harvardwang · 1 year
溫裕紅,香港女演員及節目主持,畢業於香港演藝學院,曾是無綫電視旗下藝人。她擅長演出的角色為少婦,其代表作為1997年的無綫電視劇《刑事偵緝檔案III》飾演「盧冰冰」一角。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1968 年 11 月 13 日,英屬香港
逝世: 2023 年 5 月 19 日,香港
刑事偵緝檔案III 飾 盧冰冰/靚冰 (張大勇下屬)
廉政追緝令 飾 梅綺雯
鑑證實錄 飾 于美倩/洪天飛 (「變性殺人案」)
創世紀 飾 Winnie
刑事偵緝檔案IV 飾 Amy
妙手仁心II 飾 姚太
勇探實錄 飾 會談專家
法網伊人 飾 孫嘉美(第10、11集)
流金歲月 飾 戴月華
西關大少 飾 黃醫生(伍玉卿之婦產科醫生)(第17-18集)
老婆大人 飾 高天之女友
翻新大少 飾 沈碧玉
妙手仁心III 飾 陳心寧
Yummy Yummy 飾 周文希亡母
心花放 飾 楊慕儀
鳳凰四重奏 飾 司儀
師奶兵團 飾 周姑娘
通天幹探 飾 方少麗(魏詩嘉之母)
秀才愛上兵 飾 翠表姐
同事三分親 飾 羅太(第291集)
最美麗的第七天 飾 凌加恩母
法證先鋒II 飾 Alex母
尖子攻略 飾 單母
溏心風暴之家好月圓 飾 女法官(客串)
珠光寶氣 飾 Daisy
老婆大人II 飾 吳方丹心(「吳方丹心幼稚園」校董)
畢打自己人 飾 余蕾(第79、148、250、294集)
蔡鍔與小鳳仙 飾 劉嫂
談情說案 飾 景博之表嬸
情越雙白線 飾 劉太
囧探查過界 飾 經理人
仁心解碼 飾 恩母
隔離七日情 飾 彭太
依家有喜 飾 香表姐
女拳 飾 花母 (第8集)
點解阿Sir係阿Sir 飾 Miss Lo (第3集)
真相 飾 珊母 (第4集)
缺宅男女 飾 官太 (第5, 10集)
On Call 36小時 飾 馬英嵐 (第11集)
拳王 (第1集)
心戰 飾 高貴女士 (第18集)
愛·回家 (第一輯) 飾 錢太 (第48集)
護花危情 飾 女司機 (第20集)
巴不得媽媽... 飾 魯玉芬
幸福摩天輪 飾 江笑菊
愛·回家 (第一輯) 飾 Annie(第206、264集)
心路GPS 飾 劉翠雲之親戚(第20集)
仁心解碼II 飾 鵬妻
情越海岸線 飾 九嫂
好心作怪 飾 無名氏(第7集)
衝上雲霄II 飾 司儀
On Call 36小時II 飾 馬英嵐
新抱喜相逢 飾 娟
點金勝手 飾 財經主播
忠奸人 飾 王美莉
使徒行者 飾 蒲楊淑雲
大藥坊 飾 菊母
四個女仔三個BAR 飾 溫官
潮拜武當 飾 外籍女子
愛·回家 (第二輯) 飾 司徒太
潮流教主 飾 Tinnie經理人
愛·回家之八時入席 飾 寶明姐
幕後玩家 飾 青群姐(第8集)
巾幗梟雄之諜血長天 飾 孕婦(第1集)
愛·回家之開心速遞 飾 龍吳家柔
全職沒女 飾 醫生
超時空男臣 飾 天朝高層
溏心風暴3 飾 法官
逆緣 飾 女星
三個女人一個「因」 飾 梁小娟
BB來了 飾 周嵐
跳躍生命線 飾 娟
福爾摩師奶 飾 女犯人
白色強人 飾 羅醫生
金宵大廈 飾 家長
牛下女高音 飾 姑姐
堅離地愛堅離地 飾 師傅
黃金有罪 飾 唐發集團董事
機場特警 飾 闊太
降魔的2.0 飾 萱紅
那些我愛過的人 飾 邱海燕
過街英雄 飾 賈真真
踩過界II 飾 經理人
大步走 飾 歡姐
愛美麗狂想曲 飾 珠寶店職員
伙記辦大事 飾 法官
逆天奇案 飾 法官
刑偵日記 飾 Grace
七公主 飾 羅家敏
食腦喪B 飾 王麗美
1994年:《流氓社工》飾 Betty
2012年:《2012我愛HK喜上加囍》飾 師奶
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#燒味 🦆 #串燒 🍢餐室】早前有 金滿膳燒味餐室 開業! 想食燒味定串燒?呢間「金滿膳」一次過滿足晒你兩個願望🤩! 燒味供應時間:9:30am-9:30pm 湯飯供應時間:6pm-4am 宵夜飯餐+串燒供應時間:10pm-4am 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow 佢哋 Facebook ig @goldenmeal.restaurant 地址:九龍 #觀塘 #牛頭角 道357-375號 #仁安大廈 地下D舖 #bbq #barbecue #restaurant • • • • • • • • • #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 #求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 # 開業 # 現成花 # 賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 # hkflorist # HomeKong # hello(在 金滿膳串燒) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_rBQQy_2N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nccwa · 1 year
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陳漢平(1月&2月徵文:有故事的一道菜) 2023-01-21 02:02
春捲已經進一步國際化、全球化,它傳到歐美國家,演變出小型袖珍炸春捲,稱為「蛋捲」(Egg Roll)。近年外國超級市場,還出現以義大利「皮薩食材」為內餡的蛋捲。
傳到了東南亞,有時用白色半透明餅皮,春捲(Spring Roll)變成了「夏捲」(Summer Roll)。夏捲內餡常包括鮮蝦、絲瓜、椰子粉,帶有熱帶的夏日風味。
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littlecloverstar · 5 years
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"It's because of you" - Alex
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hongkongdramas · 5 years
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Barrack O’ Karma
Yay to creepy and mysterious themed dramas! I have always liked such drama themes. So currently I’ve only watched till episode 4 and I have started to like it. The first two episode under the story ‘梦’ wasn’t impressive to me. It was exciting at some point in time but excitement level went into a flat line again... I would assume that it was an opening to show how Siu (Joel Chan) has this connection to his past life through his dreams. But it was a little too draggy by the some what random robbery case and a murder case in the prostitute house. And I was bored out of some unnecessary conversation going on which was a tad bit too long...
Episode 2 to 4 was way more interesting compared to the first two. I liked how Candice Chiu portrayed the mother that lost her child. That story for ‘婴’ kept me really curious as to what Mrs Ho wanted and the paranoia that the baby’s mother went through was so pitiful. Even though there were a lot of conversational scenes on some baby care methods, i think it was necessary for them to show the transition of how the baby’s mother trusted Mrs Ho to starting to suspect her weird behaviors. Now i’m looking forward to the other stories and now how they ended episode 4 with a flight turbulence!
The next story “娃” was interesting too. What started off as an uncomfortable involvement with dolls for men’s pleasure ended up to be a sad story about how a father felt so lonely after his daughter grew up. But this episode is filled with so much jokes that are so not for children.. 🙂 Anyway kudos for having an interracial couple and the first I’ve seen in a hk drama. Speaks so much about being accepting and diverse.
Following that was “鴉烏” (is it on purpose that they put the name the other way round? Or should I be reading it from right to left instead...) which has a pretty sad ending. Deep meanings in this story... the pressure from society and high expectations from parents on kids nowadays are really prevalent. The moment Tung-Tung said he didn’t want to grow up to face the hardship as an adult related to me so much. It was sad to see everyone losing their memory about Tung-Tung and finally even Tung-Tung himself losing his memory about his parents.
“異夢” was refreshing because it finally brought us back to the past to understand more about their past life (if there is some reincarnation thingy going on). It was so cool to see the opposite of what was happening like how it was Sis Coco dreaming of future Siu while in present life was Siu dreaming of Coco. And also Law Lan Jeh’s cameo!!! The lesbian case was ordinary but I guess it was necessary to link up the stolen $ and the release of Brother Hung.
Finally I got my question answered in these episodes. During Tung-Tung’s case, I was wondering so much on why Tung-Tung’s parent didn’t bat an eyelid when Alex came in to find out why they were arguing so loud. It felt like Alex wasn’t there at all... and I finally found my answer at the end of “洞”. Is Alex dead??? Mmmmm. Have to watch on I guess. Anyway, IMO, there wasn’t much of a supernatural thing going on in “洞”... (other than the fact that the hole in the wall was the creepy element to it) I guess there was an inspirational message going on throughout the story of pursuing one’s dream like how Mia finally found her calling and decided to put in effort in achieving what she wanted. Of course it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of that guy {forgot that guy’s name.. shall call him chicken little like how Siu called him}. Chicken Little was the one who made Mia realize her goal in life despite been an annoying keyboard warrior his whole life...
Next was “金丁” which was the weirdest shit story ever... I was totally baffled at the entire story with that weird ass theory of getting happiness after sleeping with that guy... I think this was the worst story ever that I have nothing to say about it..
Yuki Jeh is actually very pretty!! Her “美魔女” story was interesting because it linked back to her mum in the past. So we get to toggle back and forth between past and present to see the reason for her obsession with beauty. Too bad Yuki Jeh went bonkers till the end.. I wasn’t expecting her to use the cotton wool to wipe it on her face when Shui left 😅
DR POONNNN! Like everyone else, I was anticipating and waiting and waiting for Dr Poon to appear and there she is!!! But she appeared for such a short duration :( Anyway, the story of “Simone” was so cute!!!! I really like the part when they enter the gaming story. The augmented reality they were in was so interesting! And the story really shows how scary technology can be in our digital world. The manifestation of technology, especially in the world of augmented and virtual reality, can be dangerous where our personal data are constantly being collected for other purposes... the love story was just an added feature.. Hahahah KELLY CHEUNG was gorgeous!! And that Big White Duel reference there was cool! Plus also, they were finally revealing the ultimate story behind Siu, Alex, Fai and Coco. Teacher Lam is super mysterious and I’m really wondering what is that “thing” that he refers to suspiciously.
Last story!! 夢遊. Okay actually I’m only till the last second episode. Wow mind blown. They actually came up with some sci-fi thingy where you’d have to almost drown to time travel...? Okay that was out of the blue.. and omg don’t tell me Lam Gor Zai is some cat demon that kills people.
Finished Barrack O’ Karma and I was a little confused at the ending and also annoyed at the fact that they spent a whole 3-5 mins nearing the end to show flashbacks other then providing us with a little more details for the story.
Instead of looking at Lam Gor Zai being a real cat demon or some sort, I would rather view Lam Gor Zai suffering from mental illness as a result. His horrible past (the sacrificial burial) might caused him to suffer from PTSD and resulted in him having DID (dissociative identity disorder) hence the “cat demon”. The cat demon was the other personality he had that harms people. Just like M. Night Shyamalan’s Split movie starring James McAvoy having 24 split personalities, the “Beast” was just one of the personality that goes around harming people. 
The final ending was the confusing part. Initially, the part where Coco and Siu (who time traveled) were almost dying on the boat, I thought that if Coco were to die and Siu to survive, Siu would not drown in the present time and Alex would have been declared dead from the missing flight. And if Coco were to survive and Siu to die, Alex would have survived in the present time and found from the missing flight while Siu would have drowned in the water tank. Boy was I wrong... instead, I would think that for Siu to time travel and have altered the past, it has created a whole new dimension in the present where characters we have seen had a whole new story in their lives but yet a striking similarity to what we have seen in the past episodes. (e.g Mia who is now a star with that chicken little who may have a special connection to her, Yuki Jeh who is now blind and unable to “appreciate” the beauty she has, Tung-tung who is now with his family and his dad a common bus driver etc.) As for Alex, she is now (coincidentally still) a flight attendant while Siu now a pilot. The eye contact and tears in their eyes may have brought forth the familiarity both had for each other just like how Alex said that she felt this homey feeling when entering Twilight Mansion and that it felt as if she had been here the whole time. 
Oh there was this weird scene where we see Lam Gor Zai and the older version of him (played by Lau Kong) carrying on to Lan Po. Seriously confused by this... I need some explanations here... That was so out of the blue...
Overall, I really enjoyed myself watching this drama with every subplot and ultimately the main story on reincarnation and time travel. Kudos! Looking forward to the sequel which has been green-lit!
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dramaclover · 5 years
Barrack 0’Karma: Episode Crow
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One of the more controversial episode. The audience was more divided when it comes to the ending.
A brief recap of the episode: A family of 3 is living in a tiny apartment. The Dad works as a bus driver, while the Mom works as a sales person. Their son Tung Tung is 8 years old. The Mom wants their son to get a good education, so he can go to a good school & find a nice job. Because of this the parents work hard to make money, and schedule an interview with a prestigious school for their son. Tung Tung does not get in. As a result of that the Mom and Dad get into a huge fight over the financial situation, their sons education, and how they ruined each other’s lives. Unknowingly, they don’t realize theirs fights over this effected their son. Tung Tung starts to fear over his future. He’s scared of letting his parents down. Scared that he would amount to nothing. Tung Tung starts feeling depressed over the situation and believes with him gone, things would get better. A mysterious crow shows up and captures “Tung Tung”. The crow makes everyone forget about his existence. The parents managed to find him, but he refuses to go home. Tung Tung doesn’t want to be a burden to them. The crow makes the parents forget about him as well. It ends with the Mom and Dad still together and happily moving out of their tiny apartment. With a sign that the Dad still remembers Tung Tung.
So the controversial side of this story, is it ending with the son basically gone. This alludes to a modern day suicide. People seem to be angry about how it was “glamourizing” suicide. Since it ends with the parents still together & in love while moving out. In a way shows that with Tung Tung dying the parents did live a happier & better life. Another reason is that since Tung Tung is 8, so his reasoning of wanting to disappear because he fears for the future, is a badly written reason, along with him being too young to think that way.
Tung Tung being 8, doesn’t change a thing. Age doesn’t matter when it comes to suicide. Yes, he’s too young to “understand”. But that’s real life. We do have 8 year olds, 10 years old, 12 years old who are choosing to leave this world. These kids don’t think life will get better. Their minds don’t think the way we do. Tung Tung always felt alone & with his parents working, no one ever realized how sad he is. They never once asked what he wanted. They just wanted him to follow what they think it’s best. And that’s the reality. For kids, depression is like they are stuck in a maze and they can’t find a way out. And they believe the only solution is to “go away”. Tung Tung witnessed the fights his parents always had. So no, I don’t believe it’s unreasonable for Tung Tung to be scared of the future. I don’t think it’s badly written that he chose to not go home. He seriously believes life would be better without him. Yes, he’s 8. Yes, he’s young. But age doesn’t stop you from getting depression.
The parents still love each other whether you believe it or not. The Dad obviously still has feelings for the Mom. While the Mom felt the same way. The problem is, the Mom got so caught up of wanting to leave the “poor life”. She chose to ignore everything else. She made herself believe that she didn’t marry out of love but because of her surprise pregnancy. And because of that she grew resentment. She hated having to deal with attitude with her customers, but she had to put up with it for money. She lives in a tiny rented apartment. She and her husband can’t afford to live in a better place. It’s normal for her to feel bitter & think her husband was the cause of this. It’s just unfortunate she didn’t realize that money isn’t everything. There’s a small flashback scene in the end, where it shows her living happily with her son (from a day old to turning 8) and husband back in the olden days. During those days, they didn’t have much money either. And guess what? She was happy spending her days with her family. She didn’t realize that, although they had to work hard for money. She was living a relatively good life. Her husband was not a burden to her. That’s why in the end even without Tung Tung, she stayed with her husband. Because even without her child, she still has feelings for her husband. And it showed her still happy with him. This shows Tung Tung was not why she chose to to be with the Dad back then. People see the Dad as a “loser” cause his job isn’t as good as his wife. That’s not what I see. The Dad may not have a spiffy job, but he works hard & genuinely cares and loves his family. And that’s what matters most. They were poor but they did make the best of out of it back then. But she stopped seeing it that way.
All in all. I liked the ending. It is very morbid of course. Since Tung Tung disappearing is a euphemism for death. But it’s very realistic. Parents don’t always understand the amount of pressure they put on their child. Depression can hit anyone at anytime. Suicide is a topic people are usually scared to approach. So the way they did in this episode is interesting. Not everything ends with a happily ever after. Though I do have an inkling of belief that the last episodes might show an epilogue. So maybe it won’t be a sad ending? Maybe there’s a twist? Well that’s the end of my rant. Usually I agree with the complaints but not this time.
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iriscms · 4 years
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#肌膚重生的秘密⭐👶🏻 #皮秒亮麗凍齡針 #用一盒等於出去做了10次😱 #頂級貴價Facial 好多貴婦很愛用‼️經常買😍😍 一買就是10盒、20盒🛍 一盒等於打了10次HIFU😍😍😍神級精華💧 ⭐滕麗名⭐姚嘉妮⭐楊卓娜⭐曹永廉⭐唐文龍⭐林泳淘⭐湯寶如⭐陳松伶⭐Will Or⭐李嘉 超級推介皇🔥真正明星御用凍齡針💉 用後肌膚亮麗、 明艷照人😍 新一代嘅凍齡針比之前仲勁😱 ❌斑點❌皺紋❌毛孔❌粗糙❌暗啞 ☝🏻要解決哂先做到凍齡效果 🔬最新科技研發🇨🇭瑞士科研 1⃣專利成份🎖ROYAL EPIGEN P5女皇育成素™️ 活性對皮膚組織産生高效修護性能 ✅強效對抗氧化肌底細胞😚刺激細胞生長 😍減少皮膚內的自由基損傷🥰促進血液循環到皮膚深層 2⃣專利成份🎖 AQUAXYL™️ ✅強效補水💦重建肌膚水和平衡 刺激細胞再生💪💪彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白的增生 🔥豐富補充和收緊皮膚🔥 👉🏻針對所有膚質 ✨強效抗氧化、抵抗自由基 📌鱘魚籽提取物☄ 📌雪花絨提取物❄ 👉🏻適合暗淡無光澤、缺乏彈性、痘痘肌 #凍齡針 #金宵大廈 #康華 #黃長興 (在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4R5koD1wr/?igshid=1j6fkw72p85y8
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gkuen · 2 years
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金宵大廈就是個結界的界面,就像百慕達三角。主線中男女主角關係,穿梭在奇幻的兩個世界很吸引,很有追看性。而支線不同單元亦各有各話題性,引起討論,展示人性的陰暗面。單元有輕鬆有沈重,令我覺得有點像Black Mirror,用黑暗和諷刺方式令人反思人性和道德。而單元中部份演員的演出更是不錯,令單元的故事更有張力和真實感。另外鏡頭運鏡和營造的氣氛很有電影感,質感,算是無線電視近年值得一看的奇幻劇集。
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#燒味 🦆 #串燒 🍢餐室】早前有 金滿膳燒味餐室 開業! 想食燒味定串燒?呢間「金滿膳」一次過滿足晒你兩個願望🤩! 燒味供應時間:9:30am-9:30pm 湯飯供應時間:6pm-4am 宵夜飯餐+串燒供應時間:10pm-4am 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow 佢哋 Facebook ig @goldenmeal.restaurant 地址:九龍 #觀塘 #牛頭角 道357-375號 #仁安大廈 地下D舖 #bbq #barbecue #restaurant • • • • • • • • • #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 #求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 # 開業 # 現成花 # 賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 # hkflorist # HomeKong # hello(在 金滿膳串燒) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_qmyDytpa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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char-x3 · 2 years
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chiveburger · 4 years
what’s your favorite cdrama idk what to watch
as of recent, go ahead (以家人之名) is one of my favorite mainland dramas. I highly recommend watching it. I also really liked lost romance (浪漫輸給你) up to a certain point, and I’ll probably finish it now that it’s over. I have many favorite cdramas but down with love (就想賴著妳) and barrack o’karma (金宵大廈) are two that I actually rewatch often
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littlecloverstar · 2 years
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"Did you see it? It's snowing"- Ella
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vivian058 · 5 years
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plato-wpt · 2 years
金宵大廈 2
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uncle-zhai · 2 years
金宵大厦 金宵大廈 HD 1080P 全2季 云盘下载
金宵大厦 金宵大廈 HD 1080P 全2季 云盘下载
影视百科 《金宵大厦》是由香港电视广播有限公司制作,叶镇辉执导,罗佩清编剧,陈山聪、李施嬅、刘江、高海宁、林子善、张曦雯等主演的悬疑奇幻单元剧。 影视信息 导演: 叶镇辉 编剧: 罗佩清 主演: 陈山聪 / 李施嬅 / 张曦雯 / 谭凯琪 / 林子善 / 黄祥兴 / 邓佩仪 / 高海宁 / 陆永 / 张彦博 / 马贯东 / 郑耀轩 / 黄子雄 / 赵希洛 / 欧阳巧莹 / 卫志豪 / 阮儿 / 陈嘉辉 / 尹诗沛 / 鲁振顺 / 李丽丽 / 叶凯茵 / 方绍聪 / 李家声 / 陈振华 / 何启南 / 黄雪儿 / 梁茵 / 黄文意 / 罗泳娴 / 吴嘉仪 / 范文雅 / 萧凯欣 / 杨家宝 / 林夏薇 / 梁雯蔚 类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 首播: 2019-09-16(中国香港) 集数: 20 单集片长: 45分钟 又名: Golden…
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gkuen · 2 years
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《金宵大廈2》今輯故事玩「平行時空」,續集是關於另一個時空內的「金宵大廈」,就算沒有看過 《金宵大廈1》都沒有問題。《金宵大廈2》比上輯更加恐怖,更加奇幻。故事劇本有話題性和畫面鏡頭都有進步,值得追看的。
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