#Beautiful Mint Life 2021
mokosza · 9 months
I dream of you always. I dream of you now, as the world burns around me, as I feel so lost and so overwhelmed in the life I live. The rut I'm stuck in, the boulder I push, it feels effortless when I think of you. I dream of you in my darkest hours and in my brightest days. I dream of you when I am incapable of thinking, the love I feel transcending all else. We could be stranded on an desert island. I could be searching for you on the open seas. I could be buried under the mountain of my guilt, the tremendous burden of my inadequacies, the pain of my mistakes, and I would still be strong. As long as you are there, I will love you. As long as I love you, I will be strong. As long as I am strong, I will always hold you in my heart. You let me into your home, into your mind, into your heart, and embraced me with your warmth. I never expected to want to stay there until the end of my days. I dream of you always, in that strawberry mansion in that mint-green field, in that beacon of beauty in a world overstuffed with nonsense. I will wander the world with you, fight for your love, and work for our dreams until the end of my days. Our dreams must be real when this love feels so true.
- Strawberry Mansion (2021)
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moldy-mold · 1 year
Hey, long time no update! We’re almost halfway through the year and I’m only just recovering from February. :’)
I got into two car accidents (no one was hurt) back-to-back in February where I was not at fault for either, and sadly, one was a hit-and-run. Due to just… tons of issues with insurance, I am finally getting my car fixed. It was a struggle, but now we can have a happy ending!
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We formed a hiking group in the spring when the weather was nice. I won’t lie, it was a really great decision. We’ve been trying to go to a new place each month to see the sights.
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So random, but my mom back in FL found a pigeon chilling in the garage, so she picked him up and took care of him. His name is Jorge. Birds are my true love so I am very excited to meet him!
Work is fine and more stable now, compared to 2021 when the struggle was real. I have more freelance work on top of office work that I am kept busy 24-7. It’s been tough trying to draw fanart at home when you’re already drawing at work haha. Last month, I went a little too hard and injured my wrist and had to keep it in a brace for a few weeks. I still have to be careful, even now.
In other news, my roommate of 10 years is finally moving out to discover her life’s calling. It is a bittersweet feeling, kind of like a breakup haha. As a creature of habit, I had resisted the change. It took some time, but I’ve come to accept it. Money is still kind of an issue though (a single person apartment? in this economy?), so I’ve been trying to find a new roommate! With NO LUCK! :)
On a whim, I finally started Xenoblade 3 in April after my 31st birthday. My brother had gifted it to me for xmas, but I didn’t want to open the black hole (or “The Hole” as my friends lovingly call it) until I had drawn all that I wanted to draw for YGO. To be honest, I didn’t end up drawing all my ideas but I hit a road block in my creative drive. Well now I’m in the hole AND I have to find time to draw stuff! I have this dilemma every single day.
My friend and I booked tickets to see our friends in Mexico this October! I haven’t been abroad for 15 years, so I’ll have the pleasure of going to the beautiful city of Monterrey as my first international trip without my parents. I’m so ready…! Let me out…! *rattles the cage*
The Plant Saga
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I took this photo a few months ago when the sun was finally coming out and my plants were in bloom again. I was afraid Lorenz (miniature rose) was going to die because he had spider mites… every single year. I managed to fend them off and now he’s doing quite well!
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I’m most proud of my handling of MOMO (moth orchid) who is blooming again! I heard it was challenging to get orchids to rebloom, but I honestly didn’t have to do anything?
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Other plants include: Zeon (taro) and Gimli (mint) and Shouyo (hens and chicks succulent) with the weird antennae.
The weather in GA has been really temperamental, and it hasn’t been as warm in May as it was last year, so some of my tubers haven’t regrown yet. Guess I’ll take more pictures in the late summer!
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atmosphericradar · 4 months
I recently finished the first volume X Gender by Asuka Miyazaki. The Goodreads reviews for this first manga volume talk about how messy it is from a representation perspective, and how it's probably not a great introduction to gender and sexuality (especially anyone who might need a supportive voice in this regard: e.g. newly-minted trans and non-binary people, or anyone currently exploring their sexuality more than owning it).
My girlfriend found it for me when we were both browsing at a book store. I hadn't heard of the manga before yesterday, though I get the impression after reading Goodreads that there is someone recommending this manga to a general "weird in the gender" audience. I don't think this would have been a healthy read for me back in 2021 when it was first published, but I am not certain of that.
As someone who entered queerness at the end of their 20's, and still has a long way to go in terms of living my truth (publicly and privately), I found X Gender a refreshingly honest perspective. Many people early in their journey out the closet will consume tons of media (social or otherwise) featuring physically attractive, fashionable queer people. It's aspirational, and it often breeds jealousy and self-hatred.
In online spaces like Tumblr, so-called "baby queers" are told that this kind of "beautiful people" media creates unrealistic expectations (true!), but then turn around and produce tons of media featuring emotionally exceptional, unproblematic queer people. The aspiration never goes away, it just becomes a degree in gender studies and intersectional feminism. Physically idealized or mentally idealized, both media landscapes uphold lofty expectations.
X Gender attempts to honestly depict an imperfect human being's life experiences. The main character isn't a beautiful, charismatic androgyne who charms people with their quirks. They aren't a saintly therapist who lives above the gendered anxieties of their culture. They're a nerd in their 30's living with their mom, who is still unpacking their trauma and gender and sexuality. They have uncommon, perhaps unkind views on relationships and families. They burnt social bridges, and have few close friends. They're bitter and anxious and self-centered. They have a fraught relationship with sex and with their own body.
This is not the story of someone who has their life in order (if it was, it would probably center the character of the General). But a lot of queer people online don't have their lives in order either! We live in a messy world, where coming out as LGBTQ commonly makes someone's life very disorderly! The pressure to be presentable, to be desirable by whatever metrics, is intense. I constantly worry that I'm not "being queer correctly", like I need to earn the privilege of being nonbinary. Reading a story about a realistically flawed person - that never once questions their own non-cis gender despite their society and their personal issues - is validating in ways I've as-of-yet rarely experienced.
Ultimately, I agree that this manga isn't for queer kids fresh out of cis-het society. It's probably not for a lot of people! There are almost certainly better English-language texts out there explaining the Japanese queer scene. But this manga does say "anyone can be queer, even someone you might find objectionable" without wavering. And that was important for me to hear.
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
38 lestappen
38. life or death kiss // lestappen // [ rating: M ] // skip all the way to the end for warnings but beware they do contain spoilers (obviously lol). also: MILD SMUT. not beta read! expect plenty of mistakes oops.
(the format of one section is inspired by a part from all to play for. it's small, but credit where credit is due.)
there is a prayer in the room, period one: 
don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch.
it speaks since hasselt, 1997. later (years later), he pictures a wikipedia page: the birth with a 500% death rate.
the baby next door goes home and is dressed in a swaddle of mint green. max goes home and is dressed in black.
a month after, his father asks, “can he still race?” it is not quite acceptance. it is as close as he is given for a while. 
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they have pets. max, for all he knows about liking things, likes their pets. three dogs, four cats, two budgies, a pigeon. later (years later) he does not remember the soft of their fur, the tickle of their ears, the chip of their beaks.
older, he asks, did we give them to other people?
no, replies his father. you would not let me. now put your helmet on.
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they had pets.
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under gloves is where it hides, sleeps in pale skin. sweaty summers, blessed winters. winter, coincidentally, is his favorite time. good time, easier time. less poking curiosity from his class. a CONFIDENTIAL watermark over his name, his contract clauses, his life.
his dad finds him within a small patch of daisies by the hairpin. the skin on his hands is breathing, finding sunlight in the air. he says, "put your suit on."
max tries, "just one minute? the flowers are very beautiful."
his dad does not disagree. instead he crouches down, takes max's hand without much force. brings it to the ground between the grass. then, he he lets him go.
max stares up at him. he says, "put your suit on."
"but," says max. put your suit on. his dad only watches. waits. the grass thrums between max's fingers. a tickle touches his skin; a spider has found his thumb.
his dad says, "now." max takes his hand off the grass.
immediately, it starts to turn leathery. the daisies go brown, their stems withering. the spider curls into itself until it is a rib of thin legs, stills. max could touch it now. it would not change.
it is horrific.
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what his dad says: "winners do not care about beauty."
what max remembers: winners are not beautiful.
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anyway. max wins.
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and wins.
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and wins.
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and wins.
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he says later (years later), it was always just me and my dad. if i had a mother, it was racing. and i've made both of them proud today i think, so. it was worth it.
it was worth it.
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he meets charles in the spring of 2012.
it's almost like meeting two people. in front of the camera, like a polished streak of metal. then on track, the abrasion of him. after, between walls, the thought of shutting him up, quietening his mouth with his own.
you could get me disqualified!
what about me? you pushed me first!
charles glances down more than a few times. max, the memory of a daisy in his head, flips him the bird before walking away.
in the van, he grabs his bottle of water. throws up into it.
anyway. apparently that is the start of a thing (nameless).
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he meets charles in the winter of 2018.
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he meets charles in the summer of 2019.
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he meets charles in the autumn of 2020.
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he meets charles in the spring of 2021.
there's the five of them, talking quietly together before the press conference starts. the current topic: charles.
he asks, “you had a problem in f2, right?” and charles, of course, nods. lando lets out a laugh. valterri blinks at the ceiling.
anyway, the red car is in the wall before lap two.
apparently charles is cursed too.
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in 2021, max wins his first championship.
in 2022, he wins his second.
in 2023, he wins his third.
in the midst of them, there is a conversation:
he's in a club and the lights are low. sweat drips like rain down his back. he can feel it, the lake collecting in the hollow of his spine as he leans against the seat-back.
it displaces under the warm weight of a hand. 'sup, maximus?
daniel is drunk. he can barely hold conversation so he is very drunk. across the table, pierre is spilling a caipirinha over himself. daniel is also flirty, which says nothing about his inebriety. max, has anyone told you, you're very beautiful.
max rolls his eyes, tucks away the sour that threatens his mouth. winners, he says, the gin and tonic says, are not beautiful.
when he looks up, there are eyes already on him. charles turns, passes pierre another napkin.
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in 2028, max retires with 4 championships. in abu dhabi, lando gives him a pack of colored fabric pens. for leather.
"for your." he nods to max's hands. there is latex on them right now ㅡ he has yet to change.
max grins. "thanks, mate. i'll have lots of fun with this one."
lando rolls his eyes. he's probably thinking max will draw a penis.
he's probably right.
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in 2032, charles wins a championship. wins his first championship.
he opens the door of his hotel room the next afternoon, mouth like the moon. he offers max some room service soup. they chat, watch replays.
at a point (nameless), max catches charles's eyes. dark, heavy. his swallow gets stuck in his throat.
he thinks: just this once. just this time.
later (minutes later) charles, red, glistening, glowing from face to feet, comes stuttering on max's sweats, all over his glove.
he looks beautiful.
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just this once. just this time.
what a load of bullshit.
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inevitably probably, charles brings it up. max is crusting in his underwear, thinking of soaking a towel, when he does. he says, "you never touch me."
max blinks. shifts to rest on an elbow. he wiggles a hand, white on latex. "i do."
charles takes it and lowers it to the ruffled covers. "you know what i mean." asks, “why not?”
max bites his lip. glances at charles's own. away again. tells him, “you are beautiful.” 
an eyebrow quirks. "so?"
"so," says max, "i cannot."
after a moment: "i thought you said winners were not beautiful."
yeah. he did. his shoulders shrug and something small and heavy slips from their bone. "i was wrong."
after another moment: "i think you are beautiful too."
"good," replies max, cheeky. charles unravels him again far too soon until it is raw, on the verge painful, thin as a thread or the edge of a blade.
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max is watching the race from his friend's balcony. he watches: car number 2 trip across the nouvelle chicane, car number 36 nearly slide into the wall at portier, car number 16 cross the line first.
after, in the evening, charles blisters his way into max's apartment. grabs one of max's gloves from drawer of the trophy cabinet. max is pushed gracelessly into the couch cushions.
equalizer 2 plays listlessly in the background as he comes on the leather over charles's fingers, the crude, childish drawing of a penis.
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out of the blue one night, charles says, "i am in love with you."
across the couch, a lead weight knots itself through max's stomach. he says, "you cannot say that."
charles glances from the tv to their legs woven in the centre of the couch to max's face. "why not?"
max tries to explain, "it is a big thing."
charles says, "i know."
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max thinks he would be more accepting of love if he knew how. if he grew with it. he knows love like: scraped skin, the edge of broken bones, a drop of gold.
he knows love like: the sun, the fur of bumblebees, a field of maize.
he does not know love like hot soup. like the swell of crescendo, like a heartbeat.
but he is learning.
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in 2037, charles retires with 3 championships.
he lives in max's apartment in monaco. at some point, two cats appear. (appeared, echoes charles dubiously. max grins, innocence.)
so, they have pets.
once, he touches a plant. is knocked into it really, a rose on display at the garden centre, the edge of his cheek on a petal. it grays, withers, curls in guttering fashion. sickness steals right to his stomach. charles says, hey, a uniform walking by. do you have any fake plants?
the bedroom door locks at night to keep the cats out. sometimes, in the space (nameless) before they sleep, their hands will hold each other. hang above the floor between their beds. breathe in tandem.
charles: climbs a million mountains with his brothers, designs clothes, plays piano, comes home to max.
max: jet skis in every ocean, builds a karting track with daniel, wins sim races, comes home to charles.
and the cats. of course.
for many years, it is a good life.
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everything is ready. within touching distance of the covers. a blue tube, piles of hand towels, energy bars, stacks of water bottles.
a laugh bubbles out from somewhere, the last dregs of ink from a pen. "this feels so fucking silly."
"i know," muses charles. "oh, i also brought jelly cubes." he gets them from his bag, puts them on the bedside table.
then. that's it. a gaze kneels in front of his own.
charles spreads his fingers, a flower in bloom. he whispers, "this is the hardest part."
max bites his lip. he puts his gloved hand into charles's palm.
charles's eyes are smiling a kaleidoscope, hair worn and soft between his skin.
this is it. thinks max. i'm about to touch a dead man. the thought makes him laugh.
charles grins too, like he knows max's head. he does, a little. he murmurs, "a kiss to seal the deal?" his eyes flick down.
a memory: you could get me disqualified. what about me? you pushed me first.
max pulls him in the rest of the way.
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he pushed me, i pushed him back. you never touch me. winners are not beautiful. i am in love with you. you cannot say that. why not? nothing, just an incident. you are beautiful. winners do not care about beauty. just this once. just this time. i think you are beautiful too. i do. it is a big thing. i know.
i'm in love with you too.
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there is a prayer in the room, period two: 
don’t let go, i won’t, don’t let go, i won’t, don’t let go, i won’t. 
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the covers are off to the side. i get sweaty, max had said, when charles tried to lazily tug him closer. charles didn't waste much time expending the duvet after that.
they talk, a lot. more than he would've expected. "sometimes i think that is all we needed. someone else," murmurs max. he is aware of charles's touch as it moves down his stomach. he is also not usually one for what ifs.
(your mother was a racer herself. do you think she would be proud?
i don't know. it was always just me and my dad. if i had a mother, it was racing.)
"maybe," says charles quietly. "or maybe it would have been the same. maybe it could have been worse."
max says, "i wonder if they would've been like me."
charles hums. his hand has burned a line to the crease in max's legs. "i think it might be wonderful," he says eventually, "to have more of you in the world." then his hand slips entirely around him.
the sound max makes hits the back of charles's throat, is swallowed into his belly.
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they shower together three times. max presses him into the wall, sinks to his knees. sucks the life out of him. they dry in the air three times, in the worn sheets that once lay made over the beds.
arthur asks once a day if it's normal for sassy to stare at him. she looks carnivorous, his texts read. the other one keeps jumping on me while i'm working out.
charles replies. max folds himself around his back. they laugh, they fuck, they eat, they drink, they shower, they sleep. they kiss, they kiss, they kiss. they touch.
a week is up far too soon.
this is the hardest part, charles had said.
no, thinks max as charles thumbs the skin of his shoulder. his smile is soft honey in the heat of sunrise. his moles glow. he is beautiful. this is.
charles says, "so? was it everything you dreamed of and more?" he is desert hot and clammy. his fingers are tender. the fatelines on his palms press to max's own.
max kisses him. "it was everything."
charles smiles into it. then, he lets go. they both do.
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on may 3rd 2052, max goes home and dresses in black.
he has a clasp around his throat, unassumingly rectangular, engraved: CLV. a note in ink: worth it.
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there is a prayer in the room, period one: 
thank you, thank you, thank you.
(it was beautiful.)
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joylinda-hawks · 12 days
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May 2021 and photo session for Vogue me magazine. A very beautiful and atmospheric ZZH session with fantastic sets of clothes. ZZH looked phenomenal in these styles. These were very bold color combinations of clothes that many men approached with great caution. ZZH, on the other hand, felt great in clothes that didn't seem to match in color. Maybe because ZZH loves challenges and willingly accepts them. He is not a person who gives up easily and I think that if ZZH sets himself a specific goal in life, he will consistently pursue it. Just as he fought to regain physical fitness after surgery, he also fights to restore his good name, even if it is not heard about, ZZH is certainly fighting for it. But let's get back to the photo. I chose a photo from this session in which ZZH is lying on the sofa and looking at the ceiling, his face illuminated by a lamp with a shade. ZZH is wearing an original set of clothes here. The combination of purple, red and mint is quite an unusual combination. Additionally, the clothes have different patterns. Looking at ZZH dressed this way, you can feel colorful. The selected photo has a slight atmosphere of mystery. On the one hand, we have the intense colors of ZZH clothes, and on the other, subdued lighting. The choice of place for the photo session was also not accidental. A stylized sofa and lamp in warm shades of brown and aquamarine walls contrast with the ZZH styling. ZZH here looks like a young man, maybe an artist, who is bored waiting for someone and lies down on the sofa to rest. What really catches the eye is ZZH's shiny black hair. His hair resembles ink with shiny particles. The lamp subtly illuminates his face and highlights ZZH's warm skin tone. Slightly parted lips are like an invitation to kiss. And the huge dreamy eyes are like wells in which you want to drown. ZZH looks extremely beautiful here.
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longlistshort · 2 years
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Ofer Wolberger’s photo of Spencer Finch’s installation Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on that September Morning, 2014, located at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum.
From the museum’s webpage about the work-
At the heart of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s mission is the promise to commemorate the 2,983 killed as a result of the 9/11 and February 26, 1993 attacks. The Memorial and the Museum fulfills this sacred responsibility in many ways—through memorialization, through education and, in some cases, through artistic expression.
One of the Museum’s most recognizable installations is a piece by artist Spencer Finch titled “Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning.” This work runs prominently through Memorial Hall, or the space that connects the two main exhibitions at bedrock in the Museum. This larger-than-life installation is part of the Memorial Museum’s permanent collection and was commissioned in 2014 before the Museum opened its doors to the public.
The piece is comprised of 2,983 individual watercolor squares—each representing a victim of the 2001 and 1993 attacks—and symbolizes the idea of memory. Many remember the beauty of the clear blue sky on the morning of 9/11. But, our own perception of the color blue might not be the same as that of another person. However, just like our perception of color, our memories share a common point of reference.
Within the larger art installation is the quote “No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time” from Book IX of The Aeneid by Roman poet Virgil. Each letter was forged from recovered World Trade Center steel by New Mexico artist Tom Joyce. This quote suggests the transformative potential of remembrance and succinctly reinforces the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s mission. Today, while the Memorial and the Museum are temporarily closed, these words remain as true as ever.
The image of the work shown above was included in Mint Museum’s 2021 exhibition, W|ALLS: Defend, Divide, and the Divine.
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LA / Sarah Elizabeth Cornejo: That Which We Fear, That Which We Love
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Sarah Elizabeth Cornejo: That Which We Fear, That Which We Love December 2 - 17, 2023 Opening Reception: Saturday, December 2nd 7-10pm
“To speak to the core that creates and swallows, to speak not always to what’s shouting, but to what’s underneath asking for nothing. I am at the mouth of the cave. I am willing to crawl.” - Ada Limón
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles is thrilled to present That Which We Fear, That Which We Love, the first solo presentation of Sarah Elizabeth Cornejo’s work in Los Angeles. Selected from a group of more than four hundred applicants who applied for the 2023 Los Angeles Open Call, Sarah Elizabeth Cornejo’s work is a testament to the strength and vitality of contemporary artists working today, not only in major art centers like Los Angeles and New York, but in other parts of the US like Memphis, Tennessee where Cornejo is currently based.
Cornejo’s work confronts us with a world both alien and familiar, scientific in appearance yet mythological in character. In the artist’s words “That Which We Fear, That Which We Love presents observations of human time from the perspective of serpentine figures from Latin American myth, dwelling within a liminal space at the center of the Earth.” Utilizing a range of traditional and non-traditional media to create drawings, sculptures, textiles, and installations, Cornejo explores the possibilities within hybridity as a way to respond to the “troubled present in the wake of humanity’s destructive path.” Cornejo’s work weaves a beautiful alternative vision of hybrid life; a vision that challenges the current inclination toward an Anthropocene view of the world, perhaps indicating a shift to what the artist calls a “chimeric future” enhanced by technology.
For the exhibition the artist has created a series of site specific mixed-media sculptural works and drawings laser-cut into mirror. The work draws on a rich range of found and repurposed materials that includes organic and geological artifacts that speak to the hybridity and alchemical transformation at the core of Cornejo’s work.
Sarah Elizabeth Cornejo is a Peruvian-American interdisciplinary artist based in Memphis, TN. Her work has been shown at The Mint Museum (NC), Duke University (NC), Crosstown Arts (TN), Field Projects (NY), and Antenna (LA), among others, and was most recently included in the statewide Tennessee Triennial. She has been awarded residencies at Crosstown Arts and the McColl Center, and received the Current Art Fund Grant (2021), Tennessee State Fellowship (2022), and was the finalist for the 2022 Southern Prize. She received her MFA in interdisciplinary studio from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her BA in Studio Art and English Literature from Davidson College.
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photos by Gemma Lopez
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hikeofthemonth · 1 year
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June 2023 Mangum Dental Hike of the Month Granite Basin Lake Loop
Distance: 3.1 miles
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Elevation Gain: 374 feet
Parking: There is parking on the west and east side of Granite Basin Lake and both sides have restrooms.  There is a Forest Service day use fee of $5.00 for parking.  I recommend parking near the boat dock on the east side of the lake.  
Directions: From the corner of Williamson Valley and Iron Springs Road, head west for 1.6 miles and take a right on Granite Basin Road.  Drive north on Granite Basin Road for just over 3 miles passing Yavapai Campground, and Cayuse Day Use Area.  Immediately after passing Wekuvde Day Use Area, the road turns into a one-way loop.  Stay to the right and in 1/4 mile turn right towards the boat dock.  Park near the boat dock.  
Many visitors to Granite Basin Lake consider it to be a pond, however, this area of Prescott is more precious than rubies.  It is close to town and this area offers camping, hiking, fishing, birding, mountain biking, and picnicking.  This time of year the Mint Creek area is teaming with green grasses, wildlife, and the melodious sound of running water.  The wet winter has provided a spring to remember.  This little lake and surrounding trails are safely tucked in at the base of Granite Mountain like a well-fortified city behind a strong wall.  On a recent Monday evening, my 7-year-old son was willing to hike with me.  This was a surprise as I am known for frustrating family members by misrepresenting the length or difficulty of hikes. This hike was short enough that we didn’t get too tired, and long enough to enjoy the outdoors and create positive memories. The trail was not overly exposed and the elevation was just enough of a challenge. The spring weather was absolutely perfect.
Exit the parking lot on the north side near the restrooms.  In May, there was still plenty of water flowing over the dam making Mint Creek a beautiful spectacle.  Just after the dam start hiking on Trail #345, Mint Wash Trail.  Stay to the left and follow the creek.  Barely into the hike (0.1 miles) there is the first of two creek crossings.  Strategically placed stones make it passable.  Hike mostly downhill for about 3/4 of a mile and come to the first junction.  Take a right on Trail #354, Mint Wash Connector Trail.  This is the second creek crossing.  Take this trail mostly uphill for 1 1/4 miles and enjoy the views of Granite Mountain on this well-marked trail with excellent signage.  The plant life is consistent with the area’s chaparral with pinyon pine trees, scrub oak, manzanita, and a couple varieties of cactus. Our next junction was Trail #348, Chimbley Water Trail.  Turn right and hike for about 1/4 mile.  The habitat changes quickly to Ponderosa Pine Forest, with plenty of shade and a soft breeze.  Turn right about at the junction with Trail #351, West Lake Trail.  This trail parallels Granite Basin Road for 1/2 mile.  Take another right on Trail #345 Mint Wash Trail.  The lake becomes visible as the trail climbs for an excellent view of the lake with the mountain in the background.  It is surprisingly easy to follow this trail.  Just remember when given the choice,  choose the right and enjoy this hike.  During our hike, we were able to identify a few birds including Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Bewick’s Wren, House Finch, Bridled Titmouse, Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, and Mallard Duck.  
Other hikes that we have recorded in this immediate area include: April 2021 West Lake to Balancing Rook Loop October 2017 Just Go Left Loop from Cayuse Trailhead February 2015 Granite Mountain #261 Find these and all other achieved hikes at https://hikeofthemonth.mangumdental.com/
Link to Forest Service Map: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprd3832043.pdf
Mangum Dental is a general dentist office that loves bringing you the hike of the month.  Find our past hikes at www.MangumDental.com.
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deadkinwalking · 1 year
Today marks the one year anniversary of the absolute worst day of my life. The day Mint was diagnosed with lymphoma. This week was difficult for me, I was very upset and angry at work. The past year has been difficult in general.
At first it didn't feel really. At Christmas 2021 Mint was happy and healthy. Everything was perfect. Then, not even two months later, she was sickly and losing weight rapidly. And then we were told she was going to die. I was so angry. Angry at a random, uncaring universe that would allow this to happen. Angry that there were so many horrible people in this world living in luxury, and yet it was my beautiful sweet darling who got sick.
And I was angry at myself too. There was no reason for Mint to have gotten sick, nothing we could have done to prevent it. But people like there to be a reason for everything, and I'm no exception. There was no reason, so I created one.
Mint got sick because I wasn't good enough.
Mint got sick because I didn't love her enough.
Mint got sick and it was my fault.
Of course I know now that none of these things are true. But grief affects your thoughts in horrible ways. I felt like someone had to be punished for Mint being sick, so I punished myself.
Now I try to remember the good times.
Like when Mint was a puppy. She would sleep curled up under my chin, with her snout resting along my jaw. And she would snore directly into my ear. What I wouldn't give to hear those cute little snores again. As she got older she preferred to sleep down near my legs. But in the morning she would crawl up the bed, all the way up onto my pillow, and wrap herself around my head. It was like a whole body hug.
I wish I could have spent more time with her.
Here's Mint sleeping on my belly just two weeks after we got her:
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I'll love you forever my baby girl. Please wait for me.
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olanganadesign · 1 year
Scandinavian Interior Style
What makes the Scandinavian cabinetwork style so popular and how it developed. Originating in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, the Scandinavian cabinetwork style has come a veritably popular style in moment’s apartments. The soft colours of the cabinetwork calm and produce warmth in the interior.
olangana- designs- Scandinavian Origin and Developmemt The Scandinavian cabinetwork style is characterized by the seasons in the north, where the days in downtime are veritably short. This results in the need to produce warmth and comfort in this wintry terrain. Wood plays a significant part in Scandinavian style. It's used for bottoms, walls, cabinetwork, lighting and accessories. But also natural fabrics produce a feelgood atmosphere with their light tones in the Skandi style.
crucial characterstics of the Style The style uses light wood similar as birch, improve or pine. The reason why it developed this way is just because the Scandinavian layoffs are long and dark. Through bright friendly colours and light, this style creates a lot of warmth. It convinces with its simplicity and the friendly substantially light colours
scandinavian- style Use of Colors A light colour is any colour that has just enough white mixed into it to look pale and soft while maintaining its various personality. The most common pale colours we ’ve seen this time are soft millennial pink, light azure, delicate mint, and megrim unheroic.
scandinavian- colours For further details please visit
https//visme.co/ blog/ light- colors/ Lighting Consideration Natural light must be also rounded by ultramodern lighting. Scandinavians calculate heavily on ultramodern lighting to light up their innards due to their shorter daylight hours. The same principles of Scandinavian design apply to Scandinavian lighting institutions. utmost Scandinavian ultramodern lighting features a simple, neutral white aesthetic and the same clean lines set up in Scandinavian cabinetwork and homewares – thus nothing too extravagant like demitasse chandeliers then! scandinavian- style For further details please visit https//www.scandinavia-design.fr/PENDANTS/
Wallpapers Scandinavian is just as much a life as it's an interior design look. Known for its beautiful simplicity, Scandinavian style incorporates whitewashed walls, rustic bottoms, earthy tones and plenitude of natural light. With both a minimalist and homespun sense, this style has pleasing light palettes, clean lines- in both cabinetwork and armature- and natural, raw rudiments. Scandinavian homes have a pure beauty, and warmth of being lived in.
scandinavian- For further details please visit
https//www.brewsterwallcovering.com/modern–wallpaper &
https//www.muralswallpaper.com/ca/styles/ ultramodern/ Furniture and Decor Scandinavian cabinetwork features fluid silhouettes and minimalist aesthetic. The Nordic design trend started in themid-20th century and the movement promoted the idea that ultramodern cabinetwork should be fluently accessible to the general public. settees and sectionals are characterized by a neutral colour palette, which allows you to embellish with various pillows. Moulded plywood or transparent fiberglass coffee tables are common options in the living room. The Scandinavian bedroom frequently features veritably low- profile platform beds – it's common to forget the headboard entirely. Hang some floating wall shelves to accessorize with your cairn. A foundation of the dining room is a rustic or finished wood table in minimalist form factor. Dining chairpersons will frequently be made of moulded plastic with rayed wood legs or dark grange president to discrepancy with the dining table
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geoffleng · 2 years
What are some NFT games?
1. Axie Infinity
In 2021, Axie Infinity initiated a parabolic run for the GameFi market as it showed the potential and promising concept that is play-to-earn. For a brief period last year, Axie Infinity averaged nearly 30 million dollars in revenue every day.
Axie Infinity’s simple game mechanics, involving users minting Axie NFTs, forming a team, and winning battles to earn money, propelled the vast majority of gaming enthusiasts to give it a shot. It also allowed Axie players to generate passive revenue from AXS (governance token) staking.
The future of Axie Infinity is quite promising. The team plans to transition to a more decentralized structure that gives players control over the treasury, which is worth nearly a billion dollars. In addition, a new version of Axie Infinity, The Origin, is launching in Q1 2022 with many improvements to the storyline, graphics, and design.
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2. DeFi Kingdoms
An argument can be made for DeFi Kingdoms to be the most complete play-to-earn game in the GameFi ecosystem. It is not ahead of Axie Infinity yet in terms of market capitalization and lifetime value in NFT sales, but outside of that, DeFi Kingdoms has created unique gameplay mixed with DeFi functionalities that can prove to be better than any other P2E game.
The unique value proposition for DFK players is that they can level up their in-game NFTs or heroes by participating in daily quests, which would augment their yields over time. To add to that, players can also engage in liquidity mining of its in-game currency, JEWEL, to generate passive rewards.
Another reason to be bullish about DeFi Kingdoms is its cross-chain expansion to Avalanche. This would significantly increase the locked value and tap into user bases on other blockchains.
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3. Xchange Monster
While play-to-earn games form the core of GameFi, they are not the only projects fueling the gaming economy and developing the ecosystem. Infrastructure projects like Xchange Monster are capturing a massive market opportunity by bridging the gap between game creators/publishers and communities.
Xchange Monster avoids the gray areas in the decentralized world by providing game providers with a fully regulated platform. This instills confidence in more game creators and developers to transition to the Web3 world.
The all-in-one GameFi platform features many products, including a payment gateway with fiat onramps, an NFT marketplace, a trading exchange, and a wallet application. So a game creator can instantly have the complete infrastructure to handle user interactions from start to finish. For players, Xchange Monster offers low transaction costs and immediate access to their in-game NFTs, which can be swapped directly for fiat currencies.
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4. Cashbox
Cashbox is the world’s first blockchain game that combines the ancient civilized world with the legendary gem NFT and Mewtwo Mythical Animals.
In the early Teaser version of Cashbox, they provide a space with the background of the four ancient civilizations. We travel into the past, seeing Mesopotamia, Egypt, the India valley, and China. Such a simulated virtual world has all the elements of the real world, including identity, business, entertainment, social interaction, civilization, administration, etc. What’s more important, it enables us to feel something. When you roam around the world through your avatar, social life, administration and digital properties, all these can give you a feeling, which is very important for it proves that Metaverse can bring us immersive experience and ensure digital uniqueness. That’s the value and beauty of it.
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5. Illuvium
One of the most anticipated blockchain titles in the gaming industry is Illuvium. It is said to be the first-ever game to have gameplay similar to a AAA video game. The open-world of Illuvium is developed using Unreal Engine 4. And it is expected to give players a visual treat.
Illuvium is also creating a subset of the main game called Zero. It will be used for creating virtual assets inside the metaverse, similar to how The Sandbox transforms virtual assets into NFTs. Players can populate their virtual lands and add more resources to increase their value in the secondary market. To sell in-game assets, such as weapons, skins, and armor, players will be using IlluviDex, an NFT marketplace of Illuvium.
Players of Illuvium also don’t have to worry about high gas prices, thanks to Immutable X’s layer two solutions. This drastically improves the gaming experience and performance on Illuvium. After many delays and rescheduling, Illuvium is finally set to release its open beta version in late Q1 2022. By the end of the year, a mobile version of the game will also go live.
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duckworthptwkrarup · 2 years
Thirteen of the country's top designers discuss the resurgence in art, its impact on design, and what will be trending in 2022
While the initial months of the coronavirus pandemic were terrifying for artists across all mediums as galleries, museums, theaters, and other creative spaces were among the first to close across the world, people began investing in their homes with money that would have been used for vacations, new wardrobes, and other experiences like concerts and exhibitions. And when much of 2021 didn’t look hopeful for our chances of jet-setting with ease and piling up our social calendars again, that investment in our homes grew deeper. Houston-based designer Mark Cravotta says that in the high-end market, there’s more money available right now and with art being a finite resource, purchasing art feels special relative to other elements of our interiors that consumers have been shopping for over the last year and a half that are less unique and telling of our personalities.
Boston-based designer Katie Rosenfeld says that social media and more overall time spent with screens since March 2020 were paramount to the recent art boom, especially for millennials, as emerging digital platforms have made art much more accessible for all ages. But the screen fatigue is real, and both the extra time scrolling on Instagram as well as the desire to escape it for real life experiences and beauty have paved a way for more people to invest in art for their homes.
“I think the events of the past couple years resulted in a lot of people spending time online and on social media, and frankly, they’re ready to see something different,” says Sean Anderson, a Memphis-based designer. “That has opened the field to such an abundance of new talent, and I only hope more people find creative platforms to share their talents on.”
A 2021 sales report from Sotheby’s shows that millennials did in fact lead the way in purchasing luxury items this year with nearly half of the auction house’s 2021 bidders being first-timers. The house reported record numbers for modern and contemporary art sales and sold $100 million in NFTs. Indian Canvas , Wine & Spirits, Design, Books, and the Luxury Accessories and Collectibles categories also achieved record annual auction totals this year. Sotheby’s Chief Executive Charles Stewart told WSJ that younger buyers are “playing at a higher level than we’ve ever seen before,” and that though the market was strong across the board, the main focus of collectors was art. Meanwhile, Yelp saw searches for art installation increase by 181% this year, and bicoastal designer Jeremiah Brent says that the data points “towards larger pieces that are the focal point of a room and require professional installation.”
Additionally, pandemic boom towns like Austin, Nashville, and Palm Beach are also emerging as art epicenters as more people from New York and California have decided to call Florida, Texas, and Tennessee home in the last two years, bringing their affinities for the arts (and multi-million dollar businesses) with them. This shift not only allows for the snowbirds and newly minted Southerners (not to mention longtime residents of these cities) to have more opportunities for enjoying art, but it has created more avenues for artist exposure, arts education, and overall accessibility in areas that previously had smaller movements (Richmond, Virginia and Salt Lake City are among other smaller big cities that have seen benefits of this). And now Ganesha Canvas Wall Art , Los Angeles, and San Francisco have reopened and are full of life once again, this will only create more interest and expose more talent across the art world.
Art’s Role in Interior Design
“If a room is a symphony, art is the sonata: no symphony or project is complete without it,” says New York-based designer Philip Gorrivan. Radha Krishna Painting is integral to all of my interiors and often my favorite part of the design process.”
Art plays a pivotal role in decoration, whether a designer is working for high-end clients who are often also collectors or for first-time homebuyers with strong pulses on the art and design worlds but smaller budgets. Atlanta-based designer Melanie Millner says that art is often the starting off point for her projects as it inspires the aesthetic and feel of a home while reflecting the owner’s personality and spirit while Gorrivan says special pieces can drive the design of an entire home.
“Capturing that feeling is critical to designing a meaningful interior,” she says. “Incorporating art should not just be about coordinating fabrics and furnishings around it, but more importantly, the interior should echo the understanding of why the art was originally selected and how it draws emotion when you are in the presence of it.”
Nashville-based designer Roger Higgins says that though most people consider art to be a luxury, it is truly essential for a well-designed home and he sees a growing interest in it accessibility grows beyond intimidating galleries or consulting groups. L.A.-based designer Sean Leffers shares the sentiment saying that the most important aspect of art in his projects is how it relates to the lives of his clients.
“If you have the time to invest in building a collection that begins from within you, it can represent your interests in history, culture, and aesthetics; hopes and dreams for the future; and be an entry point for contemporary conversations that you want to be a part of,” says Leffers.
Mark Cravotta says one of the first tasks he sets for clients is “to calibrate on the importance and prominence of art in the project.” Shirdi Sai Baba Large Canvas Wall Art and planning for art’s use in the home is central to the overall composition of his designs for each home. Roger Higgins asks each client to show several pieces they love to guide the design in the right direction, while other designers most often find art to be the cherry on top and final piece of a beautiful design puzzle.
“[Art] acts as the finishing touch and adds that element of personality you don’t get through fabrics or furniture,” says Erica Burns, a designer based in Bethesda, Maryland. “It sets the tone for the space, whether that’s bold or quiet, serious or whimsical, and we love to play with art to create interesting juxtapositions in design.”
We asked several creatives from the Artist Collective group, which has locations in Atlanta, Charleston, Nashville, and Washington, D.C. about their roles in working with designers and clients seeking a home or room refresh. Michele James of Atlanta and Shannon Wood of Charleston both shared that commissions are on the rise and that people are taking more time to find pieces that really speak to them. Wood also notes that she's noticing designers requesting more pieces for their clients' second homes. Lanie Mann of Washington, D.C. says art budgets seem to be expanding as people no longer can tolerate living with blank walls and it has been exciting for artists to have opportunities to create more unique pieces.
"We are seeing more requests for art throughout the entire home from the living and dining rooms to unexpected spaces like the kitchen," says artist Lisa Zager. "Also, designers are bringing art into their schemes early on, often coming into the Nashville Artist Collective studio with inspiration boards and color palettes so that we can help curate specific pieces for the home."
How (and Where) Designers Source Art
With the rise of social media and a strange year and a half of spending nearly all our days at home, an incredible variety of ways to source art online has emerged, which only adds to its accessibility for aspiring collectors and for seasoned veterans seeking the next great artist outside of their usual circles. This also means designers are working harder than ever to stay on top of what’s happening in the art world as well as to find a range of sources that offer artworks across all budgets.
Several of the designers we spoke with said that developing strong relationships with favorite galleries and artists—local and international—was their most important method for keeping their pulses on the art world. Charlotte-based designer Layton Campbell says he subscribes to several art publications while Sean Leffers takes weekly trips to galleries and exhibitions (he’s the vice chair of ICA San Diego), and Katie Rosenfeld keeps an Instagram folder of artists she’s discovered that resonate with her. However, these designers also find it important to avoid getting caught up in what’s trending and to always source timeless pieces that are worthy of their clients’ collections.
“Sourcing art is such a personal experience, and we find that it’s not always much about what is happening in the art world as knowing what is out there in order to bring the right pieces to our clients that they will connect with and be moved by,” says Michael Del Piero, a designer based in Chicago.
Indian Ethnic Canvas Wall Art Painting to the results of a recent survey by 1stDibs, about half of the designers we sourced from work with consultants either on a regular or occasional basis to source extra-special pieces for projects. Sean Anderson keeps an inventory of art to pull from for his projects. Many of the pieces are antique finds or commissions from artists he enjoys working with and supporting, but he also has a strong network of colleagues who work primarily in the art world to ensure his most discerning collector clients are getting the caliber of works they expect.
Designers’ Favorite Ways to Source Art Our designers shared a wide variety of digital platforms, galleries around the country, and an array of art consultants that they rely on for sourcing the best pieces which speaks to the growing availability of resources for all levels of collectors. Some favorite digital sources mentioned were: Artnet, Artsy, Tappan, 1stDibs, Etsy, and yes, Instagram, too.
“The thing about art is that there is so much talent out there that hasn’t been found or seen or recognized,” says Katie Rosenfeld. “Social media has ‘made’ the careers of people like William McClure or Josh Young, for example.”
Cravotta enjoys working with art consultants Jody Klotz and Shari Brownfield while Campbell often works with Heather Gaudio Fine Art and Ann Bourgeois of Charlotte Art Consultants. Vaastu Canvas Wall Art and events to shop from include: Pryor Fine Art, Gregg Irby, and Alan Avery Art Company in Atlanta; Anne Neilson Fine Art and Elder Gallery of Contemporary Art in Charlotte; Obsolete Inc. in Los Angeles; Maybaum Gallery in San Francisco; and Blue Print Gallery in Dallas.
Several designers also shared that they attend art fairs when they can, make art a priority on their travels, and they can often be found at Art Basel and other major art events around the country to stay up-to-date. L.A. based designer Brigette Romanek's favorite sources come from a variety of platforms, noting Bloom and Plume, Hauser and Wirth, Various Small Fires, as well as browsing curator Thelma Golden's Instagram page offer her a well-rounded, diverse group to source from.
“If we are purchasing contemporary work, we generally buy on the primary market directly from the gallery,” says Sean Leffers. “Often we will buy work directly from preview PDFs that we receive from galleries we have a close relationship with. Purchasing work on the primary contemporary market can be very competitive if the artist is in high demand and the best way to get access is to invest time in building relationships with galleries, treat the work and people with respect, support artists and institutions that you think highly of regardless of economic benefits to yourself, and being a nice person."
2022 Art Trends While most of the designers that grace the pages of VERANDA eschew trends, they understand that trending pieces, movements, and designers or artists have their place. Radha Krishna Canvas Art is especially true in the art world, as the industry is rapidly changing with infiltration by the metaverse and as societal change has drawn more attention to female and minority artists. Cravotta says he’s seeing more blue-chip contemporary art from Takashi Murakami and Yayoi Kusama. He’s also noticing a lot of deserved attention on mid-century female artists while Leffers has noticed a growing desire to connect with perspectives of BIPOC artists, especially those whose work sparks conversations about social issues such as the environment, equality, and global peace. Roger Higgins says he’s seen an increased demand in both contemporary art and the old masters, noticing a love of large-scale landscapes, whether they are classic or contemporary.
Several designers mentioned that they anticipate 3D and sculptural art to continue trending, which was also noted by the recent 1stDibs survey. The company's findings show that the most popular art styles in 2022 are expected to be abstract (54%), followed by contemporary (48%) and modern (42%) while 48% of designers indicating they anticipate an increase in use of sculpture. Del Piero says her team has been drawn to highly textural works with some sort of dimension to them, often toeing the line between a traditional two-dimensional painting and a three-dimensional sculpture.
"I can see homeowners really beginning to curate the art within their home like a gallery with seasonal rearrangements or rotations of meaningful pieces to keep things fresh," says Jeremiah Brent. "I'm anticipating a new wave of intentionality when it comes to supporting local artists. Art can take many forms within our home - my design firm often looks to Yelp for local artisans to execute custom finishes or handcrafted furniture that reflects the same artisanal detail as the addition of a painting or sculpture." He also says "Japandi Design" has seen a 41% increase in search on Yelp, which he says can be achieved artistically through columns with a ceramic vase or sculpture atop, the installation of artistic lighting, or canvases that are dynamically crafted with mixed materials.
Philip Gorrivan says while Jim Lambie’s work is his current obsession, he’s also been drawn to contemporary photography of late from creatives like Vik Muniz, Michael Wolf, and Candida Hofer. While humorous pieces by artists like David Shrigley or Chris Johanson add a fun spin to interiors and keep a space from feeling stuffy, he says large-scale paintings from emerging artists (he’s really loving Ena Swansea) are a great way to make a statement in your home and as a collector.
"I’ve noticed photography and painting portraiture become increasingly popular," says Brigette Romanek. "As we become more educated and open up to new ideas, people begin to appreciate photography as more of an art form versus something that just anyone with an iPhone can do. Malick Sidibé, a favorite photographer of mine, captured photos that evoke just as much feeling as a painting does, and when you hold up a picture on your camera roll, next to one of Malick’s, you can definitely see a difference." Romanek also notes that she is loving how in-demand portraiture is right now and that African American works are being more recognized ever before today than in history.
“I think people, now more than ever, want pieces that speak to them personally, which is why we’re seeing such an explosion among independent artists of all types,” says Sean Anderson. “Commissions are becoming more accessible and the opportunity to include a piece that is fully personal is now within the reach of our smartphones. With that, I think artists are taking more chances and pushing their own boundaries to offer something that stands out. I think the art market will only continue to expand and become more accessible as time moves forward.” Leffers notes a trend away from collecting as a status symbol and a renewed focus on collecting based on one’s affinities and desire to support particular artists as we’ve all craved meaning and personal connection more than ever in the last few years.
While Radha Krishna Modern Wall Art or a focus on investments outside the home once made sense for many people who spent the majority of their time in the office, traveling, or in their local communities, white-washed rooms and a lack of personality in our interiors didn’t serve us well while we were sheltering in place and holding our breaths for the world to return to normal again. Del Piero says that now it is an imperative for us to be surrounded by beautiful things but also by objects and art that evoke emotion and thought, spark conversation, or remind us of our fondest memories and doesn't see this sentiment fading anytime soon.
“Art has the ability to do all these things,” she says. “Art transports its viewers to other places and times, fostering the exploration of thoughts and feelings, and in today’s world, that is a welcome escape. That being said, we feel strongly that this interest [in art] will indeed continue to grow.” And though the world has mostly reopened in some capacity, the residue of the pandemic still resides in our hybrid work schedules, appreciation for the home, and our need to be surrounded by things we love—all things that art can enhance from our guest room workspaces to curating a collection that sparks joy throughout our homes.
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matzen74matzen · 2 years
hermes mini kelly 20
Tips On How To Purchase An Hermès Bag The closure can be the same, nevertheless, keep in mind that as every thing is smaller, the sangles don’t transfer quite as freely as they do within the larger sizes. Designer dupes, style advice, & magnificence tips straight to your inbox before they hit the site. The pink Hermès mini Kelly is available in a variety of colors. The Hermes mini Kelly measures 20cm on the backside, and will get narrower at the prime. It is a relatively small bag that surprisingly holds all your necessities. The demand for smaller luggage has been growing for a scorching minute. A refined but texturally rich concept, these bags are sure to turn into highly collectible. Jean-Paul Gaultier is a name constantly resurfaced at Hermès, mainly as a outcome of number of influential designs he created in his time because the creative lead on the home. Known mostly for his “JPG Shoulder” luggage, he created numerous other luggage on this listing, together with the Kelly Flat. Stitching isn't only something that's visible but it plays a large role in making or breaking the bag. If the stitching is poorly carried out, then 99% of the time bag won't be as solid or safe. Counterfeit manufacturers at all times have issues in terms of replicating the fonts. In this case, letters on the genuine model are engraved however not as deep as it's in the proper picture. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/mini-kelly-bag.html The replica letters are imagined to be bigger but paler simply as shown on the original mannequin. When it involves the branded items, the symmetry and flawlessness of the details is something we completely adore. It’s in a seller’s pursuits to keep their bag in mint condition, so although the prices are nonetheless excessive, you possibly can rest assured that classic Hermès types will retain their worth. The maison began life as a Paris harness workshop, established by Thierry Hermès in 1837. Its specialism shifted within the succeeding years and its very first handbag was unveiled in 1922. The Kelly’s predecessor, The Sac à Dépêches, was introduced by Hermès’s head of agency Émile-Maurice in 1935, who wanted to create a bag that met his wife’s wants. Renamed the Kelly in 1977 after Grace Kelly, the Hollywood starlet who turned Princess Grace of Monaco, it has since become a style traditional. This approach is seen in almost all of Hermès’ leather-based goods, and entails the utilization of two strands of their proprietary beeswaxed cotton thread fed through in a double saddle stitch. To add the ending touches to the design, a clochette, two keys, and cadena lock are added for extra security. Despite this hierarchy, the Kelly bag has been round for a lot of a decade previous to its younger sibling, and the continuation of its recognition today is a testament to its enduring, traditional type. This supplies the Kelly bag with a extra elegant look and provides the choice of carrying it either in your hand or crossbody. “Hermès has been creating beautiful leather pieces, famend for his or her beautiful craftsmanship, since 1837. wikipedia handbags For the traditional collector, the Exceptional Kelly Pochette is the perfect special-occasion evening bag. When the uncommon instance above appeared at public sale in 2019 it bought for £32,500 — greater than thrice the low estimate — after a frenzy of bidding by international clients. There isn't any more precious example than the Exceptional Birkin, with pavé-set diamonds and 18k white gold hardware in the plaques, the pontets, the spindle plate, and even the lock and keys. Furthermore, we are sometimes capable of propose you the unique and premium HorseShoe bag. The most unique and distinctive combination of colour and leather-based that you will not be supposed to search out again anywhere else on the planet. Hermes Mini Kelly 20cm Blue France VIP Epsom Sellier Bag, Z Stamp, 2021 Just bought from Hermes store; bag bears new 2021 Z Stamp. Hermes Mini Kelly 20cm Black VIP Epsom Palladium Shoulder Bag, Z Stamp, 2021 Just purchased from Hermes store; bag bears new 2021 Z Stamp. Hermes Mini Gold Kelly 20cm Epsom Bag Z Stamp, 2021 Just purchased from Hermes store! This Beautiful Mini Kelly in Alligator is extremely well-liked. There is actually a pretty logical rationalization for why the Kelly’s in Sellier are more expensive than Kelly’s in Retourne. A rigid and structured form of the Kelly Sellier requires extra hours to finish. You probably heard that each Hermes bag is crafted by a single artisan. It takes an artisan anywhere from 18 to 24+ hours to complete one Kelly bag. In brief, the extra labor and craftsmanship is what makes the Kelly Sellier pricier throughout all sizes. Today, the Hermes Kelly is likely considered one of the most wanted designer luggage in the World. Black and white never was my factor – till I moved to Paris and one thing changed. I am wearing impartial colors greater than ever, and even though I thought that's so fundamental, these days I just love it. Not positive if its the influence of Paris, or simply the impact of Corona on trend. When big crisis on the planet occurred fashion all the time got here out somewhat bit modified. Remember how minimalism became large after the final recession? The Kelly bag could are obtainable in all shapes, colours, patterns, and supplies, which makes for a seemingly personalised purse that feels as though it was designed just for you.
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barker11wind · 2 years
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stacktanner8 · 2 years
Bvlgari Bags For Women
Continuing the theme of Rome's radiance, Bulgari goes straight to the supply with a "Sunshine" mood. Quilted baggage featuring stitched beams completely praise their laser-cut counterparts, all alongside a bright array of sundown hues. The compartmentalised inside makes the a lot of the restricted space. However, you should nonetheless plan on travelling light if you take this bag out. We have reviewed 10 of one of the best Bvlgari Serpenti bags which are stunning, opulent, and infused with the exclusive ‘Bvlgari’ contact. Each bag is a basic in its personal proper and deserves your undivided attention. In the early 1980s, to supervise all production of Bulgari watches, Bulgari Time was founded in Switzerland. In 1984, Paolo and Nicola Bulgari, Giorgio's sons, turned Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively, while their nephew, Francesco Trapani, became Chief Executive Officer. In 1985, Gianni resigned as CEO and in 1987, he left the family business after promoting his one-third stake in the firm to his brothers Nicola and Paolo. I’m not necessarily acquainted with leather-based products from Bvlgari but normally, they greater than probably outsource the manufacturing of anything outside the scope of their core business. This applies to most luxury labels, including Cartier. Courtesy of BulgariSerpenti Cabochon Maxi Soft Matelassè bag. These new items had been a significant departure from classical Parisian design. Revealed in a campaign starring Natalia Vodianova shot by Hugo Comte, mini bags in vibrant pink and aquamarine leather-based characteristic gold top-handles formed like snakes. Shiny clasp closures formed after snake heads are encrusted with gemstone eyes. A vary of bigger top-handled baggage are intricately detailed with butterfly-shaped beading and sequins, offsetting the hardness of the accessory’s snake head closure. Rounding out the collaboration, BVLGARI’s snake head is fashioned into locket pendants. The gentle gold chain strap is reminiscent of the curved physique of a snake. wikipedia handbags The effect is, of course, heightened by the traditional serpents head ornament above the fastening. Compact but surprisingly spacious, this can be a good, stylish option for days out. An integral a part of fashion, purses and purses have been indispensable equipment ever since we started to hold around personal objects. In 2011, Bulgari signed a strategic alliance with LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, the world's main luxury group. The agreement was primarily based on a stock switch of the Bulgari household's shares in Bulgari S.p.A. to LVMH, an all-share deal for €4.three billion ($6.zero billion), higher than LVMH had provided for another firm. Make your presents even more distinctive with Bvlgari’s personalization service. You can personalize selected Bvlgari bags and small leather-based goods bought online with our complimentary sizzling stamping service. https://phoenet.tw/bvlgari-replica.html Select the characters and the gem-inspired foil color you wish to have embossed in your leather good to make someone feel particular with a very one-of-a-kind creation. Snakeskin is rapidly falling out of favour, but it's a basic, and this python bag is undeniably beautiful. The differing shades of blue that cover this textured clutch bag give it a way of depth that almost brings it to life. Bulgari mint condition large bronze leather shopper with gold tone hardware. Bulgari's jewellery collections embody B.zero1, Divas' Dream, Serpenti, BVLGARI BVLGARI, Parentesi, and a bridal line. I wouldn't need to suggest Designer manufacturers... ― Welcome to Anime News Network's Winter 2021 Manga Guide! You could have seen one of our seasonal Anime Preview Guides, where a staff of critics writes up every new anime tv premiere because it airs initially of a season. ― Our staff of reviewers are following 28 anime series of the Fall 2021 season and readers are ranking each episode because the critiques go up. On 1stDibs, our collection of BVLGARI jewelry includes rings, necklaces, watches and different equipment. It is oval-shaped and fits snugly beneath your shoulder. [newline]The bag is crafted in super-soft and easy chocoalte lea... Wonderful and iconic Bulgari bag Leather Black color Two handles Double inside compartment Divisory zip pocket Additional pocket Cm 20 x 20 x 6 (7.8 x 7.eight x 2.36) Worldwide express... Their distinctive settings and Italian design by the architectural agency Antonio Citterio-Patricia Viel characterise the properties of Bulgari Hotel Group.
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kane69kane · 2 years
Bvlgari Girls's Baggage
Snakeskin is rapidly falling out of favour, but it's a traditional, and this python bag is undeniably lovely. The differing shades of blue that cowl this textured clutch bag give it a way of depth that simply about brings it to life. Bulgari mint condition massive bronze leather-based shopper with gold tone hardware. ― A quirky small-town country woman moves to Tokyo to begin her exciting highschool career. No, this is Skip and Loafer, and while it definitely isn'... ― Anime author Dai Sato reported on Friday that screenwriter Keiko Nobumoto (Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Tokyo Godfathers, Macross Plus) passed away on December 1 after a battle with esophageal cancer. Her household held a non-public service on December four, and director Shinichiro Watanabe confirmed her passing to Sato. Araki is a fan of the Bulgari brand and wrote that he identifies with model's strong use of symbolism, on this case, a snake. He relates a Stand as also a type of protector, so he hopes that by putting the symbol for Killer Queen on on a daily basis objects, it's going to work like a protective allure for the proprietor. The most chic everyday bag if we ever saw one. Marking the first temper within the Bulgari assortment is a nod to the everlasting city’s radiance. The Italian House is best identified for its glamorous evening clutches and neat purses. RADIANCE as a substitute takes on fresh silhouettes such as the model new Serpenti Bag hobo form and Serpenti Jewellery bag – impressed by an original Twenties silver jewelry field from the heritage collection. There are few baggage as lovely as what Bvlgari creates and though many first think of the model for its exquisite jewelry, those who love the baggage are a half of a growing and very loyal fanbase. For the collaboration, Ambush revamped model's storied "Serpenti Forever" bag, which is know for its timeless, female silhouette and on-trend high handle. There's three supple leather handbags , all in eye-popping colors which may be destined for day-to-night wear. Take, for example, the Serpenti belt bag, which can be worn over the shoulder or saddled across the waist. Alternatively, the Serpenti Minaudière performs with the heart-shaped coil that snakes naturally type, offering a playful, novelty bag-worthy option. The serpent itself options stoney eyes — mother-of-pearl for black baggage, and black onyx for colorful choices. bvlgari bag Bulgari luggage mix modern with classic to create covetable accessories with signature Italian aptitude. Each piece is inspired by Bulgari's deep Roman roots, so anticipate high-shine leather-based and gold detailing to come back as commonplace. From the Serpenti Forever bag with its chain straps and snake element to larger tote types, these luxurious pieces cannot be overwhelmed for their beauty. wikipedia handbags Bulgari's jewellery collections include B.zero1, Divas' Dream, Serpenti, BVLGARI BVLGARI, Parentesi, and a bridal line. I would not need to advocate Designer manufacturers... ― Welcome to Anime News Network's Winter 2021 Manga Guide! You might have seen certainly one of our seasonal Anime Preview Guides, where a team of critics writes up each new anime television premiere as it airs at the beginning of a season. ― Our group of reviewers are following 28 anime collection of the Fall 2021 season and readers are ranking every episode as the reviews go up. Bvlgari continues to build up many manufacturers which has made them one of the worthwhile luxury brands in the jewelry industry. Below are some additional articles from Viora London’s blog. We write articles on numerous interesting life-style matters corresponding to fragrance, beauty, luxurious equipment and extra. Understated but iconic, this shoulder bag is sophisticated, lovely, and anything but boring. The delicate quilting on the leather-based is invisible from a distance and provides a level of texture and sensuality. Continuing the theme of Rome's radiance, Bulgari goes straight to the supply with a "Sunshine" mood. Quilted bags featuring stitched beams completely compliment their laser-cut counterparts, all alongside a bright array of sundown hues. The compartmentalised interior makes the a lot of the restricted area. However, you must still plan on travelling gentle if you take this bag out. We have reviewed 10 of the most effective Bvlgari Serpenti bags that are beautiful, opulent, and infused with the exclusive ‘Bvlgari’ contact. Each bag is a classic in its personal right and deserves your undivided consideration. I know all of us have our cellphones and examine mirrors by way of our camera on our cellphone, however a mirror in your bag is much more seamless and feels extra classic and intimate. A trendy, neon twist on the basic Serpenti shoulder bag, this turquoise and pink number is as youthful as it's vibrant. The concentric panels of bright blue leather-based really make this stand out, and while the stitching and panels do give it construction the block colour really overpowers that. Few luggage embody the opulent beauty and decadence that Bvlgari is thought for fairly in addition to this prime handle bag. Made of beautiful Galuchat and calf leather, the distinction between the sleek leather of the bag and the textured closing flap is basically beautiful.
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