sufiway · 4 months
💚 Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. 💚
💚🤎 O People! If Awliya(saint) are close by, attend their assemblies. If one listens to them and is obedient, he finds happiness. The people who live far from the Wali(saint) can have a heart connection--love him in their hearts, love his way and keep his way--and just like the Sun in the sky that is beyond reach but its light/noor and rays give life to Earth, the Wali also reaches us!
The Awliya(saint) are like this, it doesn't matter if they are far away. From his heart to the hearts of people who follow him, who love him, who obey him and who listen to him and keep his teachings, the noor of the Wali shines in their hearts, just like the Sun! 🤎💚
~Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 🌹❤️
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sufiway · 5 months
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sufiway · 5 months
In our time we are giving value according to people's forms.Allah Almighty the Guardian is powerful enough and artful enough to give everyone the most beautiful of forms,but He is examining,trying His servants to see whether they are looking at the meaning the essence of the children of Adam or not.But our hearts are veiled.Therefore we are not looking at the meaning the essence that the children of Adam have been given by their Lord.We are only looking at their outward appearance,as satan looked at Adam from the outside and refused the to make sajdah (prostration) to him.Had he looked at the meaning the essence or Adam the reality of the meaning that he bore,satan would have been the first to make sajdah.But he looked from the outside view and said,"You created Adam from clay.
How can I make prostration to him?"
And now satan has established his sovereignty upon the whole world making people to look at each other to discriminate to judge each other by their forms,their figures and appearance.This is a big sin,and all must be punished.And it is from the divine punishment that the East is the greatest enemy to the West and the West is the greatest enemy to the East.And it is through this emnity that these two groups will conflict such horrific sufferings on each other.
Here we are speaking about Awliya knowledge which they are granting us.Awliyah are trying to take away emnity from among people,to make people look at each other and see each others as crowned,divinely crowned people and to give respect to everyone.Therefore Grandshaykh said,"The meaning of Tarqiat for me is to give respect to everyone."
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Keep this,and you are going to be respected among creatures on earth and in the heavens.
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al Haqqani qsp
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sufiway · 5 months
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sufiway · 5 months
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
We give good tidings and happiness to people. If we say to unbelievers, ‘You will receive punishment,’ will their love for their Lord grow? Or will good tidings of their Lord’s endless mercy for them as they are cause their hearts to open! So we are giving good tidings to people, not making them afraid or unhappy. If you were to tell people, for example, about a good king, so much tolerance, so much justice, so much goodness and mercy – wouldn’t they open their hearts to him, and look to find him? But if you tell about a bad king – so difficult, stern, giving punishment, all his prisons are filled up – will people like him or hate him? Allah said to Moses (peace be upon him), ‘O Moses! Make My people like Mel’ This is the order of our Lord, not hating – liking! Therefore, we give all good tidings for all people, whether they accept our beliefs or not. It is not important.”
Sheik Nazim QS
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sufiway · 5 months
● The Secret Path
Our external appearance, which is temporal and ephemeral, but beyond our body we own our spiritual being; for just as we have an outward appearance, there is our inner being. Just as our Creator created us humans a million times different in their outer appearance, so our inner beings differ from one another to an even greater extent. Each one carries a different, very characteristic being.
The Creator, who made our hearts, looks at the heart more than any other part of us. You don't say A and grab your head when something hits us, but we touch our hearts, because our heart is the most important part of our body, so much more important than the head. The heart is the sultan and all other parts of the body are subordinate to him. Our true personality is implanted in our hearts and everyone has their own special personality in the divine presence.
That is why the Creator of Hearts makes hearts busy in a variety of ways. Everyone looks at his own very own way to his master and everyone has his own, very special channel to his master. And happy are those who can cleanse their canal. In our time people are no longer aware of this channel and it is closed, how is that possible? What is the reason for this? The cause is the unending desires and desires of our physical body that do not allow us to strive for this channel.
~ Sultan Ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani ق
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sufiway · 5 months
A Friend of Allāh (Walī) once performed prayer behind an Imām. After the Salāh, the Imām asked him, “You don't work and don't earn money. You don't ask for anything from others. In that case, how do you obtain your food?” When the great Walī heard this, he said, “I should perform my Salāh again because I have prayed behind someone who does not know who provides the sustenance (Rizq). The prayer will not be valid.”
The Holy Qur'ān: “𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐚̄𝐡 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬.” [Sūrah an-Nūr 24:38]
Any celebration of love knows only of love. It doesn't look for innovation, only opportunities. There is no father's day if not for our spiritual father, grand father all the way to Prophet ﷺ who was The Prophet when Sayyidina Adam (AS) was between water and clay. Their real maqams are inside the heart of their believers, their followers, their children, here and hereafter. May Allah Almighty accept our visit to those maqams for the sake of His Beloved ﷺ.
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sufiway · 5 months
The polished heart of the sincere and true believer (sadiq) is the receptacle for God's Heavenly Lights and Divine Blessings to manifest. Such a person is to us like the sun: when it rises, the whole world shines from that source of energy that makes all things visible.
~Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ~
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sufiway · 5 months
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
We believe that Paradise and Hell are real. It is ‘Haqq,’ truth. Our Grandshaykh says, “I’m always surprised to hear people say, when told about Hell, ‘O my Lord! Protect us from Hell.’ They ask the wrong thing. They should say, ‘O my Lord! Protect us from bad actions, and reasons that would lead us to Hell!’ Don’t fear Hell, but your bad actions!”
Sultan Ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani ق🌹
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sufiway · 6 months
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sufiway · 6 months
Make Your Wealth Beneficial for Akhirah (15.11.2023)
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm:
الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا
(Qur’ān 18:46). ‘Al-Mālu Wa Al-Banūna Zīnatu Al-Ĥayāati Ad-Dunyā ۖ Wa Al-Bāqiyātu Aş-Şāliĥātu Khayrun `Inda Rabbika Thawābāan Wa Khayrun ‘Amalā’, ‘Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one’s] hope.’ Sadaqa Llāhu l-‘Aẓīm.
Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla says the commodities of this world, money, property, wealth, children and whatever else there is are adornments of this world. These are the things people run after. The good ones among them are those which can be taken to Akhirah. Everything will be gone. But all the Bāqiyāt (enduring good deeds) go to Akhirah and stay there. You will have loved and run after the rest for nothing. Unless you do it for Akhirah, there is no benefit in it, says Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
It is said there will be a lot of money in the end of times. But money has no value anymore. Even though it has no more value, shaytan makes people run after money more just in order to make them busy. It is as air now, you can’t touch it anymore. In old times, there was gold and silver. They were truely valuable. Paper money was brought up instead of them, and it is useless. Nevertheless, it was tangible. They don’t want that as well now. They want to remove paper money and put in their place what you can’t touch and is in the air, “You have so many millions in your bank account. You have trillions in your bank account.” But they don’t have anything with them.
There is no benefit in Dunya for people who run after it. When you use from the Halal (permissible) for your Akhirah, that will be beneficial for you. You will have them there. Otherwise, you will have nothing. Normally, nothing remains after you, but people now don’t have any money in their hands anymore even in this world.
Therefore, clever people must think about how to make their wealth beneficial and remain eternally and permanent in Akhirah. And that is what Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla showed. If you do that, you will be in benefit. If you don’t do, there will be no benefit at all.
There was a man we had worked with Nefel Bey, may Allah ﷻ bless his soul. He had industrial machines. One man came to him, as he had several machines he wanted to sell. While thinking about selling them or not, he passed away. So they were left to his sons. They sold them within two months and used up all the money and goods. It had no benefit neither to him, nor to others, nor to his children.
You must have good wealth and you must have good children so that you benefit from them. May Allah ﷻ let all of us have good righteous children, good money and possessions insha’Allah. May we have their benefit. May they not be useless insha’Allah.
People are running after their egos now. Even if you enjoy this money and have fun with it today, tomorrow you will want the same. But you won’t be able to have it then. Do you think it will last when you please yourself? It will be over instantly. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla is showing and giving examples to all people. But people who run after their egos will not have any goodness both here and hereafter. May Allah ﷻ protect us. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
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Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mawlanasultan
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sufiway · 6 months
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sufiway · 6 months
The Final Limit
A person who stands for justice is called
"Haqqani" and that title is the essential basis of all other honourable ranks in the Divine Presence.
"The day when truth will benefit the truthful"
It means nothing to Allah Almighty that you were known in this life as a Muslim Christian Jew or Buddhist but He will be concerned with whether you deserved the title of Haqqani. Those who have been Haqqani in this life are transformed,their very essence adopts divine attributes so that they become "Rabbani" or beings who pertain to their Lord intimately.It is about these people that Allah Almighty says in a Holy Hadith
"Oh My servant,be obedient to Me and I will make you Rabbani,then you will say to a thing
"be" and it will be.
When one reaches the level of Rabbani,Allah Almighty dresses him in His own attributes and makes him a vicegerent.Then He grants him will power,that is not his own,but His.But to attain the station of Rabbani leads through the satation of Haqqani and whoever intends sincerely to be Haqqani will receive guidance from Him.
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al Haqqani qs
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sufiway · 6 months
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim
King of Awliya🤍💫
Sultan ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh
Muhammad Nazim 'Adil ibn al-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Hasan Yashil Bash al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi al-Salihi al-Hanafi (RA)🤍💫
Now there is no more mankind, but animal-mankind
Lefke - 31.01.2002
(Someone was asking Sheikh's advice for mankind today)
Now there is no more mankind, but animal-kind...
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. Destur, ya Sayidi, ya Sultan-ul-Awliya.
That is first obligation for everyone if he/she is asking to do something, to know, from mankind. It is most important acting for everyone from every kind of believers. Believers believe in an unseen existence, therefore they are believing. If I am saying: 'Believe that this is a recorder', it is not true to say: 'Believe this is a tape-recorder', but you may say: 'Look, that is tape-recorder', because you are seeing, hearing and touching.
Believer means someone who is accepting the existence of some other kind of beings that our five senses never reach; or, it is impossible to reach those beings through our five senses. Therefore we say that unseen worlds you can't see, can't hear, can't smell, taste or touch them, and believers are those who believe in some worlds or beings that are in existence without looking, without hearing, without using their five senses.
If you are one of those people (who use their five senses), then you must know that you are in need to reach the reality of those unseen world's existence. You must know something, and you must learn something, and that knowledge also you cannot touch. Knowledge is a cevher; that means, without 'arab can't be seen. Cevher and 'arab. 'Arab is without blackness, without dimension, you can't see. 'arab, like sifat, attribute, giving the description of the essence, that can't be known without 'arab... They are not understanding, but you must understand...
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You are believing; and belief is the way for your real being to reach to the essence. They never belong to material beings, no.
Now people living on earth through the 21st century are mostly imprisoned through their material being, and they are never going to be able to cut that and to reach beyond their material world. And the only means that may take you beyond the material world is belief- there is no other way, no other means. Or you should be like a fossil. If a person remains through his five senses, later he is going to be like a fossil in the earth-layers; no way to reach heavenly worlds, unseen worlds and universes.
This is a powerful introduction for everyone, they must know it. But most people never take any interest to cut the layers of the earth and to get out. They say: 'It is okay for us to be among these layers.'"They belong to the material world; no chance for them to reach to Heavens. They are through darkness. The creation that belongs to darkness should be forever there, up to eternal, ebedi, because they were not asking something beyond their body, their material being; they were never interested.
And on the Day of Resurrection they ask: 'O our Lord, send us once again to our first life and we should be as You like. But Allah is saying: No; when you go there once again, you should do the same, your interest should be only for the material world. If I am sending you back 10 times, 70 times, or 100, 1000 times, you are interested in the material world and you are not going to ask to get out. Therefore up to eternal they should be through their layers of the material world, which represents the darkness of creation. You must understand why they are going to be forever in Hells. It means that they choose darkness, their choice was darkness, and therefore divinely Justice is giving to them what they are asking. No oppression, no dhulm, no.
They are asking, and they say: 'Send us once again to the world; we should be as You like', but they come here and their nature and interest runs to the material world once again, and once again they are going to be liars.
The interest of all people, of the whole population on earth, is through their material being; the whole world's interest is only Dunya. Beyond Dunya people don't ask anything, they don't do anything, and they prevent people to even think on it. They say: You are not creatures suitable for our century, you must go away. We don't like you to be with us, because your interest is not what we are interested in- Dunya, this life. You say something else- hereafter. We are not interested.' The interest of all nations, governments, rulers and ruling systems is only darkness, this world, nothing else. When they pass away, they should say: 'Send us once again', but Allah knows that they are not going to change their interest, no. When they come here once again, they should forget, and their interest should be only this life.
This is a very important point; it must be well-known, because so many people ask: 'Why for a short life so many billions of people are going to be send to Hells?' Hells means the dark territories of the divine creation, that people through this life were running on it. They were interested only in the darkness of this life, never interested to be enlightened by divine lightening.
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Therefore every time prophets come those people say: 'No, we are not accepting you. We are interested only in this life.' Why Abu Jahil and others were fighting with Rasulullah? They said to Rasulullah sws: 'You call us to leave our interest and to come with you. And we are never going to leave our interest- gold, silver and enjoyment with our physical being without any hindrance in front of us, up and down. When you come and call us, we are not going to leave our interest in the material world. Go away. If you insist, we will fight you, if you are insisting more, we are coming to kill you, to take you away??
From the beginning of prophecy on earth common people were always saying to the prophets: 'No, you make a hindrance in front of our interest, for our material pleasures and interest; we are not accepting that.' Noah was calling his people for 950 years, and every day they were fighting with him, saying: 'No, we are not coming to you, because our interest is only this?'
The same illness, the same interest, is growing up now more and more and more under the name of 'freedom'. People ask freedom, an absolute freedom for them, as people live in jungles. First they take away religious hindrances, throwing them away, and after that they begin to take away also the rules of the country that rulers put on them, which prevent them from an absolute freedom to do everything as they like. From 1789 they began to force to destroy those limits also, so that there is no more any hindrance in front of people, and they found as the most suitable field what they call democracy: Absolute freedom for us.
They make as much as possible advertisement for it, and now people fight for democracy, because they know that the alternative for democracy should be theocracy, heavenly rules. When heavenly rules come we are finishing', they say, 'therefore we must use all our ability and capacity to stop it and to take away everything under the name of rules coming from Heavens. Because if that alternative comes, there is no more enjoyment and pleasure for our egos.'
Therefore they may live a very short life, but they have been given their judgment to be in Hells up to eternity, because their interest was Hells. But they are not believing that Hells is their material appreciating. They don't want to come on alternative for their physical being's pleasures, and in the Hereafter they should be called: 'Come here', and fire attracts them like a magnet attracts an iron piece, quickly catching.
Fire approaching the Judgment Plain, where all nations, all mankind should be. Fire approaching those people; like a hover taking dust, fire appreciates them, and taking them..
Ahlul Jannah, people of Paradise, can't be touched by that fire, but others are taken, finished: 'Come to me, as you appreciated me, I am so appreciating to meet you and to take you into my own being.' That is the meaning of nafs being created from nar, from fire. A small mass is just attracted, taken by the big mass, joining. People find there what they were asking. Divinely Justice. We know only that they are entering, attracted, and going to be through fire layers. They should find there what they were asking for here.
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And Paradise people, heavenly people, are taken away. From Paradise should come a subtle wind, quickly going in, and they should find what they were interested in. The people of Hell should be asked: 'Did you reach what your Lord promised to you?' 'Yes', they should say. It should be there very suitable for them. And Paradise people should be asked also: 'Did you find what Allah promised to you?' Ohh', they should say also.
Therefore, o people, look after yourself what is your interest. If it is material, prepare yourself for Hells; if it is spirituality, we are waiting for you, looking after it... The ego never says: 'Enough', and the fire of Hell has the same greed, asking: 'Is there no more to take in?'
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sufiway · 6 months
Don’t Forget Akhirah (10.11.2023)
Allah ﷻ has destined these days for us. Praises and Shukr to Allah ﷻ. We must make Shukr for the favors He ﷻ gives us. The greatest favor is Iman as we always say. There cannot be a greater favor than Iman, because no matter how many people there are in this world, they will all die. They will die, and this world will not last forever. There is nothing eternal in this world. There is a time frame in this world. Whoever is done with his time passes away. Everyone has a lifespan that is as long as Allah ﷻ wills it to be. As long someone’s lifetime is as much as it lasts.
There is war and destruction now. So many people are dying and some become Shaheeds. Those who die, die because their lifetime is complete. It is same with Shaheeds. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla has ordained it so. There is nothing like they could have not died if they were not murdered. Allah ﷻ has decided that their death came this way.
Therefore, what’s important is to have Iman. Having Iman is the greatest favor. However they die, they will be raised up as such, says Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. If they die with Iman, they will be raised up with Iman. If they die without Iman, they will be raised up without Iman. And that will be bad then. May Allah ﷻ not separate us from Iman. It is a big favor.
We are now in the end of times. Mankind is immersed in this world. They think about nothing but Dunya. They don’t think about Akhirah at all. When something happens, they get upset very much. They get upset for worldly things. It is not worth getting upset for worldly things. Of course, people feel sorry, and Allah ﷻ doesn’t leave the grief of Mu’mins unrewarded. The reward for that grief is goodness, Thawab and ranks. They will be increased in rank. But for people who don’t know about Akhirah, all their grief and suffering go in vain.
Therefore, we must pay attention to these things. Don’t believe in the words of this and that, and don’t be estranged from Akhirah. Don’t forget about Akhirah, because Akhirah is for everyone whoever you are. As they say, “Live long, you still will run into death.” People of old times used to say so. They always understood it and were prepared. Nowadays there is no preparation at all. Therefore, they have a lot of sorrow. Whereas if they pass away to Akhirah with Iman and goodness - people certainly feel grief of separation, but as there will be a reunion, this grief is not that big. But the rest feel upset as they think they will never see each other again. They feel much more grief.
May Allah ﷻ give Iman to all of us. May Allah ﷻ give guidance to people, because there are many people who go astray and go out of the way and who think they are clever, whereas clever is the person who knows that the actual life is not this life. May Allah ﷻ give this understanding to all of us. May He ﷻ strengthen our Iman insha’Allah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
There are recited Qur’an Khatms, Surahs, Yasin Shareef, Ayats and Surahs, Tasbihat, Tahlilat and Salawat. We gift all of them to the presence of our Holy Prophet ﷺ. May they be accepted. We gift them to his ﷺ Ahlu l-Bayt and Sahabah, the souls of all Anbiya, Awliya, Asfiya and Mashayikh, souls of our late relatives. For goodness to come and evil to be gone. May Allah ﷻ send us Sahib to take care of the Ummah. Li-Llahi Ta’ala l-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mawlanasultan
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sufiway · 6 months
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sufiway · 6 months
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