rojacrc · 2 years
I’m standing here today after almost 25 crazy years. I’m standing here today and I can’t even believe all the demons I’ve defeated.
I’m standing here today, on a busy international airport, trying to consolidate in words what my brain is holding. I’ve been having this feeling for quite a few months now, I should blame it on her because before her arrival my life was completely different.
I’ve been trying to go deep down my memories, to that little girl in a small town that nobody has heard about before; on that country that is not able to be pronounced without shooting a millions of red flags for the outsiders.
I was trying so hard to remember the safety, warmth, love, support… I was digging so deep into my brain to remember any of those feelings or at least one specific scenario where I was able to feel something nice, something better than just fear and reject.
I came to the surprising outcome that K couldn’t remember anything, of course there was joy and some kind of love, but it was always under conditions or purely just because.
I felt sad for a minute, cause nobody should have no home, I felt sad and lost cause I had no clue of where was my place, or where I belonged. Nevertheless, having in mind how ruthless, cruel, hard, painful, and annoying life can be, when I saw myself in her eyes I knew this all was meant to be. In her soul I was printed for now on.
It might sound cheesy, or corny, or extremely ridiculous… but people when you go around having nothing, not knowing where to go, what to do, nowhere to call home and all of the sudden possibly having everything. Every single thing you craved, you desired, you dreamed with… every single thing that you prayed every single night to be able to have, every single thing you cried for like a little child.
Having love, support, safety, freedom, cockiness, goofiness, sex, admiration, and respect all in one person, makes you feel like a fucking million dollars.
Now after all this years, after all this time of not knowing exactly where I belong, or what I would be able to achieve; I can finally say I belong to her. She is my home, she is the rock, the person, the strength, the path and destiny I was looking for so long. And god I don’t even know how I got so lucky to be able to find the perfect one, the one I love to hold and stumble around.
I now have a home, my home, her home, our home. And it’s not the place, not the money, not the furniture or the nice neighborhood, is the person and maybe some cats or dogs. It’s the amazing feeling of ecstasy, adrenaline, dopamine and all the other chemical responses in your brain.
Cause you finally did it.
Now you have me here standing, after almost 25 years telling you all that I finally found my happy place, my person, the one to be with for so long, the one I will marry, the one I will kiss every morning and every night… I found my home when I found her!
Saturday 05/21/2022
Chicago, O’Hare Airport
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To Shelby, I love you stink!!
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rojacrc · 2 years
I have found love so many times since I came here
I found it on the stickers stuck on my shirt after a long 10 hour shift
I found it on the awkward questions from my host moms
Questions I didn’t had an answer just a smile to put on
I found it on the smiles and giggles at 7:30 in the morning
I found it when my little girl called me Angie
And when my little dude run to hug me
I found it on people from all over the world
People that are not here anymore
I had lots of love back home
Lots of kids and family but all that is gone
I felt lost for a while, lost and hurt inside
I forgot how to love myself and how to believe it as well
But I got lucky again,
Lucky to have people with me
People who really care
I found love once again when I looked at my mirror
I found a reflection over there
I found her wounded but ready to fight and forget about her favorite pillow
That one she held so tight and scared
That one she felt the closest to a friend
I saw her dreaming again
And smile like a kid playing a dumb game
I found love again in me
Love that I thought it was forbidden to get
Love that I had forgotten the good it makes
And how amazing it feels to rise up from death
I was on my highest, my purest self
I was ready to get out and explore all around
But nobody told me someone was waiting
Someone I met so long ago
Someone I liked and I was also waiting for
She is just amazing, a dream come true
She brought with her light and so much hope
And her perfect smile changed my world
She brought me home and held me tight
She opened up, we talked for hours
We opened cans, smoked cigars
We hugged each other every night
We laughed, we dreamed
We smiled and played
And now you have me here writing about her
She is perfect, she is the one
And I found love in every single detail she has
So here we go once again
Love is being patient and chasing me for a while
But God I’m so lucky she brought it with her at the perfect time.
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rojacrc · 2 years
Soft “white” vest full of marks
Birth marks
Stretch marks
Wound marks
Ink marks
A whole journey, too wide to explore
To know
To feel
To smell
To get
Full of happy stories
Covered in pain
Dead cells
Smooth hair
It has power
Carries somebody
Her feelings
Her passions
Her dreams
Her baggage
Has suffered mutilation
Many have discovered
But nobody can fix the rolls
The lines
The spots
The tone
The burns
It’s beautiful
Only if I could see its details
I would be able to be happier
To love my skin,
The one that captures almost all of me.
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rojacrc · 3 years
I’m so happy, I’m coming back to myself again. What a wild and long ride but it was totally worth it. I’m okay, I’m fine and I know for sure that I’m gonna survive.
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rojacrc · 3 years
Come here!
Take your pills
Enjoy your meals
Wipe your tears
Make new deals
Shut your fears
Hang out with your peers
Chase your dreams
Drink some beers
Collect souvenirs
Pay your bills
Celebrate new years
Conquer hills
Adjust some gears
Help someone ill
Jump frontiers
Be kind with Queers
Learn a new skill
Call someone "Dear"
Try to be clear
Drive to find a mill
Stay always near
Use a grill
Build something with a drill
Pursue a little trip
Dance on every pier
Bite your lover's lip
Share your last chip
Wait but be sincere
Look for someplace chill
Travel to Brazil
Watch a premiere
Heal something severe
Ask for a refill
Fly like a hornbill
Repeat what wasn't hear
Leave the party
Run as fast as a raindeer
Write a letter
Buy a bestseller
Let yourself free
Talk about all this
And then repeat...
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rojacrc · 3 years
I am tired of being alone, tired of not being able to kiss, to hug, to hold somebody on my chest.
I am tired of being depressed, deep inside this hole where I cannot find a way to escape. I am exhausted of trying, I do not want to try to be okay, I just want to rest.
Maybe for now, for a couple of days, maybe weeks or for ever. I do not know, I do not know who I am anymore.
I am lost, tired and lost, I want to love and be loved. I want someone who is going to stay for a long walk, someone who is ready to stop this decadent run.
I know I am not ready, I know it is better for me to be alone. But maybe, just maybe someone out there needs human touch as well.
Maybe it is me, maybe I am the one pushing to hard, to fast and not so neat. Maybe I am the one making all the mistakes and leaving everyone with no other option but to run very far away...
From me.
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rojacrc · 3 years
El mundo está tan lleno de mierda y decadencia que poco de nuestra atención se centra en las maravillas que nos rodean.
Tanto nos han hecho daño, lastimado y roto en mil pedazo que ya poco interés nos queda en compartir los desgastados retazos.
Nuestras miradas cambian, las sonrisas se opacan y cuando nos damos cuenta tenemos la tristeza tatuada tan profunda que nos desestabiliza el alma.
Entonces muchos piensan, "Para qué seguir aquí muriendo de desdicha y mucha pena". Lo siento, no es aquí, no encontrarán cierre bonito a tan deprimente escena.
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rojacrc · 3 years
Sometimes being alone get boring, annoying, sad, depressing... Sometimes being alone just kinda make you wanna die.
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rojacrc · 3 years
I Coudn’t Turn Around
I’m here now, it’s a whole new world but
I keep thinking even when it’s a perfect sunny day;
That I couldn’t see my mom’s face when I was leaving her there
 Maybe I thought I would be fine and won’t miss her.
But even in the coldest nights, those that are my favorites,
I can stop thinking
that I couldn’t see my mom’s face when I was leaving her there
 Or was I acting brave
Being stubborn or just a jerk
But to be quite honest, I’m the biggest coward of all
Because I couldn’t see my mom’s face when I was leaving her there
 However, it was the right thing to do
I did it to avoid me an ugly cry
Maybe I couldn’t see my mom’s face when I was leaving her there
Because I’m hoping to see her again
 I want to change that
I want to change the fact that
I couldn’t see my mom’s face when I was leaving her there
 I want to see her again,
Not crying, not being sad
Maybe this time I would be able to see her face
And never say goodbye again
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rojacrc · 3 years
Tú que me lees
Nunca es tarde para soñar
Nunca es tarde para brindar por aquellos que se fueron
Que ya no están
Aprecia lo que tienes
Tus amigos
Amores y pretendientes
Pero nunca, por favor NUNCA
Des por alto
A las personas que te educan
Te aman
Te admiran
Te sueñan
Te extrañan
Por más difícil y tedioso que encuentres el camino
Tú sabrás llegar a salvo y
Con la frente en alto
A tú anhelado destino
Por ahora solo respira
Vive, ama, sueña, crece
Que la vida misma se encargará
De entregarte todo lo que has añorado siempre!
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rojacrc · 3 years
The perfect song
It was late at night
I think it was summer, because it was hot
I was using my earphones to avoid the light
Then, all of the sudden O played
I think, it was summer my skin felt hot
But the calmness of the song made me forget it all
Then, all of the sudden the song played, again
And lucky me, It came to me like a shot in my skull
But the calmness of the song made me forget it all
I typed down every thought
And those came to me like a shot in my gut
It felt right, it connected perfectly
To what I felt about her
I typed down every thought
And it made me cry a lot
Then, all of the sudden O played, again
I might have turned off the shuffle mode
And lucky me, It came to me like a shot in my skull
The idea, the motivation to talk about her
Even though every single time it makes me cry a lot
I just remember it was a summer night
But I can’t remember to have turned off the shuffle mode
However, O kept playing, again and again
Maybe it was a sing to come back to her
But I can´t, everything is done
And the idea, the motivation to talk about her
Needs to stop for now on
Because every single time that I heard O
It reminds me of her and makes me cry a lot
I just need to rest and turn the light off
I think it is summer again cause I’m feeling warm
Or maybe it’s her knocking on my door
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rojacrc · 3 years
Even if everything is done
Even if my live ends today
Even if everything gets broken
Or we forget all we did one day
Even if, my live ends today
Tomorrow is gonna be better
Unless everything is still the same way
Maybe tomorrow we'll get to rest
Tomorrow!! I know is gonna be better
And all we have to do is celebrate
Even if we forget to get some rest
Our lives have so much to give and take
At the end, we only need to celebrate
To get stronger because
Our lives have so much to give and take
From and to the ones we met one day
Because, we need to get stronger
We need to forgive and forget
Even the ones we met
That hurt our heart and never regret
Forgive and forget, things that are hard to say
But at the end of the day
Regret from the ones we hate
Is never the answer to a better death
But the end of the day is always coming
Even if was a perfect one to be alone
But being alone doesn't give us a better death
We need people with kind souls
Even, if it feels amazing being alone
The end to our story is close enough
To remember those kind souls
That reminded us to keep going
Even if everything is done!
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rojacrc · 3 years
En la inmensidad de el universo, venimos siendo esa mínima parte. Esa que no sabe cómo vivir, cómo agradecer, cómo crecer, cómo seguir adelante.
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Allí es cuando todo se torna borroso. Cuando todo se distorsiona y se mueve lentamente. Esto es un sueño, un mal sueño.
Tendré que despertar para darme cuenta de lo que tengo, he logrado y podré lograr...
O quizás no?!
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rojacrc · 3 years
Había olvidado lo mucho que me gustaba escribir.
Es que siempre se reducía a poesía emocionada y barata producida por alguien más.
Nunca escribí para mi o porque yo quisiera hacerlo
Necesito dejar mi legado. Es lo único que podré dejar al mundo.
Mis palabras
Mis imagenes
Mis memorias
Pero tengo que plasmarlas y recordar cómo escribir de nuevo.
Sin que rime, sin que suene bonito, sin que sea producto de una musa pasajera.
Creo que ese tipo de escritura es la que nos sana, la que nos vuelve a poner los pies en la tierra, el corazón en la mano y la mente fresca.
Me brindaré este espacio para recordarme a mi misma
Lo mucho que me gusta escribir
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rojacrc · 3 years
It's being amazingly overwhelming noticing how time passes by. It's being just 5 months away from home, family and lovers. I mean. I don't really miss them, but I'll never see them again!!!
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rojacrc · 5 years
"-¿Pero tú me amas?— Preguntó Alicia.
-¡No, no te amo!— Respondió el Conejo Blanco.
Alicia arrugó la frente y comenzó a frotarse las manos, como hacía siempre cuando se sentía herida.
-¿Lo ves?— Dijo el Conejo Blanco.
Ahora te estarás preguntando qué te hace tan imperfecta, qué has hecho mal para que no consiga amarte al menos un poco.
Y es por eso mismo que no puedo amarte.
No siempre te amarán Alicia, habrá días en los cuales estarán cansados, enojados con la vida, con la cabeza en las nubes y te lastimarán.
Porque la gente es así, siempre acaba pisoteando los sentimientos de los demás, a veces por descuido, incomprensiones o conflictos con sí mismos.
Y si no te amas al menos un poco, si no creas una coraza de amor propio y felicidad alrededor de tu corazón, los débiles dardos de la gente se harán letales y te destruirán.
La primera vez que te vi hice un pacto conmigo mismo : "¡Evitaré amarte hasta que no hayas aprendido a amarte a ti misma!"
Por eso, Alicia, no, no te amo."
- Atribuido a Lewis Carroll
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rojacrc · 5 years
“Salía con una chica que parecía de otra galaxia, que se ponía bien contenta cuando comía algo rico, que me la hacía de pedo por fumar y por ella dejé el puto cigarro, porque quería que le durara pa' siempre.
Salía con una chica que me enseñó a ir lento, que me escribió cartas y me regaló una plantita, que un día me llegó de sorpresa al trabajo y no pude con mi cara pendejo de tanta emoción al verla.
Salía con una chica que hizo que me olvidara de todas, y es que el problema no eran las demás chicas, el problema era que ninguna de ellas tenía ese encanto increíble y esos ojitos tan pinches preciosos.
Salía con una chica que me abrazaba fuerte, que despertaba ultra pinche guapa, que me tomaba de la mano siempre al caminar, que se detenía a darme besos en medio de la calle y usaba mi pecho como almohada para dormir.
Salía con una chica a la que seguido hacía enojar, y se enojaba tan lindo, que juro que aunque me mandara a la verga seguía viéndose jodidamente hermosa y cabronamente chula, la muchacha.
Salía con una chica que sólo pasa una vez en la vida, una de esas que son reales y no perfectas, una de esas que se te clavan tan profundo en el pecho que ya jamás las sacas, y la dejé ir, por imbécil”.
Una chica de otra galaxia.
-Emmanuel Zavala
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