#.....just gonna shut UP before i write a whole paragraph in the tags over complicating this dumb ass jokešŸ˜©
efplanning Ā· 9 months
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mego42 Ā· 3 years
fav lines tag
RULES: share your favorite sentence/paragraph from each one of your fics and tag 6 other fic writers to do it too :)
tagged by the talented brilliant incredibleĀ @foxmagpie (šŸ’–)
tagging: @pynkhues @hypermania @bethsuglywigs @riosnecktattoo @missmaxime @sothischickshe @joeyjoeylee
some ground rules: Iā€™m only doing brio fic bc at some point when I wasnā€™t paying attention I wrote a metric fuckton of it and weā€™re already gonna be here all day bc my other ground rule is Iā€™m allowed to interpret the concept of a line however i want. iā€™m also gonna tell you why i picked them bc no one can stop me. cool? cool. good talk.Ā 
your monster looks like mine
okay so my first choice for fav would be the entire ~conversation around whether or not beth had a choice when she set rio up bc oooof I just love how that came out so! much! BUT if Iā€™m limiting myself to something closer to a line, Iā€™m going with this one. i love what it establishes for rioā€™s emotional state when it comes to beth, i love how it captures their push/pull constant one upping battle, I love the rhythm of the flow of it and the grandiose verbiage (i was having a frankly unreasonable amount of fun with natural phenomena imagery throughout the whole fic and this captures a bit of it). idk I just think itā€™s neat.
The words rip through him, a bright, blazing comet trail whipped across his sky, illuminatinā€™ his landscape, impossible to ignore.
Elizabethā€™s spread out on the bed below him, golden hair tumblinā€™ around her face, mouth red and swollen, lookinā€™ up at him like sheā€™s got him. Like sheā€™s figured some shit out. Like she fuckinā€™ did something by putting that together.
Like Rio doesnā€™t fuckinā€™ know. Like that doesnā€™t fuckinā€™ haunt him, torment him, mock him every time she pulls some of her bullshit and heā€™s left picking up the pieces, knowinā€™ damn well what the right answer is but also knowinā€™ heā€™s always gonna be wrong when it comes to her.
a song inside the halls of the dark
another one where Iā€™d pick a whole scene if I could BUT if Ā the whole opening flashback isnā€™t on the table (idk I love it for 14,000 reasons including how it sets up the bookend structure for the chapter, how it sets up a bunch of the final payoffs, the tone of it, idk everything about it came out exactly how I wanted it to and I really love how it tees up the ending), then Iā€™m going with this bit from the final brio scene. it ties back in a whole bunch of threads that have been woven in and out all the way back to the first chapter and closes them out in a way that also feels (to me) like a beginning which I love bc the whole theme of the chapter is itā€™s a beginning, not the end.
What does it mean then, that heā€™s slept so soundly beside her?
The playhouse glows softly. She wonders how many more times she can get away with sanding it before it weakens past the point of supporting the kidsā€™ weight and the whole thing collapses.
Behind it, she can see the long shadow it casts reaching for the boxwoods bordering the yard. The lines of the structure frame windows of bright moonlight on the grass, eerily reminiscent of the windows that loomed large in the nightmares Beth abruptly realizes she hasnā€™t had in weeks. Not since that last night at Rioā€™s loft. And thatā€™d been the last one since...his car. Canada. The night all of this started.
Beth blinks. What does it mean that sheā€™s slept so soundly beside him?
A-live, alive, alive, Iā€”
Her breath catches.
I donā€™t have any grand reasoning for why I picked this bit from the 4th (i think?) ~ch as my fav, I just really like writing annie and rio interacting and I especially love writing them with annie like, intellectually aware that she should probably be afraid of him but also spiritually incapable of not being herself and rio being wildly annoyed by it
"What?" He asks, giving the t an edge sharp enough to cut.
There's a pause. "What like you didn't hear me, or what like what do I want?"
Now the sister sounds like she's getting annoyed, and Rio's really gotta do somethin' about the two of them runnin' 'round actin' like he's someone they can get away with not takin' seriously. Like he's some sort of pet. Defanged. Declawed. Fuckin' neutered.
"Get to the point."
"I mean, I kind of did in the message."
trade my heart for honey
the only thing sexier than rio being good at pool is beth being a fucking shark and rio being out of control turned on by it.
Dropping all pretense at being less than she is, Beth grabs the cue ball, positioning it slightly to the left of center where the felt is slightly more worn. Even without the tell, she's seen Rio put it there enough times to know it's the table's sweet spot. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Rio shift his weight before she tunes him out entirely, drawing the stick back and letting it fly.
It's as close to a perfect break as she's probably ever managed. The cue ball connects dead on, scattering the rest far and wide. The one and the six drop neatly into pockets, the four and five coming to a stop right on the edge of the left side and far left corner, nearly closing off that whole side of the table.
Every stripe remains in play.
"Solids," she says, not letting herself dwell on the way Rio's mouth hangs slightly open, his eyes glazed over.
swaying evergreens
the whole theme of this fic is the terrifying intimacy and vulnerability of sharing your most precious moments and memories with someone you care about and I like how this touches on that along with sort of nutshelling the double edged sword of grief-tinted memory which is another major theme
There's somethin' extra about these unguarded moments. That Elizabeth trusts Rio enough to drop her guard completely and give him this completely unvarnished look at her. It's been over a year since he's been back in her bed, since the first time he'd slept here, but there's still somethin' tentative about it. Like there's a part of him that's never going to be all the way over the first time he'd been here, that can't fully believe how far they've come, that this isn't going to crumble, melt, drain away.
Truthfully, Rio doesn't mind it, that faint edge. He's well acquainted with the different flavors of loss, and the threat of it's a counterpoint that keeps him sharp. Lets him know this is real but not somethin' he'll take for granted.
swear on a silver knife
there were a couple of sexy tension bits that made for strong contenders but ultimately this won bc Iā€™m obsessed with how this reference to 306 came out.
ā€œI told you. I got my own debts to pay.ā€ He bit off the words like it cost him something to repeat them.
Beth shivered, abruptly right back at that picnic table, cheeks wet and staring at him, searching for any hint of the man sheā€™dā€”sheā€™dā€”anyone besides the cold, unfeeling stranger sitting beside her, blood so fresh on his hands she could nearly smell it underneath the scent of the cold, misty night rain falling around them, blurring her eyes, beading in her hair and on his eyelashes.
listening through the air shaft
this was a really hard one to narrow down but I ultimately went with this but bc I love it for a culminating look at how beth and rioā€™s relationship has evolved throughout the fic and also bc a version of this scene was the first thing I wrote for the whole fic so it was fun to finally get there with everything in place behind it. I also just love it as a reference for the dichotomy of both beth and rio and also how complicated that is makes being around them for everyone else
They aren't even doing anything, just quietly working side by side, but there's a synchronicity to their movements, a quiet peace that makes Dean feel more like an intruder than anything else that's happened today, and he hates it.
Itā€™s so far from the guy thatā€™d broken into his home, beaten him up. Whoā€™d looked at him with those terrifying, blank, shark eyes before casually shooting him in the chest like it was nothing right where theyā€™re about to sit down and share a meal.
A guy, Dean suddenly realizes, he hasnā€™t seen any hint of in a long, long time. Itā€™s not that he doesnā€™t think that part of him isnā€™t there, itā€™s just...itā€™s weird, is all, how completely he puts it away.
It reminds Dean of Beth, actually, now that heā€™s thinking about it.
God. They look so...so domestic. Sweet. Disarming in a way that completely undermines everything Dean thought he'd known about the guy and their whole...thing. Ā 
He justā€”he doesn't get it, what Beth sees in him.
now use both hands
idk I just like this bit let me live
"What are youā€”what service?"
He makes himself take the route through the showroom that brings him right past her, leaning in and softly brushing a lock of hair out of her face for the first time in longer than he can remember.
Her eyes flutter shut, and he feels absolutely nothing.
"Helping sad, lonely housewives get off once their husbands are done with them."
Her eyes snap open, and he makes himself look at her long enough to watch the hit land and the hurt bloom.
He's empty, untouchable, she's nothing to him.
Rio doesn't look back.
I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA!
you can take my made up backstory for rio and mick from me when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
Mick had been there the first time Rio'd had to get his hands all the way dirty and had kept an eye on him when he'd gotten blackout drunk after, and Rio'd done the same for him. Every bloody, grimy step Rio'd climbed, Mick had been right there with him, watching his back all the way to the top.
The point is Rio's Mick's brother in every way that counts.
Mick'd seen him twisted up over business and twisted up over personal shit, but he's never seen him let both get twisted up like he had since that fuckin' weasel Boomer'd got his ass handed to him and Rio'd gotten curious about it.
as the world turns, the blunt burns
I pull this every time I have to pick a fav and I canā€™t even really explain it aside from I think Iā€™m really, really funny and thatā€™s enough
Beth suddenly sobers as much as she can when she feels like she's simultaneously floating away and sinking into the Earth and wipes her eyes. "Are you gonna get in trouble?"
"You're in the house, ain't you?" He's answering Beth but looking at Rio.
"Mick," Beth frantically tugs at his pant leg because apparently, he doesn't have all of the information. "We're in the yard."
"Yeah, Mick," Rio says, glaring. "You're in the yard."
Mick shrugs, and Beth realizes he isn't scared of Rio at all. That's a neat trick. How does he do that? Maybe he can teach her.
smoke, fire, itā€™s all going up
there are realistically many other better lines in this fic but this one never fails to make me laugh so it remains my fav.
"You- you-" She sputters at him, flailing around a little. "You were the one that started mailing me pieces of a dead body."
"You blocked my number." Rio snarls, which is not what he'd meant to say, and he hates that she trips him up.
"That is not a proportionate response!"
got a kiss (with your name on it)
it was this or the text exchange at the beginning of the fic bc I strongly believe established relationship brio would continually roast each other for their past dumbassery but the elizabeth kink won out
"Come here," Rio's voice is thick but insistent in a way that brings every cell of Beth's body to attention. She hooks her thumb over her bottom teeth and drags her lower lip a little, a gesture full of who me mock innocence, waiting for him to say-
"Elizabeth." There it is.
There's an endless amount of things that Beth finds ferociously, irresistibly sexy about Rio, but when he says her full name in that commanding tone? Even if she's pissed the fuck off and has no intention of doing what he wants, it gives her goosebumps.
say itā€™s all in my head (i remember what you said)
I will be real with yā€™all, I forget I wrote this fic a lot of the time hahahaha but! that means every time Iā€™m reminded I go back and am like oh yeah! I like this! anyway there isnā€™t like, one specific but I really love most as much as I really like the tentative breathless nervousness and then also overwhelming so muchness and I like how this but captures both of those
For a single, breathless moment, she stands in the middle of the room, alone and terrified.
Then Rio wets his lips and comes towards her, moving with that languid grace she's never been able to look away from even before she had any idea why that could be.
All of the fear collapses like a dying star, sending a supernova of relief and molten heat zinging through her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her head swims, and every cell in her body feels like it's leaning towards him- like she's made of magnets on a molecular level and he's the lodestone.
He gently pushes her bangs off of her forehead, slowly running his fingertip down the side of her face, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. He tilts his head towards hers and stops, going no further than halfway, leaving it up to her to close the distance.
She lets her eyes fall shut as she leans into him and tentatively touches her mouth to his for the first time.
the world is on fire (and no one can save me) / what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way)
two for one!!! idk if either of these is my number one favorite line from either fic individually but I really like how they both play together. I like writing beth and rio pov and having them mirror each otherā€™s narration both in thought and structure a lot bc I like thinking of them as two versions of the same
Beth checks her phone, nothing from Rhea, and sends a quick I'm here, text me when you're close, and I'll grab a table before wetting a paper towel and wiping away the last of her smeared mascara. With precise, brisk movements, she snaps open her bag and fishes out her compact, her lipstick, and her mascara; lining them up click, click, click on the tiny shelf below the mirror.
She can live with this; she has to live like this; she will live like this.
She flips open the compact and methodically dabs away the flush and pallor and shadows that are not grief, are not loss, are not anything other than shock and horror that she'd gone so far, that she'd lost control, that she'd killed a man (that man).
So what the fuck had he been doin' with Elizabeth fuckin' Boland, giving her chance after chance to cross the line? What the fuck was the point of a line if it might as well not be there at all? All because he liked her big blue eyes and the way she worked a tight sweater? Nah, that ain't him. That can't be him. That's the kind of shit that'll get you killed, and he's got three spent bullets in his pocket and a scar next to his heart if he ever needs the reminder again.Ā 
He shifts in the driver's seat, reaching into his pocket and fishing the bullets out. Lining them up on the dashboard with a definitive click, click, click. He looks past them to the brightly lit valet station. He's been parked in the back of the lot for ten minutes now, waiting for Rhea to give him the go sign. He ain't hiding, doesn't need to, Elizabeth ain't lookin' for him, he just wants to make sure he sees her before she sees him. Get a good look first, so he can size up the situation.
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myriadimagines Ā· 5 years
Get to Know Me & My WIPs
i was tagged by @madamrogersā€‹ !!!
iā€™m going to tag @imaginingthefandoms @lotsoffandomimagines @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin @steverogershield @sirius and anyone else whoā€™s interested!!
What is your go-to for inspiration when writing?
Iā€™m not really sure. Song lyrics sometimes, sometimes I see random prompt lists and I get inspired. Sometimes I just have an idea thatā€™ll cross my head and Iā€™ll start writing a sentence or a paragraph, and Iā€™ll develop it into something more.
Which character do you relate to the most?
I never know what to answer when asked what characters I relate to because I can never really think of any?? Iā€™d say maybe Jane Sloan from The Bold Type?? Struggling writer trying to find her place in everything and also with a hella complicated love life????Ā 
Favourite quote by your character?
Maybe,Ā ā€œI want love. There, I said it.ā€Ā 
A character you want to rave about?
Ok Iā€™m just obsessed with Deadly Class right now and I am absolutely in love with Marcus. Heā€™s so freakin beautiful and caring and protective of his friends and also heā€™s funny as hell. I would literally die for him but he probably wouldnā€™t let me. (Yā€™all if you love Marcus too you have to check out a fic Lily (@imaginingthefandoms) wrote called Fate!!!)
How do you feel about your project now versus when it was first crafted?
I mean I donā€™t really have any projects right now except the 18 drabbles in my drafts and the other 32 I am trying to finish. In general, Iā€™m not feeling as great about these later drabbles as I did compared to the drabbles I wrote at the beginning of the celebration, but I guess the main goal is just finishing them all so you guys donā€™t have to keep waiting.Ā 
Do you listen to music when you write? if so: name your favourite song to write too.
I usually start off listening to music, but I always end up shutting it off because my brain can only focus on so many things.Ā 
Do you use visuals to help with your content creating?
Aside from gif imagines, not really. Iā€™ve only recently started adding gifs to drabbles, but generally I donā€™t add anything because with gif imagines I feel like I have more control over what gif I want and I have more control in terms of choosing an exact expression or something to pair with the request, but when I add gifs to drabbles I just use the gif search on tumblr and I feel like thereā€™s less freedom.
Do you have any writing rituals? ( writing at a specific time? a specific routine? )
I seem to write a lot like 10 minutes before I have to rush out of my room to go to class, which probably serves as motivation for me to finish whatever Iā€™m writing before I have to go. I used to write a lot at night, and honestly once Iā€™d get started I tend to just keep going until really late, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve gone until like 2/3am before.Ā  In terms of a routine, I tend to draft all my prompts and set everything up if that makes sense before I actually write. Like for a gif imagine, Iā€™ll put together the header and the gif and Iā€™ll draft a whole bunch before I actually go through and add the written part. I like to write in chunks, and I usually split everything up by gif imagine requests if I have multiple requests open (e.g I would draft a bunch of drabbles up until I got a gif imagine request, and then Iā€™d finish all those before moving onto the next bunch of requests. It just helps me split everything up and makes it more manageable for me.)
Do you share any common interests with any of your characters?
Iā€™m not quite sure what this question means byĀ ā€˜your charactersā€™ but I guess Iā€™m gonna interpret it as my ocs?Ā  I like reading, like Olivia does. Iā€™m also fascinated by space and the galaxy in general like Ryan. And I know these are two very different fields but Iā€™m interested in both medicine and law like Dorothy and Alexandra, respectively. Iā€™m just a bit of a mess.
Do you have any other projects on your mind? Will we be seeing them anytime soon?
I havenā€™t really been thinking about anything in particular aside from a few edits for my oc blog @myriad-ocs. The main goal is just to get back to regular posting on this blog before I try and start anything new.Ā 
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yoolee Ā· 6 years
Ye Massive Tag-back Post
I have been tagged in stuff. I am slow. Apologies for anyone tagged in this XD
5 facts about me that literally know one needs to know
(tagged by @saizoswifeyā€‹)
I get weirdly nervous in grocery checkout lines: I have no idea why. I donā€™t know if itā€™s like, the feeling of being trapped in a narrow space (if thereā€™s someone behind you and ahead of you), or the like, awkward social chitchat that I am SUPER BAD AT or what but I get weird. I HAAAATE that the nearest grocery store to me does not have self check-out, and I put off grocery shopping to the last minute. I can improvise a speech in front of a crowd of hundreds, I can jump off high ladders, like, Iā€™m not a naturally nervous person I swear Iā€™m not. But grocery stores...
I once broke into an Irish autorepair shop: Sort of. Itā€™s kind of a long story, but when I was a student in Cork likeā€¦8 years ago, they told me to stick to the flatlands and I took a wrong turn and got lost up in the hills and I kinda felt like these two guys who kind of showed up behind me were following me. I did the whole ā€˜take a couple of right turnsā€™ and it went from two to four guys and I was getting more and more lost and just like NOOOOPE. And then there was trash can on fire and so I like, half-slid down a little cliff, and snuck through/over a chained shut fence and into what turned out to be a repair shop. There were three older guys sitting there eating pizza, and they just blinked at me so I burst out that hey, there was a trash can on fire (like thatā€™s a reasonable reason to bust in, right?). They asked me if I was the one who set it on fire, I said no, they gave me pizza, we waited for the fire brigade. GOOD TIMES. That was the start of a super, super weird 72 hours.
I despise bananas in smoothies: DESPISE. They POLLUTE them, CONTAMINATING everything with awful, horrid, banana-ness. They are smoothie-ruiners. RUINERS. AWFUL, HORRIBLE, TERRIBAD INGREDIENTS OF EVIL. I like banana bread, and my momā€™s banana cake, and can sometimes tolerate a banana-nut muffin, but they have no place in my strawberry-raspberry smoothies and they are intolerably smushy on their own. SHUDDER.
I have done a lot of super random jobs at least once: Iā€™ve been a chemist, taught ballet to 6 year olds and figure skating to teens with special needs, charity auctioneer, corn shucker, lighting booth operator, teaching assistant, princess, storyteller, tutor, dining hall worker, medical transcriptionist, editor, corporate recruiter, automated tutorial/phone recording voice, corporate trainer, historical docent, term paper writer, contortionist, martial arts event coordinator, bookseller, video game voice, snake venom analyst (really that and perfumer were subsets of being a chemist, but, worth the callouts), thereā€™s more but like, the list is long and random.
Last time I was in the airport a kid told me I was eating string cheese wrong. I told him thatā€™s how string cheese is eaten on Mars. I recognize none of this make sense, it was 5 AM.
Iā€™m gonna tag @han-panā€‹, @karalijaā€‹, @mylittlecornerofotomeā€‹ aaaand @jane-runs-fastā€‹! No obligation >>;;;
2017 Creator Tag
(tagged by @dear-mrs-otomeā€‹ and @wonky-glass-ornamentā€‹)
Rules: Itā€™s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works youā€™ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below (say why if you want) to reflect on the amazing things youā€™ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3
Six Wins and Draw This mostly gets to be here because it had a bunch of characters I had never written before! It was fun to write just a quick few paragraphs (if that) for them. Iā€™d like to do something like this again, because it was much easier than trying to force something standalone for a group Iā€™m not as comfortable with the characterization on.
Compliments I really like fluff. I like communication, and silliness, and sweetness. @juniperotomeā€‹ helped tremendously with this piece, but it really turned out to be one of my favs. I actually prefer this to Burn Down, which was fun and which I do like and was the other contender for this slot, but when I put them side by side, I like this one.
THE WAFFLE COTTAGE CHRONICLESĀ (thereā€™s more) This had been rattling in my head since 2016, but I didnā€™t post this until January 2017. This was my first headcanon shoving ALL OF THE LORDS into a single story. I recognize that it is very American-mindset-centric, but the sheer satisfaction of brain-dumping the beast was cathartic.I wrote 5000+ words in bullet point form in One Single Sitting and just, it was fun. I still think this is hilarious, even if it has issues.
Lick Your Wounds I still have lingering problems with this piece. And thereā€™s a sort of dual fact thing going on - it could be so much better, but it is also the best that I have done, imo. Those are both facts to me. At this point, itā€™s a very frustrating piece to deal with XD but even when I am not entirely happy with it, I am very happy and very veryĀ touched by the response it has gotten, and so it gets a place. #makepuppyhappy
Scraps UGH THIS FIFTH SLOT. I mean. Thereā€™s no question this goes to a Kai group piece. I love writing the Kai group, itā€™s the most comfortable and it comes the most easily. I donā€™t like writing modern aus but they just sort of vomit out with these characters in a very love-hate way (I love that they have the opportunity to be happy without the specter of history looming, thatā€™s about it ā€“ itā€™s complicated to explain).Ā 
IkeSen Tag
(tagged by @dear-mrs-otomeā€‹)
Top 3 Warlords in order: Sasuke Nobunaga Kenshin
Favorite Moment in the game so far OH MAN. HMM. I am going to be unoriginal and echo Mrs O ā€“ Nobunaga being a matchmaking troll is A+, but I do also love KEnshin and Shingenā€™s letter to Nobunaga in the ES where MC starts with them but falls in love with Nobu and they are basically like, be nice to her and let her come visit or DEATH TO YOU
Who has the best hair Masamune (Shingen & Hideyoshi have the worst /sigh)
Which voice do you like the most? MRS O I SWEAR I AM NOT COPYING but Kenshin/Mitsuhide are flat tied. Whispery and low, swoooon
Who do you think you are most compatible with? None of ā€˜em. I enjoy watching their romance unfold with story MC, but as actual self, there are zero combos that would work out favorably for both parties based on what Iā€™ve seen so far.
Which warlord appeals to your aesthetics? Sasuke. Dude. Sasuke. Ā 
Which warlord makes you the most frustrated? Hmmm! Tough to say. Maybe Kennyo? Only because itā€™s seems from what weā€™ve seen that he is very much going against himself for some reason, and itā€™s hurting him and that is silly. Donā€™t do that.
Who would you swear loyalty to, the Oda forces, the Uesugi-Takeda forces, or Third Party forces? NNNNNGH. Oda. If I HAD to. Only because thereā€™s a stronger sense of long-term stability and history. But ideally, none of the above. I would be NEUTRAL TERRITORY opening up a little seamstress shop somewhere in the middle that also serves tea and everyone is welcome to come have snacks, tea and fittings but only if they donā€™t fight XD (or at least take it outside, and no one dies)
BONUS: Mrs Oā€™s Q: If you had to tell one warlord what happened to them in your own original timeline, who would it be and why? Nobunaga. Because what happened to him canā€™t yet come to pass in his timeline, so itā€™s moot. Heā€™s shown to accept knowledge with aplomb so I donā€™t think it would send him into an existential spiral. He could handle it.
My question for anyone who does this ā€“ Which lord would make the best roommate?
Music Tag
(tagged byĀ @skullbygloy100ā€‹ @dear-mrs-otomeā€‹ @wonky-glass-ornamentā€‹)
I only have two ways of enjoying music ā€“ passively not even noticing whatā€™s on in the background and actively listening to the same song for literal and actual hours on repeat
Passes by Helen Jane Long ā€“ I literally listen to this on repeat for hours. HOURS.
Blood // Water by grandson
Cows on the Hill by Jay Ungar
Nowhere to run by Boga
Todo Comienza En La Disco by Wisin ft. Yandel & Daddy YankeeĀ 
Dusk Till Dawn Ā by Zayn ft. Sia ā€“ but basically, anything with Sia
Shark in the Water by VV Brown ā€“ this is my Yukkin song lolol
Waterbound by the Fretless ft. Ruth Moody
Wait for It by Leslie Odom JrĀ 
Clair de Lune by Debussy ā€“ performed by literally anyone
ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO ANY OF THE THINGS just tag me <3 And those of you who tagged me - thank you thank you! This was fun
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ficsforsterek Ā· 7 years
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As itā€™s coming up to Valentineā€™s day I thought I would put a rec together of all my favourite Valentineā€™s themed fics!
Hope you enjoy, and remember as always, make sure you check rating, tags and warnings on all fics!
Always (1/1 | 1,066 | Not Rated)
Derekā€™s in love with Stiles but thinks heā€™s about to lose him. Stiles was never going to let Derek go in the first place. Fluff ensues.
Sometimes love is an obligation to your grandmotherĀ (1/1 | 6,982 | Rated M)
Dearest Derek,
Welcome to your 21st year! As per the wonderful tradition of the house of Hale, you will be attending some of the best places to be single that Beacon Hills has to offer today. First, itā€™s to the Coffee Shop on Main where you will get two lemon zest chocolate chip muffins. Listen to me very carefully, Iā€™m going to ease you into the way this works. Buy two muffins, but youā€™re only going to eat one. Find someone cute to give the second one toā€¦
The letter went on, but Derek was staring at it in horror, unable to process how terrible that sounded in just the first paragraph. Today was going to suck.
Or: Derekā€™s grandmother relishes setting her single grandchildren up on Valentineā€™s Day. Only, less ā€˜setting upā€™ and more 'forcing them to run a singles-only scavenger hunt where the prize is love or at least sexā€™.
Derek never wins. Derek never WANTS TO win.
Kiss Me Under the Light of a Thousand StarsĀ (1/1 | 5,631 | Not Rated)
ā€œIt was a true love spell,ā€ he admits quietly. ā€œIt was supposed to help me find my true love. And apparently I suck at magic as much as I suck at dating because I screwed this up too.ā€
In which Stilesā€™ Valentineā€™s Day love spell goes very wrong.
Or perhaps very right.
Valentineā€™s strikeĀ (2/2 | 6,015 | PG-13)
Stiles hates Valentines Day. It was the bane of his existance. But heā€™s home for the 'holidayā€™ and has nothing to do since everyone he knows is busy. Except Derek, Derek is the only one alone as him.
The five times Derek and Stiles date by accident and the one time one of them actually ask.
Thank Jackson for meĀ (1/1 | 3,187 | PG-13)
Derek keeps asking the wrong kind of questions.
Hot for Teacher(ā€™s Aide)Ā (1/1 | 8,050 | PG-13)
ā€œHe invited you to his apartment.ā€
ā€œTo do a lesson plan.ā€
ā€œYeah and to probably lesson your plan while youā€™re there,ā€ Scott said, waggling his eyebrows.
ā€œThat made no sense, but you still managed to make it sound dirty,ā€ Stiles said. ā€œIā€™m impressed.ā€
Red VelvetĀ (1/1 | 7,690 | PG-13)
Stiles is pretty used to people coming to visit him at Sweet Stuff when heā€™s baking. Itā€™s only when Isaac starts bringing along one Derek Hale that things start to get really interesting.
Bro-lentineā€™s DayĀ (1/1 | 2,560 | PG-13)
Itā€™s actually pretty cool that Derek came back to school after a summer eating spinach and lifting small trains or whatever to become a guardian angel to the easy targets of BHHS.
ConvenientĀ (6/6 | 10,755 | Rated E)
Stiles knows what he is to Derek: convenient. He knows that Derek isnā€™t looking for a relationship, just someone to have casual sex with. Which is why Stiles is so surprised to find Derek setting up a romantic dinner for Valentineā€™s Day.
Lucky That Iā€™m Yours EverydayĀ (1/1 | 6,772 | PG-13)
Derek doesnā€™t see how Valentineā€™s Day can get any better than a normal day with Stiles.
Not So Much Coffee and Books as it is Hot Chocolate and EroticaĀ (11/11 | 15,783 | PG)
Alternative title: The Pen Is
AU in which Stiles is an erotica novelist, and Derek is the sexy fireman he daydreams about. He sees Derek daily at the coffee shop, writing out his fantasies about Derek, basically Derek is his muse. All goes well until Derek starts talking to him and trying to read his books. Little does Stiles know, Derek is already a fan of his books.
love always wakes a dragon and suddenly, flames everywhereĀ (1/1 | 7,124 | Rated E)
ā€œAnyway,ā€ Stiles is saying, as Derek tunes in again. ā€œEveryoneā€™s busy and I donā€™t wanna spend Valentineā€™s being pitied by my dad, and you have your Forever Alone thing going on, so I figured we might spend Valentineā€™s being alone together.ā€
The Feeling That Iā€™m UnderĀ (8 works | 289,584 | Rated E)
Stiles is a paramedic and Derek gets into a bike accident.
Itā€™s kind of love at first sight.
Secret Stalker (Should I Mean Valentine?)Ā (2 works | 21.954 | PG-13)
Written for Valentineā€™s Day. Stiles wakes up one morning to a dead deer on his back doorstop. Itā€™s the first in a string of gifts designed to get Stilesā€™ attention but he, and the rest of the pack, arenā€™t sure if the attention is a negative as it seems. When Stiles finally finds out who has been leaving the 'giftsā€™ he realises that the mystery isnā€™t quite solved yet.
Vappy HalentinesĀ (11/11 | 18,457 | Rated M)
Derek woke in the morning to a note on his table and the sound of the front door clicking shut. He blinked, scrubbing a hand over his face, and grabbed the paper. ā€œHey, thanks for letting me sleep over last night. I appreciate you coming to get me, too. I promise Iā€™m not always a crying drunk, btw. Also, thanks for the clothes, but donā€™t think it escaped my notice that this was my shirt anyway.ā€ Derek smiled fondly and kept reading. ā€œDonā€™t tell the others about Ethan. Iā€™ll tell them myself.ā€
Quit Playing Games With My HeartĀ (1/1 | 16,764 | PG-13)
ā€œI am not paranoid Lydia! Youā€™re the ones who are totally fucking with me- with us! You canā€™t say that this last month has been a series of weird, random happenstances!ā€ Lydia ignores him, moving to open the car door, but before she can reach it Stiles hits the driverā€™s side lock. ā€œNo. No getting out of the car until you admit that youā€™ve had a hand in this.ā€
ā€œFine,ā€ Lydia says, arms crossed, leveling Stiles with her glare that effectively says I could crush you under my heel and I donā€™t know why I like you. ā€œWeā€™ve been trying to set you and Derek up in time for Valentineā€™s Day.ā€
ā€œWhat?!ā€ he shrieks. ā€œI mean- what?ā€ he repeats, in a more reasonable tone.
I Get All Tongue-Tied And Twisted Every Time I Try To Say It (Words, They Only Complicate It)Ā (2/2 | 16,581 | PG-13)
Scottā€™s so fed up with his best friendā€™s sexual tension. He knows heā€™s not good at being the wingman, but heā€™s gonnaā€™ make it work because -
ā€œStiles! You canā€™t eat that whole tub of Mayfieldā€™s by yourself!ā€ Scott shouts, throwing his arms up into the air frustratedly. He frowns when she ignores him and sticks another icecream scoop into her mouth.
Stiles looks at him from her spot on the couch with a spoon in her mouth and the television remote in her hand. She points the remote at him, the blankets curled around her arms drooping to the sides of the couch. ā€œIā€™m pressing the mute button, you see?! So shut the fuck up and let me indulge myself on this fabulous gallon of chocolate icecream while I watch sad, lovey-dovey movies and cry my lonely self to sleep!ā€ she cries out and snaps her head back into the direction of the movie, Titanic, sheā€™s bawling over.
Yeah, Scottā€™s definitely hooking them up right this second, he thinks as he eyes the purple bags underneath Stilesā€™ eyes from lack of sleep and drunken late-night crying.
This Is LovecanthropyĀ (1/1 | 12,141 | PG-13)
In which Valentineā€™s Day is closely approaching, and Derek is a disgruntled grad student who works at a library. Heā€™s hit a roadblock on his thesis, heā€™s harboring a (not so secret) crush on Stiles, and he keeps receiving werewolf-themed gifts from a secret admirer.
Basically, Derek is totally oblivious and angsty, Stiles does a lot of planning off-screen, and Erica and Scott are awesome friends who are awesome.
Valentineā€™s Day Candy in Aisle FourĀ (1/1 | 8,998 | Rated E)
ā€œItā€™s so commercialist, and all it does is bring people down who donā€™t have a special someone.ā€
ā€œAre you two seriously discussing your hatred of Valentineā€™s Day when a man with a gun is walking around the store?ā€
A Wolf of a ValentineĀ (4 works | 7,784 | Rated E)
Stiles was not having a grand Valentineā€™s Day. He was stuck on campus. Shelving books. Derekless. All heā€™s ever wanted was to spend Valentineā€™s Day with someone. Someone tall, tan, handsome, with scruff, gorgeous green eyes, and a smile that could floor anyone. Well, that smile was reserved for Stiles exclusively, and he gladly abused that right. But Stiles was not going to see that for Valentineā€™s Day, not even in a Skype call thanks to a pack meeting.
What Stiles doesnā€™t know is that heā€™s in for a surprise: flowers, tickets, and one charming werewolf of a boyfriend.
Watch You SmileĀ (1/1 | 7,711 | PG-13)
Roses are red, Violets are blue, You think Iā€™m a douche, But I really like you
Your Eyes Were Red, But Now Theyā€™re Blue, Your Claws Are Sharp and I Love You - A Tale of Valentineā€™s Day ShenanigansĀ (1/1 | 5,846 | PG-13)
Lydia decides that Valentineā€™s Day is the perfect opportunity for Stiles and Derek to finally admit their feelings for one another.
As the title suggests, shenanigans ensue.
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