newsies-strike-day · 5 years
Strike Day may have passed but Newsiestober has started! So if you want more Newsies in your life -- and lbr who doesn’t? -- give ‘em a follow and have some fun! They’ve got prompts for the rest of the month!
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Newsiestober Posting Starts Today!
It’s our first day of posting, everyone! We’re so excited! Tag us in those posts! 
The full prompt list can be found here. Remember, the posting dates are only targets; you can post things related to the prompts at any point in the month.
When  you post your work, put an @newsiestober in your post, or put #newsiestober in your first five tags, and we will be sure to reblog and share.
Signal boost, please! Let’s get the Newsies fandom excited again! :)
~Mod Sarah
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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happy super belated strike day whoops
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
On this lovely strike day, please remember to send me a picture of you burning/ destroying you local newspaper in some way, it’s for a project!
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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I present to you:
that is all
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
the newsies fandom on strike day:
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
A Fallen Star
Crutchie hobbled up to the roof. Jack was waiting. He flashed his beautiful smile, and Crutchie’s knees went weak. 
“So, why’d you ask me to come up here?” Jack asked him. Crutchie slung his arm around Jack’s shoulders, panicking internally. 
“Look at the stars tonight!”
Jack whistled. “Wow.” The stars were bright, shimmering with a power Crutchie could only describe as magic. One of them gleamed especially bright, and then fell from the sky. Crutchie silently wished for Jack to love him.
Jack grinned again, and Crutchie blushed. “What’d you wish for?”
Crutchie shook his head. “I can’t tell you that. It ain’t gonna come true if I do.”
“Oh, c’mon, you don’t actually believe that, do ya?” Jack shoved Crutchie gently. He shoved him back. The boys began to play-fight, gently smacking and shoving until they were extremely close to the guardrail that had been installed on the roof of the boardinghouse.
Jack shoved a little too hard.
Crutchie fell a little bit too far.
Jack caught Crutchie before he fell. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Jeez, kid. You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days.” He pulled him safely onto the rooftop, still holding onto the smaller boy’s shirt.
There was a single moment, a heartbeat, maybe just a millisecond before Crutchie pulled Jack towards him.
He united their lips in a kiss, a beautiful kiss, his first kiss.
Jack pulled away first, red faced.
“C-Crutchie that was-wow.”
Crutchie sighed. “You wanna know what I wished for? I wished for you to love me.”
Jack flashed that infernal, gleaming, gorgeous smile. “Crutchie, that wish would’ve come true all on its own.”
And the second kiss was even better than the first.
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons about what the newsies do to celebrate Strike Day 1900?
Oooh okay let’s go
The boroughs have actually become closer after the Strike
More often than it used to happen, newskids show up around other boroughs to play card games and such
…Which means quite a few of Race’s poker games have gotten very, very intense more so than his usual
When the summer comes around the next year a lot of the kids are so excited
Everyone gets together
Boys from Brooklyn come down for the WILDEST PARTY ever at Manhattan’s Lodging House
Albert went wild with decorations let’s just say
Race passed out invitations smirking the whole while
The spelling isn’t the best but since when is any of the boys, and none of them really care
Race may or may not have exaggerated the spelling because he knew it would earn him a few laughs
He is so excited for the gathering
Not everyone comes, obviously, but they had at least a handful of kids from the different boroughs
Tons of Brooklyn kids come tho, and of course, Spot
So the actual party
Some of the older kids narrate dramatic tellings of the previous year’s strikes to the newer and young kids (ft. flickering candlelight on the bunks they hunched by because “it heightened the atmosphere”)
There may have been some embellishment about the grandeur of it all, but the kids remain entertained and in awe
There’s dancing!
Romeo tries to get any of the girls to dance with him
And some of the guys
Katherine dances with him as a friend finally
She’s kind of exasperated of seeing this kid moving around the whole house and no one taking him up on it
Romeo did dance with some other kids later!
Katherine! Was so excited!
She might have used the excuse she was seeking out a story after the story (“where are the leaders of the strike: a year after the fact” thing)
It’s never published and what she wrote is basically a fluff piece she didn’t care much for
But the night is something really special to her, probably because it is with all the kids she’d grown to see as her family over the anniversary of when she found them
…So maybe she’s a little sappy about it but she’s not going to tell any of the kids
Smalls is wild
They have so much fun with the food everyone had brought
Lots of the kids used what extra coins they’d saved up to try to bring food for people
Smalls is so HYPED
Racetrack holds like
The wildest, most intense card game the newsboys of New York have ever played
It’s a really simple care game for kids but everyone got so into it and so many people are playing it was a nightmare to keep track of
There is so much screaming
Everyone is so theatrical about it all but they had the time of their lives
Spot is just… faintly exasperated and giving Race looks the whole night
To exasperate him further Albert got in on the wild shouting and over-exaggerated motions
Spot was so done but fighting really hard not to smile because seeing the two of them so giggly and happy made it hard not to
Plus all his littles were so into everything that was happening
He really loves all his kids okay
And he loves his idiots
Even if Race and Albert are a pain in the neck most days
Crutchie sneaks up to the penthouse
He loves the boys but it’s… a lot
And he really doesn’t like change or for things to be different
He knows Jack’s 18 and maybe he can improve the truth for a while
But none of this is forever and newsies are going to age out
He doesn’t really want to think about it so he goes for a breath of fresh air
Davey follows him, because the party is… loud and he’s a little concerned when he saw Crutchie making his rapid exit
Crutchie kind of expected Jack to follow him
He’s touched Dave came tho
They talk for a while
Jack joins them and is very dramatic when he swings his feet below the railing
Crutchie admits he’s afraid after everything he’s going to be left behind when things change
Davey startles him a little when he just bluntly states that things are going to change and be different
Jack, a little sheepishly, admits he’s been thinking about getting an apartment
That maybe if a few of them board a while, bachelors getting on their feet, well, there are loads of those in New York
He may have snuck some of Crutchie ans Davey’s favorite candies
Jack and Davey kiss at midnight, which is after he poses the offer
Crutchie kisses them both after that
They’re all a little giggly when they sneak back inside
And after lots of sort of dreamy speculating of how the three of them will spend their lives together in love Crutchie can’t really be sad anymore
Especially seeing all his friends dorking around having the time of their lives
There’s so much chatter but none of them would change a thing
Jack, Davey, and Crutchie stay pretty close the rest of the night and they know it’s one they’re going to remember
At the end of the night tho
The handful of the kids who had been there from the start, the start of the Union, Jack and Davey and Crutchie and Spot and the Manhattan boys who stuck through it all gather together
Katherine is there
They all have a really touching heart-to-heart and shared some softer moments
They talk a lot about what they all meant to each other
There are lots of hugs and quite a few tears
Kath talks a lot about how the newsies’ friendship has
They all promise they’ll always be a family, come what may
It’s really sweet
No one gets home until like. The next morning honestly
But they all are happy in the fact that even though as newsies they’d all come and go their union and family would stay with them forever
I’ve never thought of this before but here you go love! I had fun with these, I hope you like them (and yes I snuck in some Three’s the Day and implied Spralbert bc I love these poly boys)
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
Any headcanons for Three’s the Day? I just don’t see a lot of content for them and I love them.
(Please ask me about Three’s the Day I am always waiting for the opportunity to chatter away about them)
I’m a little bit insecure about how these came out but I had so much fun writing these. I hope you like them!
Jack always has paint on his hands or smudged on his face or in his hair
Davey tends to get ink smudges on his hands or face as well
Crutchie thinks it’s adorable (even if he can get really exasperated with how these idiots forget to take care of themselves)
Many days after cuddling and kisses Crutchie and Davey and Jack all end up covered in paint and ink
Crutchie has discovered the fastest way to get Davey (and also Jack) to stop talking is to kiss them
Maybe he likes doing that a little too much
And also both Jack and Davey can ramble for hours if someone doesn’t stop them
Most of the times the others are more than happy to listen
Especially because Jack and Davey are both so adorable when they get really really excited, but sometimes they’re slowly stressing themselves more and more out
And if Crutchie can stop them talking for a minute usually they’re so surprised by the time he’s telling them he loves them and going on he can get them to listen
Jack has so many drawings of Crutchie and Davey
He just has pages and pages of drawings of the both of them
After Jack hesitantly started showing Davey more and more Davey really wanted to do something for Jack
So a few nights letter he comes back to the Penthouse with a piece of paper in neat script clutched tightly in his hand
Jack jokingly asks what it is
Davey goes bright red and stammers for a very long time
Even Crutchie and Jack, who have kind of become experts at Davey’s little tells are just
Very. Lost.
It takes them a little while to calm Davey down
Davey gives Jack a poem he wrote
Because he doesn’t get art but he gets words
Basically he’s just. Very nervous because he doesn’t think it’s near as good as any of Jack’s stuff
He thinks it’s garbage but Jack almost cries
He loves it
Jack never gets rid of it
Davey also has one for Crutchie
That one came with a flower a few mornings later and Crutchie was very happy
Davey wouldn’t let Crutchie stick it on his crutch like the strike sign
Crutchie is the one who wants to teach Davey to fight first
Honestly Davey is a flustered mess through most of it but by the end Jack and Crutchie have successfully taught him to throw a decent punch
Even if Jack and Crutchie both know they’re both probably going to be halfway out the door just after making certain he’s okay to try and soak whoever hurt him
They’re all fairly protective over each other but they talk a lot
Communication! Is good!
Crutchie is self-sufficient and very much has a sense of his limits
As a disabled kid on the street he’s realized that pushing himself to try and achieve as much as “just anyone else” is a dumb ideology and more likely to screw him over further than help his image at all
Because if he puts himself in bed for several days after overworking himself trying to prove himself he can’t work for anything for a while
He’s learning to appreciate his achievements and he loves telling his jokes
One thing he really loves about his joke is seeing his boyfriend’s response to them because he and Jack feel very accomplished when they get Davey so happy he stops trying to muffle his laughter because he’s just too happy
Crutchie can still be really stubborn about accepting help, but he trusts and loves the newsies
But he’s learned how to manage his limits by going to bed earlier if he needs to or heading home early (even if he really hates doing so)
Usually unless he’s really upset about other issues Crutchie does a fairly good job taking care of himself
Jack and Davey stress a lot and are less good about their own self-care
Crutchie usually has to wrangle whichever one isn’t deep in work to try to and hunt down the other one
With kisses and cuddles and blankets
Jack tends to get into ‘frenzies’ of painting for really long periods of time and forgets to take care of himself
He struggles with his self-worth, and coming from his past his boyfriends aren’t surprised 
Even if they’re sad
Crutchie and Davey are beyond supportive
Slowly as he opens up more and more about things they’re growing together
And helping him find healthier coping mechanisms
Even simple things like knowing when he wakes up he’s not going to be alone is helpful because he knows he’s going to wake up with Crutchie, or Davey, and some very lucky days with both at his sides
His newsies adore him
Davey stresses himself out a lot and usually someone else intervening and just showing support helps his mentality SO MUCH
He’s been… really anxious for a long time
Crutchie and Jack have talked a lot with Davey and have learned a lot of the ways he calms himself down
But sometimes he’s so worked up he can’t remember all of those things
Jack and Crutchie have learned how to calm him down when he’s really bad off, and can sometimes see when things are starting to stress him out
Then it’s just trying to intervene, get into a new place, and calm things down before they get Really Bad
They all have problems bc none of them are perfect
But they love each other and are willing to work to make something this wonderful last
Even though he’s not as wild and extroverted as the other boys Jack and Crutchie love him even on days when he’s a lot quieter and doesn’t feel like talking much
He’s slowly learning that his friends appreciate he’s comments whether or not they show how socially awkward he sounds or not
Crutchie is the big spoon
I am including this because I feel like it is important information okay
Crutchie and Jack are very cuddly and Davey is so soft for them both
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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Heyo!! I decided to do one last project before @newsies-strike-day ended! This is extremely rushed, and my handwriting is really shitty, but I actually like how it turned out! I might be doing a couple more with some of my favorite lyrics from different songs!
All in all, after seeing everybody's different fanart, fanfics, OCs, edits, and aesthetics, I think that this was a very very great Strike Day! I cannot wait another 365 days to do it again!
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
Albert DaSilva
Modern College-verse HCs
-Film major
-Race's best friend and roommate
-Decent cook but hates cooking
-Usually just orders takeout or begs Race to make him food
-Would kill a man for Race's Fettuccini Alfredo
-Mother died in childbirth
-His father couldn't afford to raise a third child without his wife's income and had to give Albert up
-Moved around foster and group homes until he was adopted at 15
-Was bullied A LOT as a kid
-His hair, his hearing loss, the fact that he didn't have parents, the fact that he couldn't seem to keep a home for more than a year, etc etc etc. In school, in the homes...
-Got in a lot of fights, got suspended and punished a lot
-Anger and trust issues
-Pretty chill most of the time but can be explosive when something upsets him
-He was constantly ready to burst as a kid, always only a few steps from punching a kid in the nose if they pissed him off
-Recognizes and hates this about himself
-He'll blow up on someone but find himself regretting it as soon as he cools down
-Race and his parents are the only people who can effectively bring him down when he goes off
-Ms. Medda, Jack, and Crutchie can but it takes much longer
-Was considered a "problem child"
-Labeled as an "Angry kid" "Hard to work with" "Rude" "Difficult" "Behavioral issues"
-Finally got adopted by a nice older couple in Manhattan when he was 15
-They were cautioned strongly against it by anyone who worked with him
-"Albert DaSilva comes with too many issues" "He'll be too much work" "You don't want him"
-This only reinforced their feelings that this boy needed a real home
-It was rocky for the first year
-They were great parents for him, she was a retired special-ed teacher and fluent in ASL, and he was conversational and working to get better.
-Both wanted what was best for him and were just all around lovely people.
-He felt terrible about it not feeling right but didn't try very hard to stop making it worse
-He was very closed off, snappish, and just made a point of being miserable from the day he moved in with them
-Locked himself in his room most of the time as soon as he got home from school and right after meals
-Snuck out most nights
-Untill one night, when they'd noticed he was doing particularly badly and went to check on him, only to find him gone
-They were worried and went looking for him, only to find him in the park, curled up in a ball, sobbing in Race's arms
-They took their cue from Race's pleading eyes and let them be
-Things started changing after that
-Considers Race his brother and by extension, Jack and Crutchie as well
-Ms. Medda is like a mother to him
-Understands a good amount of Italian
-He's one of the only people Race really speaks it around
-He took some courses on it so that Race could use it more often
-Movie buff
-Likes to analyze how the movie was made
-Really likes the directors cuts and the commentary tracks
-Met Race when he was going to a middle school in Manhattan
-Used to basically live at Race's place whenever he was in a home in Manhattan
-Very athletic
-Runner and swimmer
-Plays hockey and Baseball
-Talks to Davey about hockey a lot
-Actually pretty good friends with Davey
-Wears a hat almost 24/7
-It's a snapback
-He wears it backwards
-Self conscious about his hair
-Self conscious about a lot actually
-Fifteen years of being sent back by foster families and watching other kids get adopted instead of him gave him some issues with his self-esteem
-Only really reads non-fiction
-Makes this known
-Very big fan of biographies
-People interest him
-Read Harry Potter in high school because the school librarian suggested it
-He had been going through a rough patch and she thought it might help
-She was the only authority figure at the time (Excluding Medda) that seemed to care about him and he trusted her judgement
-He won't admit to how much he loved it
-He feels a connection to the twins
-It helped him a lot and he pulls it out when he gets really stressed
-Has a framed poster that says "Hogwarts is my safe space" that Race had made for him when he was first adopted
-Only Race, Davey, and his parents know how much he loves the series
-He and Davey nerd out about it sometimes when no one else is around
-He convinced Race to listen to it (Race likes audio books because the words don't get all mixed up)
-Had a lot of trouble coming out to his adoptive parents.
-He thought they would somehow change their minds and send him back to the home
-They were actually really accepting.
-They didn't fully understand but they cared a lot about him and wanted him to be happy.
-Was born with moderately severe hearing loss
-Wears hearing aids most of the time but didn't get them until after he was adopted
-They help a lot since the loss is only partial
-Takes out his aids when he's mad at people so that he can ignore them more easily
-Takes them out when he's getting mad because it helps to quiet things down
-Cried when Race shakily told him about how he and his brothers had taught themselves ASL for him when they were about 12
-Insanely protective of his friends and family
-Especially Race
-It's not always a good thing with his temper
-Has been suspended for beating a guy up who was picking on his best friend
-Would both die and kill for Racetrack Higgins
-Finger guns
-Has a skateboard that he rides everywhere
-He's actually pretty good
-Does tricks and stuff
-Has no idea how to use a chair
-He'll sit on top of tables, lay upsidedown over the back of chairs, lay on the floor, etc etc
-But try to get him to sit ON the chair, right side up, feet on the ground, like a normal human?
-Not a chance
-Albert really likes Redbull
-Like, Elle Woods level Redbull intake
-It's concerning
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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And the world will–
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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"Get it, Elmer!"
It me :P
Fun story since I'm self absorbed: during KONY our director had split up around half of the song into solos, and I was approached during tech week by our choreographer asking for a nerve tap for my own solo. I. Ugly. Cried. I was so happy! I was sharing the solo for two shows with the Jack that wasn't performing (we had two)(and both were cool guys) , and the other two (there were four shows) I had all to myself! A nerve tap! Most of our dancers couldn't do that! It was a blast.
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
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Happy Strike Day!
I decided, what better way to celebrate the anniversary of the strike than with the man himself, Kid Blink?
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
He’s afraid he won’t ever go home. He’s afraid he’ll die here, in the damp and the darkness. His body is a bruise and he can barely drag himself out of bed for inspection. If he doesn’t walk to the dining room, he doesn’t get food. When he tries, the world goes white and black. The others wouldn’t be so bad off… but the others wouldn’t have been caught. The others could have run…
He’s afraid he will never see the sun, never see the others, never see Jack. He is afraid he will die alone in this hell hole.
Jack, David, Katherine, Pulitzer, Les, Race, Medda, Spot, Sarah
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
Her theater is her home, and she’s happy to share it. The boys need a place to go, and she can give them one. She knows this will change things. She can feel it in her bones. If the rich and powerful are forced to take a rag-tag band of boys seriously, then perhaps they will be forced to take a black woman seriously, too. She cares because it matters. But, she cares because change here could mean change for everyone. And, she’s ready for a change, and not just from her street clothes to her costume for her song.
Jack, David, Katherine, Pulitzer, Les, Race, Crutchie, Spot, Sarah
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
He’d had to leave the band at home. There was supposed to be a band, to lead them in from Brooklyn. But they couldn’t get the permit. He’d lead them over the bridge to the rally, faded red suspenders glowing in the twilight. They’re red with dried blood, now. They’re all standing for arraignment. He tries to stand for and by his boys. He doesn’t know if it will be worth it. Jack Kelly, scab extraordinaire sure doesn’t. And, that makes Spot’s blood boil. He wouldn’t be here except for Jack. Judas Kelly is betraying them without even a kiss.
Jack, David, Katherine, Pulitzer, Les, Race, Crutchie, Medda, Sarah
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newsies-strike-day · 5 years
She knows a woman is more than her hearth and her home. She stands in the square with hundreds of workers. There are the newsies, yes. But also the telegraph boys and the shoe shiners and the grocery boys. There are little mothers with their sisters on their hips and girls with factory pale skin. She sees crosses and kippahs; hears spanish, gaelic, and yiddish, german, and a hundred more. They’re here because it matters, because they matter. They are workers: boys, and girls too. Together, they stopped the city. Today, they won. Tomorrow, they will go back to work.
Jack, David, Katherine, Pulitzer, Les, Race, Crutchie, Medda, Spot
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