aarivayu · 2 years
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a centuries-old Indian medical practice that specializes in treating illness using natural remedies. The ayurvedic theory and practices are popular in India, with over 80% of the population using them.
The universe is made up of five elements according to Ayurveda: air, water, space, ether, and fire. These elements are known as the "Pancha Mahabhoota" in Ayurveda. The human body is composed of seven tissues, fluids, fat, connective tissue, blood, bones, and marrow.
Ayurveda practitioners use the five senses to diagnose. Ayurveda classifies the various constitutions into Tridoshas -
1.     The Vata dosha is dominated by the elements of air and space. 2.     Pitta dosha is characterized by the dominance of the fire element. 3.     The soil and water components predominate in the Kapha dosha.
The "dosha" (Pancha doshas) play a big role in one's physical appearance, dietary choices, digestion, and mental and emotional temperament.
How it got noticed and its evolution.
Throughout the centuries, Ayurvedic remedies have changed and evolved to suit the needs of patients. Herbal medicines, specific diets, meditation, yoga, massage, laxatives, enemas, and medical oils are examples of types of therapies that people use to treat their health problems.
Herbal compounds, minerals, and metals are commonly used in Indian medicine, known as Rasashastra.
Ayurveda utilizes the "five karmas" technique. Pancha karma therapy employs a variety of techniques to help the body rejuvenate, cleanse, and extend its life. The Pancha karma is made up of five actions that are used to cleanse the body. ·        SNEHAN ·        SHIRODHARA ·        SWEDHANA ·        BASTI ·        ABHYANGA ·        VIRECHAN ·        VAMAN
Ayurveda not only focuses on the treatment of diseases but also emphasizes the necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and behavior. It aids us in fighting illnesses while preserving our original bodies, implying that ayurvedic medicine does not affect our bodies in any way.
The importance of Ayurveda is spreading all over the world. Almost everyone in the world is preferring traditional medications rather than allopathic medications.  
An Ayurvedic medical practice that heals the body while leaving the rest of the body undisturbed, tries to improve the human lifestyle, relaxes the mind, and calms the spirit is urgently needed.
As a result, Ayurveda is primarily practiced in the Western world. Westerners are increasingly adopting and learning the practices of this ancient healing system because it not only treats diseases but also helps to maintain the body's natural equilibrium.
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thenarrativefoil · 1 year
thank god for dayquil/nyquil but beasties I am straight up not having a good time
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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This mini vegetable from the cabbage family is considered a superfood and has also been used as medicine, because in a small portion you get a high amount of nutrients, vitamins (specially K and C), minerals, fibre, antioxidants, etc.
They are high in glucosinolates, that are know for having powerful antiinflamatory properties and they’re also considered cancer inhibitors.
They’re also good for constipation, diabetes, heart disease,osteoporosis, wound healing, etc.
Try them out and enjoy taking care of yourself 💚
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science-lover33 · 2 years
Cat’s Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)
It is a liana that grows in the jungles of South America, where for almost 2,000 years it has been used for medicinal purposes. The decoction of this Amazonian medicinal plant is widely used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, as well as for the treatment of diabetes, various tumors, cancer, viral processes, menstrual cycle irregularities, convalescence and general weakness.
Chemical composition
The most important group of active ingredients in the chemical composition of this plant is that of its numerous alkaloids, these being basic, nitrogenous compounds that are generally endowed with marked activities and/or toxicity. Compared to other plant species, including those of the genus Uncaria, cat's claw contains them in unusual abundance.
Pharmacological properties
Uncaria tomentosa is classified as an anti-inflammatory medicinal plant. But at present, numerous interesting studies have been published on its pharmacological properties, showing that Uncaria tomentosa has cytostatic, antimutagenic, antiviral, immunostimulant, antiradical properties and, in high doses, contraceptive effect.
Antiinflamatory effect
On the one hand, its anti-inflammatory activity has been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. This activity has been attributed, at least in part, to the quinovic acid glycosides. But it has also been seen that this effect is less if isolated quinovic acid heterosides are used than if extracts of the drug are used, so it is very likely that this biological activity is enhanced by other compounds that act synergistically. Therefore, it is preferable to use the complete drug.
Antimutagenic and citostatic effect
In this sense, the scientific evidence is still scarce, but it points towards the use of Uncaria tomentosa in the prevention and treatment of cancer, since it reveals a beneficial action in the various phases of the disease. In some of the most significant studies on the cytostatic and antimutagenic effect of cat's claw, it has been shown that it increases the level of immunoglobulin in cancer patients, as well as that its aqueous extract owes some of its antitumor properties to a mechanism of selective induction of apoptosis. Likewise, extracts of the drug have been shown to exhibit cytostatic activity in human homopoietic tumors. Other studies show an inhibitory effect on abnormal cell proliferation due to a direct action on DNA polymerases.
Immunoestimulant effect
Recent tests carried out with drug extracts containing approximately 6 mg/g of total oxindoles (quantified by HPLC), indicate that Uncaria tomentosa stimulates the production of interleukins 1 and 6 (IL-1, IL-6) by alveolar macrophages in the rat, in a dose-dependent relationship. It has also been proven that cat's claw increases the phagocytic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages and increases the number of monocytes in active phases of the peripheral circulation. There is no alteration in the proliferation of T lymphocytes under normal conditions, but there is an increase in the presence of antigens.
Antiviral effect
Algunos componentes de la uña de gato (derivados del ácido quinóvivo y heterósidos triterpenos), son agentes antivirales, predominantemente con acción contra los ARN-virus encapsulados, acción asociada también a un efecto antiinflamatorio.
Anti-radical effect
It has been proven that certain extracts of Uncaria tomentosa have antioxidant activity in vitro, being able to capture free radicals and, therefore, protect against oxidative stress.
Arteche A, Vanaclocha B, Güenechea JI. Fitoterapia. 3.ª ed. Vademécum de prescripción. Plantas medicinales. Barcelona: Masson; 1998.
Bruneton J. Elementos de fitoquímica y de farmacognosia. Zaragoza: Acribia; 2001.
Carretero E. Alcaloides: derivados del triptófano y otros alcaloides (III). Panorama Actual Med. 2001;25:442-9
Cayunao C, Erazo S, Backhouse N, Bachiller L, Zaldívar M, García R. Estudio de la actividad antimicrobiana de un alcaloide oxindólico y actividad antioxidante de diferentes extractos de Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC. Revista de Fitoterapia. 2004;4(2):152-4.
Evans WC. Farmacognosia. Madrid: Interamericana-McGraw-Hill; 1986. p. 519-40.
Font P. Plantas Medicinales. El Dioscórides renovado. Barcelona: Labor; 1992.
Kuklinsi C. Farmacognosia. Barcelona: Omega; 2000.
Lemaire I, Assinewe V, Cano P. Stimulation of interleukin-1 and ­6 production in alveolar macrophages by the neotropical liana, Uncaria tomentosa (uña de gato). J Ethnopharmacol. 1999;64:109-15.
Peris JB, Stübing G, Vanaclocha B. Fitoterapia aplicada. Valencia: COF de Valencia; 1995.
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swasthasuchan · 4 days
Acebrophylline Pharmacology
Acebrophylline Pharmacology   Acebrophylline About Acebrophylline Bronchodilator, Mucoregulator, Antiinflamatory drug,salt of theophylline-7- acetic acid with ambroxol. Mechanism of Action of Acebrophylline Theophylline-7-acetate ha bronchodilator effect due to inhibition of the intracellular phosphodiesterases, followed by increase in cyclic AMP level which promote the relaxation of…
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agrariacad · 5 months
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#artigo Métodos utilizados para avaliação da eficácia analgésica de opioides e anti-inflamatórios não-esteroidais em gatos.
Revista Agrária Acadêmica, v. 6, n. 4, p. 38-54, 2023 DOI 10.32406/v6n4/2023/38-54/agrariacad ISSN 2595-3125
#veterinaria #veterinario #veterinary #veterinarymedicine #zootecnia #antiinflamatory #antiinflamatorio #analgesia #analgesico #cães #gatos #animal #dog #dogs #animals #perro #uem #anestesiologia #cienciaanimal #pesquisa #universidade #faculdade #doutorado #mestrado #existepesquisanobr #metadata #scholarlypublishing #scholarlycommunication #googlescholar
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cluj-actual · 6 months
De ce e bine să bei borș crud
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Borșul este o băutură tradițională din Europa de Est și Rusia care este făcută din huște. Ce sunt huștele? Sunt tărâțele care rămân în fundul putinei cu borș după acrirea acestuia; drojdie de borș (din ucr. Husca). Borșul de casă este un leac minunat pentru pentru combatera anemiei, sinuzită, tuberculoză, indigestie, bronșită, astm oboseală cronică. Este bogat în  vitaminele din complexul B, inclusiv vitamina B12, precum și minerale: calciu, seleniu, zinc, magneziu.
Consumul de borș aduce o serie de beneficii pentru sănătate:
Bogat în probiotice: Borșul este o sursă excelentă de probiotice datorită procesului de fermentație. Probioticele sunt bacterii benefice pentru sănătatea intestinului, ajutând la menținerea unui echilibru sănătos al florei intestinale.
Îmbunătățirea digestiei: Probioticele din borș pot ajuta la îmbunătățirea digestiei prin stimularea creșterii bacteriilor benefice din tractul digestiv, precum și prin ajutorul în descompunerea alimentelor.
Aport de vitamine și minerale: Borșul este o sursă de vitamine și minerale esențiale, cum ar fi vitamina C, vitamina K, vitamina A, calciu, magneziu și potasiu.
Scăderea inflamației: Consumul regulat de borș poate contribui la reducerea inflamației în organism datorită conținutului său de antioxidanți și compuși antiinflamatori.
Rehidratare: Borșul conține o cantitate semnificativă de apă, ceea ce îl face potrivit pentru hidratare.
Potențial ajutor în gestionarea greutății: Consumul de borș poate să ofere senzația de sațietate, ceea ce poate ajuta la controlul poftei de mâncare și la gestionarea greutății corporale.
Borșul mai poate fi folosit ca băutură sau în diferite preparate culinare, precum borscht (o supă tradițională rusă) sau alte feluri de mâncare. Este o băutură tradițională cu o istorie bogată în multe culturi și aduce atât beneficii pentru sănătate, cât și un gust unic și interesant.
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sir-virtem · 8 months
I went to the physician to check my exams... he give me Atorvastatina and my mother backlash it inmediatly, I have my vldl colesterol at 35 and triglicerids at 177 ¿or was backwards?...
anyway he give me to perpetually suplements and some strong antiinflamatories and analgesics, I guess I will just get some herbal cataplasm (I know a partivularly effective tree leaves) and change me diet
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anonymousjos · 11 months
I know, I know, I know, I suck so bad. It’s been daysssss! I’ve just been in such a bad funk. The day after my last entry where I had all the apiffanies about burnout and steroid withdrawls I had a complete meltdown. I cried all day long. Haha! And I am not a cryer, at all. I do not cry. I would rather pull my fingernails off than cry. So, forgive me, I’ve had a rough few weeks! I even listened to the next two chapters the other day and then couldn’t bring myself to come here and write about what I’d listened to. Now I’m not sure I even remember! So today, now that I feel like myself again, is going to be one of those days where I write more about my crazy crazy life and less about where I am in my bible reading journy. But, I’m not going to skip over that completely, so lets start there.
If I do remember correctly, I listened to Genesis 34-35.
Sorry for the hightlight reel:
-          Issac dies
-          Jacob’s daughter is taken by the Prince of the area in which they have come to live and he defiles her. The king goes to Jacob and askes that his son be permitted to marry Jacob’s daughter because the prince loves her. Jacob agrees to this under the condition that all of the men of this area become circumsized. The day after circumsizion Jacob and his sons murder the eniter village keeping wives and children and land and animals. They then have to decide what to do with his daughter, the harlot.
-          Then we go through one fo those chapters with a ton of names. We are told all the names of Esau’s wives and concubines and children. 
Other news from this week, my Rumotologist’s office called me to tell me that my x-rays look fine. My bloodwork doesn’t show anything other than elevated inflamation markers and they think the next step is physial therarpy because my insurance likely will not cover an MRI. So, no diagnosis, no treatment and physical thearpy for chronic swelling, sore muscles, stiff joints and extream extream exasustion.
I wanted to sit down and cry and cry. I think I feel more lost  than I did in January. I ended up calling the nurse back and asking her if that means, a) we are not keeping the RA diagnosis that my original primary gave me, b) how in the actual hell did the bone doctor (when I hurt my knee) see and tell me that I have arthurtius in both knees but they didn’t see that, and c) If I am on heavy antiinflamatory drugs and the double steroid shot has knocked out the inflamation what could they see?
She said, no to the RA because the elevated inflimation markers could mean a lot of  things but we wont know more untl we can get an MRI (which apparntly we may not be doing), they did “almost” full body xrays but not my knees, and that there should still be markers visiable on the MRI.
I am grateful that the swelling and pain has not returned since the double steroid shot. I am frustrated that the wait list for the rumo was so long and I did not get in when I was actually inflamed. I feel defeated and exausted and competly ignored. I feel like they do not believe me. I feel like I am back to square one, back to January. Also, when the shots wore off (which kocked out the semiglutied by the way and I gained five pounds back) the knee pain- although a little less and plainters fiasiits- which is still just as bad, returned. My dog opened my bathroom door and ate my planters fiasiits shoes and Amazon is out of stock. I am happy to report that I am back to my pre steroid weight as well.
I have a friend (the same one who told me about simaglutide) who it turns out has a small tumor on her parathyroid gland, causing super elevated calcium levels and Hyperparathyroidism. Her symptoms are so so similar to mine. I have reached out to Superdoctor for a calcium blood test- I know I am grasping at staws at this point but I am desperate (insert shrug emoji).
As if all of this was not crazy enough, I went mini and me with my toddler last night and when we sat on the floor to do the bye- bye song I realized that for the first time since at least last year, my range of motion is back. And what I mean by this is that with the pain and swelling I have not been able to sit “criss cross” or “butterfly” on the floor. I would have to just sit with my legs out in front of me. Last night I sat criss cross! It was mind blowing! And then this morning when I woke up I didn’t feel like I was in a fog. The only way I can describe how bad my chronic exaustion/brain fog is is that it feels like someone has hit me in the head with a hammer and I am trying to not lose concsisousness. All. The. Time. This morning I work up and I feel like what I think a regular tired mom feels like. Then years ago I used to be described as “bubbly” but that girl died a long time ago, or I thought she had. Today I wonder if she is still in there. This makes me want to know what is going on with me even more because I never want this to go away!  
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ochretones · 11 months
i would like to ask people that have experience with this but i dont know anyone irl with my problem:( so im gonna drop it with these tags in case someone is able to give me advice
ive had chronic (?) wrist pain on both hands for about two years now, it started as a double tendonitis case from overworking in mid 2021, and after two? months of physical therapy and pain meds i was let off but i had semi constant wrist pain until later that year. learnt to use wrist braces when i could tell the pain was coming, took antiinflamatory meds, and muscle soothing creams.
(i had, at some point, a rheumatoid factor test done that came back negative, and in my bloodwork i had high platelet count, but nothing was done concerning that)
i had pain occasionally come back in 2022 (i major in arts so overworking my hands is kind of easy to fall into), but somewhere along the way it started to turn from tendon pain to joint pain, particularly on my knuckles and wrist itself. i had bloodwork done for an unrelated reason that registered my platelet count as still high, but lower than the earlier year.
at the beggining of this year i went back to a traumatologist to get tests done because the pain didnt seem to start from misuse anymore but for random reasons, doctor suspected carpal tunnel because when he pressed his fingers at the palm of my hands my fingers shook, and i got an ultrasound done on both of my hands, a nerve prodding test (electromyography?), and blood work specifically for thyroid problems. all of those tests came back clean, and the doctor diagnosed me with psychosomatic pain due to my anxiety disorder.
(i was also temporarily put on an RA med that made my pain much, much worse for some reason)
i left that whole situation honestly embarrased, i had spent an honest to god embarrasing amount of money for them to tell me that it was my anxiety acting up, but since then ive had about three flareups (if i could call them that) of joint pain completely unrelated to my wrist pain, that have lasted about six hours each, that i could only describe as having my wrists, knees and ankles turn into tennis ball size. i dont find them actually that painful, but incredibly debilitating in the sense that they throb like theyre hot and i feel very weak. ive had to lay down in bed for the rest of the day in all three, and two of them were in the last two weeks and prevented me from working.
i'm not sure whats happening to me anymore. ive treated them with antiinflamatory meds and heating pads? but since what i was describing back then as inflammation was ruled out by the ultrasound (i didnt have actual inflamation on my hands when i felt they were inflammated) im not sure if i should actually take meds for it, it helps but im not sure if im placeboing myself if they actually work??
i wish someone was able to say that at least this sounds unlike something my anxiety could make up? im really tired, i dont know what to do anymore:(
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therealgutdoctor · 1 year
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Ginger is a popular root that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Its most well-known use is for alleviating nausea and vomiting, but many people also believe that it can boost immunity. However, the question remains: is taking ginger to boost immunity just a myth or a fad? While ginger has been studied for its potential health benefits, there is no definitive answer as to whether or not it can boost immunity. Some studies have suggested that ginger may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which could help to support a healthy immune system. These properties may help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can weaken the immune response. Furthermore, ginger has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that may help to fight off infections and support a healthy immune system. It has also been shown to improve circulation, which can help to deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, including those of the immune system. While the evidence for ginger's immune-boosting effects is not yet conclusive, it is clear that ginger has a variety of health benefits. Incorporating ginger into your diet or taking ginger supplements may help to support a healthy digestive system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation and associated pain. It's important to note that while ginger may have potential health benefits, it is not a cure-all for every health issue. It's essential to speak with your doctor before using ginger as a treatment for any health condition. In conclusion, while the evidence for ginger's immune-boosting effects is inconclusive, incorporating ginger into your diet may have many potential health benefits. #gut #guthealth #gingershots #immunity #nausea #vomiting #antiinflamatory #pain #healthbenefits #IBD #IBS #GERD #crohns #SIBO #diet #healthylifestyle #healthyaging #inflammation #silentkiller #foodsensitivities #antioxidant #nutrition #drmark #therealgutdoctor
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leontiucmarius · 1 year
Planta invazivă cu potențial anti-îmbătrânire
Fructul de ciulin, planta invazivă cu potențial anti-îmbătrânire întâlnită în toată lumea, conține compuși antioxidanți și antiinflamatori care ar putea proteja pielea. Cercetătorii au descoperit că compușii din fructele pline de țepi ale plantei au […] Articolul Planta invazivă cu potențial anti-îmbătrânire apare prima dată în Descopera. Această știre a fost preluată de pe portalul…
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ooo-protean-ooo · 1 year
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vagabondbones · 2 years
Currently, my back is hurting. Worse than usual.
In unrelated news, I’m pondering the dangers of overdoing antiinflamatories.
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found out im on the same antiinflamatories that we use for the birds at the rehab which is so funny to me
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mmmorningjuice · 2 years
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Capuchón de la Uchuva
Prefiero comprar la uchuva con capuchón y para ella la compro en la plaza.
El valor es casi similar, a veces un poco más económico; sin embargo las ventajas son bastantes.
Primero, ayuda a que la uchuva dure por más tiempo. Cuando la compro en canasta, se llena de moho muy rápido. No dura más de una semana. En su capuchón me ha durado hasta un mes, y creería que puede durar más.
Una vez le quito el capuchón a la uchuva lo guardo para hervirlo y me baño en esa agua. He leído que es bueno para las articulaciones y cualquier dolor en ellas.
Encontré que el capuchón contiene un componente que actúa como antiinflamatorio. Fuente: (Edit: Sabiduría popular confirmada por la Universidad Nacional) http://historico.cartauniversitaria.unal.edu.co/ediciones/22/12carta.html
Una vez las he usado para el agua, las dejo secar y planeo usarlas para cuando haga envíos como una forma de abullonar el envío y para hacer cojines o almohadones para reemplazar uno de una silla.
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#uchuva #capuchónDeLaUchuva #antiinflamatorio #articulaciones #dolorEnArticulaciones #antiinflamatory #gooseberry #capeGooseberry #joints #jointPain #naturalHealing #conocimientoAncestral #ancestralKnowledge #ancestralWisdom
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