#✦ .  ⁺ | stellaron hunters.
thedeerus · 26 days
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they just listen to whatever this guy meows
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chattematsu · 2 months
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idc about stellaron hunters *keeps drawing them*
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fruit-sy · 5 months
Genius Society 🤓🤓
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Just the dudes by themselves below bc why not lol
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lunacias · 2 months
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with you by my side!
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cinthgarden · 4 days
Remember ?
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aitadraws · 1 month
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callist0i0 · 10 months
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rotating the stellaron hunters in my brain like a cow
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setsu-nana · 2 months
The Stellaron Hunters are a group who have killed numerous people, destroyed cities, and destabilized governments all for the sake of their goals. Members include:
A sad goth
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A gacha gamer
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Kibby :D
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Your terminally ill girlfriend in a mecha suit
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Your mom
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To quote a friend:
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halfa-failure · 4 months
The bottom part was drawn on the bus
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mirukupowda · 7 months
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the trios as animal crossing villagers!
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phantomknights · 3 months
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world's most normal group chat
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thedeerus · 16 days
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stellaron meowers
little stelfly bonus
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flambo19 · 5 months
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I want to draw more hsr characters as cat cakes. Starting with the missing Stellaron Hunters & Astral Express
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ghostlude · 1 month
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ref (x)
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laatteheart · 25 days
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they're all freaks, your honour
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ddarker-dreams · 2 months
Worthy Motivator.
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Blade x Reader.
Warnings: Typical Blade morbidity, Blade's slightly yan because I can never write him as Normal, and not SFW implications. Word count: 1k.
Author notes are at the end of the story!
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Washcloth in hand, you wipe away the perspiration clinging to your skin. 
While doing so, you squint, an act your reflection obediently mimics, confirming that yes; this disheveled figure is indeed you. You smooth out your hair, moisturize your face, then apply a light layer of toner. The process is completed in a timely fashion. A few hand motions made midair dim the bathroom’s lights.
Yawning, the door slides open at your behest, retreating into the wall like a turtle does its shell. The room is dome-shaped and customized to your liking. A light birch wood floor, pale pink walls, and windows showcasing scenery of a tulip field stretching on for miles. Windmills dot the distance, turning at their leisure. Gentle orange hues from two rising suns envelop the room in a cozy glow. 
If you hadn’t known any better, you’d believe you were actually on the planet Ethos, not traversing the cold, unforgiving space between galaxies.
While playing with the settings to change the time being depicted to twilight, it finally dawns on you that you’re not alone. 
Blazing eyes freeze you in place and your breath catches in your throat. 
“Blade,” you greet, wincing at how gracelessly the word rolls from your tongue, “I didn’t expect…” 
You cut yourself off, figuring that finishing the sentence will strengthen the bizarre atmosphere. What can be said, anyway? ‘Thanks for that,’ or ‘couldn’t have done it without you,’ maybe? Both options seem equally terrible. To make matters worse, he doesn’t explain why he’s stuck around. He continues to stand beside your nightstand, arms crossed over his chest, his lips drawn in a straight line. 
You’re the only one boasting signs of your previous tryst, the most obvious being your unsteady gait. Hoping to convey some decorum, you clasp your hands behind your back and straighten your posture. Surely, he’ll spill whatever’s on his mind and then make himself scarce. That’s been his modus operandi ever since this undefined relationship stumbled into existence. You tried not to take it personally. You’re both adults, if he doesn’t want to stick around for pillow talk, you won’t fault him for it. 
His eyes sear through your being. 
“You’re going to Illij.” 
You blink, thrown off by the flat delivery and the intentions it conceals. He’s either painfully blunt or cryptic in his word choice. It’d be nice if he could find a middle ground between both extremes, but that’s wishful thinking. 
With unusual impatience, he adds, “Alone.” 
A certain magenta-haired beauty’s previous words resurface in your mind. 
“—Alone? Not taking Bladie along for the ride?” she had tutted. “You’ll hurt his feelings.” 
You thought she was teasing, as she’s wont to do, yet your developing dilemma proves otherwise. That, or you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge the truth in her words. 
Whilst shifting your weight from one foot to another, you meekly reply, “Kafka gave me permission.” 
He has the audacity to roll his eyes at you. 
“Permission, huh?” 
The condescension corrodes your former sheepishness. 
Placing a hand on your hips, you reply, “That’s the word I used, yes.” 
Your room pulsates with palpable tension. He stands to his full height — having been seated on your bed’s edge — sauntering over like a cat poised to pounce. You cross your arms over your chest as the distance shrinks. He’s yet to fully dress himself, wearing only his signature gray pants. His bare torso is marred with innumerable scars that vary in length and angle. Every time you both succumb to the heat of passion, his bandages occupy a new spot, depending on the circumstances of his latest battles. Presently, the cloth coils around his midsection and upper left arm. 
He’s close enough now for you to notice the latter unraveling. 
It isn’t anything logical that urges you forward. The sentiment resides deep in the recesses of your psyche, unsuccessfully shoved down by denial and trepidation. This formless substance takes shape as you meet him halfway. Blade towers over you. Given the massive gap in your abilities, you should fear him, but you know your pounding heart isn’t spurred by negative emotion. 
Much to his perplexity, you set aside the nascent quarrel, focusing your attention elsewhere. Nimble fingers resecure the rebellious cloth. 
“You’re terrible at taking care of yourself,” you mutter. “Honestly, what am I s’posed to do with you…?” 
It’s subtle, but this shift in tone relaxes his muscles. That is, until you admit: 
“I don’t like you being my bodyguard.”
Confusion contorts his countenance, then something more raw; something dangerously intimate. 
“I don’t like seeing you get hurt because of me,” you continue, lowering both your voice and head. “It’s… it’s awful and— and then— you don’t even care!” 
Hoping to avoid further humiliation, you stop there, taking deep breaths to prevent tears from flowing. This wasn’t the direction you wanted the evening to take. You wanted to take a bath, dip into a game Silver Wolf wouldn’t stop raving about, and then prepare for your imminent trip. The trip that’d put thousands of lightyears between you and a man whose blood spilled for your sake could rival an ocean. 
“I’ll be fine on my own. I’ve got Silv’s disguise software and she knows how to track me. So — I don’t know — take it easy, or something. You’ve got the month off.” 
His response is immediate. “I can’t.”
“Wh— did you not hear anything I just said?” you sputter. 
“I heard,” he confirms. He raises his hand to the bandage you rewrapped, as if trying to savor your lingering warmth. “When you’re gone, I cannot ‘take it easy.’” 
Blade uses your stupefaction to his advantage. He takes your much smaller hand into his and places it over his heart. It thumps at a slow, steady pace, like it hasn’t been obliterated and formed anew thousands of times. Your fingers twitch. His body, though colder than the average person’s, emits just enough warmth to indicate life. You feel the raised, textured skin that’s present above his every vital organ. It speaks of untold horrors; untold suffering. 
His chest rumbles as he says, “If I’ve no choice but to live… you’d make for a worthwhile reason.” 
You rest your forehead against his chest and squeeze your eyes shut. 
Kafka… are you sure it isn’t my feelings that’re in the most danger? 
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A/N: owing to mental illness, aside from nexus, i devised another storyline for (slightly) less unhinged blade, this time with a stellaron hunter reader. while it has the material to make a series, i don't plan on starting up another multi-chaptered work until i make further progress into my current project 😭 still, i'm happy to talk about it if anyone's curious! here are some tidbits that give additional story context for this universe:
reader isn't super thrilled to be a stellaron hunter. a desperate situation ended in them joining the ranks. they're the emanator of the aeon of illumination, whose name i'm still undecided on. essentially, they're a 'consumer of stars,' capable of absorbing + storing well. you guessed it. stars. as you can imagine, this ability can provide immeasurable energy or devastation depending on its usage.
as a consequence, when reader's performing the sealing process, they're extremely vulnerable. it isn't exactly subtle, people tend to notice when their nearby sun is going cyaaaaaa ✌ and try to stop them. that's where bladie comes in. he kills anything and anyone that threatens them.
ethos is a pretty meadow planet that's known for harvesting clean energy (hydro, solar, wind) and using minimum technology. most of its inhabitants go their entire lives without ever seeing a computer. long distance communication is carried out through a dedicated fleet of carrier pigeons.
illij is a laissez-faire paradise. consumerism galore. ads projected in the night sky, ads projected in your dreams in certain low income areas where people can't afford space adblock™. it's a lot but sometimes reader appreciates the distraction.
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