st4r-ch1ldxx · 1 month
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 2 months
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pink dessert emu ootori stimboard! 🧁
🍨🍭🍨 | 🍭🍨 | 🍭🍨🍭
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 2 months
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aough. litol guys……
also apologies for not being able to do minori’s trained, her mouth was mostly covered & her untrained also worked so well <3
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 3 months
Asks about your fictional caregiver!
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This is for everyone who has any type of fictional caregiver, regardless of if that's platonic, romantic, ect! Be respectful when asking and remember to send an ask to the person who you reblog this from!
I will be making a fictional regressor version soon as well!
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🐶. Who are your fictional caregivers? Do you have a 'main' one?
🐳. Is there an age and/or animal you find yourself regressing to around your caregiver? Alternatively if you have multiple fictional caregivers is there a different age and/or animal you regress to around each one?
🐇. Talk about your relationship! Is it platonic, romantic, ect, what is your dynamic like?
🦖. What can your fictional caregiver do to get you into your regression headspace?
🐙. Do they have any nicknames for you? Is there meaning behind them?
🐛. Does your fictional caregiver a specific type of caregiver? (Ie a parental caregiver, a doctor caregiver, an angel caregiver, ect)
🐧. Is there anything your caregiver helps you with while you're regressed?
🦝. What are they like as a caregiver? Feel free to talk about as many as you want.
🐏. What would your fictional caregiver do if you were upset? How would they comfort you?
🐄. If you had a nursery how would you decorate it? Would your caregiver(s) be allowed to decorate it too?
🐘. If you had a play date with another fictional regressor or fictional caregiver who would they be? Would you like to do anything specific with them?
🐯. What would your ideal day with your fictional caregiver look like?
🐭. What meals and/or treats would they make you? Is there something they only really make you when you're regressed?
🦉. Do you have any regression gear that you use around them?
🦄. Do they have any particular activities they like doing while you're regressed?
🐈. Do they have any toys they like to play with you while you're regressed?
🦇. Do you have any TV shows you'd watch together? Are they 'typical' regression shows?
🐼. Do you have any video games that you would play with your fictional caregiver?
🐍. If you want to make an edit based around your relationship with your caregiver(s)
🐝. Talk about your fictional caregiver! It can be any information you want to share about them- It doesn't need to be caregiver or regression related!
🐤. Free space for any question I missed!
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 5 months
🍬☁️ Emu Otori x Cinnamoroll / Agere Moodboard
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first time trying to make a moodboard. hope i did a good job!! :3
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 5 months
Mikudemy agere au - Pure Heart Class headcanons!
(aka Shizuku Hinomori and five of the tiniest fellas in existence)
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-Due to how relaxed and calm it is in this class, it's very common for these little guys to end up feeling small, it's just so cozy! A lot of them are a bit more nervous when it comes to being little around others though, but Miku is working to help them feel more comfortable!
-Ichika's age range is normally around 4-6, and she spends a lot of her time while little playing simple games with her plushies or listening to child-friendly Miku songs. She's relatively shy when it comes to regressing, but she's starting to come out of her shell more, and out of her class she tends to cling to Shizuku and Miku the most when she's small, alongside the other Leo/need members. Somewhat nervous when being a CG, but she's actually pretty good at it with how caring she can be.
-Shizuku doesn't regress that much, but when she does she's usually ~5-7. A very relaxed little one, content to just work on simple idol things or watch cartoons, though when she has others to play with pretend games are very prevalent. Airi and Shiho are the main ones she goes to when she's small, though she feels comfortable with the others in her class too. Again, she isn't little that often, but she loves helping out with the others! "Shizu-nee" is very loved by the tiny guys, she's so kind and gentle!
-Toya is the littlest out of this class, regressing to about 1-3. Very calm small one, give him a plushie and a paci and he'll be very happy. Quite cuddly, and absolutely loves being read to. Nervous regressing around most people that aren't Akito or Tsukasa, though he's slowly getting more comfortable with it. As a caregiver he might not seem that good at it, but he's actually able to make little ones quite happy, as if he's channeling the care he wished he received as an actual child.
-Emu, the most hyper of the Pure Heart kids! 3-5 age range, happy to be with pretty much everyone (except Mafuyu, she's kind of scared of Mafuyu >m<), but she loves being with the other WxS members and the Virtual Singers the most. Constantly running around the school, playing games and talking to everyone she sees, maybe getting into a little mischief. She always keeps a few plushies in her bag, just in case she or anyone else needs some comfort! Surprisingly good at being a caregiver, she's amazing at playing with and comforting tiny ones, they never leave without a smile when she's there!
-Kanade's range is typically around 3-5, though she can slip as young as two at times. Very calm and sleepy little one, content to just listen to music or cuddle one of her loveys. Attached at the hip with Miku when she's small in class, Do Not seperate them, outside of that Honami and the others in N25 are usually who she goes to. Seeing as she can hardly take care of herself, it's a bit rough for her to be a good caregiver for others, but she's doing her best!
-Nightcord Miku isn't that close to being a traditional CG (seeing as she's almost like a little sister to the Mikudemy students), but she's quite good at the job! She's always willing to play with any little ones, and she's good at calming them down if they're upset. Even though she doesn't really regress, she's almost seen as a fellow little one by the tiny guys, it's like the best of both worlds!
-Oddly calm when they're all little, usually parallel play is more abundant than doing so together, though it can happen! Simple games like hide and seek or playing pretend are common, not much more intense than that due to how little Toya and Kanade can be. Emu's more hyper nature clashes a bit with the other little ones, but they all still have fun regardless! Really, the only time there's any conflict is if things get too noisy, or when Emu's the only one refusing to take a nap-
-At first glance they're the littlest of the classes (second smallest once the Cautious Heart kids feel more comfortable with being more open about agere-), which only adds to how other classes tend to feel the need to protect them. They're too innocent and calm for their own goods, so if you do anything bad to a Pure Heart kid expect the entire academy to be out to get you. Especially the Solid Heart Class kids, they'd do anything for their tiny guys!
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 5 months
Caregiver Neuvillette
The amount of brain rot I have from my head canon of caregiver Neuvillette is actually crazy. Like whenever I regress and think of someone taking care of me he's always the first one in my mind. I need to write another one shot of him... EXPECT ONE SOON
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 5 months
Progress - Tighnari
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . Caregiver! Tighnari - Recovering Ageregressor! User
Tw: Injuries, Temporary Paralyzation One day a few months ago you were gathering some herbs for Tighnari to help with Collei as of at the time she was still recovering from her Eleazar. Unfortunately as you were looking for the herbs, you were ambushed by a group of Eremites. This ambushed had temporarily paralyzed your legs for a little while. Now after the few months that had past, Tighnari started to help you regain your lower strength. Even though you were still regaining your strength, Tighnari practucally carried you everywhere. You hated being apart from him for too long. When you woke up that morning you had noticed he was gone. however he had left you a note saying he would be back.
In the Afternoon you decided you wanted to do something. You ended up sitting in bed going through an activity book he had bought you a while back. After a few minutes you hear faint foot steps and Tighnari pulled back the leafs covering the inside.
"Ah! You're awake, how do you feel?" Tighnari said as he walked towards you placing some herbs down on the table beside your bed. "M'oki- arm kinda huwts- but other than dat M'otay!" You said as you looked up at him and smiled. He patted your head and smiled as well. "I'm glad you feel better bunny..". Tighnari had given you the nickname bunny due to how energetic you used to be before the accident. He could never get you to stop moving. It pained him to see you bound to a bed. He would do anything in his power to see you up and running again. "Mr.Nari.. Can we practice walkin again? I can fweel dat today i can do it!" Even though he was your Caregiver Mr.Nari just sounded like the right term. He laughed a bit at the nickname and nodded. "Yes bunny, let me get the walking beams out" He then walked out pulling out two long beams that were high enough to where they were just under your armpits. You smiled and he walked over to you helping you stand up. As you had stood up your legs were very shaky and wobbly. "Don't worry bunny I've gotcha." He said as he walked you over to the walking rails letting you grab onto them. He was stood right Infront of you. "I'm not going anywhere bun, just walk to me okay? if you start to fall ill catch you." You nodded at his statement and started to walk towards him.
One foot after another, getting farther and farther. Collei ended up walking in and watching it. Both Tighnari and her were shocked. "I'm doin it!" You said smiling looking up at him. you ended making it to the end before landing in his arms giggling and smiling. "You made it to the end bunny! that's so much Progress" He said smiling down at you.
You smiled and giggled and he picked you up and gave you small pats on the head. "Lets get something to celebrate.. hm..?". You nodded eagerly. "Yesh pease!!" he turned around to face Collei. "Collei, would you like to join?" He asked her. She nodded as she put down her stuff. "Yes please! This is such a big milestone!". In the end you all had gotten desert from one of the cafes. In no time you will be back on your feet running again.
I hope you all enjoyed!! thank you for the likes on my last short story and I'm glad I can write another one! If you have any requests at all don't hesitate to ask! - Star
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 6 months
Nap corner - Neuvillette
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Caregiver! Neuvillette - Sleepy Ageregressor! Reader
Currently you were trying to find the perfect place to take a nap. Your Crib? Nope. The couch? Nope. The only place left to try was asking Neuvillette. But- You didn't want to bother him right now in this very moment. You ended up finding yourself a few minutes later standing Infront of his office wearing your cute pair of blue pajamas that matched the otters in Fontaine. It was very quiet- Neuvillette had set you down for a nap a hour ago but since then you just couldn't sleep. After a few minutes of hyping yourself up you finally knocked on the door. you waited- and waited- and it was pure silence- you were about to walk away before you heard the door open.
"Little otter??" You heard someone say as you look up and see Neuvillette looking down at you with a puzzled look." Papa.." you said quietly. "I set you down for a nap about an hour ago.. why are you still up ?" he crouched down and picked you up gently holding you with one arm, his other clutched onto his cane. "I nono sleep..." you mumbled resting your head on his shoulder, he smiled and brought you inside his office. "Well.. you are in luck my little otter" He brought you over to the empty closet in his office.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of it, a small little sleeping nook just for you?? it was decked out in water like embellishments, an otter plushie and even a mobile with the sea creatures of Fontaine. "Do you like it?" he softly smiled at you, you nodded vigorously and tired to get out of his arms. "Okay jumpy fish, I got you let me set you down nicely" He crouched down setting you on the soft mat with the cold blankets around you just how you like it, you let out a steady yawn and he took notice. "Oh?? Little otter why don't you try sleeping here for your nap? That way I can keep an eye on you and you can get some sleep?" he said as he crouched down caressing your head giving you a soft kiss on the forehead you nodded and laid your head down on the pillows curling up like you were in a little nest. "Let me play the music box and you can get some sleep hon." he stood back up and walked over to the music box sitting on his desk and he walked back over turning the key and placing it on a table outside of the closet "Nini papa..." you managed to whisper out before drifting off to sleep. as he was walking away he turned around and smiled. "Good night my little otter"
I hope you enjoyed reading this small oneshot!! i plan to make more in the future!! - Star
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 6 months
Shark Stim-Board 🦈
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 6 months
Glow/Neon Stimboard!
Request for @babyashieblue 
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I really hope u like it!!
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 6 months
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Birthday Stim-Board!
Sorry for such a late post! I had so much going on I didn't have the time to post it until now
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 6 months
Nap corners >>
One thing I've been thinking about recently is nap corners- like small areas that are designed to nap in, such as: Closets, Corners, Under desks, ect. I don't know why but I feel so safe and cozy in those spaces. Another thing that makes these go hard is when you like to think of headcanon's and see your favorite characters are caregivers then you start getting ideas right. Like for example. Neuvillette. ( i'm obsessed i'm sorry.. ) imagine him helping you make a small little nap area under his desk or in a closet in his work area because number one you find comfort in those places and number two you wanna be close to him.
IM SCREAMING GUYS- i need to make this a oneshot NEOW
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 7 months
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Today is my birthday!! I wanna say thank you guys for everything so far! you all are the best birthday gift ever!!
If I'm going to be honest, the thought of growing up is very scary which is why I'm glad to have my regression!
I hope that I can continue to create content for everyone to enjoy!! of course as always you can always suggest something like:
-Headcanons -Mood-boards -Small Stories -Stimboards and more!!
Later today I am most likely going to get out a birthday story! the reader is going to be Gender Neutral. and its going to be with Neuvillette :3
I'm also planning on making a Birthday Stim Board!!
As always I love you all and I hope you have a amazing day!!
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 7 months
TADC "Cg" Headcanon!! 3.0
As a part 3 to this series I am doing Zooble! However I headcanon Zooble as a Babysitter instead of a CG.
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If your caregiver couldn't take care of you at the moment she would be the number one person they would go to.
She has bought you building blocks as a present once because you used to mess each of her parts around. (she let you get away with it)
Sometimes you call your caregiver Zooble because of how much time you spend with her. But instead of saying her whole name you call her " Zoob "
She makes forts with you and has tea parties with you and your stuffed animals
She bought you a paci that has the name "Bloxy" on it as a little nickname. but ofc if you don't like pacis She gave you a Bracelet/Necklace.
She always makes sure to find time for you, I mean, there's nothing to do other than adventures and most little ones do like adventures.
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 7 months
TADC Cg Headcanon!! 2.0
My Jax headcanon did so well I wanna make a Ragatha Cg headcanon :D
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She lets you call her Mama while in little space
When somebody abstracts she does her best to help you hide and covers your ears so you don't have to hear anything
She's really good at comforting people, so when you're stressed or panicking she does her best to calm you down by helping you and distracting you ( only if you wanna be distracted )
Since she is like a doll is her body is made of plush when you and her cuddle its like laying with a bunch of pillows
Her nicknames for you are: Doll, Darling, and Baby
You 100% have a pacifier that has " Baby Doll " on it. But if you are a bab that doesn't like Paci's you could have a necklace or a bracelet that said " Baby Doll "
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st4r-ch1ldxx · 8 months
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LITTLE POMNI!! I love this show so much and I think she’s definitely a regressor, probably around 3-6 years old :D 🎪
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