#ANYWAYS this is part of a bigger video project that i wont be able to finish for a WHILE cause LIFE
sadkois · 1 year
does a gay little dance that kills u off (from the nishiki extended cut)
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noeggets · 28 days
Noeggets has a lot of deep thoughts about Shadow's characterization
it's so sad that Shadow was only a project to gerald, like we all joke /think that Shadow was "part of the family" but he was only a cure to Maria, that man was not as good a person as we think he was IM NOt SAYING HE WAS BAD but i usually see him depicted as super super kind to Shadow but i was reading the lore of SA2 and watching an analysis video and if the president never asked him to make whatever he asked him to make Shadow very well would not have been created.
It's so dark and so sad, like he manipulated Shadow when he went insane how do you think it feels to Shadow to know the person who made him didn't truly love him? like neither of the things that created/help create Shadow really truly loved him, he's only a cure, he's just a thing to reach immortality, he very well could be immortal himself, Shadow i don't think he can die cause he was created to not be able to catch any disease and be immortality it's self.
How do you think that feels? to just be a thing? Biolizard is just a failed attempt at making Shadow based on Chaos, those Chaos things in the ARK are failed attempts at Shadow also based on Chaos, i never knew this until i read the wiki 2 days ago SA2 has such a dark story i feel so bad for Shadow
re-thinking what i used to think about IDW Shadow lemme explain
And now that i know all this about Shadow the way he acts in IDW makes a little more sense to me, we all thought he was stupid when Sonic said "don't touch those zobot guys you'll turn into one" and Shadow was all "yeah, i dont care this wont effect me" HE WAS LIKE THIS FOR TWO REASONS
he was mad at Sonic cause his whole thing i want to achieve world peace i already talked about how IDW Shadow doesn't have as much compassion as the Shadow we all know from any other game but this is Eggman we're talking about, with everything Eggman's done up to this point do you think Shadow believes there is any good in him when he rarely does anything good Shadow has seen? Time eater, Sonic unleashed, Shadow is not ignorant to Eggman waking up a monster inside the planet everybody whether we seen them or not knows sonic unleashed happen, Sonic brings up sonic unleashed in IDW so it canonly happened. i remember reading that Knuckles and Shadow were gonna be in Sonic unleashed and if that's true SHADOW IS AWARE OF THIS
Eggman is a threat to the world to Shadow but he allowed the doctor to be cause Sonic keeps him check, Sonic is starting to be "unable" to keep him in check from Shadow's view, Shadow was there in forces, he witness what Eggman did to greenhill, he fought infinite who is a merc hired by Eggman mercs off people, Shadow is trying to save people that's his whole thing. After what happen to Shadow in Episode Shadow in forces do you think Shadow would hold any sympathy for Eggman the next time he physically see's him? After what he did to the world, after what he did to Omega? right in front of his eyes? Using Infinite to corrupt Omega and scare him Shadow cares about Omega that's his friend i had a point but i forgot it dang it anyway Shadow was in the war,
i remembered it a little bit i think i think i was gonna say something about when GUN sent Shadow to rescue Omega idk i haven't touched forces in sometime, and Shadow didn't come back as well as Omega. Eggman immobilized Shadow Shadow does not think the world is safe with Eggman around i think that was my point i don't remember...
ANYWAY that's why when Shadow came to see mr tinker he was pissed that Sonic allowed Eggman to be, this is dangerous to Shadow. when Shadow was getting mad at Sonic cause Sonic was preaching let Mr. Tinker live Shadow was thinking about the bigger picture: This man is terrorizing people and the only way to keep everyone safe is getting rid of him, this may be the only chance we get, but he let him live because Sonic explained that Shadow did bad things in the past as well so does that mean Shadow gets to go down with Eggman?
Shadow was mad at Sonic and the mess he made, Shadow was being compassionate i just didn't see it or understand it until now, it shocked him greatly when he was consumed by metal virus because he truly believed he could not catch a disease, this is a disease, so he wasn't being stupid i will admit he should have been more cautious not to put it to the test if it would work on him but Shadow was so sure he couldn't catch it, cause he believed he can't catch any KNOWN diseases this was a new disease his body wasn't created to understand therefore it works on him.
We thought SEGA didn't know what they were doing when they were writing IDW Shadow BUT THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING people probably don't even care or remember about when that issue came out and everyone got so mad that Shadow was written "wrong" and being "stupid" but now that i have a understanding i think understand what he was doing and his thought process.
Shadow is moving up on my favorite list for this i feel so bad for Shadow F in the chat for Shadow his story is so sad like really. also heres an old thing i did that's really valid now
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twilight-resonance · 2 months
Seeds of Spring
Got some time tonight, and I figured it would be worth doing some writing. Not for anything particular, mind you - just for its own sake.
I've been doing better. The promises of the last post - and that final piece of myself pulled back into place, and that haunt solved - have continued to yield dividends. For the first time in almost ten years, I can write again - and have, just for fun and just for kicks. As planning and projects go, I feel stronger; I've been catching up on things and working on bigger projects than I have in a long time. Tonight, even, I finished writing up profiles of all the known regions in the game world - something that would have been largely unthinkable the last near-decade. It feels marvelous. It's nice to feel like myself again, at least in this way (but with it, many others, too).
But nevertheless, that's not what I'm here to write about. Not that I'm here to write about anything in particular, mind you - I'm just here to write whatever comes to mind. For instance: we're going camping over the next few days. Out in the woods, of course, several hours away; and it'll likely be very rainy, and I'm hoping our tent doesn't soak through like it did last time we did rainy camping; but camping at all, which I've been sorely missing. I had the week off and Hearthsnail was able to take a few days off; and we're going to meet my uncle up there too, and that'll be nice. Frankly, even if it ends in a huge wet mess, I'll just be happy to have gone and tried it. I feel like I haven't had enough of those experiences in my life for a long while - Hearthsnail is generally very risk-averse, and it means we don't try things as often as I'm generally motivated to. But even bad camping trips make for good stories and lessons learned and wellsprings of inspiration, and by the gods, I need more of that in my life.
So that's where we're at with that. Figure we'll do the meal prep and packing tomorrow. It should be nice, one way or another.
As for other things... I've been enjoying the rain, as I often do. We had a power outage from the last storm a couple weeks ago - that was nice. I honestly enjoy the sort of quieter, slower pace of the day that comes with a power outage. We spent some time playing board games, and reading, and spending time together in ways that tend not to happen when there are computers around to be distracting; and we rediscovered candles on rainy days, and burned through 'em all (we only had a few left) and ought to get more. The downsides are of course (1) cooking and hot meals, and (2) worry about a fridgefull of food spoiling, but we ended up doing takeout for a few meals and the fridge appeared to come out of things mostly fine. So, all in all, not bad.
Winding myself down before bed right now. Listening to and half-watching more massage videos, as I've been wont to do recently... On the one hand it's vaguely embarrassing, and on the other don't knock it if it works. They consistently calm me down and make me sleepy, which is a godsend with my brain working as-normal again (which is to say, in overdrive, permanently) (did I tell you the part where I originally went to therapy for sleep problems? because I couldn't turn my brain off enough to go to sleep?). It's also done a lot to help with nervous system regulation during the day, which is nice in and of itself.
Aie aie aie. Thoughts on that for another time. Mostly about a friend, and all the complexities therein and in between. Nonetheless, there are thoughts.
Hmm. What else to write about? I suppose it doesn't matter - I ought to be going to bed soon anyway. Slept like absolute crap last night, hoping I don't do so again. I ought to pick some individual topics to write about soon - for the practice, if nothing else.
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