#Brielle Summers
astheskyisblue · 2 years
Chapter One: Brielle's P.O.V.
Author's note: Hi! I'm Sky! This is the first chapter of my W.I.P. Of Sunflowers and Rose Thorns (working title) If you see this, maybe reblog or leave a comment or a note! It would mean a lot :3
"Now Girls, remember don't let your makeup run and listen to your teachers! That means you, Aria! I don't want to start the year off with a call home, alright?" Aunt Meredith swung around in the car. "I mean it."
"Yes, ma'am." Aria mumbled, barely looking up from her phone. She'd been texting the entire drive.
"Don't mumble. You know how I hate mumbling. Confident young women never mumble, it shows weakness." Aunt Meredith always gave us valuable advice, she was full of it.
"Yes ma'am." Aria projected, straightening up.
Aunt Meredith smiled, "Good. Now, have a great first day at school! You're going to be high schoolers next year, I can't believe how fast you two are growing up."
I smiled and hugged her before getting out. "We will, I love you Aunt Mer! See you after school!"
She hugged me back, patting my cheek. "My gorgeous Brielle. I could not be more proud of you."
"Aww, Aunt Mer! You're going to make me cry!"
"Don't. You'll mess up your makeup."
I nodded, "Yes, auntie." I looked to the light and blinked the tears back.
"Do you have your lunch?"
I patted the back of my bag, "Yep! Securely attached! I think I hear the bell! I love you, Auntie." I waved and started sprinting off.
"Brielle! Wait for your sister!"
Aria got out of the car and I took it all in. The amount of students at my middle school never ceased to amaze me. It seemed to get bigger every year. So many people. So many new friends to make!
I couldn't wait until highschool! It was supposed to be even bigger. How many friends could I make there?
Ariel, my cousin, had started high school that day and I made a vow that I would ask her all about it on the way home.
"Aren't you excited?!" I squealed to Aria, who barely looked up from her phone. "We're eighth graders, Aria! The whole school is ours!"
Aria slid her phone into the side pocket of her black leather backpack and started walking faster. "Let's go get our schedules."
"Alright!" I chirped, "I'm so so so excited! Think of all the amazing things we can do this year! All the new things we get to learn!"
Aria yawned. "Brielle, please. You're shouting. It's nine in the morning. Most people don't run off liquid sunshine like you do." She bumped me with her shoulder.
"Sorry." I lowered my voice. I often didn't realize how loud I was until someone pointed it out. Then I noticed all of the eyes I'd drawn to us returning to their conversations.
"It's alright." She grabbed my hand. "But come on, the schedules should be in the office."
"Ellie!" John called out to me.
I beamed and shot my hand out to wave at him. "John! It's so good to see you!" I dropped Aria's hand and ran to hug him. He smelled like Old Spice and soap. John had blonde hair, a few shades darker than my golden and green eyes, a constantly glimmering emerald, so full of life.
That day, he was wearing a grey shirt and jeans. The shirt said 'Go Lions!' With a decal of a lion roaring printed on it. School pride, even on the first day. His passion was why I loved him. Hanging around his neck was a black cross necklace that he almost never took off.
"How are you? I haven't seen you since Bible camp!" The past few summers, I had gone with him for a two week religious retreat at the end of the July. Every Sunday I went with him and his parents to church as well as volunteering at least one Wednesday a month at the church's youth group. I loved those kids and they seemed to love me, except when I couldn't give them candy of course.
"I'm good, I've been really busy. Football camp, the food pantry, back to school shopping. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to call much."
"Oh! No, it's okay! I've been busy too. Cheer camp, pageants, I have one this weekend actually if you want to come. Plus, I could've seen you if I'd gone to church but Aunt Flow had other plans for me." God, did I really say that? "Anyways, I'm rambling. I do that a lot…"
John shook his head. "It's alright. I missed you, though."
I blushed, looking at the ground. "I missed you too."
Aria cleared her throat, breaking through the buzzing excitement the air around us seemed to be filled with. I had almost forgotten that she'd been there. John made me feel like I was in a world all our own. "Let's go get our schedules."
Before Aria could corral me away, John asked me, "Oh one more thing! My mom's been asking about you. Can you come over after school tonight, maybe stay for dinner?"
"Sure! Let me just check with my aunt!"
"Bye, John." Aria called, walking away without a response.
Reluctantly I followed her. "Bye John! I'll see you later!"
The day went on as any usual school day, catching up with friends, meeting my new teachers. The only difference was that I didn't have cheer. Cheer tryouts wouldn't be for another week or two. The school wanted everyone to adjust to their schedule before adding extracurriculars. Some of the eighth graders, including myself had been picked to tryout for cheer captain the day before the regular tryouts. So, even though I wasn't excited to have a break from cheer, it gave me an extra week to practice the routine Coach Reynolds taught us at cheer camp.
I was pretty much guaranteed a spot on the team but I was still nervous. Everyone else was incredibly talented and beautiful, even if I had made the school's cheer team the past two years and had been a cheerleader for a total of eight years. Cheerleading was my life. The only thing I loved more was my family, of course. I would be nowhere without them. Aria and Ariel had been by my side since day one.
After school, I got into Mrs. Kipp's car. "Hello, Mrs. Kipp! It's nice to see you!"
She smiled at me from the rear view mirror, "Hello, dear. It's nice to see you too. How was school?"
"School was great ma'am! All of my teachers seem really nice!"
"I'm glad to hear that. What about your day, Johnathan?"
John shrugged. "It was fine."
"Do you two have any classes together?"
"We have two! Health and Geometry." I answered, John was staring out the window. Was he okay? I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his mother but I made a mental note to ask him about it as soon as we were alone.
The ride to his house was silent except for the Christian radio Mrs. Kipp played. It was comforting in a way, but also stirred a buzzing like bees in my chest, questions stirring around right under the surface that I feared I would never have the answers to. So, I ignored them. If I smiled hard enough, they would go away on their own.
Mrs. Kipp parked in the driveway of the Kipp's townhouse, "Well I'll leave you two to it! I have to make dinner before Evan comes home." The way that she said Evan was unique. It was filled with happiness and excitement and love that I'd never seen in such a long relationship. I longed to feel that way about someone one day, or perhaps we'd both feel that way. Perhaps, if I was really lucky it would be with John.
The thought of someone smiling every time they said my name was nice but when I thought about John doing it it made me absolutely giddy. He was so handsome and sweet and smart. He loved his family and God and he loved me. I was so glad we were friends, but maybe we could be something more.
The past two years would've been completely different to him. He had changed my life for the better. I couldn't imagine life without him, I didn't want to. I'd ruin things if I let myself feel anything more for him.
John motioned with his head for me to follow him down to the basement, where his room was and so I did.
He sat on his bed, wiping his hands on his cargo shorts. "Do you-" his voice cracked and he coughed and started over, "Do you want to watch a movie?"
I furrowed my brows, "You're acting off."
"What? No I'm not!" His voice cracked again.
"Yes you are." I perched on the edge of the bed. "Come on John, it's me. Don't you think I know you better than that? We're the best of friends! Two peas in a pod! Compadres!"
He cracked a smile but it wasn't as bright as his usual. "Right. Friends." He sat on his hands, still not looking at me.
"Do you not… Do you not want to be friends anymore?" Tears welled in my eyes, as I cocked my head to the side.
"No! Ellie, I swear it's not that. I swear to God."
I nodded, "Then what is it?" I hugged my knees to my chest, settling in beside him.
"I like you."
I laughed a little. How silly. "I like you too! We're friends! Of course I like you!"
"No, Ellie. Not like that."
"Then how?" I was met with silence, like he was searching for the right words.
"Can I show you?"
I nodded, "Sure!"
He took my head in his hands. "What are you-" I couldn't get out the words before his lips were on mine. The kiss was over as quickly as it started, not enough time for me to kiss back.
My face felt hot, and I was grinning as wide as my face could stretch. "That was my first kiss."
"Oh Ellie I'm so-"
"Do it again."
"What?" He smiled, his shoulders relaxing.
"Kiss me again. Please. I really liked it."
He leaned in, this kiss was slow and passionate. Butterflies didn't flutter in my stomach, but my heart soared. This time, I kissed back.
"I'm glad you were my first kiss."
"I'm glad you were mine too."
We smiled at each other, just basking in the excitement of the moment.
"So, what are we?"
"Depends." He sat up taller, becoming the confident young man I knew him as. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" I squealed, and his smile went wider.
"You're adorable."
I giggled, "thank you."
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I shuddered. "Are you cold?"
"A little. Do you want to… maybe… watch a movie and cuddle?"
He handed me the remote, "Pick whatever you want, princess."
"Princess?" The world made the world seem even brighter.
"Do you like it?"
"I do."
"Well, as long as we're dating, you're my princess."
I smiled, "Very well then, my prince." We kissed again and I snuggled in his arms. I pulled his soft blue blanket around us before picking a movie.
Little did I know, that was the happiest that I would ever be.
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astheskyisblue · 2 years
Of Sunflowers and Rose Thorns
Chapter Three: Brielle's P.O.V.
Author's note: Hey! I'm sorry about missing last week. Here's chapter three.
Triggers: slight mention of sex (nothing explicit), domestic and parental abuse, more Eating disorder content
Aunt Meredith didn't look as mad as I thought she would. In fact, she didn't look mad at all. My pulse slowed and I smiled at her. She smiled back.
Mrs. Kipp seemed to be apologizing profusely for my mistake. "I'm so sorry, Meredith. I didn't know. If I'd known I would've had Brielle call you right away!"
Aunt Meredith took a step back, "That's alright. It's better that Brielle is here than out on the streets doing God knows what!"
I flinched at Aunt Meredith's pointed words. "Come here, sweetie! Did you have a good day at school? What classes do you have?"
"I did. I had too many to count. I'm sorry that I made you guys worry auntie."
She wrapped her arms around me. "It's alright, pumpkin. Don't do it ever again."
"I promise that I won't."
"Good. Come on, the others are waiting in the car."
"Alright." We walked out to the car together.
"Oh, Meredith! One more thing!" Mrs. Kipp called after her.
I got into the car to let the adults talk privately.
"Oh,boo. I thought that we had finally gotten rid of you for good." Ariel remarked with her signature eye roll when I sat down between her and Aria. I was the smallest so I always got stuck with the middle seat.
"Hey! That was meannnnn!" I whined.
Ariel shrugged and went back to texting someone on her phone. "I meant it to."
"Who are you texting?"
Ariel moved her phone away. "Mind your own business."
"Okay." I sat back in my chair and was quiet for a moment. "Did you make a new friend? What's highschool like? Is it different than middle school? Is it hard?"
"Why are you asking so many questions? Do you know how not to be annoying?"
"Why do you have to be so mean, Ariel? She's just excited to see you." Aria put in.
I was near tears again. "Gracie, please."
"I've told you to stop calling me that!"
Aria reached over me and snatched Ariel's phone out of her hands.
"What was that for?"
"Do you seriously have to ask? You're being a bitch."
"Well… one of you was an accident!"
I laughed. "How can a person be an accident?"
Ariel looked like she was about to say something else but looked at Aria and decided against it.
Aria glanced at the texts. "Who are you texting anyway? Reese's? Please. I'm going to puke."
"Shut up. Give that back." Ariel tried to get her phone back but Aria yanked it away.
"Fine. I'm sorry."
Aria handed the phone back and Ariel flipped her off. "Asshole!"
"Guys, guys! Will you please stop fighting? Aunt Meredith is coming!"
Aria and Ariel grumbled but leaned back in their seats and went back to texting on their phones.
Aunt Meredith fastened her seat belt and looked in the backseat to make sure that we'd done the same.
"I have some news! But I think that I should wait until we get home so that I can tell Uncle Christopher too…. Actually, I can't wait! I'm too excited! So, you all know, John, right? Who am I kidding, of course you know John. Silly me! I'm sorry! Welllllll, John is my boyfriend now!" I squealed.
"That's great, Brielle! I'm very proud of you. I'd give you the sex talk but we both know John won't be ready for a long time. You better not be ready either!"
She laughed and so I laughed along with her. I felt myself getting flustered. "I won't, Auntie."
Ariel nodded but barely looked up from her phone.
Aria pursed her lips. "Good for you."
My face fell. "Neither of you are happy for me. I can't believe it."
"When did we say that?"
"It's what you didn't say." I crossed my arms over my chest but uncrowded them because the seat belt was choking me.
"Of course they're happy for you. Aria, Ariel, aren't you happy for her? She'll be the first of the three of you to get married!"
"Mhm." Aria sighed.
"Sure." Ariel rolled her eyes.
I pouted. "Why aren't you happy for me?"
"A relationship isn't really a big deal." Aria shrugged, "Are you even mature enough to have one?"
"I am plenty mature!" I huffed.
"Sure you are." Aria patted my head and went back to scrolling through some app.
"We're the same age! If I'm not mature then you're not mature either!"
"I'm older than you, actually." Aria put her nose up in the air.
"By a minute!"
"Shut up. Both of you are literal fetuses."
Aunt Meredith gripped the steering wheel "Ariel Grace Roberts! We do not say shut up in this house!"
"We're not in the house, we're in the car."
"Don't be a smartass. You know what I meant."
"Do I? So, I'm not allowed to say shut up but you're allowed to say smartass? You're a fucking hypocrite."
Aunt Meredith slammed on the brakes and whipped around in her seat. "You know what, give me your phone."
"No!" Ariel hugged her phone to her chest.
Aunt Meredith snapped and slapped Ariel across the face so hard that the red imprint of her hand was left behind.
Aria stared out of the window like nothing had even happened.
Ariel's hazel eyes shone from tears and shock. Aunt Meredith looked shocked herself like she couldn't believe she did that. Maybe it would've believed she was shocked but it wasn't the first time she'd hit Ariel. It had just been the first time it had been hard enough to leave behind a mark.
Shocked silence made time stand still. The light turned green and cars behind us began a symphony of honks. "Well, I bet that you'll never do that again." Aunt Meredith straightened up and started to drive.
"Can I keep my phone?" Ariel asked. Aria snorted.
"Sure. We all tell Christppher that Aria hit her, do you understand?" Aria and I shared a look.
Aunt Mer raised her voice. "I said, do you understand?"
Ariel nodded meekly, her usual strong spirit stolen.
"Yes auntie." I looked at my lap. Whatever happiness that John's lips on mine had given me left. I felt empty. Trapped in the family and in the car.
Aunt Meredith parked the car into our driveway. The three of us couldn't wait to get out. Uncle Christopher waved at us and Bentley, the family dog wagged his tail so hard that it could be used as a propeller. He jumped on me and I scratched behind his ears.
"Hi babyyyy." He licked my cheek and when I giggled he started to lick all over my face. "I love you, I love you, I love you. Ooh! I love you, I love you, I love you. Yes I do. Yes I do!" I kissed his nose. "You're so adorable. Go say hi to Ariel."
Bentley jumped at Ariel, his tail was just a whir of brown air. Ariel scooped him up like he weighed nothing more than a chihuahua. Bentley weighed almost half as much as she did.
Uncle Christopher and Aunt Meredith shared a quick sweet kiss. He looked at her with so much love. It made me feel happy for them but I wondered if my parents had ever been like that. I'd never really gotten a chance to ask about my father. Any time that I brought the topic up, Auntie acted like I hadn't.
I knew vaguely of my mother from memories when I was a little girl. She looked like me, lively and kind. She smelled sweet like vanilla perfume. The perfume I used was the closest I had found to it. A cheap bottle from Claire's. The smell never lasted long. The last memory I had on her was her saying goodbye in a flash of red and blue. I hadn't seen her since. This was my life now. What a beautiful life to have. It had to be better this way.
"Come inside girls, I was about to start on a new S'mores cookies recipe. Do you want to help me with it?"
"Christopher, you know the rules. No dessert or junk food on pageant week."
"Oh come on Mer, one cookie isn't going to- what happened to her face? Ariel, come here." He hugged his daughter Hello. "What happened to your cheek?"
Ariel looked at her mother and gulped. "Aria and I got into a fight."
"Aria, we talked about this. You have to use your words when you're mad. Violence is just not the answer. That won't fly when you're an adult…"
"I know Uncle, I'm sorry."
"Alright… Ariel, let's get you some ice."
"I'm going to go lay down, it's been a long day. My cases didn't go very well. I lost out on money because the other lawyer decided to settle out of court."
"I'll bring you some dinner in a little." He kissed her cheek. "I love you."
"A glass of wine too." Aunt Meredith requested with a hug.
"She didn't say I love you back, did she?" Uncle Christopher asked, crestfallen.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "No, she didn't."
"Maybe she just forgot. That's okay. Let's make cookies."
"But Auntie said we weren't allowed to make cookies! We have a pageant this weekend! What if we look bloated?"
Uncle Christopher sighed, leading us into the kitchen. "Brielle, don't believe that… Mer can be a little too intense. It's good to care about your appearance but she takes it too far sometimes. Don't let her get to you. You are a beautiful girl, all three of you are. Brielle, you are the kindest soul I've ever met and always willing to help someone out. You're an amazing baker too. You cause magic in the kitchen. Ariel, you're confident and speak out for what you believe in. Sure, that can land you into trouble but it can also be what makes you stand out. It can make you a leader. Aria, you're a great listener and you're very smart. You put your heart and soul into your art, a true artist. See? You all are so so so deeply beautiful, inside and out. Don't forget that, please. Please don't forget that. I love you all so much."
"We love you too, Dad."
"Now, who wants to make cookies?" All four of our hands shot up. "Great! Brielle, get the eggs, butter and milk. Aria, flour and Pam. Ariel, chocolate, Nutella and marshmallows. I'll get the dishes and preheat the oven."
Once the ingredients were gathered, we all aproned up. Uncle Christopher in his pink and white, me in my white one covered with soft yellow flowers, Aria in a simple black one she'd splattered with paint, and Ariel with her purple one that was covered with black butterflies she'd ironed on herself.
We all helped each other tie ours and got to work on the cookies. In no time, all of us were laughing and singing along to Lover. I got to choose the music. The kitchen was a beautifully chaotic mess of flour, water, and butter.
Somehow, Nutella had splattered on the cupboard. Everything was bright and happy as I took the first bite of one of our creations. It was delicious! Gooey and sweet enough to make me wonder why I was so worried in the first place. Until, a dark fog rolled into the room. "Aunt Meredith!" I yelped and dropped my cookie.
"What are you guys doing? Why do I smell cookies? Christopher! I told you not to do that!" She smashed her wine glass against the wall and threw the tray of cookies onto the floor.
"Kids, go to your room." Uncle was staring down Auntie like a wild animal.
Aunt Meredith's eyes flashed with pure rage. "Yes, girls. Go to your rooms."
So we all scrambled out of the kitchen. They didn't stop fighting for hours.
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