secret-wttt-author · 1 month
For California/South, would you prefer a multi-shot of each individual southern state, or an orgy fic?
Feel free to ask questions about them. I enjoy speaking about these things and would gladly speak about them.
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
Real and accurate.
Feel free to ask questions about them. I enjoy speaking about these things and would gladly speak about them.
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
A snippet of my WIP Maine/Alaska Fic
Thunder crashed outside, the noise echoing throughout the almost silent house. Howling started soon after.
At first it was one dog.
Then another.
Then as the last was about to join in, a voice rang out.
“Boys! Hush.” Alaska scolded affectionately, walking up to the dogs and giving Balto a quick scratch behind the ears. He knew the dogs weren’t a fan of thunderstorms, but they’d been through many and had started understanding how to deal with them.
Alaska frowned as he realized Maine hadn’t come out of the bathroom yet. It had been a good five, maybe ten minutes. Maine was one of Alaska’s few friends. The two got along well and seemingly had an understanding of each other even without words. Alaska wouldn’t go as far as to say he was closer to Maine than he was to Hawai’i. It was different.
Maine was…
Alaska, wanting to get to know him better, had invited Maine over. The two were sitting on the couch, laughing and talking while an old movie played in the background. Maine had suddenly gone quiet, then said he had to go to the bathroom. That was now 12 minutes ago. Alaska didn’t want to rush him in the bathroom, to each their own and all, but he was definitely getting concerned. Alaska’s head turned towards the bathroom as he heard a faint thud. His face scrunched up, running through thoughts of what Maine could be doing. Why was he making so much noise?
He got up from the couch, turning the corner behind it towards the bathroom. His dogs followed him, but he didn’t mind. They were all good dogs, and wouldn’t hurt Maine, even if they did scare him a little.
Pursing his lips, Alaska knocked on the door. “Maine?” He called, “Are you okay in there?”
“Y.. Yes..!” Maine’s shaky voice called back. Alaska wasn’t good at reading tone, or sentence structure. Honestly he was bad at everything but body language. But there was something off about Maine’s answer. Maybe it was the tremble in his voice. How he had been so happy and confident earlier, but now wasn’t.
Alaska hesitated, reaching for the doorknob. “Do you.. Need anything? Did you knock something over? Nothing’s broken?” He asked. He did have a vase Hawai’i had given him, but that was about it. He wasn’t good with decoration and Hawai’i had insisted on the gift.
He could hear Maine start talking, then another boom of thunder hit, shaking the house. Through the door, he could hear hiccups and- oh no. Maine was…
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
Feel free to ask questions about them. I enjoy speaking about these things and would gladly speak about them.
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
Would anyone be interested in beta reading my books? I do hope for genuine feedback (misspellings, fixing grammar, plotholes, ect.)
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
Fic in progress
Title: thunderstorms
Main Characters: Alaska/Maine
Status: WIP
Tags: Light hurt/comfort, fluff, pre-relationship
Maine doesn’t like thunderstorms.
Alaska comforts him.
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secret-wttt-author · 1 month
I am not new to this community, but I am here to post WTTT fanfiction.
Please be aware that I will post both SFW and NSFW fanfiction on my AO3 account, and will be using this to update, tell when things are done, or get poll opinions.
You may use the names “Secret” or “Author” on me. I prefer the use of he/him pronouns.
If you have requests of fics you would like, asks are fine to send. If you send it in the form of an anonymous ask, please clarify if you would not like it posted. by default it will be posted.
My PMs are also open as well.
I will write anything minus the following.
Sexual things involving dead people (undead do not count), children/minors or age regressed persons, animals, descriptive assault
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