rawbutprecious ¡ 5 hours
Send my muse anons about their relationships
Canon ships, non-canon, OTPs you have or OTPs I have. Send them. Make my muse giddy, break my muse, make them laugh or cry. Do your best.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 10 hours
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Better forget…
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 1 : here
Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 2 : here
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rawbutprecious ¡ 3 days
I went to an outdoor flea market and got a book from 1824 called Paul and Virginia by Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. It was originally 12.00 but the seller offered me 1.00. It feels quite like a purchase Aziraphale would make.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 5 days
Josephine noticed his smile out of the corner of her gaze. The writer could not help marvel how he could smile at a time like this? Not only had she just delivered dreadful news but they were sounded by absolutely horrendous weather. She did not comment on it. She did not return the smile. That ability had fled into the night.
“Mother and Meg tried to get me to go. Beth begged me. I…just didn’t. I will never forgive myself for not going instead of Beth,” she replied after hearing his scoff. The guilt she felt mixed with her grief and clouded her judgment, “After all I had had Scarlet Fever. It was a mild case, but my body could have withstood facing it once more. It would have been enough. I….I…” her voice trailed off. She pressed her hands against her face to shield away the tears that poured down even though tears and rain looked much the same, thus hiding the grief mattered not.
“How selfish of me,” she remarked after pulling her hands away from her face. She then wiped them on her dress. It did not do anything to dry her fingertips. Her dress was as wet as her hand. "It’s why I tended to Beth so adamantly. It’s why I took her to the shore and stayed at her side. I wanted to make amends. I wanted her to be okay.”
She looked once more at the puddles. Beth would have loved those puddles. It was hard to tell how deep they were and she liked the surprise of it all. Sitting there with the rain falling steadily down, Jo could almost imagine her younger sister splashing through them. It was why it toojk her a minute to reply. The questions did not reach her ears at first. “Huh? Oh…. No she’s not with Marmee,” she said. “Amy went to stay with Aunt March when Beth first grew ill. Aunt March took a shining to Amy and brought her to Europe for a proper emersion into high society.”
Disdain dripped from her words. Restrained anger wiggled its way into her response. “I was supposed to come with Aunt March, but it didn’t work out that way,” she continued. “They’ve been here close to a year and Amy’s last note home said she was in this city.”
She closed her eyes against his kiss and even leaned into it. Having this tender care was nice. Her mind was not in any frame to make decisions. She could not take care of herself nor had she. “I came here to find her. I didn’t expect I would find you, though, but I am very happy that I did,” she said. “You will laugh how I was placed upon job. A Joseph March works at the paper where I also work and… he also goes by Jo… so just… pilfered it from him. So far none are the wiser.” Jo could not help but marvel how she mad managed this whole farce. No one stopped her. No one questioned her.
As he hurried his pace, she followed along the best she was able. Her heavy dress made it challenging to move. The wet fabric was cumbersome. It made each step unstable. Men really were lucky to not have to wear clothing that allowed for better movement. As he complimented her outfit, the looked down at herself and back at Laurie. “Why, thank you. There not much, but they’re doing their job,” she said. “My father chose the fabric, though. He has that right. He has the rights to everything I own. Nothing belongs to me expect my imagination. It’s not an easy life to live. I often envied you, Teddy. I wanted … what that freedom so very much.,,”
The words lingered between them. At least that was how it felt. This life was so hard to explain, especially to someone was not part of that world. It never seemed right. Part of her wanted to fight against it all, but that desire faded as quick as her annoyance of the societal expectations. She felt so deflated and defeating. Jo was so disengaged in what her body was doing, she was barely aware of him helping her into the hansom.
She blushed as Teddy fussed over her. Not even her parents tended to her like this. She wanted to ask him why, but Jo chose not to ask the questions. “I am too waterlogged to rest I fear,” she admitted, settling back. She leaned her head against Teddy’s shoulder. Despite self best efforts, Jo nodded off. She only woke when the hansom seemed to be slowing down. “Oh. I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean too…”
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A smile he had believed to have outgrown, plastered itself across Theodore’s face unexpectedly and the young man found–surprisingly–that it still fit.
Laurie listened intently to Jo’s plight, grumbling slightly as he tried to keep his disagreements (he hated how she saw herself, blamed herself) to himself. We’d quarrel, were the words she’d used on him, then, on that day he liked to pretend didn’t happen and yet everything he’d done or said or thought since was at least in part a direct descendant of that day. But that didn’t deter him… No. He was prepared to live in that day’s shadow for the rest of his life—so long as it meant continuous chances to make up for it.
He was about to say he should’ve taken the food to the Hummels, or that they could’ve gone to the Hummels’ together, but then he wouldn’t have been any better than Jo as far as self-blame goes. Not only that, but Jo had actually been there and… Well, technically, yes, she could’ve gone in Beth’s place. Unlike Laurie, who had been away at the time.
“Find her? Amy’s not with Marmee then?” Laurie had been out of the loop, having lost a good many of his more common senses when stumbling across Jo had knocked some of them back inside him. He was, needless to say, unaware of the extensive tension between Amy brought about by Aunt March’s choosing her as her new companion over Jo. Still, he did know of her burning Jo’s works, and however long ago it had occurred, he might’ve been of the same unforgiving mindset if he hadn’t been present to pull the youngest March sister out of the ice.
His heart leapt with Jo’s refusing to let go of his hand and tonight he’d make no further attempts to distance himself from her.
“… Alright.” A kiss to her forehead was the only thing Laurie pressed, recognising a different sort of Jo in her apathy. With her O-K, he lead her gently by their two hands that were already clasped together. Between clinging to each other at varying intensities as well as the back and forth, the pair didn’t make it very far in the rain. Eyebrows shot upwards, hearing he was not the problem.
“O-Of course not… We’re going, we’re going!” He picked up the pace of his trudging, only to stop once more when he heard the term ‘masculine privilege’. Once look at her face, though, told him she wasn’t trying to start another bicker-match.
“Well, it is of my ‘masculine opinion’,” Laurie puffed, briefly putting on a voice like that of his old tutor’s combined with his grandfather’s, “they suit you…” He stifled a laugh with a shake of his sopping head, and continued to move towards the cab, fondly recalling his induction into the March sisters’ club.
Young Master Laurence paid the driver with dew-covered coins from his pockets then turned back to Jo, offering a hand up into the cab. Neither currently carried an umbrella, nor did the modest hansom provide much cover from the weather, so he couldn’t help but fuss over Jo—Sloshing water from her brow, bringing his coat closer around her, followed fast by his own arms.
“You say you don’t want to sleep, but you should try to rest… It’s not as though we can talk private affairs yet anyhow,” he said, his voice a boyish strain against the cold and emotion.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 5 days
He looked at the book. It would work, of course, but it would not lead to the surprise. "There is another one I am looking for," he replied. "It has a purple cover with silver gilding. Last I saw it was in that room beyond those doors." He pointed to the closed double doors, where the surprise library would be found.
Belle gave him a small smile; noticing his expression. “ I- I can check” she said, scanning the shelves. She pulled out a particular book with a butterfly on the spine. “ Will this work?”
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rawbutprecious ¡ 5 days
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rawbutprecious ¡ 5 days
Tc glanced over at Jordan as she groaned. He smirked as a chuckle reverberated from his lips. "You hate when I'm right, but you know it's true. We're just magnets to one another," he said, remember he heard it some place and at some time but not recalling either detail. "We try to pull apart and we just collide together once more."
TC felt like he was the best when he was with Jordan. He never felt good enough for her. He didn't feel like he deserved her. She should have the moon and the stars and everything in-between. "I don't want us to destruct anymore," he admitted, ignoring her order to go to sleep as he took her hand in his as she swatted towards him
morning after starters:
accepting / not accepting @rawbutprecious as TC said “you always say that, and yet we wind up right back here.”
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the smug statement makes her groan into the pillow beside her; frustrated because he's right, and it infuriates her. she has no self control when it comes to TC, never had and likely never will. as destructive and dysfunctional as their relationship always is, she can't convince her heart not to try again.
"shut up," the retort is muttered half-heartedly, face still buried into the softness of a pillow that has his scent all over the warm cotton, and a lazy hand swats toward his naked chest. "go to sleep."
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rawbutprecious ¡ 7 days
"I know, but I do not wish to forget to properly address you. In public I must play the role of manservant. I know very well that everything I do is scrutinized and that if I do not follow decorum I could be thrown into the stocks," he said. Or worse - worse could and had happened to him, but he did not bring that up. Instead, he focused on the work. He made sure the bandages were in place. Once done, he sat back in the wooden chair at the bedside. "Well... you're being stubborn so perhaps you don't. Besides, Uther is not the most cuddly of people."
Merlin stared at his hands as the silence fell between the two. He ought to wash them off. The salve used to treat Arthur's wound itched his hands. "I wouldn't tell that story to a child," he replied. "I wanted you to know the seriousness of a cut. It might seem small now but it could get quite worse. You have a destiny to fulfill and sometimes you make it hard to ensure that happens."
"I really wish you wouldn't call me that," Arthur mumbled under his breath. The prince laid on his back as he tended to him. Shirt off, he felt slightly vulnerable due to the scars on his back from when his father had flogged him last. "You act like I don't know what that is."
Rolling his eyes, he huffed and avoided his eyes. Merlin had the deepest ice-blue eyes he ever seen and it made him feel like he saw through him completely. He hated how it made him feel out and in the open. "I know you are just doing your duty, but do you have to lecture me as a child?" Gauis did that enough with him as it was. He didn't want Merlin to pick up those traits as well.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 7 days
I went to the touring exhibit when it came to Indianapolis and one of the most morbid and interesting pieces was the full-sized wax figure of Boromir in the canoe burial. The details on that piece were remarkable. I couldn't take phots in the exhibit, but this article shows them off. It was shocking to learn that the boat over the waterfall was not a CGI figure. These are the photos from the article.
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Found online.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 8 days
@thesearetheirstcries - I feel like this embodies both literati and and swanfire. Soft and tender and desiring of connection.
@ourcwnside - This is totally how Aziraphale feels about Crowley.
@ricketyhearts/ @ricketybcnts - This song says all that Jo feels about Laurie.
@sonofthedarkone - Emma just wants Neal to come back home to her. <3
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rawbutprecious ¡ 8 days
@ourcwnside - Moody Crowley is Moody.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 8 days
While he waited for what felt like an excruciating long time for an answer (and was probably only a minute or two) he scratched his nose. The spot itched a bit, but it was more a response to his hands needing something to do. Sitting there, doing nothing but waiting was quite a challenge.
They did not keep anything for each other. They never had. Aziraphale hoped they never would. Sometimes the answers were not explicitly spelled out but they were there. Usually the message got figured out even if it took sometime.
At the clarifying question, the angel nodded. His head of curls shuffled and fell forwards from their usually swooped back coiffure. "Yes, please. Yes, I would fancy that considerably," he confirmed. The tone that came out was quite and demure. They words chosen were deliberate and thoughtful.
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Crowley gave his answer. After the longest of times the words spilled out. The angel found himself too stunned to speak. Heading shooting up, Aziraphale's hands went to his lips before holding his hand out to keep Crowely from saying anything more while he processed what he'd just been told.
"But, I do. I... I love you. I have known since 1941. I...I just did not want to lose the one good being in my life," he admitted. "I would have stayed as we were for all eternity as long as it meant having you in my life. But... but I need to know... why? What do I offer?"
Aziraphale let the quiet surround him (them?). It enveloped him like a quilt. The weight both comforting and constricting. How was the dear demon going to respond? Would he? There were an inffinate amount of ways this could go. Crowley could ignore the words and continue the moment as is. He could change the topic. He could rebuke it. He could reveal the heart's desires.
Whatever the demon chose, he would understand. He hoped Crowley would offer something in return. A crumb even that would hint as how Aziraphale should continue. He wanted to share - to confess - but didn't know if he ought to fully make such a move. It felt as if they were in some sort of dance.
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"I...I do, Crowley. I am very well aware of what I am asking," he replied in just as quiet of a voice. He stole the briefest of glances at the demon and tried to read his expression. As the bookstore was currently lit by only a few reading lamps, there were too many shadows in the room. "I've sensed you have been holding back lately. We have been through so much together. We have seen each other in the most vulnerable of states. We never held back, especially you, but lately.... I've felt a shift... this slow down or pause. So please, go fast."
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rawbutprecious ¡ 10 days
Gold tucked the blankets around her and stroked a bit of hair away from her face. "All right. I'll be downstairs if you need anything," he said.
“  you woke me up.  ”
( @bluebellestorybrooke Lacey to Rumple, domestic Golden Lace )
"Oh, I'm sorry." Rumplestiltskin whispered, kissing her on the forehead. "I just need a drink of water. Do you want anything from the kitchen?"
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rawbutprecious ¡ 10 days
"Yes. A book. Those things you like with the words and the occasional illustrations," he replied with a bit of (fake) annoyance on his face. "I'm searching for the ones about magical butterflies. I believe I saw a rare moonglow swallowtail and I'd like to confirm my suspicions."
“ can i get you anything? “ ( @ bluebellestorybrooke, for Rumplestilskin/ Mr. Gold please)
"I'd like a book," he said, with a bit of a smirk. He had a surprise for her. The library was done. He did not tell her anything about it (not even that it was being built). He wanted it to me a surprise. "Please."
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rawbutprecious ¡ 13 days
This means we will likely get BTS of them during that time. Didn't they show off their dyed hair right as they started filming?
It’s real, it’s coming, IM SO EMOTIONAL—
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rawbutprecious ¡ 13 days
I have to put an eye medicine in at night. It's thick and will not wash out except with warm water for an extended period of time. Just washing my face doesn't work (not enough time). My nights are very busy.
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rawbutprecious ¡ 13 days
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i remembered I made this someday
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