#'cause everytime you smile I smile~❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨
morgana-larkin · 20 days
another whole ass detailed prompt from me😂
Abbott staff finding out r is single during the little game at the library. Say after Janine walked out, she came back and continued the game. Happy that r being single since birth is the new hot topic and not her relationship with Tariq. They all decided to set up r into dates,even Melissa set her up with someone. They are not aware r is gay, and Mel didn't know r has some sort of crush on her. During the process, Mel caught feelings* and the staff notices it but r failed to do so. However, she sees r is enjoying the company of the person they set her up with. Sort of angst, because I eat that sht. Idiotic type of angst tbh 'cause turns out the only reason why r and her date* are getting along is because the first date* they had they both confessed they're just agreed to it because of their friends and coworkers, and they're both gay. They became some sort of besties. Whenever they have a date*, they would just talk about each other's crush, and plotting how they would tell each other's cowerkers what is really happening between them. Then he notices that Mel is being jealous and suggested to keep up with their set up* a little bit more until Melissa snaps and make a move on her, to which r disagreed 'cause she fails to notice that she and Mel share mutual feelings. He still continued the plan, he surprised* r in school day, and r gave him a glare of "what the hell are you doing?" and Melissa finally snaps walking out slamming the door. He then smiled to r and said "go get your girl and calm her down before she retrieve her bat and hit my deeply moisturized face". The staff looked at them flabbergasted, they both panicked and confessed they're gay. R tried to talk to Mel after that but she became distant (she didn't know what happened in the break room) so distant r felt she was the plague and it hurt her. It continued for about two weeks until r gets tired and angry of it, decided to show up in the redhead's door step unannounced, and confronts her why was she ignoring her and how she felt about her and sort of.
If you're going to write about this, can I suggest you post it seperately 🥹 and not bind into this question like the usual layout, prompt*and then below is the fic itself because I'm afraid I hyper detailed this prompt and gave off the whole twist 😭and it's so long lololol sorry. I don't know if it makes sense tho, this just shows off my poor construction of sentences 😐 Anyway, I always look forward to your works 🤌🏼✨. You are amazing and thank you for writing. I feel like you're a genie 🧞‍♂️ granting our wishes everytime.
Hiya! It made perfect sense! This was a really fun prompt and glad you sent it! Thank you so much for loving my writing ❤️ when I first read the genie part I actually laughed, never thought someone would say that but it’s sweet. But I do standby: what the people want, the people get.
Anyway, here’s the prompt for ‘I Feel A Rainbow In You’!
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
that Jon con story was 😳😳🫠 my soul woulda left my body on the spot 😮‍💨 tbh I dunno that I could survive being in the same room as him 🫣 but it’s funny cause ✨ hands ✨ was literally my Frankie request
Imagine you’re in a new relationship with Frankie, slowly testing the waters cause who ain’t a bit broken these days
and you got a thing for ✨ hands ✨ and you think you’re being discreet when you stare at his hands while they do pretty much anything BUT Frankie ain’t a dummy and has noticed and wants to test his theory that you really really like his hands
babes it's the way we literally share the same brain cell bc those HANDS, as soon as I saw this request I literally dropped everything and started working on it. thank you for requesting this and inspiring me to thirst over frankie's hands and helping me kick off this week of celebration. ✨ I adore YOU so MUCH. ❤️
warning: contain explicit sexual content. as always, minors please dni. btw the jon con story in reference can be found here. :) word count: 3.1k
everyone say thank you to my sweet angel baby @jwjeepers for this lovely request to start off this week of celebrating my 500 followers friends milestone! happy slutting over frankie! 🖤
don't hold back.
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It was subtle at first. You had a habit of zoning out when you vanished into your thoughts, or were concentrating really hard on something. Frank had noticed it very early on. Sometimes you would disappear for a little bit, getting lost in your own stream of consciousness before finding your way back to him. Frank didn’t think much of it. He found it kind of endearing, actually. He always wondered though, what exactly was going through your head when you had that far off look in your eyes. He wondered what you daydreamed about, and where you went when you stared off into space, curious if he ever popped up in any of those scenes.
The first hint was a few weeks ago when you and Frank had met up with some of your friends for drinks. Frank was in the middle of telling a story, animatedly moving his hands around as he did so, when he caught your gaze out of the corner of his eye. Your eyes were following every single movement of his hands. He didn’t think much of it at first, figuring you were probably just trying to paint a clear picture in your head, so he brushed it off. But then he caught you doing it again. And again. And again. Everytime he used his hands to speak, your eyes were glued to them. Throughout the night as the alcohol dulled your inhibitions, you were more reckless with your lingering stares. Frank had even caught the way you trapped your bottom lip between your teeth when he wrapped his fingers around the neck of his beer bottle, and his curiosity peaked. 
Your relationship was still very new, both of you trying to figure out how to navigate it as cautiously as possible. He was still healing from another lifetime of pain and loss, a piece of him knowing he always would be. You were hypervigilant with your heart due to your mother being an incurable romantic currently on husband number four. Sometimes he thought it was a marvel you two were even together. Frank never talked more than he had to, and you were more on the shy and quiet side. It had taken Frank just as long to get you to open up to him about your feelings as it had taken you to get him to open up about his. He never imagined he would even want to open his heart up to someone else again, but there was something special about you. Something in your soul that called out to his. He still remembers the day you first met, and the way you had smiled at him. He knew right then he was done for.
He didn’t know what you saw in him. Frank could never fully wrap his head around why the hell out of anyone, and oh you could have fucking have anyone, you chose him. Over and over again, day after day, you chose him. He waited for you to change your mind, break out of whatever trance you were under, and leave him. But you never did. He was constantly torn between wanting to show you his worst to see if you would stay, and wanting to prove to you that he was the man you believed he was so that you would stay. 
Frank savored every part of your relationship, taking his time to enjoy every piece of it fully. He never went farther than what he was absolutely sure you were comfortable with. He let you set the pace, always following your lead, worrying that if he got carried away he would fuck everything up. The first time you let him kiss you, he felt dizzy with adoration and his lips tingled for hours afterwards. And the first time you let him make love to you? Frank fucking swore he believed in heaven, because he had found it inside your body. Little by little, your confidence blossomed, and Frank was able to coax more of what you liked out of you to make sure he was always doing everything exactly right. Nothing filled him with more pride than pleasing you.
He didn’t want to push you, or make you uncomfortable, but he was dying to know what you were hiding from him. Everytime he caught you staring at his hands, you would immediately redirect your eyes and blush profusely. Frank thought he had somewhat of an idea of what was going on, so he decided to test out his theory. 
Frank used his hands as much as possible over the course of the next few days. If you were struggling to reach something, he would come up behind you and splay his large hand on your lower back, never once missing the way your lips parted and a flush crept onto your cheeks in response. Frank wasn’t a huge fan of PDA, but he made it a point to hold onto your hand every time you went somewhere together, or place his hand just high enough on your thigh to get a silent reaction out of you everytime you sat next to him or rode with him in his truck. He especially loved doing that when you wore dresses or skirts, brushing his calloused fingers along your soft skin in slow strokes. Frank would catch the way your eyes widened slightly, and a devious smirk would curl at the corner of his mouth. He even went as far as getting into a fight with some drunk asshole in a dive bar, cracking his fist roughly against the guy’s jaw, just to come home to let you assess the damage and fix him up. He didn’t need you to, his knuckles were barely even bruised, but he wanted to see the way you would react to getting to examine his hand up close. The hitch in your breath as he held it out for you and the way your eyes swelled with lust as you delicately grazed your fingertips over his angry knuckles had his cock thrashing against his jeans. He had figured you out, and now he just needed to find a way to get you to ask for what he knew you wanted.
Frank had you on his lap, one hand placed firmly on the middle of your back to hold you in place against him, and the other loosely wrapped around your throat as he gently grabbed your jaw in his fingers. He took his time kissing at that sensitive spot at the base of your neck he knew drove you crazy. He figured if he could get you worked up enough, needy and desperate for more, that you would open up and bloom for him. He just needed to guide you there. Frank could practically feel the thundering rhythm of your heart pounding against his own chest. He swallowed every breathless pant that escaped your lips. An impatient whine echoed off your tongue and he grinned. Frank had you exactly where he wanted you. 
He purposefully kept his hands still in their places, focusing solely on his gentle assault on your neck with his lips and tongue, occasionally nipping at your collarbone. He could tell you were getting restless by the way your hips started to tenuously rock back and forth, your fingers once loosely threaded in his hair now tugging slightly.
“Please what, darlin’? Hm?”
You huffed in response, earning a throaty chuckle from him, and grabbed a small fistfull of the collar of his shirt to tug him closer, even though there was hardly an inch of space between you two.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
“Want you, Frank.”
“Nah, think you can do better than that. C’mon baby, tell me what you want.”
Frank tried not to laugh at the futile way you attempted to tear his lips away from your neck to bring his face closer to yours, your hips now picking up a more purposeful speed. Patience was not your virtue, and he knew it wouldn’t take much more teasing until you broke. He would wait.
“Fraaaaank. Please, I told you. I want you.”
“I think you’re lyin’ to me, baby.”
Frank pulled back just slightly to look into your eyes, taking in the furrow of confusion in your brows and the adorable pout on your lips. He tightened his hold on your throat, your chin firmly grasped between his thumb and index finger. He reveled in the way your eyes grew in bewilderment, and your hips stuttered to a stop.
“I think you want somethin’ in particular, but you’re too shy to ask. Yeah?”
Your lips parted slightly as a shuddering breath slipped past, and Frank took the opportunity to swipe the pad of his thumb deliberately across your bottom lip. Your hand flew up to grab onto his forearm, gripping onto it tightly. He stared at you silently for a second, searching your eyes for any hesitation. You gave his arm a gentle squeeze and he took that as a signal to experimentally push his thumb past your plump lips. You greedily accepted it in your mouth, closing your eyes for a moment as you swirled your tongue around it and sucked softly, even giving the tip a gentle bite. A small grunt sounded in the back of his throat and Frank found himself pathetically rock hard beneath you.
He swiftly retracted his thumb from your mouth with a pop, a twinge of embarrassment sparking in him that if he let you keep doing that, he’d no doubt come on the spot. Both of you stared at each other for a moment in silent astonishment. Frank cocked his head to the side slightly, a mischievous glint in his eye as that familiar cocky smirk appeared on his lips.
“Ain’t feelin’ so shy now, are ya?”
You bit down on your bottom lip hard, unable to tear your eyes away from Frank’s relentless stare. It made you feel even smaller than you already did with him. He clicked his tongue against his cheek, shaking his head slowly as his thumb pulled your bottom lip free from your teeth.
“Uh uh. If you’re feelin’ brave enough to take my thumb in your mouth like you do my cock, then you can be a big girl and use your words, yeah? You gonna tell me what you want now, sweetheart?”
Frank’s shameless words shot straight down to your core and you couldn’t stifle the pitiful whine that sounded from you. You closed your eyes for a moment to regain your composure, far too turned on to even be embarrassed that Frank had caught on to you. You weren’t sure why you even would be embarrassed. Frank always gave you everything you asked for without hesitation. But sex between the two of you so far had been gentle and loving, not that you didn’t adore or enjoy that, but you weren’t sure how to tell him that you wanted more. You weren’t sure what he would think of you if you told him what you really wanted him to do to you.
“Your hands.”
“What about ‘em, baby?”
“I think you kinda already know.”
“I do. Wanna hear you say it though.”
The smug grin on his mouth had you whining in agitation. It was no use putting up a fight. Frank wasn’t going to give up until you gave in, and his willpower was much stronger than yours. Swallowing your pride, you stared directly into his deep brown eyes, a wicked idea forming in your head. If he was going to play this game, so could you.
“I love your hands, Frank. I love how big they are, how long your fingers are. I know they can reach so much deeper than mine can. Your fingers could get me to come so much faster than mine ever could. I love the way it feels when you touch me. I want you to touch me more, Frank. I want you to grab me and not be afraid to leave marks. I want you to squeeze my throat when you fuck me. I want-”
Frank didn’t give you a chance to finish before he was pulling you in by your throat and crashing his lips onto yours. His other hand was already bunching your dress up around your hips, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your panties until his thumb found your clit. You moaned into his mouth and Frank had to channel all his self-control into not combusting right then and there because you were already so wet. He had never heard you talk like that but fuck did he want to hear more of it. He always felt like you were holding back with him, maybe just as much as he was with you, and he’d be damned if he let this side of you slip back into the shadows again.
One of his long fingers slipped easily into your entrance and he broke apart from your lips just in time to watch the way your face contorted in pleasure as a sigh of content filled the space between you. Frank was mesmerized by you, eyes fixated solely on your face as he began to fuck you slowly with his finger, his thumb grazing over your clit gently. You were practically begging for more already, breathless whimpers and pleas tumbling from your lips, your nails digging into his shoulder blades when he granted your request and pushed another finger past your entrance. Frank glanced down in awe to watch the way you moved your hips against his hand, wanting so badly for it to be his cock instead. He decided right then and there you were going to ride him for the first time tonight. You were so close to the edge already just from his fingers, and Frank’s ego soared at seeing how much of an effect he had on you. 
“This what you wanted baby, hm? Just wanted me to fuck you with my fingers?”
“Yes Frank…God, please…don’t stop.”
“All you had to do was ask darlin’, you know I’d never say no to you. You know how much I love makin’ my pretty girl happy, don’t you?”
You couldn’t focus on anything other than the way Frank was plunging his fingers into you repeatedly, the sounds of your wetness squelching around his fingers quickly filling the living room. The faster you rocked your hips, the more brutal his pace became, and you loved it. You nodded your head quickly at his words, feeling dizzy at the way he said my pretty girl.
“You gonna tell me what you want from now on so I can give it to ya, hm? Give you whatever you want baby, just gotta ask. Or hell, you ain’t even gotta ask. You just take my hand and guide it where ya need it. If that’s what you want, you take it. You want my cock, take it. You take whatever the hell you want. It’s all yours, understand? You take what’s yours, yeah?”
All you could do was moan in response. Between Frank’s dangerously gruff voice and indelicate words, and the way he was curling his fingers and brushing along that spongy spot inside you that had you doubling over in indulgence, you couldn’t form any other word but his name.
“Attagirl. You gonna come for me now, sweetheart? Hm? Gonna soak my hand? Yeah you are, I can feel it. Look at you, already making a mess on my lap and you ain’t even there yet. Go on baby, come on my fingers. Don’t hold back, let me have it all, yeah? Go on, make a mess on me. Let me fuckin’ have it.”
A tsunami of rapture collided so hard into you that it knocked the breath completely out of your chest. You collapsed against Frank, barely able to hold yourself up on his lap as you meagerly tried to ride out the wave of pleasure. Frank’s deft fingers continued to work you over, wringing every single drop of pure bliss from you until he was certain there wasn’t an ounce of satisfaction he had missed. He wrapped his arm tightly around your waist to hold you against him, brushing his lips along the shell of your ear as he encouraged you through your orgasm.
“That’s it, there we go. That’s my girl. That’s my fuckin’ girl. Make me so proud baby, so fuckin’ proud. I got you, sweetheart.”
After a few minutes, you were finally able to get your breathing under control, your vision becoming less and less fuzzy as you fully regained coherency. Frank gazed down at you lovingly, brushing your hair away from your face and tucking a strand of it behind your ear. You blinked a few times as he came into focus, staring into his deep mahogany eyes. You blushed at the look he was giving you, a cheeky grin coupled with a quizzically arched brow.
“So, my girl’s a little kinky, hm? You been holdin’ back on me this whole time?”
You couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles, hiding your face into Frank’s chest to escape his taunting stare. 
“I was nervous!”
“What the hell for? You think I wouldn’t like it or somethin’?”
“I didn’t know. You’re always so…gentle with me. You always take it slow, and touch me like I’m made of glass. Not that I mind that, I don’t at all. I like when you’re sweet to me. I just…I guess I wasn’t sure what you wanted, or what you would think of me if I told you what else I liked.”
Frank gently grabbed at your throat, holding your face in his fingers so that you couldn’t look away. There was a timid smile on his lips and an uncertain vulnerability floating around in his eyes.
“Baby, I take it slow because I don’t wanna push you. I never wanna do anythin’ that makes you uncomfortable. I’ve been lettin’ you call the shots this whole time, decidin’ what we do and when we do it, followin’ your lead, ya know? Look I…I just don’t wanna fuck this up. That’s all.”
“What if I don’t wanna call the shots? What if I want you to?”
Frank sucked in a deep breath at your words, unable to ignore the way they made his cock twitch in his jeans. 
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
“It is.”
“Frank, I trust you, and I can take a lot more than you give me credit for. If I feel like I can’t handle something or don’t like it, I’ll tell you, and I trust that you’ll respect that. I promise I won’t hold back anymore if you don’t.”
“Alright, sweetheart. You got yourself a deal.”
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Hello~ how you been?
Can you please make some relationship headcanons with Hellboy? Please ❤️✨.
Your fics are just*chef kiss* 🤌✨
I'm stress writing to get ready for Flufftober if I'm being honest lol. Also, thank you friend <3
Hellboy x Gn!reader
Dating Headcannons
Warnings: none, just fluff <3
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Congratulations you finally got past the constant yearning and longing looks and slow burn!!! 🎊
Seriously how you had the patience to wait until this big softie confessed his feelings is beyond me
He was so stupidly obvious about it that you had no idea
But now you're together, an item, can officially change your Facebook status
Hi touched starved
Hi insecurity
He will always have a hand on you, doesn't matter where, he will make sure everybody knows you're his.
He has no problems with PDA, in fact he likes the looks he gets from the other agents, knowing they're jealous cause he's the one you chose
Although, he will not make-out with you in front of Abe, he finds it a bit weird and doesn't want Abe reading either of your thoughts while smooching.
He will want you to move into his room pretty much immediately, he's waited this long and just wants you around 24/7
His heart melts everytime he sees you snuggling with the kittens, it's both of his babies <3
As stated in the movies, he would literally take a bullet for you, save you from any and all danger and not rest until you were safe....but he gets really whiny and annoying when you ask him to clean up around his room or do the dishes
He's willing to work on it, so for now you both do them together
Gets slightly worried if you go to Abe to talk about anything, he's worried Abe will start spilling secrets or you'll go to him to complain about your relationship
Abe senses this one day and reassures him that you'd never talk bad about him like that.
Sometimes you just need a third opinion or a backboard to voice what's going on
(He's worried Abe will judge him for how he acts in your relationship)
Whenever you spend the night, you're spooning. He's always the big spoon and loves how small you are and how you fit in his arms
Once in a blue moon does he let you be big spoon. And he's made sure to remind you that he "doesn't like it"
He likes bragging to the other agents about you, how smart you are, how pretty you are, how soft your lips are-
Don't worry, he'd never willing share any details from the bedroom with anybody in Headquarters. That's between you two (and Abe who accidently read his mind when walking into a room)
He let's you name any new cats and kittens he gets
He loves snuggling and watching movies with you, he likes running his fingers through your hair while you mumble along to the screen
I will warn you, do not take a shower with him. He showers with the hot water all the way up, no cold water. The bathroom steams up the second he turns it on.
If anybody makes marriage or engagement jokes around you guys or genuinely asks, he starts stuttering and blushing and goes all quiet
But the moment, and I mean the moment, you bring up something to do with weddings or an engagement ring, it's gonna flick a switch in his brain and it's all he's going to think about
It's not long into your relationship that he does ask, it's a bit awkward and he cries a few times, and almost drops the ring, but it's perfect
He feels his heart grow (along with his pride) seeing the ring on your finger.
He smiles so big watching you looking down at it with a smile of your own.
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pashminalamb · 2 years
THOSE NICKNAMES ARE SO CUTE ABKGCFBHGG ofc you can call me either one you pick 😊. Also I hope that guy gets gum stuck in his horrible hair and is super late to an exam or something 😤😤😤. I don’t understand how some people think I want to hear their stupid comments?? Like whatever happened to the saying “if it’s not nice, don’t say it”?? Like unless we’re friends or close constructive criticism or advice is fine. But like. I haven’t seen you since school? Leave me alone. Some peoples audacity I swear 🤨🙄😤. Im sorry that that happened to you. AND YOU TELL HIM. MANS THOUGHT HE WAS CHANGING THE WORLD BY BEING RUDE TO YOU AND PROCEEDS TO LOSE A DEBATE AGAINST YOU NOT EVEN MINUTES LATER. HECK YEAH. YOU GO GIRL 😤🥰. Intelligence is so freaking hot though just saying. So like. Love everything about yourself cause there’s so much to love sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️. Also like I’m slowly falling for Nagi and Oliver but we’re not gonna talk abt that rn 👀 *swears profusely* Also also I love love love knowing random facts about all my favorite characters because it just makes them seem so real. It’s just overall really adorable. Like that invincible hero hates ranch with a burning passion and that one tired teacher loves swimming in coral reefs in their down time and that one amazing soccer player loves history. Finding out more stuff about all these awesome characters honestly makes me love them even more. Going to the gym is great btw!!! But don’t forget to also rest and not overdo it. Your body needs time to repair itself yknow? I seriously need to start going again. I was a gym rat the entire summer and I actually liked it?? I wanted to try something new and I ended up loving it. Idk it’s just the satisfaction of working on yourself and working all those feelings out and just taking care of your body yknow? But school got in the way and I keep telling myself I’ll go this weekend but I keep forgetting 💀😭. I shall add Romantic Killer to my watch list 😌. Is it an anime or a show btw? What’s it about? *sips from hot chocolate cup and hugs squishmallow* I’m still processing the ending of TR so like I need a couple business days to collect my thoughts but you’ll be the first to hear them when it hits me that it’s actually over. Also Isabelle is such a pretty name. I think it suits you 😊. As always I hope your day goes well!! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
forget to add on my last ask agjhhhshehh 💀 but why those specific nicknames? like is it cause if the emoji or something else? sorry im just curious 😅.
I'm that kind of person who keeps nicknames for everyone actually... based on what they like or reminds me of irl has a friend named dumbface . And the thing is... the word 'anon' sounds... mechanical which is why I offer emojis to people who want to interact with me and visit my blog and everytime I look at ✨ emoji all I'm thinking of is a genshin wish or starry or charm and I literally go like
'starry asked me something!! *smiles*' But yeah cause of the emoji or in case send me a name that you'd like be called by? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Thinking if I should call 💙  anon blue...
Going back to my classmate at uni... another bonus point is that since we hadn't seen each other in a long time; with covid and all that too I'm...actually two heads taller than him. And when he tried to be rude to me again today- this time about my hair cause its short (and yk what guys say abt girls with short hair right?), I said 'You talk big for someone who has to be noticed under a microscope, you wanna lose another debate?' And he actually shut up with his mouth open and a friend of mine who shares the second major class with him just laughed
Oyaoya you're falling for Nagi and Oliver ( ⓛ ω ⓛ ) Tell me all about it
I know !! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა The random facts about Oliver made me go 'No way. NO. WAY. WHAT.' cause there are too many things about me that coincide with him and I was just sitting there like... it does makes sense now. Cause when i was reading the manga too, I saw him and I went like... he gives me the vibe of a snake (cause I had a pet one and there's a whole history to that and it was guesswork) for some reason. *scrolls*
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it's a snake alright.
Random facts just make my day and I love the fact of that one tired teacher who likes swimming in the coral reefs - pretty sure Ego is that kind of guy. When I found out that Aiku loves History I was like 'is it possible to fall any deeper for this man?'
So the thing with gym is that I was going for a good week and then i fell sick. and it kept happening back and forth until I got tired and irritated and said that i need to be consistent. And honestly? I love going to the place as well ! Plus I needed to get more muscle in cause... I wanna be able to lift more heavy objects. So me and my roommate were lifting this really heavy box and I couldn't get it over my head and nearly busted my skull but luckily they're stronger and taller than me so I was safe; I don't want to experience that again and that's why i decided to go to the gym. that and for mental stability and being fit as well ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
My classes do get in the way of me going to gym and studies take up my time too and that's why i balance everything. Priorities take first place, write little everyday and when its ready, I post it.
So Romantic killer is an anime about a girl who cares only about three things : gaming, her cat and chocolate. And cause of that, she's disconnected from the real world and can't fall in love with anyone the way i've been called out on with this show so a wizard who made an otome video game comes (their name is riri), and tries to set her up with this guy named Kazuki. And its all about her resisting him
His voice sounds very familiar though *goes to check* yeup, Kamitani Hayato from Gakuen babysitter club and weather report from JJBA
I just heard about TR from one of my friends. And I'm surprised abt it actually, maybe I should read from where i left off (forgot to ask about terano south) but take your time. I'll be there to hear all about it ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა
My name... has taken one too many dad jokes, comes with being the youngest ig . DoorBELLE BELLEring
Not to mention the spellings and older people, ‘Isabella’ no, it’s Isabelle, Isabel? Izabel? No, Isabelle
Oliver : Tinker belle.
That is acceptable.
*sending warm hugs*
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@fransweek Day 4 - Smile ✨✨
Autumn with this two >w<)❤️❤️❤️✨
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returnofahsoka · 3 years
Seriously, just seeing you so hyped and happy about the bad batch makes me feel all warm inside everytime idk i feel like i have to say this. I see you get excited on here and it gives me a serotonin boost! Tell me about your favourite characters, your comfort relationship, favourite scenes! Anything to make you feel comfort and joy 🌈
oh gosh, love..... this is so sweet. i love you so much 🥺💕😭
this show seriously gives me so much joy, even though it has Lots of flaws. still, the highlight of my week is probably the new episode each friday. ✨escapism✨ for the win
and well, you already know my favourite character, echo. i told you a lot about him and aaaaaahhhh he's so good and he's endured so much and yet he's idealistic and gentle and kind - even if he mostly hides that under his grumpy exterior - but he's also conflicted and omg his strong morality will definitely cause some big conflict with the rest of the bad batch and i'm so not ready for it
i also love tech!! i didn't like him in the beginning tbh. he was like, yk the asshole genius character trope? yeah that. he still hasn't got as much development as i'd like but there's definitely potential and unfortunately, he's grown on me agshdjsjhdksk. he's trying his best 🥺 i think he's not used to not knowing all the answers and he works extra hard because he thinks his brothers won't need him if he can't be... useful. oh god someone give him a hug
echo and tech's dynamic is also so good!! they argue all the time, but like they obviously are close and spend a lot of time together... echo also used to be such a nerd, before the citadel, but i think he relates to tech this way. also they are co-pilots and the ones constantly fixing the ship lol. tech helps echo with his prostethics, and like, in a very practical way. like i think tech doesn't see echo as different. i also like to think echo listens to tech rambling, because he also knows how much it hurts to be told to shut up
and while we're at excellent character dynamics, little omega's dynamic with every one of her big brothers is precious!!! like it's most obvious with hunter, who's just trying his best, learning to care for a child and it's a wonderful development and it's so clear how much they love each other and i just *clutches chest* love them. then with wrecker she's also very close and together they are the cutest! chaotic siblings!! i love that because wrecker is a big child at heart and with omega, he actually gets to have so much fun! but he's also very protective of her and it's adorable. she has less scenes with tech but they are so cute because tech teaches omega stuff and she keeps handing him the tools he needs, just being his little helper. and also there's a soft little smile she has that's specifically for tech and every time we see it in an episode, the fandom collectively starts crying from the adorableness. she has even less scenes with echo but *sobbing* that one scene with the trooper doll. god he's so soft and gentle and i'm gonna cry if i think about it too much
also also side characters!! you know hera from rebels? she's here as a teen and she's omega's new best friend and they helped saved her family and omega encouraged her and tech taught her about ships and oh god it was such a good episode i can't
another side character we're all crazy for is a new clone who was introduced two weeks ago and he's just....... so good?? his name is howzer and he stood up against the empire? and saved hera's family?? and he's so much like rex???? the point is, everyone loves captain howzer ❤️
okay this is getting long but it was nice to talk about these characters. god i love them so much 😭😭😭😭😭
thank you love!!
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