It's nice seeing him fighting with someone.
Xantria - Jolakotturinn
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Reiken bit his lip as he looked at the other immortals.  He did not have the energy to deal with them.  He never had the energy for that.  They exhausted him.  
"...What do you want?" he asked quietly.  
He stayed in the door of the cottage.  
"There's some work we need to do" Kaelah said "And you have to be there for us to succeed"
Reiken just watched them without a word.  His eyes flickered from Kaelah to Sigurd to Waneta and back. Then he just shook his head slightly.  He wanted to step back and close the door, just going back to sleep.  
"You don't have a choice" Acheron said as he stepped up behind the others.   His eyes narrowed at Reiken.  
This time Reiken shook his head again, clenching his jaw and then he sighed, looking down.  
"...alright..." he whispered "...what.... what do you need?"
Acheron just looked at Reiken with a cold expression.  Things had been going a bit better between them than before, but that didn't mean that they got along. 
"There's a new nest" Waneta said "A group of Upper demons are coming together"
"Upper demons?" Reiken asked, blinking surprised.  
Kaelah nodded.  "That's right....  Upper Demons" she said "We need to take them out and clear the area"
Reiken nodded slightly.  
"We should go" Sigurd said "Before things start getting worse"
For a moment Reiken wanted to argue, but then just nodded.  "Alright" he muttered.
Everyone but Kaelah turned and left.  She tilted her head slightly, looking at Reiken.  "We will meet at the base of the mountain in two days" she said "Do not be late"
Reiken nodded.  "I'll... be there" he said, not looking at her.
"Is there something you wanted to ask?" 
"How....  How are everyone doing?" Reiken asked, hesitantly.
Kaelah sighed.  "They are doing well..." she said "All of them are work very hard...  Ash is working harder than ever"
Reiken nodded.  "He...  Is he taking care... of himself?" he asked.
"Yes.." Kaelah said "He still follows the routine the two of you put together"
That made Reiken blink and look up at her.  "He does?" he asked.  
Kaelah nodded.  "Yes" she said "I have to leave..  We will see you in two days"
"...Alright" Reiken muttered as he turned back.  
Kaelah turned and left.  Reiken watched as they left, in the distance he could see Waneta standing at the tree line.  She waved at him, before turning and disappearing into the trees.  It did not take long before Kaelah also disappeared.  
Taking a deep breath, Reiken turned around and slowly made his way up the mountain path back towards his cottage.  
In two days, he was going to have to return again.  It was just going to be more fighting and getting hurt.  With Asheron's there, he'll probably get yelled at as well.
With a sigh, Reiken kept on walking.  He barely noticed when he reached the cottage.  
Stopping in front of the door, he just stared at it for a moment.  Unsure of how long he's been standing there, Reiken jumped when voices sounded up.  He spun around, eyes flickering to where the sound came from. 
Gruen and the others were making their way up the mountain path, they were talking and laughing.
A slight smile formed on Reiken's face as he watched them.
The moment Leia saw him, she smiled and waved at him.  Immediately the others did the same.  
"Hey, Rei!" Hein called out "Glad we caught you"
Reiken nodded.  "Hallo..." he said softly.  
"Hey man...  We haven't' seen you in a while, so we thought we should come say hi"
Reiken smiled before he nodded.  "Do you... want some tea?" he asked. 
Reiken looked around as he stopped at the base of the mountain.  The others were already waiting for him there.  It wasn't that he was late, they probably just came early.
"Almost thought you weren't coming" Acheron said coldly.  
Reiken sighed, looking down at his feet as he slowly walked towards them.  There was no reason for him to react to what Ash was saying.  
"Where.... are we going?" he asked, still not looking at them.  
"I will teleport everyone" Sigurd said.
Reiken nodded.  "Alright..." he said.
"Let's go" Sigurd said.
Waneta walked over to Reiken and took his hand.  "Come on, Rei" she said said with a grin "Let's go kill some demons"
Without waiting Sigurd teleported them.  
Reiken clenched his jaw against the feeling, before they stepped out of the teleportation.  Immediately his eyes flickered around, taking in everything around him.  
It looked like a storm went through the village they were standing in front of. 
Broken buildings.
Torn down wall.
Fires burning.
Ash drifted in the air.
The smell of burning flesh hung around them. 
Waneta coughed, immediately covering her mouth and nose.  "We're to late..." she whispered.
"There's still some villagers alive" Kaelah said.
Immediately Waneta grabbed Reiken's hand.  "let's go" she said, starting to pull him forward, before the others could say a word.  
Acheron watched them with a frown.  
"Go with them" Sigurd said "You need to heal anyone that needs help"
"We will scout around" Kaelah said.  
Acheron tisked, before following behind the other two.  
Reiken kept his focus on the ground as they walked.  Waneta held still held his hand, almost like she was making sure he stayed with her.  
"We'll find anyone that's still alive" she said softly.
"...I know" he said quietly, glancing over his shoulder at Acheron, before quickly looking back down "Can we just.... get this over with?"
Waneta nodded.  "Alright..." she said, taking a deep breath.  She could smell the entire village.  The scent of blood and fire, made it even more difficult to detect anything else.  But she could make out the faint smell of humans.
"This way" she said, immediately changing their direction.  
Reiken looked up, his eyes flickering around.  He tried to look at anything but the burning buildings.  It felt like his someone was squeezing his chest.  Maybe he could just go back home?
"Over there!" Waneta called.  
She let go of his hand and started running.  Immediately Acheron followed after her, leaving Reiken behind.  
Reiken paused for a second, staring after them.  
With a sigh, he jogged after them.  If anything happened, he'll have to be able to protect the others.  That was his job.  
"HERE!" Waneta called out, waving her hand at them "ASH... we need some help"
Acheron ran over to where Waneta was.  They quickly started clearing some rubble.
Reiken lifted a hand, letting his power flow through the ground.  Immediately the debris shifted and started clearing. 
For a second Acheron looked annoyed, but stepped back, so that he wasn't in the way.  after a few more second, everything was cleared.  Immediately Waneta slipped into the building.  
Making his way over to them, Reiken kept his distance from Acheron and the building.  He could hear the other two talking inside, but did not go inside.  Now he just waited for them, fiddling with his fingers.  
After a few minutes, Waneta started helping some people out.  "Come on, Rei" she said "Help a little"
Nodding quickly Reiken went over to them.  There were two woman and a little boy with Waneta.  They were dirty and covered in ash, with tear stains on their cheeks.  
"Come..." Reiken said softly, holding out his hand.  
"...they left us.... behind..." the woman said.  
"Alive..." Reiken said quietly, smiling at them "...We will help you..."
The woman nodded and took Reiken's hand.  He smiled slightly at them, quickly leading them away, to where Kaelah was waiting.  
Reiken breathed out as Sigurd teleported the last of the people out of the village.  He looked down at his hands.  They were dirty, full of ash and dust and blood.  
"That's the last of them" Waneta said.
"Them we can leave?" Acheron asked.
"Yes" Kaelah said with a nod, "There's only demons left now"
Acheron looked over at Reiken.  "Will you be able to take care of them?" he asked, studying the other immortal's pale face.  
Reiken looked up, blinking at him.  "I...  I'll be fine" he said "I'll take care of the demons"
A frown formed on Acheron's face.  "How sure are you about that?" he asked "You look terrible and we haven't found the upper demons yet, not the nesting ground"
Reiken nodded.  "I'll be fine..." he said "Just... tired..."
With a sigh, Acheron turned to Kaelah.  "Should he stay behind?" he asked. 
Kaelah looked at him, tilting her head slightly.  Her eyes flickered over to Reiken before going back to Acheron.  She nodded.  "He'll kill them" she said, with no emotion in her voice.  
Acheron closed his eyes for a second before he nodded, turning his attention back to Reiken.  
"Do you want help?" he asked. 
Reiken's eyes widened, staring at Acheron in shock.  
Acheron groaned.  "I'm going to take care of the villagers, then I'll come back and check on you" he said.
Sigurd landed next to them.  "Let's go" he said.
The other two looked at Reiken before nodding.  Within a blink of an eye they disappeared, leaving Reiken behind.  Now he was alone in the village, having to look for the demons and their nest.  
Upper demons were different from the usual ones.  They were much stronger and when they came together, other demons followed.  
He sighed, closing his eyes.  Slowly he lifted his hands.  Power surged through him, it rushed into the ground.  He started tracking the demons.  There were a lot of them just outside the village.  
Probably where the nest was.  
Reiken pulled his power back.  He rubbed his wrist as he started to where he felt the nest.  
Breathing out he paused when he reached the area where the nest was.  His eyes flickered around, taking in everything around him.  He could feel the nervousness in his chest. 
It was never a good idea to take on a nest alone, but he decided to stay behind, so the others left him behind.  
He swallowed and closed his eyes for a second.  There was nothing else to do.  Now he just needed to take care of this nest.  If he could do that, he could go home and check on Alice and Fuki.  He didn't like leaving those two alone on their own. 
As he opened his eyes, he started moving forward.  His power burned around his hands.  
A calm settled around him.  All he focused on now was the fight.  That was it.  If he can finish this...
Acheron cussed as he reached the place where Reiken should be.  The ground had been ripped apart.  Smoke hung in the air.   There were puddles of water everywhere with mist rising from it.  
This was not good.  
Everything around him were a mess.  It was clear that Reiken had fought against the demons here.  A very difficult fight.  
Worry started rising in his chest.  This was not good at all.  If Reiken had been fighting this hard.  It meant that he was in a lot of trouble.  He looked around, noticing the splatters on the ground.  The blood still looked fresh.  
Cussing he started following the blood trail on the ground.  In the distance he could make out slight sounds of fighting.  
Reiken was still fighting against the demons.  Probably the upper demons.  Clenching his jaw, Acheron followed the trail.  He moved carefully, making sure that he wouldn't draw any attention.  
It took him a few minutes before he found the new battlefield.  
Acheron clenched his jaw as he shot forward.  Green mist trailed behind him.  
The hardlight moved around him.  It slammed into some of the lesser demons, keeping the rest away from himself.  A few meters in front of him, he could see Reiken fighting.  
The redheaded sage moved quickly, but he was clearly weakened and injured.  All of the elements surged around him, moving quickly, but a little less powerful than usual.  
It looked like he was at the end of ropes.  
With a cuss, he lifted his hands, creating a wall between Reiken and demons.  
"Pull back!" he snapped.
Reiken's head snapped up.  His eyes widened as he noticed the green hardlight between him and the demons.  He gasped for breath as he stumbled back.  
Blood dripped down his face.  He stared at Acheron, his vision blurring as he tried to look at the other guy's figure.  
Pain ripped trouble him and he stumbled.  
Acheron shot forward and caught Reiken before he could fall.  "Dammit you idiot" he grunted, lowering Reiken to the ground "You should have been more careful"
Reiken groaned, his eyes flickering open.  
Blood dripped down to the ground, creating a puddle beneath them.  Reiken looked up at Acheron for a second, before his eyes rolled back and he went limp.  
Acheron cussed again.  Clenching his jaw, he lowered Reiken to the ground.  The green mist formed around them, keeping the demons away from them.  
He turned his focus on Reiken again, placing both hands over the red headed Sage's chest.  Taking a deep breath, he started the healing.  
Reiken started coughing.  Pink spit ran down his mouth.  
More blood stained the ground beneath them and Acheron focused more of his power on healing Reiken.  
"Come on you stupid idiot...." Acheron growled "You don't get to die here....  In the middle of no where..."
After a few second, Reiken's eyes started opening again.  
"There we go...  now stay with me" Acheron said, doubling his effort in healing Reiken "Don't you dare leave this mess for me to clear up"
"...Ash..." Reiken whispered.  
"No shit" Acheron snapped "Keep your damn mouth shut and don't pass out again"
Reiken whimpered as Acheron kept on healing him.  
"You better pull yourself together" Acheron snarled "You better not make me waste more power on you"
A slight smile formed on Reiken's bloody mouth.  "... sorry..." he managed to say.  
"Shut up" Acheron said, before putting Reiken down "Stay here... I'll take care of the rest of these demons"
"...Ash... they.... They are...." Reiken started.  
"Spare me" Acheron said, getting up "Stay here and keep your mouth shut"
With that Acheron focused on the demons around him.  It had been a while since he had to fight the demons on his own.
Reiken watched Acheron right with blurred vision.  He struggled to sit up again, his hands trembling.  Neither him nor Acheron would be able to take out the upper demons on their own.  
Acheron's hardlight misted the entire area.  
Slowly Reiken pushed himself up.  He had to go help Acheron.  Together they might be able to finish this.  
The demons slowly started taking control of the fighting.  One of them threw Acheron to the ground.  Before the demon could finish the job, Reiken tackled it to the ground.  
His sai dagger, slashed at the demon.  Immediately he spun and threw the second dagger.  It sank into the next demon's skull.  
Acheron rolled to his feet.  
"What the hell are you doing?" he snapped.
"...I wouldn't... let you... die" Reiken gasped.  
"...That's my line, you moron" 
A slight smile formed on Reiken's face.  Immediately he felt a bit calmer.  This was very familiar and nostalgic.  
Acheron moved quickly, immediately attacking again.  
It did not take long before the two of them took care of the demons.  As the last demon fell, Reiken crumbled to the ground the again.  
Acheron stumbled as he reached the cottage.  Rain poured down on the two of them.  Before he even reached the door, it burst open.  Two figures rushed out of the cottage towards them.  
"Master Reiken!" the woman called out.
"What have you done to him?" the white haired guy snapped, glaring darkly at Acheron.  
Acheron tisked as he kept on moving forward.  "Out of my way" he snapped, still carrying Reiken "Or do you want him to die?"
"Why you?" the girl snapped.  
Immediately the guy grabbed her arm, stopping her from going after Acheron.  
"He brought him back, didn't he?" the guy said "Don't do anything stupid, Alice"
Alice pulled her arm out of his grip, before running after Acheron and Reiken.  She shot a glare at the white haired guy, but did not say anything else.  
Acheron pushed open the door and stepped inside, putting Reiken down on the couch.  "Let's see what's going on..." he muttered to himself.  
Behind him the other two rushed into the cottage.  
"Both of you, get me hot water and some towels" Acheron snapped, immediately starting the healing again.  
For a second the two stared at him, before they quickly jumped forward and went to get what Acheron asked for.  Every now and then Alice would look over her shoulder to where Reiken were.  She blink quickly trying not to start crying.  
"Who is that?" Alice asked, looking at Fuki's scared expression.  
Fuki startled, looking over at Alice.  "He's one of the sages...  the green sage" he whispered, grabbing some of the towels.  
"Another Sage...." Alice said softly, before shaking her head "Damn them...."
"HURRY UP!" Acheron yelled.  
Fuki cussed before quickly running over to where Reiken and Acheron were.  
Acheron grabbed some of the towels, dunking them into the water and started cleaning Reiken's wounds.  He worked like Alice and Fuki wasn't even there.  
".. you stubborn idiot" he muttered under his breath as he worked.  He tisked annoyed as he worked.  After a few more minutes, he pulled back and got to his feet.  
"What.... what are you doing?" Alice asked, looking at him with a worried expression.  
"I'm done" Acheron said "Make sure he gets some rest and doesn't do anything stupid"
"Done?" Fuki asked, swallowing.  
He did not want to look at the black haired Sage.  
"There's nothing else for me to do" Acheron said as he walked to the door "The healing is done"
Before the other two could say anything, he left the cottage.  
Immediately Alice went back to where Reiken lay.  She knelt next to the bed, gently taking Reiken's hand.  
The sage lay motionless on the couch.  There were bandages all over his body.  He was so pale that everything seemed much brighter than it should.  She could feel tears starting to drip down her cheeks.  
Fuki stook on the other side of the couch, looking down at the two.  With a sigh he turned away.  
"...don't cry..." Reiken's voice whispered.  
Alice flinched as she looked at him.  "Sage..." she said quietly.
With a trembling hand he reached up, gently wiping away some of her tears.  
"I'll... be alright..." he muttered.
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Ok so Tumblr in all it's glory has terminated the account of a friend of mine. I can deal with any of the other glitches this hellsite throws but terminating an account is crossing so many lines. But enough about that she left something for a couple of people
This was her account also if anyone can help her retrieve it pleas reach out.
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"I can't reach my account, and it says it's been terminated... :S if you have my other social media or email or number etc feel free to drop by because I'll surely miss all of you in the while it takes to get my blog back. I already mailed the support and I'm trying to get a response. Maybe I'll make a backup account meanwhile so if someone you don't know messages you it's probably me. -snow"
You can also reach her here https://twitter.com/ay_bukucu?t=8DtW5iQK-m1ldhHRLo0hng&s=09
@diamond-star @nerd-in-distress @probablyhuntersmom @whither-wander-whump @callaeidae @i-eat-worlds @xrinnihil
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Reiken just needs this
Xantria - Jump!
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"I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes"
Reiken slowly stepped back, before turning around and walking down the mountain pass.  He was so tired.  The only thing he wanted to do was to go to sleep.  There's been so many attacks the last few days and between that he had to deal with the others as well.  All of this because the spirit clan started to show up again.
Every time he had to deal with Acheron, he came back even more depressed than usual.  
He sighed, looking down at the ground.  
Maybe he should tell them to just leave him alone.  Not that they would listen to him anyway.  This might just make Acheron even angrier at him.  And that was something he did not need.  
Shaking his head, Reiken folded his arms.  There was a cold breeze coming down from the mountain.  
It might start to snow soon.  
When the cottage finally came into view, Reiken felt a relief wash through him.  As he stepped over the barrier, it was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.  
A small smile pulled on his lips as he looked at the cottage.  That was home.  A good place to be.  
He liked the cottage.
He started walking again.  Enjoying the last of the warm sun, Reiken reached the cottage.  Hopefully he can get some sleep before something happens and he has to go out again.  
A shiver ran down his spine as he stepped into the cottage.  
It was cold inside.  Maybe he should have left some of the windows open.  On the other hand, if he did that...  It probably would have started raining.  That would just be his luck.  
Reiken dropped his coat on the couch, before curling up next to it.  He was too tired to go to his room.  
Slowly he started drifting off to sleep.  
He did not even notice the soft rain that started falling or when it stopped.  When he finally woke up, the sun just started to rise.  
Blinking Reiken sat up, rubbing his eyes.  
"...it's morning..." he said quietly "Oh....  I slept that long..."
Reiken breathed out before he got to his feet.  Slowly he moved towards the kitchen.  He had to go back down to the village today.  Hein and the others will probably come look for him if he did not at least show up.  
Without warning, the back door of the cottage got flung open.  
Immediately Reiken spun around, only to be thrown back.  His back slammed into a wall with enough force to drive the air from his lungs. 
He crumpled to the ground, legs giving in beneath him.  
As he looked up a figure came stalking towards him.  For a moment his vision blurred, it almost felt like something was pressing against his chest.  It became more and more difficult to breathe.  
"Who....?" he gasped, before the pressure started to increase, completely cutting him off.  
The figure walked over to Reiken, kneeling in front of him.  "Little fire sage..." he said "I finally found you"
Reiken coughed.  "...Spirit.... clan..." he managed to gasp.  
Immediately the figure nodded.  "Well done..." he said "Now that wasn't so hard... now was it"
Hein and Gruen walked up the path, looking around. 
"Damn the rain really came down today...." Gruen said, as a small stream of water ran down next to the trail.  
"Seriously...  I don't know how Reiken manages to do this" Hein said "He just goes on like it's dry land...  which is really weird"
Gruen chuckled and shook his head.  "Rei... is a strange one," he said.  
It took them a while before they reached Reiken's cottage.  Everything looked very quiet.  Just like usual.  
"Let's see if he's here," Gruen said.  
Hein knocked on the door.  "Rei!" he called "You home?"
No answer.  
Gruen reached over, knocking on the door again.  "Hey...  Rei!  You in there?" he called.  
"Maybe he's not home?" Hein said.
"Give him a bit of time...  Maybe he's asleep" Gruen said, before knocking again.  This time a bit louder than before.  
"Rei!  Seriously....  You in there?" Hein called out again.  
The two stood in silence and Gruen could have sworn he heard something, but when nothing happened, he assumed he imagined it.  
Reiken clenched his jaw.  He could feel the knife against his throat.  The Spirit clan stood behind him, holding a knife, as well as one hand stretched towards the door.  
"Make... one sound" the man whispered in Reiken's ear "And I will kill who ever is on the other side of that door....  and then I will make you watch as they die"
"Rei!  you in there?"
It was Hei's voice.  
"Alright...  let's just leave this here...  When he gets back he'll get it" 
Gruen's voice.  
Both of them came.  At least they didn't bring the others.  He breathed out.  He wouldn't let them get involved in this.  
Clenching his jaw, Reiken nodded slightly.  He had no reason to put those two in more danger.  The pressure of the knife against his throat became more and he could feel the blade drawing blood.  
On the other side of the door, he could hear Hein and Gruen talking.  Their voices were muffled.  
He wanted to call out to them.  To tell them to run away.  So they could get away from the danger.  But he couldn't take the risk.  He wouldn't let them get hurt here, even if it kills him. 
Clenching his jaw, he could feel more blood dripping down his neck.  
The Spirit clan member leaned closer so his mouth was right next to Reiken's ear. ��
"oh....  So you don't want your very.... human friends....  to die" he whispered "Just keep still....  or else I'll show you just how mortal they really are"
Reiken slowly turned his eyes towards the spirit clan.  "...if you hurt them..." he said, his voice quiet and soft, but threatening "....I promise you will suffer for it"
"Well... Isn't that quite a threat" the spirit clan said.
Not moving, Reiken just watched the guy.  After a few more seconds they could hear the footsteps slowly leaving.
"Let go," he said quietly.  
"So that you can fight me again" Spirit clan asked.  
"What do you want?" Reiken asked.
"Obviously...." he started "We... want you dead"
"You will need more.... than just your power.... to kill me" Reiken said "And I wouldn't let you... hurt anyone else"
"You don't have a choice, Sage" the spirit clan said, before he gave Reiken a hard hit against the head.  
Everything blacked out as Reiken went limp, forcing the man to catch him.  
Reiken slowly started waking up again.  
There was a pounding in his head.  Probably where the spirit clan hit him.  Not that he blamed the man.  He probably would have done the same if he was the man.  
He opened his eyes.  The first thing he noticed was the blue sky above him.  So he wasn't in the cottage anymore.  
The next thing he noticed was the cold.  He was getting cold.  It took him a moment before he realised that they were moving up the mountain.  No wonder he was getting colder.
He closed his eyes again, just letting who it was, carry him.  
After a while, he was thrown down onto the ground.  The fall made him gasp.  His eyes snapped open and he coughed, trying to catch his breath.  Everything in his body hurt.  
The spirit clan member leaned over Reiken. 
"Welcome back Sage” the man said, before aiming a kick at Reiken's ribs.  
He could hear something in his side cracking, before the pain followed.  It hurts to breathe.  
Hands grabbed him and hulled him to his feet.  
"Don't try anything stupid, Sage" a new voice snarled at him.  
Reiken lifted his head.  His eyes flickered around, taking in everything around him.  Immediately he recognized the place.  They were almost at the top of the mountain.  
Another punch hit him in the stomach.  He doubled over, only the hands holding him up. 
This place....  He did not want to be here.  There were too many memories.  It hurt too much to remember, he did not want to think about it.  Why did they have to come here?
A white haired man stepped up in front of Reiken and the immortal's eyes widened slightly.  All he could do was to stare at the man.  The royalty of the Spirit Clan.  He had not seen one of the Spirit Clan royals in such a long time that he couldn't move from the shock.  
"Ah...  Fire Sage" the white haired man said as he walked over "It has been a long time since I've seen one of you...  You know...  It's very difficult to get our hands one of you"
"What...  Do you want?" Reiken asked softly. 
"Oh the great Sage wants to know what we want" the man said "You should already know...  It's not that difficult to figure out"
Reiken's eyes widened slightly.  "....no..." he whispered.
A slow smile formed on the man's face.  "There we go..." he said "You know...  You know what we want..."
"I wouldn't...." Reiken said, shaking his head "I wouldn't do it...."
"Why not?" the royal asked "It's not like you haven't done it before"
Reiken clenched his jaw.  "No" he snapped "I wouldn't....  I wouldn't do it"
The royal turned in the direction of the town.  "Well... if that's how you feel" he said "It seems like I will have to motivate you a bit" 
With that a blast of energy shot out heading towards the village.  
Reiken's eyes widened. 
"NO!" he screamed.
Power ripped through his body.  A shield of elements twisted through the air, blocking the attack from reaching the village.  
"BASTARDS" he screamed "Leave them ALONE"
The Royal turned back to Reiken.  "Oh....  Do you want to protect them now?  What about protecting us when we needed you?"
Reiken struggled against the person holding him.  "I'm NOT opening the gate.... not for you.... not for anyone!" he snarled, anger bubbling up in him "I shouldn't have done it...  I'm not letting them out"
"Then you don't really care....  about that small group of people down there" The Royal said "You either open the gate... or we will destroy that village"
"No....  I wouldn't let you...." Reiken said, glaring at the royal.
The Royal shrugged.  "Well... if that's what you want...." he said "Why don't we burn this entire mountain down....  with that village and everything here"
Reiken froze.  
Slowly he looked over at the Royal.  "You.... want to... destroy this place?" he asked, voice quiet and soft.
"Everything...." The Royal whispered, as he leaned towards Reiken.  
Reiken shook his head, shutting his eyes tightly.  Anger burned through him.  Uncontrollable and furious.  
"...I wouldn't let you..." he whispered.  
"There is nothing you can do," the Royal said.  
Slowly Reiken lifted his head.  His eyes were empty and cold.  "...I failed you... again...." he whispered "But... I wouldn't let you hurt them...  or this mountain"
The Royal narrowed his eyes at Reiken.  "Do you think you can stop us?" he asked.  
"You can't…. I can't let you… please… PLEASE DON'T!" Reiken called out, straining against the one holding him.
"You CAN'T stop us!" The royal said.
Reiken's breathing sped up.  His vision blurred as he screamed.  
The mountain shook.  
Storm winds ripped through the trees, tearing them from the ground.  
Cloud started covering the skies.  Rain poured down as the air heated up.  
Thunderstorms raged over the mountain.  Lightning ripped at the ground.  Everything shook and trembled.  Fires started on one side of the mountain, reaching towards the skies, burning furiously in the rain.
The royal stumbled back, covering his face with one arm.
Reiken's scream slowly faded.  
The immortal lifted his head.  No hands were holding him anymore.  His red hair fell over his face in wet strands.
Slowly he got to his feet.  Steam rose from his body, as power rippled through the air around him.
"...I will not…. Let you kill them….  Nor destroy that town… and I will NOT… let you destroy HER resting place" he snarled, as the mountain shook again "You insolent CHILDREN"
The sound of thunder ripped through the air.  The ground trembled.  
Power tore at the Spirit Clan members.
When the last Spirit Clan fell, the shaking and thunder stopped.
Reiken watched as they fell.  There was no expression on his face.  As the rain started to slow down, his expression softened. 
"...I am so sorry…" he whispered.  Tears filled his eyes and he sank to his knees.  
"Please… forgive me…" 
A quiet sob ripped through his chest as he gripped his burned wrist.
"...I'm so sorry …. Please… please… forgive me…"
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I just want to hit Gorilla tit and Botox lizard with a truck
Twisted Fate - Kick me when I'm down
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"You better pray I don't get up this time"
Curio pulled his hand through his hair.  He looked around in his room.  It didn't look like something he'd choose to stay in.  The entire room looked like it was cut from some kind of interior decorating book.  Not just that, his room was mostly dusty as well.  
It was his job to keep his room clean, but while he wasn't there, no one else was allowed inside.  
With a sigh, he dropped his backpack onto the bed.  He moved slowly.  His body still hurts from the accident at training.  He technically did not have to come home, but the academy insisted until he's fully recovered that he stays at home.  
Which was not something that would help with his recovery.  The only thing that will happen, will be his school work piling up.  That and he'll probably get yelled at more than at school.
Curio breathed out, slowly sitting down on his bed.  Every part of his body screamed at him to stop moving.  
A knock at his door, made his head shoot up and for a second the room turned.  Biting back a groan he got up.  Slowly walking over and opening the door.  
Timothy stood on the other side.  The butler gave him a bow.  
"Master Curio" he said with a smile "You came in without greeting anyone"
The corner of Curio's mouth pulled into a slight smile.  "I didn't want to bother you guys" he said "You're always so busy...  And I can walk to my room on my own"
Timothy shook his head.  "Come now, Master Curio" he said "You know we actually like taking care of you.  Now...  Is there anything you need, Master Curio?"
Curio paused for a moment.  "I just need new bandages...  and do we still have carbatrol?" he asked.
A frown formed on Timothy's face.  "Did you have another seizure?" he asked, looking worried.  
"Yes...  don't worry about it" Curio said "I just haven't taken mine today"
"Of course, Sir" Timothy said "I will tell James to make you something to eat"
"No no..." Curio said quickly, lifting his hands "It's alright...  You know the carbatrol takes away my appetite"
"That is exactly why you need to eat something, Sir" Timothy said "I will come get you when the food is ready"
Curio smiled.  "Thank you," he said.
"I will send Irene to help take care of your injuries" Timothy said.  
Nodding, Curio closed the door again, walking back to his bed.  He wanted to get some sleep, but if his parents came home and he was sleeping, he would be in a lot of trouble.  
When voices sounded from the front of the house, Curio flinched awake.  Immediately he got out of the bed, leaving his room.  
At the bottom of the stairs, he paused.  
He could hear his parents talking to Timothy.  They sounded angry and that was never good for anyone in the mansion.  
Swallowing, Curio stepped into the lobby.  
"Mother....  Father" he said, keeping his head raised.  
Immediately his parents' attention snapped towards him.  
"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Curio swallowed.  "I was sent home" he said keeping his voice even "Due to an accident during training"
"You've been causing trouble again," Kyle said.
"No...." Curio started.
"Don't argue," Sarah snapped.  
Before Curio could say anything, his phone started ringing.  He flinched slightly as he pulled out his phone.  This was pretty much bad timing on whoever was calling.  
"Would you turn that thing off?" Sarah snapped. 
"Yes... sorry, mother" Curio said quickly as he quickly declined the call without even looking.  
"Leave your phone in your room.  If it disturbs us again, you will be in a lot of trouble" Sarah said, looking down at Curio.  
"Sorry, Mother" Curio said "It will not happen again"
"It better not" Sarah said, narrowing her eyes at him, before turning and walking towards the office.  
Kyle ignored Curio, as he handed Timothy his coat and walked away.  
Curio breathed out, feeling his shoulders relaxing slightly.  Immediately a bolt of pain shot through his shoulder, where one of the training dummies stabbed him.  
"Master Curio" a voice from behind.
Quickly the teen turned around.  "Oh....  Irene" he said, smiling slightly "Sorry...  Seems like I missed you when you came to bring the..."
"Master Curio" Irene said, crossing her arms "You need to take care of yourself a bit more"  
"It was just a training accident," Curio said, the slight smile still on his face.  
Irene rolled her eyes.  "Oh come on" she said "Let me take a look, before you get an infection or something"
"Hey Cure!" Shaun called out when he saw his friend waving.
Curio smiled slightly.  "hey guys..." he said, walking up to them "How was the school?"
"Terribly boring without you," Roland said.
"You're being dramatic," Curio said, jamming his hands into his pockets.
Roland laughed, throwing his arm over Curio's shoulder.  "Well...  We did miss you" he said "And why didn't you answer your phone?"
For a moment Curio's expression went blank.  "My phone broke," he said, voice flat and emotionless.  
"It broke?" Roland started before he stopped.  He breathed out as he realised what happened "Alright....  No worries man.  How's the rest of your injuries, you were pretty beaten up when you left"
Immediately Curio's shoulders relaxed slightly as the topic changed.  
"Oh yeah....  Don't worry...  Irene took care of it" he said "You know how good she is at treating injuries" 
"Good thing too" Shaun said "Because you're terrible at it"
Curio snorted.  "Come on...  We've got better get moving before we're late" he said "And I can't miss any more class than I already have"
"Don't be so dramatic man...  We got all of your extra work for you" Roland said.  
"Did you do it for me as well?" Curio asked, sarcastically. 
Shaun laughed.  "Well damn...  If you want to fail, you'll want him to do it for you" he said.
"Hold on....  That's not true" Roland said as they started walking "I'm pretty good at academics"
"No... You suck" both Curio and Shaun said at the same time. 
Roland pouted.  "You guys are mean..." he said as they reached the Zulu training ground.
"Why does my first period back have to be training with the first year students?" Curio muttered.
"You could have said no" Shaun said, patting Curio on the shoulder "See you later man...  Don't do anything stupid alright?"
"Get lost, Shaw," Curio said with a smile.
Roland let go of Curio.  "Call if you need help...." he started "Oh.... you can't... just scream?"
Shaun rolled his eyes, smacking the back of Roland's head.  "Shut up, you idiot" he grumbled as he started walking "Let's go before we're late for class... and you get into more trouble"
Curio waved them off.  "Go" he said as he headed towards the Zulu grounds entrance.  He kept his hands in his pockets as he stepped onto the training grounds.  
The moment he stepped inside, the sound of voices greeted him.  
Sinan came running towards him.  "Hey" he said "We didn't think you'd be back yet"
Curio chuckled.  "And leave your kids here without supervision?" he asked.
"We're not kids..." Sinan said "We're barely two years younger than you"
"You behave like kids" Curio said, trying not to smile at the indignant look on Sinan's face "Now stop harassing me and get back to the others"
Sinan pulled a face at him before he went back to where the other students were.  
"Alright everyone let's start class...  Warm up and split into three groups" Curio called out.  
Immediately the class started doing what he said.  The training period went off without anyone getting hurt and Curio dismissed them as soon as the time ran out.
The group that lost stayed behind to help with the clean up.  
"Just how exactly did you manage to get so messed up that they sent you home?" Sinan asked as he helped Curio carry some of the equipment they used.
"Some of the training dummies had faulty programming, so I just got the bad end of it" Curio said, putting the bars down.  
"Damn.... that's really rough," Sinan said.
Curio shrugged, a slight frown forming on his face as he noticed a crack on the floor, near some of the heavy equipment.  
"Sinan...  We need to report this damage" he said, going closer so he could make sure that it really was that bad.  If the foundation of the storage room was damaged, it could become dangerous.  Especially with the heavy equipment that was being stored there.  
"Damn....  that's a big crack" Sinan said, stepping up next to Curio "Not good..."
Curio shook his head.  "Where's your phone?  We need to take a picture of it to give to the admin" he said.
"Over there.... in my jacket" Sinan said, motioning over his shoulder.  He jumped slightly when a far off explosion sounded.  "Shit... what the heck was that?" 
"Probably the graduates" Curio said as he took out the phone "They have the entire morning at Beta grounds"
"Damn... Beta grounds....  I can't wait to get there" Sinan said.  
Curio chuckled.  "It's not all that fun..." he started as the ground beneath them trembled.  He lost his balance, shoulder slamming into the wall next to him.  
Sinan let out a scream.  
Without hesitation, Curio shot forward.  The place where Sinan stood sank within a few inches.  He grabbed Sinan, pushing him back as one of the heavy shelves tilted towards them.  
Clenching his jaw, Curio covered Sinan from the falling equipment.  
Pain shot through his body as everything fell down on them.  It sounded like thunder inside the storage room.  When the trembling stopped and the sounds slowly stopped, the silence became overwhelming.  
It took Curio a moment before he realised that everything was quiet and wasn't moving.  
"....Sinan..." he gasped, as he tried to clear his vision.  
There was dust in the air, making his eyes tear up.  It felt that if he moved the shelf was going to crush them.  The thing was extremely heavy.  
"Curio?" Sinan's voice came from between the dust "What.... just happened?"
Curio shook his head.  "I... don't know" he groaned "Are you... alright?"
"Yeah.... I think so...." Sinan said, before coughing.  
"Can you move?" Curio asked.
He heard something move, before the pressure immediately increased.  His knees buckled and the shelve pinned him against the wall.  It almost felt like something went right through his arm.  He smothered a scream.  
Immediately the sound of moving stopped.  
"Curio!" Sinan gasped "Hey... are you alright?"
"....I'm pinned...." Curio groaned "Can you get out?"
Sinan's breathing spiked for a moment.  "I... I don't know...." he said, panic lacing his voice.  
"Sinan..." Curio groaned "Hey...  you need to breathe...  Alright...  We'll be fine.  Some would have heard that... and the rest of your team should be close by"
The dust slowly started to clear and Curio looked around.  His hand trembled as he stayed pinned against the wall.  Quickly turning his head, he noticed Sinan not so far away from him.  
Sinan was staring at him with wide eyes.  "...Curio.... you.... You...." he stuttered. 
"Hey... Sinan, it's alright....  It's alright...." Curio said, pushing the pulsing pain in his arm to the back of his mind.  
Voices sound from outside and his head snapped in that direction.
"CURIO!  SINAN!" voices called coming closer.  
"DON'T COME IN!" Curio yelled.  He did not know how stable everything was.  If it weren't any movement could cause everything to collapse on them.  That was not something he was looking forward to.  
"Are you guys alright?" one of the first years called. 
Curio took a few breaths.  "Yeah... We're fine..." he said "Just got a bit banged up.  One of you needs to go get one of the teachers or heroes.  Did any of you get hurt?"
A soft commotion sounded before going quiet again. 
"Jin went to get someone to help" a voice said, a voice belonging to Myrin "Is there anything we can do?"
"Myrin....  can you see a path towards the back... without moving anything?" Curio asked quietly.  He tried to control his breathing.  If he starts panicking, the others will also panic.  
"Alright...  We'll take a look" Myrin said.  
Curio looked over at Sinan.  "You still alright?" he asked quietly.  
Sinan stared up at Curio, eyes wide.  "I....  I think so..." he said quietly "...  You're...  You're hurt"
"I'll be alright..." Curio said "You guys have given me worse in training"
"You...  You're lying...  There's a staff going through... your arm..." Sinan said, his eyes flickering to Curio's arm.  
Something moved and the shelf shifted.  Curio bit back a scream as the staff through his arm moved as well.  The shelf dug into his shoulder.  He couldn't move and it hurt so badly.  
"STOP!" Sinan yelled "Guys your moving something and it's.... it's crushing Curio"
Immediately all movement stopped.  
"Curio?" Myrin asked, her voice sounding closer than before.  
Curio breathed out.  "I'm alright..." he said "Keep going...  Let's get Sinan out first... and then you guys can try and move some of the equipment"
"What... no..." Sinan said "We need to get you out first..."
Curio shook his head.  "No... it's fine..." he said "If we get you out...  then we don't have to worry... that anything might fall on you"
"but...." Sinan started before shouts and footsteps sounded outside.  
"What happened?" a new voice asked.  
"We don't know...  I think one of the tremors from the graduates training made the shelves or something fall over... now Curio and Sinan are trapped inside...." another voice said.  
"Alright..." the new voice said "Curio..  Sinan... can you two hear me?"
"Yes, Sir" Sinan called out and Curio nodded slightly.  
"Are the two of you alright?" the teacher asked.  
"We're fine..." Curio said "I'm just pinned... to the wall..."
"Are you injured?"
For a moment Curio wanted to say no, but then he'll get into trouble again.  So he closed his eyes, resting his head back against the wall.  "I've got a training staff through my arm... and the shelf is pinning me against the wall, I can't move" he said.
For a moment there was silence.
"Alright, Curio, you stay calm...  We'll get you out in a little bit" the teacher said "Sinan how are you?"
"I'm fine, Sir...  Not hurt or anything... maybe just a few bruises" Sinan said, glancing at Curio.  
"Good...  We're going to get you out and then work on getting to Curio" 
"I'll be fine, Sir.." Curio said, through clenched teeth.  He closed his eyes as he listened to everything outside.  
Time ticked by slowly as they waited.  Every now and then some of the equipment would shift and Curio tried not to make a sound as the staff and shelve moved slightly.  He's going to be very bruised when they get out of here.  
"Sinan" A voice said very close to them, making Curio flinch and immediately regret it.  Pain shot through his arm and shoulder.  He opened his eyes, slowly turning his head towards the voice.  
Myrin was peering out from a small space between the equipment.  
"Myrin..." Sinan said, eyes wide.
"Hey...We got a path for you...." she said "So now we can get you out..."
"That's great..." Curio muttered.  
Immediately Myrin's head snapped towards Curio and she gasped.  "Curio...  What the heck...  are you alright?" she asked worriedly.
Curio gave her a slight smile.  "I'm okay... But I would appreciate it if you guys can hurry up" he said "My arm's getting numb..."
He didn't dare look down at his arm, he could reel the blood that's been dripping down the wound, run down his arm.  
Myrin nodded.  "We're going as fast as we can..." she said quickly. "Michael is doing his best to stabilise everything so we can get you out"
"Alright..." Curio said before nodding to Sinan "Move slowly...  and just keep on breathing until you're out... Alright?"
Sinan looked at Curio, before he swallowed and nodded.  "Got it..." he said quickly.
Curio watched as Sinan and Myrin slowly made their way out of the fallen rubble.  He took a few deep breaths, before looking around.  Most of the equipment was metal, and so was the shelves.  If Sinan and Myrin got out, he might be able to lift everything with his power.  That's to say if he still had enough strength to do it.  
And not just electrocute himself.  
"We're out!" Sinan called.  
The other guy sounded better, not as panicking as before.  
"Curio are you still alright in there?" the teacher's voice asked. 
"Sir..." Curio started "There's something I want to try"
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to use your power now, LightingSpeed" 
"I'll just try once... if it doesn't work, I'll wait," Curio said.
There was silence for a moment and Curio almost thought they left.  He actually felt bone dead tired at the moment.  As if he could just close his eyes and go to sleep for a while.  
"Curio!" the teacher's voice called out.  
Curio flinched, opening his eyes.  
When did he close his eyes?
"Yeah... I'm here" he said, pressing his free hand over his face "Is everyone clear of the storage room?"
"Yes... everyone is clear" the teacher said "Glen is here to pull you out as soon as you start moving everything"
Glen...  He was the guy that could redirect energy and electricity.  Good choice.  At least Curio wouldn't be able to injure him.  
"Alright...  I'm starting now" Curio said.  
He clenched his jaw and reached for his power.  Immediately the air around him started to crackle.  He focused on electrical charges in the air, forcing it into the metal around him.  
Slowly everything started to lift.  
He struggled with the shelf that was on his shoulder.  It hurt.  Biting back a whimper he focused on the shelf.  He felt his vision starting to blur as the shelf lifted.  
A hand caught his shoulder as he started to tilt to the side.  
"I got you..." a voice said, but it sounded far off.  
Curio barely managed not to pass out.  He tried to keep himself from dropping everything on him and Glen.  Pain tore through his arm and he smothered a scream.  
"We're almost there..." Glen's voice said.  
As they moved, Curio knew that he was starting to faint.  His shoulder hurt and his arm now tingled, almost like it has been asleep for a while.  
"I see..." he groaned, stumbling next to Glen. 
Without warning the two stumbled out of the storage room.  Both of the sank to the ground gasping.  
Glan looked up.  "Don't... ever... ask me to... go through.... his lightning again..." he said out of breath.  
The teacher knelt next to Glen and Curio.  He pressed his hand over the one wound in Curio's arm.  "Myrin, pressed this against his shoulder" he said immediately.
Curio yelped, but did not move.  "Dammit...." he muttered under his breath.  
"It's alright... we got you out" the teacher said "Now let's get you to the infirmary… Looks like you broke your shoulder…”
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In dire need of more Nova and Gale and an explanation for all this.
So I humbly request a part 2
Welcome to the Black Parade
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“Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Nova sat cross-legged on his bed, eyes flickering over the pages of the book he was reading.  He had a minor headache.  And the bedrest was making him very restless.  
The gym had been locked, while Max and Gale made sure that he did not break the locks.  
He could barely walk to the beach and without feeling like passing out.  After the entire thing with the cult and ritual sacrifice thing.  Just thinking about it made his skin craw.  It annoyed him to no end every time that Gale or Max said anything.  
Breathing out he turned the page.  It took him a moment be realized that he wasn't taking in anything he was reading.  
With a cuss, he slammed the close and threw it towards the desk.  
For a moment he fiddled with the bandages around his wrists, before he flopped back onto the bed.  He stared up at the ceiling.  If he did not get out of the house, he was going to lose his mind.  
He sighed.  Rubbing his eyes, he got up.  His wrists itched and he really wanted to scratch them, but then he might just open the wounds again.  
Annoyed he went down the stairs, falling down on the couch and turning on the television.  Without paying much attention, he flipped through the channels.  
Just before he got up, his phone started ringing.  
Frowning, he grabbed his phone.  It was an unknown number.  He answered the call.  
"Who the fuck are you?" he answered.  
"Dominic McClain" a voice said "Good....  I was almost worried that you wouldn't answer.  We haven't seen much of you the last few weeks"
Nova frowned.  "Who.... the fuck.... are you?" he asked quietly.  
"Don't be in such a hurry, McClain" the voice said "Keep quiet and listen...  It might be a benefit to you to turn on your camera"
Worry rushed through him. 
"Why do I want to turn the camera on?" Nova asked.
"Oh... so you... don't want to see, what's happening to the town's princess?"
Nova felt himself go cold.  "What are you talking about?" he asked, voice going cold. 
"Turn on your camera....  and they you'll see" the voice said.  
Clenching his jaw, Nova turned on his phone's camera.  For a moment nothing happened.  He went still as he looked at the screen.  
The scene showed one of the city blocks being destroyed.  Immediately he noticed Amilia's red hair.  She was fighting against someone...  
No more than one person.  
Where was her sisters?  Why weren't they helping her?
Anger slowly build in him.  His eyes flickered over the screen and then he froze as one of the attackers managed to attack Amilia from behind.  As he watched, the one that attacked Amilia, stabbed her through the back.  
He breath got caught in his throat and for a moment he couldn't breath.  As he watched, the blood spread over her clothes.  
"...no...no..." he whispered "....Princess...."
The anger rushed cold through him, before immediately followed by fear.  He couldn't let this happen.  His hands started trembling.  
"Who.... the hell.... are you?" he growled, voice edging on breaking.  
"Ah....  looks like we hit a nerve..." the voice said "Are you mad now?  It seems like you really do care about this little princess?"
"What do you think you're doing?" Nova snarled.
His eyes stayed on the images.  Blood was running down Amilia's pale face.  They were hurting her, attacking her while she could barely fight back anymore.  
"Well....  This is all just a game...."  the voice said "And you are one of our main players"
Nova's phone fell to the ground as he shot up into the air, just ripping through the wall as he headed towards the city.  
Power surged around Nova.  He could feel the seal in his side burning.  It hurt so badly, but against the anger going through him over shadowed everything.  
The moment his feet touched the ground, the ground started cracking and breaking.  
All the debris around him became part of his power.  
Nova prowled forwards. 
With each step his power went more and more out of control.  Buildings shook.  Windows shattered.  The glass becoming part of maelstrom of power around him. 
Screams and shouts echoed through the air.  
The sound bombarded his mind.  It only served to make his anger burn more furiously.  The further he moved into the city, the more visible his power became, turning in to streams of silver light.  
How dare they use Amilia?
How dare they hurt her like that....
He will kill them.
Each and every person that touched her.  
They will die.
He will make it as painful as possible, ripping them limb from limb, until there's nothing left.  They will regret ever going near her.  
For a moment the seal in his side flared up enough to break through his anger, causing him to stumble, before regaining his balance.  
His power roar up around him, spreading out even more.  It consumed city block after city block, until he reached a place that looked like a fight took place there.  
For a moment he stopped moving.  
The buildings around him groaned, under the pressure of his power.  One of them crumbled, as if it had been hit by a missile.  Power lines started exploding the longer Nova stood there watched the place where the fight happened.  
Vertical slit, bi-chrome eyes took everything in around him.  
He reached out with his power.  The energy in the air around him started to condense.  The silver lights of power disappeared.  
Nova stepped forward again.
She wasn't here. 
He could smell blood in the air.  Her send was still lingering in the air, meaning she had been there, but wasn't anymore.  
To his side another building crumbled to the ground due to the pressure of his power.  More explosions followed as he moved again, leaving trail of destruction behind.  
When he finally reached the place where he could feel Amilia's fading presence, he stopped again.  
It took him a moment before his eyes found her.  She was laying on the street in a growing pool of blood.   Immediately his power flared again.  The power burned like fire through his blood.
He drew more power from his seal.  
An almost crippling pain ripped through his side, making his vision blur for a moment.  
Ignoring it he started towards Amilia.  He was not going to let her die, even if he had to bring the entire city down to save her.  There was no other option.  He did not care about the city if it meant getting her out of there.  
Something slammed into his shoulder, making him stumbled.  One hand shot out in the direction the attack came from, releasing a focused blast of pure energy towards the attacker.  All the while he kept on moving towards Amilia.
His power started lashing out at everything around him, now allowing anyone to attack again or go near them.  
He knelt next to Amilia.  
With one hand he pressed over the wound in her side, the other checking for a pulse.  
Within the blink of an eye, all his power disappeared, as if it had been suck back into his body.  For a moment Nova swayed slightly, before he gently lifted Amilia off the ground.  
"Just where do you think you're going?" a voice asked from behind him. 
Nova's head tilted slightly to the side as he looked over his shoulder.  As his eyes focused on the man behind him a savage sneer formed on his face.  His eyes flashed with power.  
"You're the one.... that stabbed her..." he growled, the fangs in his mouth twisting the words slightly. 
"So what if it was...." the man started, only for Nova's power to rip through him, tearing the man apart.  
"Fucking... weak" he growled, before turning his attention back to Amilia.  For a second his expression softened before being replaced by anger again.  Without hesitation he shot up into the air, heading to the closest hospital that his power did not destroy.
Nova watched as they took Amilia away.  His expression blank.  He knew that he felt angry, but for some reason the anger just wasn't there.  When he reached for his phone to call his brothers, he realized that he didn't have it with him.
Right....  he dropped it at the house. 
Dammit, his brothers are going to be mad at him again.  
His eyes flickered around in the Emergency room.  It was packed full of people.  Probably people that got hurt when he lost control.  
Looks like they just had really bad luck today.  
For a second he glanced at the television showing the news.  It seems like he destroyed almost half the city on his way to Amilia.  He tisked annoyed.  
He'll destroy the entire fucking city if it meant keeping her save.  
They should be glad it was only half of fucking useless place.  
A sharp pain shot up his side, drawing his attention back to his seal.  It was still burning white hot.  
Well that was thing was properly messed up now.  
It actually felt worse than usual, more like he was being continuously stabbed with needles or something.
His attention shifted back to the television.  It was now showing the fight again. 
Amilia against almost twenty guys.  
She should have been able to win that fight.  She was strong enough for it.  
He clenched his jaw as the anger surged forward again, making the hospital building tremble.  
"You need to calm down" a voice said behind him and Nova spun.
Gale stood behind him, a serious expression on his face.  
A snarl formed on Nova's mouth, before his brother grabbed him and dragged him out of the hospital.  He all but threw him onto the ground outside.  
Nova's head slammed into the ground, and before he could get up again, Gale was on him. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" his brother snarled at him.
"Get off...." Nova hissed, straining against Gale.  
"Not before you stop trying to bring the entire place down"
"GET OFF ME!" Nova screamed, feeling his power teetering on the edge again.  
Gale grabbed Nova's head, slamming it into the ground a few times until his brother stopped struggling against him.  
"Breathe you damn moron" he growled, eyes flashing.  
Nova glared at his brother through the pain.  He was shaking now, but not with anger.  Exhaustion rushed through him, making everything go out of focus.
"You calmer now?" Gale asked, when Nova did not try to attack him again.  
"...Yes..." Nova said "Now... get off"
Narrowing his eyes at Nova, Gale got off him and pulled him to his feet.  "What the hell's gotten into you?" he asked.  
"They tried to get at me...." Nova said, looking away.
"I don't know"
"Hurting the Princess"
"She's strong she can take care of herself"
"There was something wrong....  I don't know what... but they hurt her... badly... I....  I lost it..." Nova said, feeling his power surfacing again.
"And took almost the entire city with you" Gale said "Why the hell did you let your power go that much out of control?"
"Because.....  Because it should have been ME!" Nova snapped "Not her!  She doesn't deserve this..."
Gale clenching his hands into fists.  He immediately reached for his power.  If Nova went off the rails again, he needed to stop him...  Needed to be ready to stop him.  
"Breathe...." he said "This is not your fault"
Nova glared at his brother, his entire body shaking.  
Carefully Gale placed his hand on Nova's shoulder.  "She's going to be alright... you know that" he said quietly.  
Nova just lowered his head.  "She has to be...." he said.
With a sigh, Gale pulled his brother closer, letting him rest his head on his shoulders.  With one hand he patted Nova's blond hair. 
"It's alright, Kid..." he said "It's alright..."
"Sorry.... I'm alright...." Nova mumbled, before winching. His seal burning again.
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I don't know where my fondness for Tyler came from but he's a good guy.
River has also grown so much. Or maybe I just haven't read him in a while.
Fallen Heroes - Old Wounds
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"Like crying out in empty room; with on-one there except the moon"
Tyler closed his eyes, trying to keep his power under control.  The void orbs.  His new power.  He didn't even know that he had his own power, besides the NightAngel power.  With that power came a new voice.  
Maybe he was just going crazy.  
He was reasonably sure that the heroes did not hear voices in their heads.  For some of them it actually would make sense if they also have a voice in their heads.  It would explain why Jack and Alley were such assholes.  
A shiver ran through his body.  He did not like what was going on.  
Voices sounded in the hallway.  He could really remember how he got away from Kaguya and his people.  
The few things he could remember was that he and Garth met up with Kaguya and his people to get River back.  They traded and he thinks they might have tortured him.  After that he couldn't remember anything. 
The voices kept going, almost like they were standing still in front of his bedroom door.  
Breathing out, Tyler opened his eyes again.  Slowly he got up from the bed and walked over to the door.  He pushed his hair out of his face as he opened the door, looking down at the two standing in front of him. 
"What are you two doing?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.  
Vinja lifted her chin as she looked at him, while River just copied his expression.  
"We came to check up on you" River said, as he crossed his arms.  
"I don't need you two babysitting me" Tyler said. 
River narrowed his eyes at Tyler, but did not say anything.  
"The demon's mad," Vinja said.
Tyler immediately looked over at her.  "Tell your demon to keep its nose out of my head" he said.
Vinja shrugged.  "If that's what you want" she said.  
"You're being an asshole, Ty" River said.  
Tyler took a deep breath, before nodding.  "Alright....  I didn't mean to be that rude" he said "Where's Arthur?"
"Why don't you ask Bell?" River said, still glaring at his brother. 
Rolling his eyes, Tyler slowly walked to the stairs.  He was starting to feel as if he was disconnected from his body.  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that the demon was watching, just waiting for its chance to annoy him.  
He could feel Vinja and River staring at him.  Everything felt strange.   
"Bell" Tyler muttered "Where is Arthur?"
"He is currently in the bunker" Bell said "Are you alright?  You seem worked up about something"
"I'm fine," Tyler said as he made his way down to the bunker.  His hand twitched and he could feel his power starting to flicker around him.  It felt like it tried to go out of control. It actually felt painful to try and control it.
Worry flickered in the back of his mind.  He barely managed to get the demon under control and now it seems like he actually had a dormant power the entire time.  That was actually terrifying to him.  If he had this power the entire time, why did it only now start to show?
Shaking his head, he closed the bunker door behind him, quickly going down the stairs.  
"Arthur?" Tyler said as he took the stairs two-two down into the bunker.  
"Master Tyler" the old man said from deeper into the bunker.  
A slight smile formed on Tyler's face as he quickly moved towards the voice.  He found the old butler working at the computer.  As he walked over, the old man turned around in the chair. 
"Um...." Tyler started before he breathed out "I need to talk to you about something"
Arthur nodded.  "Of course, Sir" he said "Do you want to talk about it in the study?"
Tyler shook his head as he dragged another chair over.  He sank into the seat, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling.  
"Something happened..." he said slowly.
A slight frown formed on Arthur's face.  "The new power" he said and Tyler nodded slightly.  
"I don't think I can control it" he said.
As he spoke, Tyler could feel his power surging through him.  He bit back a groan, hugging his middle, as he tried to control the power.  
"Master Tyler" Arthur said, quickly going over to Tyler.  His eyes flickered around, noticing the flickering orbs around Tyler.  
Without warning, the void orbs erupted around them.  
Tyler's eyes rolled back as he just went limp, forcing Arthur to catch him.  
Tyler slowly woke up.  He could hear the sounds around him.  It sounded like River and Arthur...  Maybe Vinja, all of them talking.
He swallowed and slowly sat up.  He was still in the bunker, but this was the back, in the medical room.  For a moment his eyes flickered around.  It almost looked like a tornado went through the bunker.  
Everything was on the ground.  Some things had holes ripped through them while others seemed to have been just knocked off to the ground.  
Slowly he sat up, swinging his legs off the bed and getting up.  His feet touched the cold floor and he realised that he's been changed into more comfortable clothes.  It was probably Arthur.  
He walked over to where he heard the voices.  
"What happened?" he asked quietly as he reached the others.  
River's head shot up.  "Ty," he said, eyes wide, "Are you alright now?"
Tyler nodded.  "Yeah... I think so" he said.  
"Dammit man.  You scared the living crap out of us" River said "Since when can you control..." he looked over at Vinja "Void orbs?"
The girl nodded.  "Void orbs," she said.  
Tyler frowned as he watched the two.  "Right....  Since I..." he started "Since you got kidnapped"
River frowned darkly.  "Why didn't you say something?" he asked.  
"It didn't matter," Tyler said, pushing his hair out of his face.  
"You are fucking terrible man" River said. 
"Hey" Tyler said "Watch your language"
River lifted his hands in surrender.  "yeah, yeah....  Whatever" he said as he grabbed a broken computer screen from the floor.
Tyler breathed out.  "Riv...." he started.
"Just don't" River said, dumping the broken screen into a trash bag "You always lie...  Especially when you think you're protecting someone.  It's a damn asshole move man"
"Alright" Tyler said, glancing at Vinja.  
The girl was studying him, her head tilted slightly.  Her white hair fell over her face.  
He needed to talk to her, but did not have the energy for it at the moment.  
"Master Tyler" Arthur said, stepping up behind Tyler.  
Tyler jumped slightly, before he turned to the old man.  "Arthur..." he said slowly "What.... happened?"
"You lost control over your power, sir" the old man said "And then you passed out"
Clenching his jaw, Tyler nodded.  He looked over at River and Vinja.  Watching the two, he couldn't risk putting them in danger.  So he'll have to sort this out before one of them gets hurt.  
River narrowed his eyes at Tyler.  "I know that look...." he said, anger flashing in his eyes "You're going to do something stupid again.... aren't you?"
Tyler shrugged.  "Maybe...." with a slight smile "Riv... I cannot risk you or Vinja getting hurt by accident"
"I can take care of myself" Vinja said, looking at him with a curious expression "You don't need to protect me"
"And I can also take care of myself" River said "You know full well that I can nullify your damn power"
"Guess I can't win against you two" Tyler said, rolling his eyes at them "But I am still not going to risk it" he turned to Arthur "I'm going to the second bunker"
Arthur nodded slightly.  "Of course, Sir..." he said "I'll make sure everything is prepared"
"Thank you, Arthur..." Tyler said.  He looked over at River again, but did not say anything.  
River glared at him for a moment longer.  "Just do what you want..." he grumbled before turning and starting to clean again.  
Tyler clenched his jaw, hands also balling into fists.  He could feel the new power flickering around him.  Immediately he took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on that power again.  In the back of his mind he could hear the demons laughing.  
Maybe he just needed to lock them back up like before.  
He did not like having more voices in his head.  It almost made his own thoughts feel like they were fake.  
Without a word, he started to help with the cleaning.  
Silence fell over the bunker, the only sound of cleaning broke it.  
After a while, Tyler paused and looked over at Arthur.  "Bell?" he asked softly.
"Well... I almost thought you forgot about me" the disembodied voice said, almost sounding angry.
Tyler smiled slightly.   "It's good to hear your voice, Bell" he said "At least I haven't destroyed you"
"You came very close to doing it...  what on earth were you thinking?  If you have something against me, just tell me and I'll kick your ass" 
That made Tyler laugh softly.  He felt the relief rushing through his body.  If he lost Bell, it would be as bad as losing a friend.  
"Good..." he said, turning his focus back to cleaning.  With all the damage he could see, they were going to need to do some major repairs.  Including quite a few screens for the computer system.  It looked like he destroyed at least half of them.  
"You know....  You should be a bit more careful.  Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost to replace everything you broke today?" Bell asked, sounding very annoyed.  Almost like she was the one paying for everything.
"Bell you're not paying..."
"But I can see the money disappear, because you're an idiot"
"And you're a computer...  I can switch you off anytime I want" Tyler said as he picked up some broken glass "Don't think I wouldn't do it"
"You will be useless without me"
"Bell...." Tyler growled.  
"That's enough," Arthur said.
"Hmff..." was all they got from Bell.  
Tyler pulled a face at the computers before turning around and continued cleaning. 
As they finished, both Vinja and River left the bunker.  Tyler just sank down on the chair, dropping his head into his hands.  He could already feel the build up in him, threatening to go out of control.  
"...Arthur..." Tyler said, through clenched teeth "Call River...  Please....  I...  I can't... control it"
"Of course, sir," Arthur said.
Tyler sank down on his knees, just wrapping his arms around himself.  It felt like he was being torn apart from the inside as he struggled to keep his power under control.  
The void orbs started flickering in and out of existence.  Pain kept on pulsing through him.  He barely noticed when Arthur and River came rushing back into the bunker.  
River froze as he saw Tyler in the middle of the bunker on his knees.  It looked like he was barely holding himself together.  It has been a while since he'd seen his brother like that.  And he wished he'd never see it again, but Tyler just couldn't stay out of trouble.  
Quickly he knelt in front of his brother.  "Ty..." he said, flinching as a void orb flickered right next to his head "Shit...."
Immediately he placed his hand on Tyler's shoulder.  "Come on, Ty...." he muttered as he reached for his own power.
Tyler's eyes flickered towards River.  He could barely make his brother out through blurred vision of pain.  
"...make it... stop..." he gasped. 
"You've got it..." River said. 
He breathed in and released his hold on his power.  Immediately the void orbs disappeared completely and the flickering stopped.  
Tyler paled slightly, his hands clenched into fists.  "Keep going..." he said, focusing his attention on trying to suppress his own power with River's negations.
"Do you... know how... hard this is?" River snapped "So shut up... useless brother"
Tyler wanted to smile, but he needed to focus, needed to control this power.  It felt even more overwhelming than the NightAngel power.  
"Put some effort in..." River hissed through clenched teeth "...dammit..."
Tyler nodded.  He had to make this stop.  It was much too dangerous to let his power run free.  
Make it stop....
Make it stop....
He reached towards the power in his mind, feeling it laugh and taunt him.  
"Make... it... stop..." he hissed at the power "Or else...  I will stop you...."
"Just try...." the power whispered, straining against Tyler's hold.  
Tyler let out a soft growl, feeling the NightAngel power building in his as well.  Only to his surprise it was helping to suppress his own power.  Slowly the power started to disappear.
Both Tyler and River immediately sank down to the ground, gasping for breath, as if they've just ran a marathon.  
"What... the hell... was that?" River asked, staring at Tyler with wide eyes.
Tyler groaned, before just sprawling down on the ground.  "...my power..." he said "You little brat"
"That... was not your power" River said "That was something else.  You have the NightAngel power...  and that evolves with the user...  and that shit wasn't anything that you should be able to do... the void orbs....  Even Vinja said it's weird"
"You were discussing it with her?" Tyler asked, lifting his head slightly to look at River.  
The teen nodded.  
"I think that....  Well it might be my original power" Tyler said hesitantly "Like born power..."
"Like my neutralisation" River said and Tyler nodded.
"And I have no idea how to control it" 
"Well that's fucking obvious" River said.
"River!" both Tyler and Arthur said at the same time.
The teen rolled his eyes.  "Fine... I wouldn't swear" he said, as he slowly got to his feet.  His eyes stayed on Tyler "Don't do anything stupid...  Not somewhere where I can't help, got it?"
Tyler smirked.  "Yeah, yeah...." he said "Get lost... I'll be fine"
River shook his head as he headed towards the stairs.  
"Ty...  I'm serious" he said as he reached the stairs "Don't be reckless...  You just got your life back, don't mess it up"
Tyler stared after River, with a shocked expression as he slowly sat up.  
"Young master River has grown up, Sir" Arthur said.
Startled Tyler looked over at Arthur.  "I didn't....  I didn't even notice it" he said quietly.  
Before Arthur could say anything else an alarm went off through the bunker.  Tyler winched, quickly getting to his feet again. 
"BELL!  What the hell is going on?" he asked.
"There's a disturbance at the second bunker...  Looks like someone is trying to get in here" 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tyler snapped, he quickly grabbed his NightAngel armour. "Keep them busy for me, will you?"
"With pleasure" Bell said, sounding much too happy to be given the order to attack someone.
Tyler landed soundlessly at the secondary bunker.  His eyes flickered around, taking everything around him in.  It did not look like anyone was there.  
Could be a glitch in Bell’s program from when his power rampaged.  He wouldn't be surprised if that was it.  Without a sound, he slowly moved forward.  The bunker was in the middle of nowhere.  It looked like just a small storage building, with no windows and just one door.
A gentle breeze pulled at his clothes and Tyler stepped forward.  A print on the ground drew his attention and he immediately stopped again.  
"Bell... analyse footprint" he said quietly.  
"On it...  Analysis starting"
Without a further word, Tyler moved again.  The footprints lead right up to the bunker door.  Going by the size and imprint of the shoe, it was an adult, probably male, the foot was too wide to belong to a woman.  
Folding his hands behind his head he strode towards the bunker door.  
Tyler barely made it a few steps towards the bunker, before something flashed in the corner of his eye.  Immediately he jumped back.  
The ground at his feet exploded.  
"Rude much...." Tyler grumbled, his eyes found a slight distortion in the air around the bunker "Hey... why don't you drop that glamour and we can talk face to face?"
Again the ground around him exploded, forcing him to jump back.  
"Come on..." he said "You are really being rude right now"
Again and again, the ground exploded.  Tyler quickly moved, staying out of the way.  
Annoyed, Tyler flicked his wrist.  
A wave of telekinesis rushed forward.  It slammed into the distortion.  The distortion slammed into the wall of the bunker.  
Slowly the distortion disappeared and a man appeared, slumped against the wall.  
Tyler smirked.  "Hallo there" he said as he stalked forward.  His eyes gleamed dangerously.  "I'm glad to finally see you...  It's much easier to fight when I can actually see my opponent...  You were being so rude...."
The man lifted his head as he got to his feet.  There was a sneer on his face as he got up.  
"So this in the NightAngel's hideout..." he said "If I don't return, more people will come here and you will be taken out, like the scum you are"
Tyler rolled his eyes.  "Oh please...  You people are so dramatic" he said "Seriously....  It's getting very annoying"
The man narrowed his eyes at Tyler.  "You are a disease on the world" he yelled as he rushed towards Tyler.  
Explosions ripped through the ground.  
Tyler twisted out of the way.  The vector lines glowed brightly on his skin.  Immediately the man went flying back.  
A laugh echoed through the air.  Feeling the corners of his mouth ripping into the NightAngel smile, Tyler attacked faster and faster.  All of the vectors around them shifting and changing.  
He missed one attack and the explosion threw him back. 
Tyler groaned as he got to his feet.  He could feel his power starting to go out of control again.  
This was not good.  He couldn't lose control here.  Clenching his jaw, he shot forward.  A few vector strengthened kicks and punches pushed the man back, before a perfectly timed telekinesis attack took the man out.  
Tyler stumbled slightly as he sank to his knees, gasping.  
He clenched his hands into fists before stumbling toward the bunker.  It took him a few minutes before he managed to get it open.  The void orbs flickered around him.  Somehow he managed to get down the stairs into the bunker.  His hands started trembling with effort to keep the power under control.  
It hurt.  
It hurt so badly.  
Tyler crumbled to the ground.  He couldn't stay on his feet anymore.  The entire bunker turned and moved.  Shifting as if he was being thrown around in it.  
Clenching his jaw, he struggled back onto his feet.  He needed to get to the back, the isolation chamber he made just in case he loses control of his power.  It should be strong enough to hold him, even though the void power was not calculated into the designs.
Holding on to the wall, Tyler tried to keep moving.  
Every now and then he'd see the void orbs flickering out of the corner of his eye.  He tried to pull the power back, but every time, a sharp stabbing pain ripped through his head, making everything turn again. 
He had no idea how long it took him before he managed to reach the chamber.  
Somewhere in the back of his mind he realised that even the lights were flickering.  But that did not make any sense.  Why would the light be flickering?
There was a voice talking as well, but he couldn't make out what was being said.  
His leg buckled under him and he just crumpled to the ground.  For a few minutes he lay on the floor, gasping, trying to get his mind to focus again.  The pain slowly dimmed.
"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, have you?" 
It was the NightDemon talking.  
Why the hell was he talking?  Having an argument with the NightDemon was the last thing on his to do list.  
"You power is growing...  and if you don't take care of it, you'll be in trouble"
Tyler curled up, holding his head.  It felt like he had a fever.  
"Shut up!" he yelled "Just shut the hell up!"
"What are you going to do?  Your body can barely take the NightAngel power... and now you think you can control more?  Just who the hell do you think you are?"
"I'm the one... you couldn't kill!" Tyler yelled again "Now keep quiet!"
"I can make it stop...." The nightDemon whispered "just let me go... and I'll make sure your own power doesn't kill you"
"Screw you..." Tyler gasped, as the void orbs exploded around him "Bell....  lock it....  lock the chamber...."
A whirling sounded and then everything went dark.  
Immediately terror gripped Tyler's chest.  
Until he got control back, and could think clearly, he wouldn't be able to get Bell to open the chamber again. 
Arthur frowned as he looked at the images Bell showed him.  
Tyler was curled up on the corner of the isolation chamber, holding his head.  All around him void orbs flickered in and out of existence.  They slammed into the wall, almost like they were trying to rip through it.  It only left a few small cracks and scraped off some paint.  
"Oh master Tyler...." the old man whispered, before taking a deep breath "Bell...  Will the chamber hold?"
"Yes..." Bell said "So far the chamber will hold.  Until Tyler tells me to open it, it will remain locked"
"Can you estimate how long it will take before he can control it?" Arthur asked quietly. 
"No... unfortunately not.  Tyler is the only one that can answer that question"
A scream sounded over the speakers from the room.  Immediately Arthur's eyes snapped back towards the screen.  
Tyler has moved, now sitting with his back against the wall.  The void orbs were now completely visible.  They zipped around in the chamber, not aimlessly slamming into the wall anymore.  
It was clear that Tyler was keeping his eyes closed on purpose.  
"Bell....  monitor his heart-rate" Arthur said.  
"It has become elevated," Bell said quietly.  She sounded scared and worried.  "I believe he's close to panicking"
Arthur nodded.   "Of course...  he hates small spaces, even the chamber is pushing it" he said softly.
"Tyler asked to be isolated...  so he wouldn't injure anyone else...  There is not much else we can do"
"I know..." Arthur said "But even this is too much...  There is no need for him to go this far"
After watching for a few more minutes, Arthur got up.  "Inform me if anything changes" he said.  
"Of course," Bell said softly. 
Every few hours, Arthur would return to the bunker, checking up on Tyler.  Nothing much changed.  The void orbs kept on moving and Tyler stayed where he was, in the corner, eyes shut tightly.
"Hey Arthur" River said as he walked over to the computers.
"Master River" Arthur said, nodding to the teen.
"How long has he been like that?" 
"It's almost a full day now," Arthur said quietly.  
"He's still in there?"
Arthur nodded.  "He will probably stay there until he can control his power more" he said.  
River stared at the images on the screens.  "He's making it way more difficult than it needs to be," he said.  
"He chose the isolation, Master River" Arthur said "We will take care of him just like always when he comes back"
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Thanks ✌🏾
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Thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet 😊💚
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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feel free to play if you’d like :)
@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money @thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @with-the-words-all-wrong
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No one to tag but here it is.
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picrew chain!
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Tagging: @aro-manita-muscaria @gnomeantics @angel-of-fallen-dreams @lemon-lime-slush and anyone else who wants to make a little guy I mean come on. Look at it
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At least he went back for him
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Luca rolled his shoulders as he walked forward.  Malcom and Henry quickly walked behind him.  Every now and then Henry would look around, as if he wasn't sure what was going. 
"So.... where are we going?" he whispered to Malcom. 
Melcom shrugged.  "I have no idea" he said "We just need to make sure the Lieutenant doesn't do anything stupid"
"What do you mean?" Henry asked. 
"You saw what happened last time.... He's really unpredictable..." Malcom said "Especially when he get's worked up"
Henry sighed.  "Right...  What happened last time...  It's not... Um....  How things always are?" he asked.
Malcom shook his head.  "Usually he's a good Lieutenant" he said "he's just...  Reckless some times"
"If you two are done gossiping like old hags, get a move on" Luca said.  
"Sir" Malcom said, shrugging when Henry looked at him.  
"Where are we going, Sir?" Henry asked.
"We've got a meeting with Lain" Luca said, shaking his head "Bastard's been annoying me about helping with some kind of shipment"
"Lain..." Henry said with a frown "But isn't he the one that...."
"Yes....  The one that tried to get me arrested before" Luca said with a smirk.
Henry blinked.  "Sir... why are we meeting with him then?" he asked confused.  
Luca snorted.  "Because he annoys the living shit out of me" he said "and we have some work to take care off with him because of it"
Malcom sighed.  "Yes....  sir" he said, knowing that this was not going to end well for anyone on this...  He did not want to guess what Luca had planning for this.  They just needed to make sure that Luca gets back in one piece.  
Henry glanced at Malcom when Luca started walking again.  
"Are we sure that the Lieutenant is alright?" he asked.  
Malcom sighed.  "Right...  He should be alright" he said "The lieutenant is much stronger than he looks...  You should know that by now"
Henry nodded.  "Of course" he said and breathed out.  He turned his attention back to Luca, studying the Lieutenant.  The limp that the Lieutenant walked with was now barely noticeable.  It seemed that the Lieutenant was healing well.  
It was taking some time to get used to the Lieutenant, he was not like the others.  And that was terrifying.  He had no idea what to expect from the the Lieutenant.  
"What the hell is this?" Lain snarled at Luca, who was just sitting back, with his feet on the table.  
There was sly grin on the Lieutenant's face.  
"Come on, Lain..." Luca said "What are you talking about?  I'm here for the deal...  Obviously.  Or have all the drugs that you've been using rotted your fucking brain?"
Lain narrowed his eyes at Luca.  "What the hell are wrong with you?" he asked.
"Well...  maybe I just haven't had my coffee this morning" Luca said "Now...  What kind of shipment do you have for me?"
Henry and Malcom sighed, but did not say anything. 
Lain tisked and snapped his fingers.  "Bring it here" he said, motioning to one of his men.  
One of Lain's men came over with a list.  "Here we go" the man said.
Lain pushed the paper over to Luca.  "There's the list" he said "Amounts and costs"
Luca took the list.  His eyes flickered over anything, one hand tapped lightly on the table.  It took him longer than it should to focus on the work in front of him.  
After a few more minutes, he placed the papers on the table.  "Hhhmm... We'll take all of it" he said, sitting back.  
Lain stared at Luca with wide eyes.  
"You....  You want everything?" he stuttered.  
"Do you have a problem with that?" Luca asked, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk.  
Lain shook his head, lifting his hands.  "Of course not" he said quickly "Then you will pay the full amount as well?"
"Like hell I am" Luca said, crossing his arms "You will get half of the amount...  and then you'll get quarter of the remaining amount when I get the weapons"
"And the rest?" Lain snapped.
"After I'm sure the shit you gives me are good" Luca said.
Lain glared at him.  "You are a fucking asshole" he said.  
"I've been told that before" Luca said, looking comfortable in his chair "And I really don't care about what you think"
Silence fell between the two.  As Luca just studied Lain, until the man started squirming on his gaze.  Then just as the atmosphere almost unbearable, Luca got to his feet. 
"Alright...  That's all" he said before he folded his hands behind his head "I'll be back in time for the goods" 
Henry and Malcom followed after him.  The two glanced at each other, but did not say anything.  They made sure to keep an eye on their Lieutenant.  When they got outside, Luca stopped for a moment.  
"Where are we going now, Sir?" Henry asked. 
Luca glanced at them.  "Let's go" he said "We've got stuff to pick up"
"What kind of stuff?" Malcom asked, curiously.  
"The shit that we just bought" Luca said with a grin.
"But sir...." Henry started "We haven't...."
"Your point being?" Luca asked, his voice going cold.  
"Sorry, Sir" Henry said quickly.
Luca nodded, before he turned and started walking again.  It didn't take very long before they reached a wooden building.  
"That place doesn't look save...." Malcom whispered to Henry.  
"Yeah... I'm not sure I want to go in there..." Henry said.  
"Then both of you can just stay outside" Luca snapped, walking to the door without hesitation.  
He could hear the entire building groaning and creaking.  It kind of freaked him out, but he was not going to let the other two realize that.  The building was smaller than what he'd thought, not that it mattered.  They just needed to get the merchandise out before anything happens. 
"Are you sure we should be doing this, Sir?" Malcom asked. 
Luca rolled his eyes.  "I really don't fucking care" he said opening the door and stepping inside.  He could have sworn the building moved when he opened the door.  
Malcom and Henry looked at each other.  
"Is he stable?" Malcom asked, motioning to his own head.  
Henry shrugged.  "I'm pretty sure he's crazy" he said, before following Luca into the building.  They looked around.  The entire building was wooden.  It seemed old, uncomfortably old.  With each step they took, the floor creaked.  
Luca looked around, before heading towards the basement stairs.  He wasn't sure he wanted to go down there, but he needed to do this.  The damn building made him feel nervous.  It felts way to unstable like it was going to give in at any moment.  
It creeped him out.  
This entire place made his skin crawl.  And now he had to go down to the basement.  
"Sir" Henry said, hesitantly "Let us go down there first"
Luca looked over at the Henry with a raised eyebrow.  "You want to go down there?" he asked.  
Henry shrugged.  "Well....  Not really" he said "But...."
Before he could finish, Luca's phone rang, making the lieutenant's expression turn dark.
"We'll take care of this, Sir" Malcom said.  
Luca let out a tisk, as he pulled out his phone and headed to the door.  Malcom and Henry both looked down at towards the basement.  
"We have to go in there?" Malcom asked and Henry nodded "Why?"
"Luca is claustrophobic..." Henry said "most of the time he handles it pretty well, but I don't think today is a good day to test his mental strength"
Malcom nodded.  "Alright...." he said "I think I get it...  Let's not make him lose it all over again...."
"Exactly" Henry said, with a nod as he started going down the stairs "And this place is really creepy.  I wouldn't be surprised it most of it is rotten and ready to collapse in on itself"
Malcom shuddered.  "Damn... Did you have to say that?" he asked as they reached the bottom of the wooden stairs. 
Henry snorted.  "I'm just doing what Luca taught me" he said.
"He taught you how to be an asshole?"
"Just how to scare people a bit" Henry chuckled.   
Malcom shook his head as he looked around.  "Come on.... let's get this over with so we can get out of this creepy place" he said as he headed towards the crates.  
The two quickly went through everything.  It did not take very long before they started carrying some of the crates out of the building.  Outside, Luca was pacing up and down, talking on the phone.  
They turned and headed back towards the building.  
"Malcom" Luca's voice snapped from behind them.  
"Yes, Sir?" Malcom said as he turned towards Luca. 
"Busha is coming" Luca said "Help him load everything"
Malcom hesitated for a moment, before he nodded.  "Of course, Sir" he said "Will Henry be alright?"
Luca rolled his eyes as he headed towards the building.  "Just do your work" he said.  Just as he turned towards the building, the ground beneath their feet started rolling.  A low rumble sounded through the air.  
Immediately Luca's attention snapped towards the building behind them.  It took him a moment before he realized what was happening.  Cussing, he spun and ran into the building. 
"LUCA!" Malcom yelled "HENRY!"
As he started to move, the wooden structure started to give in.  Loud groaning sounded up.
"NO!" Malcom yelled.
Luca sprinted down the stairs.  Pieces of the ceiling started raining down on him.  He needed to get Henry out.  A loud groaning sounded and a beam crashed down on the stairs behind him.  
He jumped to the side, hitting the ground hard.  Everything around him was shaking and trembling and falling.  
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Henry's red hair just a few feet away from him.  It looked like he'd been knocked out when one of the beams fell on him.  
Clenching his jaw, Luca scrambled over to Henry.  
Blood ran down the side of Henry's face.  The guy's face was pale, making the blood look even redder than before.  
Cussing under his breath, Luca made sure that he could feel Henry's pulse.  He felt a moment of relief when he found it.  Clenching his jaw, he managed to get hold of Henry's arms and pulling him away from the rubble that looked like it was about to crush him.  
Luca looked around, his eyes finding a spot that looked a bit more stable than the rest.  Breathing out, he started dragging Henry towards the spot.  His hands shook slightly when he finally stopped.  It was pretty sure he broke something in his shoulder.  
"Henry..." he groaned, shaking the other guy's shoulder "Hey...  Come on, you idiot...  wake up"
The structure around them groaned again.  
Immediately Luca's eyes went over to where the stairs used to be.  
There was no way that he'll be able to get Henry up there without both of them getting stuck or crushed.  He was not going to take that chance.  
At least the shaking had stopped.  
Luca leaned back against a wooden beam, patting his pockets for his phone.  When he finally found it, the screen was cracked.  
"...This is why I hate this fucking new tech..." he growled, glaring at it "...It always breaks..." 
With a sigh, he tried to call Malcom.  
To his surprise, the phone started ringing.  
"I'll be fucking damned..." he said.  
"Sir!" Malcom's voice said immediately "Are you alright?  Where's Henry?"
Luca breathed out.  "Shut up, Malcom" he muttered "You're giving me a headache..."
"Sorry, Sir..." Malcom said "Are you alright, Sir?"
"Fucking perfect..." Luca said "Now...  What's going on up there?  I've got Henry, he's knocked out"
"The building is half collapsed, Sir..." Malcom said "I don't know if I can reach you...."
"Ah... fuck..." Luca groaned, before breathing out "Is Busha there yet?"
"No, Sir...  but he should be here any moment" 
"Call him" Luca snapped as Henry groaned next to him "I'll call you back"
With that he hung up and turned to Henry.  "Hey..." he said, slapping Henry's cheek lightly "Wake up you moron"
Henry's eyes flickered open.  "....Sir?" he groaned.  
"Yeah...  It's me" Luca said, sitting back again.  
"...What happened... Sir?" Henry asked, his hand going to his head.  
Luca caught his wrist.  "Careful" he said "You took a nasty hit to the head"
Henry blinked at him before he nodded slightly.  "Sir....  Did you get hurt?" he asked, looking a bit worried.  
"Mind your own business" Luca snapped, taking a deep breath.  He could feel the walls starting to close in on him.  That made things a harder.  If he could just stay calm until they manage get out of here.  Losing himself here, was not a good thing. 
Henry looked down at the ground.  "Is... Is Malcom outside?" he asked.
"Yes" Luca said "He's waiting for Busha....   They will figure something out, so just..." he paused for a moment, trying to keep himself composed "We'll just have to wait, until they get us out"
"Of course, Sir" Henry said, and closed his eyes for a moment. 
"Henry!" Luca snapped, causing the other guy to flinch.
Henry stared at Luca with wide eyes, shocked.  
Luca breathed out.  "Don't close your eyes" he said "If you pass out, you might not wake up"
"...Yes, sir" Henry said quietly.  
Luca closed his eyes for a moment, doing his best to keep his breathing even.  He flinched when his phone started ringing.  Slowly he opened his eyes, and lifted his phone.  
"Malcom" he answered.  He listened to Malcom, before breathing out and nodding.  
"Alright....  I got it" Luca said "Get started..."
As he about to hang up the call, the ground started shaking again.  
He cussed, feeling his heartrate spike.  Everything was shaking and trembling and moving.  
"Sir!" Henry called out.  He tried to move, but just slumped back.  
A loud groan sounded through their small space.  
Luca's head shot up, his eyes flickering around.  His eyes froze on one of the beams.  He moved without thinking.  Immediately he caught the beam that was just about to fall on Henry.  
The weight of the beam forced him down on one knee.  
"Henry" He grunted through clenched teeth "My phone...."
Henry stared at Luca with wide eyes.  
"HENRY!" Luca snarled, before grunting as the weight of the rubble above them pressed down more on his shoulders.  
"Yes, Sir" Henry snapped and grabbed the phone quickly.  
"Call.... Malcom..." Luca said, struggling to keep the wood from falling on them, and crushing them "....Hurry...."
Henry stared at Luca with shock as he did what his lieutenant said.  
"They are working on it, Sir....  On getting us out" he said.
Without warning the weight increased.  
"STOP!" Luca yelled, grunting as the beam dug into his shoulder "It's....  unstable....  They need to....  try something.... else"
Henry stared at Luca, eyes wide.  "...S-sir..." he stuttered "What....  why?"
Luca groaned.  "Didn't you... realize?" he asked "This place... is unstable...  if they move the wrong piece.... of fucking wood....  it will come down... on us"
"...Right..." Henry said, swallowing, turning his attention back to the phone "Mall....  The rubble here.... is very unstable.... You need to be careful"
Luca closed his eyes for a moment, just focusing on keeping the beam on his shoulders to drop even more.  There was something painful digging into his shoulder, other than beam.  
He could feel the blood dripping down his shoulder.  
Henry was talking quickly with Malcom, before looking over at Luca.  "Sir.... they might have... found a way to us without moving to much of the rubble"
"Then.... tell them to... fucking hurry up" he groaned, through clenched teeth.  The pain was almost clouding his mind.  His strength was not going to last very long.  They needed to hurry.  
"Yes, Sir" Henry said, looking worried.  
"Fucking.... brilliant...." Luca grunted.  
"You're bleeding, Sir" Henry said. 
Immediately Luca's eyes snapped towards Henry, narrowing at him.  He did not have the strength to say anything.  
Henry just looked down, not saying anything.  
Silence fell as they waited for the others to come find them.  
Luca could feel himself starting to fade.  The pain on his shoulders was the only thing that was keeping him from completely passing out.  He wasn't sure how long they've waited, before sounds of people talking and moving reached them.  
The rubble shifted and Luca groaned.  
"SLOW DOWN!" Henry yelled at the others "I told you...  everything's unstable here!"
The movement slowed down.  
Luca clenched his jaw, slowly lifting his head.  He narrowed his eyes, at the figures he could only half make out who they were.  
Busha's big form, moved next to him, holding something.  There was a groan and the a weight lifted of Luca's shoulders.  
He smothered a pained groan, before slumping forward.  The sudden relief of not having to hold up everything, made him feel lightheaded.  It took him a moment before he managed to clear his mind.  
Gasping he slowly lifted his head again.  
"Sir!" Malcom said, staring at Luca with wide eyes.  
"I'm fine..." Luca growled.  
Malcom nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting in a slight smile.  "Of course, Sir" he said "Let's go.... this place is really unstable...  We barely made it here without making everything fall in"
Luca nodded, glancing over at Busha.  
The big man nodded as well.  "This beam will not come down soon" he said "We should move"
Luca motioned for Busha to move. 
Immediately the small group started moving again.  Malcom made sure that he was at the back, with Henry and Luca in the middle and Busha at the front.  
"There's a narrow part coming up" Busha said.  
Luca clenched his jaw.  He could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest.  It started to feel like he couldn't breathe anymore.  With every bit that they've moved, the feeling grew worse and worse.  
They had to move hunched over and every now and then they needed to duck even more for pieces of the building sticking out from the top.  Or they needed to squeeze pass some other coming from the sides.  
"Alright....  careful now" Busha said as he went down on his stomach, Leopard crawling into a dark hole.  
Henry followed.
Luca took a deep breath, slowly he went down, careful not to bump his shoulder, cause he could barely feel anything.  
He needed to focus.  
A loud crack sounded through the small crawl space.  Malcom cussed behind him.
"It's starting to cave in!" he called from behind.
Luca could hear Busha cussing in front of them.  
"Sir!" the big man call "Give me you hand...  I'll pull you out!"
It took Luca a moment before he realized that Busha was talking to him.  The sides of the small crawl space was starting to close up on him.  
"Luca" a voice said, getting his attention to focus in front of him "Reach out!"
Without realizing it, Luca reached out.  A hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward.  Immediately he was pulled out of hole.  
Light blinded him for a moment.  
Luca all but collapsed on the ground, gasping.  His ears was ringing and his body was trembling.  
It took him a moment before he managed to calm his breathing, focusing on the fact that he was outside and not trapped inside that small space any more.  Slowly the terror started to fade away, replaced by a burning anger that surged through him.
Luca lifted his head.  
"What..... the fuck.... happened there?" he growled, holding his shoulder.  
The three others stared at him, blinking.  
Malcom and Henry shook their heads.  
"Sir...." Busha said, calmly "I believe that Lain might a caused this"
Henry turned to Busha with a frown.  "How the heck did he it?" he asked.
"I already know..." Luca growled, before smirking at them "And now we're going to make his fucking life hell"
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Barely in one piece but not dead ... Good enough
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Part 1
Nova could hear Gale talking, but his brother’s words were just a jumble of sounds.  He was still cold.
It was the one thing he was painfully aware of.  The cold burned. It did made the rest of the pain a bit less noticeable.  He wanted to move, but he couldn’t get his body to move.
Even though he couldn’t move, he was moving…  which confused him.
Nova tried to open his eyes.  
He managed to open his eyes.  All he could make out was something grey and blue.  Making him think of clouds.  
Hold on… wasn’t he outside?
And it was raining, wasn’t it?
He wasn’t sure.  It could be. Why was his thoughts to jumbled?  He wasn’t sure about what was going on.  His memories was just as confusing.  
Someone talked, but he couldn’t make out what was being said.  
It hurt…  Everything hurt.  
The movement stopped and a figure appeared in front of his blurred and faded vision.  
It took him a while before he realized that he person was saying something.  He coughed, causing the pain in his body to get worse.  The person in front of him, was talking again.  
He could feel a hand on his shoulder.  
“…nova?” the voice said. ��
The voice was familiar.  It sounded like Gale.  
Water… no rain was falling dripping on his face.  He wanted to move, but his body did not want to listen to him.  
“Hey…” Gale’s voice “Don’t try to move, kiddo…”
“Gale….” Nova groaned.  
For a moment he could see the relief on his brother’s face.  "Yeah… It’s me…“ he said "Dammit…  you scared me so badly…. I shouldn’t have let you go in there alone”
Nova frowned slightly, but did not answer.  
“I’ve taken care of your wounds…  then we can go home and Lera will take care of you, alright?” Gale said softly.  
“…Max…?” Nova coughed, feeling his world starting to fade around him.  
“Max is alright” Gale said immediately, “You don’t need to worry about him, just a few scraps and bruises”
Nova nodded slightly.  Slowly the world around him started to fade again.  He could hear Gale talking, but it just went back to jumbled sounds.  The pain started taking over again, but the darkness pulled him down and it all faded until it was just blissful nothingness.
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Look don't be mad but we obviously need a part three
Twisted Fate - Buried
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Part 1
Kade coughed before shiver ran through his body.  Every part of him hurt.  He felt faded for a while.  He must have fallen asleep, because his memories felt strange and confusing.  It was like they did not belong to him.  
Talking sounded a bit away from him.  
Even that took some time to figure out.  The voices turned into Killian and Beck talking.  He couldn’t hear Riley.  Maybe the other guy was asleep again.  
He wanted to cough, but his body just hurt to much even for that.  The entire left side of his body still hurt.  Cold somehow pulled into his body.  It felt like he couldn’t stop shivering.  
A voice came closer.
He could hear his own breathing, it sounded pained and wheezing.  It did not sound good.
Some touched his shoulder and he flinched away.  
The shadows called out to him, but  he couldn’t control them.  They felt confused and angry and a bit out of control.  
Slowly he opened his eyes.  His vision did not want to focus on anything, it was blurred and out of focus.  The wheezing sound did not go away.   A face came into focus.
“…kill” he groaned.  
“Yeah…  Hey Kay…” Killian said “How are you are feeling?”
Kade nodded slightly.  "…. the others?“ he managed to ask.  
"Me and Beck is alright” Killian said “But Riley is not doing so good…  He hit his head pretty hard”
“..right…  Is he awake?” he managed to ask.  
Killian nodded.  "Yeah… We managed to get some more water, but it’s still pouring outside" he said “We need to get you and Ri to a doctor.  I’ve managed to stop the bleeding, but you’re still in danger…”
“I’ll… be fine” Kade muttered, before looking around in the semi-darkness.
They were still in a cave.  It was probably the same one he passed out in before.  That made a lot of sense.  
Clenching his jaw he tried to relax his body a bit.  
The pain in his chest made it hard to breathe.  Every breath, caused bolts of pain to shoot through his chest.  It hurt so much that he wanted to just stop breathing.  
“Kill” Beck’s voice called out “How is he?”
Killian turned away from Kade, facing the other guy.  "He awake now" he said, “But I’m not sure how aware he is… Ri?”
“…I’m… awake…” Riley’s voice muttered.  There was still a slight slur in his words.  
Killian breathed out.  "That’s good" he said “That’s…. really good…  Dammit Ri… don’t scare us like that, alright?”
Kade frowned.  They needed to get out of here and back to the academy.  Dammit, he never should have brought them with him.  It was his fault, so he had to take care of them and get them back to the academy.  
He reached for his shadows.  They fought against him, before he managed to control them again.  Slowly they wrapped around his injuries.
Slowly he pushed himself up.  
Immediately the pain in his chest became worse.  
“Kay… what are you doing?” Killian asked, turning to the other guy with a worried expression.  
Kade clenched his jaw.  "What… does it look… like… outside?“ he asked.
The rushing in his ears made it hard to figure out what was going on outside.  Not just that, it was still dark outside.  
"It’s still raining….” Killian said softly “There’s a storm outside and it feel like the earth keeps on shaking.  
Kade nodded, as he world around him tilted again.
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Justice for Malik....so part three 🙂
Fallen Heroes - Search & Rescue
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Part 1
Vic shivered as they moved through the woods.  Tyler was still limping slightly, even though his healing already started.  It was slower than usual, but it was working.  Every now and then a slight expression flashed over his face.  It even looked like he was talking to someone in his mind.
Most likely the demon of his power.  
She found it a bit amusing that he was having an argument with his power.  It was something that she still had to get used to.    She wasn’t scared of him anymore.  
Although there was still times that the fear came back, but by now she already knew that Tyler wasn’t dangerous.  
Well…  He was dangerous, but she had a feeling that he wouldn’t hurt her.  That was something she was very sure about.  So even when he scared her, she still trusted him.  
She shivered again.  
“Are you cold, Siren?” Tyler asked, tilting his head slightly as he looked down at her.  
There was a slight frown on his face.  He looked worried.  
Vic jumped slightly before she nodded.  "Just a little bit" she said softly “But you don’t have to worry about me…  I’ll be alright…”
“Miss Siren” Mallik said, looking over at her “It’s getting late… The temperature will drop and it will get even colder”
“Then we should probably camp for the night” Tyler said, looking at Vic “We can’t let you freeze to death”
“Are you sure?” Vic asked “Don’t you think the others will….  Will try to find us?  I’m not sure if they will…”
“Be as understanding as us?” Tyler asked, with a snort.
Mallik shook his head.  "I would rather not get caught by the others" he said “They don’t really listen… especially when Dusk is there”
“Just punch him” Tyler said “It usually work for me”
Vic tried not to laugh, shaking her head.  She rubbed her arms, suppressing a shiver.  
Tyler sighed.  "Let’s just camp here" he said.  
Mallik nodded.  "I’ll make the fire…“ he said.
"Sit down, PopStar” Tyler said quietly, making sure that she was still alright, making sure that she did not take his jacket off.  
Vic bit her lip, holding on to Tyler’s heavy jacket.  Surprisingly enough the jacket wasn’t soaked through after their swim in the river.  It probably had something to do with Tyler’s power.  She wouldn’t be surprised if he did it.  
She sat down, pulling her knees up against her chest, just watching Tyler and Mallik quickly work.  
When the fire was finally burning, both Tyler and Mallik took of their shirts and boots.  
“It’s bloody freezing…” Tyler growled, holding his hands out towards the fire “PopStar…  Sit closer to the fire”
Vic nodded and moved a bit closed, just staring down at the ground.  She just knew that he face was red.  
“We should try and get some sleep” Mallik said, looking at Tyler and then Vic.
“I’m fine without sleeping” Tyler said.  
Vic frowned at him.  "No…“ she said softly "You need sleep….  We all do.  There’s if he wanted to kill us…  He would have done it when we were in the water…”
Tyler narrowed his eyes at Mallik, while the guy just stood there with a flat expression on his face.  
“I’m not going to kill you…” Mallik said, almost sounding annoyed.  
Tyler rolled his eyes and sat down, watching the fire.  
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Oh I hope I don't embarrass myself
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From the cute Manhua I was reading.
Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊
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Ok, I’ll go first
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If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️‍🔥
Tagging: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @nic-214 @milkyway-ashes @dr-radiation @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @sunsetdaydreamer @therockywhorerpictureshow @delicatelyfantasticninja and everyone 😊
Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!
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Thanks, I got no one to tag so it's free for all
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Carrying over from this post, and using this piccrew!
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Tagging: @sugar4cas, @ginwicche, @amemipiacitu, @melancholictearz, @horrormusicals, @some-weird-queer-writer, @whump-blog, @cxlxrx, @sugaraddictarchangels, and whoever else wants to play!
225 notes · View notes
Well that was a thrilling ride...chills
“Let’s move”
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Part 1
It felt like he was stuck in a haze of pain, smoke, screaming and something burning.  
Jason tried to get his mind to catch up with what was happening.  He couldn’t remember what happened.  There was a ringing in his ears.  He could barely make out any other sounds.  
Slowly he tried to sit up, but his entire body complained immediately, making him crumble back.  
His vision cleared slightly and he could manage to make out several pairs of black boots.  Voices called out around him, but he couldn’t make out what was being said.  
Hands grabbed him, hulling him to his feet.  
Immediately everything started turning and the pain doubled.  He coughed, tasting blood as his vision started to black out.  There was something that he needed to do, but his muddled thoughts just did not want to focus on anything else.  
A face appeared in his line of sight.  
He did not recognize the person, but he did recognize the person that was being held up next to the person.  
That was Miss Holt.
The CEO of TriCor.
There was something about her.  Something that he needed to remember.  Something that he had to do.  
It took his mind another few second before it caught up with what was going on. 
“…. let…. her go…” he groaned, the words slurring slight.  
When he tried to move, the hands pulled him back, forcing him down onto his knees. The hand squeezed his shoulder, the pain made him gasp and his vision go out of focus again.  
Someone spoke, but he couldn’t make out what were being said.  The pain only made the ringing in his ears worse.  
The person looked at Jason again, his mouth moved, but there was no sound.  
Jason clenched his jaw.  His head hurt.  He wanted to reach for his gun, but his arms did not want to move.  Something was keeping him from moving.  
He coughed again.  
“…..” someone spoke again, but the words did not make it through the ringing.  
Jason clenched his jaw.  He couldn’t move.  The pain made him want to faint.  Even the edges of his vision was starting to fade again.  
Before he could start figuring out what was going on, pain shot through the back of his head.  His vision faded to black and the last thing he saw was the black boots walking towards him.
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Idiot man indeed
The streets were quiet as Nova walked.  His hands in his pockets, he did not really care where he was going.  It didn’t matter where he went.  Everything would probably end up the same way.  
He could smell it in the air.  
This entire part of town had been abandoned.  The people that they got out of the town, had to table to the hospital for sleep deprivation, malnutrition, which did not make sense since it has only been a few hours, other seemed to suffer from some kind of sound or light sensitivity.  
Lightning flashed in the skies, making Nova frown.  He did not want to walk in the damn rain.  Then again….  He could just go home, but that wouldn’t resolve the problem of what the hell is going on.  
As the rain started falling, the strange smell in the air became worse.  
Nova covered his mouth and nose with one hand.  He did not like the smell.  It made him feel physically sick.
“Have you found anything?” Max’s voice asked through their link.
“Except for this fucking terrible smell?” Nova asked back, disgusted “There’s nothing here….  I can’t even find the fucking source of the smell”
“Careful, Nova” Gale said “This can be anything….  Some of the people at the hospital started to get very violent”
“Lera there?”
“No…  she’s out…  I can’t reach her”
“Agreed…  Where are you?”
“In the middle of Urathia district…  There’s not a single damn thing here”
“Maybe you should get back… I don’t like this”
“Neither do I” Nova said, shaking his head as his eyes flickered around.  The hair on the back of his neck stood up, it felt like he was being watched.  His instinct was usually right and at the moment, they were screaming at him that something was wrong. “I’m heading back….  We need to fucking figure out what’s going on here”
“Nova…  that gas is expanding” Max said “It’s almost the entire Urathia district now…  if we don’t figure out where it’s coming from it’s going to over the city in….”
“Three hours” Nova interrupted “With with the princess squad and get the people clear”
“Yeah, yeah… we know how to do our jobs”
With that his brothers disappeared from his mind.  
Nova blinked up at the skies, raindrops falling on his face, before he shook his head and turned around, starting back the way he came from.  
After a few steps, he started noticing movement out of the corner of his eyes.  Distorted figures that kept on following after him.  A wave of exhaustion rushed through him and without warning he had the urge to just go to sleep.  
It was as if his mind started to fade, thoughts becoming muddled and confused.  
More and more of the distorted images moved over his vision.  
Out of reflex he attacked.  Somewhere in the back of his exhausted mind, he knew that there were nothing there.
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Missed this lighting boy.
Twisted Fate - Stitches & Bandages
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“Ouch…. ouch…” Curio squirmed as Roland bandaged his arm.  
Roland shook his head.  "You should have been more careful, Cure" he said “This was just reckless of you”
“It was a test, Lan” Curio said “What did you want me to do?  I can’t fail the class, and you know that”
Shaun leaned against the door, shaking his head.  "That was reckless, Cure" he agreed with Roland “You should have just asked us for help…  You do realize that we could’ve helped, right?”
Curio rolled his eyes.  "Come on…“ he said "I can’t ask you guys for help every time and you Chronos wouldn’t have allowed it”
“He does have a point there” Roland said “It was Chronos”
“He doesn’t like anyone” Curio said “You can’t argue with that”
Shaun groaned.  "That doesn’t mean that you should be reckless" he said.
Curio winched again as Roland finished with the bandages.  He rolled his shoulders before getting up from the chair.  
“Thanks Lan” Curio said as he grabbed his jacket.  
“Let’s go” Roland said.  
Curio nodded as he followed after Roland and Shaun.  They made their way back to the class.  Not that they had much to do.  The training class was almost done, they just needed to report again.
“Is everything alright now?” the instructor asked, looking up as they came in.  
“Yes, sir” Shaun said “Everything is fine now”
“Alright…” the instructor said “Now tomorrow we’ve got another training day.  I want all of you be prepared to go out and fight like your lives depend on it.  This will be a dangerous training day, but you will be supplied with some first aid and an emergency extraction”
Curio breathed out.  "I don’t think I’m going to like this one" He said softly.  
Shaun nodded.  "Yeah…..  This is going to end well for us…“ he said.  
"Then we should probably be ready for it” Curio said.
“Yeah….  We’re gonna be in so much trouble….” Roland said.
Curio nodded.  
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