techqanswerdotin · 1 year
Cute Look Electric Car with 150KM Range; It costs less than 5 lakhs
Cute Look Electric Car with 150KM Range; It costs less than 5 lakhs
Chinese auto maker Geely has launched a small and cute electric car in its home market. The company has named it Panda Mini EV. The size of this e-car is very small so only 4 people can travel in it at a time. If looking at the specialty of this electric car, the company has given LFP battery pack in it, which gives this Mini Electric Car a range of 150 kilometers in a single charge. Let’s know…
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hjarta · 2 years
flirting with a girl on tinder who told me she’s moving here from london and in my mind i was like wow i’m talking to someone from england that’s cool and then i realized london ontario is a place that exists
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
Nishihiro long distance runner backstory reveal via one singular line
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blorbologist · 1 year
Wew, chapter 35 done. Final battles and aftermath left - though I cheated and wrote a bit of the ending as a treat.
This is going to go splendidly
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as a current 22yo lemme tell you. i am still a teenage girl 😔
U 🤝 me
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inzaghismo · 1 year
why is. life
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fxcknxzis · 10 months
life sucks time to get a tattoo
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its gonna be fuckingn wimbdy
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bpdcarmyberzatto · 2 years
not even gonna lie.......aesthetically want miles teller's face and neck scars . like it's horrible how he got em but anyways! aesthetiquè
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techqanswerdotin · 1 year
This cute looking electric car with 150KM range, its price is less than 5 lakhs
This cute looking electric car with 150KM range, its price is less than 5 lakhs
Highlights Geely Panda Mini Electric Car has been launched in China. The price of this e-car is 40k Yuan (about Rs 5 lakh). The car can be driven up to 150KM in a single charge. China’s auto maker company Geely has launched a small and cute battery car in its domestic market. The company has introduced it under the name Panda Mini EV. The size of this e-car is very small, so only 4 people will…
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mochlus · 2 years
Girl help I just found a detail about modern ecosystems that I want to apply to Paleozoic ones but am unable to
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jpitha · 1 year
It's just a walk for you?
Here's my entry for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial
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I'll always hire humans on my crew, I'll tell you why.
A couple of cycles back, we were out past the Heights and the reactor failed. Some kind of overload, the engineers were chattering about it worried and finally pulled the lever and ejected it. It stopped us from being destroyed outright, but we had minimal power. Only what we could collect with our solar collectors, really. Lights, minimal environmental, things like that.
As luck would have it, we were stranded in a system with a "habitable" planet. It was much too heavy and chilly for most every sapient that I knew. Our human navigator loved it. Said it looked a lot like home. He also pointed out that it had a Community climate beacon on the surface, and that we could probably sent out a distress call from it.
Let me tell you, without a reactor, an atmospheric landing is not something you want to attempt. Still, we made it to the surface alive and mostly intact. The issue was we were still 150 kilometers from the beacon. We had no ground vehicle and it seemed like we were going to perish so close to rescue.
After lamenting our plight the human looked up in surprise. "Why are you so sad? It's only 150km. How much food and water do we have?"
"Only 4 days!"
"Oh? That's easy then. We'll just walk to it."
I looked at him like he had five heads. Nobody can walk 150km in 4 days. Still, he seemed determined to give it a try, and I had no other ideas. I told him that he could kill himself however he wanted and if he wanted to die of exposure on a strange planet it far be it from me to stop him.
He got up and rummaged around in the cargo hold and after about two demi-cycles came out with a repulse-litter and some kind of harness he made out of cargo straps. "Come on, it's big enough for everyone." and he gestured to the litter. He had even set up cushions!
By now, the crew had followed me to the cargo hold. "You can't pull this, its too big" were the majority of comments.
"Nah, it'll be fine, I've got the repulse-jets dialed in just right. It will be like wearing a light backpack. Come on, do you want to die for sure here or have a chance of survival? Look how far we've come! All we have to do is go 150 kilometers more and we can be saved!"
I put it to a vote. Of the 8 of us, 6 including the human decided to let him try and drag us to safety.
Early the next morning - ships time - we all climbed aboard. I have to say, he put the effort in. It really was comfortable to sit on the litter.
We set off.
Friends, I want to impress upon you how... easy he made it looked. demi-cycle after demi-cycle he pulled us, walking with that easy lope that all humans use when they're under gravity close to what they evolved under. He even started singing! Nobody knew the words - he said it was an old language that wasn't in the translators - but he was enjoying himself.
It was a sight to see. It really was like he was out for a fun walk around.
After the second day, someone finally got up the courage to ask him why he could do it.
"Do what, the walk? Oh, walking is not hard for humans. We evolved as persistence hunters. Our ancient ancestors would pick an animal and just jog after it until it died."
"What? What if you got tired?"
He grinned and showed his teeth. "The animal would tire first. As long as we kept the jog light and easy-" he gestured "-like we're doing it now, a human can keep it up a long time."
On the third day he kept it up. We'd pass him water and a ration bar when he asked, and occasionally he'd stop to nap for a few demi-cycles but honestly not that much. Most of the crew slept while he hauled to conserve energy. The planet was a good deal colder than what we preferred. He didn't mind though, wore a light jacket. He said that the exercise kept him warm.
Sure enough, on the morning of the 4th day, we made it to the climate beacon and our engineer was able to send out a distress call. We were picked up not even one day later, all thanks to our human navigator who hauled us all to safety.
So yeah, I will always hire a human on my crew.
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warningsine · 19 days
Robert Fico is in a life-threatening condition, the Slovak government office said in an emailed statement.
Slovakia’s populist Prime Minister Robert Fico has been shot and injured in a shooting in Handlova, Slovakia, local media reports.
"Three or four" shots were heard, according to a journalist on the scene. Euronews understands Fico acquired wounds to his head and chest. Local reports say he was airlifted to a nearby hospital.
A suspect has been detained by police.
Deputy speaker of parliament Lubos Blaha confirmed the incident during a session of Parliament and adjourned it until further notice, the Slovak TASR news agency said.
EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen was quick to react the news on X. "I strongly condemn the vile attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. Such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermine democracy, our most precious common good."
"My thoughts are with PM Fico and his family."
In an initial reaction to the incident, Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová condemned “a brutal and ruthless” attack targeting Fico.
"I strongly condemn today's brutal and reckless attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. I am shocked. I wish Robert Fico every strength to recover from the attack at this critical time." Čaputová said on her social media post.
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán wrote on X: "I was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend, Prime Minister Robert Fico. We pray for his health and quick recovery! God bless him and his country!"
Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, also writing on X, said "Shocking news from Slovakia. Robert, my thoughts are with you in this very difficult moment."
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala also expressed her shock at the news: "The news about the shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is shocking. I wish the prime minister to get well as soon as possible. We must not tolerate violence, it must have no place in society."
Gitanas Nausėda, President of Lithuania, called for an investigation into the incident. He condemned the attack on X: "There should be zero tolerance to such acts of violence. I call on a thorough investigation and wish PM Fico a full recovery."
Handlova is located about 150km northeast of Bratislava, the capital.
PM Fico has been a politically contentious character in Slovakia, and rose to prominence on a pro-Russian and anti-US message. In January, he halted aid to Ukraine.
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ndav1d42 · 9 months
izlandi autós-camperes poszt! viszont hosszú is meg uncsi is, úgyhogy akit érdekel, majd úgyis tová...
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...bbolvas. szóval akit esetleg részletesebben is érdekel a jármű. a jószág egy 2022-es Fiat Doblo Maxi (cargo) volt, 1.6-os dízel, nemtom hány lóerő meg nyomaték meg kilowatt, de nagyon ügyesen felkúszott a legmeredekebb szerpentineken is, faszán gyorsult emelkedőnek is, ha éppen arról volt szó. meg előzni is lehet vele, bár sokat elmond a vezetési stílusomról, h a tíz nap alatt talán 2-3-szor előztem, abból is az egyik egy munkagép volt. jaigen, és váltós, mert azt volt olcsóbb bérelni, engem meg nem zavar az automata hiánya.
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lenyomtunk vele több mint 2100km-t a szigeten, amiből úgy 100-150km murvásút-földút volt. bírta. néha izgultam, h ilyen helykre hozom szerencsétlent, mit fognak szólni a bérlőscégnél, de mindig eszembe jutott, h a 76 000km alatt (amivel hozzánk került) már valszeg hússzor járt azon az aktuális földúton, meg negyvenszer megkerülte a szigetet, szóval szarnirá.
magát a camperré alakítást a raktérben nem izgulták túl, egy egyszerű fenyőléc "ágykeret" van ágyrácsokkal, azon egy matrac, oszt' jónapot. (persze megindult a fantáziám, h milyen marhajól ki lehetne használni ezt a rakteret, jóval ügyesebben meg kreatívabban is be lehetne építeni... namajd ha saját camperünk lesz, hahi)
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hálózsák párnákkal járt vele. ágy alatt tároló a cuccoknak (alapból jár + kértünk is extraként: kempingasztal+székek, gázrezsó, edények+eszcájg [lábos, serpenyő, tányérok, bögrék stb.], hűtőláda, vizeskanna, két elektromos hősugárzó, jó hosszú áram kábel) + ide fértek a csomagjaink, bőröndünk, épp nem használt cipők stb.
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a kempingcucc tökjó volt, többször is megálltunk pihenőknél vagy vmi látnivalónál, kipakoltunk rá, és főztünk vagy ettünk ebédet. kempingekben meg szinte minden reggel-este azon főztünk (ha nem volt normális közösségi tér/konyha).
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A "szállás" kb. egy 140x200-as ágy méretű volt, bőven elfértünk, igazából tök kényelmes volt. az ablakok befüggönyözhetők, áram meg jött a konnektorból, ha a kempingben kértünk áramot és rá is csatlakoztattuk a kocsit (márpedig a fűtés miatt mindig kértünk).
vezetni fasza volt, első nap beleszoktam (az első kilométereken lefulladtam 2-3-szor, mire kiismertrm a kuplungot), utána élveztem nagyon. a legnagyobb istenáldása volt a 7"-es képernyős, Android Auto kompatibilis központi komputer izé, telefont rányomva faszán ment a googlemaps meg a spotify végig.
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nemtom pontosan, h milyen fogyasztást hoztam össze, mert nem minden tankolásnál írtam fel a litereket (mivel úgyis tele tankkal kell visszaadni, meg amúgy is férne tudja, mikor kerülünk legközelebb kúthoz, inkábbmindig telenyomattam), de az egyik számolás szerint 7,4l/100km. ami nagyjából talán reálisnak is tűnik (?). (lehet, h valahol meg tudta volna mondani a fedélzeti komputer, de ilyen mélyen nem másztam bele a nyomkodásába).
– mivel cargo jármű, az oldalsó tolóajtókat belülről nem lehetett kinyitni, így kicsit vicces volt mindig a lehajtott középső üésen átmászva kiszállni a kocsiból...
– a már említett elrendezés. lehetett volna kicsit jobb, pl. padszerű bevágás a tolóajtó mögött cipőfelvevéshez, meg egyáltalán beszálláshoz. az oldalsó falra is elfért volna pár polcszerű tároló
– az első kerekek kicsit kopottabbak voltak már sztem az egészségesnél, de ez a bérbeadó cég sara mondjuk. meg azért a műszerfalon is világított pár ikon... de tény, h ezek a kocsik nincsenek kímélve.
– őő, tökre nem jut eszembe más, tényleg meg voltam elégedve, és tudom ajánlani, aki hasonló kört menne a szigeten, mint mi.
nem negatívum, csak az én tapasztalatlanságom, h még az út végére se éreztem a kocsi méreteit igazán. leparkoltam, h jaj, biztos van vagy tíz centi az előttem lévő kocsihoz képest, aztán kiszálltam, és fél méterre voltam, a kocsi segge meg kilógott a retekbe'. aztán persze ilyenkor visszaszállás, korrigállás...
Amitől féltem, h majd nem tudom használni a belső középső tükröt, és csak az oldalsókra kel hagyatkoznom, de szerencsére el lehetett kötni a függönyöket, és ezzel se volt gond.
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workersolidarity · 19 days
[ 📹 Scenes from the moments immediately following the shooting of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico outside a government building in the village of Handlova, northeast of Bratislava.]
🇸🇰 🚨
Slovekian Prime Minister, a vocal opponent of the EU's policy of arming Ukraine in its war with the Russian Federation, has been shot following an attempted assassination after a meeting of the government at a location northeast of Bratislava.
According to reports, the Slovakian Prime Minister, Robert Fico (59yo), was shot in the stomach following 4 gunshots fired in his direction while outside of the House of Culture in the town of Handlova, 150km northeast of the capital.
The suspect was immediately arrested and detained, while police have cordened off the scene of the crime.
A helicopter was dispatched to transport the wounded Prime Minister to a nearby hospital, with few updates on his condition since.
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Daily things in historical settings
I am listening to a lot of the DnD audiobooks right now and I am kinda drawn back and forth between being amused and kinda annoyed with some of the stuff that those books get wrong. Because... Okay, DnD is not a real historical setting. The historical technologies and such are all over the place. But... I am going to assume that at least horses travel at the same speed than actual horses.
So, let me talk about some little tidbits that might be interesting to people writing (pseudo)historical settings. Be it fanfiction or your original fantasy books.
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Historical Travelling & Information Speed
Some things that people struggle with has to do with how fast travel was - and how fast information could struggle. And great news: For most of human history this did not change a lot. Like, from the moment people first created wagons to put behind horses, till the invention of the car (well, and in regards to information the sign posts) this didn't change.
Historically speaking a lot of travel happened on foot. People travelling by foot would usually make 15-40km (so about 8-20 miles) per day.
People travelling on horseback would cover about 30-50km (15-25miles)
Messengers, who had faster horses and switched them out, might manage 70-80km on one day (35-40 miles).
Stagecoaches would also have high speeds and switch out horses, managing between 50 and 70km. Please note: If you wanted to travel with a stage coach, you usually would have to give message ahead.
Someone just leasurely taking a horse wagon might cover between 30 and 40 miles usually.
Armies (that moved slower, due to the number of people and the stuff they took along) would most of the time cover between 15 and 25km (8-13miles)
Big exception were the Romans, who would often march between 40 and 50km a day (20-25miles) when they moved their army.
River travel obviously depended on whether you would travel upstream or downstream. Usually upstream would not be more than 20km (10 miles) a day. Downstream it could be up to 60 or even 70km a day (30-35 miles).
Sea travel depended a lot on the weather and the ship. On good days they could do 150km a day, but on bad days they might only cover 40km.
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Food and Drink
Okay, I talk about medieval food and drink a lot. I am not gonna go into the more detailed things what was eaten and what not, because I did that enough. (And if you do historical stuff, sure, maybe your fantasy world has different food.) Instead I would rather like to talk about some logistic and technological things.
A lot of historical houses did not have a kitchen. Rather the people would just good food over their fireplace. Usually they had some way of hanging a pot over the fire (like seen above), which might be adjustable for height and closeness to the fire. Which is why a lot a people often ate soups and stews. Because you could cook those with just one pot.
You know the phrase "best thing since the invention of sliced bread"? Yeah, that is because for the longest time, bread wasn't sliced. People just pulled it apart and dunked it in whatever they were eating.
Historically speaking there was no running water, so people had to go out to a pump or well to get their water. (I really just wanna see people getting water more often in fantasy settings.)
In some areas of the world, people might actually drink beer instead of water, mostly for the fact that they noticed that folks would get less sick from it. But please note, that this beer was very thin. So rarely more than 1% alcohol.
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Alright, let's be honest Hygiene is something people usually to not address in their fantasy settings at all. For a plethora of reasons. But let me talk about it either way.
Toilets often were outhouses or just holes in the ground. (Technically speaking outhouses often were just holes in the ground with some extra stuff.) Only few historical settings had a proper sewer system. If you were travelling, you would just dig a small hole, do your business, and then fill the hole back up.
If you needed to do your business at night, you would usually do it in a pisspot that you would empty in the morning
Contrary to popular believe: Yes, historical people did bathe. There were bathhouses in most parts of the world - and people would bathe in open waters. Bathing at home was less common, because it was just such a fucking bother. You needed to get water from a river, pond or well in buckets, needed to fill up a tub with that and then heat it. So... bathhouses were more sensible. But even if you did the work at home, the family would bathe in the same water one after another.
Outside of India people did not figure out shampoo until the 20th century. So rather than shampoo people would use oils to clean their hair.
Washing machines were obviously not a thing either. Instead laundry was done doing washboards and it was very exhausting work.
There was no central garbage disposal. Now, a lot of places relied on pigs on the street to clean up. (My city here has been called the "city of pigs" in medieval times for that reason, lol.) But stuff folks threw away might litter streets in cities. And yes, this might also include dead animals.
Very little is known with how people being curses with an uterus dealt with the more or less monthly problem. But it is assumed that people wore a special kind of underwear for this to soak up the blood. (In some parts of the world, women of course were considered unclean during their period...)
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