#<- shit holly and i have been saying for eons now
cquackity · 6 months
okay last thing I will say before I Stop beating a dead horse is that getting Into dsmp I remember thinking before casinoroyale that I always wanted to write a long tntduo centric slow burn that was my DREAM for content creating for this fandom. and I'm really happy i got to do that :") and that I got to do it with one of my best friends
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minzart · 3 years
Alright, I take a break for two weeks of the twst fandom and when I come back Chapter 5 as ended, nice.
Now for the thoughts :)
●So... RSA won hm... can't say I'm happy, but the votes were by the public and it's disney, of course it would be the cute and power of friendship that would win. Even if I'm really disappointed by it (can u see that I'm tired of this troupe yet?)
●That aside tho, ROOK IS A SIMP, and hosnestly can't blame him for following his simpping ass desires, I had expected it from the last update when Niege kinda recognized his voice, not the fucking fanboy part just that they had story together, not gonna stop shipping him and vil, this just add more drama to it all hehehehe.
●RSA headmaster? Never saw it coming. Hopping he has some kind of interaction with Muzu bc, even tho he's inspired by Merlin I'm hopping to see some of the fary godmother in him, bc him and Muzu have the same stand and look old enough to have been rivals, wich makes Crowley immortality so much more interesting for me
●OLYMPUS CO HOLLY SHIT, I'm so curious about ignihyde since the "Ortho is dead theory" started to pop up eons ago.
●The boys singing Yo-Ho (wrong name but I don't care enough to change later) was hilarious and Jamil is SO DONE WITH THIS SHIT, love him, Rook again just happy to be noticed by senpai in the presence of Neige, Vil's smile is so cute, looks genuine, don't ask me why.
●They cried and I am here, just waiting to see the hole chapter and not just bits of info.
●And twst pulling the cliff hanger again.
●An Ok chapter by my opinion, they could have done other things that could have been way more intense and interesting, but again, twst is basicaly real life but magic and disney, all character are just teens, and disney is still a big corporation.
●I'm just happy to have more pomefiore interactions and story, I bet out of all chapters pomefiore has the chance to be the more mysterious and "simplistic", bc they want to just be superficial, and beauty has the fame to just been seen as superficial, even tho it's not the true theme of the dorm and characters, but again, humans are lazy and it's easy to go with the laziest route some times.
●I was hopping twst was going to go to a stronger route and do something of themes of teenage years and the preasure the word puts on them to make them grow up at the exact age of 18 or something those lines, but yeah, it's to much to ask for of a "family friendly" corporation.
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littlehollyleaf · 4 years
There is... a lot to process and I'm too tired now since I ended up watching super late, so... I'll be back later...
But, just quick - I spent a long time really wanting the Doc to ask The Master WHY they were back to just being villainous when Missy got so close to rehabilitation (well, ok, not CLOSE, lol, but...). It's not that I think it was OOC or a character regression or anything, Missy never got SO far that she actually moved beyond villainy (imo). It's just that... I feel like some kind of reaction from the Doc beyond simple acceptance of the return to their archenemy status quo would have been fitting - like a brief show of disappointment or something? ...basically guess I'm kinda frustrated there wasn't a line or two at least referencing their last moments together, even if it was just a classic 'so you escaped/survived I see.'
THEN I was VERY ANGRY to hear Gallifrey had been destroyed AGAIN after we JUST GOT IT AND THE TIME LORDS BACK because I love it and them being a presence in the Doctor's world to an irrational extent :p
But but but but... then that final message and the (FINAL!) return to the 'timeless child' mystery... is maybe making everything work after all for me?? Like, it def has potential to explain the WHY of the Master's behaviour post-missy (recent anon - I know technically there's been nothing to contest your theory that this could be a pre-missy regeneration but... I'm going ahead and assuming not, because I think if that were true it would have been revealed in this episode) ie. whatever the Master discovered re: timeless child clearly caused some deep emotional trauma (!) and as a consequence I think it would make all the sense they'd just fall right back into a 'let's just fuck shit up and enjoy watching the universe burn and tormenting the Doctor' mentality to cope... also... adds to certain parts of the performance I was previously unsure/confused of... cos there were times I felt maybe the actor wasn't QUITE nailing the part, like it felt like he wasn't being, oh, gleeful/happy enough about stuff, or, when he was acting gleeful it felt kinda FORCED? Like his heart wasn't really in it. Only now that feels less like subpar acting and more DELIBERATE - an intentional melancholy because of this timeless child business (also explaining the times it looked like the Master had wet/teary eyes when talking to The Doctor, which ABSOLUTELY BAFFLED me at the time)... plus, if we are going to be exploring a Gallifrey mystery, then that means there are episodes involving more of the Time Lords and Time Lord history/mythology/continuity GUARANTEED! WHICH IS FANTASTIC! :D
Meaning... overall I think perhaps I'm delighted with everything?!
(and the Doc not acknowledging their last encounter(s) with Missy might not be as big an issue as I was making it to myself - they never saw Missy make the decision to stand with them after all, so jumping right back to the typical, eon-long cat and mouse dynamic is really, from the Doctor's POV just... more of the same? Meaning it's probably only natural they would fall back into the pattern of just fighting the Master without question... plus the narrative didn't give the Doc much of a chance to stop and interrogate the Master, he was constantly throwing so much at her arguably all she had time to do was focus on how to stay alive and twart each new threat he presented... WHICH works for Master characterisation - he didn't want her to start exploring his emotions/motivations, he just wanted the distraction/simplicity/comfort of their familiar old school high stakes 'game')
But we'll see how I feel once I've analysed everything some more...
OH and talking of continuity - I was already over the moon at the return of the TCE (I've been wanting it back in the show for YEARS), but then I got all giddy over the Doc using the verbal 'contact' to telepathically connect aND I LITERALLY SAID OUT LOUD 'OLD SCHOOL' in my delight, only to then have the Master SAY EXACTLY THE SAME IMMEDIATELY AFTER, which was... well it just felt fun to me ok?? :p
......aaaaand look at that I've written down my thoughts anyway, whoops
Go to bed Holly you fool
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anal-2-aristotle · 3 years
The Hero’s Bane- Chapter 2
5,000 years after The Fall...
Adam hoisted the buck's carcass off his steed with a humph.
"Ya been busy today, Ads?" Morgan the butcher greeted the young man, wiping his spoiled hands on his already bloody apron. "That's the first buck I've seen this winter!"
"Yeah, I got lucky. Almost crossed into the Ash Woods before I napped him."
"Ash Woods? You were hunting near the creek?!" Morgan lowered his voice, leaning closer to Adam. "You know what lies in those woods..."
"Forgotten bedtime tales, I know. I was careful." Adam dropped the animals body on the butchers counter. "Besides, I said almost."
Morgan stroked his beard, and began rummaging behind the counter. He pulled out a small coin pouch, dropping it next to the carcass. "I'll give you forty gold, only because you brought me a buck. "
Adam nodded in agreement, snatching the pouch. "Understandable, thank you Mr. Morgan!"
"Yeh yeh, get on with ya life. Tell that Dash kid that he needs to show his face a little more! I only saw him once this week!" the butcher hollered as Adam mounted his speckled bay mare.
"Of course, sir!" Adam called back, turning his horse to the outskirts of the village. "You take care as well!"
Dashiell scribbled furiously, scratching out the previous paragraph of writing. Throwing the journal across the room, Dash chewed on the end of the pencil, standing to pace. "If the gods don't kill me, I swear, I'll do it myself." he said to himself.
"If you're going to kill yourself, please do it over something more washable than a white fur rug." Adam's voice said from the door way. "...That was a joke, Dash."
"I'm sorry, I was so caught up in my angst, I forgot to laugh." the younger of the two brothers turned to size up the older one. "Did you get any velvet holly-dew?"
Adam stared down into Dashiell's bright, mossy green eyes. "I don't know, did you look up Mother Natures skirt?"
"You know that I was blessed by her, not cursed, for doing that." Dash pushed his brother back playfully. "I was also a baby, so it wasn't crude."
Adam ruffled Dashiell's dirty gold hair, chuckling. "And she was disguised as a hag."
Dash shoved Adam's hands away, fixing the messy hair. "Back to the pervious question..."
"No, I didn't get the holly-dew. Can't you just, y'know-" Adam wiggled his fingers. "-magic it?"
"It doesn't work like that and you know it!" Dash huffed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Adam sighed, unclipping the sword from his belt. His younger brother sat in the kitchen, coaxing a basil plant to grow a little extra sprout.
Ever since Mother Nature had blessed the Griffin family by dousing the youngest child in magic powers, things hadn't been easy. There was the usual harassments for consoling with dark magic, sometimes Dash came home with bruises and cuts. There were calls for false prophesying, even rumors that the Griffins had sold the original baby to the fey in exchange for power. This, of course, was all false. Dashiell Griffin prided himself in being righteous, being able to see the difference in good and evil, as if it were black and white. He helped anyone he could, almost to a fault.
Adam lowered himself next to Dash's chair, watching him interact with the plant.
While anyone should be grateful for a goddess's blessing, Adam always felt like she could've given more. Dash was self-taught. No mage wanted to teach him how to use his abilities, and no college would provide him with books so he could study magic forms. For this, Dash had taught himself little cantrips and growing spells, often accompanied by him soothing the plants with a song. He spent so much time out in the garden, that Adam looked pale and sickly in contrast to Dashiell's olive, sun kissed skin.
The older brother smiled to himself as a little bud sprouted from the pot.
Even though Dash had no teachers, he was still powerful with his magic. When he was happy, the house was usually decorated in Natures Glory's, a rare, glowing flower that was rumored to be touched by Mother Nature's lips. When he was angry, Adam would find himself pulling out thorns from the Sword Rose bushes that covered the bedroom. When he was sad, Adam would see Weeping Ivy dripping its sap onto fresh laundry. The plants lived in tune with Dash and his emotions, going as far as to protect him from hungry tiller wolves, rabid beasts that would eat their own pups if they were hungry enough.
"You're staring again."
Adam was snapped from his thoughts, focusing on his younger brother. "Oh, sorry, I was thinking."
"That's dangerous." Dashiell jested lightly, picking off some basil leaves. "Are you worried?"
"You're 25 this year."
The hunt. One of the greatest ways to die, one would say. All hunters of the age 25 or older were to be lined up every 10 years, in every village, for the gods to choose who was worthy of joining the dead. It was never part of the plan, to die. It just happened when you send mere mortals after a fallen god. Only one person ever made it back alive, and she hadn't said a word since.
Adam felt his stomach drop. "Oh, yeah."
"You think The Victor of Heroes will pick you for the hunt?"
"You think they won't?" Adam scoffed playfully. "I'm one of the best hunters this north of Dalem! I'd be wounded if they didn't!"
"Yeah." agreed Dash slowly. "You think your party will get the fallen Bane of Heroes this year?"
"I'm sure of it. With the eons that have passed, and the silvron cuffs that drain him, I know he will be too weak to even put up a real fight!"
When the younger of the two didn't respond, Adam shook his shoulder. "Hey, I'll be fine if they pick me."
Dash looked away. "Yeah, I know that but... I just, it feels wrong."
"What does?"
"I've been having these dreams-"
"Not the dreams again, Dash." Adam stood up from his chair, shaking his head.
"But listen! I keep seeing someone, this- this man, wounded and beaten, begging for mercy and justice-"
"It's the Bane of Heroes trying to get in your mind! You know he does dark magic like that!" Adam raised his voice, shoving off Dash's outstretched arm.
"I do know, but what if Grandmother Moon is trying to convey something to me-"
"Dashiell, they are just dreams of doubt! I will hear no more of it!"
"Adam, please listen-"
"No! Everyone knows that The Bane of Heroes is a monster, and I will not hear you defend him again!"
"I'm not defending him! I just think-"
"Enough Dash!" Adam slammed his fist on the counter, knocking over the potted basil. With a startling crash, the pot shattered, and Dash was quiet. "If you really are so swayed by dreams, why don't you cross the creek and ask the fallen god yourself?!"
Dashiell opened his mouth, then closed it, defeated. Adam turned to walk up the stairs, when a small voice said; "I will."
Anger and frustration weaving into his words, Adam spat: "Then do it."
With that tension left in the air, Adam excused himself to bed, unaware of his brother stealing his sword and cloak.
Finding the creek was easy for Dash. He had wanted to cross it for so long, curious about the forbidden forest that laid out of his reach. The moon's belly was full, shinning reflectively on the creeks soft running water.
Now that he was here, now that there was nothing stopping him from crossing the water, he couldn't move. The ashy colored trees across the creek beckoned to him with their thin, naked branches, swaying in the winter wind. Snow began to fall, dressing the ground in white. It was now, or never.
Dash splashed quickly to the other bank, the cold water pushing him to move faster. Once on the other side, he pulled his stolen cloak around his lean figure and trudged forward. Unsurprisingly, there were no animal sounds as he noisily clunked through the snow. Dash's breath steamed the air, the cold biting his lungs. Stopping to lean on one of the grey trees, Dash felt a tingly sensation of being watched.
He stood up quickly, hand on the swords hilt. "Hello?!"
His voiced echoed, slowly dying out. There was no response, so, like a fool, he tried again. "I'm looking for The Bane of Heroes?!"
This time, he was met with a low growl, followed by a chorus of howls. A thin, malnourished wolf stalked out of the undergrowth, followed by another. And another. And another.
Soon he found himself surrounded by a pack of tiller wolves, each of them eying him like he was the fattest, juiciest cow they had ever laid eyes on.
Gods above, he was going to end up as wolf shit.
What a way to go.
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