prideraiised · 4 months
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@secr3trings “Oh, now isn’t that impressive?” // Vox to Qin , dug from the FFXII sentence starters || Meme found: Here!
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❝Ah, greetings!❞ He calls down to Vox, from atop a pile of...potentially dead demons. It really wasn't clear. At very least, they weren't conscious, and they definitely wouldn't appreciate him sitting on top of them like this...
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❝ Apologies, my flat faced friend! It seems these fair folk wanted to test their might against an emperor! Obviously, it would not do for me to have allowed something like that to go unresolved, but it would seem I've made a mess in front of your abode!❞
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Teen!reader get into a detention for this meme:
Teen!Rader: I got detention
RoR characters: What happen?
Teen!Reader: The teacher point at ruler infront of the entire class and said," There is an idiot at the end of this ruler."
RoR:Then the teacher gave you detention?
Teen!Reader:...No, I got into trouble for asking, "Which end?"
How will they react? Cause, I keep imagine this scenario in my head 😅😅
Love this, it's so witty and funny.
-Thor- Couldn’t help the smallest of grins from appearing as he lifted a hand, ruffling your hair, not upset in the slightest at you. However, your teacher was going to learn that they should respect others, especially one his precious kin.
-Lu Bu- His grin was almost instant, a dark chuckle leaving him as he cracked his knuckles, “So where’s this teacher of yours? I’m gonna help get you out of detention since they wanted to disrespect you.”
-Zeus- He stroked his beard, looking amused as he chuckled for a moment before he spoke, “Very clever of you, Y/N, but I think I’m going to go have a word with this teacher. If they’re going to hand out punishments because they made a fool of themselves on their own, I should return the favor.”
-Adam- He ruffled your hair lightly, “You shouldn’t be rude to your teachers, but you’re off the hook with me, since they were rude to you first.”
-Poseidon- You see his lips purse just for a moment, like he’s trying to smile before he tells you to wait outside for him. You learn the next day that he flooded the whole school for the disrespect the faculty gave you.
-Kojiro- He chuckled warmly, patting your head, “Teachers can be harsh, but to be cruel like that, that’s not right. C’mon, I’ll get you some ice cream.”
-Hercules- He’s not smiling. He’s not smiling. He’s not- he’s smiling- a snort of laughter leaving him before he laughs out loud, holding his belly by your clever comeback.
-Jack- Instantly went to confront the teacher, demanding to know if they tried to insult you. Once you were off the hook, her ruffled your head, “Witty smart alack!” which made you giggle.
-Shiva- Oh hell no! Nobody is gonna treat his baby like that and get away from it! Your teacher was quick to learn fear and quick to learn that if they wanted to be rude, there would be consequences. Once you left, he had to pause to sit down after he started laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
-Raiden- Is quickly going to be on the ground, twitching from laughing so hard, hearing how easily you turned the teacher’s words on them.
-Buddha- Twitching on the ground part 2, he is crying from laughing so hard, finding it hysterical before he praised you and gave you a lollipop.
-Hades- Another scary guardian who put the fear of Hades himself into your teacher, getting a quick and harsh lesson in respect but he was proud of you for standing up for yourself.
-Qin Shi Huang- He’s chuckling first, then laughing, then crying, then laughing so hard there is no sound coming out from him until he started to gasp, holding his sides from the pain from laughing so hard.
-Beelzebub- His lips struggle to remain still but you quickly see a smile as he chuckles softly, praising you for you wit and quick response.
-Tesla- Frowns at first when he heard that you had gotten detention, but once he learns what the teacher had said to you, and what you said in response, you were off the hook, your teacher wasn’t so lucky, as he went in, demanding a meeting with the teacher and the principal, showing why, as a genius himself, that education should be treated seriously, and teachers shouldn’t be talking to students like that.
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SnV Qin Shi Huang || Ying Zheng x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: First fic lol, historical inaccuracies, typical cannon violence, a kid with trauma and a wannabe therapist, Soulmate AU, slowburn(?), Warring States period-ish, JJK cross over kinda-ish, baby qin needs a hug.
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The notes of the koto reverberated throughout the Michizane household. The people laughed and drank sake to their heart's content, whilst applauding to the child in the middle of the room, playing the said instrument with finesse.
Accompanied with her voice, she sang much like a true virtuoso. It did not take long for her performance to end, the cheers dying down as the adults went on to mind their own business.
The girl with the (H/c) hair rose from her previous position and bowed down for gratitude. When she exited, two servants followed suit, storing away the heavy hunk of wood.
Now, she rests by the secluded part of their home, in an open porch, which showcases the serene Zen Garden that the Michizane managed whilst the gathering continued with their faint chatters in the background. Red cherry blossoms flutter with grace as they are coveted by the grassy grounds.
She opens the palm which bears her soulmate's first words upward to the midnight sky.
A single gray petal is what she sees.
Never had she seen the shade of red. That questionable goop of gray upon her lips as well as the women back inside the gathering? Or the fine silks and fabrics all over their house?
Even her own blood. Gray and so dark you could mistake it as black like ink. In all honesty? It's slowly–making her insane.
"Sunshine, it's chilly here. I suppose we should get you back inside." From behind her, a deep voice of a man startled her tiny heart, yet she still managed to put on a neutral face.
"You make such awful callings, father."
A man of tall stature came to her view. Her father, Michizane Sugawara, the patriarch of the household she resides in. A scholar once of common blood, he rose to his position today for his great contributions and efforts, became a vassal of a shogun–a daimyo which also holds the title of this state's diplomat.
"Well then, hm. Moonlight, how about we head back inside? I suppose there's still some daifuku left if I'm not mistaken." He continued, scooting beside her daughter.
The patriarch had his hair painted in snow, his eyes as blue as ice. Almost a carbon copy, aside her hair, to the pensive girl on his side.
"That's the same thing." The daughter bluntly replied.
"I suppose you're right."
Then there was a short pause.
"But you, you're not alright at all." Glancing to her daughter, he resumed.
"You can always tell me what ails you, you know?"
He waited for a response. A few moments have passed by, but still none. It seems the girl is in deep thoughts. Until the silence was broken with her declaration.
"I want to see red. It drives me mad. It should be a color that I see regularly everyday, yet it's replaced by this boring monotone color I see instead."
She ranted. Michizane knew this feeling all too well. There he decided bringing her along not only could give her experience, but also give her the opportunity to find what she seeks.
"Perchance you could see it soon." He gave her a reassuring smile.
"How do you know?" She asks, with her voice laced in doubt.
"My intuition tells me so. Did you know I can't see the colour of the rays of the sun when I have yet to meet your mother?"
"....must've been so bright."
"Yes, indeed. Your other half, surely they gaze upon the vast horizon of the heavens, and wonder when they could see the fleeting blues of the skies or the deep azure of the seas. When they could finally see those ocean eyes of yours."
This made the girl think even more deeply. Realizing it's not only she who longs for such. There could be even thousands if not millions of those who're blind to a certain colour.
The cold touch of her father's calloused hands made contact with her small and nimble ones. Slowly finding its way to her wrist, where her soulmate's first words are imprinted to her skin.
"I've taught you few about the dialect, haven't I, my moonlight?"
Slowly, he traces the calligraphy above her skin. She could only watch her father draw on her wrist and answer his question.
Back when she was younger, she found herself awestruck with his father's handiwork. She loved the crisp sound of paper being folded, the way his father used a brush to write the letters she could barely understand with elegance and precision.
One night, before going to sleep, his father had gifted her something. A box of brushes, along with a small jar of ink–and parchment of papers with drawn guides with the use of charcoal. Starting from there, her education on the arts of calligraphy and linguistics began.
And today, at such a young age–she's already considered to be a polyglot. A scholar ready to expand her knowledge.
".....yes? The archaic dialect used in the state of Qin nearby Zhao dynasty yonder?" The girl already knew the answer to this. It wouldn't take for an alchemist to figure it all out.
"Exactly. I suppose you already know what that means."
"My fated one is of foreign lands." Michizane saw the disappointment in her daughter's face. It appears that she can't hide what she feels well.
In her mind, she could only think of how only in her next life she could see red.
"And by the next full moon, we'll embark our way there."
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, processing the words her father had just said. Then when she came to an understanding, she just realized her father had just said that.
"Well, off we go now, my sweet. Unless we are to freeze to our deaths then we cannot see your soulmate!"
In a split second, the diplomat had already thrown and secured her daughter in his arms, giving her no time to retaliate as he marched his way back inside their warm home.
"Wait! Now hang on for just a second da–"
"Nuh uh, I already feel your brother's glutton radiating beyond these doors. We wouldn't want your daifukus to end up in his greedy belly, would we?"
Sugawara jests.
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Notes: This fic will have Jujutsu Kaisen elements, hence the crossovers in the warnings. I'll be describing the reader as the diplomat's daughter and refrain on using "Y/n". One particular physical feature that I'll be explicitly describing the reader has is that they possess blue eyes. And the rest is up to your imagination. Fun fact! Michizane No Sugawara or in this case, the readers' father is Gojo Satoru's ancestor from jujutsu Kaisen.
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agoddamn · 5 years
li (old or young you pick) and uhhh assassin of shinjuku? for ask meme please and thank you ~
I’ll get back to you on Shinshin in four days.
favorite thing about them: He knows exactly what he wants, good fights and a good time. His open disdain for allies in Extella was also pretty fun since it was my exact opinion of the AI, haha.
least favorite thing about them: Tends to be either obscure or forgettable in whatever he shows up in. His week in Extra is more Julius’s arc than his own.
favorite line: “If you think of me as someone who cleverly reflects on the consequences before fighting my enemies, you’re wrong.”
brOTP: He’s got a fun vibe with Izou from Guda3/Koha Ace.
OTP: Beowulf. What can I say, the story more or less hands you them giftwrapped.
nOTP: Qin Shi Huang. First because QSH isn’t even connected to young Shuwen, second because Chaldea Shuwen--either one--doesn’t have memories of the Lostbelt, and third because QSH explicitly viewed his own Shuwen as an animal and doesn’t care when he dies, what the fuck is with this keet moeblob fanon QSH who plays Shuwen’s floating Lum girlfriend? Absolute shit. (I’ve actually been craving darkfic based on LB3!Shuwen’s incredibly one-way relationship with him--he’s literally a god to his subjects--but 98% of all the stuff I’ve seen is sugary kawaii shipping because QSH is the new Astolfo)
random headcanon: Being killed with poison has left him with a susceptibility to it, most notably in the form of a poor alcohol tolerance.
unpopular opinion: -points at notp because god damn do people love Lelouch-
favorite picture of them: jun’s art is ridiculously cute and insanely consistent, especially for how prolific it is. RNZ has a cool batch of Extra art and also the most in-character porn I’ve ever seen. Runner-up for most IC porn, since I don’t know when else I’d have a chance to share it
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calpicowater · 6 years
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Day 251/365: September 8th 2018 | Terracotta Army
You can't come to Xi'an and not visit the Terracotta Army lol but let me just say that it took us AGES to get here smh. This is not located INSIDE the city of Xi'an so everything is a lie (just like how the Great Wall of China is not ACTUALLY inside of Beijing). My mom and I started our day in Huimin Street again. We tried 油波 biáng biáng noodles and it was so delicious~ also tried the Turkish ice cream that tasted so weird and not yum at all LOL but it makes you look like you're smoking hella weed because smoke was coming out your nose AND mouth 🙊����👄💨💨 ... After breakfast, we took the city bus to Xi'an train station to take a long distance bus to the Terracotta Army. MAN THAT BUS WAS CAR SICK INDUCING. AWFUL. I had a headache AGAIN after I got off the bus. Anyway, Terracotta Army consisted of 3 pits + several museums. I only went inside 2 pits lol I forgot that there was a third ALSDDLSLDLD SHIT LOL. It was so crowded especially in pit 1 AKA the biggest pit. SO MANY PEOPLE. MORE VISITORS THAN WARRIOR DEFINITELY. Everyone who visits here think it's so "incredible" that the emperor organized this but do you think about how fucking EXTRA Mr.Qin frigging Shi Huang was!!!! LITERALLY HOW MUCH DOES HE LOVE HIMSELF!! PLUS ---APPARENTLY PEOPLE WHO HELPED HIM MAKE THESE WARRIORS WERE BURIED ALIVE WHEN HE WAS BURIED SO WHAT THE FUCK!???? I HATE EMPERORS!!!! I'M MAD!! I'll fight them!
After the pits, we went to the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang but there was NOTHING BUT A FEW  TOMBS. I FEEL SCAMMED LOL. It was nice to walk around but feels weird to walk next to his dead body. Hmm.... 🤔 lol anyway we headed back home and rested for literally 20 minutes before having to meet my dad's classmate and their wife lol. We ate 西安小吃 for dinner. Also went to a bar after and I drank coke LOL. Ended my day by taking photos of the Bell and Drum Towers. 鼓楼~ 钟楼~~~ 💕
Another 30k steps today. I'm so?? Fit??? LMAO!
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sanjukta77 · 7 years
Two Years, Two Nomuras
The week of August 17-26, 2016,
One of the first things that I had planned to do in Osaka was to visit the national museum of art. I had marked a certain exhibition which coincided with my visit to the city. The terracotta army of Qin Shi Huang was coming and could not miss it for anything.
The museum then was selling only a 3 in 1 ticket for the summer holidays. One could see 3 halls with one ticket. I surely wasn’t interested yet I had no option. I thanked that compulsion later.
It took me not more than an hour to go through the terracotta army after which I decided to lunch. Later I leisurely walked towards the second hall and realized I would have the pass the main exhibition entrance again where the tickets were being checked. I had mistakenly walked out of the entire show. For once I decided to give up on the hassle of trying re-entering but then I didn’t. Later I was thankful to that change of mind too.
The exhibits of the second hall were incomprehensible at first.  3 walls full of black and white photographs of lines and dots. An eerily beautiful music was playing in the background. I had to get closer to the text on the scroll. And I had to discover HITOSHI NOMURA.
Born in 1945, in Japan Nomura grew up an artist of unexplained brilliance. Sometime in 1975, one night as he walked backed home walking, he looked at the moon and imagined it on the lines of a music sheet. And there the MOON SCORE was born. 
“For his ‘moon’ score series, Nomura photographed the moon using 35mm film on a semi-regular basis from December 1975 to December 2013. Through double exposure, he imposed a musical staff over the image, making the moon appear as a musical note. Exhibited in series, these images can be read as musical scores, and in fact have been interpreted by orchestras. The inevitable variations in the position of the moon, conveys a temporality that can be experienced both visually and aurally.”
It was this that I was looking at, his photographs of moon. And it was THE moon score playing in its eerie aura.
September 10, 2017, I came across a lesser NOMURA in Japan or perhaps not. While looking for a perfect Hakama for aikido I browsed through several shops that sold old kimonos. I was told if I got lucky I could find a perfectly sized, natural indigo dyed Hakama in a deal price. In the process I discovered the treasures of Asakusa in Tokyo and Nara. In spite of having bought one obi (obi=belt I Japanese) for aikido I lusted on the stocks in Asakusa and bought scraps from Nara for a DIY obi for myself and a friend of mine. Meanwhile upon failing to find any Hakama in these shops I ordered one to be stitched in a Bushido shop in Osaka. My greed for scrap fabrics however remained inside me. Soon I visited Kyoto with a friend and immediately started looking around to be able to spot second hand kimono shops. Kyoto being the tourist hub had the most number of kimono shops yet no scraps were to be found. I was getting disappointed when we decided to break for coffee. The story from inside the inside the coffee shop needs another post.
I broke ice with the lady at the counter while finishing two cups of coffee and one cigarette with my friend. My companion helped by making small conversation about how beautiful the plants in the shop were. I expressed my disappointment of not having found scrap fabrics and it worked. She gave us a name which I did not comprehend but memorized the sound of it. She directed us twice. Once just by words and then by pointing it out on an area map.  I took a picture of the map with her markings, thanked her and set off. It took us less than 6 minutes to arrive at the marked location and it dawned upon me that the named she gave me was NOMURA TAILORS. Of course she told us they stitch clothes. NOMURA TAILORS is a hidden paradise for textile lovers the central attraction of which is the sea of scrap fabrics selling for nothing more than 100-400 yen a piece. I could roll on them like a happy puppy rolls on a cookie before eating it. I bought a few pieces and promised to be back for more. The little pieces would be added to my new obi.  
pictures attached in the post above
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askpvzgijinkas · 7 years
// a lil’ House update
Main House:
Day Shift (Front yard): Pea, Sunflower, Cherry Bros., Wall-nut, Potate Mine, Ice Prince Snow Pea, Chomp, Repea, Repea.
Nightguards (Night Shift (Front yard)): Puff Daddy, Sun-shroom, Fumes, Gravebuster (PvZ1), Hypno, Scardey, Icey, Doom
Pool Boys (Day Shift (Back yard)): Lilith, Squash, Threepea, Tangle Kelp, /JuLApino/, Spikeweed, Torchy, Tol-nut
Night shift (Back yard): Sea-shroom, Plantern, Cacty Baby, Blover, Slipea, Starfruit, Pumpk, Maggot net-shroom
‘This Lot Just Hangs Out on the Roof and Occasionally Throws Stuff Down’ Shift: Ceb, Flowerpot, Kernel-Pult, Coffee, Gralic, ‘Brella Leaf, Marigold, Mel
At the Bottom of the Pool: Oxygen Algae, Sea Starfruit, Sea Grass, Water Gun Grass, Electric Anemone
Whenever They Damn Well Feel Like It: Gatling Pea, Twin Sunflower (not to be confused with ‘The Sunflower Twins’), Gloom-shroom, Cattail (yiff yiff!), Winter Mel, Gold Maggot, Spikerock, Cob, Slush-shroom, Super Chomp, That One Blue Starfruit, Tallnut Battlement, green  jalapeño, red doom, scorchwood
Those Two: Imitater, ‘Splodie nut
House 1:
Egypt: Bloomerang, Iceberg, Gravebuster (PvZ2), Bink Bonk, Magic Vine, Pom-O-Pult (she was unlockable in Ancient Eqypt before she was unlockabe in Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum)
Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum: Bruce Bamboo, Carrot Missile, Dandelion (PvZO), Venus Flytrap (PvZO), Winter Melon (PvZO), Sod
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Jack Shit: Snapdragon, Spring Bean, Coco Cannon, Narcissus, Durian, Piña Cannon
Cowbois: Chili Bean, Peepo, Lightning Reed
Others: Power Lily, Cold Snap, Par-snip, Goop-shroom, Toxic Gloom, Bamboo Shoot  (PvZA/PvZ:GW), Sombrero Bean, Dark Bean
House 2:
Chchchchchchhchchchchchinese: Resistant Radish, Fire Gourd, Heavenly Peach, Bamboo Shoot (PvZ2)
Future: Laser Bean, Citron (PvZ2), E.M.Peach, Infi-nut, Magnifying Grass, Tile Turnip, Ganoderma, Banana Tree, Nitration Mushroom
East Sea Dragon Palace/ AtPlantis: Oxygen Algae (PvZO), Bubble Flower, Shock Coral, Mine Fruit, Sea Anemone,   Litchi, Starfishfruit
Dark Ages: Sun Bean, Oak Archer/Robin Wood, Freeze Mushroom, Flame Mushroom
Others: Pea-nut, Ghost Peps, Wasabi Whip, Lord Bamboo, Bamboo Brother, Pumpkin Witch, SunWu Kiwi/The Monkey Peach King, Heal Flower, Dark Flower, Rainbow Flower, Spikeweed (PvZ:GW), Spikey-weed, Chesterweed, Vampweed
House 3:
Beach Babes: Bowling Bulbs, Guacodile, ‘Nanner Launcher, Acid Lemon, Lotus
The Frostbite Tribe: Hot Potate, Peps, Chard, Stunion, Rotie, Rafflesia, Whirlwind Acorn, Chestnut Squad
Sky City: Loquat, Aspairagus, Saucer, Pod Pilots, Flysalis, Ion Anthurium, Spin-apple, the other flying pineapple
Lost Expeditioners: Red Stinger, A.K.E.E., Endurian, Stahlia, Gold Leaf, Jackfruit
Others: Swee Tate, Homing Thistle, Sap-fling, Hurrikale, Fire Pea, Dandelion (PvZ2), Lava Guava, Toadstool, Hotboi, Potato Nugget, Pazzazziling Potate, Garlic Drone, Artichoke Drone, Red Artichoke, Iron Maiden/Jugger-nut, Bling Maiden
House 4:
80s Kids: Phat Beet, Celery Stalker(s), praW emyhT, Spore-shroom, Intensive Carrot, DJ Speaker Flower
Primals: Primal Pea, Primal Nut, Perfume-shroom, Primal Sunny, Primal Potate, Primal Rafflesia, Nepenthedon, Cowardly Thorns, Sugarcane Long
The Shadow Fam: Moonflower, Nightshade, Shadow-shroom, Dusk Lobber, Grimerose
The Rest: Strawburst, ‘Lectric Blubie, Jack O’ Lantern, Grapeshot, Shrinking Violet, Blooming Heart, Escape Root, Kiwibeast, Bombegranate, App Mort, Witch Hazel, Missile Toe, Cauli-power, Dandelion (PvZ2C), Carrotillery, Broccoli, Pomechine Gun, Zorrose, Magic Mushroom, Mischief Radish, Flaura, Snow Cotton, Agave, Plum Blossom, Pitaya, Angel Starfruit, Match Boxer, Firebloom Queen, Cuke, Clivia
setnaligiliV emiT: Gold Bloom, ‘Lectric Currant, Aloe
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dangermousie · 7 years
My to watch cdrama list
* is for dramas that I have watched some of but not yet finished.
Best Time Border Town Prodigal Boss and Me Cage of Love Chinese Palladin 5 Chronicle of Life Classic of Mountains and Seas Clothing the World Cloud Song Cruel Romance Demi Gods and Semi Devils Desperate Love Detective Tanlang Fall in Love Fox in the Screen *General and I *God of War Zhao Yun *Gong Go Princess Go Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber Heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties Journey of Flower *Ice Fantasy *Lady and the Liar *Lan Lin Wang Legend of Ancient Sword Legend of Chusen Legend of Military Seal *Legend of Qin Legend of Zu Lofty Waters Verdant Bow *Love Me If You Dare *Love O2O Loving Never Forgetting *Mulan *My Sunshine Nirvana in Fire *Novoland Patriotic Knights Perfect Couple *Princess Weiyoung *Qing Shi Huang Fei Romance of Condor Heroes Rookie Agent Rouge Seven Swords Singing All Along *Sound of the Desert Spirit of the Sword Swordsman Tearful Sword *The Four *The Holy Pearl *The Imperial Doctoress *The Mystic Nine *The Shanghai Bund *The Virtuous Queen of Han *Three Kingdoms *Too Late to Say I Love You *Vigilantes in Masks When a Snail Falls in Love Xiao Shi Yi Lang Xuan Yuan Sword
Basically, I finish nothing ever, is what that list reveals.
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Another progress with the tall mountains,Zhangjiajie. The mountains are shaped as pillar-like because the results of extreme weather involved with expanding ice of the winter and the plants which grow on them. The weathered material is carried away by the streams primarily. Another featured distinguishable figure is the Great Wall of China. This act as strong resemblance of China that are widely known by the worldwide and biggest mystery of the 7 wonders of the world. Perhaps the most recognizable symbol of China and its long and vivid history, the Great Wall of China actually consists of numerous walls and fortifications, many running parallel to each other. Originally conceived by Emperor Qin Shi Huang (c. 259-210 B.C.) in the third century B.C. as a means of preventing incursions from barbarian nomads into the Chinese Empire, the wall is one of the most extensive construction projects ever completed. The best-known and best-preserved section of the Great Wall was built in the 14th through 17th centuries A.D., during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Though the Great Wall never effectively prevented invaders from entering China, it came to function more as a psychological barrier between Chinese civilization and the world, and remains a powerful symbol of the country’s enduring strength.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi! Hello how are you? I hope you're doing well!
So i would like to make a request, can you please make one where the reader is a runaway child, going on adventures and seeing new places and helping lots of other people, And as how she was able to survive that long is because she is a witch who tampers with dark magic, that's why she's running away from her previous life.
She died due to the people who she ran away from, found her and they ripped out all her organs in revenge (gruesome i know) as was then dubbed the traitor child
She is also on the human side, so may i request with all the human figthers so far? Or if not, maybe king leonidas, qin shi Huang, kojiro, tesla, adam and aswell as some other gods like thor, hades and poseidon and as for how her story goes. This is how it went
She goes into the arena, other people expecting another grown man. But to their surprise it was a child, the crowd burst into an outrage, but she calms them down saying that can handle it and that no one needs to worry and that she'll make them proud, when her opponent talks to her she is polite and respectful, they then fight when her opponent hits first, she teleports behind them. The fight then soon ends and she wins, the gods and humans in shock! Did this child really win against a god? After that she meets up with the people who i mentioned this to be for.
You can decide after that! Thank you very much
-Traitor, demon, witch, evil, those were all words that you remember well, being called those numerous times, despite being a child.
-You ran away from your home young, no longer willing to put up with your family’s abuse, and you spend your days traveling, exploring, and being free.
-But being a child in a cruel, unforgiving world, you did what you had to do to survive, and learned with dark magic to defend yourself.
-However, a child is still a child, and it wasn’t long until you had been caught after your parents deemed you evil, and after many saw you using your dark powers, you were deemed a witch and sentenced to death, but you were given no quick death, you were torn limb from limb, disemboweled, brutally tortured until you bled out.
-You couldn’t even fathom on how cruel some humans could be, especially to a five-year-old.
-However, in Valhalla, you were free, you got a safe and warm home, you were never hungry, and nobody thought too much about you, just seeing you as a child.
-There were only a few who knew about your power, Odin and Brunnhilde, knowing full well that you were strong with magic, and after years of honing your skills, you were dangerous, but still looked like a child, much to your annoyance as nobody took you seriously.
-That is, until Ragnarok occurred and Brunnhilde took a gamble with you.
-The amount of shouts of rage and outcry, seeing a young child walking out into the stadium was almost deafening, so many were furious, seeing that a child was being forced to fight.
-Your bright smile and look of fiery determination did throw them off as you spoke, “Don’t worry about me- I’ve got this!!” but your words and confidence did little to deter their anger.
-It wasn’t until you easily defeated your opponent that they finally shut up, completely stunned as you did nothing to hold back, showing off years of training work with your magic.
-When you returned backstage, you were no expecting to be hugged so quickly, by a man who wanted to adopt and protect you, even more so after Brunnhilde told them how you died on Earth.
-Instantly had you in his arms, hugging you close, ignoring your futile attempts to struggle free, “Let go! I’m not a child!” he found your struggle amusing, holding you by the back of your shirt like you were a feisty kitten, “Struggle all you want, you’re my kid now, and nobody’s ever going to hurt you again.” You paused at his words, eyes narrowed like you didn’t believe him, “Really?” he grinned, keeping you in his arms, “Really- c’mon I’ll get you some ice cream.” Your hands flew up as you cheered, showing your child-like nature, which you were quick to deny.
            -Leonidas, Qin Shi Huang, Hades, and Thor
-Kneeled down and introduced himself to you and you did the same and he offered you a hand, “Would you allow me to adopt you, Y/N? I don’t want anyone to ever hurt you again.” Now that your powers had been revealed, you did think it was a good idea to have some extra protection, mainly because you were afraid of being attacked for using dark magic again. It was rather cute, seeing you acting so mature, because you were, but in the body of a five-year-old, it was rather amusing to see. You agreed, taking his hand and he pulled you up and into his arms, holding you like a child so he could take you to a waiting room to relax with him.
            -Adam, Kojiro, Poseidon, and Nikola
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR NSFW Masterlist
Confidence Booster Part 2
Confidence Booster Part 3
Tiny but Mighty...Seductive
Tiny but Mighty...Seductive Part 2
Confident Masochist
Rudra HCs
Scientific Research (Nikola X Freyja Reader NSFW)
Spicy Jealousy
Hades HCs
Amaterasu’s Miko Part 3 (NSFW)
Sweet but Deadly Part 3 (NSFW)
Ice Cream Whoops
Yandere Poseidon x Y/N x Yandere Hades (NSFW)
Spicy Time with the Shiva Family
Lucifer HCs
Loki Loves the Thicc-ness
Beelzebub HCs
Nikola Tesla HCs
Thor x Reader x Lu Bu
Gimme the Titties!
Virgin Killer Dress- Male Reader
Tanjiro x Katakuri HCs
Sweet and Spicy (Shiva + Wives x reader)
Dirty Talkers!
Jack x Y/N x Hercules (NSFW)
Sharing is Caring! (NSFW)
Messengers of Love (Hermes x Reader) (NSFW)
At Home Liberation (Poseidon x Reader) NSFW
At Home Liberation (Hades x Reader) NSFW
At Home Liberation (Apollo x Reader) NSWF
Lion Hearted Proposals Part 2 (Hercules x Fem Tanjiro Reader NSFW)
Qin Shi Huang x Fem Tanjiro Reader x Hades (NSFW)
My Warrior Empress (Lu Bu x empress reader)
Undercover Pleasures (Mitsuri Reader x Rimuru)
Thigh Man (Jack x Reader)
Beelzebub x Reader x Nikola NSFW
Beach Defender (Reader x Poseidon)
Beach Defender Part 2 (Reader x Poseidon) NSFW
Bonding (Thor x Reader x Odin NSFW)
More to Love
Surprise~ (Poseidon x Reader x Hades NSFW)
Kianna Reader x Poseidon (NSFW)
Odin x Reader- Urge (NSFW)
True Dragon Rimuru x Mitsuri (NSFW)
Beelzebub x Dom Reader x Nikola (NSFW)
Beelzebub x Kianna Reader (NSFW)
Satoru x Tanjiro Reader x Suguru- Needy (NSFW)
Lu Bu HCs (NSFW)
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dangermousie · 7 years
Here are the upcoming cdramas I need subbed
Let’s play the game of What Are The Odds:
The Princess Agents - so so odds. Nobody in it is high profile enough for dramafever (sorry, LGX!) and it doesn’t seem xianxia and/or romance which is the it genre right now. But maybe Viki? Because I want to see tough heroine to take evil dudes on assisted by her scrumptious love interest. ETA: swordsandparasols informed me that the female lead of this is super duper famous actually so maybe yay subs?.
As Flowers Fade and Fly Across the Sky - hoping for subs because It looks expensive and romantic and I am a sucker for Peter Ho.
Love Lost In Times - hoping for subs and I think has the best chance of the bunch to get them. Liu Shi Shi and Willam Chan both have a bunch of fans and the genre seems in keeping with the ice fantasy/eternal love/supernatural fantasy based on novel thing going right now.
The King’s Woman - not bloody likely to get subs I think. Dilraba Dilmurrat playing the true love of founder of Qin Dynasty in prequel to Legend of Qin is gonna make me gnash my teeth at no subs
The Braveness of the Ming - looks so pretty and I find the Ming dynasty interesting but as for expecting subs - hahahaha! I don’t see The Glory of Tang Dynasty subbed, do you?
Once Promised - hoping for subs. For the same reasons as Love Lost In Times. But it’s Huang Xiaoming in a period fantasy love story (aka exactly how I got into cdramas in the first place), so I just might watch raw if no subs forthcoming.
Ruyi Love In the Palace - hoping for subs. Big name cast (Walllllllllace Huo!) and budget after all. I am a big fan of the Qing setting.
The Qin Empire 3 - because I love hardcore period dramas about politics and war. But it’s not getting subbed any more than 1 and 2 were.
Oh My General - look like gender reversal period hijinks. Unlikely to be subbed but I live in hope.
The Fated General - looks pretty and I like the cast. Same think I’d say about Zhong Ge - chance of subs moderate for both I think but who knows .
Your cdramas you want to watch/predictions?
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