nebitri · 6 months
I was thinking about how Tubbo keeps his rose in his backpack versus how he always kept his funeral flower in his offhand. I wasn't sure why he wouldn't want to keep the flower that Fred gave him in his offhand because surely that one would mean more, right?
I actually think it's a symbol of Tubbo's depression and how he hides it. When he had the funeral flower in his hand, he was sad and didn't really try to hide it. He didn't shower, he was incredibly reckless, and purposefully hurt himself multiple times. That flower was out where others could see, much like his emotions and mental state at the time.
The rose is different. The rose is hidden away and kept safe. Tubbo is seemingly better, he's "showered", started being more mindful of his actions/surroundings, and isn't purposefully hurting himself. But he's still hurting and in a poor mental state that many of the eggs have called him out for. He is still experiencing depression but it's well hidden.
Tubbo kept the funeral flower out because he felt like he had a reason to display his mental state. he figured that if anyone asked and saw how badly he was doing, he had a reason to feel the way he did.
On the other hand, Tubbo doesn't really have a reason to keep feeling like he does after Fred returns. Fred isn't dead, so what is there to be upset about? He hides the rose. He doesn't want people to ask because he doesn't have a reason (in his mind) to still feel the way he does.
Both flowers directly represent how he handles and shows his mental health to others on the island. The funeral flower was out for everyone to see and the rose is only known to exist by a select few people.
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nebitri · 1 year
Ok, but how fitting is it that Tubbo, who constantly loses his items on the server, ended with nothing; talked about all the precious memories he has on the DSMP, memories that can never be replaced; gave a monumental speech about how weak he was and about how he could never be powerful enough to defend the people he loved; was the one who got the final kill on the dragon and freed the end.
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nebitri · 1 year
o7 Dream SMP.
You were truly one of a kind. One of the most insane experiences I’ve ever had. I got to meet some of the coolest people ever because of you. I am so proud of everything we’ve done on Pandora. Out of all the projects I’ve worked on, I’ve loved working on Pandora videos and analysis the most. It really brought perspective to the amount of effort and talent that goes into creating a beautifully crafted story.
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nebitri · 1 year
A tribute to the Tubbathon! I enjoyed my stay o7
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nebitri · 1 year
I watched the clip of Dream giving the news about the DreamSMP season 2. I think it’s the right call, honestly and it’s better to say it’s for sure not happening than say “it’s soon”. It’s sad it’s over but inevitable. The story remains. The characters remain. Looking back on the time I spent watching, analyzing and enjoying the story continues.
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nebitri · 1 year
Note on the new video. Quackity's and Schlatt's relationship is so interesting and I watched a lot of Quackity vods to find some clips. Quackity is one of *the best* streamers I've watched. His storytelling, interactive streams, expressions, personality - it all shines through his streams. The effort Quackity puts into his storytelling, in the beginning of Manberg to the end of Las Nevadas, is amazing. And beyond - Karmaland and Squidgames, Quackity brings that same energy to his streams no matter what. Actually insane.
Phrases used in the DSMP can often have deeper meanings. This analysis focuses on Quackity's "Yes Sir" as a exclamation of excitement that morphs into a phrase of fear that leads to the honorific resembling the character's power.
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nebitri · 1 year
Rainbow iridescent pileus clouds filmed in Haikou, China, 08.23.2022
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nebitri · 1 year
o7 to one of the best streams ever. Watch this video it explains so much!
Happy Anniversary to the Final Disc War o7
How did Dream stage it? We talk about five ways, including the invitation to Tommy, the location, the fake disc, Punz and the Revive Book.
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nebitri · 1 year
This interview was the longest I ever fished in Minecraft. Pls enjoy the video!
This video is a long one. We had a wonderful interview recently with Jet and Emunah from the BlueberryTV community. We talked a lot about writing and building lore in Minecraft and about roleplay in different Minecraft servers. Hope you enjoy!
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nebitri · 1 year
Minecraft’s worlds are cyclical.
The End, called such, is the last place you go to. It’s got floating islands over nothingness. It’s still forming.
The Nether is full of lava, ruin, decay. The monsters don’t hide at night, because they don’t even have a concept of night. Killing the Wither, made fully of parts you can only find in the Nether, grants you an achievement called “The Beginning.”
The Overworld is full of life that’s constantly changing. The terrain is forming bigger and bigger, new entities and old come into/back into existence.
Neither the End nor the Nether are habitable for human life. You can make do, somewhat—chorus fruit and hoglin porkchops can technically sustain you. But there’s no sun, no flowers, no trees.
The Nether came first. It’s dying.
The Overworld is the current, alive world.
The End is still just coming into being.
When the Overworld is no longer habitable, the End will have evolved new landscapes, new horizons. And while the End’s life flourishes and the Overworld’s life dies off, the Nether will have a chance to heal, start over. Like a phoenix, or a forest after a wildfire.
Idk guys I just really like the idea of worlds that live, die, then live again.
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nebitri · 1 year
I’m seeing some comments on a video George was in where an editor critiqued the Meeting Dream vlog. As a film student and editor, what he says is exactly what we were taught to do too. It’s how you make a video and he has all kinds of tips about how to make a video and audience grow. However, as a fan of George and Tommy and everyone else who are making content for their fans, I will eat up their videos. I will watch straight to the end of that video even if Foolish Gamers is staring at a wall for 10 hours. If Tubbo does a subathon for nine days, if Tommy posts 100 vlogs, I’m there and I’m watching it all, because it has their fingerprints on it. And that’s something a lot of new movies and other content is missing. I could name 100 directors but the real auteurs I respect and remember are the ones that left their fingerprints in every shot of their films.
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nebitri · 1 year
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Minecraft Streamers
Tubbo, Quackity, and Crumb sound like the names of three raccoons playing poker behind a dumpster.
Grian +14
Dreamwastaken +3
Technoblade -1
Wilbur Soot
Ranboo -4
GoodTimesWithScar +19
Tubbo -4
Philza -3
Mumbo Jumbo +16
GeorgeNotFound -4
Crumb +5
PearlescentMoon +23
EthosLab +14
Sapnap -7
BdoubleO100 +15
Smajor1995 +10
impulsesV +15
SmallishBeans +22
TangoTek +20
ZombieCleo +13
Solidarity Gaming +13
Rendog +6
Slimecicle -4
Karl Jacobs -16
Awesamdude -16
GeminiTay +14
Docm77 +10
LDShadowLady +12
BadBoyHalo -23
Jack Manifold -19
Foolish Gamers -15
Joe Hills
Niki Nihachu -24
Punz -15
jschlatt -25
Purpled -18
ConnorEatsPants -11
Sneegsnag -6
Hannahxxrose -12
Eryn Cyberonix
Captain Puffy -33
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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nebitri · 1 year
Watch me break
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nebitri · 2 years
Watch the video watch the video so many secrets and lore. It was such an interesting discussion around Eret��s dethroning and Schlatt and Quackity
Hey guess what everyone, we made a video on the secrets of the Dream SMP battle of November 16th. These are the things we feel go unnoticed and wanted to talk about! Come check it out!!!
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nebitri · 2 years
dreamSMP epilogue….an adult michael trudges through the snowy nuclear wasteland of the SMP, making his way to the centre of the carnage…he sees the obsidian remnants of doomsday, hanging above a city that only exists in memories…..he digs through the snow…..and finds a statue…..of pokimane. she is all that remains. cut to black.
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nebitri · 2 years
Because at their core Tommy and Dream both wanted the same thing: to have a space to goof around with their friends for as long as they could. “Erasing everyone’s memory doesn’t make sense, it’s a cop out to have them just all reset.” The entire finale one theme kept being repeated: there is no other option. And there wasn’t. Dream wasn’t redeemable. His and Tommy’s conflict would never subside. The incident and the nuke are not the same thing, as Tubbo just said. That means it wasn’t Dream, it wasn’t Tommy, it wasn’t Tubbo that reset everything. The reset happened because there was no other option.
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nebitri · 2 years
The ccs are proud of their finales and they put a huge amount of effort into creating this story for us. Generally, not pointed at any comment in particular, it’s rude to fight the ccs on every single detail of lore to get the ending you wanted personally. Instead, accept the ending we got and treat it how the ccs want you to treat it. An ending. Hope, sacrifice, ripping away that hope in the very last second. Not a Disney film with a happily ever after. It’s the DreamSMP and everyone blows up and act like they don’t know nobody.
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