#( ic > gorou )
captivemuses · 2 months
It was late, and if Gorou had been going home to Watatsumi his first order of business would have been going straight to bed to have a long rest. Traveling by boat may not necessarily be exhausting, but the time spent on the boat from Liyue to Inazuma felt like it, and even after docking in Ritou the traveling to his boyfriends residence was even more traveling on top of that.
So suffice to say Gorou was tired by the time he was jogging down the road as he approached the house, but the idea of finally being back in Itto's arms was more than enough to keep his feet going one in front of the other. The trip to Mondstat had been extremely productive and interesting, as well as exciting to run into the Traveler unexpectedly, after several weeks out of Inazuma Gorou was ready to return home, and return back to the person who had become part of what home meant.
He saw a small amount of light flickering from the back room, but without being inside Gorou wasn't sure if the oni had fallen asleep or was still awake. Knocking on the front door hard enough that it'd be heard even in the bedroom, the General cracked the door open enough to call out and locate his boyfriend.
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"Itto? I'm finally back."
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mmriesoftvat · 5 months
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@avaere / gorou sc!
coming to narukami island isn't always gorou's favorite thing to do, especially when the potential of running into her is high. unfortunately, acting as a go-between for her Excellency always involves him running around on some new errand that he doesn't want to shirk.
this time around, his trip to inazuma city happens to involve spotting a rather...similar looking fellow. tall ears, sleek tail? gorou's eyes go wide as he catches himself staring.
"ah, beg your pardon." he clears his throat, trying to maintain a more professional air. "it's not often when i see similar features." his own tail wags a little. "i'd ask if you're yokai, but i get the impression you're not from around here. would i be correct?"
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rxsiistance · 7 months
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He's choking on his tea--
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viatrixtravels-a · 7 months
❥ Gorou or Tighnari?
Send me ❥ + two names and my muse will say which one they'd rather date.
"Gorou! Have you seen his fluffy tail? I want to nuzzle my face in it!"
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rossithepixie · 5 months
Oh thank god i finally reached a point in my adventure rank where i can lower the world's difficulty. makes it way easier to actually play an enjoy some of my lower level characters
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unmeiame · 4 months
;;~ |🐾 |~ Walking around the Watasumi Island, The puppy like General walked around with a tail wagging from side to side as he looked down at her excellency’s notes, taking record of everything goin on around the island.
Humming to himself occasionally Gorou found himself taking a glance at a butterfly here and there , only to realize that he was being watched by the soldiers here and there and acted a bit tough again.
Though it wasn’t until Gorou found himself turning around that he noticed one of this subordinates speak up. “General, this Strange new visiter was found wandering around watasumi, were not exactly sure what action to as so far they have caused no harm.”
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The Male turned around for a moment before glancing at the other his tail swished side to side before nodding his head. “I see, Leave this to me then.. and return back to your post.” With this the Guard turned upon heel and Gorou was left with a soft as he looked at the other.
“Apologies for that Watasumi isn’t the most safest place at the moment so everyone is a bit on edge, in any case, it’s a pleasure to meet you stranger, where as you haven’t casued any trouble or harm yet, I have to ask are you here to visit Watasumi or perhaps did you wish to speak with her Excilency?”
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stellar-eyed · 11 months
Drabble No. 00
Title: raison d'être
Note: This is my first drabble on this blog and it's very intense. Please look at the TWs in the tags and don't proceed if you aren't prepared for those topics. Still, I felt the need to spend a few days on this as its basically the thesis on my perception of Gorou and Aqua's characters.
Gorou’s hands were still, held hovering in the air before him. He eyed the back of his loosely fitting gloves, trying to focus, to calm his nerves. It was a delicate balance to keep himself both at ease and awake in the operating room well past midnight. His mind started to drift, thinking over how despite being in dozens of surgeries, he never did seem to get accustomed to the situation. Seeing someone’s open incision wasn’t an issue but, there was something about the risk of failure, no matter how low it was—
The voice interrupted Gorou’s thoughts. He snapped across the operating table, scanning briefly across the person and the open cut between them as he looked into the eyes of the senior surgeon standing on the other side.
“Get ready now. I’m about to need an extra set of hands here.”
The fellow surgeon’s eyes dart from where he was working to meet Gorou’s eyes briefly.
“Since you’ve done it before, I’ll let you cut the vessels from the old kidney. Can’t believe I’m saying that to an intern but, people do speak highly of you…”
Gorou responds with merely a nod. He’s been awake for enough hours that the tiredness is starting to sink in deeply, but he still has confidence.
His mentor nods back and switches tools, pulling up and inserting a metal tool to hold the incision open and steady for Gorou to go in.
“Ready for you.”
Gorou pulls a scalpel from the tray sitting at his waist and grips it firmly. He takes in a deep restrained breath and releases it, to calm, making the inside of his mask uncomfortably warm in the process. Without any further concerns, he leans over the patient and moves his hand in to start cutting, making very precise controlled motions with his hand. A few minutes into his work, his drowsiness creeps back in. Gorou’s eyes close if only for a moment and his hand drifts errantly to the side, away from the kidney and—
Gorou opens his eyes and sees that he’s sliced directly into the patient’s abdominal aorta.
Time seems to slow down. He freezes in place at the sight of blood rushing out of the major artery. His eyes go up to the senior surgeon, as if to beg for help—
“Calm down, son.”
The other surgeon is looking down at Gorou’s mistake with an unblinking gaze. His free hand blindly searches his own set of tools for something he might need. Gorou starts to calm down slightly, thinking they might be able to get the situation back into control.
But then the anesthesiologist jumps up from her chair.
“Blood pressure is going down fast…”
She says, almost as if not wanting to acknowledge the reason for the increasingly faster and faster beeps coming from her monitoring equipment. The whole room seems to stare in silence at the situation as the beeping turns suddenly to a constant tone.
“…And there’s the cardiac arrest.”
Gorou’s mouth drops open as he looks down again at the patient losing blood. He shakes his head repeatedly, but none of his training wants to come back to his mind at the moment. He goes almost unresponsive despite the surgeon across from him calling out his name repeatedly. His own mind feels like its going down a tunnel, spiraling further and further away from the situation he’s in until a nurse practically shoves him away from the operating table and starts helping the senior surgeon like he should have been.
The scalpel drops out of Gorou’s hand as he’s forced to the side, dropping to the ground with a tone that drains the color from his masked face. He can only stand there, away from the mess he’s created while other doctors, nurses, and technicians start pouring into the operating room and try desperately to keep the patient—this person from bleeding out, no matter how desperately and quickly deteriorating the situation is now.
Panic builds in the back of his throat as he knows, deep down, no one is going to save them at this point. The room around him seems to spin chaotically, not allowing Gorou any space to think past his own accelerating heart. The knot in his throat starts to turn him nauseous, driving him into a sweat. His whole life is breaking down before his eyes, and even though he’s the cause, he can’t bring himself to do anything about it.
Still, the nausea forces him to move. He rushes around the table, dodging all of the other medical staff and forces him out of the double doors of the operating room.
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Aqua slammed himself forward, sitting up in bed, breathing like he was about to drown. He could feel his heart racing just as fast as it had been in the dream—Only a distraction to the realization of the tears streaming down his face at the moment.
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Terrified he might wake someone elsewhere in the house, he struggled against his own panic. Breaths were held back, sobs were choked in, but his heart was much too stubborn to slow down so easily.
Aqua looked out the window of his bedroom and out into the overcast, starless night. He recited his own name, his circumstance, the date, anything over and over in his head to try and put his mind back in the present. To remind himself that everything he just experienced was a dream. Only a dream.
But there was no solace in it. Once again, he didn’t feel like he was Aqua. All these vivid and terrible memories from when he was Gorou continued rushing to the surface of his mind, as if he’d not thought about them in so long that he had simply forgotten. All of a sudden, he felt like he needed to rip the blankets off, jump out of bed, get dressed and go off to the hospital.
But, he stopped himself. Why was that so comforting a thought still? Even after everything that happened, that failed transplant, the patients he could only visit while they slowly died; even after Sarina…
Even after Ai.
Aqua’s hands gripped the blanked over him tightly, shaking in frustration. No matter how much he ever wanted do, no matter how much he begged to be able to, even as his soul cried out for it. He never could save anyone. All the hope he once had for himself, everything he worked for since being a child all the way back to his previous life amounted to nothing in the end.
This revenge plot of his really was all he was good for, wasn’t it? A failed doctor, at least three times over. Even when fate had handed him the opportunity to save his own mother’s life, he still couldn’t do it. All this time he spent awake and panicked had simply completed the circle that got his life to the point he was already at.
Aqua relaxed as he closed his eyes and fell back onto his pillow. Easing back into the familiar if still painful feelings he’d lived with ever since Ai passed away. He drifted back off to sleep, with one last thought hanging in his mind.
At least he still had one reason left to live.
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yoroiis · 2 years
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Though he’d offered to give her a spot among his ranks for simple shelter, Gorou wasn’t without a wary ear trained on the girl and her traveling companion. They’d looked beat -- like life had dealt them one too many consecutive battles and they were just barely managing to scrape their way through.
They’d been a sight Gorou couldn’t have just turned away with good conscious, and so, his resistance had become her safe place.
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“ If you’re tired, you should turn in for the night. Though I might not know much about where you came from, you can at least rest easy knowing you’re in good company here. At least, I hope none of the others have been treating you poorly, have they? ”
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rosavulpes · 1 year
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“ One of the unspoken curses of Tevyat , drawing the attention of people that want to pet or rub your ears because they find them cute “ 
He blames the the Yae Publishing House for printing so many furry light novels 
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The new banner dropped and honestly I just wanted the new diluc skin and threw a few wishes out on the new banner and heizou cane sprinting at me and punched me in the gut and anyways hes too agressive to be main team so I’m building him for spiral abyss
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captivemuses · 5 months
Gorou, would you rather spend all day with Raiden Shogun or Guuji Yae?
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Send my muse “would you rather…” questions
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"..........I'd rather spend time with the Shogun, she's not as scary as her. I've heard the Shogun's been seen around Inazuma City a few times with the Traveler trying to be around the people more. And at least the Shogun wouldn't try to talk me into another meet and greet event."
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mmriesoftvat · 4 months
She puts fake dog ears on her head, something she might have found in a dodgy stool back in Inazuma. Don't ask her where and how she found it.
"They're not as adorable as your though" there's a pout, her eyes staring at Gorou's fluffy ears.
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"Oh, you think my ears are cute?" Gorou feels a little self conscious as he reaches up to touch his ears, though his gaze never leaves her ears. He's not entirely sure what this is about, other than evidently, Lumine currently likes ears.
"I don't really like people touching my ears..." he trails off, wondering if there's a more polite way to word that. It is Lumine, after all, there's nothing he'd ever hold against her. Perhaps for her though, he can make a couple of exceptions.
"I mean, if you'd like to touch them, you can. You don't need to go around with fake ears on though!" Gorou offers a smile and the tiniest of tail wags. "Unless you want to, of course. I won't stop you."
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rxsiistance · 1 year
Kazuha smooches his cheek
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"Is that the only kind of kiss I'm getting?"
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viatrixtravels-a · 5 months
Gorou sees everyone is petting Lumine so, here comes the boy, barrelling in and -- he just sits there, legs criss-crossed on the floor in front of Lumine and after a while, he just sticks his neck out as if to indicate he wanted her to focus on the top of his head.
Perhaps this is a little hypocritical of her - seeing as she just complaining about everyone petting her as if she is a cat or a dog, but how on earth is she supposed to resist the temptation? The Inazuman General just looked so utterly adorable right now, his tail swaying gently from left to right while he waited for her to shower him with affection.
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ー So she gives in to the temptation and extends her hand, ruffling his hair before focusing on the two fluffy ears on top of his head.
( T-They're so soft...! Even softer than I expected...! )
Uh-oh. She might just grow addicted to this...
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devctiion · 2 years
A letter arrives addressed to the General. Its envelope is plain, save for the intricate pattern of a maple leaf stamped onto the seal. It reads as follows:
May this find you in good health and in even better spirits. I had hoped that this letter would arrive in a timely fashion. Although, I apologize if it has not. Though, I always have faith that the winds will bring this to you at just the right time. One must always believe, even in something that others may deem arbitrary. Without that hope, we are no more than that which has sunken into still waters.
I thank you for placing your unwavering trust in me. I promise I will return sooner than you think.
On a similar note, our Traveler friend has acquired an amazing Kamera. I'd never seen one of these that could create pictures in color. With their permission, I traveled all around Liyue with it in my possession. I had you in mind as I took these photos.
While they are stunning, I have the feeling that they do little to compare to experiencing such views for yourself.
One day, I believe that you will. And if I so happen to be by your side when that day comes, I might even consider myself one of the luckiest men in Teyvat.
You are in my kindest thoughts, always.
Take care, Kazuha
(Happy Birthday, Gorou!!!)
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As the sun sets on the day of his birth, Gorou really isn’t expecting any more surprises this late into the evening. Everyone has given their congratulations, he surprisingly got to bake a cake with Kokomi (of all things!), and his ears and tail have survived relatively intact. He’s feeling tired but content as he turns in for the night for some well-deserved time to himself.
Hmm, maybe he’ll even take the time to indulge and use some of that fur grooming oil that Yae Miko sent him…
It’s as he’s preoccupied with these innocuous thoughts that he finds himself faced with a letter. Half of the envelope is sticking out, wedged into his door to keep the wind from blowing it away, and he carefully wiggles it out to get a look at the sender. There’s a maple leaf stamped onto the wax seal.
“Kazuha…!” The name escapes him in an elated gasp, eyes widening and ears perking up alertly. As eager as he is to read it, he still hurries inside first to open it. Inside, so that he can use his letter opener to carefully preserve the wax seal. Only once it’s carefully set off to the side does he spread out the contents of the envelope across his work table, his tail thumping excitedly against his cushion like a muffled metronome.
Saying that Kazuha sent him a letter and some photographs does not really do any justice for what an actual gift these things are to him. He reads the letter first, eyes glued to the familiar, shaky handwriting that makes his chest squeeze with tenderness just looking at it. The words are just so Kazuha that he can practically hear them in his head as he reads them, and oh, you would think they hadn’t seen each other for years, rather than just a month or so, with how fervently Gorou misses him right then.
Since there’s no one around to really judge, he brings the page up to his nose and sniffs it carefully. He may not have senses as keen as Kazuha, but his nose is still better than most humans. It smells like the ink they use in Liyue, like the salt spray of the wide ocean between here and there, like Kazuha’s weathered hand moving across the page to cross that distance between them with his lovely prose. He commits it to memory before putting it to the side as well carefully.
Then he begins sorting through the photos one by one, giving each one his diligent attention. He is an Earth Kitsune, after all. Witnessing history is an unspoken duty that they’ve always carried with them, and these photos are something precious that he wants to carry as well. The places Kazuha has been, the sights that he has seen, the experiences that he wants to share with him… they will all be remembered for eternity.
When Gorou takes out a clean page to write his response, he makes sure to begin his letter with,
I’m already the luckiest in Teyvat, because I was able to meet you.’
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txnichtgutx-a · 2 years
@mangher​​ asked > itto holds gorou firm, his tongue deep inside the pup as he does. the oni was laying in the shade of a large tree when he decided he needed a snack. and what better snack was there than the cute puppy general. so here he was, eating him out, using his size to his advantage to hold gorou still and move his large tongue in and out. occasionally just kissing the rim, licking over the entrance and teasing it with the tip of his tongue before pushing it back in again. 
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ears twitching, cock leaking and gorou was just moaning softly, clawing at the ground beneath him. he... meant to have a picknick, he even prepared  a bento for itto, wanting for him to actually get something decent to eat. the oni seemed pleased and that in turn had gorou smile... but that didn’t hold on for long when itto decided it was time to turn him around. gorou whined softly, something too soft to be a complaint, but he had managed to let itto know, that he shouldn’t be doing this. the oni had never been a good listener, a stubborn big idiot. 
but gorou was not really complaining, just lying there, pliant, sobbing as itto kept on thrusting his tongue inside. he had long forgotten about where they were or why gorou was here in the first place, tail twitching happily at the attention and pleasure. reaching back, he tugged softly at itto’s pants.
“s-stop... please... cock,” he murmured, not really coherent, but he hoped itto understood him nonetheless. it was unfair for the oni to do this, knowing the dog boy was a sensitive little thing and would easily ask for a breeding. his instincts told him so, his body wanted it and gorou couldn’t think about anything else.
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