ranchracoon · 1 day
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I have a proposal towards the bg3 fandom:
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ranchracoon · 3 days
Ch. 2 The Dream
Everything is white. The wind howls wildly and becomes deafening to the point she must cover her ears. The only break in the colorless sea is a blurry black dot. She takes a step forward but sinks into the ground to her mid-calf. Each forward step she takes, she sinks, having to sacrifice her hearing to push out with her arms. She trudges closer until she is nearly on top of it. She brushes away the slurry of flakes around it and picks it up. It's metallic, a pin of sorts. She examines it for only a moment before a bird swoop down to take the pin.
Carmen startles awake on the warm, volcanic rock, jabbing her elbow into a nearby stalagmite. She hisses and cups her elbow into her opposite hand and rubs viciously to try and soothe the pain. After the pins and needles disappear, she wipes her hands over her face and groans lowly. Her whole-body aches from sleeping on the rock, and she's drenched in a layer of sweat and morning mist. She jerks herself to her feet, frantically searching for some indication of the time; a futile endeavor once she realizes there's no clocks. She sprints outside to see the sun already above the horizon. After a quick curse, she drops and becomes one with her wolf form. The freshly brewed dream poured from her mind into the abyss of forgetting.
She sprints down the mountainside toward the center of the island, her heart and breath racing with her feet. Once she is within eyeshot of the central hut, she decreases her speed to a speed-walk while simultaneously shifting back into a human. Carmen sneaks in through the crowd to get her breakfast; easier said than done when everyone else keeps eyeing her with a smirk. She nabs a plate before her mother can see her, and retreats to the safety of her closest friends.
"Well, looks like someone had a late night." Teases Neyla.
Carmen raises an eyebrow in confusion, when Neyla points downward Carmen follows her finger. The realization strikes; she is still in her clothes from last night, and she sweaty. She rolls her eyes and scoffs before bowing her head to hide her face. She swallows the food with minimal chewing, only just realizing how hungry she is as she shoves another mouthful.
"Please tell me you weren't with Tess. You know she's nothing but trouble and you promised!" Begs Diana.
"I wasn't with Tess." Carmen mumbles.
"So then, who were you with?"
"No one."
"Ah. Classic 'sleep it off in a bush.' Been there. Would explain the clothes, but not your late arrival or flustered skin." States Alo.
"I wasn't sleeping in a bush either!" Snaps Carmen.
"Okay there's no need to get snappy." Neyla raises her hands in defense.
"I'm sorry. I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well last night."
"Well, if you weren't in a bush, nor at Tessa's, and didn't sleep well. Where were you? What were you doing?" Asks Diana.
Carmen looks up at them, she chews the inside of her lip before stealing a glance over her shoulder. She sees Ben and Clara sitting and talking with some tías (aunts). She swallows thickly then turns back to her group, all of them looking at her expectantly. After a moment of debating she sighs defeated, they'll find out one way or another.
"I-I went up the mountain." She mumbled.
The three of them scramble closer, screaming out "what?!" In perfect unison. Others glare their way but return to their meals when Carmen shushed them and motioned with her hands for them to sit back.
"What did you see?!"
"Nothing. Just like last time." Carmen said bitterly.
All of their shoulders collapse in disappointment. They look toward the table before Diana reaches out to take Carmen's hand. She retracts from the touch and hugs herself tightly. They say nothing but she can feel their sympathetic stares burning into her, the same stares she gets from everyone else.
"However..." She starts.
They lean over once again, the table squeaking lightly from their collective weight.
"I did have this strange dream but whenever I try to remember it's all fuzzy." She states.
Neyla gasps loudly and slaps her hands on the table. The others startle as Carmen stares at her before her eyes widen and she shakes her head.
"No. I know what you're thinking -"
"We need to see abuela!" She exclaims, cutting Carmen off.
Before Carmen can scurry off Neyla grabs her by the arm forcefully and drags her off. They make a pit stop at Carmen's home so she can change and look presentable. Abuela is very particular when it comes to how one represents themselves, and Carmen is the exact opposite of that expectation. She has to wear long sleeves and pants to cover her full-length tattoos, and hide her newest addition. She takes some soft nipple pads to put over her nipple piercings then wears a padded bra instead of a sports bra.
After she changes, she takes some concealer to hide the smaller tattoos behind her ears. Her neck tattoo and hands take the longest to cover, she has to make sure the makeup is blended well and unnoticeable. She does a once over to ensure everything is covered and that her piercings aren't visible. The final part is she removes the piercings from around her ears, leaving the studs on the bottom in. Then she begrudgingly wears closed toed shoes. She feels claustrophobic as she picks at her clothes to loosen then from her skin. It does very little to appease her.
Carmen only attempted to escape once but Neyla beat her to the punch by waiting for her outside her bedroom window. They walk together toward the southern side of the island where their elders like to gather to share stories, play games, and watch the littles. Carmen grumbles under her breath, it's not that she doesn't like her abuela but she knows exactly how to get under Carmen's skin. Unfortunately Neyla is correct, if anyone can help her with her dream it's their abuela. The front of the community center is completely open with tables and chairs out on the patio. Little kids run around in the grass, some of them are in their pup forms unable to transition on their own.
Carmen waves to the attendant who smiles back and points toward the hallway leading toward the central gardening area. The garden is where rare and endangered plants are kept in prestine condition. For some, this island holds the last of their species. In the center is abuela, she's hunched over a smaller bed of germinating seeds. Carefully replanting them using surgical like tools to avoid crushing the delicate pods. She looks up and smiles widely, after setting her tools aside she stands and hugs Neyla.
"hola mis amores. ¿Qué te trae por aquí?" (Hello my loves. What brings you here?)
"Hola abuela, en realidad vinimos a verte-" (hi grandma, we actually came to see you-) Neyla starts.
"¿Carmen finalmente encontró a su pareja? No pensé que esto sucedería mientras aún estaba viva." (has Carmen finally found her mate? I didn't think it would happen while I was still alive.)
Carmen groans and rolls her eyes while crossing her arms. Neyla hits her on the arm to knock it off but it's too late. Their abuela scoffs and takes off her hat. She waddles over to the gardening shed to put her tools away for the day, while they follow her.
"Ah clásico. Sabes que esa actitud es la razón por la que aún no has encontrado pareja y esos tatuajes. No creas que no sé nada de ellos. Las chicas hablan, ¿sabes? Nunca conseguirás que un hombre luzca así."(ah classic. You know that attitude is why you haven't found a mate yet, and those tattoos. Don't think I don't know about them. The girls talk you know. You'll never get a man looking like that.)
Carmen trembles, she wants to leave so badly but Neyla puts a reassuring hand on her arm. Their abuela does this every time, has done it since Carmen failed the first time. At first she could be the bigger person and ignore it, but it's really starting to get under her skin. All the passive aggressive comments about her weight, her attitude, her body. She huffs and sucks in a sharp breath to calm herself.
"Por eso vinimos a verte abuela. ¡Carmen lo intentó de nuevo y vio algo en la piscina! Sin embargo, necesita un poco de ayuda porque no podía distinguir qué era." (That's why we came to see you grandma. Carmen tried again and saw something in the pool! She needs a little help though because, she couldn't quite make out what it was. )
Neyla splurged on the details a little but it was enough for their abuela to gasp loudly. She hobbles excitedly from the garden to her room where she digs through an ancient looking chest. She takes out a book, some candles, and a string of wooden beads. She motions for them to follow her, and she leads them from the community center to their burial site to the far west.
Their burial site is not a mound full of headstones, rather an exquisite plant and flower garden beside the mountain. Every person is buried with their choice of flower, and the path is marked on each side with moonflowers to guide the souls onward. In the base of the mountain, there's a man-made cavern where an ofrenda wraps around the inside so those who no longer have family will always be remembered. Two elderly women are inside keeping the candles lit and praying to the goddess. They leave upon the arrival of the trio, carving a path through the Cempasúchils that blanket the floor.
Neyla waits outside as their abuela orders Carmen to lay in the center. She lights her candles, mumbles a prayer to their ancestors and goddess for guidance. Then she opens her book and chants another prayer before ordering Carmen to close her eyes.
Everything is white again, but she makes out the horizon in the distance. The sky darkens to night but she can still see clearly. The wind howls wildly once more, surrounding her in a flurry of white specks. It's snow. She hugs herself, now feeling the biting cold sink into her bones. She takes a step forward but sinks into the ground to her mid-calf. Each forward step she takes she sinks, but she keeps moving toward the black dot. She trudges closer until she can reach out and pick it up, this time clutching it close but there's no bird.
She examines it closer, it's diamond shape, with a full bloomed flower in the center with two rapiers crossing behind it. She brushes her thumb over the design, committing the feeling to memory. A laugh catches her off guard, she looks up and sees...a woman? She's more bird than woman. The entire body is wrapped in feathers, and she's wearing some sort of golden, bird- like mask. The woman laughs loudly and dissolves into a murder of crows all gunning for Carmen.
Carmen startles again, this time sitting up violently as all the candles surrounding her blow out. Her abuela clutches her chest in fright, falling backward onto her butt. Neyla runs in to help as Carmen breaths heavily. She has to draw that symbol before she forgets. Although, she can't draw to save her life but she knows someone who can.
Carmen shifts and takes off without a word to Neyla or abuela. She's ten times faster in her wolf form, running full speed and barely avoiding those walking around. She comes to a screeching halt and shifts back when she gets to her destination. The tattooist. The parlor is a gazebo made from the trunks of palm trees with the branches and leaves woven to make the canopy. There's a large, extremely built man, covered in more tattoos than her. He's bald with every visible inch of his skin covered in ink or piercings. He looks up from his drawing and smiles widely.
"Carmen!!!" He bellows.
He hugs her tightly and lifts her off the ground with a spin. He sets her down on the ground and holds his hands on his hips.
"What can I do for you Chica? Judging from the getup and make up, you just visited the abuelas and abuelos."
"Yeah. I'll tell you all about it but I need your help." She pants. 
Carmen and the man sit underneath the canopy where he flips his pad to a fresh paper and listens to her tale. She tells him about her dream, forgoes the part about going up the mountain, and that she, unfortunately, had to seek help from her abuela but now needs help drawing something from her dream. He listens intently as she describes the pin in as much detail as she has the words for, only making minor changes when he shows her a finished product. Then she describes the bird mask the woman was wearing; it was gold with a long beak that goes past her neck with the entirety covering her face with golden strings attached from the beak to the mask. He finishes the drawing for both pieces and hands her the paper with the final products. They're perfect. 
"Gracias Aleki! This is perfect." She praises.
"Not a problem. Anything for you Carmen. What do you plan on doing with them?" He asks.
There was only one thing she could do: she had to find out what this symbol stood for. After a brief conversation with Aleki, she makes her way to the library where she settles down behind one of the few computers the island has. The internet takes ages, hence why she wrote letters to Ben instead of emails, because the letters would get there faster. While she waits for the computer to turn on, and load, she begins her search with books. She starts with family crests but there's not much outside of the island's history of notable families. By the time the system loads, she continues her search into crests having a feeling that's the right track.
She huffs in defeat but then sits up and hits her forehead as a stupid idea comes to her: image searching. She scans the drawing and uploads it into an image finder for anything similar in design. Then she sees the exact replica after countless minutes of scrolling. She clicks the image and follows a trail of links until she comes upon a review website that she reads aloud. 
"Dimitrescu wines, the finest wine made in the heart of Europe. For hundreds of years the Dimitrescu family has cultivated award winning wine for all tastes. Their most popular line having rich notes of - "
Carmen stops reading and switches her search into this Dimitrescu family but only finds how to purchase the wine and more reviews. She sits back in her seat and sighs. She's happy that she at least has a name and a starting point, but also defeated that Dimitrescu might not be real with how limited information there is. One thing she does know, is she has to go to Europe which makes her groan in despair. She hates the cold. 
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ranchracoon · 4 days
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ranchracoon · 4 days
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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ranchracoon · 4 days
The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.
The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)
The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.
Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.
Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.
The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.
The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.
The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Phantom of House Beneviento Master Post
Thanks to Mother Miranda you now work with a semi-delusional, old woman named Angie for the mysterious Lord Beneviento. You discover that no one has heard, seen, or spoken to this lord and you start to question if they even exist. A wide hole is punched into that theory after you hear music being played in the forbidden basement, but before you could see who was playing it you were shut out. After that encounter you start to feel as though you are being watched, and use that to your advantage to maybe lure this allusive lord out into the open. However, Lord Beneviento isn't the only one who has their eye set on you.
This story is not canon to the Resident Evil Village gameplay but will feature some of the recognizable characters which include but are not limited to: Donna Beneviento, Alcina Dimitrescu, Salvatore Moreau, Karl Heisenberg, and Mother Miranda.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 25 Home
The music roared from behind the gate, if you looked closely enough you could see it shaking from the vibrations. The fall festival was in full swing, the smell of pumpkin pie, spices, and cider made your mouth water in anticipation. You looked up at Donna who smiled back down at you, she held your hand tightly and you squeezed hers in response. Donna took a deep breath and pushed open the gate to reveal everyone dressed up like different monsters and creatures; kids were running around with chocolate and other sugary delights coating their mouths. You clutched the envelope closer to your chest to keep it from blowing away in the cold breeze, Donna side stepped out of the way for some children to run through.
Since the wedding she's been more open to coming into the village, the villagers threw you and her a large celebration in honor of your marriage. Contrary to her belief, the villagers were accepting of Donna, many of them understandably skeptical at first but welcomed her nonetheless. You and her passed by a stall with freshly baked cinnamon rolls, Donna's eye widened to the size of the moon and stopped dead in her tracks. It seems the kids of the village wouldn't be the only ones with a sugar high this night. Donna looked over at you, silently asking to get one and you sighed defeatedly.
"Fine, but only one you hear me? Otherwise you're sleeping with Angie tonight." You warned.
Donna perked up and kissed your cheek before turning toward the vendor while reaching into her pocket for the lei. On your wedding night, instead of fucking your brains out, Donna spent all night puking out hers because she discovered the wonders of unadulterated access to sugar. You waited patiently until she returned with half the roll already eaten within the two steps it took from you to the stall, she offered you the other half and you acted shocked at the gesture. She shrugged and pulled it back to eat it but you swiped it from her hand and stuffed it into your mouth. Donna smirked and kissed you, licking the sugar from the corner of your lips while doing so.
With your face fully red all the way to your ears, Donna smirked triumphantly then took your hand again to lead you toward the village center. The music was getting louder to the point it hurt your ears from how close you were standing, but thankfully you didn't have to stand long because you saw who you were looking for. Cassandra was walking on the other side of the center with her sisters, their mother right behind them and all of them ducked into the blacksmith's shop. You ran over with Donna in tow and caught the door before it fully closed behind them and slipped on in, Daniela spotted you first of course and embraced you in a bone-crushing hug.
"Oh you guys came! I'm so happy to see you." Daniela squealed.
"You just saw us a few days ago when we visited you." You choked out.
"A few days is a few months in Daniela time." Bela joked.
Daniela released you and paused in front of Donna, she hesitated at first but then opened her arms and braced when Daniela lunged into her full force. Johanna came out from a door behind the counter and smiled brightly at Cassandra who leaned on her elbows on the counter. You glanced over at Alcina who was distracted by something hanging in the window then crept over to Cassandra and leaned next to her.
"I have something for you." You said quietly as you slid the envelope over.
Cassandra gasped and took it within a blink, "what is it?" she asked curiously.
"Well...remember that conversation we had where you said you wanted to leave the village? I'm giving you all the assets my aunt left me. You can do whatever you please with them, sell them, keep them, I don't have any use for any of it. There is one condition though, you have to mail me a souvenir from every place you travel to, even if it's just a postcard."
The two of them stared at you like you just spoke to them in a different language, you glanced between them and felt a familiar heat rush to your ears.
"Do-do you mean it?" Johanna asked quietly.
Cassandra looked up at you as you smiled at her and nodded your head, she set the envelope down carefully then took you into an even tighter hug than Daniela's. You choked a little but wrapped your arms around her and held her until she let go, backing away and then reaching over to take Johanna's hand.
"I guess we better break the news to everyone then."
Johanna nodded in agreement, "lets meet in the dining room with my parents."
Johanna called everyone's attention and invited the Dimitrescus, Donna, and you into the dining room. In there was a man and woman who looked about Angie's age, the man was shorter than you which made you feel better about being surrounded by extraordinarily tall women. He stood and offered his seat to Alcina who graciously took it and sat next to, whom you presumed was his wife. Cassandra and Johanna stood in front of the table with everyone looking at them, you and Donna stood in the back toward the door. You wanted to make a quick exit in case you needed to once Alcina heard the news.
"Um Johanna and I have something to tell you all." Cassandra took a deep breath, "we're going to get married this winter and leave the village in spring when the snow melts from the pass."
You could hear an ant fart with how quiet it was, the news settling thickly in the air until Alcina abruptly stood. The chair scrapped against the wooden flooring and made you flinch, even Daniela and Bela leaned away from her. Alcina took a deep breath and held her hands in front of her, her shoulders tense despite her calm facial expression. Johanna's mother sniffled at tears fell down her cheeks and she used a handkerchief to wipe them away.
"How do you plan on accomplishing this?" she asked calmly.
"With this." Cassandra held up the envelope, "Y/N gave us enough money to not only travel but live a comfortable life outside of this village. I promise we'll come back to visit in the spring and summer. Our compromise was having the wedding here. Please mother, this is all I've ever wanted."
Johanna's mother stood, "why do you want to leave me?" She sobbed.
"Momma I'm not leaving you but, you and I both know that there's only so much I can do here. All I do is fix farm equipment now and then. I want to explore, learn, and start a family."
Cassandra turned sharply in Johanna's direction, Johanna and everyone in the room tensed as Alcina walked around the table. She approached them like a predator stalking its prey, she stood in front of the two women, silently looking them over then her shoulders sagged.
"I did try to change your mind, and I am upset that you went behind my back to find an alternative way to leave but I suppose it's my fault for pushing you away rather than accepting your wishes. I didn't want to accept that my baby wants to spread her wings and start her own life. Please promise me that you will be safe, you will write, you will visit, and most importantly remember that you always have a home here." Alcina stated firmly.
"I promise mother." Cassandra responded.
Johanna and Cassandra looked up at Alcina then hugged her tightly, she hugged them back and held them close. She kissed both of their cheeks before standing upright, you looked over at Johanna's mother who still sobbed but her father stood behind her with his hands on the back of the chair. She stood up and walked out of the dining room, covering her face with her handkerchief as Johanna's father sighed.
"Johanna, I always knew you were too bright for this village. Your fire burned hotter than any hearth, and you know your mother and I only want the best for you. You can't get much better than blessings from three lords, I'll support you in any way possible."
"What about momma?" Johanna asked.
"She'll come around. She always does."
He held his hand out and Johanna walked over to shake it, then she jumped up and hugged him around his neck. Daniela groaned loudly and this time the attention was on her as she dramatically threw herself back against the wall with Bela smiling proudly.
"Thanks a lot Cas, now I owe Bela 500 lei." She sighed with feigned annoyance.
"We made a bet who would get married first; you or her. Congratulations Cassandra and Johanna." Bela clarified.
"We need to start planning!" Daniela exclaimed to change the subject.
Daniela dragged Johanna and Bela dragged Cassandra out of the home, Alcina reached over and took the envelope for safekeeping. Cassandra smiled at you as she passed by, you waited until they left the shop and looked up at Donna who raised an eyebrow back at you.
"He said three lords, there's you and Alcina. Who's the third?" You asked.
Donna smiled widely and giggled quietly, "you my love. When you became my wife, you also took on the title of lord. Would you prefer lady like Alcina?"
You shook your head and scrunched your nose, the thought of being a lord made your anxiety spike, "will I have to come to those meetings that you go to?"
"Only if you want."
You were about to say something back when Alcina approached you, she looked down at you and you shrugged down into yourself. She motioned with her head for you to follow her and that you did; she walked outside and around the corner where the music was dulled. She held the envelope tightly and looked off into the distance, Donna stood by you and leaned against the brick of the building.
"Alcina let me-" you started.
"Quiet." She ordered.
She turned to face you and you expected to see anger, resentment, something but her face remained neutral. Her green eyes almost shined from the street lamp above her and you could see them dart around your body. You rolled and unrolled the hem of your shirt, you wanted to beg for forgiveness and tell her you were sorry but another part of you wanted to stand your ground and tell her off. Instead you stood there frozen under her gaze, she blinked slowly and she looked up toward Donna.
"Would you mind giving us a moment?" Alcina asked.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Donna push herself off the wall and walked around the corner. Your throat felt dry and you tried to gulp but you produced nothing, leaving you to choke a little on the air.
"I knew this day would come and I couldn't be prouder of her. Johanna is a wonderful woman, and I knew that eventually I would give in. In fact, I was going to surprise her this upcoming winter solstice with the money and means to leave, but you beat me to it."
She held up the envelope, twisting it around in her hand, "so, you're giving everything away hm?"
"If there was anything you wanted of hers, you can look through the list of her things. I know you two were close."
"I absolutely loathed the woman, the only reason I humored her was because it's the proper thing to do. I do not want anything."
Your mouth dropped and you started to laugh, you weren't expecting that. Alcina dropped her hand and chuckled, covering her mouth with her other until she stopped laughing. She took a step toward you and rested her hand on your shoulder, she leaned down to your ear, close enough you could smell her perfume.
"If you ever go behind my back or pull something like this again, I will end you."
You shot a look at her and nodded your head in understanding, she tapped your shoulder and walked away. After you unclenched your jaw and could breath again you went back around the corner to find Donna waiting for you. She was standing by herself next to some other villagers who didn't have dance partners, when she saw you her face lit up and her eye crinkled from how big she smiled. She approached you and wrapped her arms around you, kissing the side of your head.
"Thanks for leaving me." You mumbled into her shoulder.
"Sorry mi amor but you're on your own when it comes to Alcina. She is one out of three women I will never cross. The other two being Mother Miranda and Angie."
"Understandable." You groan.
"Still love me?" She asked.
You look up at her and narrow your eyes, "yeah I guess."
She chuckles lowly and brushes her fingers through your hair while holding you tightly, you sigh and breath in her smell. You wrap your arms around her waist and you listen to her heartbeat beating, everything else fades away. When you came to this village you wanted nothing more than to leave, you never saw yourself finding a life out here let alone someone like Donna. For the first time in many years, since you could remember, you felt safe. You felt at home.
The end.
Master Post
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 24 A Wedding
"I apologize that it took so long, the internet isn't very fast out here neither is phone services. It takes a few days for anything to come or go, however I did manage to contact the lawyer in charge of the will. Unfortunately, you still need to be married to do anything with it. Including giving it to another person."
"I understand. Thank you Mother Miranda." You said calmly.
You hung up the phone with a soft click of the receiver, swallowing thickly as you stared off through the window toward the waterfall. The thought of being Donna's wife made your heart soar with happiness, but you didn't want her to think you were marrying her only because of the will. Perhaps you should take your own advice, and just talk to her. It's been another since Mother Miranda and Dimitrescus visited, Dona has been more communicative about her needs and boundaries. Maybe broach the subject lightly. You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of glass dropping, running toward the sound you push open the door to one of the seating areas to find Angie hovering over some ceramic bits.
"Oh dear. Y/N, go get me a broom please."
"Please? Are you feeling alright?"
"Oh shut it and get me a broom."
You chuckled and turned away to go get the broom and dust pan, when you returned you knelt down to carefully sweep the shards into the pan. Once everything was clean and clear Angie smacked her lips and huffed with her fists on her hips.
"That was my favorite mug. Now I'll have to go to the village and get another one. Blasted."
"I would like to go with."
You jumped from the intrusion of Donna's voice, even Angie gasped a little from surprise. You looked over at Donna standing in the doorway, her hands rubbing each other nervously as she looked from you to Angie.
"Fine, but I ain't waiting for you to catch up." Angie scoffed.
Angie waddled out of the other door and you gave Donna a half smile, she only stared back at you then followed you to return the broom. You gathered your cloak that was kindly returned to you and tightened it around your neck, Donna put on a thicker coat than normal over her attire. Fall was coming to an end and Winter was starting to rear its cold heart, the mornings were always frosty but the afternoon sun was still plenty warm. It's mid November which means the Fall Festival will be arriving soon, and everyone in the village needs to stock up and winterize their homes. Winter means life or death this far in the mountains, Donna's manor is plenty warm and Angie said that Lady Dimitrescu often opens her castle when blizzards hit.
"Are you sure about this Donna?" You asked.
"The entire village saw my face anyhow, I cannot live in hiding any further. I need to do this."
You sighed and took her hand into your own with a smile, she squeezed it in return and pushed the door open. You walked next to her in silence, the walk was nice with the fall breeze blowing through the trees. Donna tilted her head upwards and breathed in deeply, a smile crept over her lips and she paused for only a moment to savor the air. The sun highlighted her dark hair, giving it a blueish tint and matching the dark colored outfit she wore. Eventually the gate to the village came into view and Donna hesitated, her eye drifted over the wooden gate and you squeezed her hand in reassurance.
She walked beside you as you passed through the gate into the heart of the village. Her hand tightened on yours so hard that your fingers started to tingle as people passed by. Some of them smiled and bowed their heads toward Donna, others moved out of the way but otherwise said nor did anything. You stretched out your neck to look toward the bay, the same fishermen and women carried their catches to the town square, some of them wore black while others didn't. Donna led you toward the church path up the hill, she paused again outside the door of the church. When you looked up at her, her eye was closed and her head was down with her chin against her chest. With how tightly she was holding your hand, her pulse clashed against your own with how fast it was going.
"You know, I've only been scared three times in my life." Donna said suddenly.
"The first time was the night my father attacked my mother and I. The second was when Moreau knocked me down. Up until then I had not feared death, in fact, I would have welcomed death like an old friend had I not met you. I was so scared I wouldn't see you again."
You sucked in a sharp breath and twisted around to rest your other hand against her cheek. She looked over at you, finally opening her eye to meet yours when she blinked slowly and a single tear rolled down her cheek. You let go of her hand and placed it against her mask, running the pad of your thumb against the smooth porcelain. She raised her hands and placed them over yours, you wiped away the tear and she chuckled under her breath when you broke the silence.
"When's the third?"
"Right now." She answered.
"Why?" You chuckled out.
Donna gave you another smile, she straightened up and broke free from your grasp then leaned over and opened the door to the church. It swung open with a loud creak and thud, you looked at her confused and she nodded her head in the direction of going inside. You walked down the short hallway and gasped when you came into view of the inside of the church. Inside was Angie, Alcina, and her daughters all sitting in the pews with Johanna and Ina sitting with them. Mother Miranda was at the podium and white fabric was strung up along the ceiling and walls. Lights were strung up in the banisters of the ceiling coating the entire church in a warm glowing light. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothing and they turned to look at you with broad, knowing smiles. You whipped around to look at Donna who stood next to you, she held her hands behind her back.
"Because I'm scared you'll say no." She whispered.
You looked at her shocked.
"Angie told me about your conversation with Cassandra and I told her that I wanted you to be my wife regardless. She came up with a plan and I agreed to it because I knew I wouldn't ever have the courage to ask you otherwise." 
Donna turned to look at you, she knelt down onto one knee in front of you, "Y/N, will you marry me?" She asked, looking up at you.
You stared at her, your eyes darting between hers before looking over to see everyone in the church waiting for you to answer with baited breath. You smiled brightly and felt tears threaten to spill over your eyes as you nodded your head and used the palm of your hand to wipe your eyes.
"I'll marry you Donna. Even if it's only for my money." You joked.
Donna laughed and the girls swarmed around you in an instant, they dragged you along toward the back of the church. You glanced over your shoulder to see Donna being taken away by Alcina and Angie to another part of the church. Inside a small room in the back were two strikingly white outfits: a dress and a suit. The suit was a three piece suit with a ruffled collared button up, a jacket similar to Donna's with the six buttons on the front, and slacks. The dress was the same height as you with a mermaid cut and a deep V neck that would accentuate your breasts. You picked your outfit and was whisked away behind a curtain to change into it, once you did Daniela shoved you into a chair and sat in front of you. She did your make-up, highlighting your best features while Cassandra made sure your hair looked nice.
Bela pulled out a camera and started to take pictures, you laughed loudly at their contagious excitement. You never thought you would get married so you never daydreamed about your dream wedding, but this set up felt absolutely perfect for you. When you were ready they took you back outside and fixed you up in the tiny hallway by the front entrance. Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra of course held bouquets of fake flowers to be the bridesmaids. They walked down the aisle first as a piano started to play, Alcina appeared around the corner and smiled at you warmly.
"Mind if I walk you down dear?" She asked, offering her arm.
You smiled brightly and took her arm with your own, a ping of gratefulness struck you in that moment. You lost your parents, your aunt, and didn't have any friends to share this important step with. Alcina was there though, and she was closer to a motherly figure than your actual mother ever was. She pulled you along down the aisle and you locked eyes on Donna who stood at the podium next to Mother Miranda. Of course she was wearing an all black suit, a white button up, a black neck tie, and all of the buttons on her suit were shimmering silver. Better yet, she wasn't wearing her mask and you could see her entire face beaming with happiness when she looked at you.
By the time Alcina handed you off to Donna you were blinking feverishly to fight back the tears and not ruin the make-up that Daniela worked so hard on. Donna however was letting her tears flow freely, her eyes had a tint of red from them but her smile never faltered. She held both of your hands in her own, she looked down at you and leaned down to whisper into your ear.
"You look so beautiful." She whispered through a choked sob.
"And you look so handsome Donna." You replied.
"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate the matrimony of Donna Benviento and Y/N L/N. I call upon the Black God to oversee this union between two souls to be forever joined. Let us pray." Mother Miranda announced.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands. As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end." Everyone but you and Donna said.
Your eyes widened and your cheeks burned, Donna only smirked at you when the realization hit you. She chuckled lowly and you squeezed her hands, narrowing your eyes at her as your face only burned hotter. Thankfully Mother Miranda cleared her throat to grab your attention.
"Donna Beneviento, do you take Y/N L/N as your partner, a part of your soul, to lift her sorrows, to be the drink that fills her cup, the light to guide her through darkness, until the end of eternity?" Mother Miranda asked.
"I do." Donna said proudly.
"Y/N L/N, do you take Donna Beneviento as your partner, a part of your soul, to lift her sorrows, to be the drink that fills her cup, the light to guide her through darkness, until the end of eternity?"
"I do." You answered.
"Please exchange the rings."
Donna winked at you when you started to panic that you didn't have a ring. Someone tapped your shoulder and you looked over to see Cassandra holding up a ring in her fingers. You sighed with relief and took the ring in your hand, Donna held out hers and you slipped the simple band onto her ring finger. She then took your hand and slipped on a golden ring encrusted with small diamonds along the top.
"Then by the power invested in me by the Black God, I pronounce you two bonded until the end of time. You may kiss."
Donna leaned down and you didn't hesitate to jump up and wrap your arms around her neck. You clashed your lips against hers, everyone clapped and of course the girls cheered loudly as Donna locked her arms around your waist. She pulled you close to her, your body molding against hers until nothing could pass through. You broke away from the kiss and finally let the tears roll down your cheeks. 
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 23 Into the Light
You brushed your hands through Donna's hair, she leaned back against you as you messaged her scalp with your fingertips. The steam from the tub filled the entire room in a dense haze similar to the fog outside the manor. Your skin was red from how hot the water was but after a moment adjusting it was rather pleasant, and the room soon warmed from the radiating heat. Donna didn't say anything to you, but you didn't mind the silence in that moment, instead you enjoyed the closeness of her. You combed her hair of any lasting dirt or debris then carefully ran your hands over her chest, and rested your arms there for the rest of the time. After the bath she laid in bed with her arms open for you, when you snuggled against her she held onto you like a lifeline.
Over a week passed since the challenge, and neither you nor Donna left the manor for anything. Angie was the one who went out to get groceries while you stayed back and helped Donna reorganize her workshop. She kept changing her mind: she wanted it sorted by color, no she wanted it sorted alphabetically, no she wanted it by size. Frankly, you were getting a bit stir crazy but did what she asked anyway because she worried you. She refused to talk about it and you didn't want to push it too much, trying to give her space and time; however she hovered around you whenever you went anywhere, always having to be within arm's reach or just outside the door.
Your breaking point was when she launched awake in the middle of the night, panting and sweating frantically. She tried to act like she wasn't bothered, that this was just another chore she had to complete, but that was a lie. The next morning you reached out to her and placed a hand on her bicep, she looked over at you a bit startled but instantly relaxed upon seeing you.
"Donna, it's been a whole week." You started.
"I know." She responded.
"You're clearly bothered by what happened, and I want to help you but I don't know how."
"Just being here is helpful but honestly, I don't know how you can be helpful either. The entire village saw my face, and now I have even more blood on my hands. I just feel so....exposed." She whispered.
She turned around onto her side and you scooted closer with your front pressed against her back. You wrapped your arm around her waist and held her tightly, pressing your nose against her neck. On the second floor you heard the telephone ring numerous times, eventually the ringing stopped and you could hear the muffled sound of Angie's voice. She talked for a long time and then there was silence, after a few minutes you could hear her shuffling feet outside the door. Then there was a knock.
"Y/N, Donna, that was Alcina. She's on her way with Mother Miranda to come check on you. I tried to tell her that you're fine but that woman is as stubborn as a bull, and it sounds like Mother Miranda has something important to talk to you two about."
"Thank you Angie. We'll be up in a minute." You called, turning your head away from Donna.
You looked back down at Donna, brushed some of her hair back and kissed the side of her face gently.
"Maybe talking to Alcina or Mother Miranda might help. It's time you stopped shouldering all your emotions by yourself. You have so many people who love you and are here for you."
Donna continued to stare off into the distance but she nodded in acknowledgement, you laid with her for a few more minutes before giving her one last kiss on her temple. You shuffled out of the bed and exited her bedroom, when the elevator doors opened on the main floor there was a knock on the front door. Angie was halfway there but you waved her away and answered the door to find Mother Miranda, Alcina, and her daughters all standing there. You moved out of the way to let them in but were quickly swarmed in an array of hugs, you chuckled and wrapped your arms around Daniela who only tightened her hug.
"Hello to you too Daniela." You choked out.
"Hi." Daniela replied when she let go.
The second she released you another hug engulfed you, this time Bela. You smiled warmly and hugged her back, holding her tightly against your body until she decided to end it. Cassandra waved at you, Alcina nodded her head, and Mother Miranda didn't look your way but you caught a glimpse of an envelope in her hands. You motioned them to the back room where the fireplace was, Angie was in there and had just set the rapier box on the desk parallel to the fireplace. The girls sat on the couches closest to the warmth of the hearth while Alcina, Mother Miranda, and you sat off to the side.
"Will Donna be joining us?" Mother Miranda asked.
"I'm not sure." You responded.
"Would you mind if I went and checked on her?" She asked quietly.
"Not at all, she's in her bedroom downstairs."
Mother Miranda placed the envelope on the tea table between the two seats then stood and left you alone with Alcina. The girls giggled around the corner with Angie, their conversation not making much sense from the bits and pieces you could make out. Instead you turned your attention to Alcina who gave you a warm smile.
"How are you doing dear?" She asked.
"Honestly? I could be better. I don't know how to help Donna through all this because she won't talk to me and I feel this immense guilt that she did all this because of me."
"You give yourself too much credit dear. This was a long time coming especially with how impulsive Salvatore was and the already strained relationship Donna has with the village. However, you must remember she went her entire life practically alone, it'll take some time for her to lean on someone else after depending on herself for so long."
"Wow." You remark with a hint of sarcasm, "speaking of, have you heard anything in the village since the challenge? Everyone saw Donna's face. I can imagine the rumors are spreading like wildfire."
"There are a few whispers here and there by those who were loyal to House Moreau, otherwise they are being snuffed out quickly. Of course Mother Miranda and I are diluting any lies that come our way without giving away too much. Did anyone come and bother you?"
"No, which is why I asked." You paused for a moment then snapped to attention, "I'm sorry. Do you want anything to drink?"
Alcina gave you a knowing smirk, "I'm fine dear but thank you for asking. Perhaps we'll instill some manners in you yet." She teased.
You rolled your eyes in time to see Mother Miranda return through the opposite door with Donna directly behind her. Donna looked a bit more relieved, her shoulders weren't as stiff and when she made eye contact with you she smiled bigger than she had all week. You smiled back at her and scooted over to give her room on the seat, she sat down next to you and placed her hand on your thigh. Mother Miranda walked over to the girls and Angie, she leaned down to tell them something and you leaned over to see the four of them leave to go elsewhere. Whatever Mother Miranda had to tell you must be important. She sat back down next to Alcina and picked the envelope back up, examined it then sighed heavily.
"I have some things I need to discuss with the two of you, one of them being about taking over Salvatore's portion of the village, and the other concerning this." She waved the envelope.
"I don't want anything to do with the bay." Donna spoke directly.
"I figured as much which is why I put Alcina in charge until we find a suitable candidate to take over. Now as for the contents in this envelope, we found this while searching Salvatore's personal home for any more evidence on his crime."
Mother Miranda handed you the manilla envelope, you took it with one hand and examined it briefly before opening the already torn top. You pulled out a thick packet of paper with the words, 'Last Will and Testimony of Sabine L/N' written on the top. You took a long, deep breath as you absorbed the words and tried to decipher how they made you feel. Some part of you is sad that she died and you had no idea, another part is pissed that this was withheld from you, but the biggest part felt completely neutral. That was until you got to the stipulations of the will.
"I have to be married?! Oh that bitch!" You screeched.
The sudden change of volume made everyone around you jump, Donna squeezed your thigh to keep you grounded. You groaned loudly as you read over that section over and over again. The rest of the will was pretty standard: all assets belonging to the L/N family shall be passed onto the oldest living relative. You had a cousin who was older than you, but then you read that the recipient couldn't be in prison which eliminated him and left you. The more you thought about it though, the more it concerned you that Salvatore had this in his possession. This must have been why he was so adamant about
"What if I don't want any of this?" You asked.
"Well, that would be something to ask the lawyer in charge. I could try and contact him but it takes days for anything via the internet to reach out here, and calling internationally is a hit or miss."
You sighed heavily, "I need some air."
You stood up and placed your hand on Donna's shoulder to keep her from following, you looked at her pointedly then jerked your head toward the other two women. She got the hint and folded back into her seat while you made your way to the front of the manor. The crisp fall air hit your lungs and you breathed it in until your lungs hurt, the air was chilly and caused goosebumps on your skin. You leaned on the railing overlooking the cliff's edge, the porch was protected from the spray of the waterfall. In the distance you heard the voices of the girls grow closer, you looked in the direction of the path and saw them come over the edge.
They waved at you and you waved back, most of them went inside into the warmth of the manor except Cassandra who leaned on the railing with you. At first you didn't say anything to her nor she to you, that was until you saw she had the same downturned look on her face.
"Everything okay?" You asked.
"I should be asking you that. I know as an outsider it must be hard seeing someone killed like that." She responded.
"You say that like you have experience." You stated.
Cassandra looked off into the distance, her silence was enough of an answer for you. You swallowed thickly and rubbed the sides of your arms for warmth. She wasn't wrong, the imagine of Salvatore being stabbed played on a constant loop when your mind wasn't distracted; it's not the first time you've seen someone killed per say, but it is the first time you've seen someone killed in real life.
"I'm fine really, I had unlimited and unmonitored access to the internet at a very young age and saw some pretty fucked up stuff."
"What's it like?" She asked after a long pause.
"What's what like?" You asked back.
"The outside world. I've grown up in this village my whole life, only reading things in books. Hearing about things from the few outsiders we get."
You perked up a little, "are you interested in leaving the village?"
"More than anything. I don't want to live in this village the rest of my life."
"What about Johanna?" You pried.
"Her and I are on the same page. She likes being a blacksmith but, there's only so much one can do you know? I tried talking to Mother about it. She said no, so did Johanna's parents, saying we were too young and that the world is too dangerous. Since then she's been trying to convince me to stay but I keep telling her it's in vain. Bela is going to take over for her someday, Daniela wants the domesticated life, and where does that leave me?"
"Maybe if you had a way to prove that you could provide for yourself and for Johanna, they might change their answer." You said.
You could see the wheels turning in Cassandra's head, at the same time the wheels in your head started to turn too. If you could reach out to the lawyer about giving all the assets away to someone, then Cassandra could get her wish and you might finally be able to live in peace. Cassandra suddenly shook her head and stood upright with a chuckle, her fingers were red from the cold air.
"Maybe. I'm sorry I went on a tangent there."
"It's fine. Let's go inside and get warmed up."
Cassandra smiled at you and nodded in agreement, you walked in with her and found her sisters sitting with Angie in the front room. You squeezed Cassandra's shoulder and went back into the other room where Mother Miranda and Alcina were, they all looked up in your direction when you entered. Donna had puffy eyes from crying which she quickly wiped away and recomposed herself, you sat next to her and leaned your head against her shoulder. She moved her arm and wrapped it around you, rubbing your opposite arm to warm you up.
"Have you come to a decision?" Asked Mother Miranda.
"Yes. If possible I would like to reach out to whomever is in charge of the will about giving the assets to another person."
Mother Miranda nodded and stood up to leave, Alcina followed after and gave you a wink before turning her back to you. When everyone left Angie huffed and excused herself for the evening, you watched her waddle up the stairs then faced Donna and took her hand. You walked in silence with her back downstairs to the kitchen, you released her hand and started searching for something to make to eat. Two arms wrapped around your waist and halted your quest, you straightened up and rested your hands on top of Donna's.
"Thank you." She whispered in your ear.
"For what?" You asked.
"For everything."
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 22 The Challenge
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, death, and wounds towards the end.
"Y-Yes." You answered.
"You hesitated." Donna responded.
"Well I-"
Donna only looked at you and it was enough for you to sigh in defeat. Who were you kidding, you said you could kill but doubted if you realistically could. She kissed the top of your head and lowered your hands down, when you lifted your head you looked around to see that everyone else was leaving. Except Alcina and the girls. Alcina approached Donna, her daughters formed a single file line behind her.
"Donna, may I ask a favor of you?" Alcina asked.
Donna nodded her head.
"I would like it if you used House Dimitrescu's family rapier. I know you will win, and it would give me great joy to see House Moreau fall at the blade and hand of the families they tried so hard to erase."
You looked up in time to see Donna swallow, her jaw flexed with tension as her eye drifted off in thought. She then gave Alcina a short, curt nod of her head to which Alcina smiled proudly. Her head was held high and her shoulders visibility relaxed, she took a deep breath and also nodded her head.
"Excellent. I will have Cassandra sharpen it for you. Would you two like to join us at the castle? We do have some time before dusk, and, perhaps it would be best not to be alone right now."
You and Donna looked at each other, she tilted her head at you meaning it was your choice.
"We'd love to." You answered.
Angie stood from the pew with the help of Daniela who then pranced over to her girlfriend, linking arms with her. Donna squeezed your hand and followed behind Alcina with you directly behind Donna, Angie behind you, and the girls formed in a half circle around the three of you. The first thing you heard was yelling, some of it angry, some of it cheerful, and you flinched when the door opened. The roaring of the crowd stung your ears, you cupped one hand over one ear and leaned against Donna to cover the other.
The crowd was surrounding Salvatore, some of the people rooting him on, others cursing him, and a few others making bets on who would win. Some of the villagers spotted you and Donna, they tried to crowd around but Alcina firmly stood her ground, ordering them to let her pass. She parted the crowd for no one dared to be too close to her, she looked over at Donna who exhaled audibly while squeezing your hand. It seemed like forever to get to the Castle and by then the crowd had dispersed enough you could uncover your ears.
Although your time was very brief here, the overwhelming shudder of dread and fear ran up your spine. Once you were safely behind the castle doors, you relaxed and leaned more against Donna. There were still hours before dusk and you could feel the exhaustion of the stress and anxiety starting to get to you. Daniela, Ina, and Cassandra all went their separate ways leaving Bela, Alcina, Donna, and you in the main hall. A maid appeared from the double doors leading to the dining room, you didn't recognize her but then again, there had to be at least 50 women working here. The maid approached the matriarch without so much as a look in yours or Donna's direction and held out her arms, Alcina removed her long fur coat and handed it to the maid.
"Thank you Ingrid. Please be a dear and inform the kitchen we have guests, I'm sure these two are starved. We will be in the seating area next to my chambers."
"Right away ma'am."
Ingrid curtsied and left the hall as quickly as she arrived, the seating area was directly down a hallway from the main hall. Inside was a roaring fire, bookshelves from floor to ceiling, a couch, a very large coffee table with a marble top, and two chairs on the other side. You and Donna sat on the couch, Bela and Alcina sat in the chairs, the warmth from the fire wasn't unpleasant although a bit warm for your liking. You slipped off the cloak to relieve yourself of some of the warmth. You looked around at the portraits hanging between bookshelves, and the expensive looking dishes above the fireplace. No one said anything, the only sound being the crackling of the fireplace until Bela finally broke the tension.
"I think this is the first time you've been to our home Donna. Sorry it's under such circumstances."
Donna stared at the fire, the flames reflecting in the virgin white of her mask. She took a breath and turned to look at Bela, her cold, resolved face softening the same way it did when she looked at you. Donna gave her the tiniest smiles.
"I had always hoped to see it but could never find the courage. I'm sure after today that will change." Her hand squeezed yours.
There was a knock on the door, Alcina gave the order to enter and the maid from before, Ingrid, came in with a rolling cart of goodies. She set down a cup in front of everyone, some pastries, finger sandwiches, and cut seasonal vegetables. Then she stood upright and held one hand out, palm up, in front of three pitchers on top of the cart.
"I have brought coffee, tea, and water. What would everyone like?" She asked as if she's repeated this line a thousand times.
"Coffee please." Alcina answered almost excitedly.
"Tea please." Bela answered.
"I'll have tea please." You answered.
"Coffee please." Donna answered.
You were surprised to hear Donna speak so easily, but then again, she's known Alcina much longer than you and they are family. Ingrid pours each of the liquids and Alcina dismisses her but she leaves the cart there. You lean over to watch her leave then straighten back up.
"Is that what Mother Miranda wanted me to become?" You asked.
Bela snorts into her cup and coughs to clear the burning liquid from her nose and throat, she uses a handkerchief to wipe herself clean. Donna's shoulders shake and you see her suck in her lips to suppress her laughter. Alcina attempts to sigh as if she's irritated at the question, but even she cracks a smile.
"One could only hope. Ingrid is by far my proudest work and somehow I have yet to replicate that amount of servitude. She's rather impressive." Alcina explained.
You look over at Donna who pours some cream and sugar into her coffee then leans back sipping it.
"Is that how you want me to be?" You asked in a playful tone.
"No, you're plenty submissive and obedient when I want you to be."
Now it was your turn to choke, your face burned from the intense blush and your jaw dropped. Where was your sweet, innocent, shy, Donna? Bela erupted in laughter, even Alcina chuckled to herself as her cup hovered by her lips. Despite the hours of talking and near rib-breaking laughter, you could see Donna stare off into the distance. She sipped her coffee and when she was done, she switched to water and only nibbled on the food. Her mind is obviously somewhere else and unable to fully relax, you couldn't blame her though, you're not the one who has to fight. When the clock chimed six times, all three pots and the plates were empty and Ingrid returned to announce dinner was ready.
You sat with Alcina and Bela at the dining room table, Daniela and Ina joined soon after but Donna didn't sit. Instead, she waited for Cassandra to appear who was holding a long, slender box. Donna took the box and leaned over, kissing you briefly before she turned around and went out into the courtyard. You wanted to ask her to stay but Cassandra shook her head at you, when you looked at Bela she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"It's bad luck to eat a big meal before a fight. If you're too full it slows you down, and if you're too hungry you get distracted." Bela explained.
"Also when you die all your bowels unleash at once so, less food also means less crap. Literally." Added Cassandra.
"Cassandra, language." Alcina scolded.
You looked back toward the door and sighed before turning yourself fully to the table as the maids from the kitchen served dinner. Not wanting to seem rude you picked at the food but now the anxiety was getting to you again. Over an hour passed and just as dinner was being taken away did Donna return to the dining hall with the box underneath her arm.
"This will work just fine." She stated calmly.
She looked down at you and you back at her, she offered her free hand and you took it when the clock struck seven. Alcina stood from the table and took a deep breath, everyone including you silently understood that it was time to leave. Ingrid came out and handed Alcina her fur coat, the girls each a black cloak, and you the cloak the cloak you left in the seating area. Alcina was right, Ingrid certainly is impressive. Your group walked in the same manner as before with Donna directly in front of you, holding your hand, with the girls around you. They didn't think anyone would try anything, but it was better to be safe rather than sorry.
By the time you arrived at the ceremony site the sun was setting below the mountain range in the distance. Mother Miranda stood near the cliff's edge directly across from where you walked in, you, Donna, and the Dimitrescu women approached her right side. You could see Karl's factory from there and huddled against Donna who let go of your hand to wrap her arm around you tightly. Villagers slowly arrived in single file, many of them carrying lanterns or torches and some of them lighting the large basins of wood. Fire light slowly illuminated the site until every inch was covered as if it were the middle of the day. Now you can see the site clearly for the first time, and thankfully Karl was seated on the opposite side .
Four enormous statues of sitting kings were erected in each corner, there was a ring engraved in the ground with a chalice looking statue directly in the middle. Carved in the mountains on each side between two of the statues were what looked to be rows of seats that the villagers were now sitting on. Alcina gently took your arm, silently urging you to go with her to the stands and leave Donna there. You wiggled out of Donna's grasp and cupped her face, pulling her down to kiss you deeply. She returned the kiss, her lips still as soft as you remember and when you pulled away you could see the tiniest speckle of fear in her eyes.
You were politely dragged away by Alcina who sat you next to her on the cold stone, Bela sat next to you. Cassandra sat on the very end whilst Daniela sat on the other side of Alcina with Ina. Your heart thudded loudly in your chest as you heard a dull roaring of people, Salvatore, followed by a group of loud supporters arrived. She stood on Mother Miranda's left side, in his hand a rapier that looked freshly plucked from the ocean floor. Donna knelt down on the ground and set the case down, she knelt upright and shimmied off her coat then opened the case.
She pulled out a golden rapier with the hilt cover being the Dimitrescu signature flower. Even in the dim firelight you could see how beautiful of a weapon it was, it gleamed with pride. If a weapon could be excited to be in battle once again, that rapier was the picture perfect example. Donna approached the center chalice with Salvatore across from her, Mother Miranda walked up to both of them.
"How are you feeling?" Bela whispered in your ear.
"Honestly? Half of me is pissed that Donna is letting this happen even if it's some ancient law or whatnot. The other half is terrified." You answered.
Bela reached over and grasped your hand, holding it on your thigh in reassurance. You were terrified, but also a tiny, microscopic sliver of you was incredibly turned on by how attractive Donna looked right now. Mother Miranda raised her hands to silence the whispers, she cleared her throat and spoke clearly.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands. As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end." She prayed.
You bowed your head and swallowed tickly trying to hold in the giggle that wanted to erupt from your throat. Somehow you managed to hold it in and coughed when the prayer ended, you could only imagine the smug look Donna would have given you.
"We are here as witnesses to the challenge of Salvatore Moreau and Donna Beneviento. The challenge will end when one takes the life of another. May the black God carry you to eternal paradise." Mother Miranda stepped back from them.
Donna and Salvatore raised their rapiers, with your limited knowledge it was obvious who had more experience. Donna's stance looked true, grounded, while Salvatore's looked like one you saw in a movie. The sound of metal striking metal startled you despite seeing it happen, they clashed swords. They danced around the chalice until Donna lunged back to give herself more space, Salvatore charged at her and she easily blocked it. Yet somehow whenever she moved to strike he managed to either block or dodge it.
Salvatore was like an enraged drunk, he was yelling, swinging the rapier violently. One swing was strong enough that when Donna blocked her arm was thrown back, leaving her torso open. Salvatore swung but was just barely out of reach, cutting open Donna's vest and partially her shirt but nothing else. Donna regained her traction, she came to the same conclusion you did; Salvatore was stronger physically but she had speed and dexterity. Even with that though, Salvatore quickly realized that Donna was blind on one side, he would move around and she would turn her whole body rather than follow with her head.
He now moved so strike her on that side, he darted off and before she could fully turn he would attempt to hit her. She of course would block within a moment's notice, but it was clear she needed to do something before he actually got another good strike. She circled back around toward the chalice, perhaps utilizing it to her advantage to gain the upperhand. Now that he had one strike under his belt, Salvatore became much more confident.
He swung again but this time Donna lunged forward and caught him mid swing, making him stumble back against the chalice. She was hovering over him, using her body weight to press down onto him into the statue, her blade digging into his. Both of them were trapped, pushing against one another but from the lying position he was in, Salvatore had little maneuverability. That didn't stop him from swinging his other arm straight into Donna's face, she flew backwards and landed on her hands and knees.
"Cheap shot!" A woman screamed.
That woman being Alcina which made you, Bela, Cassandra, and everyone in the stands look at her. She cleared her throat and acted composed as if she didn't just scream at the top of her lungs. You're thankful she did, because you were about to and might have done something drastic if she didn't. Salvatore pulled himself off, adjusting himself as he started his approach toward Donna. Her back was to him, her sword was off to the side and she held her face with one of her hands, you couldn't see her face or anything. He raised his rapier up with the point directly at Donna's backside.
"Donna!" Now you screamed.
Donna threw herself to the side, rolling over as Salvatore's sword came crashing down onto the stone with a clang. Donna grabbed her sword and stood abruptly, Salvatore stopped in his tracks and you heard a collective gasp from the other side of the site. You stood up from your seat with Bela still holding your hand, the only thing you could see was a few pieces of white porcelain on the ground. Salvatore stood like a deer in headlights, and Donna flexed her sword to her side. She leapt forward and charged her rapier forward, Salvatore didn't have enough time to react as it pierced into his chest.
It wasn't a fatal strike, but it was enough then when Donna removed the sword that his former light blue undershirt was now being dyed red. He clutched his hand over the wound and raised his rapier, snarling at her. He opened his mouth to say something at her but she slicked her sword upward and cut him across the mouth, splitting his lips open. Salvatore coughed and out of instinct dropped his sword to cover his mouth, the blood leaking through his fingers. Donna charged him, and this time her sword went clean through.
You looked away, squeezing your eyes shut and burying your face against Bela's arm. Basic scrapes and cuts were fine, but this was a level of blood that made you want to hurl. Bela tapped your head, you looked up to see Donna standing there with Salvatore's body blocked by the chalice. She turned around and there was another collective gasp, even Bela and Alcina sucked in sharp breaths. Donna's chest visibly rose and fell with her heavy breathing, and you saw her face fully exposed with blood running down from her hairline. The burnt half looked more horrific in the firelight, giving her the illusion that part of her face had melted off and only bloody charcoal remained.
Without thinking you bolted from the stands, thankfully you were on the first row and didn't have to climb over anyone. You ran to her and she caught you in her arms, her rapier clattering on the ground when she dropped it. Her arms embraced you tightly, holding you, she hid her face against your neck and you felt something wet against it. You told yourself it was probably tears so you kept some fabric of your sanity intact. Your eyes were sealed shut because you knew if you opened them you would be tempted to look at Salvatore's body, and you didn't want that image in your head.
There were sounds of shuffling, whispering, and footsteps all around you but you pinpointed that people were leaving the stands. Mother Miranda's voice was nearby you as she talked to somebody about removing the body; some other voices were muffled but you distinctly heard Donna's name and something about her face. A hand touched your shoulder and you let out a choked sob as if the touch burned you, that surprised you, Donna, and whomever touched you.
"It's just me." Said Angie.
You and Donna both relaxed in each other's arms, your eyes peeled open and you looked around with your eyes. Angie moved around into your eyesight, she looked tired but still managed to give you a half smile.
"Come on, let's get you two home."
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 21 Trial
For the thousandth time Donna tugged on her vest, messing up her entire outfit and you having to fix her. She was wearing her red suit, the one she was wearing when you first saw her. It was your absolute favorite outfit on her, the red complimented her skin beautifully and the way she looked so confident in it made your heart flutter. You folded down the collar of her shirt, fixed her necktie, and held your hands on her chest. Her eyes didn't look at you, they looked everywhere else nervously but you reached up and cupped her face, forcing her eyes to momentarily look at you. You smiled at her gently, leaning up and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, the cold ceramic of her mask made it difficult to press further. She kissed back half-heartedly, breaking the kiss quickly and fidgeting with the buttons of her suit coat. You wore the best outfit that you had, smoothing out the wrinkles one final time before taking her hand into yours. The walk to the cabin was startling quiet, not even a droplet of water to break the tension as you walked beside Donna.
If she held your hand any harder she would break the bones, although uncomfortable and painful you didn't want to let go. With your other hand you tightened the cloak around your shoulders; it was the one Donna originally gifted you, Angie finished washing it after your trek through the mud. Donna stopped in front of the cabin door, you flinched when her hand tightened impossibly more on your own. She shot you a look when you sucked in a sharp breath, quickly releasing your hand and holding her own with her other.
"Sorry." She muttered.
"It's fine. I understand you're nervous."
Donna took a deep, shaky breath before pushing the door open into Mother Miranda's cabin seeing it empty. She sighed heavily, her shoulders visibly relaxing before pushing the door further open for you. She closed the door behind you and you walked the same path you did a few days ago, getting a strong sense of deja vu. Donna stopped in her tracks, you ran into her back because you were busy looking at the ground rather than in front of you. You peeked around her to see a huge crowd around the church, Donna started to hyperventilate violently. Acting fast you turned her around and cupped her face again, her eyes were squeezed shut and she instantly held her hands over yours.
"Donna. Donna, look at me."
Donna's eye opened, it was wet with oncoming tears as your eyes darted between the two opposite eyes. You soothingly ran your thumb along her prominent cheekbone, you held her gaze and said nothing until her breathing slowed. With your other thumb you brushed the tears away from her eye, you pulled her head down to your level and kissed the top of her mask.
"You know you couldn't remain unknown forever right?"
"I was doing fine until you came along."
"You're welcome." You replied sharkishly.
Donna glanced at you then scoffed, but her lips twitched upward before she straightened up and breathed deeply.
"Besides, you and I both know that if you don't show yourself, you will only admit your guilt." You reason.
"But I'm not guilty." She countered.
"They don't know that. I do."
Donna nodded her head then turned around, she reached back with her hand and you took it at once. She proceeded to walk again, this time faking her confidence with her head held high and her chest puffed out. She looked a little silly but you weren't going to comment, not wanting her to lose whatever shred of self-assurance she conjurged. The villagers crowded the doors of the church, everyone was yelling something and you couldn't make out anything. One by one villagers turned around as Donna approached, they backed away to make a clear path to the door. Their yells dulled to mumbled whispers, as you walked through the cleared path you made out bits and pieces.
"Is that?" One villager whispered.
"There's no way.." Another whispered.
"Where's Lord Beneviento? That's a woman."
You tightened your hold on Donna's hand, she squeezed in acknowledgement until she reached the wide church door. She pulled it open and ushered you in first, following behind you with a loud thud from the door. At the podium was, of course, Mother Miranda with Donna's empty seat behind her. Salvatore and Karl were seated off to Miranda's left, Alcina off to the right. You walked down the aisle and glanced at the pews; Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra sat in the pew directly behind their mother, all three of them smiled at you sympathetically. Angie sat next to them which surprised you, how a woman of her age managed to move so fast was beyond you.
On the other side were four other people, they must be the villagers that investigated Mother Miranda. One man was around Angie's age and he had a thick blue jacket on with fur around the collar. The man next to him was younger, his son from the similarities in facial structure and he wore the same kind of jacket only it was brighter and less ragged. There were two women at the end of the pew, also an older and younger one but complete opposites. The older one was wrapped head to toe in a red, wool shawl making you unable to see her features. The younger woman you knew as Ina, Daniela's girlfriend. She was the only one to look at you and give you a small wave before turning her attention back to the front.
Donna tugged your shoulder, indiciating for you to pause. You looked behind at her and she motioned toward Angie, glancing between her and the pew you sigh and move along to sit next to her. You hold your hands in your lap, scrunching the material of your outfit in your fist nervously, another hand unravels yours and interlocked the fingers. You glance over to see Angie looking forward but when you look down you see her hand in yours. You looked over at Donna who was partially shadowed but you could feel her eyes on you, subconsciously making you squeeze Angie's hand. Mother Miranda cleared her throat to gather everyone's attention.
"Thank you all for coming, I now start the trial of Tatiana Linnea Dimitrescu and call forth Mr. Olsen to present."
You watch the older man stand with the help of the younger one, the older one leaned against the young one for support as the two of them walked toward the podium. You lean over and catch Cassandra's eye who locks onto you and leans down across Angie.
"Why does she have your last name?" You whisper.
" Some of our servants take our last name as a source of status, but most of them take it because they were disowned by their families and have no last name." She whispers back.
Angie makes a shushing sound, both you and Cassandra sit back up and look up at Mr. Olsen as he taps some papers against the podium, coughing into a handkerchief briefly then stuffing the material into his coat pocket. He presented evidence pointing to Donna being the culprit, although it was evidence that everyone in the room already knew. Angie was called upon next, recounting in exact detail of what she witnessed the night and morning of the murder. Saying how you were there in the manor that night, and you didn't leave until early the next morning and that Donna ate breakfast. Although it was a huge dent in Mr. Olsen's theory, it now pointed a huge, neon arrow right at you.
Alcina came to your defense which only sparked a further debate of back and forth bantering. Your anxiety died down and now you found it hard to stay awake, your eyes fluttering and your head bobbing up and down in a futile attempt to stay alert. They kept talking in circles, repeating the same information that everyone here already knew: Tatiana was found in the river, blood trail led to Donna's manor, signs of a struggle and fighting near the church, you were seen near the sight, etc.
It was Ina who finally stood and ordered the body of Tatiana to be presented, claiming she had a smoking gun to put aside all doubts. Now your interest has been reignited, although Alcina looked like she was ready to commit another act of violence. Tatiana's body was rolled out on a gurney by two other maids who had the Dimitrescu logo on their uniform. She was covered with a sheet and Ina asked she be kept that way except for one arm. You leaned forward in your seat as Ina took out one of Tatiana's arms to show an unmistakable bruise in the shape of hand print on the wrist.
"If Mother Miranda would allow it, I think we should have Mr. Moreau, Miss L/N, and Miss Beneviento put their hands into this handprint. Whoever matches the print we can say without a doubt struggled with Tatiana, and most likely this handprint belongs to the killer."
The silence that followed was deafening, even the villagers outside the church had died down in anticipation for the results of the trial. You stood up first, Ina moved to the side and you walked up to the body slowly. You looked over the sheet then up at Alcina who nodded at you, giving you permission to proceed. Ina held up the arm while you wrapped your hand around the print, Tatiana's wrist was incredibly tiny, tiny enough that your fingers overlapped themselves when you fully clutched it. Obviously the print didn't belong to you. Donna was next, she approached the corpse and did the same as you, looking to Alcina first before continuing. Her fingers were long and slender, although they grasped the wrist in the exact manner, the bruises were too large to fit her fingers. Next was Salvatore who scoffed and crossed his arms.
"This is stupid. She's been dead for how long? There's no way the bruise is accurate now."
"Sounds like someone is scared their hand will fit." Ina threatened.
Salvatore scoffed again and stood up, he approached Ina with clear hostility in his step which was enough for Bela to grab ahold of Daniela's arm. Salvatore grabbed the wrist away from Ina, and slipped his wrist just enough the print didn't match.
"See? No match." He said proudly.
"Hold it properly." Mother Miranda ordered.
Salvatore stood there, he twisted his grip and his hand, of course, matched the bruise perfectly. No one looked surprised except the three other villagers on the other side of the aisle. The older woman gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her hand. Salvatore dropped the arm with an audible thud against the table.
"That doesn't prove anything." He started with his voice raised.
"Enough!" Mother Miranda stood from her seat next to Donna, "return to your seat Moreau. Miss Hansen, thank you for your input, you may return to your seat."
Mother Miranda waved her hand toward the table, the two maids went to the opposite side and pushed the table out of view once again. Mother Miranda stood at the podium, your heart shot to your throat feeling it throb and choke you with each beat.
"I have heard all the evidence. I will take into consideration any last testimony before I voice my verdict."
Salvatore opened his mouth but was shut down by Miranda raising her hand, "I will consider any testimony we haven't heard already. Simply stating you're not guilty is neither helpful nor wanted."
No one said anything, everyone was leaning in their seats, even Donna looked more rigid than usual. Angie and you held hands so tight that both of you were slowly losing blood flow to the fingers.
"I have something to add."
Everyone looked at Heisenberg, he had his feet propped on a turned over pew but dropped them as she stood up from his chair. You could feel Alcina roll her eyes and scoff under her breath.
"Always with the dramatics." She muttered loud enough that you heard, but seemingly no one else.
"What do you wish to add, Heisenberg?" Mother Miranda asked.
Salvatore grabbed onto Karl's jacket to pull him down to his level, whispering something in his ear. Karl shoved him off hard enough he stumbled back but managed to catch himself on a nearby pillar.
"I didn't want to say anything because frankly I'm over this whole bullshit, but if I don't then we'll have to do this all over again and I don't want that. The day of our meeting where you ordered to kill my dogs, Salvatore and I were talking when he spotted the wench eavesdropping on us. He asked me to help dispose of her but I refused not wanting to get wrapped up in his crap any further."
"And what, pray tell, were you two talking about that was worth taking a life?" Alcina snapped.
"Shut the hell up Karl!" Salvatore yelled.
"Prince Charming here had me order my dogs to chase Y/N, he wanted her to go running to his domain but things took a turn and, well, you all know what happened. Because of that, you," he pointed to Mother Miranda, "ordered me to kill off my babies. I care more about them than I do this pathetic worm so I'll tell you everything I know in exchange that my pups don't have to be punished."
"I'll consider it, but you still need to be punished for your original crime."
"Fair enough."
"Karl I swear-" Salvatore started.
Karl turned to him, "you swear what? I'm twice your size, you overgrown fish with legs, not some dainty woman you can toss around. You lay a finger on me and my dogs take all ten of yours ya hear?"
Salvatore swallowed and took a step back, Karl adjusted his coat and cleared his throat loudly and exaggeratedly.
"After our meeting a few days ago, Salvatore approached me to ream my ass about my dogs not going along with his plan. That maid overheard us and Salvatore attacked her, saying she was going to tell you or super bitch over there" he waved his hand toward Alcina, "that he planned the whole thing. Then he asked me to help him dispose of her."
As if Angie read your mind, her grip on your hand turned into one made of iron, her other hand grabbing onto your upper arm to keep you in place. You wanted to bash Salvatore's face in, scratch his eyeballs out, never in your life had you felt more violent and angry than you did now.
"That is very serious." Mother Miranda stated.
"If you want more evidence, check his house." Karl chuckled.
Karl made eye contact with you and gave you a wink, you lunged from your seat but Angie's grip was true as she held you in place. You were trembling with anger, in fact, almost everyone was as their eyes turned now to the slimy, disgusting creature of the deep known as Salvatore Moreau. You could hear the girls shift in their seat, waiting, begging for a word from their mother to do something. You looked over at Donna but couldn't see her face in the shadows yet her body language was rigid, if she hadn't been wearing gloves you would swear her knuckles were white from how hard she held her hands.
"In light of this new confession, I have made my verdict-"
"But-" Interrupted Salvatore.
"Silence!" Miranda screamed.
She recomposed herself and took a deep breath, "I hereby find Donna Beneviento in the case of Tatiana Dimitrescu, not guilty. I also bestow my deepest apologies to you and Miss L/N."
Everything released, everyone around you let out an audible sigh of relief that even the building seemed to shrink as if it had been holding in a breath too. Your eyes remained on Donna who leaned into her chair, her entire body caving from how tense she had been. When you tried to stand to go to her, Angie tugged you back down and shook her head when you shot her a glare.
"As for you Salvatore Moreau, I hereby-"
"I invoke the right as lord to a challenge. I challenge Donna Beneviento."
"What?!" You and the girls all screamed at once.
Mother Miranda turned to face Salvatore fully now, "challenges have been banned for over a century."
"For the villagers, yes, but not for lords. I checked."
Mother Miranda snapped her fingers, and in came a woman running from the very back of the church dressed in a simple black robe, with white and gold stole around her shoulders. Miranda leaned over and whispered in her ear, the woman nodded and scurried back to the back of the church behind the altar. Minutes passed when the woman returned with a large book, Miranda took the book and opened it on the podium. While she searched for whatever she was looking for, you leaned over to Cassandra again.
"What's a challenge?" You asked.
"Before this village had actual laws, trials, even before their first Mother, villagers used to settle disputes by fighting. One would invoke the challenge, the one being challenged chooses the means of fighting. Sometimes it was to the death, other times until one is knocked out. Most disputes died before any actual fighting took place, many people chose to forfeit according to records."
"They were banned around the time the third or second mother took over a couple hundred years ago." Angie added.
You sat back up, looking between Salvatore and Donna before Mother Miranda slammed the book shut and practically threw the book back at the young woman.
"I'm afraid Mr. Moreau is correct. Miss Beneviento, do you accept this challenge?"
Donna stood up, she took a step into the light that reflected off her mask and made her look as though she was glowing. She fixed her coat by rebuttoning the button she undid then brushed her hands over the top of it.
"I accept. My weapon of choice is the rapier." She answered.
"Very well. Ceremony site, dusk. We fight to the death, the winner is absolved of all crimes, takes the other's portion of the village, and Y/N." Salvatore added.
"No." Donna answered.
"Then you forfeit."
"Y/N is a human being, not a good to be traded. I accept everything else."
"Fine." Salvatore spat.
Salvatore approached Donna, he stuck his hand out and Donna shook it before he stormed out of the church. You sat there dumbstruck. As much as you would love to see Moreau's head on a spike, that meant Donna would have to fight. You launched yourself off the pew and approached Donna with such hostility that she took a step back from you with her hands raised in front of her.
"What are you thinking?!" You scream, hitting her square in the chest with the side of your fist, "now is when you decide to let your pride take over? You're no better than a man."
Donna took your hands into hers, holding them tightly to keep you from hitting her any further. You panted heavily, now trying to headbutt her but giving up and resting your forehead against her chest.
"This has nothing to do with my pride, love. If I did not accept, he would have taken everything from me. Including you."
"I can handle myself. I would fight him again in a heartbeat."
"I know." Donna leaned down to your ear, "but would you kill him?"
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 20 Dance
You squeezed your legs together as Donna's teeth grazed against the skin of your neck causing goosebumps to rise over your skin. Her cold fingers gripped your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to her body as her mouth clutched onto your exposed collarbone. You took your hands away from her shoulders and unbuttoned the top few buttons of your shirt while her hands released your waist and slid upwards. She pulled away to allow room for your shirt, you lifted your arms above your head then immediately wrapped them back around Donna's shoulders. She threw your shirt aside and latched back onto your collarbone, biting and sucking until a bruise in the shape of her mouth formed.
A soft whimper escaped your lips when her hands expertly caressed your stomach and sides. She unclipped your bra with a single hand, you moved your arms down to remove the garment then rested them on her shoulders. You moved your hands around to her chest and pushed her back slightly, she paused her movements and looked up at you. Her obsidian eye pierced through your soul, you felt as though you could see the thoughts playing in her mind. Your breath hitched when her eye somehow got darker, her jaw muscles flexed which made your stomach flip. You cupped her face, running your thumb against the smooth porcelain mask on her face.
"Take this off."
She tilted her head, her eye never left yours, "I thought I was supposed to be ordering you around."
You scowled, "take it off, or we end this now."
If you hadn't been locked on her you would have missed the twitch of surprise on her face. She reached up and removed the mask painfully slowly, neither of you broke eye contact as you heard the soft thud of the mask being set down on the nightstand. Within a blink she grabbed underneath your thighs, stood, and flipped you onto the bed. The bed creaked from the jolt of your weight, you gasped as you looked down at her about to say something. You quickly shut your mouth when you looked down to see her knelt between your legs.
"What are you doing?" You squeak out.
"I said I would worship you, and I fully intend to do so."
In one swift movement she ripped your pants off your legs, exposing them to the crisp cold air. She ran her hands along your legs, the warmth of them easing the chill until they paused on your hips. Her fingers curled underneath your underwear and pulled them down until they dropped onto the floor. You continued to watch her, your heart started to race when she leaned over and pressed a kiss against the top of your ankle.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence." A kiss on your shin.
"We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands." She kissed your knee.
She kissed your hip bone now hovering dangerously close to where you desperately needed her. She knelt again, this time dragging you to the edge of the bed with your legs resting on top of her shoulders. You arched against the bed, your fist clenching the comforter in anticipation as you felt her hot breath against your skin.
"As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end."
You were about to shove her head down but she beat you to it, her tongue fully ran along your slit making you moan out loud. Your head tilted back and you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to slip into this moment and solely focus on her actions. Donna's hands wrapped around your thighs, her grip was bruising to keep you in place but you had no objections. She buried her tongue between your lips, a gentle moan vibrated from the back of her throat. It slipped inside you then trailed up against you until it landed on your clit, you moaned against and lifted your hips up to give her better access.
Donna took the bud between her teeth, gently grazing it then flicking it back and forth with her tongue, repeating the process numerous times. Each time her teeth touched you, you arched and moaned with a shudder in your breath. Your fingers tangled into her hair, scratching her scalp with the tip of your nails while pressing her down into you. She released your legs which made you cross your ankles behind her head to lock her into place. Her fingers replaced her tongue momentarily, coating them in the mixture of slick and saliva before slipping into you with ease. At once she curled them inside you and you bucked your hips in response.
Her tongue returned to your clit, this time pressing her tongue flat against it then swirling it around as her fingers pumped in and out of you. You moaned loudly, gasping for a deep breath of air but the way her fingers masterfully worked inside you made it difficult to fully expand your chest. Suddenly the coolness of her room was welcomed as your body started to heat up with the rise of your orgasm. The heat pooled in the pit of your stomach, your hips lifted further into the air and your fingers dug into her head harder. Donna added another finger and that sent you overboard. The heat crept up from your stomach until it popped at its peak, every muscle in your body shook with pleasure. A haze covered your mind as you finally sucked in a deep breath, each thrust of her fingers sent an aftershock of pleasure throughout your lower body.
You unlocked your legs, Donna pulled her fingers out and licked up the aftermath before she aided in lowering your legs down to the ground. She stood up and looked down at your body, you panted watching her as she started to unbutton her shirt. A spark of excitement reignited in you when her torso was exposed, her nipples perky from the cold. You bit down on your lower lip as you propped yourself up on your elbows, Donna flashed you a smirk then it disappeared as she continued to strip for you. Her pants hit the floor and you gawked at her in all her nudity; you'll never get tired of seeing her naked, and that thought alone made you giddy with happiness. Donna was all yours. The bed dipped beside you as she put her weight onto one knee, her hand rubbed your thigh and pushed on it to spread your legs again.
"You didn't think I was done did you?" Her voice was huskier than usual.
You swallowed at the sound of her voice, with another breath you leaned back with your arms raised above your head.
"What happened to that cute, shy, gentle-woman I knew?"
Donna leaned over, inches from your lips, "she met you."
You lifted your head and captured her lips, she pressed against you until your head hit the bed again and you pulled her down with your arms around her back. Her hand slipped back between your legs, her thumb against your clit and her fingers ghosting your entrance once again.
"I want to watch you fuck yourself with my hand." She growled.
"Oh." You breathed out.
The Donna you once knew and loved was gone, replaced by this Donna who's words made you clench in excitement. You'll throw a funeral later. You rolled your hips indicating you were ready as Donna's fingers found their way back inside you. Her mouth latched onto your shoulder, biting down harder than last time; you yelped in surprise but quickly replaced it with a moan as you grinded down on her hand.
At the same time, you slithered one arm between your two bodies and found Donna's dripping cunt. You rubbed two fingers around her clit, eliciting a moan from her in response which only encouraged you further. You managed to angle your hand so that you could thrust two fingers into her and use the palm of your hand to rub against her clit. Donna started to rock back and forth, now the body of you riding each other's hands. Your nails on your other hand dug into the soft skin of her back as you bucked your hips more. They started to get sloppier the longer you went as the familiar bubbling heat began to rise in your stomach again.
You used the momentum of your hips to thrust your fingers inside her, she stifled a moan against your shoulder while her hips rolled in sync with your fingers. Donna watched you grind your hips against her fingers, she watched you close your eyes and tilt your head back. The way you breath got erratic told her that you were close, and she decided to use her hips and thrust her fingers deeply inside you.
The sensation made you squeal a mixture of a moan and her name, you clutched onto her as your orgasm rippled throughout your body. As you did, you heard Donna moan loudly into your ear and her own body shudder at the same time. The final shivers of pleasure passed through your legs, when Donna pulled out her fingers you quivered and moaned soft enough that Donna would have missed it had she not been right next to you. She placed tender kisses along your forehead, down your cheek, and ended at your neck, when you pulled your fingers out she sighed heavily.
Her body pressed perfectly against yours, you trailed your hands over her hips and held her close. She lifted her head and captured your lips in a long but tender kiss, you moved your hands into her hair to hold her in place. She broke away first to catch her breath before kissing you once again. You sighed against her lips, the saltiness of yourself on the tip of her tongue as you lost yourself in feeling her presence against you.
You don't know when you fell asleep but a moment later your eyes groggily opened and looked around the pitch black room. You shifted under the covers, feeling an arm tighten its hold on you when you did. Donna's breath ghosted over your shoulder blades as she moved closer to your backside, her naked body a welcomed feeling. You twisted around and planted a kiss on her forehead while carefully moving her arm off you in order to stand. It was difficult finding anything in a room where you couldn't see anything, but a few moments and jammed toes later, you found your clothes.
You tiptoed out of the bedroom, holding the door and ensuring it closed without a sound then turning around to walk down the hall. Thankfully the hall was dimly lit by a few lamps and you didn't have to worry about any more assaults on your feet. The manor was quiet, quieter than usual but it's just what you needed in the moment; silence. Everything from the last few days came crashing down on you all at once, you questioned what you were even doing anymore. If you went back in time and tried to convince yourself not to come here, you would have called yourself crazy. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed heavily, you wanted to go upstairs but the thought of the elevator grated on your nerves.
Instead you voted for the workshop, maybe cleaning would get your mind off the stress. You opened the door to the workshop to find it still in disarray but not nearly as bad as when you arrived there last. You ran your fingers along some fabrics stored in the corner, the least you could do was some pick up, maybe some sweeping, but that required going upstairs. Picking up it is. The repetitive action of picking things off the floor was strangely soothing, your mind calmed from the storm of thoughts and for once it was as quiet as the house.
"Can't sleep?"
"Ah!" You screamed and dropped the object in your hands.
You whipped around to see Donna standing in the doorway, she wasn't wearing her former clothes instead she wore simple, silk pajamas.
"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"
Donna looked away, "I don't sleep very well and I got worried when you left.."
"I'm sorry. I'm just..nervous."
"About tomorrow? Or..perhaps it's today. Hard to tell with no clocks."
You tilted your head, "did..did you just make a joke?"
Donna looked back at you and you half-heartedly chuckled before leaning over and picking up the object you dropped. She walked over to you, taking the object from your hands and setting it off to the side before she took your hands into hers. You looked up at her as she only smiled down at you.
"I think I have something that might help. I-" you watched her throat bob from swallowing, "I finished it the other day."
Donna let go of your hands and went through a door with tinted windows, light momentarily flickered on behind it and you could only make out the color of her pajamas. The light turned off and she came out with her hands behind her back, she stood in front of you and you looked up at her expectantly. She maneuvered her hands around and held a black box in front of her, on top of it a key of some sorts. Donna picked up the key and opened the top, your face dropped seeing the beautiful, intricate gears inside. She put the key on the side and twisted, the gears started to turn and in doing so the most beautiful music played. Donna continued to wind it until it wouldn't budge then set the box down on the workshop. She held out a hand for you and you smiled while taking it, she pulled you close to her body with one hand around your waist and the other holding your hand.
She swayed back and forth to the music, lulling you into a blissful comfort. You rested your head on her shoulder, she put her chin on top of yours and hummed along with the music. Even after the music stopped the two of you kept swaying until your eyes grew heavy and you leaned further into Donna for support. Donna chuckled softly and kissed the top of your head, breaking you from your hypnotic state.
"I made this for you. It's a song my mother used to hum for me, and I wanted you to have a piece of me." Donna whispered.
You cupped her face in your hands and pulled her face down to kiss her deeply, you held her there until you needed air. How you got so lucky to have someone like this in your life, you couldn't comprehend. 
"You are absolutely the greatest thing to happen to me. No matter what happens, know that I love you."
Donna smiled brighter than you had ever seen, her smile spread to her eyes as she kissed you again.
"I love you too." She whispered against your lips. 
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 19 One Last Time
You couldn't move faster out of the castle, Alcina offered a carriage to take you to the edge of Donna's property but you vetoed it. The news from Mother Miranda ignited a fire inside you and gave you a surge of adrenaline that you used to propel yourself from the castle grounds. People in the village scurried to move out of your way, some of them recognizing you and giving you glances of worry but you paid them no mind. In the distance you saw the altar, which meant you were so close to the gate but life wasn't kind to you for long. The gate opened as you approached, making you skid to halt and panic set it for a brief moment. Panic turned to contempt when you recognized the pasty, scrawny, pathetic excuse for a human come into view.
"Salvatore." You nearly spat.
Mother Miranda warned you, maybe you could beg on your knees for forgiveness, but what could she really do? Throw you out of the village to be exposed to the elements? You would live as a hermit with Donna, because you knew she would rescue you. She always recused you. Before he could speak you approached him, fist clenched, you wanted nothing more than to put him in the dirt where he belonged. You swung your first toward his head, it would have hit him in the nose but he dodged at the last moment, before you could rewind he grabbed your hand with his own. He smirked at you, flashing his yellowing teeth as he tightened his grip enough to make you flinch.
"Nice try sweetie, but I've done this-"
He was cut off by another fist flying through the air and hitting him square in the jaw, the impact enough to send him stumbling to the ground. He sat up rubbing the spot, groaning loudly as the few villagers around gasped and made 'ooh' sounds. You looked over to see Cassandra shaking her hand then bringing it up to her lips to kiss her knuckles.
"Wow, that felt good." She giggled.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were in trouble with your mother."
"I am but Mother thought you might run into a certain pest and didn't want you to make any rash decisions."
"And this was the solution?" You motioned toward Salvatore.
"She didn't say I couldn't do anything." She said dramatically while emphasizing the 'I'.
Salvatore spat near your feet and growled, "you'll regret this! Wait until Mother Miranda hears about this."
"You know, I think you deserve another punch because obviously you can still speak." Cassandra threatened.
She turned toward Salvatore, from where you stood it was kind of humorous to see how Cassandra towered over him. She had a good six or seven inches on him easily, and judging from how hard the hit sounded, outmatched him in strength. She looked over her shoulder at you and winked as you smiled in return and went through the gate. On your way to the manor you paused at the sound of other footsteps, you were near Claudia's grave which didn't give you many options as far as hiding. You took a dive into the brush behind a tree, squatting down and peeking through the bushes to see Mother Miranda come into view through the fog.
She paused in front of Claudia's grave, kneeling down in front of the name plate as she ran a hand over it to brush away some fallen leaves. You couldn't hear what she said but could see her mouth moving, probably saying a prayer. Mother Miranda stood up from the grave and turned around to leave the way you came, once you were certain that she was out of range you darted for the path to the manor.
The manor stood in all of its doom and gloom, shrouded in mist from the waterfall but to you it was beautiful. You were finally home again. You slowed down and worked on catching your breath rather than controlling your descending thoughts. You guessed that the manor would be called your home now, obviously you weren't returning back to the states or leaving in general. Did you really want to leave? It seemed like that would be the best course, if you left all of this behind you could start fresh.
Before this you were always cautious, sheltered, didn't go out of your comfort zone, and never dreamed of shaking the boat. Since being here you've punched someone, yelled at someone superior to you, got involved in a murder, and currently are head over heels for a woman far out of your league. Maybe being here is a bad influence on you. You looked up at the manor one more time, thinking about Donna and how she looked at you, how she trusted you, and how much you longed to be in her arms again. Alcina was right, this may be the last night you have together and you couldn't waste it.
You stopped at the large metal gate, when you pushed it open it announced your arrival by creaking loudly. You stepped through the gate as the door opened to Angie, she looked you over with not a hint of of surprise at seeing you once again.
"Hi Angie. Miss me?" You asked with fake enthusiasm.
"As much as a cat misses a flea." She remarked.
"Oh come on, you like me."
"I-" She grumbled and waddled toward the stairs, "it has been quiet with you gone. Lord-Donna has gone back to her old habits: bedroom, workshop, repeat."
She whipped around suddenly, making you jump back to avoid being hit by the broom she held in her hand.
"You go down there and tell her that if her workshop is still a mess, I will personally drag her by the ear and make her clean until that floor shines." Angie threatened.
"Will do."
"You too! Scampering around with the lords has made you lazier than ever." She scorned.
You gasped and tried to protest but she held her broom threateningly and you decided that you would not win in a fight against Angie. She turned back around and started her slow ascend up the stairs, while you scurried off downstairs. The first spot to check was the workshop, which unfortunately was still destroyed, but that was a future problem. That meant Donna was in her bedroom. You approached her bedroom door, seeing an untouched tray of mystery food in front of it, you gently scooted it with your food and knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again and heard some shuffling around but still no answer after waiting for a moment. You huffed and tried the door discreetly to find it locked.
"Donna?" You called quietly.
There was a shift in noise, you heard some clattering and some words that you couldn't make out followed by some more shuffling around before silence. The door swung open to expose Donna who stood there in a button down shirt, some type of slacks, and black socks. Even when she was lounging she still looked so good. You bit your lip softly and chuckled nervously, losing the nerve you once had at seeing her without her mask again. She looked so beautiful in the lamp light, the light perfectly highlighted her jaw and the shadows didn't help.
Her eyes were shadowed, the pure white one like a beacon in the night while the other pulled you into the ocean of darkness. She reached down and pulled you into the bedroom, locking the door behind you before she engulfed you in a tight hug, her nose burying into your neck.
"I miss the way you smell." A kiss on your neck.
"The way you touch." Another kiss on your jaw.
"The way to taste." A kiss behind your ear.
"The way you say my name." She whispered in your ear.
Goosebumps covered your skin as your hands traveled up her back to her shoulders, pulling her in tightly. You whimpered a little as her fingers dug into the small of your back, pressing you impossibly closer to her. She continued to plant kisses against your skin, you tilted your head and managed to see a book on her bed. Upon narrowing your eyes you saw it was the same book she gifted you, Mountain Flowers and How to Care for Them.
"Doing some light reading?" You questioned teasingly.
Donna stopped kissing you and shot her head up, you frowned when she released you and stretched over to grab the book. She tossed it into one of the nightstands, closing the drawer and standing in front of it. You giggled a little at how she toyed with her fingers nervously, not looking in your direction.
"I...we started all that work in the greenhouse so..I didn't want that to go to waste."
You smiled at her sweetly, taking her hands in yours and pressing kisses to her knuckles, "that's very sweet of you."
The two of you stood in an awkward silence, you sigh and rub your thumbs against her soft skin. She leaned forward and rested her head against your shoulder, you inhaled her scent deeply while you let go of her hands in order to wrap yours around her neck. You opened your eyes and lowered your head so that your forehead was on her chest, holding in a giggle at seeing her toes wiggle.
"Donna...we need to talk."
"Not tonight."
She sighed, a low rumbling resembling a growl came from her throat, "it's about Miranda isn't it?" She asked, hinting on annoyance.
Donna sat down on the bed, sighing again as she planted her hands firmly on each side of her on the bed. She shook her head a little, you pushed her legs apart and held her head against your abdomen, stroking your fingers through her hair after untying it from its bun.
"I heard her speaking with Angie. She thinks that I had something to do with the maid showing up dead and asked Angie where I was. Angie of course was an open book on where I was." Donna said.
"Did Mother Miranda say anything else?"
"That she'll consider Angie's testimony and that she'll call us tomorrow about her decision."
"So, tonight might be our last night together." You mumble.
You could feel Donna smirk against you as she wrapped her arms around your torso and pulled you down onto her lap. She kissed underneath your jaw and down your neck, her hands slipping underneath your shirt.
"Mhm, which is why I'm going to worship you as if it is." She growled.
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ranchracoon · 12 days
Ch. 18 Investigation
You couldn't sleep, all night you tossed and turned violently, threw the covers off you just to cover yourself back up. Exhaustion crept in slowly and eventually you fell into a dreamless, cold, sleep only to be woken up a measly few hours later. The sun leaked through the cracks of the curtains and illuminated the room in a soft, yellow glow. You sighed in frustration, you could hear the faint ringing of bells and presumed that it was meant for the maids to start their day. Your mind couldn't stop wandering back to Donna, hoping that she'll be okay and that Mother Miranda hasn't already interrogated her.
Breakfast was quiet, Alcina watched you like a hawk watching a mouse scurry across a field. Cassandra broke the silence by requesting to go to the village with her sisters, you perked up to join them but Alcina refused before you could let out a breath. She granted her daughters permission but made it abundantly clear that you would not be going anywhere. After the sisters were dismissed you started to stand when Alcina raised her hand to stop you, she motioned for you to sit back down and you obeyed. She sighed heavily and leaned back in her chair, she crossed her ankles and looked out the window adjacent to the dining table.
"Walk with me." She suddenly said.
She stood up and walked to the double doors directly behind you, you got up from your chair and followed behind her into the courtyard. It was cold. You shivered and hugged yourself in a futile attempt to warm yourself, silently wishing you had Donna's cloak to keep you warm. Morning mist blanketed the courtyard, Alcina stopped walking underneath a gazebo in the center breathing heavily before she reached into her own cloak and pulled out a metallic box. Inside was a row of cigarettes neatly holstered on one side with an intricately detailed lighter on the other. She looked over at you, silently asking if this would bother you and you only shook your head.
The cigarette was placed delicately between her perfectly painted lips, you couldn't help but stare at her as your breath crystalized and disappeared in front of your vision. The lighter flicked to life and the end of the cigarette caught aflame, she tucked the lighter back into place followed by the metallic case. She took a long inhale of the addictive chemical before blowing it out into the empty space above her. After this moment of tranquility she seemed to remember you were there too, she shook her head alert and chuckled embarrassingly.
"Oh my dear I apologize. Here."
Alcina shimmied her shoulders to remove her outer cloak, underneath she was wearing a body-length, eggshell dress with long sleeves that hugged everything. She wrapped the cloak around your shoulders, the sheer size threw you off first for it never occurred to you just how tall she really was. The cloak swallowed your entire being with part of it dragging on the ground, the smell of her and cigarette smoke drowned you in a dizzying cloud. You wouldn't deny that the warmth was welcomed, but the lack of Donna's scent pained your heart. Alcina cleared her throat and drew your attention away from your thoughts and back to her as she looked down at you.
"You know, Tatiana was one of my best maids. She was more like family than a servant really, her parents passed from a horrible disease when she arrived here. We were all she had. Mother Miranda wants to bury her in the village graveyard, but I hope she'll allow me to bury her in the family graveyard here at the castle. It's where she belongs." Alcina spoke quietly.
"I'm really sorry for your loss." You whispered.
"Why? You had nothing to do with her death, but I would be a fool to think that her death was accidental." There was a long pause as Alcina snubbed her budd out in a tray nearby.
"It was Salvatore." You blurted out.
Alcina turned to look at you, "Do you have proof?" She asked.
"No, but I know that Salvatore is somehow involved."
Alcina sighed heavily, "It is not for us to decide. Mother Miranda will investigate and deliver her judgment based on the evidence."
"Mother Miranda will pin it on Donna and we both know it."
Before she could counter, you take off the cloak and hand it to her, then thank her for it and leave without another word or listening to anything she says. You go to the guest room and lay on the bed staring at the wall as tears spill from your eyes. A frantic knocking on your door woke you up. You don't know when you fell asleep, or how much time has passed but you sat up and rubbed your sore eyes before getting out of bed. The second you clicked the lock Cassandra burst in with Bela and Daniela hot on her heels. You blinked a few times to comprehend the sudden intrusion but quickly closed the door and looked at the three of them, all of them fidgeting anxiously.
"We have news." Daniela breathed out.
"Johanna and I scoured every inch of the church-"
"And each other." Coughed Daniela.
Cassandra glared at her and rolled her eyes before she continued, "and we did find some interesting things. First we found a cigar near which points toward Heisenberg so we started to go in that direction until we saw signs of a struggle in the opposite direction. We followed what seemed to be a trail of somebody being dragged and guess where it led to?"
"The bay." Bela injected, "Daniela and I went to the bay and Salvatore was nowhere to be found and his boat was out, which normally wouldn't be suspicious except that he left all of his fishing gear on the dock. About an hour later he came back and went straight to his cabin."
"Unfortunately that's all we could find before Mother Miranda caught wind of us. We wanted to check the ravine first but she was already there with a few others. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation but couldn't make out anything. After that we had to make ourselves scarce." Daniela finished.
You sighed heavily, "that's not much to prove anything. I know Salvatore is behind this."
"We agree with you, but maybe we should go to our mother with this." Bela offered.
"She won't believe anything. I already tried talking to her this morning but she is convinced that Mother Miranda will make the right judgment."
Cassandra snorted at that, "look I like Miranda but, she's no different than all the others mothers before her. She takes everything at face value. To make matters worse, Karl and Salvatore might be working together which means that any evidence we found will be merely hearsay, and they most likely already altered anything else."
The dinner bells rang aloud throughout the castle, you looked at the sisters and sighed heavily at having to face Alcina again. You feel guilty for how you left things but at the same time, your anxiety was at an all time high. You walked with the sisters to the dining hall and you froze in place upon seeing Mother Miranda sitting at the end of the table opposite Alcina. Alcina eyed you and swirled her wine in her glass as she nodded her head in the direction of the seat next to her.
You took your seat and looked at Bela who only stared back at you with her shoulders shrugged. Mother Miranda stood up, you could tell from her facial expression that your worst fears are about to come true. You tightened your hands into fists, they became clammy and sweaty as you felt your heart thud in your throat.
"Myself and the local officials of the village have looked over the case of Tatiana, we followed the trail from the ravine and found nothing in the immediate area. However, upon further inspection we found blood in front of the gate leading to Beneviento manor. When we walked the path toward the manor we found multiple sets of footsteps, more blood, and signs of a fight. We also found pieces of her uniform caught on the blackberry bushes."
Mother Miranda locked eyes with you, all you could see was sympathy, "it pains me to say but the village officials are demanding Lord Beneviento answer for the evidence pointing toward them."
"But it wasn't them!" Cassandra slammed her hands on the table.
Alcina stared at her daughter in shock, "Cassandra! Manners!"
"Mother, we went to the church and also found evidence pointing to Karl and Salvatore. There was a patch of grass torn up as if someone was fighting, all the way to the bay there were broken branches and two divots in the mud as if someone was dragged." Bela added in defense.
"Girls!" Alcina yelled.
"We didn't find any of that in our search. Accusing Lord Moreau is a very serious accusation. Do you have any proof that he did it?" Mother Miranda said calmly.
"I have proof that Donna didn't do it." You chime in.
All of them looked at you surprised, you closed your eyes and cursed yourself for slipping. Again. You would have to deal with the repercussions another time, but now was not the time. Mother Miranda's once welcoming and kind blue eyes now stare at you with nothing but ice.
"Well?" Mother Miranda beckoned.
"I was with her that night. We were together until early in the morning, Angie can attest to that. Look at the body again, you'll see that the timeline doesn't match up, there's no way Donna killed her because she would have been with me."
Mother Miranda stood, she walked painfully slow to you until she stood in front of you. You swallowed a lump in your throat as you looked up at her, her eyes examined yours briefly before she sighed. Her hands rested on your shoulders and squeezed, not in a malicious way but in more of a 'disappointed mother' way. You were well acquainted with that feeling.
"You are on very thin ice Y/N. I want to believe you, but I need more."
"Do you want me to flash my breasts and show the hickies? Would that be proof enough?" You snapped.
Daniela coughed and choked on her drink, she slammed the drink on the table and coughed violently. Bela patted her back soothingly as Daniela eventually sucked in a breath and her coughs got more even and her breathing came back. Mother Miranda squeezed your shoulders tighter, she kept her face composed but the redness of her cheeks gave her away. You yanked your shoulders away and kept your gaze on Mother Miranda who folded her hands in front of her as she looked away.
"That won't be necessary. I will speak to Lord Beneviento and Angie on their whereabouts. I make no promises though."
Mother Miranda turned away but paused in the doorway leading to the main hall, "oh and Alcina? They approved your request to bury Tatiana in your family graveyard. Goodnight."
The only noise that followed was that of Alcina's chair scraping against the wooden floor, you looked over your shoulder at her and she didn't look at you. Instead her gaze was locked in front of her, she stood upright and took a deep breath.
"Girls. Rooms. Now. I will talk to you three later."
The three sisters got up from their seats, they each stole a glance at you before they proceeded to look at the floor in shame. You watched them leave before turning your attention to Alcina who finally locked eyes with you, her expression unreadable. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"You are rather annoying, you know that? I can see why Donna likes you. The quiet ones always go for the loud, fiery ones." She sighed again, "I have the subtle suspicion that you'll disobey my orders and sneak out to see Donna anyways so, I am putting all of my faith and trust that you are correct in your suspicions. Go and spend what might be your final moments together."
"Do you mean it? What about Mother Miranda?" You ask surprised.
Alcina opened her eyes and sighed softly, "I will deal with Mother Miranda, she knows she cannot truly touch House Dimitrescu. However, I do not want to be caught in the middle of this mess. You've already dragged my daughters in and I will not let you continue any further. So go before I change my mind and chain you in the basement."
Part of you wants to think she's joking, but the other part firmly believes that she is, in fact, not joking. You step forward and hug her tightly on her side, you feel her muscles tense at the contact but they slowly relax the longer you hold her. She sighed and brushed your hair back, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Go to her my dear." She ordered.
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ranchracoon · 14 days
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ranchracoon · 14 days
Ch. 17 Missing
Eventually Alcina allowed you and Bela to go to the village, with one exception: Mother Miranda had to accompany you. Bela secretly stashed a knife in her boot underneath her dress, she offered you one and you gladly accepted. Your knife was stashed on your belt underneath the cloak you borrowed from the girls since you left yours with Donna. Mother Miranda, Bela, and you walked from Castle Dimitrescu to the village. People were more approachable to Mother Miranda than they were to you or Bela. Despite that, you couldn't help but be acutely aware of the side-eyes and whispers directed toward you. Bela noticed your discomfort and took your hand in her own, this helped a little but the villagers still avoided you as if you were radioactive. Of course Mother Miranda knew you were desperate to go back to Donna, she purposely avoided that side of the village to not give you any temptation. That's how it felt at least.
Mother Miranda had also given you the cold shoulder, anytime you tried to start a conversation she responded with one-worded answers. After your third attempt you got the hint and stopped talking all together, instead you opted to keep holding Bela's hand and lean your head against her shoulder. The villagers hadn't seen Tatiana at all, if they had it was briefly in the Dimitrescu carriage. Your final destination was Salvatore and Karl's homes but you stood your ground and refused to go to either of them; even with Bela and Mother Miranda there with you. The sun had started to set when a villager ran up to Mother Miranda to inform them they found a body matching the description of Tatiana.
You tasted iron in your mouth, your lungs screamed for oxygen but your pride hurt the most as Mother Miranda was neck and neck with you while running. To add insult to injury, her breathing hardly quickened at all. You followed the villager to the river nearby Donna's manor, the same river you followed when you snuck out last night. The villager jumped down from the dock onto the bank and stood next to the body of Tatiana. Bela gasped and covered her mouth with the hand that had been holding yours, Mother Miranda mirrored her movement and all you could do was stand there with your mouth open.
Next to you Mother Miranda began to whisper a quiet prayer with her head bowed, when she finished she lifted her head and sighed heavily. A few other villagers came and carried Tatiana back to the castle at the request of Bela. You followed behind the villagers and couldn't help but stare at the deceased girl; you didn't know much about dead bodies but you watched and listened to your share of murder shows and could make a very uneducated assessment: She couldn't have been dead long, she definitely wasn't dead this morning or you would have seen her. She drowned recently and you had an inkling of who was responsible because everyone but two people were accounted for.
To say Alcina was distraught was an understatement; she wept as though one of her own daughters had perished. According to Daniela, Alcina loved all the maids equally and welcomed them as family considering many of them didn't have any actual family. Mother Miranda and Alcina went into a room together with the body, leaving you outside with Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra. The four of you tried to listen in, but the door was so thick you only caught bits and pieces of the conversation.
"She drowned recently. She's pale but there's no signs of bloating, her back is bruised, and her eyes are glassy." Mother Miranda stated.
"Who would do such a thing?" Alcina asked.
"I'm not sure, but you have to consider that–"
You couldn't make out the rest of what she said, and after that their conversation faded as they left the room. You sighed softly and looked over to the girls who looked back at you with worry in their eyes, but you had nothing but determination.
"You think they're gone?" Daniela whispered.
You didn't wait for an answer and pushed the door open, Tatiana was in the middle of the room on a table covered with a sheet. The girls followed you and circled around the woman, none of you said a word but you couldn't help but sigh loudly. You shook your head and crossed your arms, Cassandra tilted her head up at you curiously.
"What are you thinking about?" Cassandra asked.
"I know Mother Miranda and the villagers will try to pin this on Don-Lord Beneviento but we all know that she isn't responsible."
"She?" Daniela asked as she looked at Bela and you.
"Lord Beneviento." Bela answered coolly.
Daniela gasped loudly and Cassandra looked surprised, Bela simply raised her hand to talk about it later. Your slip up wasn't something to discuss now but you felt a little guilty for saying her name out loud.
"We all know who did this, we just need concrete proof that he did."
"There's nothing we can do about it tonight. I'm sure Mother Miranda is going to do her own investigation but Johanna and I can go to the church tomorrow morning." Cassandra offered.
"Ooohh Johanna." Daniela teased.
"Knock it off Dani." Bela scorned, "I think that's a good idea Cass. See if you can find anything before Mother Miranda goes there. Danelia and I can search the bay and factory."
"I just wish I knew what happened." You mumbled.
The day before....
Karl grumbled under his breath and cursed Mother Miranda, fuming at the audacity she had to order him to kill his dogs. How badly he wanted to watch Mother Miranda be chased by his dogs and string up her corpse. He hated Mother Miranda with every fiber of his being. He liked the previous Mother because whenever he did something wrong, all he had to do was break her back like a glow stick and be off scott free. Then again, he hated everyone in this room to some level of degree with the exception of Lord Beneviento. They never said a word nor saw each other, and that made Lord Beneviento his best friend in Karl's book: until today that is.
If Karl had to rank who he hated the most to the least it would go: Mother Miranda, Alcina, Salvatore, and Lord Beneviento. However, that little pest Y/N was making her way up the ladder now. Speaking of pests; Salvatore approached Karl shortly after the meeting requesting to talk to him, Karl groaned loudly but eventually stood and followed the wormy man-child. Outside of the church Karl leaned against the side of the building lighting up a cigar, before he looked over his shoulder to see Alcina Bitchescu leaving with Y/N. Mother Miranda was next, but he didn't see Lord Beneviento but he could care less, meanwhile Salvatore paced back and forth until there was a visible line in the grass.
"Are you trying to sabotage me Karl?" Salvatore whisper-yelled.
"What are you talking about Sal?" Karl asked nonchalantly.
"Don't call me that. My father called me that."
"Whatever. Now why do you think I'm trying to sabotage you?"
"You were supposed to have your dogs chase her to my domain! I was supposed to be the one to save her, had you followed the plan then we wouldn't be in this mess!" He growled.
"Not my fault, they caught wind of the butcher shop. Why are you so obsessed with this girl anyway? There's plenty of fish in the sea." Karl took a deep breath then exhaled the smoke in Salvatore's direction, "or are you more interested in the literal fish?" He chuckled.
"That is none of your concern! I promised you money if you did this, well the deal is off now. You blew it."
Karl's eyes darkened, he stood upright and towered over the boy, "watch yourself boy. I'll make your daddy's beatings look like playground rough-housing. This whole shit show became my problem the second your slimy salamander ass slithered into my garage. Now, tell me."
"You have no idea who she is, do you?" Salvatore scoffed, "her parents were the biggest real estate agents in the entire state they lived in. Her aunt alone comes from a lineage of hoarding dough and screwing people over. Here's the best part: I may or may not have 'intercepted' an envelope containing the last will and testimony of said aunt. Now the worst part: because she's dead, the money and assets will only be given to Y/N if she's married, preferably to someone of notable status. If I get her to marry me I can finally get out of this goat-fucking village. All my life I've been stuck here, all the mothers before Miranda and all the ones after will never allow us to leave or know what's beyond those mountains-"
"I swear if you start singing I'm going to hurl." Karl interrupted, "why not just ask her to marry you, split the assets, then divorce and you two can go your separate ways."
"Because she doesn't know about the will or aunty dearest kicking the bucket. The second she finds out, she'll forget about splitting the assets and go right to Beneveiento. There goes my chance."
Before Salvatore could speak again he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, there in the doorway of the church was the maid that accompanied Lady Dimitrescu. She gasped when she was spotted and took off running, Salvatore chased after her and unfortunately for her, he wasn't hindered by a dress. He caught her promptly and dragged her back to the church with his hand covering her mouth to keep her from screaming. He dumped her onto the ground and sat on top of her, hitting her until she fell unconscious, he panted and stood up to look at Karl.
"What are we going to do with her?" Salvatore asked.
"Ha. Oh no no no, you already dragged me into one of your brain busting schemes. She's your problem." Karl chuckled as he flicked his finished cigar off into the distance. 
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ranchracoon · 14 days
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