solarastone · 3 years
Cultural appropriation and spirituality
Remember that the meaning of something isn’t held within a physical object or a word: it’s about personal and collective experiences of that thing. 
Be aware of when your personal experience lacks the context to be a part of a larger collective one. Appreciate the personal value of such an experience while recognizing it as such. 
If you teach what you learned, be honest about how much you’ve decontextualized it. Be aware and willing to accept criticism of how you’ve molded it to your purposes.
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solarastone · 3 years
Working with a really good therapist is a divine experience.
Just like how the Universe created “separate”  consciousnesses so it could experience itself, working with a therapist you have rapport with helps you to see yourself more clearly and more compassionately.
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solarastone · 3 years
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solarastone · 3 years
I’ve healed so much since realizing I can hold space from afar. I don’t even need to hold the space. It’s just there
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solarastone · 3 years
I was going to make a long ass post about this, but I’ll just say it:
Gen Z is the generation with the most emotional self awareness so far because
A. we finally reached a tipping point as a species where a good amount of people are being created INTENTIONALLY to people who actively wanted them thanks to birth control (let’s keep that going)
B. they are the first generation to have access to the Internet from birth: i.e. emotional reality validation that yes, adults are abusive af to children for no reason a lot of the time -- reducing how much BS they internalize and how deeply.
Cheers to y’all! Keep memeing, young people.
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solarastone · 3 years
stop telling kids hell is real
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solarastone · 3 years
Policing, Psychoanalysis, and Transformative Justice
New post is up on my Fanhouse! Just some thoughts I’ve been ruminating on. Here’s an excerpt:
“Transitioning to new forms of transformative justice will require skills we've never required since the Industrial Revolution swept us away in its power and let us rely on automation over communication. We'll have to actually talk to our neighbors, check in on the local kids, and maybe even participate in a potluck or two. For law enforcement officials, this will mean tapping into their own past emotional wounds so that they can empathize with those who are trapped in the punitive justice system. This will mean more police officers stepping up and sharing their stories and not being afraid to lose their jobs when wrongdoing is committed.“
The formatting got destroyed, but read more here!
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solarastone · 3 years
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Sometimes, we need to simply stop the search so we can find what we already have.
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solarastone · 3 years
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“Once it loses the reproductive point, sex explodes beyond the human and its proper desires. Coded into two discreet sexes and defined by their reproductive organs, human bodies also ‘imply a multiplicity of molecular combinations bringing into play not only the man in the woman and the woman in the mand, but the relation of each to the animal, the plant, etc.: a thousand tiny sexes.’ Every unified body conceals a crowd: ‘inside every solitary living creature is a swarm of non-creature things.’ Even the most unified of individuals is intimately bound up with networks which take it past its own borderlines, seething with vast populations of inorganic life whose replications disrupt even the most perverse anthropocentric notions of what it is to have either a sex or sex itself.”
—extract from “runaway” in Zeros + Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture by Sadie Plant. 
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solarastone · 3 years
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