spacehobbits · 1 year
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spacehobbits · 1 year
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spacehobbits · 1 year
"Nature is violent
The very nature of this is violent
N-N-N-No no that was someone else
N-N-N-No no no that wasn't me no"
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spacehobbits · 1 year
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spacehobbits · 1 year
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spacehobbits · 1 year
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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the thing about the goblin hive ship is that it’s huge, it’s huge
mountain-sized at the minimum, basically a large asteroid that’s been brought to a standstill and hollowed out for use and yes it’s got thrusters ripped off of massive starships so it can move (sort of, if very very slowly) but mostly it drifts in one area of space that most other species try to to avoid, as smaller ships like the ones that caught thorin and co. patrol the sector looking for easy pickings to raid and bring their score whether that he tech or victims or both back to the hive to either use or discard
the hive is not quite a ship, exactly, it’s sectioned off and breathable in most spots that the goblins frequent, but goblins aren’t really all that advanced other than your basic necessities of spacefaring, and i mean the basic basics, like steal most of anything you use because you barely know how to weld things together properly basics, but most of the hive is empty space or solid rock and caverns filled with ships and junk and debris, torn apart and gutted, that they decided they couldn’t use or didn’t know how to use and just dumped down a hole into a cavern somewhere because who cares? they certainly don’t
they also continuously dig into and abandon areas, leaving whole swaths of the base empty and abandoned, especially the lower levels as their civilization (if you want to call it that) slowly flows and grows a land shrinks into new areas over centuries once their current places get too full of their nasty nonsense, but even saying so they’re generally pretty lazy so they might shove half a ship in a hole or string one up from a cavern connected by bridges of ropes and metal and use that as living space rather than create anything themselves, so everything is looks sort of broken down and rusted and terrible but they’re more than content with what they’ve got because they took it and now they have it and it’s fine
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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give me disgruntled hobbit cyborgs that are so goddamn tired of gandalf’s constant intrusive questions or give me death
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits!au fun fact #1
the hobbits were discovered by gandalf, who was just blown away by the existence of these not quite mechanic not quite organic beings carrying on as hobbits do in their little corner of the galaxy. everyone else is invested in interstellar trade and already hip deep in the business of every other known species, and just…here they are. farming, living with peace and plenty, and what’s more? gandalf remembers the arrival of humans in the galactic unions, they were so eager to find a place, so in awe to find they weren’t the only beings in the known universe, but these hobbits, they hardly bat an eye at his arrival. here he is, a mysterious wizard towering over these equally mysterious beings, and they literally barely tip their hats before continuing on with their day.
and it’s not a lack of awareness, the way he undoubtably first thought, when prodding them with questions they were generally happy to answer, as was polite (depending on the subject matter, honestly wizards are so nosy) and he finds, they’re aware, they’re conscious, they literally just do not care about dealing with changes in their environment, all too happy to just…keep on as they are. peaceful and unassuming.
torn between being extremely intrigued and extremely concerned for their well-being, he turns to the white council, ensuring their protection.
galadriel and elrond are both staunch supporters in this cause, i mean, they’re elves, they remember the time before their kind had even turned to the stars in a far more interactive sense, it takes quite a bit to blow their hair back, and yet these creatures, so far removed from any technology they have ever possessed or has ever been known to exist, is just…yeah, these hobbits are well looked after. although, other than some cursory visits from a particular curious wizard, and a several more attempts at questioning them on the nature of their existence which they also do not care for thank you very much mister gandalf, good morning, no one interferes with them too much.
as such, it’s been quite some time since the halflings were discovered, several decades at least, but they’re kept so secret and so safe by the elves of rivendell (and a group of trusted human rangers hired on in the quadrant) that no one really knows where the Shire is even located. the galaxy at large is nebulously aware of hobbits at best, but practically no one has ever seen one, most stories of an encounter are told through the oh so viable lens of ‘no–really my, uh, mother’s sister’s friend’s son saw one once several decades back, and–’ with stranger and stranger embellishments on their features and there’s likely a decent chunk of the galaxy that doesn’t actually believe they exist, and still others that haven’t heard of these strange hobbits at all.
which is probably for the best, as technologically their er, ‘unique features’ make it super, super dangerous for any hobbit to exist away from the Shire. these hobbits are incredibly valuable for a multitude of reasons, beyond basic study and comprehension. it’s a nasty business, but there are rumours of black market deals, hobbits broken down, bought and sold for parts, which while ghastly and unconscionable, is truly not even close to a common enough occurrence for the residents of the shire to even clock it as a viable threat. really, it’s more perhaps a scary story for excitable young fauntlings who have clearly been spending too much time with that confounded wizard with those colorful whizpoppers again, blast it all gandalf.
 the elves are very diligent with their protection, and if a hobbit was ever taken in that way, their loss is better attributed to the fact that they’d most likely left their home in the first place, running off into the blue on some irresponsible attempt at an adventure, and as all hobbits well know, nothing good ever comes of such things.
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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spacehobbits!au fun fact #2
hobbits are very peaceful creatures, they have a love of food and good cheer that would heavily rival any organic, and perhaps even outweigh it. they raise livestock and crops by hand, and take tea at four with their family and neighbors, gossip heavily and use any excuse to have a party. considering the whirlwind the rest of the galaxy runs about them, it’s quite a difference, and to be sure, the only true modernized part about them are their data hubs.
they’re located at several points all over the shire, usually a main one for each region, and several smaller ones scattered about in areas of import for hobbits to interface with and share experiences selectively. the system is as old as the hobbits themselves, though by this point contains very little that would be of interest to the galaxy at large. it’s not infinite by any stretch, though it stores generations worth of data, usually gone through and selectively deleted when necessary to make room for the most important information to be passed down, like lily proutfoot’s raspberry tart recipe, or how to deal with pests on your tomatoes. but that’s only present if you go looking for such things. more directly, it’s used for announcements like birthdays and weddings, parties and the occasional drama made public, as hobbits do love their scandals.
hobbits, even with the use of such things are very individualistic however, and can choose what to share and what they go looking for. they can also pass information directly between each other with ports located on the palms of their hands. useful when sharing secret family recipes and stories from generation to generation, kept within the family and away from the hub, they’re much less likely to be lost. however, as hobbits very much like to chatter away their days with friends and neighbors, they’ll happily talk over the transfer, and it’s not used exclusively terribly often except perhaps between fauntlings sharing secrets and close family members and it is especially useful when a hobbit is nearing the end of their time to save whatever mustn’t be forgotten.
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spacehobbits · 2 years
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…meanwhile in Mirkwood: Bofur on watch, hearing a soft rustling behind him: …aye there, Bilbo? Bilbo: Yes? Bofur: … Bofur: … Bofur: … Bofur: D’ya mind wakin Dwalin fer th’ next watch?
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