt his resolve go weak against the man's puppy eyes. 
Yuelka hesitated for a moment and glanced at his sandwich, but then sighed in defeat. "Fine, where is it that you have to be?", He asked in a very uninterested tone. The Australian man rejoiced and excitedly pulled out a notepad from his pocket, flipping through until he stopped at a page, "Um…. I need to know where the conference rooms are," he read off the page. Yuelka hummed, it wouldn't be a waste of time to help this guy, he was heading there anyways. "Follow me, I'll bring you there." , He said, walking ahead and letting the man trail behind him like a baby chick. 
Yuelka and the man then hopped on an elevator and went up to the third floor. Turning left just as they exit the elevator, into the conference room zone. 
Yuelka then stopped walking and turned around to the man, "We're here. I helped you so remembered your promise or I'll hunt you down.", He threatened lightly. The man let out a chuckle and nodded, "Then here, my name is Helin Lewinsky. Just ask the receptionist at the front desk to find my number and she'll help you out.", He said, playfully winking as he walked backwards before turning around and heading over to his conference room. 
Yuelka stared in confusion at the guy's whimsical attitude for a minute before snapping back to reality, remembering that he was now late for his own contract signing. Yuelka slightly panicked and checked his watch, seeing that he was minutes late, he quickly looked for his conference room and rushed in. 
"I'm so sorry I'm late! I ran into some issues on the way here.", He apologized as he entered the room and scampered into his seat. He looked up and scanned the room, everyone was looking at him, but one person in particular was looking at him with amusement more than the expected distaste. It was the Australian guy. 
Seeing as Yuelka has entered, the man in charge of reading out the contents of the contract began doing his duty. No one really paid mind to judging Yuelka or even noticing the weird tension between him and his soon-to-be mission partner. 
Yuelka was taken aback when he saw Helin Lewinsky, the dude he'd been referring to as 'australian guy', in his head, was sitting opposite to him with wide eyes and a very amused grin plastered on his face. He looked around once more and noticed everyone else were staffs, meaning that Helin was undoubtedly the guy meant to be signing the partner contract with him today. 
"Just my luck!", Yuelka thought to himself, pursing his lips and squirming in his chair as he resisted the urge to smack his forehead with his palm for not realising his partner was the dude he was walking around with for a while. What's more annoying is that Helin was the one who ruined Yuelka's sandwich and he was still holding a grudge for that. 
The reading went on for a while but once it was over, Yuelka and Helin were both asked to head up to the front to sign it. Yuelka's trainer being by his side to cheer him on for his first signing and Helin's caretaker being there by Helin as a mere spectator. Both of them signed the paper, taking turns, then had the supervisor sign as witness for both.
"That is all, just make sure you both don't break any of the contract terms, if the organisation catch you doing so, you will be given disciplinary punishment.", The commander spoke. Yuelka rolled his eyes, he turned himself in, there's no point in him defecting, even if he did, he'd probably be hunted down.
The meeting was dismissed. Yuelka quickly hurried back to his room, feeling tired after an hour of basically inactivity. Before leaving, he took a glance at Helin and the guy seems just as exhausted. It seems that being so inactive just drains energy from someone. 
He had to head to his room to rest up anyways, the both of them had to get up at 4am to reach the first destination of their mission. It was a long ride and it'll be a taxing mission so if he undermined the importance of sleep now, he'd be an idiot.  
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momchi-e · 2 years
Do you ever find yourself over-using the word “said” in your writing? Try using these words/phrases instead:
pointed out
blurted out
chimed in
brought up
wondered aloud
(NOTE: Keep in mind that all of these words have slightly different meanings and are associated with different emotions/scenarios.)
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momchi-e · 2 years
I don't know about you but I've never seen a shirt that looks like this and I want to make it.
Tumblr media
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momchi-e · 2 years
Kids All Die.
(Introductory chapter)/ Chapter 0:
"Do you know what sound a firework makes when it explodes in the sky?"
"Everyone knows right? It's not something new."
"So, the real question is...."
"What sound could instill panic within thousands of people... In one second?"
"It's simple, just as I said,"
"All it takes is one very loud...
The sound of chatter within the crowd could be heard as Detective Syaiful rushes past the crowded streets filled with panicked people, nudging and making way for himself to get to the yellow tape. 
"Detective Syaiful, good timing. Yok has been demanding to get you on the scene this whole time." the policeman who stood guard smirked, pulling up the yellow tape to give him way. Syaiful gave the guy a smile as courtesy while he caught his breath, a headache persisting due to his terrible sleeping patterns. 
As soon as Detective Syaiful stepped foot past the yellow tape boundary, his clingy co-worker, Officer Yok, ran up to him in a hurried state. 
"Syaif! Come on," Officer Yok threw his arm around Detective Syaiful's shoulder and led him into the bank.
Everyone made way as the two headed towards the darkened patch. It stood out like a clown in a business meeting, ash grey against the marble white floor. 
Officer Yok pulled his arm away once they got close. He stepped aside, showing Detective Syaiful the mark in all its glory, along with the debris in its middle. 
Detective Syaiful furrowed his eyebrows, slowly analysing the scene, letting his eyes take in the details."Yok, gimme a run down of the incident.", Detective Syaiful demanded. Eyes still studying the scene as he said so.  
"It's a bombing. They used a small home-made bomb that was highly dangerous but not exactly lethal. This thing had about 1000 needles in it and injured 13 people, 4 in serious condition due to blood loss while the rest are now stable. But the weird thing here is...", Officer Yok shifted his gaze from the ground to the upper left corner of the bank’s interior.
"We already have the guy..." he let the cat out the bag. Detective Syaiful's head snapped up at the statement and looked where Yok's gaze was set, a 5 foot 7 kid reading a comic book while leaning against the wall. Their hair was all around the place, unkempt. They were in a tattered white cargo uniform, soiled by the dirt and dust. Their face seemed to look quite dirty too.
Syaiful squinted his eyes at the kid and turned back to Yok. "Is that kid ok?" He questioned as he felt a weird chill travel down his spine. 
Yok chuckled at his question, "That kid, is a weapons expert. He's made bombs, guns and even customized weaponry for the mafia. To add to that, he also did business with terrorists. Someone like that doesn’t seem to be trustable, but he isn't a physical threat and he usually doesn’t use the weapons he'd make. However, for some reason, he did so this time...." Yok trailed off. 
Syaiful’s eyes wandered to the corner where kid stood and noticed no one was watching over him, "Why are there no guards or anything? And why isn't he in cuffs?" Syaiful couldn't help but ask, worried of the threat the kid would pose. Yok sighed and shook his head, " The thing is... The minister himself had told the commissioner to do whatever the kid says after getting off a phone call with him. I don't know what that kid said but he definitely did something... He did tell us that if he moved even an inch from that corner without us escorting him, we can shoot to kill if we want. That kid's really scary." Yok shook his head and shivered. 
"Hey, Syaif, the Commissioner called and he said that you're the only one allowed to escort the kid. No contact though, unless he tries something. Just bring him to the place written here." Officer Yok handed out a piece of paper to his friend. Detective Syaiful took and unfolded it.The paper held a few instructions for him to follow when dealing with the kid on the way to the given destination. 
Detective Syaiful nodded and stuffed the paper into his pocket. He turned around to the corner where the kid was busy braiding a small part of his hair. He walked towards the silver-black haired kid and stopped in front of him. The kid slowly looked up from his squatting position and shrugged his eyebrows before getting up. Detective Syaiful was expecting a smile or something sarcastic but the kid was pretty serious. "Ok, I'm in charge of you so if you would follow me to the car." He directed. The kid followed obediently and sat in the backseat, even putting on a seatbelt. 
The drive was pretty long. The kid even seemed to have dozed off at some point during the ride. As they got closer to the foreign destination, the road became rougher and bumpier. Syaiful guessed that the kid must've woken up by now, but he still didn't say a single thing. 
The car soon headed up a steep hill. The hill  was home to a government secret operations unit, and also the place where Detective Syaiful had been instructed to bring the bomb kid.
Detective Syaiful soon understood why he was the only one allowed to bring the kid to this specific destination. It was because he was the only one with a vehicle built for this specific terrain, and the only one skilled enough to drive through the off-road path that went up the hill.
The first section of the path was riddled with heavy puddles and still rainwater cavities in the dirt, small shrubs here and there but no significant flora. The second section had more trees than bushes and shrubs. It was also more packed but even though there wasn't any still or puddled water, it was a little slippery. The third section was the hardest to navigate through, barely any sunlight came through the canopy above, dense forest. The only plus side was that the ground was firm enough that the chances of a casualty happening was low.
After having been driving for about 30 minutes, Detective Syaiful had finally reached the top of the hill. He looked back to check on the kid to only see him passed out in the backseat, looking pale and sick. Such an occurrence wasn't unexpected, seeing as the terrain they were just on definitely would cause most people to get motion sickness, but it was always quite concerning nonetheless. 
Upon arriving to the facility grounds, a few people could be seen waiting for them outside the facility. A group of guards and a well-mannered looking guy in a suit, he seemed pretty much like the person making the orders. 
Detective Syaiful stopped the car right in front of the group waiting at the front of the entrance and got out, going over to the backseat doors and opening it. The kid sat up weakly and crawled himself out the car, stumbling onto the ground as the guards rushed over and held him up by the arms. 
"I brought your package, safe and sound. If there's nothing more then I'll take my leave now!" Detective Syaiful signalled a light hearted salute to the doctor and suited guy. The suited guy walked up to Detective Syaiful and gave him a smile, " Thank you very much for your help then detective, I'm pretty sure the necessary compensation for your troubles have already been made. Please, feel free to contact me if anything goes wrong or isn't as it should be." The suited guy pulled out a card from his chest pocket with his two fingers pinching it together elegantly, holding it out to the detective. Detective Syaiful eyed the card suspiciously for a second but soon took it, "Well then, I shall." He answered sarcastically before going back into his car and driving away. 
The suited man looked over at the kid, still slumped in the arms of the guards. He looked pale. "Get him in." he said, nudging his head in the direction of the entrance, a gated door that stood front for a metal door behind it. The design was a safety measure, as if the place didn't have enough safety installed.
Through the two guarding doors was a hallway covered in a blue hue that stretched out for at least 50 metres, at the end of it was an intersection that split both ways. The design of the hallway was claustrophobic, the closed in walls and low ceiling made for a very bad time.
The guards practically dragged the boy as they followed the man in suit, who at this point was obviously the one who called the shots. To what extent though, is unknown. 
The man took a left into the East Wing and the guards weren't far behind. The walls seemed a little bit wider this way, or it could just be some jaded imagination through the eyes of the boy being dragged. 
He couldn't help but think to himself, 'When will they realize that he's actually car sick, or do they just not care?'. Of course, he was too weak to actually bring up the question so neither one of the people around him could tell he was thinking about it. 
They eventually stopped before a large greenish metal door. The paint was chipping off a little on the sides, ugly grey peeking through. 
The suited man glanced over his shoulder at the kid before turning his head back to the door in front of them. "Bring him in and make sure he stays good. Higher ups told us to be very careful." The suited man said, then he turned on his heel and walked past the guards and the boy, back the way they came. Seems like he wasn't coming along for the ride.
In all honesty, the kid, or shall we call him by his name, Yuelka Vonznesensky, wasn't sure what he was going to face when he spoke to the chief of police, he just told the guy that he was the "Poison Antler", this was the underground codename used to refer to him. He wasn't surprised that the chief knew of the name. No wonder he was treated with caution, they couldn't be exactly sure what he was capable of, could they now? 
But in truth, Yuelka was never a fighter. He stayed in the shadows as people sinned for their messed up view of justice. He was never someone who belonged in such a dangerous world anyway, he just ended up in it due to his foolish mistakes. The desperate decisions he took did cost him, just like he knew it would. And he already paid his debt. 
The guard opened the door and pushed him towards the chair that was tucked into the table. They pulled it out and shoved Yuelka's frail body onto it. It didn't really seem if they cared much if his bones broke from their rough handling. 
They then left him alone in the barren room., A huge glass pane and another door to his right being his only companions before they shut the door behind them with a clear 'bang'. By this point, Yuelka figured that someone was soon to be sent in to interview him, since he was in such a cliche room, all signs pointed to the hypothesised scene in his head.
Soon enough, the door to his right opened, and a tall-looking madam wearing a swamp green pencil skirt and a white button-up top, accompanied by a matching vest walked in. Her heels tapped on the ground, eyes fixated on reading the contents of the clipboard in her hand, the caramel coloured strands on her head weren't as neat as she would be thinking they were. Overall, Yuelka could tell she was probably late today. 
The woman sat down without even glancing at the 17 year old Infront of her. Probably not even aware that he was judging her the whole time either. 
"So, Yuelka Vonznesensky.", she said in a heightened tone, probably to add life to her dead voice. The lady finally lifted her head, a business smile plastered on her face, "So let's get on with the formalities first" 
"You are aware that you will be charged for the crimes you've committed, right?" , she asked in a not-so-fake tone. Yuelka let out an uninterested hum, confirming her assumption. 
"Ok great.." she mumbled and straightened herself in her chair before continuing, "The good news here is that all the higher ups have heard of your abilities and have come to the conclusion that instead of wasting such a good talent, instead they've decided they're willing to give you a chance at redemption" 
"All you have to do is to serve the people you've hurt. A way to right your wrongs, and a way to get redemption. In exchange for your services, the higher ups have gladly agreed to cut down your years based on your time spent on making your indirect amends with the people. Adding on to that, you have the right to pull out anytime, even before your time reaches null. You can just serve the remaining years, but of course, you won't be granted any mercy. Well, that's something you'll have to accept since, as a prisoner, mercy was never a choice." she said, ending with a smile that seemed a little bit more suggestive and menacing than nice and soothing. The woman was definitely telling him that if he wants the easy way, he'd better be a dog for the government, because if he refused, he definitely would be a target, and it'll all be on purpose. 
A minute of dead silence pertained in the room before Yuelka moved himself into his seat slightly, leaned back and looked straight at the women. 
"Fine, but I want paper and documents about this agreement to my name. The one thing you guys are not allowed to take away from me under any circumstance." he said, tone clear but polite. The lady couldn't see the way his eyes looked at her behind the curtain of hair, but she could feel them burning into her, his eyes. It felt like he was warning her to not play around with him, or there would be consequences. 
The lady smiled coyly, tilting her head slightly. "I can definitely arrange that for you" she said, then started gathering her stuff with a small smile still stuck on her lips. It was obvious that she was in good spirits, getting Yuelka to agree was something that she would be proud of for a long time.
The lady held her stuff and stood up, she looked over at Yuelka and showed him to the door, "Please follow me, Yuelka Vonznesensky. We'll get the paperwork done straight away and you can head on to your quarters as soon as we're done." 
Yuelka scoffed and got up. He really hated the way this lady smiled boastfully, her pride was showing too clearly through that lipstick. 
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momchi-e · 2 years
Kids All Die. (Summary):
Yuelka Vonznesensky, an ex weapons expert operating in the black market, surrendered himself to the authorities following a dangerous public stunt. This led to him striking a deal with the government, using his expertise while working for them as an agent as a way of redemption.
On the day of his first mission assignment, he gets paired with an obnoxious and unhinged Australian partner with a heavy accent, Helin Lewinsky. A criminal working on his own redemption.
The two start off with a relationship based on a contract and animosity. This soon evolves into something more loving. Both growing a sense of adoration for the other in the process as they make amends with their pasts and right their wrongs.
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momchi-e · 2 years
Hi°^°, I'll soon be uploading an original story series titled 'Kids All Die.' (no kids actually die here).
It's a NSFW BL story rated 18+, it involves sensitive topics and has depictions of slight violence, swearing, forcing against will and a few other triggers.
Shout-out to my editor, @linzi-yay, for helping me clean the story up before uploading.
I'll upload a summary soon and the introductory chapter to go with it.
Thank you and I will see you next time °^°
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