#8 oz from c. Booth
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 31 May 1837
7 ½
12 5
slept in K.C. as since the 11th instant – A- at Cliff hill since yesterday week – very fine morning F54° now at 8 20 – wrote 3pp. of ½ sheet note to A- got home last night in 27 minutes and in in at 10 35 – send her an oz. bottle of brandy and 2 large tea spoonfuls of Epsom salts (forgotten last night) wrapt in Mrs. Fentons’ letter to A- - received the other day – send also a bottle of ginger wine for Mrs. Walker with my kind regards – the ponies going to be shod – George will not be back much if at all before dinner – if the Brooks’ cottage business presses to send over [?] the school boys for board – concludes with ‘Dieu vous benisse! tout à vous AL’ – breakfast at 9 ¼ in ½ hour sent George off to Cliff hill with my note to A- then out – with Robert Mann + 4 (Sam, Jack, Michael + 1) in the wheat field Lodge road dressing down and sodding the upper side bank – sent the gardener + 2 (Abraham and Joseph) to them – about – with Booth at the Lodge gates – back about 11 when Mr. Harper came – I was with him when A- came about 11 1/2 – I had had a note from her by George to say she should be at Brookes’ cottage at 11 – was just setting off to meet her there when Mr. H- came – staid talking to him about ½ hour after A- came and then off with her to Brookes’ cottage – a little while with her there – Sykes’ plan for the back kitchen to cost £9+ not economical or good – walked with A- to past the Crownest shrubbery wall – left her  at 1 ½ and back in about ¾ hour having stopt a minute or 2 at Listerwick cabin and Listerwick pit – Messrs. Harper and Husband in the wheel-race – out, about till Mr. Harper came in about 4 – backwards and forwards in and out talking to him and in the Lodge road with Robert and co. - Mr. H- will have 2 additional joiners under Blythe to do the tower – settled about ceilings, plastering etc H- told me this morning that Mr. Braithwaite was likely to leave the George Inn York, and would like to take the Northgate hotel – should not mind the opposition of Mr. Carr who, Mr. Husband told H- had taken the White Swann on a fresh lease at £100  a year advance of rent – said I had not heard this, but thought it lucky if true – H- thought B- a very respectable person, only wished he had more spirit to oppose C- in the coach line – H- had heard from Mr. Phillips’ the geologist of York who had lately passed thro’ here that I had made a great mistake in raising some water – (the Spiggs water) and that somebody had played me a trick in my own valley – H-never thought of it before but now recollected that Joseph M- had said on beginning the drift that he did not like the look of the peg – that SW- had talked of its being moved – that much had been said about and someone might have moved it thro’ mischief  and thus played me a trick in my own valley – I gave this saying that I felt sure of the Manns – it was their interest to do the best they could for me, and I was sure they would – H- blames Mr. Husband for not seeing that JM was right after he had set in (begun the drift) from the meer – but persists that the peg was set right by Mr. Husband once over – and must have been moved – what a talk in the country my colliery has made and does make – on talking to Robert Mann (at 4 this afternoon) never mentioned the peg moved but said I had made a great mistake about the Spiggs water – they meant to take it from me – no! they never could as long as he and I lived for if all parties agreed to let Wilson drive from his engine above the wind corn mill into the Spiggs works it would many years to do it – Left Mr. Harper with Blythe at 7 ½ and sat down dinner – made coffee on sitting down that it was ready when I had dined – sat over it reading the paper till 9 ¼ then out – at the Lodge and sauntering about till came in at 10 20 at which hour F55° fine day – wrote all but the 1st six lines of today till 10 50 – vide tonight paper Lady Vavasour and her 2 daughters introduced at court by Mrs. Beilby Thompson
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1825 Sat. 24 September
In which Anne settles back home at Shibden, considers her many lovers, and weathers some gossip about her clothing
7 11 At 7 ½ went into the stables etc. saw Hotspur at a distance - for 1/4 hour - the horse does not seem to have been much tired - he had a mash with an oz. of saltpetre last night and another this morning, and I have ordered him 2 more - George told me yesterday he wanted a diuretic ball - It is not the weight of the gig (9 1/4 cwt.) that knocks him up, but the being pushed beyond his pace which should never be more than 5 1/2 miles an hour in traveling - unpacked my clothes - made my room tidy - went down to breakfast at 10 1/4 - came upstairs at 11 5/60 -  Looking into Olivet sur la prosodie française, and dawdling over 1 thing or other till 12 - then read my letter 3 pp. pages and the ends and the 1st page crossed from Miss MacLean (Tobermory) - very kind letter - She is very fond of me see midway the first page. Would like to live with me, fears it cannot be, then proceeds to remind me I have a sister. Says she could not live happily with Albane, but if they both live unmarried of course they must be together. Albane is good but there is no real sympathy between, I suit her much better. Used to think last winter Mrs. Barlow was the person for me - liked Mrs. Grieves match fancying it might introduce Sibbella into good society - Her fathers connections in Edinburgh ‘are so vulgar’
Young Coll’s bride has been seriously ill - detained on this account at Oban - she likes her but feals she is not the strong minded woman her situation requires - Lady Elizabeth Carnegie going to be married - ‘There was a passage in a letter to Albane some months ago, which I always forget to ask you to unriddle - it was merely read out to me, when 1st received, as far as I remember as follows - “Tell your sister that I am sorry to inform her Miss Lister has thrown aside the Parisian costume, which so much became her, and resumed her old style to the great annoyance of her friends” - I heard long before you left Paris, that you dressed quite in the Parisian style, now what you changed I do not comprehend, as your dress seemed to me made fashionably, only you set aside your little hat, etc.’ - Poor Henrietta! How like her the working up of this piece of news! When M- [Mariana] last saw her in York, she was all curiosity about Mrs. Barlow - who and what she was - how quickly made the acquaintance, why go and stay with her etc. etc. - How fond the C- Carnegies are of tittle tattle! I shall tire of it by and by, if I am not tired already
From 12 1/2 to 3 50/60 wrote the last 11 lines of page 29 and the whole of pp. pages 30, 31, 32, and so far of this page - very sorry to hear, on my return yesterday, that John Booth had lost his wife this day week and that the poor woman was buried on Tuesday - I must try and do what I can for him a more honest faithful servant does not serve every master - from 3 50/60 to 5 50/60 settling our Buxton account which comes to `77:18:0½ including my 1/2 of the excursion to Dovedale, Chatsworth and Alton abbey, 6.8.1½, the incidental expense of my going up and down in the gig to Castleton etc. my 2 fees to Dr. Scudamore, added to all my aunt’s expense of whatsoever kind - and including my syringe that doctor S got me from Weiss in the strand twenty five shillings and half a crown the carriage
We were just 7 weeks at Buxton our 2 selves, as was Cordingley, George, the gig and Caradoc - we latterly (ever since 2 or 3 days before M- [Mariana] came to us) lived in private - i.e. did not dine at the public table which made our living cost 1/- a day each additional - our bed and lodging including a regular weekly charge of 25/- for the horse would average about £14.10.0 - my aunt’s parlor and bedroom adjoining were 1.18.6 a week, and my lodging room (the 3rd story, to the front) 14/- a week
Wrote the last 8 1/2 lines and had just done at 6 - Dressed - dinner at 6 1/2 - did nothing in the evening but turn for a moment to the last month of the gents magazine - vid p. the reason why Dr. Johnson pronounced heard as if spelt heerd, that there might not be exception to the usual pronunciation of ear - came up to bed at 9 1/4 - read the 1st 31 pp. pages d’Olivet sur la prosodie Française - very interesting to me - damp, drizzly morning till about noon - then cleared and the afternoon and evening fine - E.O..
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
9 Natural Ways to Combat Anxiety from a Medical Expert
Overcoming anxiety can seem like a tall order - especially if you are not sure where to start. Whether your anxiety stems from work-related stress, relationship troubles, or a larger-scale crisis, you need to take action to ensure your anxiety does not evolve into serious health complications. Fortunately, there are some simple, cost-effective ways to relieve your anxiety. And the good news is that you can put many of these techniques to use whether you are on the road, on vacation, or from the comfort of your own home. Below is a look at some causes of stress and nine natural ways to combat your anxiety.
What are some key causes of anxiety?
Before diving into some creative ways to alleviate anxiety, it is helpful to understand what causes us to become anxious. Anxiety often begins to emerge when people are in their early 20s, so learning to combat symptoms during early adulthood is helpful. This process begins by understanding the factors that can cause anxiety. Here is a look at four common circumstances that may lead to anxiety: Relationship troubles, such as a break-up, separation or divorce The illness or death of a loved one Challenges related to work, such as a layoff or trouble with a boss or colleagues An unexpected crisis such as a natural disaster or the COVID-19 pandemic With the four stressors above affecting most Americans, it is no surprise that anxiety affects over 18% of our population. Typical symptoms include restlessness, feelings of apprehension, and a tendency to fear the worst. Many people also experience headaches, racing heart, gastrointestinal distress, and insomnia. If left untreated, these symptoms can morph into more severe health problems.
What are some simple, natural ways to relieve your anxiety?
The path to relieving anxiety begins by making some lifestyle adjustments that will alleviate symptoms or prevent them from emerging in the first place. Fortunately, there are many surprisingly simple ways to prevent anxiety from rearing its ugly head. Below are eight natural ways to combat anxiety. 1) Adopt an anti-anxiety diet
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You might be surprised to learn that specific foods have been shown to reduce anxiety. Researchers point to foods that are naturally rich in magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin C, and omega-3s have been shown to have a calming effect on people. For this reason, foods like nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, and berries are good choices to enjoy with your meals and snacks. Waking up to a healthy breakfast that contains anti-anxiety foods is especially important, as it will help you start each day on a calmer note. Here is one of Dr. Mehmet Oz's favorite anxiety-reducing breakfasts: " Try a cantaloupe parfait with cottage cheese, dried oats, and pistachios to start your day. Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin C, cottage cheese contains tryptophan, and dried oats provide your complex carbs, while pistachios provide omega-3 fatty acids." - doctoroz.com 2) Perform deep breathing exercises Many people are surprised to learn that they can relieve anxiety simply by breathing deeply. The Mayo Clinic's Laura A. Peterson, R.N., calls breathing deeply a "powerful tool," and recommends that people "Learn breathing techniques that ease anxiety, depression and other stress-related issues." Breathing deeply helps to quell anxiety by sending a message to your brain to stay calm. Peterson outlines some simple breathing techniques that you can try alone or with a partner. 3) Enjoy the power of your own touch "This year, the company Hot Octopuss debuted 'masturbation booths' across New York City to give men a public place to 'relieve stress'...Women wanted to know where their masturbatoriums were. Why should men have all the fun?" - Nico Lang, Ravishly Masturbation and other forms of touch are powerful anxiety relievers. In fact, self-touch can be so effective that doctors are calling masturbation a "great way to relieve tension and stress". Some doctors even suggest that masturbation breaks at work would boost productivity and increase smiling. If you are open to trying a masturbation break as an anxiety reliever while you are at work or on the go, you can do so discreetly with the help of Poco, a pocket-sized portable vibrator. With its unique, bendable design, Poco will help take your mind off your stressors as you stimulate your G-spot, clitoris, and perineum. 4) Focus on what you can control In times of crisis and even in everyday life, it can be easy to become anxious. Unfortunately, there are many things we are unable to control. And no matter how much time and energy we spend worrying about them, we will never be able to change them. And our anxiety just intensifies. The good news is that you can make a change in many areas of your life. For instance, you can control what you choose to eat, how hard you work at the office, which movies you watch on TV, and how much time you devote to your partner. By shifting your focus from things that are beyond your control to those you can control, you will minimize your feelings of helplessness and become more confident in the process. 5) Minimize your exposure to the news "More than half of Americans say the news causes them stress, and many report feeling anxiety, fatigue or sleep loss as a result...Yet one in 10 adults checks the news every hour, and fully 20% of Americans report "constantly" monitoring their social media feeds—which often exposes them to the latest news headlines, whether they like it or not." - Markham Heid, Time Constant exposure to the news can be downright depressing - especially during challenging times. But Americans are monitoring the news more regularly than ever. Many people connect to the internet from the moment they wake up in the morning and don't unplug until their heads hit the pillow. For an anxiety-prone person, this "constant connectedness" can cause their stress to worsen, causing them to lose sleep worrying about the things they can't control until the wee hours of the morning. While it is wise to stay informed, you can still remain abreast of the latest current events by setting aside fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening to monitor the news. 6) Play your favorite game Many people are surprised to learn that they can reduce their anxiety by doing something as simple as playing their favorite game. From video games to card games, researchers are discovering that fun pursuits can alleviate anxiety symptoms. In fact, there are now apps that turn the battle against anxiety into a game. 7) Establish a regular exercise routine "It's a common experience among endurance athletes and has been verified in clinical trials that have successfully used exercise to treat anxiety disorders and clinical depression. If athletes and patients can derive psychological benefits from exercise, so can you." - Harvard Health Publishing Exercise is one of the best natural anxiety relievers on the market. In addition to reducing stress hormones in your body, exercise boosts the production of mood-enhancing endorphins. But the benefits of exercise do not stop there. Exercise will help you keep your weight in check, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and keep you mentally sharp. Best of all, you can choose a different type of exercise every day. Here are a few options to try: Go for a brisk 15-minute walk once or twice a day to get your blood flowing Reduce your anxiety and burn 4 calories per minute by having sex Go for a short bike ride 8) Wind down with a warm bath... and a waterproof toy
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For years, warm water has been known for its relaxing, healing properties. In addition to being therapeutic, a warm bath is a great way for you to destress alone or together with your partner. And if you really want to relax your body, you can introduce MysteryVibe's Crescendo. With its flexible waterproof design, Crescendo is more than just a smart, body-adaptable vibrator. It is also a doctor-approved device that as known as a one-stop-shop for men and women alike. After you warm up in the tub, you can continue your anxiety relief mission in the bedroom with your partner. Sex is a great way to relieve stress for you both and will help you maintain your special connection with your partner. You can really make the night smooth and special by adding a bit of organic lube to the mix. Another way to reduce anxiety in the bedroom is to check out MysteryVibe's Playcards. In a matter of minutes, you and your partner can discover pleasure positions you never knew existed. More importantly, your worry and stress will begin to take a backseat to curiosity and pleasure. 9) Resolve to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night "You might think you can get by on 5 or 6 hours' sleep a night, but people who get less than 7 hours are more likely to have mood or mental health problems...A severe lack of sleep has been linked to mood disorders, depression, anxiety and Alzheimer's disease." - Catherine De Lange, New Scientist Sleep is essential to our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many Americans are sleep-deprived. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 3 adults don't get enough sleep. And a lack of sleep is linked to anxiety, depression and a variety of physical health problems. You can put yourself back on track by establishing a regular routine and striving to go to bed at roughly the same time each night. You can boost your odds of getting a good night's sleep by limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol right before bed, and by making sure your bedroom is cool and dark. Most importantly, turn off your electronic devices and let them recharge. You cannot sleep soundly for seven hours when you are receiving text notifications and phone calls.
The Bottom Line on Overcoming Anxiety
Combating anxiety does not have to be complicated or costly. As outlined above, there are many natural ways to alleviate your anxiety from the comfort of your own home. We invite you to contact us at MysteryVibe to discover why thousands of Americans turn to us for fun, creative ways to reduce their stress. We look forward to hearing from you! Read the full article
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spotlight-report · 6 years
About The Man of Silva Cosplay
My name’s Sol and I’m a 21 year old cosplayer from Brisbane. I’ve been cosplaying for around 5 years now with costumes ranging from Superman to Ash Williams from the Evil Dead. I absolutely love Cosplay and any opportunity to dress up as a character whether it be from a movie, comic book or even a video game. It’s introduced me to some amazing people and taken me to several beautiful cities around Australia and I can’t imagine my life without it.
1. When did this fascination for Cosplaying started?
My fascination really started by just watching superhero movies like Superman, Batman Begins and Iron Man. I always found the idea of a having a super suit such an awesome concept and I would often ask my parents for kids costumes and I would just run around in them all day acting out scenes from my favourite movies.
2. What was the first Cosplay you ever did??
My very first cosplay was Clark Kent when I 14 years old, borrowing one of my Dad’s old suits. After I caught the cosplay bug however my first proper suit was the Mark 6 Iron Man from Iron Man. I spent around 5 months building it when I was 16 and I’m still pleased with the job I did with it considering the little amount of techniques I had back then. 3. What was the first convention you went to?
The first convention I ever went to was Brisbane Supanova all the way back in 2010. It took a while, but I finally convinced my Dad to take me and it was honestly one of the best days I’ve ever had. I managed to get a photo with Christopher Lloyd aka Doc Brown from Back to the Future as well as take some photos of some awesome cosplays there.
4. What is your favourite character and why? (Favourite character or favourite character to Cosplay??)
My favourite character to cosplay has and will probably always be Superman. To me he is ultimate and original superhero and the strength and confidence I feel in the suit as well making nearly every kid that sees me smile is something I wouldn’t trade for the world.
5. What is your most precious costume? How long did it take you to make it?
My most precious costume is my CW Reverse Flash Cosplay. It costs well over a grand, it’s completely unique as the seller only ever made one and the circumstances in which I got it were purely based on luck. An American seller was getting rid of it after only wearing it to a con once and the original buyer hadn’t come through with the money. I asked him if I could do a payment plan and he agreed so overall it took me about 3 months to obtain both the suit and the cowl separately.
6. Can you name a character you are planning to portrait (portray) in the near future?
In the near future I plan on doing Shazam from the upcoming DCEU movie. I’ve always planned on doing Shazam as I love the mythos of the character and after I saw the trailer my mind was set.
7. A costume you dream to be able to have/make someday?
My dream costume is to have a Death of Superman style DCEU Superman suit. I was so disappointed when it wasn’t shown in Justice League, so I would love to have a version myself with completely accurate textures and patterns.
8. Have you ever joined or done a group Cosplay performance?
I have done a sort of group cosplay performance in the form of being Superman in a Brisbane based Justice League that a few friends and I formed. We made quite the rounds at the last Brisbane Supanova as well as appearing at a few cinemas to promote the movie..
9. Have you ever participated in any Cosplay competition? (If yes, which ones?)
I have previously participated in cosplay competition at Sydney Supanova in 2017 as Reverse Flash. Unfortunately, I didn’t win but the prize did go to a very worthy winner who had an outstanding Reinhardt costume.
10. Any funny convention or Cosplay story you can share with us?
At Oz Comic Con Sydney last year myself and a friend of mine were dressed up as the Green Arrow and Flash from the CW shows. We walked to a booth that was showing off the screen used costumes and essentially got stuck for about an hour in front of the displays as people kept taking photos of us until we finally had to just run away while everyone was distracted by a Dalek.
11. Any word of advice for people who would like to start in the world of Cosplay?
Definitely take it slow, easy and cheap. It’s ok to start out with a Clark Kent costume or a store bought one. Cosplay can be a big investment and it’s always best to slowly build up your skills and began to slowly make your cosplays more complex as you feel more comfortable. Always watch YouTube videos, reviews and tutorials to keep building your knowledge and keep advancing your cosplays.
13. Tell us about your cosplay photography, what sort of projects do you work on?
In terms of cosplay photography, I have a lot of great photographers around Australia that help produce a lot of great content for me; one of the biggest being my friend Rob right here in Brisbane that takes a large amount of my shots. Once they’ve taken the shots, if it’s a costume like Dr Strange or Superman that might need an edit I double check with the photographers before I go away to Photoshop it and start editing in flying capes and mystic runes. I studied my Uni degree in a digital art field so I’m pretty adept with all of Photoshops processes but anything I don’t know is always a YouTube tutorial away.
14. What projects will you be working on in the future?
I have a few projects on my plate in the near future, I’ll be working on a Nightwing vs Deadpool short, starting up a 3D print commission service as well as a service to model up cosplay components that clients can commission. On the cosplay side I’ll be hard at work putting my Kyle Rayner Green Lantern together as well as doing some major training to look great in my Spider-Man PS4 suit.
Check some images of The Man of Silva in action below!
For more about The Man of Silva visit:
Want to be featured here?… simply email us to [email protected] and we will email you back ASAP.
International Cosplayers are absolutely welcome to email us as well!
The Man of Silva will hit Oz Comic-Con
Brisbane 22nd – 23rd September, (9am – 6pm) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Tickets: http://ozcomiccon.com/brisbane/tickets/
Sydney 29th – 30th September, (9am – 6pm) Sydney International Convention Centre (ICC) Tickets: http://ozcomiccon.com/sydney/tickets/
Images provided by. Thornstar Cosplay for illustration purposes only. No Commercial gains.
Featured #Cosplayer: @TheManofSilva #CosplayAustralia @OzComicCon About The Man of Silva Cosplay My name’s Sol and I’m a 21 year old cosplayer from Brisbane.
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dccomicsnews · 7 years
DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for April 12, 2017.
Check back every Friday with the DC Comics News Pull Box to see all the cool new DC Comics titles and collectibles that will be available at your favorite local comic shop! So, what titles or collectibles will you be picking up this Wednesday? You can sound off in the comments section below! Click on Comic shop Locator to find the comic shop nearest to you!
DCN Pull Box Triple Spotlight
ACTION COMICS #977 $2.99
(W) Dan Jurgens (A) Ian Churchill (CA) Andy Kubert
“Superman Reborn Aftermath” part one! Following the epic struggle against [REDACTED], Superman examines his entire history-the birth of Jon, the marriage of Lois and Clark, their lives at the Daily Planet-to discover who tried to destroy his life. Who is waiting in the shadows? Who is Mr. Oz? All questions the Man of Steel cannot answer alone. It is time for him to unite the entire Superman-Family!
(W) Robert Venditti (A) V Kenneth Marion, Dexter Vines (CA) Mikel Janin
“THE PRISM OF TIME” part one! The Green Lantern Corps has united with their once mortal enemies the Sinestro Corps, but there’s a storm brewing on the horizon as an enemy from the future arrives to rip the two apart. There will be no peace in this time.
SUPERGIRL #8 $3.99
(W) Steve Orlando (A) Matias Bergara (CA) Emanuela Lupacchino
A “Superman Reborn Aftermath” tie-in! Superman and Supergirl meet again for the first time to face the evil of the Emerald Empress! Plus, what does it mean for the Girl of Tomorrow when tomorrow promises a Dark Knight? Shocking revelations, all-powerful sorceresses from the future, the Batgirl of Burnside and dinner in the Wild West-they’re all here in this amazing issue!
Variant Covers
Note: Variant Prices To Be Determined By Retailer
ACTION COMICS #977  (Gary Frank variant) $2.99 BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY #9 (Kamome Shirahama variant) $3.99 DETECTIVE COMICS #954 (Raphael Albuquerque variant) $2.99 FLASH #20 (Howard Porter variant) $2.99 HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #18 (Kevin Nowlan variant) $2.99 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #4 (Doug Mahnke variant) $2.99 NEW SUPER MAN #10 (Bernard Chang variant) $3.99 RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #9 (Dexter Soy variant) $3.99 SCOOBY APOCALYPSE #12 (Paul Galacy variant) $3.99 SUICIDE SQUAD #15 (Whilce Portacio variant) $2.99 SUPERGIRL #8 (Bengal variant) $3.99 TITANS #10 (Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund variant) $3.99 WONDER WOMAN #20 (Jenny Frison variant) $2.99
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  DC Comics Pull Box For 4-12-17 (New Comics and Merchandise) DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for April 12, 2017.
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How to Host the Ultimate Royal Wedding Viewing Party
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are just two days away from saying "I do.” The flowers have been chosen, the cake tasted and the final seating chart has been set. But if you’re like us and your invitation was lost in the mail, don’t fret! You can still celebrate Meghan and Harry’s regal nuptials with serious style. Sure, you may have to exchange St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle for your own living room, but with our help, you can throw a royal wedding viewing party that’ll rival the main event itself!
DRESS CODE Meghan and Harry are set to tie the knot on Saturday at noon U.K. time, 7 a.m. ET and 4 a.m. PT. But with coverage of the wedding starting as early as 5 a.m. ET/2 a.m. PT, you’ll want your guests to feel as comfy cozy as possible. Invite your friends to rock their most festive pajamas to the royal soiree (onesies highly encouraged). This is still a classy affair though, so channel that iconic Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice circa 2011 moment with a fancy fascinator or top hat.  
DRINK: “THE MARKLE SPARKLE” No party is complete without a signature cocktail. Stay on theme with this simple twist on the classic mimosa, complete with blood orange juice, a nod to Harry’s ginger locks.
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Ingredients: 10-12 blood oranges, juiced and strained or 2 1/2 cups blood orange juice 1 bottle of dry sparkling wine, such as Prosecco 8-10 pieces of blood orange peel, removed with a vegetable peeler and twisted for garnish How to Make It: 1. Pour 1-2 ounces of chilled, orange juice into champagne glass. 2. Top glass off with sparkling wine. 3. Add orange peel garnish if desired.
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FOOD: “HARRY’S ROYAL TEA” A royal wedding viewing party isn’t a royal wedding viewing party unless you serve up a classic high tea.
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Tea Sandwiches These bite-sized snacks are a must-have for a proper tea party. They are easy to assemble, delish and a total crowd pleaser. Whether it be peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, chicken salad, or a veggie sandwich, simply trim the crusts, cut into fourths and serve with style.
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Scones Scones are the proper English food served at tea and are the perfect early morning treat!
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Union Jack Berry Parfaits Stay on theme with these show-stopping British flag-inspired breakfast treats. Serve in individual cups to up your foodie game.
Ingredients: 6 cups strawberries, hulled and quartered 2 cups blueberries 1 cup raspberries 4 cups vanilla Greek yogurt 3 cups granola Drizzle of honey 8-12 mint leaves to garnish How to Make It: 1. Layer strawberries in glass then top with layer of yogurt, layer of blueberries and raspberries, and a layer of granola. Repeat until cup is filled. 2. Drizzle honey on top of parfait. 3. Add mint garnish if desired.
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Lemon Elderflower Cupcakes Kensington Palace recently revealed that Meghan and Harry will be serving a cake from pastry chef Claire Ptak, the founder of Violet Bakery. The cake will feature a lemon elderflower flavor that will incorporate the "bright flavours" of spring, and will be covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers. Though we don't have the chef's actual recipe, we decided to try our own take, in cupcake form. Here's how we made them (recipe c/o Tesco)! Ingredients for the Cake: 185g (6½oz) self-raising flour 1 tsp baking powder 185g (6½oz) caster sugar 185g (6½oz) unsalted butter, softened 2½ tbsp elderflower cordial 1 lemon (zested) 3 large eggs (lightly beaten) Ingredients for the Icing: 200g (7oz) unsalted butter, softened 300g (10oz) icing sugar, sifted 3 tbsp elderflower cordial 1 lemon, juiced and zested fresh flowers (to decorate) How to Make the Cake: 1. Preheat the oven to gas 4, 180°C, fan 160°C. 2. Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk the sugar and butter with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the elderflower cordial and lemon zest, then gradually add the beaten egg, beating well between each addition. 4. Fold in the flour mix, using a large metal spoon. Add a splash of milk to loosen, if needed. 5. Line a muffin tin with cupcake cases and divide the mixture between the cases. 6. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until lightly golden and springy to touch, then remove from the tray and leave to cool on a wire rack. How to Make the Icing: 1. Beat the softened butter, icing sugar and cordial in a bowl, until light and fluffy. 2. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, to taste. 3. Once the cupcakes are completely cool, pipe or spread icing onto each cupcake. 4. Decorate with fresh flowers and sprinkle with lemon zest.
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DÉCOR Set a table regal enough for the queen! Think red, white and blue linens paired with red and white flowers. Finish off the look by hanging Union Jack bunting along the walls. Maybe consider mixing in the American flag as well to rep Meghan’s roots.
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ROYAL WEDDING BINGO Download ET’s printable Royal Wedding Bingo, complete with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle markers and play along as the festivities unfold. Up the ante with a prize for the big winner! REGAL PHOTO BOOTH Is it really a party without a photo booth? Set up a wall where your friends can document all the fun with crown props, American flags, tiaras and masks of the royal family.
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citsongamai-blog · 7 years
Day 2
Day 2 in London consisted mostly of mandatory class things. We had a mandatory orientation to go over just a lot of stuff for the trip. Then we got to meet our professors and the rest of our classmates before walking across the river for afternoon tea. The tea was nice - I had an egg and cress sandwich, tea, and a fruit scone with jam and clotted cream.  After that, we were on our own, so I went off in search of a fan for my room (it’s been pretty warm here, particularly indoors, and the British apparently have an aversion to A/C... The have a chain store here called Argos, where you can either go into a physical store, or you can order online and pick up and these little booths scattered around the city, mostly in tube stations. I ordered my fans online and opted for the tube station pick up but when I arrived, I discovered that they close early on Sundays. Grrrrr.
That evening, about 8 of us went out to a show - Sh*tfaced Showtime, in which a group of classically trained theater actors put on a show, but they choose 1 random cast member for each performance to get really, really drunk before the show. The show for this performance was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was a mix of music from the original film, The Wiz, and Wicked. The drunken actor for our performance was the woman playing the scarecrow. She (and they) were absolutely hilarious! Afterwards, a few of us explored the rest of Leicester Square and nearby Chinatown, before having dinner and drinks at a British Pub called The Imperial. Delicious!
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Condo (the Good Kind) Invades New York
This week starts off and ends a little slowly, but Wednesday to Friday ought to be pretty great. Spend your hump-day checking out openings at Marianne Boesky Gallery and David Lewis, where a group show and a solo show by painter Megan Marrin, respectively, look to have a much-needed sense of humor. Thursday night Condo New York kicks-off, in which 16 local galleries have surrendered their spaces temporarily to galleries from London, Mexico City, Shanghai, LA, and beyond. The preview receptions for the multiple shows are (thankfully) on both Thursday and Friday nights, so you won’t have to go crazy trying to rush back and forth between Chelsea and the Lower East Side.
95 Horatio Street New York, NY Website
Do Ho Suh: 95 Horatio Street
95 Horatio Street is both the title of Do Ho Suh’s latest work and a new venue for the neighboring Whitney Museum, who have been commissioning new artworks for its facade. Opening today, Do Ho Suh’s work imagines the Highline’s past—when it continued all the way downtown to the ferries and transported trains instead of tour groups. Appropriately, the elevated park offers the best views of the print.
Marianne Boesky Gallery
507 & 509 West 24th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Loosely inspired by Louise Bourgeois installations, Cells brings together work from artists that humorously subverts the functionality of domestic interiors. Think Jessica Jackson Hutchins’ crusty papier-mâché sofas and a space-altering installation of curtains from Alex Da Corte.
Artists: Matthias Bitzer, Jackie Brookner, Alex Da Corte, the Haas Brothers, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Jennie C. Jones, Nancy Lupo, Jorge Pardo, Cosima von Bonin
David Lewis
88 Eldridge Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Megan Marrin: Corps
This spooky-titled show has been promoted exclusively with one image: Megan Marrin’s 8-foot-tall oil painting of the stinky “corpse flower” at the Botanical Gardens that New Yorkers were obsessed with last year. It’s a great painting, so no matter what else is in Corps (maybe something Black Metal?) it should be worth checking out.
Various Locations in Chelsea and the LES
New York, NY 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Condo New York
We couldn’t be more thrilled that New York is getting its own iteration of Condo—an innovative space-sharing program born in London in which international galleries can “borrow” another gallery’s location for a month.
Condo New York will be spread out across the Lower East Side and Chelsea, and features some of the city’s best galleries lending their spots to international favorites including Mexico City’s LABOR and Guatemala’s  Proyectos Ultravioleta (who always do art fair booths so well that I can’t wait to see what they can do with a brick-and-mortar space). The preview reception is from noon to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and from noon to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, so it makes sense to break up your days by neighborhood.
Here’s the full list of the sixteen host galleries and their guests:
Andrew Kreps Gallery 537/535 West 22nd Street hosting What Pipeline Detroit
Metro Pictures 519 West 24th Street hosting Leo Xu Shanghai
Off Vendome 254 West 23rd #2 hosting Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles
Bodega 167 Rivington Street hosting Croy Nielsen, Vienna
Bortolami Gallery 39 Walker Street hosting Hannah Hoffman, Los Angeles
Bridget Donahue 99 Bowery, 2nd Floor hosting Project Native Informant, London
Bureau 178 Norfolk Street hosting Carlos/Ishikawa, London
Callicoon Fine Arts 49 Delancey Street hosting Mother’s Tankstation, Dublin
Chapter NY 249 East Houston Street hosting Agustina Ferreyra, San Juan / Mexico City
Foxy Production 2 East Broadway, 200 hosting Chateau Shatto, Los Angeles and Sultana, Paris
Gavin Brown’s Enterprise 291 Grand Street hosting Labor, Mexico City
Mitchell Algus Gallery 132 Delancey Street hosting High Art, Paris
Queer Thoughts 373 Broadway, #C9 hosting Deborah Schamoni, Munich
Rachel Uffner Gallery 170 Suffolk Street hosting Sandy Brown, Berlin and Koppe Astner, Glasgow
Simon Preston Gallery 301 Broome Street hosting Galeria Jaqueline Martins, São Paulo and Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatamala City
Simone Subal Gallery 131 Bowery, 2nd Floor hosting Tanya Leighton, Berlin and Gregor Staiger, Zurich
Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space
120 Essex Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. Website
Sweety's Radio: Edición Especial
For the next five weeks, the curatorial group Sweety’s (Bryan Rodriguez Cambana, Julia Mata, Eduardo Restrepo Castaño and Ximena Izquierdo Ugaz) will take over Cuchifritos Gallery and project space for a series of exhibitions and interviews with latinx artists, responding to the history of the gallery’s Lower East Side neighborhood as an immigrant community.
Interview Dates: Friday, June 30, 6-8P: Cecilia Gentili (Exhibition Dates: June 27 through July 2) Friday, July 7, 6-8P: Raul Gonzalez III (Exhibition Dates: July 4 through July 9) Friday, July 14, 6-8P: Emanuel Xavier (Exhibition Dates: July 11 through July 16) Friday, July 21, 6-8P: Elia Alba (Exhibition Dates: July 18 through July 23)
MoMA Ps1
22-25 Jackson Ave. Long Island City, New York 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Warm Up July 1: Jackmaster / DJ EZ / Tiger & Woods / Shanti Celeste / VHVL
PS1’s first Warm Up party of the season is basically the only thing to do this Saturday, which is fine by us. The program brings together local and international musicians and DJs from the experimental to the mainstream, and is basically an excuse to day-drink in a museum and check out the shows that are up. Of particular interest: the music will take place under Young Architects Program winner Jenny Sabin Studio’s installation “made of photoluminescent textiles that transform over the course of a day.”
373 Broadway New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Amy Ruhl: Between Tin Men: Gifts and Souvenirs
I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand why “The Wizard of Oz” is such an enduring piece of pop mythology. Nevertheless, there always seems to be at least one artist using the book/film as inspiration for work that’s infinitely stranger and more interesting than the original. In this case, that means a video centering on an obscure character from the text. Here, she’s imagined as the protagonist of a queer/feminist love triangle, hopelessly in love with a tin man who himself is in love with another tin man.
Around this narrative, Amy Ruhl has constructed an installation of souvenirs from the hopeless romance and journeys through Oz.
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2sUBxAk via IFTTT
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 31 May 1837
7 ½
12 5
Slept in K.C. as since the 11th instant – A- at Cliff Hill since yesterday week – very fine morning F54° now at 8 20 – wrote 3pp. of ½ sheet note to A- got home last night in 27 minutes and in in at 10 35 – send her an oz. bottle of brandy and 2 large tea spoonfuls of Epsom salts (forgotten last night) wrapt in Mrs. Fentons’ letter to A- - received the other day – send also a bottle of ginger wine for Mrs. Walker with my kind regards – the ponies going to be shod – George will not be back much if at all before dinner – if the Brooks’ cottage business presses to send over [?] the school boys for board – concludes with ‘Dieu vous benisse! tout à vous AL’ – breakfast at 9 ¼ in ½ hour sent George off to Cliff Hill with my note to A- then out – with Robert Mann + 4 (Sam, Jack, Michael + 1) in the wheat field Lodge road dressing down and sodding the upper side bank – sent the gardener + 2 (Abraham and Joseph) to them – about – with Booth at the Lodge gates – back about 11 when Mr. Harper came – I was with him when A- came about 11 1/2 – I had had a note from her by George to say she should be at Brookes’ cottage at 11 – was just setting off to meet her there when Mr. H- came – staid talking to him about ½ hour after A- came and then off with her to Brookes’ cottage – a little while with her there – Sykes’ plan for the back kitchen to cost £9+ not economical or good – walked with A- to past the Crownest shrubbery wall – left her  at 1 ½ and back in about ¾ hour having stopt a minute or 2 at Listerwick cabin and Listerwick pit – Messrs. Harper and Husband in the wheel-race – out, about till Mr. Harper came in about 4 – backwards and forwards in and out talking to him and in the Lodge road with Robert and c° - Mr. H- will have 2 additional joiners under Blythe to do the tower – settled about ceilings, plastering etc H- told me this morning that Mr. Braithwaite was likely to leave the George Inn York, and would like to take the Northgate hotel – should not mind the opposition of Mr. Carr who, Mr. Husband told H- had taken the White Swann on a fresh lease at £100  a year advance of rent – said I had not heard this, but thought it lucky if true – H- thought B- a very respectable person, only wished he had more spirit to oppose C- in the coach line – H- had heard from Mr. Phillips’ the geologist of York who had lately passed thro’ here that I had made a great mistake in raising some water – (the Spiggs water) and that somebody had played me a trick in my own valley – H-never thought of it before but now recollected that Joseph M- had said on beginning the drift that he did not like the look of the peg – that SW. had talked of its being moved – that much had been said about and someone might have moved it thro’ mischief   and thus played me a trick in my own valley – I gave this saying that I felt sure of the Manns – it was their interest to do the best they could for me, and I was sure they would – H- blames Mr. Husband for not seeing that JM was right after he had set in (begun the drift) from the meer – but persists that the peg was set right by Mr. Husband once over – and must have been moved – what a talk in the country my colliery has made and does make – on talking to Robert Mann (at 4 this afternoon) never mentioned the peg moved but said I had made a great mistake about the Spiggs water – they meant to take it from me – no! they never could as long as he and I lived for if all parties agreed to let Wilson drive from his engine above the wind corn mill into the Spiggs works it would many years to do it – Left Mr. Harper with Blythe at 7 ½ and sat down dinner – made coffee on sitting down that it was ready when I had dined – sat over it reading the paper till 9 ¼ then out – at the Lodge and sauntering about till came in at 10 20 at which hour F55° fine day – wrote all but the 1st six lines of today till 10 50 – vide tonight paper Lady Vavasour and her 2 daughters introduced at court by Mrs. Beilby Thompson
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vivianrhopper85 · 7 years
 Located in the St. Lawrence Market area of downtown Toronto, Woods restaurant is the culinary namesake of Chef Bruce Woods (whose resume includes stints at Modus, Brassai and Centro) and his partners, Byron Messier and Robin Singh. It's located at 45 Colborne Street, a thruway notable for several historic buildings built during the reign of Queen Victoria. The site was formerly occupied by Colborne Lane, which served up modernist cuisine and was run by Chef Claudo Aprile.
Woods Restaurant opened its doors in 2013. Chef Woods is no longer with the eatery that bears his name, and is now Executive Chef at C Prime in the Century Plaza hotel in Vancouver. The Chef now in residence is Carlos De Veyra, previously the Sous Chef at Modus before coming to Woods.
The decor has a distinctive woodland theme, from the thick wood beams to the hardwood floors to the tree branch designs on the booth cushions along the walls. The tables and chairs are all made from handsome medium toned wood, adding to the rustic and earthy flavour of the establishment. Parties of up to 12 people can be accommodated in the dining area, while you can also opt to enjoy a drink and/or your meal at the spacious bar area.
This enormous bar dominates the front area of the restaurant as you come in, with several branches punctuating the back wall that has an almost mesmerizing undulating texture. The front and back windows offer up plenty of natural light, while the myriad hanging light fixtures help out with the lighting duties when the sun retreats below the horizon.
Woods has a bright and airy atmosphere which fits perfectly with the name. The smell of the wood and the rousing aromas of the food make for a memorable visit. They also only play Canadian music, which is audible but not overpoweringly so, to permit pleasant dinner conversation. Everyone from the maitre'd to the servers were exceedingly friendly and helpful, even taking our coats when we arrived and helping us put them back on when we departed.
Menu Range
Woods' tagline is "Local, Sustainable, Canadian." And indeed it is. Locally sourced and prepared foods figure largely in their menu offerings. For example, the sockeye salmon comes from British Columbia, Alberta provides their bison stock, their lobster comes by way of Nova Scotia and their dairy products are procured from all across Ontario. They also seed and grow their own lettuce and sprouts in house, the only restaurant in Canada to do so.
Their appetizers range from $10 for the Soup of the Day to $11 for the Organic Ontario Green Salad, which comes with Icewine vinaigrette, semi-dry tomato, watermelon radish, pecans and toscano, all the way up to $120 for the Sustainable Canadian Sturgeon Caviar, served with buckwheat blinis and traditional garnishes.
The entrees go from $22 for the 6 oz. Prime Beef Burger, which comes on a sesame milk bun, with aged cheddar, onion jam, and house condiments, to the Bison Shortrib, with mashed potato and roasted root vegetables, for $39. For an additional $8, you can add on sides of Crispy Kale or Frites to your meal.
Desserts will cost you $11, except for the Artisanal Cheese Plate, which is $15 for three pieces to $20 for 5 pieces of cheese.
The meal was also supplemented by freshly baked slices of bread at the beginning and some fantastic homemade peppermint marshmallows at the end, that almost took the place of an after-dinner mint.
For the appetizer, I decided to sample the Wild Digby Scallops, which come with roasted corn, tomato, cilantro and salsa verde, and was a feast for the taste buds for $21.
My dinner companions had the Soup of the Day, which was a Cauliflower cream soup for $10, and the Oysters, which cost $3 per oyster. Both of them were thoroughly delighted with their choices.
Main Course 
For the main course, I tried the Yellowfin tuna, which was delicious and expertly prepared medium rare. It was dressed with potatoes, french beans, taggiasche olives, quail egg, and a delectable anchovy black olive aioli. Quite a treat for $28. My fellow diners ordered the Roasted Everspring Farms Muscovy Duck Breast for $28, which came with tatsoi, shallot, sourdough, crispy confit, dried cherries and duck egg bearnaise, and the Pacific Halibut, with creamed leek, wild mushroom, sweet peas, confit potato and basil butter, for $32. A hearty two thumbs up from both of them on their entree choices.
For dessert, my companions ordered the Espresso Creme Brulee, with milk chocolate cremeux, roasted chestnuts and crystallized white chocolate crumb, and the Apricot Tart, with saffron mascarpone, almonds, honey and cardamom ice cream.
While I'm usually a die-hard chocolate guy, and the Woods Smore featuring Chocolate Mousse, Graham crumb, chocolate streusel and meringue chocolate ganache caught my eye, I decided to go a different route and went for the Carrot Cake, topped with whipped cream and a side scoop of cardamom ice cream. The cake was moist and flavourful, while the icing wasn't too sweet. The whipped cream and ice cream added a nice sweeter contrast to the cake. I'm glad I changed my mind. All desserts are handcrafted by pastry chef Nicole Douglas.
Drink Options
Since I was driving, I had a couple of Coca Colas, which set me back the sum of $4 each, along with the copious amount of ice cold water on offer throughout the evening.
Their wine list features primarily VQA wines, and their many of their cocktails contain Canadian rye. My friends ordered the Woods Caesar and the Canadian Manhattan, drinks that they both raved about. In a nice touch, the latter drink, the Manhattan, had a touch of maple syrup in it, thus making it a "Canadian" version of this tried and true bar staple. Both drinks cost $10.
The service was very attentive and friendly. Our server, Lorne, was very knowledgeable about the menu items on offer and was quite cordial throughout the meal. Our every culinary want and need was attended to promptly and with a smile. Great job, Lorne, and all the wait staff at Woods.
Feeling afterwards
A thoroughly delicious and well-prepared meal, without feeling overstuffed or bloated afterward. My only gripe might be that the portions were a little small, but otherwise, I can't complain. Everything else gets a big thumbs up from my friends who joined me for dinner and myself. A great place for an afternoon or evening/late night meal on Colborne Street.
For groups or private functions, they have a lovely room downstairs that one can book in advance. This area can accommodate up to 15 people and has a flat screen TV and computer. For a smaller party, you can also opt for the Chef's table, located right in the kitchen.
For a group larger than 15 people, the entire restaurant can also be reserved for a minimum spend. For any of these options, just contact the restaurant directly.
from News And Tip About Real Estate http://jamiesarner.com/toronto-restaurant-reviews/woods/
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halizamassage · 10 years
Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth [halizamassage.tumblr.com]
halizamassage.tumblr.com ® Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth
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c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz
Price: $6.95 Brand: c. Booth Rating: 4.5 Description: Our Honey and Almond Body Butter pays homage to rough, dry skin. Extra rich and extra thick this buttery body cream will smooth away unbecoming flaky skin. Sweet Almond Oil anoints your skin, while leaving it jumping for joy. Features:
Simple. Natural. Trusted. Our Honey and Almond Body Butter pays homage to rough, dry skin. Extra rich and extra thick this buttery body cream with smooth away unbecoming flaky skin and moisturize-leaving a silky, supple finish. Sweet almond oil anoints your skin, while leaving it jumping for joy. Made in Canada.
Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth
Smooth The product provides great moisture. It makes my skin and hands feel super smooth and supple. I will purchase again.
c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz
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greatskincareproduct · 10 years
Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth [greatskincareproduct.tumblr.com]
greatskincareproduct.tumblr.com ® Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth
So that they can browse it is critical reviews, speaking about this c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz, i do believe you will also attention utilizing this products and end up on this page.I do believe your desire is going to be comfortable after you understand this post, also no one knows if you find yourself choosing this cause your curiousity. Actually, this can be a fantastic system in fact, any one can not turn down it, the more amount of they learn more about it the greater they may think its great.
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c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz
Price: $6.95 Brand: c. Booth Rating: 4.5 Description: Our Honey and Almond Body Butter pays homage to rough, dry skin. Extra rich and extra thick this buttery body cream will smooth away unbecoming flaky skin. Sweet Almond Oil anoints your skin, while leaving it jumping for joy. Features:
Simple. Natural. Trusted. Our Honey and Almond Body Butter pays homage to rough, dry skin. Extra rich and extra thick this buttery body cream with smooth away unbecoming flaky skin and moisturize-leaving a silky, supple finish. Sweet almond oil anoints your skin, while leaving it jumping for joy. Made in Canada.
Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth
Smooth The product provides great moisture. It makes my skin and hands feel super smooth and supple. I will purchase again.
c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz
Well, are you presently accomplished now? If you want to share this c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz a whole lot more, it will be no terminate for legitimate. Just say if you need to have this guy. There is no issue on browsing a whole lot critiques everywhere you go and you wind up forgetting it, you will definitely get contented only if you decide to shop for it and experience the initial hint. Having said that, if you feel you want to look at just one with some other assessment, proceed to make all by yourself relaxation. This blog post constructed primarily to hold the audience considering that.
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Analyzes : c. Booth Body Butter, Honey Almond, 8 oz from c. Booth
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 12 July 1837
12 55
fine morning but dull F54° at 9, and breakfast In about ¾ hour – then to the hay barn – found  Messrs. Holt (James) and Wood, Mr. Bates’s engineer there come to speak to Booth who came soon afterwards – sent B- and W- to the wheel-race and followed slowly with Holt – he did not see Mr. Jeremiah Rawson on Monday – is to see him tomorrow – told H- I had well considered the business – sure no agreement could be comfortably made with Mr. R – and desired H- to ask what they would take for the Bank-bottom staith  and upper and lower bed soughs, but to say that he (H-) had mentioned the thing to me and I had said I would have nothing to do with it, but would abide by my answer to Messrs. Alexander – if Mr. R- chose to make me any definite proposal, he might do so – but I would offer nothing – H- said he had been calculating and found that the coal would be hurried at less expense by the steam engine up the Incline than along Mr. R-‘s road by 3 galloways – the coal along R-‘s road would cost 1/. per score hurrying much more uphill road than mine would be, and mine would also be much better for the upper bed and for carrying the loose forwards – in short H- owned that he had come round to my opinion that it would be best to push on with the Incline – I told him the job engine and all would = £2500 – no! not quite that he thought – he said it would cost me £200 to make R-‘s road available to me (he said the other day it would be done (all to be walled and arched) at 10/. a yard - .:. I should have 400 yards to wall and arch which would take longer doing than 2 months (the time he mentioned the other day) – I convinced him the Inline would pay me best even it cost £2500 – R- would not take less than £1000 + £200 and extras = £1200+ would be more than ½ the Incline; and after all, we could not pull out ½ as much coal as by the Incline; and it was the quantity got that we ought to look to – By the Incline we could get 6 acres per annum and H- agreed we should have sale for as much if we could get it – sometime with Messrs. H- and Wood and Booth at the wheel-race – all to be ready on Monday next for Joseph Mann to being setting the pumps – on this promise from both W- and H- for him I consented to delay setting up the gin – Joseph M- and c° and Charles Howarth took it down today, and Zebedee brought the bolts and lights part down this afternoon to Listerwick cabin, but will not set the gin up just yet at Listerwick – will wait and be sure that I do not want it 1st at the Engine pit – long while talking to Booth – talking over the work to be done, and disposing of the men 7 masons and 1 labour and 4 lads and B- himself  - to take 3 and labour to the pen-trough to be done in a fortnight – and the temainder to finish the hay-barn in a fortnight – then the haybarn men do the jobs at home and the back Lodge (and the pen-trough) men do Little marsh I would give up the terrace wall till next year -  Little marsh to be done by the 1st of October – B- not against my giving up working the Hipperholme quarry as soon as we have got all the footings we can – it was after 12 before I got back – asked Booth in to have beer and bread before going to Dobsons’ to order more ashler for pentrough – sometime with A- out again about 1 – at the hay barn Thomas Pearson’s cart filling up the low end with scale from the old slip in pit and bringing stone from between wood and sour Ing to wall up for hay barn floor to rest on – about (before) 12 John B- come to tell Mrs. Henry Priestley and Miss Larkham had called – very civil to them – Mrs. HP- asked if anything remained of the hall – shewed them over the house and cellars – they had walked from the Lodge and the carriage followed them sometime afterwards and returned to the Lodge while I walked with the 2 ladies to the haybarn and thro’ the paddock into the Godley road – asked Mrs. HP- to come and spend a day with us – she will come next summer – both A- and I very civil –s aw them in their  carriage (Mr. Edwards’ carriage) at 2 ¾ then a little while at the hay barn – the stack got up ½ height [?] last night – asked Mark Hepworth (the stacker) to get me a cart horse to job about for 2 or 3 months to come – he said Sugden had given £30 or less a piece for the 2 bay horses – Mark would get to know what he really did give – from about 3 ¼ to 7 with Robert Mann + 5 at the new pool – or rather set Mr. Gray squaring and setting out the lines of terrace, and set the men regularly to work – I really must be with them all the day, or I see little will be done – they  had got more bilberry sods, and placed them, and planted fox gloves, and monkey plant and collmyrtle in full flower to shew the effect of colour along the new pool and the one immediately beneath and had been repuddling at the foot of the Sam stone – came in at 7 5 – dinner at 7 25 out with Mr. Gray at 8 ½ the men all gone – would stay till 8 ¼ - A- sent for us to witness the signing of Bairstow’s lease of water Lane mill – Messrs. B- Tetley and Cunliffe come – B- objected to pay the insurance – A- rather pothered – I thought she ought to insure the building for £700 or £800 and the wheel and going geer for £150 – I had told Cunliffe the radical he ought to give us a split vote for Wortley, and the other should plump for Wood – but finding B- awkward about signing , I quietly said A- did not care whether they signed or not, and I wanted he to go out and she had best leave them – so out we all went for ½ hour at the end of which time George came to say, as he had done on our going out (when we had desired him to tell them they must wait) that they would sign, on which we (A- and I and Mr. Gray) went to them in the upper kitchen (at 9 40) and Mr. Gray and I witnessed their all signing the lease, and I witnessed A-s’ signed the copy of the lease written by herself which B- and c° took away with them – the water Lane mill lease signed term 8 years dated by me 31 January last – then at 10 coffee – Letter charged as weighing one oz. from the office of Messrs. Gray solicitors York (in Mr. Watsons’ handwriting?) containing the account of interest due from A- and myself  the 15th instant and containing the deposition respecting Eliza Raines’ will by Mrs. Duffin and Mr. Jonathan Gray himself but not containing that stated to have been given by Mrs. Belcombe senior – came upstairs at 10 ½ at which hour F55° - fine day tho’ rather gloomy – about 3 10 came a man from Mr. John Dearden junior the chair-man of the country election committee with the subscription book to defray the election expense of Mr. John Stuart Wortley – too much to pay expense of the 2 brothers borough and country – 4 names down Messrs. John Derden, Waterhouse, Rawson (Christopher) and Holmes (Thomas) for £20 each – I put my name down for £10
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