#((I'm just a very shocked bean who has very low expectations for things))
claire-starsword · 5 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 15
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Worry not, Balbaroy, I'll (hubris incoming) be shocked if this one turns out to be hard. With that said I'm not enough to a fool to head on without preparing, so we retreat immediately as there's no stop between the last battle and this one, but we certainly have things to equip!
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The Mermanbuster, which has been teasing us in the deals section for a while, is finally ours for free, and this is the exact chapter it is meant for. As you can see it is slightly weaker than the Steel Sword, but its bonus on aquatic creatures is brutal. Hopefully you'll get to see it. I'll still make space on his inventory for the Steel Sword so that he can switch between them as needed.
The Healing Ring turns out to grant immunity to poison, which is great, as there are poisoning enemies in this battle. I'm a bit unsure who should get it, but I decide to give it to Gong, who tends to be in the front line despite not being as defensive as I wish he was. Gong is very much the limiar between squishy and non-squishy in this team. He still currently has more defense than Max though, which is wild to me, this is so not how my casual runs go.
Either way, we've saved the game, we're good to go!
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We have a chance to get some money as well, hopefully it won't be hard but I am trying to get my ego under control before bad things happen.
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Our first and perhaps worst enemies are these pegasus knights, they can reach us right away, so we gotta protect the mages and healers. Luckily, Domingo is the greatest and currently the fastest in the team. Narsha is also fast enough, so Tao and Anri get protected right away. Also, Max is in reach of all the knights and it would not surprised if they decided to go for him instead.
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It's a moot point anyway cause in the end everyone moves before the knights, and I decide to bait the bats enemies further ahead. We're not in their range and they should be simple to deal with, and we're close enough to back Narsha and Domingo up if things get complicated.
The knights decide to just, not move, which is annoying as I need to wipe them out eventually. had I known I'd have boosted Domingo's magic with Narsha beforehand, as he is the only one who can bait those out. Time to put his tankiness to the test again.
He deals half of the knights' HP with Freeze 1 so I guess boosting wouldn't have made a difference.
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I can however boost Anri to maybe help her train, that would be nice.
I give up on baiting the south with Gong, Khris and Arthur though, as there are more enemies gathering there and none of them should be tanking that much.
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Anri finally gets good at the spell she's supposed to be good at.
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Domingo tanks a hit, but the other two garbage knights refuse to advance. This is very annoying.
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I advance Tao a bit too much by mistake and cry. She has been oneshotting bats left and right though. It's not even worth mentioning anymore, assume Tao can oneshot most things by this point.
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Behold. The Mermanbuster.
With thus, Lowe gets to heal Tao and everything is fine again.
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I sent Gong to help Domingo, as he would die if like, both knights got double hits. Very unlikely, but you never know when the RNG is gonna decide to be hilarious.
(And yeah sure, if it did that Gong would die too, I'm not sure what I was thinking, maybe I just wanted Domingo to have a friend around.)
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At least now the knights are finally advancing, the north one also skipped attacking in order to, beeline for Khris? You silly bean, I'm not letting you do that.
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Meanwhile these conches are very weak, despite the first impression they made against Tao, so I don't expect problems. Since everything is going fine, I decide to cast Attack on Narsha to speed up things. She levels up and gets Aura 2. Never disappointed with this woman.
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In the back, I decided to play it safe and have Gong heal himself, so the knights were not defeated in that round and this one is very determined to ignore Domingo.
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Meanwhile the blob is getting protagonist-worthy level ups.
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I'm just gonna keep advancing Narsha, she doesn't care.
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This is vacation for her. Tour where the queen of Runefaust hunts down some seafood.
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The ice avoidant knight gets a fitting end.
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We're at turn 6 and there's two enemies. This battle is kinda ridiculous. I'm gonna let Max and Narsha tank some hits and try to give other exp, either by attacking or tossing heals to the void.
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He also gets poisoned. Told you it was gonna be a thing.
Narsha should still be able to tank though.
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And that's it, I laze around for two turns while Arthur and Anri finish a Shellfish each, Arthur is overleveled but his stats aren't great so I don't mind him growing more, this does finally gets his HP past 20 which is nice. Gong is the first to get Heal 3, which is also nice. As previously discussed, he should get promoted right away to not delay his promotion-only spells.
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He's now back to having less defense than Max, but it's not too big a deal, and his attack is still respectable as well. With Narsha around, a character falling behind in attack is not the death sentence it used to be. Besides, our upgrades are not yet over, this rich-ass town has like, five chests lying around.
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I. Hate. That they retranslated this thing as Agility Ring when it doesn't effect agility. So anyway. The Running Ring gives us a +2 in movement which is awesome. For now I'll give it to Domingo so that he can tank in front of people more easily, and also he's my only flyer in this playthrough so the mobility is nice.
This town is also where we should be getting the Heavy Mace, but because our Runefaust Queen has soloed a Kraken that doesn't matter.
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Finally, let's check out the deals on this very normal shop.
There's another Mermanbuster, and another Elf Slayer. This is very annoying as I don't have any other characters for these weapons, and I guess they'll be here clogging the deals until I buy them.
On the bright side, we can buy the Repel Ring now. I'm leaving it with Gong for now. as counters would ruin him big time, but Max is also a candidate.
The regular weapon shop doesn't have anything useful for us, so that's where we end it for today.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2
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queenharumiura · 4 years
|・ω・`) hibari-kyouya-skylark
Send me |・ω・`) + a URL and I’ll talk about this blog! ||Accepting||@hibari-kyouya-skylark [I was dumb and forgot to @ tag the last time so i’m making a point to remember this time OTL]
These memes are a time for me to just ramble and talk. So, to start, I guess I’ll go with: I was very confused when I looked in my notifs one day to see that I was followed by a Hibari blog. Not in a bad way! It’s like--- ???????????????? someone from KHR, with a popular muse, is following me? 
Is this a mistake or---?
Forgive me, because I dealt with a lot when this blog started out. I won’t get into how many times I was told that people didn’t want to interact because: “My muse is gay” or “But my muse hasn’t canonically interacted with Haru before-- I don’t want to interact”. To put it simply, I became kinda jaded around that time. 
I’ve gotten better, but there are certain habits that I formed because of that dark time. Such as, I virtually never follow first. I am too terrified to follow people first because of what happened in the past. I’ve had people follow back, but then later tell me they had no intentions of ever interacting. It’s like-- but why follow back then? 
So, that’s why, I stopped following first. I have people follow me first as that’s a clearer indication that people are actually interested in rp’ing. So that’s the backstory on that. So, I was surprised to see a Hibari following. Essentially, i’m very unused to people from KHR following and interacting, so I was very ?????? for a bit. 
Pretty sure I asked about the guidelines via ask or im. Probably because they weren’t there? I’ll admit that I was terrified to ask, but I did it. I like to read the rules before I do anything with a blog so I was very ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; what if I mess up. Highkey anxious. 
I think I first came across the blog when they appeared on Rikku’s blog. Pretty sure I looked through the blog and was fascinated by the whole ‘ohhhhhhhh Yakuza backstory’ in the headcanons or about page. It was somewhere. I know that it was before the blog was then redone. 
Basically, I am a curious bean and I like to look into who people interact with and read random stuff. So when I saw the follow on Haru, I noticed the slight difference in url name and also the blog layout. I didn’t have to admit that, but here we are. I lowkey stalked bc i’m curious bean. Then got followed and was “shock-desu.”
I’m very easily intimidated so I was highkey intimidated lol. I won’t lie and say that I’m still not. I’m just--- like that. It can take me a while to warm up to people. Some, I can warm up to quicker than others. I’m not really sure what it is. Basically, i’m just dumb. We can chalk it up to that. 
So----- let’s see. Cycling back, I do think you said something about how you didn’t have rules up yet since you weren’t ready to do full blown rps yet since you were going back into the series to refresh your memory. I was okay with that and was pretty much, cool beans, i’ll wait. 
I’m pretty sure it was not long afterwards that I saw a post for rules that was written and was like- oho. Proactive- for a lack of a better word bc I can’t words at the moment. Idk, somehow that left an impression on me. Perhaps because 1) It lessened my anxiety 2) it just somehow gave off the feel that ‘someone asked for it, so I will put something up/find something while I’m reliving KHR’
So I appreciated that. Even if it wasn’t done for that purpose, I still appreciated it. I think it’s in the rules where it’s stated that you normally don’t like to write starters because you feel as though you can’t write them well. 
Did post a starter call tho, and I stared at it for a few seconds before I clicked on the lil heart. Will say that I was surprised that something was written pretty promptly. For another thing of backstory-- I don’t mean it in a bad way at all. I just-- am used to not getting starters written even if I like starter calls. I’ve just reached a point where I will like starter calls but not get my hopes up. 
So, to see something so prompt was a shock for me, and also--- uhh--- touching? It’s like, it could’ve been ignored, but it wasn’t. Not only was it prompt, but it was a well written starter and so, it left a favorable impression to say the very least. It goes to show that you took care when writing it, and that meant a lot to me. 
Afterwards, each reply was written very well and with a lot of detail. It’s clear that thought and effort was put into every reply, and-- idk, it made me pretty emotional. Like, wow, I think... Rena is enjoying this thread? New concept! A KHR blog who actually wants to interact. #Concept. 
[Sorry that this goes down a dark point sporadically. I just-- have baggage when it comes to the KHR fandom from a few years ago aha;;;;;;; I honestly don’t get my hopes up to high with KHR fandom bc of the past. It hurts less that way. ]
It was recently we talked via im and you let me know that you actually liked Haru and enjoyed interacting with all sorts of muses as it allows one to explore through different themes. I feel the same way, and it was nice to know that we shared that thought. 
Pretty sure I was also sent a fanart with Haru and Hibari in it and it’s like. omg. A picture tribute. #blessed. 
Lil things like that mean a lot to me bc it’s like, ‘wow someone thought of me and thought to share with me something. I exist in their realm.’ So that really helped me warm up in the past couple of days. 
Now i’m just intimidated because ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such a good writer. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do justice. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh.
I can’t think of anything else to confess, write about, so i’ll stop there. alskjlaskjdlfajlfjals
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨lie down darling Its time for a dream✨
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Faking it (dad squad)
So basically this is what happens if the dad squad found out reader faked an orgasm before
This is of course 18+ and the reader is female
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Daichi suwamura
Okay so daichi honestly was never worried about y'all sex life
Like you moan his name everytime why is he worried
It's when you and the rest of the karasuno group get drunk and play truth of dare
When it's your turn.. you're drunk off six shots of tequila and tanaka asks you to reveal your deepest secret
"okay okay! Sooo during me and daichi's fourth anniversary, we fucked and I may have totally faked it"
Wait what.
Everyone else is laughing but daichi is over here having a mental breakdown
You did what?!
How many more have you faked?! Were they all fake?! Did he ever really make you cum?
It did not take long for daichi to drag you away to the nearest bathroom
You gasp when daichi pinned you against the wall his mouth attacking your neck while his hands roamed your body now gripping your hips as he ripped your panties off.
"faked an orgasm?! Damn it how many did you fake? Doesn't matter don't tell me. I'm going to fuck you against this wall and you are going to cum over and over til I know for sure you like having sex with me"
He fucked you until you couldn't think anymore, he also made sure EVERYONE heard it.
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Tooru oikawa
You were having girl talk with the other managers and the topic of sex came up
They all assume he's some sex god which makes you laugh
Oikawa is honestly such a dork during sex that you couldn't help but spills beans
"honestly he was so nervous during our first time, It was so cute..though he didn't really make me.. y'know"
News travelled fast and before you know it at 4am you had a pissed oikawa at your door
The loud harsh banging interrupted your sleep and you went to the door only to see oikawa standing there, your sleepy eyes trailed his body up and down and you noticed he was gripping his phone so tight his knuckles turned white, you didn't even get to speak when the male stormed inside and let's out a frustrated sigh.
"why are rumors about me being bad in bed spreading around?!"
"I dunno...maybe you have a hater, babe it's like 4am..why are you here?"
Oikawa snapped his head towards you before walking towards you anger fuming towards you before he gripped your arm tightly.
"everyone is saying you started the rumor, so tell me little cutie what the fuck have you been saying?"
Your eyes got wide as the conversation with the girls resurfaced in your head and you softly reached out to put your hands on his cheeks which made him relax but he was still clearly annoyed.
"sorry, tooru it was just one little story. Girl talk y'know and it's fine lots of people can't make their partner cum their first time you just ha-"
You were cut off by the male roughly pulling you towards your room, everytime you tried to speak oikawa would glare at you before demanding that you shut up. Once in your room he pushed you on the bed his ego clearing having dropped now that you admitted the truth.
"I am good at sex! I am Great! I just have to prove to you that you are with the best man ever"
As he spoke he started to strip before his cold glare landed on you before he crawled ontop and wrapped a hand around your throat.
"you are going to be begging me to stop making you cum once I'm done with you"
He made you tell everyone that you cummed extra hard that night, even if it was super embarrassing to say.
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Tetsuro kuroo
You two were arguing
It started with him being jealous of a person at work flirting with you and it just blew up
Screams and swears shooting back at the other
Low blows were dealt
You both don't even remember what the fight was about
Then..you said it
"God you are so cocky! It's shit like that, that make me fake orgasms during sex"
He shut up after that one for sure
All he can think about was how many did you fake and how he failed as your lover
Why didn't you tell him you weren't feeling good during sex?
Kuroo remained quiet as he let his brain think, after saying it you quickly walked over and hugged him hoping he wasn't angry at you
"baby! I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I was just upset and you were just upset you forgive me yeah?"
"how many times?"
"that doe-"
"how many damn times?!"
You flinched when he forced you to look at him showing pain in his eyes and you couldn't help but be honest with him.
"only a few, during those times where I was just really sleepy that's it"
Kuroo let's out a shaky sigh before he peppered soft kisses along your neck. He was pretty hurt at the moment but he did want to make it up to you, plus make up sex was always good
"come, let's talk this out yeah?"
His tone was soft as he guided you to the bedroom thought talking wasn't the plan he had, he wanted to make you see stars and make sure he could actually make you cum.
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Koutaro bokuto
Okay so maybe it wasn't a good idea to pump up bokuto's ego every time you guys have sex
All your praise makes him think he's the best in the world
But when it came time for a girls night at you and bokuto's place stuff starts to spill
You told bokuto to spend the night at akaashi or something but you didnt think he would come home
"sooo [y/n]! How is bokuto in bed?! We gotta know"
The question made you embarrassed while bokuto stood outside you guys' bedroom listening in
Yes dear wife tell them how my sex is the best in the world
"koutaro, tries his best. Sometimes he gets a little too excited and cums early so he gets too tired to finish and we end up cuddling before I can climax so I just fake it"
Bokuto automatically swings the door open scaring both you and the girls
He is legit tearing up and about to sob
After, very quickly telling the girls to leave he cries into your stomach while you pet his head
"why didn't you tell me?! I would have made it all better"
"oh..kou..it's no big deal"
Your soothing which would usually work just wasn't working right now, bokuto sniffled as he looked up at you with tearful eyes, you were his baby owl and he couldnt even make you feel good?!
He couldn't believe that! No he won't accept that! Before you can respond bokuto pushed you down on the bed before starting to pull your pants and underwear off your body
"kou! W-what the hell?!"
"just let me do this please! I need to know that I can do this, I just want you to be happy with me..so..let me worship you"
You were shocked but shuddered at the feeling of soft kisses against your inner thigh, with one final sniffle bokuto was now focused on something else.
He proceeded to eat you out that night until you cummed so much that you was sobbing but by the end of it he was so happy to know that he can make you cum and of course he was more mindful about your needs.
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Wakatoshi ushijima
Oh jeez
Okay so he makes it very clear that bedroom talk is off limits
What you two do in bed is your business hell you guys don't really talk about sex and spend more time just doing it
You are very tight lipped about your sex life but tendou Is a very stubborn guy
He is constantly asking you what's it like..mostly cause he wants to tease wakatoshi
After finally bothering you to the point where you wanna hit him you confess
"toshi is great okay?! I mean sure he has his moments of not really getting me there but it's good so stop asking!"
after explaining that wakatoshi tends to be boringly vanilla you expect him to let it go
No bitch this is tendou 'i give no fucks' satori
Proceeds to tease wakatoshi about it every chance he gets
"wow who knew you could be boring in all departments"
"sooooo, you really like it vanilla huh?"
Of course oblivious wakatoshi doesn't pay him any mind until a drunk tendou spills the beans
"guess who told me that you're boring in bedddd~ pfft she said you are so slow that it is like fucking a box"
You of course didn't say that but you were shocked to see wakatoshi at your door the next day
"did you tell tendou about our sex life?"
Well fuck.
you honestly should have expected this. You let out a shaky sigh as you merely avoided eye contact you felt pretty embarrassed and ashamed
"yeah, sorry toshi he kept bugging me about it"
"you telling him is not why I'm upset"
You were honestly shocked and looked up only to see wakatoshi's face close to yours, his eyes were intense and honestly gave you chills.
"did you say I was boring during sex? Is this true?"
"um..yeah but it's okay I mean it's still good it's just very..typical I mean we do the same stuff all the time and you just tend to be, slow"
Wakatoshi was a little shocked by your words but he calmly sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to think of what exactly he needed to do.
"then my future wife, allow me to spend the night making you feel good instead of myself, you can tell me exactly what I need to do in order to bring you to climax again and again."
And you did exactly that, he was quite obedient and even did things he never done before just so he can make you feel good.
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All of them. Do all of the 30 tag your OCs for each. Do it. I want to read it. :)
Uhhh??? I did not expect that??? I mean, of course yeah but still?? I'm kinda shocked?? Joseph's answers are first, then Mach's. Thank you for requesting!! (Ohmygodsthankyousomuch)
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
He’s terrified of eating strawberries after a bad experience with eating one that tasted like soap.
2. Is your oc picky about food? What kinds of foods do they like and dislike? What do they consider a comfort or “safe” food?
He’s sorta picky abt his food due to texture and flavour issues. He can’t have any “bland” food(As he deems, Mac&Cheese, Hot Dogs, etc…) or anything that’s hard in a soft thing (Like a soup with hard food pieces inside it). He likes PB&J but in a tortilla and bean soup, with his comfort food being just beans and rice and some butter.
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
Joseph sounds like the artist Everyone’s Worried About Owen! He can’t whistle for his life, is decent at singing, and he can roll his rs(It took him forever to learn how, but he can!). He has a slight lisp and has a mostly neutral accent, but there’s always a slightly southern tone to it.
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
Sorta?? He’s good normally and would rather die than tell anyone bad anything abt Walter stuff, he’s horrible at keeping his own secrets.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
Pre-Accident Joseph liked long pants and short-sleeved shirts, maybe with a flannel. He also liked calf-high socks and always wore an old pair of converse. Post-Accident Joseph usually wears shorts and a tank top, still with a flannel if he wants. He doesn’t wear socks much anymore and usually doesn’t wear shoes unless he’s in public, in which he wears low boots and long pants to hide his prosthetics. (It’s a security thing, not a shame thing)
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
Joseph’s not the biggest fan of modern formal wear. His parents were pretty pompous and bougie, so formal wear reminds him of them.
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
Ship in a Bottle by Fin Argus or Dog Days Are Over by Florence+The Machine would best be for Joseph’s character! It sorta lines up, as Joseph likes very folk-like music like The Oh Hellos and idk if it fits but Bastille.
8. What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
It’s all a bunch of pictures and sounds that he associates with things. But his brain can also be described as Joseph driving a car. He has some pictures of his friends and those he loves taped to the windshield and his thoughts are played over the radio. Sleeping is like stopping for food and getting gas.
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
Career-wise, Joseph wants to continue working for the Walters. Relationship-wise, maybe get married? Raise a snake?
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
Mach or The Spine. Mach is the brother that Joseph wanted all his life, especially since his own is awful. The Spine is a close second, because he’s the second friend he made at The Manor.
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Joseph is a big DND fan. He hides it because he’s sorta ashamed of it and was usually mocked for it, but he started watching some streamed campaigns with The Spine while recovering from his accident.
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can’t stand? What if it’s a situation where they’re forced to work with this person?
With people he doesn’t like, he’s curt and doesn’t make any conversation at all. If he has to work with this person, he does his work and gets out. He’s not going to spend any more time with this person than he needs to.
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
Kind of funnily, the Walter Mansion. Far away enough from civilization that he can be peaceful but not so far away that if something happens, he’s screwed. He likes how it’s bigger on the inside and how he can wander without being completely lost.
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
He’d stab every bigot he met and would sort of hoard The Spine?? Idk how to put it into words, but he’d basically keep The Spine to himself for the day.
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
Wake up, lay in bed for 10 minutes, get up, shower if he didn’t yesterday, brush his teeth, (Post) refill his flask of water, and get dressed. Off to start the day!
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
Shower if he didn’t that morning, brush his teeth, take some melatonin for his insomnia, get some water, and then off to dreamland!
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
Oh gods, Joseph’s social media would be a disaster. He’d be following 100 different mechanic’s posters and disagree with at least one a week. He wouldn’t post anything personal, aside from the stray picture of one of the bots doing something stupid. He would update it once every blue moon.
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
Joseph measures himself heavily on his ability to do things. If he’s not doing something actively productive, he has the worst view of himself. Due to his horrible kid-teen home life, he doesn’t have that hot of an opinion of himself even on a good day. If/When the bots learn this, they’d be shocked. He’s a very good friend to all of them and they care quite a bit about him.
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
A selfish jerk who doesn’t deserve his intelligence or friends, and wants only the worst for others (actually the perspective of someone in an upcoming fic hehehe).
20. What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?
He would hate having telekinesis. His brain is already loud enough, hearing everyone else’s thoughts would be horrible.
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
Joseph’s prosthetics allow him to jump up to 20 ft in the air. If you try to hide from him on a chandelier for some reason, you are still within reach.
22. What’s your oc’s dream job? Is this similar to what they’re doing now? Do they believe they could ever achieve this dream?
Joseph actually has his dream job ATM! He always wanted to work with robotics, and him working for the Walters was a dream come true!
23. Who would this oc consider their family? What is their relationship with these people?
He would consider the Walter Bots and Peter his family! Peter is like a cool cousin, Rabbit is like a sister, Hatchy and Mach are like older brothers, The Jon and Zer0 are like younger brothers, and The Spine’s position is wonky for him. I’m putting this assessment in the 2020-ish time frame, where The Spine is sort of a crush and also somehow a goofy uncle??
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
Someone making fun of him/treating him worse because of his disabilities.
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
He… he sorta doesn’t? He distracts himself or wallows in it- he never fully processes it.
26. How does your oc handle anger?
Joseph usually lets it simmer down or he explodes. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but when enough is enough, you will know.
27. How does your oc handle fear?
He either freezes, responds with anger, or runs away. You can thank his bio family for all three of these responses (gods he has so much trauma).
28. What’s your favourite thing about this oc?
I really like playing around with the physics regarding his prosthetics and the effect Blue Matter has on him!
29. What’s your least favourite thing about this oc?
I don’t really like how I write him all that much. I write some of his behaviours off of me, but I don’t really know how to transfer it from my mind and into words? I feel like I’m making him a gary-sue and it’s bugging me.
30. Tell a random fact about this oc!
Joseph loathes seafood except for this amazing crab rangoon that he got from a restaurant once.
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1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
Mach’s afraid of wearing necklaces or anything tight around his throat. His voicebox is located at the bottom of his throat and is prone to malfunctions. He’s afraid that any extra pressure will make it go crazy.
2. Is your oc picky about food? What kinds of foods do they like and dislike? What do they consider a comfort or “safe” food?
Well…. Mach can’t eat…. So yes??
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
Mach sounds a lot like Cosmo Sheldrake, but a bit deeper and smoother!! He’s a beautiful singer and can roll his rs, but cannot whistle. His accent is sorta neutral, but his transatlantic accent comes through at times.
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
Oh gods yes. Peter is the only one that Mach’s told yet about his… wartime mistakes and was the first one Rabbit told about her being trans (all the way back in 1902!)
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
He likes his usual outfit or dress casual. He likes how it makes him look, but he’s not adverse to casual clothes.
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
He’s not comfortable wearing anything tight around the neck, as stated, and he will not wear any type of military uniform.
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
I Hear A Symphony or Underground, both by Cody Fry. They have that gentleness but that strength that is just so uniquely Mach to me. It sort of mirrors what he likes, as he’s a big classical music enjoyer.
8. What’s it like inside your oc’s mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
It’s like a giant cork board. There’s a bunch of pictures pinned to it and a bunch of notes. There’s reminders and sheet music and there’s a lot of pictures and notes buried beneath others.
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
Mach doesn’t like thinking about the future all that much, but he plans to stay with his siblings. Maybe he’ll start going to Kazooland more, but that’s just about it.
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
He goes to Peter VI or Rabbit. Peter was one of the first people he saw/interacted with after waking up and Rabbit is the eldest. He feels like he can trust both of them and doesn’t want to burden anyone else with his emotions.
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Mach actually likes sewing! He got introduced to it in his early days and was like “Huh! This is fun :D”. He hides it because he still has some toxic masculinity from his earlier days where sewing was for the lower class and the women. (Rabbit knows and she calls him a nerd about it)
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can’t stand? What if it’s a situation where they’re forced to work with this person?
If Mach has to interact with someone he doesn’t like, he’ll be sort of polite?? He’ll be polite and all, but very neutral about it. If he has to work with them, he powers through it and then takes an hour nap.
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
Mach views the workshop he woke up in for the first time as his dream home. His memories of back then are rose-tinted and he just wants to go back to when everything was simple and sweet.
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
Mach would just do… nothing. He’d stand there and just do nothing for the entire day.
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
Wake up, run diagnostic on systems, refill boiler and oil, and then go about his day
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
Run diagnostic, check joint functions, and then pass out.
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
It would be absolutely adorable. Mach would post about stitching things like a grandma and also post abt his sibling’s shenanigans. He wouldn’t post anything too personal, like his background or anything like that. He’d update it at least once a week or every other week.
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
Mach’s view of himself is extremely skewed. He sees himself as this kind of monster, something that has done wrong and will do more wrong in a matter of time. He has a hard time loving himself and has this almost always underlying feeling of guilt. His siblings love him and they each would do anything to help him. Joseph sees him as the brother he always wanted and actually had his accident because he was protecting Mach.
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
A pale excuse of a human and the worst person you’d ever come across.
20. What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?
Seeing how and when someone would die. Mach already deals with enough, he shouldn’t have to deal with that too.
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
Mach malfunctions a lot, but not as much as Rabbit. And his malfunctions hurt.
22. What’s your oc’s dream job? Is this similar to what they’re doing now? Do they believe they could ever achieve this dream?
Being in the band with his siblings has always been Mach’s dream. He’d rather it be with all of his siblings, but what’s going on now is fine.
23. Who would this oc consider their family? What is their relationship with these people?
His siblings, Joseph, and Peter. His siblings he sees as his siblings, of course. He sees Peter as a sort of father/uncle/son?? All three mashed together somehow?? He sees Joseph as a friend and brother.
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
Anyone making fun of his family because of something they can’t control. IE- Rabbit’s glitches, Peter’s Void, Joseph’s autism, etc…
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
He works through it with music. He plays whatever comes to mind and pours it all out on his guitar.
26. How does your oc handle anger?
He becomes quiet and still. He usually does this so he doesn’t lash out at anyone and hurt them, but it’s also a pre-programmed intimidation tactic.
27. How does your oc handle fear?
He deals with fear by hiding. He either physically hides or mentally hides. He does this by forcing himself into shutdown or by setting a timer and then turning off his higher functions, essentially reducing himself to a proper, code-only robot. The timer goes off, and his higher functions are turned back on.
28. What’s your favourite thing about this oc?
I love his design!! It’s so fun to draw and describe just AHHH!! For example- “His wig was a mossy green, poking out in waves from under his hat. He had an iron faceplate, a golden jaw not entirely unlike a nutcracker’s, and slightly rusted bronze eyeplates that curved down to his jaw in crescent moons.”-The Life and Times of Joseph Turner, Matter Master. AHHHH!!
29. What’s your least favourite thing about this oc?
Atm, I don’t like how I depict his trauma. There’s the flashbacks and the residing military regulations built in, but I don’t think that should be all that’s shown. I feel like I could do better, but I just don’t know how yet :/
30. Tell a random fact about this oc!
Mach can tap dance! He’s pretty good at it too!
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zukadiary · 3 years
Slowly Waking Up From a Takarazuka-less Stupor, Part 1: Romeo & Juliette
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Is there even any point in saying it's been a terrible year? Not only has live Takarazuka been out of the question, but very poor mental health, work-mandated increased screen time, and laaaate EST starts have made it very difficult to partake in livestreams. Like... I missed Tokyo Anastasia and Daimon's mura raku. That bad.
Things have slightly improved on the start time front with a move to the West Coast. I managed both Romeo & Juliette streams so far.
This is................ for me, a very bittersweet production. I'd fully planned to see this live before everything went down. I was looking forward to the hypothetical shinko perhaps more than the real thing. Neither of those panned out... and the casting choices in what we got left me with a number of questions.
But! I don't want to forget how to write. And life without my one and only hobby is stupid. So, let's get back into it.
A quick overall,
Coto can only meet my expectations because they are so high. Wonderful, fantastic, I hope someday she gets to be funny.
Maisora? VERY cute, and A+ costumes in a sea of HMM.
On that note, in addition to the inexplicable LL Bean-inspired vibe, there were some puzzling choices, like B-cast Benvolio (Ayaki) and Mercutio (Amahana) looking so similar I can't imagine how they could be distinguishable to new fans (something I presume a company floundering financially in COVID would very much like to have more of).
I wish I could see the ensemble better. RetJ shows its small theater roots; it's not a great troupe show when you are limited to the camera angles.
That said, BACKGROUND ALL-STARS: Sazanami Reira always and forever, I wish she was DEATH; Asamizu Ryou for noticeably characterizing her Montague (Bloom, apparently!) as a lovable airhead?? despite, you know, everything about her; Minato Rihi for her whole VIBE; Yuunagi Ryou for her B-cast performance cradling her dying best friend, which I swear I'm not only saying because I'm dating her biggest fan; Amaki Homare for not doing anything in particular but at least giving herself hair I could find easily; Amato Kanon and Houma Toa for always doing the MOST back there; and Taiki Hayate for the expressions and the cartwheels.
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If I'd cast this I think I would have just made Aichan the every day Tybalt, because that makes the most sense. Neither was a home run for me (though I'll say I have very high expectations for Tybalt, because the face Teru pulled within 2 seconds of walking onstage in 2010 in the first show I ever watched all the way through is literally the reason I'm a Takarazuka fan). I AGREE with pushing Seo out of her comfort zone, but I think Tybalt was the wrong push (I'd have rather seen Mercutio). Aichan's death had a horniness I wish her Tybalt had more of, but that I think would have eventually come out maybe with less switching.
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I REALLY liked Seo's Benvolio, and I'm only one off the full mark out of respect for Aka-chan, who, to be fair, I think also did a heck of a job. I loved the way Seo styled herself, and she gave me stronger best bro vibes. I just! would have liked! to see Seo Mercutio I think!
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:))))))) y'all I love Shin. The last time I saw Hoshigumi live was the Man from Algiers/Estrellas 2.0 tour, where (having never watched Algiers before) I was SHOCKED by the closing scene and Shin's delivery of it. Despite 2020 feeling 1000 years long, that show feels like four seconds ago... but we're coming up on two years, and Shin has only continued to climb in that time. This is the performance that made me feel like I got my money's worth out of a cast to which I otherwise would have made several changes. Her energy was impeccable, her look was appropriately crazy, her death scene was heartbreaking, and she did it all with the aura of someone who's only like 2/5ths done growing. I can't WAIT to see the rest.
I truly feel so much affection for Ema, but she was not giving me what I needed in this role; it was low energy, and not even by comparison, because her stream was first. I think she would have done Benvolio a lot of justice, or (hear me out!): Love. IMO her vibe is soft in a way where it should be highlighted as her strength rather than challenged out of her.
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It's not just Shin love (although she was cute AF); I think this was just "well Aka-chan has to go somewhere" casting, because she's too big and earnest as a person for Paris. He needs that foppish, twinky, completely unfounded huge ego vibe.
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I have mixed feelings about this. Because like... Aichan's Death was A LOT, but also kind of a weird choice?? Death is historically for ken 5-9 future stars experimenting with emoting; of course a ken14 nibante who's been through Senka is gonna kill it... I just think she's a resource that should have been permanently relegated to something higher stakes.
My rating is based more on how OVERMUCH Aichan's performance was, than on a dislike of Ema's. I definitely preferred her Death to her Mercutio. She was giving me a WEIRD ENERGY, but whatever the energy was, there was a lot of it, and it was different.
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't have cast EITHER of these people as Love. Hoshigumi just IMO has better dancers and/or bigger upcoming stars, and I'd have loved a Love/Death relationship and chemistry that made sense.
Overall, I definitely preferred A cast! Looking forward to seeing them one more time.
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mysticnfantastic · 5 years
Okay, so on a happier note than my previous request. If requests are still open could do a scenario with RFA + V and Saeran (and maybe also Ray?) holding hands with MC when she suddenly flops to the ground and makes them carry/drag her because she doesn't want to go somewhere (like to the hospital for a checkup cause she hates hospitals or the grocery store cause of social anxiety or something)? I'm really curious about how they would react.
Hi! I hope this’ll  be good! It’s cute!
Jumin is a responsible man.
He makes sure to attend all meetings, check-ups and the like when he must, and is used to everyone else doing the same.
And it is because of this that he is rather shocked to see your (seemingly childish) reaction when you refused to go to the hospital
At first, he tries to convince you bluntly, not understanding where this is all coming from - you just….flopped in the middle of his apartment.
When you refuse to get up, he sighs, and tries to ask you why you’re acting this way, and will try to listen to you as you embarrassedly admit how you feel too anxious to go, and how you have had some pretty bad experiences in hospitals, which made him feel for you, of course, but he also knew you’d have to go for your check up to make sure that you were healthy…
So, he’d probably make a deal with you - he’d have private doctors come to you to check you, instead, and he’d be there by your side the majority of the time.
It was so random, he couldn’t have ever expected it.
You two were just...walking through town when he mentioned how you’d need to go shopping with him, and you just...flopped.
It was really strange and he had honestly no idea how to react, but he crouched down beside you, super concerned, thinking you had a seizure or something, panic in his (beautiful) crimson eyes
“MC!? MC, are you okay??”
Finds it NOT funny when he realises you aren’t actually hurt, but also relieved as fuck.
You shake your head though when he asks if you’re actually alright, and it makes him concerned, as he helps you to your legs, glaring at people who gave you two weird looks.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice fully laced with worry as he looked into your eyes, pulling you into a nice alleyway for some privacy from prying eyes.
You explained your feelings and concerns and anxiety to him, trying not to get upset, to which he smiled reassuringly and kissed your forehead in a gentle manner only Zen could manage.
“That’s okay - I’ll be with you the whole time, okay? If you feel too overwhelmed we can leave and go home.”
Despite this, you refuse, and so he picks up you in his arms and literally carries you to the shops, it gains A LOT of attention.
Gods save this precious bean, he has NO fucking idea what’s happening.
You were both just hanging out at the park, when he remembered how he needed to go to town and pick up some important things, and asked you to go with him, to which you responded by flopping facedown into his bed, saying something that got muffled under the pillow.
You hadn’t ever really..done anything like this before, so it was...interesting…?
So damn confused, is that a ‘no’, then?
You’ll sit up on his bed, and sadly explain why you /really/ don’t want to go to buy anything with him, the social atmosphere being suffocating to you.
He’ll nod, somewhat relieved it’s nothing too major, and he promises that you needn’t go, and that he can and will go by himself.
You feel bad just...waiting at his dorm whilst he goes to do errands all alone, but when he comes back he brings you back candy to cheer you up.
You were just hanging out at his house, sitting on his bed as he sat in front of his computer, typing away.
Eventually, he pulled away from the illuminated screen, smiling at you (like the dork he is) and then pouted when he saw your pale face.
You had been ill recently, and it showed.
Sighing softly, he tried to smile regardless, standing up and walking over to you, when he sat down beside you on the bed, he declared you had to go to the doctor.
Queue you immediately (and dramatically) falling into his lap face-up, hand on forehead like a prima donna.
He’s surprised, but chuckles lightly, shaking his head at your childish endeavours.
“Come on, MC, don’t be like this.”
You shake your head, refusing to go.
He sighs, and tries to make a deal with you - if you agree to go to the doctor, he’ll get off that forsaken computer and spend more time with you when you get better.
Usually, you were quite calm and easy-going, and that made this situation so much more confusing for this poor angel.
He stated that the two of you needed to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries, and your reaction was highly unusual.
You didn’t really even say ‘no’ you just...fell onto the floor, lying on your back, looking up at him with a pout.
V.Exe is not responding
He has no idea what the actual hell just happened.
“...M...MC? What are you doing?”
The humiliation suddenly hits you and you get up off the floor, blushing softly and explaining your dislike of being in public due to your social anxiety.
He’s still mildly confused as to why you felt the need to fall onto the ground to tell him that, but he understands what it feels like to be anxious, and just tells you to make a list of the things you want him to buy.
The two of you were in town, holding hands as you made your way past the buildings, when Jaehee mentioned how it’s about time for you to go and make your annual medical examination
And you responded by...suddenly going limp and literally falling on the ground, much to her shock.
Thankfully, you weren’t in a busy part of town, but it still gained someone unsavory looks.
“MC!? What are you doing…? Get up from there…!” She’s slightly panicked but also embarrassed by the glances from passersby.
She helps you to your feet, though she does glance you over to make sure you aren’t hurt, worried about what caused you to do that.
When you explain the problem to her, she sighs in disappointment. “Really, MC?”
Disappointed Mom Mode
“You’re going to have to go get checked, but I suppose I could make the appointment with you if you’d like.”
It was the day of your doctor appointment, and you really hated the doctor.
Something about the doctor just...caused a deep discomfort within you, and you absolutely loathed it. You weren’t even /that/ ill…!
Unfortunately, Saeran begged to differ, calling you out for how you clearly needed to go.
You could tell her was becoming frustrated with how childish you were being, shaking your head like a five year old and refusing to go get yourself checked out.
When he tried to get you to stand up, you went limp and fell onto the bed, low-key freaking the poor boy out with your sudden limpness.
“W-What?...MC! Get up!”
You jokingly say ‘not unless you carry me!”
MUCH to your shock you feel him suddenly lifting you up in the air, into his chest like a princess, “Damn, you’re heavy.”
You know he’s joking, but you still playfully hit his chest in an ‘offended’ manner.
He chuckles softly, as he carries you through the town (and the two of you recieve many gazes of awe and confusion as you do so)
Ray and you were in the garden, technically on a date.
And it was then you remembered you had a ‘one on one meeting’ with the Saviour.
Immediately you felt the anxiety within you, and you bit your lip, and unfortunately Ray noticed your internal distress.
“Everything okay, MC?” His voice was so full of love and concern.
“I...have to go see the Saviour in a little while.”
Ray’s face was confused - why did you seem so immensely concerned by it?
“I...suppose I am slightly anxious, haha…” you exclaimed, biting down on your lips harder. It intimidated you, and honestly this entire situation was so unusual and odd for you.
You were clearly very hesitant on going, and before you could really say anything else, you felt him princess-carry you to where your meeting would be taking place.
Hope this was good, it took ages and also confession: Mod Ama has long-ago deleted the app (B/c it took too much space and generally I b r e a t h e d this game, and it was...taking way too much time from my busy ass life, BUT i have read A LOT of fanfiction from the Saeran/Ray route, and also I wiki’d shit like hell, and so the Ray scenario is just…..something I made up so don’t shoot me pls.
- Mod Ama 
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