Can Meditation Improve Your Mental and Physical Health?
Mediation is an exercise of the brain to focus and relax the body. It doesn't incarnate a new person; instead, training in wakefulness and getting a healthy sense of perception. In pursuit of the same, you are not suspending your thoughts or feelings. You're learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to understand them better as well.
Yes, mediation can improve mental and physical well-being. During this pandemic, where panic, stress, and anxiety were the most prevalent features, mediation helped many recovers. 
Let's talk about these in little more detail to get the clarity:
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Mental Health
Meditation helps you to focus and concentrate. This helps you introspect on the present and look for the right perspective. It further improves the concentration in other tasks of life too. 
 It relaxes your reflexes, the ability to respond. It lowers cortisol, the stress hormone in response to anxiety. Meditation makes you a more relaxed and peaceful person.
 Meditation helps train your mind to focus on the present, making you less likely to ruminate on anxious thoughts that fuel depression. 
 It also has benefits for your physical health, as it can improve your tolerance for pain and help fight substance addiction. 
Meditation promotes you to slow down, permit for deeper self-reflection and can help you discover positive aspects about yourself. 
Physical Health 
Meditation relaxes your mind and body, which further boosts sleep. People suffering from sleep deprivation may try this out. Mediation also enhances the power towards endurance of pain. Mindful meditation practices as part of a wide-ranging pain management plan. 
This can alter the brain receptors associated with medications and alcohol addiction which can curb the cravings for these things. Mediation can also empower you with increased awareness and thoughtfulness, which can help a person manage his addictions well.
Mediation is the best way to manage your lifestyle. It gives you insight into who you are and what you are up to. This gives you your "Me Time," which is now a demand of the hour in this fast-paced life. Mediation allows us to be retrospective when we don't have time to sit back and analyze. This is what people used to do long ago. People have forgotten their cultural blessings in this rat race, which must be considered an utmost priority. It is the key to having a better, contended, and healthy life. 
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10 Ways Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health
Sleep is a naturally occurring state of mind and body. Sleep appears necessary for our nervous system to work properly. It is a state where the consciousness of environmental stimuli is reduced. Inadequate sleep or disturbed sleep patterns can hamper the regular functioning of a human being. Let's explore what the ill effects of sleep deprivation are.
• Sleep Deprivation Causes Accidents: Researches state that sleep loss and poor-quality sleep can lead to accidents and injuries on the job. The sensitiveness to comprehend a situation promptly gets delayed because the brain is less active. In surveys, it has been reported that excessive daytime sleepiness resulted in many accidents. They also had more sick days per accident.
• Sleep Loss Dumb You Down: Sleep influences thinking, reacting, and learning. These cognitive functions get affected due to sleep. First, it weakens concentration, attentiveness, interpretation, and problem-solving. Learning efficiently seems like a difficult task in this situation.
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• Health Issues: Sleep disorders and constant sleep loss can put you at risk for:
Heart Disease, Heart attacks or failures, Irregular heartbeat
High blood pressure, Hypertension, Stroke
Disturbed sleep patterns may get other health issues related to vision, mood swings, etc.
• Kills the Desire of Being Intimate: People deprived of sleep are often seen jittery, irritated, and tired. They don't want to remain with anyone and prefer to remain isolated. Even the desire of being intimate gets influenced by this. Exhausting energy, drowsiness, and augmented anxiety may be largely to blame.
• Sleepiness Is Depressing: A long phase of sleepless nights may result in depression. It can generate symptoms of depression like thinking low, overthinking. Studies showcase that people diagnosed with depression or anxiety used to sleep less than six hours at night.
• Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin: People who tend to sleep less have been observed with pale skin texture with the visibility of fine lines and puffy eyes. Chronic sleep loss can lead to dull skin, wrinkles, and dark circles under the eyes.
• Memory Loss: If you want the memory to get sharpened, sleep plays a significant role. Sharp wave ripples are responsible for consolidating long-term memory, which generally occurs during the deepest levels of sleep.
• Can Refrain from Weight Management: Lack of sleep looks related to an increase in hunger and appetite, leading to obesity. Even if hours of sleep get reduced, the duration of other activities like working, eating, and thinking increases, further disturbs the overall functioning.
• Lack of Sleep May Increase the Mortality Rate: In some studies, it has been revealed that lack of sleep or fewer sleep hours contribute much to the death rate. The overall functioning of the human system gets disturbed, which further adds to complications.
• Sleep Loss Damage Judgment: Comprehending the events is a part of our daily routine. Sleep deprivation impairs the judgment power of human beings because the person may not be able to assess the situation accurately or sensibly. This won't help him to make a wise decision. 
Life is full of blessings; whichever activities we have the routine to carry on has a purpose of solving. Disturbance in any of those leads to an imbalance in life and our living, so why not maintain it with full integrity. If it feels like having trouble, let's sort it out at the initial level only because our life is valuable for the people associated with us.
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9 Surprising Health Benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamins are the basic requirement of our immune system and body. Every vitamin has its essence. Let's explore the health benefits of Vitamin D.
Strengthening Bones: As famous, it helps build up the bones and strengthen them. It helps in the absorption of Calcium in the gut, which further permits the normal mineralization of your body. This vitamin is required for bone growth and prevents bones from becoming fragile. When paired with Calcium, it can prevent osteoporosis, a disease that signifies that the density and quality of bone are reduced. 
Strengthening of Muscles: Along with the specified benefit, it is also influential in strengthening muscles. This is important for people who fall under the elderly category. The strengthening of muscles further prevents falls which is a common problem that leads to considerable disability and mortality in older adults.
Building Immunity and Fighting Inflammation: This vitamin helps in building immunity. It supports the immune system by removing harmful bacteria and viruses. For people living in colder regions or during the winter season, the deficiency of Vitamin D occurs, which further results in increased influenza and respiratory illness. One of the strong examples is evident during Covid 19.
Strengthening Oral Health: The problems of Tooth decay and gums diseases get sorted out if the vitamin D level is well maintained because vitamin D helps our body absorb Calcium. Thus supports oral health.
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Preventive in Diabetes: Though studies are still ongoing, some reports have revealed that Vitamin D helps prevent one and two types of diabetes. Though it does not lower the sugar level, sufficient presence may be preventive.
Helpful in Hypertension: Its deficiency raises the blood pressure and further organ damage. There is a direct correlation between hypertension and vitamin D; the supplementation of this vitamin may be quite helpful.
Weight Management: During the weight management program, when Calcium paired with vitamin D was served to the overweight or obese ladies, low calcium levels were effective and helped the ladies shed the weight more conveniently.
Help in Fighting Depression: As Sun can brighten up the sky, Vitamin D can help you overcome depression. Vitamin d levels are a cause or effect of depression. Low levels of vitamins generally face depression, so better be cautious.
Help to Reduce the Risk of Certain Cancers: Vitamin D has certain roles and functions which might slow down or prevent the development of cancer cells and tumors, including promoting cellular differentiation, decreasing cancer cell growth, stimulating cell death (apoptosis), and reducing tumor blood vessel formation (angiogenesis).
Any deficiency may have bad effects on the system and our body. Having a lot of health benefits, Vitamin D always remains in consideration, so maintain a good level anyhow.
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Iron Deficiency Anemia: Significant Facts You Should Know Before You Start Treatment
Deficiency of any type is not good considering health conditions. However, certain deficiencies create further complications which should be avoided anyhow. These deficiencies are sometimes not visible directly but lead to other consecutive ailments, so they need to be treated urgently. Iron deficiency Anemia is one of them. Anemia occurs when a person suffers from a decreased hemoglobin level in red blood cells (RBCs). Hemoglobin is a protein present in Red Blood cells that carries a responsibility to carry oxygen to your tissues.
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It is the most frequent kind of Anemia. When your body doesn't have sufficient iron, which a body requires to prepare hemoglobin. When a sufficient amount of iron is not present in your blood, then the supply of the oxygen is cut short, which means the rest of the body doesn't get the amount of oxygen it requires. Unfortunately, this kind of deficiency is not prominent, and people generally remain unaware of this kind of deficiency. So there is a possibility that people carry it for years without even knowing about it and its causes.
This is a very common symptom in women of childbearing age; a common cause of iron deficiency anemia is a loss of iron in the blood due to heavy menstruation or pregnancy. Lack of a balanced diet or poor diet, and few intestinal diseases that influence how the body absorbs iron, can also cause iron-deficiency Anemia.
The symptoms can be non-traceable and mild in the beginning. However, the certainty of this deficiency is generally get disclosed with routine blood tests. Certain symptoms of moderate to severe iron deficiency Anemia are listed below.
Body Pain, fatigue & Weakness
Pale skin, dizziness, shortness of breath, strange tilt towards junk or non-nutritional food
Brittle nails, swelled tongue or soreness, cold hands, and feet, headaches
Fast or Irregular Heartbeat Causes of Iron-Deficiency
Less Iron Intake: Eatables like eggs, meat green leafy vegetables carry high iron content. Eating very little for an extended amount of time can cause a shortage in your body. Iron is essential during growth and development its highly demanded by pregnant women and young children. They should be given an iron-enriched diet.
Pregnancy or Blood Loss Due to Menstruation: Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia in women of childbearing age. So is pregnancy because your body needs more iron during this time to create enough oxygen for the baby.
Internal Bleeding: Certain treatments may lead to heavy blood loss or can cause internal bleeding, which further exaggerates the deficiency level. The use of some pain killers also leads to bleeding in the stomach.
Inability to Absorb Iron: Some surgeries or disorders can affect the intestine and interfere with how the body absorbs the iron. Even though you must be taking a sufficient amount of iron in your diet, organ malfunctioning can prevent the body from absorbing the iron. Sometimes no absorption of iron is genetic. People having a family history may have the same health issues.
Endometriosis: People suffering from endometriosis generally face blood loss during menstrual periods. You may not even know you have endometriosis because it occurs hidden in the abdominal or pelvic area outside the uterus.
Dealing with Iron Deficiency is highly recommended. Treatment is possible when a person knows about the same, so don't wait to get it diagnosed and carry this with relief. Instead, get the test done and recover from this iron deficiency named Anemia.
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X Ayurveda Myths Busted With This Informative Guide | StayHappi Pharmacy
Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years in India. It is an alternative medicine system that helps treat various diseases and possesses a strong foundation in ancient science. The ayurvedic methods have been tried and tested several times through the years.
Although Ayurveda has been followed in India for ages, the lack of awareness and knowledge about this particular discipline has given birth to several myths.
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Here are the top five Ayurveda myths that are, in fact, untrue:
Myth 1: Ayurveda treatment takes a very long time to work
Fact: This is one of the most commonly held misconceptions about Ayurveda. Any treatment whether ayurvedic, allopathic, or western medicine cannot cure a person instantly.
For an ayurvedic treatment, certain precautions need to be taken to ensure results. The treatment may take a longer time to work, but it is one of the safest treatments and rarely leads to any side effects or damage to organs.
Myth 2: Ayurvedic medicines is prescribed to only old people
Fact: There is a widely held belief that Ayurveda is only for elderly individuals; however, that is not the case. Ayurvedic medicines can be prescribed to any individual and are equally efficient irrespective of their age.
Myth 3: You do not need to consult an ayurvedic doctor/vaidya before taking ayurvedic medicine
Fact: Ayurvedic medicine prescribed to a particular person is based on his/her Prakriti, i.e., the nature or the constitution of a person’s body, which differs for different people, and taking ayurvedic medicine without consulting a doctor may do more harm than good.
The doctor will evaluate the complete body type and consider the patient’s medical history before prescribing an ayurvedic treatment. Hence, it is necessary to visit an ayurvedic doctor before taking any form of medication. To get prescribed ayurvedic medicines, one can contact any generic medicine supplier in India.
Myth 4: Ayurveda does not show any side effects on the body
Fact: Ayurvedic medicines are considered to be less harmful than other medicines due to the use of organic herbs. However, some people may experience a few side effects if they are allergic to the ingredients used or have an underlying health condition.
Myth 5: Ayurveda can treat only a limited number of diseases or health conditions
Fact: Ayurveda is a holistic and complete branch of medicine that can help cure various ailments whether mild, acute, or chronic. Generic medicine suppliers in India can be contacted to know more about the available ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurveda is one of the most holistic forms of wellness management; it encourages to balance the body and mind to help heal and cure any disease.  Ayurvedic medicines are widely available and can be procured from any generic medicine supplier in India. Ensure to go slowly and trust yourself as you adopt ayurvedic medicine to lead a more healthy, calm, fulfilling, and happy lifestyle!
To read more on Ayurveda for healthcareand stay updated on the current news in healthcare, please visit StayHappi.
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Everything You Need to About the Black Fungus | StayHappi Pharmacy
What is Black Fungus?
Black fungus or mucormycosis is a rare fungal infection that is rapidly spreading among people suffering from Covid-19 in India. It is caused by a group of fungi called the mucormycetes commonly found in the environment, particularly in soil and damp compost.
People with mucormycosis may develop the following symptoms:
Chest pain
Redness around the eye
Blackened skin tissue
Jaw pain
Loosening of teeth
If any of the above-mentioned symptoms are observed, immediately inform the doctor. One can buy medicines online in India for black fungus treatment.
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What are the factors responsible for the sudden surge of black fungus in India?
The fungus causing mucormycosis thrives in moist and humid environments. The ventilators used for treating people with Covid-19 provide the perfect moist and humid atmosphere for the fungus to grow and affect the individual.
Unhygienic Treatment Wards:
The treatment wards in several hospitals across India are unhygienic and not appropriately maintained; these unsanitary conditions increase the risk of developing infections. Moreover, the oxygen supply shortage for Covid-19 patients has led to the usage of unfiltered industrial oxygen. These oxygen cylinders may consist of contaminated water or gas, thereby leading to the development of black fungus.
Overuse of Steroids:
Another major cause for the spread of black fungus is the overuse of steroids in Covid-19 patients that may cause a spike in their sugar levels and hence making them more susceptible to the infection.
Diabetic Patients and People With Low Immunity:
People suffering from diabetes and illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, or chronic kidney disease may possess low levels of immunity. Additionally, Covid-19 medications act as immunosuppressants and further cause the sugar levels to jump. The high sugar level coupled with low immunity may act as a catalyst for the infection and increase its spread.
What are the treatment options for black fungus?
Mucormycosis is highly fatal and requires immediate hospitalization. Early diagnosis may help cure the infection faster; its treatment involves using antifungal medications that are administered intravenously.
Amphotericin-B is the most commonly used medicine for severe fungal infections. Patients are given Amphotericin-B for up to four to six weeks depending on the severity of the condition. You can buy medicines online in India or visit your nearest pharmacy for more information.
Surgery to remove the infected tissue may also be required to remove the narcotic/blackened area on the skin. A consultation from a team of infectious diseases specialist, ENT specialist, dentist, ophthalmologist, and neurologist may be needed in extremely severe cases.
Black fungus or mucormycosis is a serious and life-threatening disease. If one is diagnosed with Covid-19, ensure that proper hygiene is maintained in the ward. Further, consult the doctor if suffering from diabetes or any other health conditions beforehand. Try to avoid overusing steroids and consult a doctor immediately if any signs or symptoms of black fungus develop.
To read more on black fungus in Covid-19 patients or healthcare, visit StayHappi.
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The ABC of Vitamins | StayHappi Pharmacy
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Good nutrition is a vital part of a balanced lifestyle, but most of us find it hard to follow the regular guidelines. The discrepancies we have in eating a well-balanced regular diet make it easy to understand why the nutritional supplement industry (think vitamins and other nutritional additives, natural or synthetic) is a $41 billion market. Is it, however, important to take supplemental vitamins regularly? What exactly are vitamins? What exactly do they do? What role do they play in our bodies? It’s important to know the ABCs of vitamins. To work properly, our bodies need 13 vitamins. Vitamins are organic compounds that are mainly obtained from the foods we consume. They’re needed in small amounts to keep life going. All of these vitamins play critical roles in the body, including digestion, vision, nerve function, bone health, and immune system support. Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins are the two types of vitamins.
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamins that are water-soluble dissolve in water and are not retained by the body; any waste is excreted by the kidneys. Since these vitamins don’t last long in the body, we need a steady supply in our diet. Eight B vitamins (the B vitamin complex) and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins.
The eight B vitamins that make up the “B complex” are thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folate (folic acid), vitamin B12, biotin, and pantothenic acid). B vitamins are found in a variety of animal and plant sources of food.
Vitamin C is well-known for its antioxidant properties, which help to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is essential for wound healing, bone and tooth formation, blood vessel wall strengthening, and cell adhesion via collagen synthesis.
Iron absorption and utilization are aided by vitamin C. Citrus fruits are the most well-known source of vitamin C, but it’s also found in potatoes, strawberries, green and red bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and kiwifruit.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins, unlike their water-soluble counterparts, are contained in the liver and fatty tissue of the body. Since excess fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver, there are health risks associated with having too many of them in the body. A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is mainly obtained from animal sources of food, but the human body can also turn beta-carotene contained in plant sources, such as carrots, spinach, and beets, into vitamin A if necessary. This vitamin has many functions, including eye protection, bone growth, tooth formation, reproduction, cell division, and immune system control. Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant as well. However, consuming too much Vitamin A over an extended period of time can be toxic.
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, has recently gained popularity as a result of the important role it plays in our wellbeing. Vitamin D controls how much calcium remains in our blood and helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, adding them to our bones and teeth. Vitamin D is also essential for muscle function and helps the brain and body to communicate through the nervous system. This vitamin has also been related to alleviating depression symptoms. The three sources of Vitamin D are diet, sunlight, and supplementation (vitamins or fortified dairy products). The food sources of vitamin D are somewhat limited but include milk and other fortified dairy products, cod and oily fish (herring, sardines, salmon), and mushrooms. The body has the unique ability to produce vitamin D through the skin in response to direct sunlight. Getting outside is one way to increase our daily dose of vitamin D.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects red blood cells, vitamins A and C, and essential fatty acids from becoming destroyed. Vegetable oil, fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts (almonds and hazelnuts), seeds (sunflower), and fortified cereals are all good sources of vitamin E.
Vitamin K aids in the formation of blood clots, which helps to avoid unnecessary bleeding. Leafy greens are the primary food sources of the vitamin. Vitamin K is another vitamin that the human body is capable of producing on its own. It is produced by bacteria in the intestines during digestion. Vitamin K is not needed to be supplemented because the body produces sufficient quantities.
To sum up, Our bodies are complex and the best way to get your essential vitamins is to eat whole, real foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. If you’re healthy and eat a well-balanced diet, chances are good you don’t need to take additional vitamins.
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Are You Vitamin B12 Deficient | StayHappi Pharmacy
Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin. It plays a crucial role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper functioning of our nervous system.
Since our bodies do not produce vitamin B12, we must obtain it from animal-based diets or supplements. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy. We should do this on a regular basis because your body does not store vitamin B12 for very long. Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly. You’re at risk of deficiency if you don’t get enough from your diet or aren’t able to absorb enough from the food you eat.
People who are at risk of deficiency
The elderly
Those who’ve had surgery that removes the part of the bowel that absorbs B12
People on the drug metformin for diabetes
People following a strict vegan diet
Those taking long-term antacid drugs for heartburn
Here are some symptoms that show that you have Vitamin B12 deficiency and you should keep an eye out for.
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1. Pale or jaundiced skin:-
Jaundice is a disorder in which people with a B12 deficiency appear pale or have a faint yellow tinge to their skin and whites of their eyes. This occurs when the body’s red blood cell output is compromised by a lack of B12. Vitamin B12 is required for the development of DNA, which is required for the formation of red blood cells.
2. The sensation of Pins and needles:-
Nerve damage is one of the more severe side effects of a long-term B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential contributor to the metabolic pathway that creates the fatty substance myelin, so this can happen over time. Myelin protects and insulates your nerves, but without B12, myelin is formed in a different way, and your nervous system can’t function properly.
3. Effects on Mobility:-
If untreated, the damage to your nervous system caused by a B12 deficiency could cause changes to the way you walk and move. It may even affect your balance and coordination, making you more prone to falling. This symptom is often seen in undiagnosed B12 deficiency in the elderly, as people over the age of 60 are more prone to a B12 deficiency.
4. Mouth Ulcers:-
Glossitis is the medical term for an inflamed tongue. Glossitis causes the tongue to change color and form, as well as become sore, red, and swollen. Since all of the tiny bumps on your tongue that comprise your taste buds stretch out and disappear as a result of the inflammation, your tongue can appear smooth. Glossitis can affect the way you eat and talk in addition to being painful.
5. Breathlessness and Dizziness:-
If you become anemic due to a B12 deficiency, you may feel short of breath and a bit dizzy, especially when you exert yourself. This is because your body lacks the red blood cells it needs to get enough oxygen to your body’s cells.
6. Distorted Vision:-
Blurred or distorted vision is one symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency. If a B12 deficiency goes untreated, it can cause nerve damage to the optic nerve, which leads to your eyes. Damage to the nervous system may cause a disruption in the nervous signal that travels from your eye to your brain, causing vision loss. Optic neuropathy is the medical term for this disease.
7. Weakness:-
Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. They occur because your body doesn’t have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body. As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body’s cells, making you feel tired and weak.
8. Mood Changes:-
People with B12 deficiency often report changes in mood. In fact, low levels of B12 have been linked to mood and brain disorders like depression and dementia
Now the question arises how much you should take?
The average recommended amounts, measured in micrograms (mcg), vary by age:
• Infants up to age 6 months: 0.4 mcg • Babies age 7-12 months: 0.5 mcg • Children age 1-3 years: 0.9 mcg • Kids age 4-8 years: 1.2 mcg • Children age 9-13 years: 1.8 mcg • Teens age 14-18: 2.4 mcg (2.6 mcg per day if pregnant and 2.8 mcg per day if breastfeeding) • Adults: 2.4 mcg (2.6 mcg per day if pregnant and 2.8 mcg per day if breastfeeding)
If you see any of the signs mentioned above you should contact your doctor and get it checked. Vitamin B12 is quite important for our body and body needs on regular basis.
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Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water | StayHappi Pharmacy
Water is essential for our every need be it drinking, washing, bathing, watering plants, cleaning, and the list goes on. But warm water plays a vital role in keeping our bodies healthy. Here are some in-depth discussed reasons and benefits of drinking hot water.
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Helps in Weight loss :
Hot water consumption keeps our gut to the rest and hence can help us in losing some weight. It also maintains our metabolism by keeping body temperature first high and then back to normal, so due to this energy expenditure, we get rid of the extra weight.
Clearing Nasal Congestion :
It boosts nasal mucus velocity and clears the nasal congestion so quickly.
Blood Circulation :
Hot water increases blood circulation and makes the blood flow more efficient hence decreases the risk of any heart disease.
Better Dental Health :
Instead of cold water we should drink or brush with hot water, as said by experts.
Digestive Problems :
Drinking hot water dilates blood vessels in the gut which eventually results in good digestion. It also curbs the desire to eat snacks in the middle of the night.
Relieves Muscle :
It increases blood flow which relaxes our muscles.
Mood :
Improves mood faster than any other form of water.
Toxicity out of the body: Toxins
It triggers our endocrine system which causes sweating and releases toxins through the skin.
Reduces Achalasia :
Drinking hot water could help improve swallowing in people suffering from achalasia in which there’s some difficulty in swallowing because the Lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t relax.
Curbs Constipation :
Hot water makes our bowels contract easily which in turn helps us defecate more easily.
Improve Central Nervous System :
Drinking enough hot water may have positive effects on our nervous system functioning, ultimately bettering our mood and brain function.
Keeps Us Hydrated :
It keeps you hydrated all the time and that’s what it means to do too. Try starting a day with a glass of hot water and ending it with another. Your body needs water to perform basic and every essential function, so the value of that can’t be overstated.
Reduces Body Shivering in the Extreme Cold :
Drinking anything warm like hot water can help reduce shivering in times of extreme cold as it maintains the body temperature.
Improves Sinus Health :
Hot water can alleviate pressure caused by colds and nasal allergies and hence unclogs the sinuses. It also cures coughing and nose blowing. Encourages consumption of green teaIf taken in small doses, green tea which is a form of hot water rejuvenates our whole body. So hot water should be mixed with tea(sugarless) to get maximum benefits out of it.
Helps in Decongestion :
Drinking hot water clears and opens our stuffy nose too and makes it decongested. Inhaling the steam from hot water also helps us during our cold or relieving sinus headaches.
Researchers have found that warm water can:
clear mucus buildup (which can help relieve a sore throat)
pause runny noses
put a stem on coughing fits
relieve common cold symptoms.
Helps us to sleep better :
As it relaxes our muscles hence drinking hot water before bedtime can make us sleep better.
Reduces Pain of Menstrual Cramps :
It actually works well in case of menstrual cramps and the heat of the water has a calming and soothing effect on the abdominal muscles which in the end cure cramps and spasms.
Prevents Premature Aging :
Drinking hot water helps us to repair the skin cells faster which increases the elasticity of our skin and makes it look smoother & younger.
Prevents Acne And Pimples :
It makes our skin look healthier. Hot water deep cleanses our body and eliminates the root causes of acne-related infections.
Hair Health And Its Growth :
Makes our hairs soft and shiny as it energizes the nerve endings in our hair roots and makes them active. It keeps our scalp hydrated and helps fight against dry scalp or dandruff.
Facilitates Our Bowel Movements:
It helps to make our bowel movements regular, healthy, comfortable, and pain-free.
It also clears the intestine so that the bowel can work efficiently.
Few Risks :
Drinking too hot water can damage few tissues like our esophagus, burn our taste buds and make our tongue scald.
Hence it shouldn’t be too hot Or too cold.
The main risk with the hot water is burning or scalding yourself. Don’t just trust a finger dip, it’s more than that. Water that feels perfectly fine on your skin can still be too hot for your mouth or throat. Take a few small sips before drinking to be sure that the water isn’t too hot for your tongue.
Never drink water that’s hotter than 160°F (71°C).
Avoid drinking hot or cold water to excess. Even though water is super good for you but overhydration can lead to damage you especially your nasal cavity.
Be aware of the following, and put down that steaming mug of warm water if you’re showing symptoms including:
Minor or extreme headache
Scotoma (also known as a blind spot in your field of vision)
Feeling cold skin
Got a puffy face
Tongue starts burning
Some minor stomach ache
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Why is Haldi a Super Ingredient | StayHappi Pharmacy
Turmeric/Haldi, a plant in the ginger family, is native to Southeast Asia and is grown commercially primarily in India. It is an ingredient used in every single household kitchen and is one of the most loved too. Well it is not just limited to that, Turmeric is also used for its medicinal properties due to its history in the Ayurvedic medicine. In India, it was traditionally used for skin disorders, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system. Curcumin is a major component of turmeric, and curcuminoids are commonly related to the activities of turmeric (curcumin and closely related substances). Curcumin lends its yellow color to turmeric.
Today, for a number of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, and many others, turmeric is recommended as a dietary supplement. A common spice and a major ingredient in curry powder is turmeric. Here are some amazing benefits of your good old Haldi!
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1. Helps in Digestion
Turmeric Helps stimulate the flow of Bile which in turn helps in the digestion of food thus proving itself as a savior herb while suffering from indigestion. So now you know what is to be done the next time you got upset stomach. A cup of hot water with a teaspoon of haldi and just wait for the magic to happen.
2. Curcumin is an Anti-Inflammatory Compound
The anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin blocks the inflammatory action of the body and help you recover faster. It’s anti inflammatory properties have been proven effective in treating diseases like arthritis.
3. A Natural Antiseptic
In the times of sudden accidents in kitchen, turmeric can be one’s go to thing for using as the antiseptic. The natural anti bacterial properties of curcumin acts as an excellent disinfectant.
4. Improves Brain Function
Curcumin can increase brain levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF). By doing this, many brain diseases and age-related slowness in brain function may be effective in delaying or even reversing them. It can also boost memory and make you smarter by boosting the overall cognitive health, seems reasonable.
5. Battle Obesity
Trying to lose weight? Curcumin to the rescue!! The main ingredient of Haldi curcumin is known to help in stopping the growth of fat cells in the body by suppressing the inflammatory process. Just add a teaspoon of good old Haldi in boiling water and you are set or even better, try the Wisdom Natural Turmeric & Pepper green tea and then there is no turning back. Get on to losing that irritating fat today…
6. Lower the Risks of Heart Disease
Curcumin can help reverse several steps of heart disease. When it comes to heart disease, maybe the biggest advantage of curcumin is enhancing the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels. Curcumin, in addition, prevents inflammation and oxidation. They also play a part in cardiac disease.
7. Helps Your Skin Glow
Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. These characteristics may provide glow and luster to the skin. Turmeric may also revive your skin by bringing out its natural glow.
8. Helps Fight Depression
According to this small study, curcumin is as effective as an antidepressant. Depression is also linked to reduced levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a shrinking hippocampus, a brain area with a role in learning and memory. Curcumin boosts BDNF levels, potentially reversing some of these changes
9. Helps Delay the Signs of Aging
curcumin has become very popular as an anti-aging supplement as it helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, it would have obvious benefits for longevity.
10. Helps Manage Diabetes
In the treatment of diabetes, Haldi benefits by reducing blood glucose levels and improving the long-term complications of diabetes. In the treatment of diabetes patients, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are useful. Curcumin decreases the production of glucose by the liver by different processes and this helps in lowering blood glucose.
People around the world have related turmeric to healing properties and cosmetic benefits for hundreds of years. It is available as a ground spice or in supplements and other beauty and dermatology products. There are many scientifically proven health benefits to turmeric and particularly its most active compound curcumin, such as the potential for heart disease prevention, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. It is an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and can also help to relieve depression and arthritis symptoms. So to sum up Haldi is a super ingredient and it has always been in your kitchen. So it’s time to paint the world yellow with Hadli and lead a healthy and better life.
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Vitamin D To The Rescue | StayHappi Pharmacy
Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3. There are some significant roles of vitamin D. Perhaps the most important role is to control calcium and phosphorus absorption and to promote the normal function of the immune system. It is essential to get enough vitamin D for normal growth and development of the bones and teeth, as well as to improve resistance to certain diseases. Vitamins are nutrients that can’t be produced by the body, so they must be absorbed in the diet by a human. Vitamin D, however, is a special one it can be developed by the body. Here are amazing benefits of Vitamin D.
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1. Fights Diseases
In addition to its key advantages, research indicates that vitamin D may also play a role in decreasing your risk of multiple sclerosis, reducing your chance of developing heart disease, and helping to decrease your chance of developing flu.
2. Reduces Depression
Research has shown that in controlling mood and preventing depression, vitamin D could play an important role. Scientists observed in one study that individuals with depression who obtained vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms.
3. Helps In Weight Loss
If you’re trying to lose weight or avoid heart illness, consider adding vitamin D supplements to your diet. In one study, individuals who took daily supplements of calcium and vitamin D were able to lose more weight than people who did not take supplements. Vitamin D manipulates the formation and storage of fat cells which helps you manage weight due to obesity.
4. Helps Strengths Bones
Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption in the gut, which eventually helps the bones to mineralize normally. Basically, without vitamin D, the calcium that benefits the bones wouldn’t be able to do its job. For bone growth and to prevent bones from being brittle, you need vitamin D.
5. Strength Muscles
Vitamin D is also influential in strengthening muscles, along with its bone-building abilities. Vitamin D deficiency in the body will increase the risk of muscle weakness, which in turn increases the risk of falls.
6. Supports Your Immune System
vitamin D can also help build immunity. It can support the immune system by fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses.
7. Can Help Treat Hypertension
Vitamin D may play a role in the treatment of high blood pressure one of the markers of cardiovascular disease. The researchers went on to add that vitamin D supplementation therapy could be a new insight in the treatment of hypertension because of the high association between vitamin D and hypertension.
We should be beware of vitamin D deficiency there are many factors that can cause vitamin deficiency without you even knowing it. Factors include
Being in an area with high pollution
Using sunscreen
Spending more time indoors
Living in big cities where buildings block sunlight
Having darker skin
There are few symptoms that you should keep an eye out for to know if you have vitamin D deficiency
tiredness, aches, and pains, and a general sense of not feeling well
severe bone or muscle pain or weakness that may cause difficulty climbing stairs or getting up from the floor or a low chair.
stress fractures, especially in your legs, pelvis, and hips
There are many food items that you can add to your diet to increase the intake of Vitamin D
Egg yolk
Milk (fortified)
Cereal (fortified)
Yogurt (fortified)
Orange juice (fortified)
Now that we know the benefits, symptoms of deficiency, and source of Vitamin D. The main question that arises now is how much Vitamin D do we need? Vitamin D is essential for good health. Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it is made in your skin when exposed to sunlight.
Despite that, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. Here is the recommended amount of Vitamin D for different age groups
children and teens: 600 IU
adults up to age 70: 600 IU
adults over age 70: 800 IU
pregnant or breastfeeding women: 600 IU
IU is the international unit used in cases of drugs.
To sum up, the Deficiency of vitamin D is extremely common and most individuals are unaware of it. This is because the signs are mostly mild and non-specific, which means that whether they are triggered by low levels of vitamin D or anything else, it is hard to tell. It’s crucial that you talk to your doctor to have your blood levels measured if you think you might have a deficiency. Fortunately, a vitamin D deficiency is usually easy to fix. You can either increase your sun exposure, eat more vitamin-D-rich foods.
So it’s time to beat the sun and get some free Vitamin D in you! For the fast paced life of yours, browse the range of Stayhappi generics Vitamin D and save upto 90% on your medicinal bills.
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Stay Active At Any Age
Senior Citizen - a tag nobody craves for but the older you get the more the body weakens more complications arise in the health. Being elderly mostly becomes the toughest phase of life. The weakening of bodies makes it difficult for people to carry out their daily work. Hence, at times elderly people also lose hope for living a better and a good life. But what can be done to avoid this helplessness? What is the answer to staying active at a senior age? Is it even possible?
A lot of doctors have been recommending a lot of activities and changes in the lifestyle which can make the living easier and can help the senior citizens stay active at their age as well. Life should only be lived actively, so some alteration in the lifestyle can help achieve the goal of staying active at any age.
Here are some solutions discussed in depth:
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As the kids grow older and become mature, people get rid of their lof duties towards them. After they are grown the parental duties retire. The reason behind the same is that the body loses strength and stamina because of the decrease in movement. Research even says that after 75 people tend to be involved in any kind of physical activity for only a few minutes a day. Then lack of movement causes issues.
The new pop culture often focuses on exercise as a weight-loss tool, but this fact is ignored that exercises are not just for weight loss but to keep the body in active movement and activities for doing all the daily routine tasks at any age. Hence, exercises are necessary at every age. Because our body is our first home and we don’t care for this home then definitely it will deteriorate and lead to a lot of problems and that will be disturbing for us only. Overall, wellness should be planned for a lifetime not just for the young age to look slimmer or muscular. Including basic yoga, meditation and exercises in the daily routine keep all the gears in the working mode else it takes no time for the body parts to get out of order.
It is considered that ideally, seniors should engage in at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity per day and perform strength training exercises two or three times per week. Nevertheless, if this feels hectic and you are incapable of practicing then instead of ignoring it permanently, regularly only 10 to 15 minutes in a day can be devoted to some light exercises. Fitness should be considered as the routine of life, not a competition for looking better than someone else. We should only compete for ourselves to look better than our previous versions.
For seniors, regular exercise offers benefits such as:
Preventing loss of muscle mass
Increasing flexibility
Releasing endorphins(Stress Hormones)
Improving mental function
Reducing the risk of serious health problems
Walking is known as that daily easy routine that can help anyone from any age give a kick start to their physical activity. Including walking is such a boon for the fitness of elderly people. And it's been observed that a lot of them already enjoy basic walking, gardening and doing minor tasks in the backyards. Hence, walking is the best way to maintain mobility at that age.
The benefits of walking are diverse. It helps the citizens be calm by spending more time outdoors and then walking in the garden uplifts mood, helps in maintaining healthy body weight, helps in maintaining the coordination in body bones and muscles.
At times, elder people are not able to walk properly. Due to a long term loss in mobility. And in such a case seniors can start using a cane or walker. Walking with walking aids is better than not walking at all.
Senior citizens prefer to sit and not move much. But sitting for long hours without any movements binds the joints and creates more problems for them. For the same experts suggest some exercises can be done while just sitting on the chair. Such exercises are known as Chair Exercises. For example, while sitting on a chair one can involve inside bends. This helps in stretching while just sitting and watching their favorite television show or prime time news.
Yoga and meditation are our lands’ gifts to health and fitness all over the world. There is a common saying which says, “Yoga is hi Hoga” which means that Yoga is the key solution to any kind of health and that’s the problem.
It is believed that be it physical issues in the body or mental, yoga is the real solution to all of it. There are a lot of yoga postures and even pranayam which benefits different body parts and helps in maintaining them. Surya Namaskar also known as Sun Salutation, is a set of yoga postures that are supposed to be done early in the morning to greet the sun for the gift of life. Also, it consists of all the major asanas which can keep the body away from diseases. And is suggested for the senior citizens. And the fact is, you don’t need to be exceptionally thin, flexible or young to enjoy yoga. Everyone, regardless of their fitness level, can participate in this activity.
Some of the major benefits that yoga provides are:
RISK OF FALLING: Senior citizens tend to lose balance in their bodies. Hence, Yoga poses help to develop a better sense of balance, which reduces the risk of falls that can cause serious injuries in older adults. This helps the people to avoid minor or any major accidents and gain back the confidence of walking.
HYPERTENSION: Yoga is the treatment for hypertension as well in senior citizens. Hypertension becomes one common and major issue in senior citizens. And yoga offers a good treat to reduce stress and stay relaxed and calm.
BONES STRENGTHENING: Often women after their menopause suffer from lower bone density. And as they touch even elderly ages it becomes an even more serious issue. The special weight-bearing yoga poses can help slow the bone thinning that occurs with age.
JOINTS SAFETY: Practicing yoga daily provides the lubrication of joints helping in mobility. This even helps in the reduction of joint pain and minimizes more problems oriented with it.
Now, there is one more important benefit of practicing yoga. Yoga poses and practice can be adjusted according to the ability of the senior citizens. For example, the plank pose traditionally looks like the “up” portion of a push-up. Now if you observe that it is difficult for you to get into that pose then knees can be kept on the floor and some chairs or blocks can also be used.
Just like the body, mental health is also necessary. If there are chances for the body to get dull then the same happens with the brain too. And due to decreasing strength, and not being able to get into regular activities it stresses out people and then that can result in various mental issues as well. People might even suffer anxiety or even depression but there are some exercises or activities that can help to get the activeness back in the senior age.
Adult coloring books
Solving puzzles
The above mentioned are a few of those activities which can help the senior citizens get back their mobility and work as a tool of calmness for them.
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Covaxin vs Covishield What's the Difference
Covid 19 had been a lock on our lives for the past two years and it’s still having a toll on us but thanks to all our scientists and research institutes who have come up with the solution to the disease, and the prevention before it affects the people.
Vaccines have been developed to boost immunity and strengthen the bodies to fight the deadly virus i.e. coronavirus.
Officially, vaccination was commenced on 1st May 2021 and protects people above 18 years of age and is resulting in good.
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Understanding why vaccination is so important?
The virus is seen to mutate continuously and is leading to a lot of other waves affecting more and more people and is happening with more complications in human bodies. Following are the two major vaccines which are developed and been approved by the government:
But both vaccines are different from each other and there are various criteria on which we can compare both of them.
Which one is better?
As we know that both the vaccinations are developed at home which means that both the vaccines are produced by Indian scientists. Covaxin is known to be produced in the territories of India and Covishield is manufactured by Pune-based Serum Institute of India.
How effective are both vaccines?
Both covishield and covaxin are effective against the virus and matches all the standards of WHO. As both are successful in promoting immunity in the human body. Whereas if we look for the clinical data some observations can be made, which are:
Covishield has been up for trials and given the efficacy of around 70% and is expected to go further up to 90% when a complete dose is taken. The tolerability of the Ciivishield vaccine is also good enough and is efficient to reduce symptoms and speed up the recovery as well.
Now, Covaxin completed its trials quite late at the end of February. As per the authorities like Bharat Biotech it is found to have an efficacy of around 78%. Also, it’s been expected that Covaxin is effective in reducing the severity and mortality rise by up to 100 %.
What are the differences in pricing and availability?
Both the vaccines which are Covishield and Covaxin are available in the markets. And the government has made many centres where the slots can be booked on the Cowin application or website and a shot can be taken for free of cost. And there are also paid vaccines available. The prices are set by the government.
Covishield is offered at around 700 rupees inclusive of GST and Covaxin is a bit costly as compared to it.
Covaxin is priced at around 1400 rupees inclusive of GST.
Are both vaccines actively working against the new emerging mutants?
The mutant strains are much deadlier than previously existing ones. The recent mutant strains known as the double and triple mutant strains have become the severe reason to worry. The vaccines are not expected to remove the virus completely. But the clear observation is that Covaxin is more tolerant towards the new mutant strains than Covishield.
But then again the major motive of both the vaccines is to develop immunity against the virus which means that people should get jabbed as and when they get their slot as per their ages.
What are the expected side effects of the vaccines?
Like some other common vaccines, both the Covaxin and Covishield have some reactogenic side effects. But again there’s nothing to worry about as all of them carry the basic side effects like:
Milder pain in the arm
And some rare cases are also expected to face issues such as:
Abdominal Pain
Now, as per the vaccines Covishield usage has sparked off the most controversies of late, many countries have also decided to halt the use of covishield because of the same reason. Some cases emerged where people were facing clotting in the blood and very rare cases there were some cases of neurological complications as well.
As far as Covaxin is concerned it has not come up with any severe complication now and is causing lesser side effects as compared to Covishield.
However, vaccines came up with guidelines that are less safe for pregnant women or even for people with some comorbidities or those who are consuming blood thinners.
The conclusion is that both vaccines are similar and have similar effects with few differences. But it is always suggested to get vaccinated whenever a person gets the chance because, in the end, the aim is the prevention from the deadly virus
Covaxin and Covishield both work equally well and are equally effective in reducing the risk of symptomatic infections, severity and mortality, which has now become a major. So, following the right covid behaviour and getting completely vaccinated with all of the two doses of both Covishield and Covaxin is the main goal.
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How to Stay Fit & Healthy During Monsoon Season?
All thanks to the monsoon you can enjoy beautiful weather, some delicious snacks and of course dancing in the rain. But according to one survey, it has reported that it is also the most challenging time when it comes to your health as rains are accompanied by a range of diseases like flu, virus, dengue, malaria, common cold and cough, typhoid, and more. Thus, it becomes even more important that you must take good care of your health and stay fit during monsoon season.
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Here are some important tips to stay healthy and fit this monsoon: -
To stay healthy during the monsoon season, it is important to wash all your fruits and vegetables before cooking.
Always use clean water to cook your food.
Keep your home and your surroundings neat and clean.
Use fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables to get all-natural nutrients.
Just make sure to consume leftover food after heating it properly.
Street foods are best in taste but not in health. During the rainy season street food and any other junk food should be avoided as they are exposed to unhealthy food items and harmful microorganisms. Consuming junk food will also weaken your immune system, which will make you fall sick more often.
Monsoon not only welcomes a cool beautiful season but also brings viruses and bacteria to our lives. Keep yourself away from viral fever, flu, and other diseases by taking Vitamin C-rich food and supplements to boost their immune system so that they can fight such diseases.
In monsoon, breeding of mosquitoes gives a very hard time and makes things miserable. Just ensure that you do not store water in the open space and also make sure that the drains are not clogged and you keep your home clean and mosquito-free.
To maintain a healthy lifestyle in monsoon or any other season, wash your hands whenever you come back home and before you take any meal. Hand hygiene is very crucial as it kills almost all bacteria and microbes from your skin and makes you healthy and clean.
Make sure to switch on your air-conditioner only when you are completely dry if you get drenched in rain. Carry a towel with you and dry yourself before entering your air-conditioned office as it throws cool air and can give you a terrible cold.
Maintain a distance from visible sick people especially those who have a cold and coughs as they spread rapidly.
Water plays a very important role in maintaining your health and boosting your immune system. In the monsoon season, it is especially recommended to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day. Our body tends to lose water at a fast pace, because of high humidity in the rainy season. Thus, you should take a sufficient amount of water in the monsoon season and keep your body hydrated.
Monsoon is indeed a beautiful season which makes everyone happy but a little worried as well due to the series of diseases that come with this beautiful season. However, by following the above suggested amazing tips you can surely enjoy the monsoon season without worrying about your health.
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Useful Tips for Keeping Your Immune System Strong
With the rainy season is around the corner, people tend to have allergies, common colds, coughs, viruses, flu, and other health-related issues. This may happen often if you have a weak immunity system. One can boost their immune system by leading a healthy lifestyle. With a good immunity system, you can avoid falling sick easily.
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Check out some amazing tips that you can help in boosting your immune system:
1. Always Eat Healthy Food
If you want your immune system to be strong, you must eat healthy food full of nutrients. This also means you have to take all your meals of the day regularly. Right nutritious food includes a lot of fruits and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, grapefruits, watermelon, oranges, and more. Also, it is high time that one should avoid taking foods with unnatural sugar like soft drinks, chocolates, and candies.
2. Boost Your Immunity by Taking Some Supplements
There is a diverse range of quality immunity-boosting supplements available in the market including a multivitamin supplement for men and women, Mega food one daily whole food vitamin, Hylands Bio Plasma, Usama mega antioxidant vitamins, Women’s one daily multi, and more. They are the best ones that can help strengthen your immune system.
3. Take Good Sleep and Avoid Stress
Stress is not good for your health. For maintaining a strong immune system you should get a good sleep of at least 7 hours and try not to think of things that give you stress. Your body needs rest and relaxation, so that it can give you full energy to work hard the next day.
4. Take Good Care of Your Fitness
The easiest and most important way to boost your immune system is by taking care of your health and doing exercise daily. Things like walking, running, weight lifting, and playing any sport of your choice can keep your body active and give you immense strength to fight off any disease, flu, and virus.
5. Avoid Taking Alcohol and Smoking
Smoking cigarettes and taking hard drinks will have a bad effect on your health and weaken your power to fight the disease. Excessiveness of anything is bad and if you smoke and drink regularly, you will fall sick. If you don’t want your health to be compromised, you should stop taking too much alcohol and smoke.
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Top 5 Foods You Should Eat in Typhoid
There are different types of fever from which a human being is suffering from. Some fevers are caused by external factors, whereas some form internal. Typhoid is one of those fevers which are spread by an external source. Typhoid is a type of fever caused by Salmonella Typhi bacteria, generally spread through water and food. The common symptoms of the sickness due to typhoid are poor appetite, headache, lethargy, body ache, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, enlargement of the spleen, liver, and gastric discomfort. Food and diet play a crucial role. The diet should proceed from liquid to soft or semi-solid, and after that, a regular balanced diet depending upon how a person may respond to the change in diet. One should consume small portions of food at regular intervals to give the body some much-needed strength and energy. Therefore, high-calorie foods for typhoid are recommended.
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Physicians generally suggest the healthy foods for typhoid below. Let's check out what has been suggested for Typhoid patients.
 The intake of carbohydrates should be increased to keep     the body energetic. Some food items are enriched with carbohydrates like     porridge, soft rice, baked potatoes and benefit the patients. These are     the foods that can be given in the semi-solid form to get digestion done     easily. Make it a point to give the patient semi-solid food since it is     easy to digest. During typhoid, semi-solid foods you can eat include     boiled potatoes, khichdi, porridge, boiled rice, and yogurt.
Keep the body hydrated by consuming the fluids as much as possible. Liquids help to flush away the toxin and help to regulate the body temperature. Severe typhoid generally causes dehydration which can be    cured with intake of liquids. Different juices, glucose or lime, coconut     water, and plain water, have other health benefits. Typhoid patients can     also be served water-rich fruits. Soups such as spinach soup, vegetable    soup, carrot soup, chicken soup, and mushroom soup can also be given.
Foods with high calories like bananas, potatoes, and   dairy products like milk and yogurt should be increased.
Adding an adequate amount of proteins will also be the     right option for typhoid patients. Boiled pulses can also be served.
Cooked vegetables can be eaten during typhoid so that  the body receives vital nutrients to get stronger. Well-cooked or boiled vegetables like potatoes, carrots, beets, raw papaya, and squash can be     consumed. They are easy to digest and provide nutrients.
 Along with what to be eaten one should know what not to be eaten
 Spicy food, fried items, and junk food should be  avoided. These food items can be disturbing the digestive system Typhoid already affects the digestive system. Consuming these food items can cause inflammation which should be avoided. 
Intake of food items high in fiber should also be avoided because digestion becomes difficult and puts unnecessary pressure  on the digestive system. The digestion system becomes poor during typhoid.
Avoid food that tends to produce gas and cause bloating of the stomach. Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and asparagus can cause gas and bloat the stomach. Control the intake of ghee and butter. Fatty food is harder to digest and can cause complications  during typhoid.
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Myths and Facts About Post Covid19 Mental Health
Covid 19 or Corona Virus has shattered the whole society and to humans. All the measures have been adopted in these past nineteen months, but all the efforts futilely to control this pandemic. The widespread disease took the worst shape and engulfed society. Working from home, sudden job loss, online studies rather than physical schooling of kids, and lack of physical contact with friends and family became the new normal. Every human being got affected due to this pandemic, either mentally or physically. Accepting the changes was not peanuts for many, whereas the misery doubled with the fear and stress of getting contacted with the virus. After some time, people started believing that the virus was in the air, and they could become the victim of the same if they remained exposed in the open. People made all the efforts to remain indoor on the pretext of avoiding human contact. This affected the mental wellbeing of the people a lot. Watching the news the whole day, discussing over the phone about the disease, checking the oxygen level time and again, etc. occupied the most in daily routine, which resulted in stress, anxiety, hypertension, mood swings, a sense of insecurities, pessimism, sleep disorders, loss of appetite followed by fatigue, lack of focus which finally resulted in the low or poor productivity at work. The time is testing, but with little effort, we may overcome this situation too.
Providentially, there are lots of things that we can do to look after our mental health and to help others who may need some extra support and care.
Let's look at some ways to take care of our mental health. 
False information or half-baked information is very dangerous. Keep yourself updated. Listen to all the precautions, recommendations, and advice carefully received from different sources. Follow trusted channels, such as local and national TV and radio, and keep up-to-date with the latest news. Listening is a good exercise, but using the information judiciously.
Feeling lethargic or being a couch potato is very easy; instead, try to feel positive and energetic. Get up enthusiastically to do your daily chores. Follow a proper routine. Keep up with daily routines as far as possible, or make new ones. Try to feel good in everything. Be active after waking up and maintain a healthy regime. Give yourself a cool gesture; allocate proper time for work and rest. Take out some time for yourself and pursue your interests. 
Things that distract or make you feel anxious or stressed. Minimize newsfeeds. Listen or watch the news to gain knowledge, not to gain pessimism. Hunt for the latest information at specific times of the day, once or twice a day if needed. 
Be Social. Good company helps release the stress and vent out all the negativity one carries, so try to be in touch with your friends and family. If your activities are restricted, keep in regular contact with people close to you by telephone and connected networks.
Consumption of alcohol or drugs should be avoided. These things have adverse effects on the body and brain. Taking them won't make things better for anyone. These things cannot help in dealing with fear, anxiety, boredom, and social isolation. It is a myth that people who drink alcohol don't get the infection easily; on the contrary, alcohol use is associated with an increased risk of infections and worse treatment outcomes.
Watch out for the time duration you are occupied virtually. Be aware of how much time you spend in front of a screen every day. Make sure that you take frequent breaks from on-screen activities. Stressing yourself for long doesn't prove right anyhow. Be sure to keep the right balance with offline activities in your daily routine.
Remain positive and stay happy. Time is the best healer. Read positive texts and try to remain optimistic in all circumstances. Use your social media account to spread positivity. Share your experience, and the likes or positive responses you will receive from your social circle will help you feel better. Don't think you are alone and dealing with the situation alone. There are many like you. The only difference you can make out is that you try to be an inspiration for others. 
Being Human is the best thing. Help others. If you can, offer your services to people in your community who may need it, such as helping them with food shopping. Support health workers. Take opportunities online or through your community to thank your country's corona warriors.
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