#Brock Lesnar fic
itjazzbicch · 2 years
Welcome To The Rodeo
Pairing: Brock Lesnar x Fem Reader
Summary: Based off of The Man in The Beast:
The readers feelings towards Brock only get deeper while heading into Summerslam, realizing how Brock is right when it comes to the truth behind her business relationship with Roman and after seeing the aftermath of their match, Roman awakes the beast in the reader and she learns where she wants to be, with Brock..
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!)
Word Count: 2.9k
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks @rubyred1980
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With it being the night before Summerslam, my heart was racing all night. Roman wasn’t here so at least that I didn’t have to worry about that, but I did have to keep my eyes on Jimmy and Jey, and I also had to speak on behalf of Roman at the end of the night.
Why did it have to be at the end of the night? I was pacing around the entire show, no clue what I was even going to say after what happened with Brock.
By the time I had the ring, I was still confused, just winging it when I went on about their match, going to close with:
“Tomorrow night at Summerslam, the conclusion of this rivalry between our Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns and Brock-“
My heart fell out of me, almost like I announced him because his music hit so perfectly. Brock came out, fixing his cowboy hat, a smile on his face and wasted no time to make his way down to me.
No words, he just towered above me and smiled. His eyes said it all. He truly wasn’t my enemy and staring back into his eyes, I didn’t realize how I was panting, having to calm myself to speak.
“Brock, tomorrow night at Summerslam,” If I didn’t push Roman, there would be hell to pay, going to try to put out whatever kind of intimidation that I could, but someone had other plans.
What was it with people trying to use me?!
Theory had to have noticed just like everyone else how Brock tended to me after that nasty clothesline that I was dragged into. Now, being pushed into Brock so Theory could try to get a jump on him?
Unfortunately for him, things didn’t go to plan. Brock quickly shielded me away, putting me in the corner, eating every shot that Theory gave out.
It blew my mind that people were brave enough to step to this man. Brock was able to grab his wrist, whip around and clothesline his head off.
Hope Theory was ready for a ride because Brock took him straight to suplex city then took his MITB briefcase and beat him so hard with it that it began to bend.
I sat in the corner and watched with a dropped jaw. Roman was really gonna be in for it considering it was a last man standing match. I could never.
Thankfully, I was on his good side. Something in me wanted to run and hug him, but I couldn’t. The feelings were so confusing that it was almost making me cry.
Brock came back over with Theory basically dead, offering his hand, “You okay, darlin’?”
Standing up and nodding my head, Brock went over and sat on the ropes for me, the crowd roaring at my swerve, going in the other direction, saying only because the cameras were on:
“See you at Summerslam, Brock.”
I had to get out of there. Now. Needed to be alone, so I could collect my thoughts, but there was no avoiding what I just did, Brock finding me backstage:
“Hey, what was that all about?”
“You realize that we were on tv, right?” It was a challenge trying to hold back my sanity, panicking a little, “Roman is watching. Jimmy and Jey are around here somewhere, and I’m already in deep waters with them because of what happened with you that they saw. Let alone this.”
Brock was thinking for a moment, observing my panicking and how I began to pace again, bringing me to a stop when he took both my hands:
“Just listen to me for a second, alright?”
Nodding softly, I held those massive hands, listening and taking in his every word:
“Now, I know you’ve been managing Roman, but you’re still a wrestler. You are a damn good one. Instead of worrying and freaking out over Roman’s stupid, tribal chief, bullshit? Wake up that beast in you.”
Staring down at his finger, he pointed to my heart and looking back on the days when I did wrestle, he made me miss it so much. Remembering how beastly I actually was and to think that now, I was just Roman’s manager.
“That’s all the advice that I can give you,” Brock sighed, seeing the conflict I was having in my head.
All of the feelings were hard to fight, but when it came to knowing what was right and what was wrong? My whole partnership with Roman? It wasn’t right.
I couldn’t just let him walk away, having to jog some to catch up with him, “Brock?”
He had his eyes closed whenever he turned around, not expecting me to almost jump into his arms and hug him. Hugging him felt so right, made my heart calm, all the panic disappearing and when he hugged me back, his embrace so strong and warm, I couldn’t lie to him.
“I only said what I said because we were on the show, but just know something,” I said softly, a little nervous because of the leap I was going to take.
Brock had an idea in mind, smiling to me, “And what’s that?”
Holding his cheek in one hand and kissing the other, I tilted his hat up a little so I could smile into those blue eyes:
“I’m rooting for you tomorrow.”
His smile was so bright and cute, making it brighter when I pinched his cheek softly, kissing his cheek one more time:
“Just don’t get too banged up tomorrow okay? And thanks for keeping me safe out there.”
“Any time darlin,” He kissed my cheek back and I was melting with his arm around my hip, still keeping me in a hug, tilting his hat back down and winking, “And don’t you worry about me. I got this.”
Like last time, he left with a kiss on my hand, my heart racing but in a good way for a change. Excited for Summerslam because whether if Brock won or loss, it was my time to put my foot down, do something that I could never do with Roman, and that’s do what I wanted.
Things were never going to be the same after tonight. Like any of Roman’s matches, I went out with him and things were already strange.
He was so strangely nice to me that whole night and I played along being in front of a crowd, but when Brock came out, so did all of my emotions.
I’m sure I was like everyone else, eyes about popping out of my head when Brock drove a TRACTOR over to the ring. It was MASSIVE, looking up high to see him standing at the top and he smiled right at me.
That was my cue to get the hell out of there, the moment I stepped out, Brock jumped right off the top of it and hell formed on earth.
I stayed hidden because my god, they were beating the ever living shit out of each other, everywhere, really sending me into a deep shock when Brock got into the tractor, lifting the ring completely while Roman was inside of it!
How they kept getting up after all of this? I had no clue. Roman was in danger and of course, out came Jimmy and Jey.
There was nothing that I could do, not like I’d make any difference anyhow. I was nearly in tears watching Brock getting buried under pieces of the announce desk, whatever they could find around them, Roman standing on top of it.
Hearing Brock yelling in pain had me shaking. As much as I hated seeing Roman winning, I was glad that it was over.
“Alright, Roman. That’s enough!” I quickly rushed over, medical personnel going to help Brock, but Roman stood still and smiled down at me.
“What’s the rush?” He glared, squatting down to stare deeper into my eyes, “Want me to get off your cowboy?”
Roman knew. Frozen in place, I couldn’t think of anything to say, Roman revealing exactly how I felt about Brock:
“Wanna fall in love all of a sudden because he tried being some knight in shining armor? You thought that I wouldn’t find out, Y/N?”
It would have never happened in the first place if Roman didn’t pull me into his clothesline, but it was a blessing in disguise. Brock was a change for me and a good one. Remembering what he told me on Friday. Feeling that beast in me awaken with every word Roman spoke, especially when he stood up tall yelling at me:
“I’m your Tribal-“
Without realizing it, I snapped. The crowd popped so loud when I swept his feet from under him, Jimmy and Jey so shocked that they couldn’t move, fury in my yelling:
“You’re nothing but a tribal bitch!”
I didn’t realize that Brock was emerging behind me because I was so busy popping off. Roman couldn’t hide the damage he took from that match and feeling more from that hard fall I caused, standing over him and yelling at him more:
“I’m so sick of you! I’m fucking done!”
“Y/N,” Brock was trying to make it to his feet and I meant it when I said that I was done with Roman, seeing Brock so beat up like this and the anger from Roman on top of it made all the tears spill out, rushing over to him:
“Are you okay, Brock?”
I knew that he was tough, but it was still so hard on me, concerned that he was hurt, all eyes on us when he slowly made it to his feet, throwing his arm over my shoulder to help him stand when he panted:
“I’m okay.”
“Brock, you don’t have to hide it because I’m here,” i sniffled, silencing when he stood up straight as best he could, holding the side of my face, smiling through the pain:
“I’m okay, baby girl.”
Roman was already making his exit, all the way up the ramp, but his eyes were still on us, on the giant screens and showing Brock kissing me.
His kiss turned my sad, frustrated tears into happy ones, kissing back softly and trying to hold him up as best I could, feeling him shaking slightly, kissing his cheek and wiping my eye:
“You took care of me. Now, I’m taking care of you. Even if you are okay, I’m still making sure.”
“Alright, baby girl. I will for you.”
For someone who was a true beast, he was the sweetest to me and he must’ve been made of steel or something because miraculously, he had no injuries.
There was already a smile on my face when he found his cowboy hat, raising it up to the fans and standing tall on his own, then making me smile by putting it on me.
Heading to the back, I wanted to keep the night easier for him, being serious when I saw some footage of him with the tractor and saying as we headed into the locker room:
“I think that was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen someone do during a match.”
“You liked that?” He laughed, showing he had the time of his life causing the chaos he did with it.
“I know that things didn’t really go according to plan, but I had a ball watching you whip his ass like that,” I chuckled; Brock may have lost, but he sure gave Roman the fight of his life, smiling as he brought up:
“You made me proud out there.”
I only looked at him, letting him take the seat and bit of relaxation that he needed, that smile growing with heat in my cheeks when he pulled me into his lap, smiling:
“You finally woke up that beast in you.”
“That match was so hard to watch,” I hated that reliving it made me cry, letting out, “He just pissed me off so much and I couldn’t stand it anymore.”
“No crying now,” His thumb wiped away my few tears, having to reassure again, “I am just fine. Roman may have won the match, but I’m the real winner, tonight.”
I met his gaze to see what he meant, being pulled in for a soft kiss. Just one soft touch made me feel content, not worrying anymore and only returning the tenderness of our lips, hiding my face under his hat that I was still wearing when he pulled me over to straddle him.
“Brock, you just wrestled a hell like match. You don’t have to do this because I’m being a big baby,” The heat in my cheeks was growing, giggling whenever he thrusted his hip up:
“Afraid to go for a ride?”
“Afraid?” Tilting the hat up, I cocked my eyebrow and teased, “I see that your proving how much you can handle.”
“More than you know,” Neither of us wanted to worry about everything just happened, another thrust of his hips sending up to his chest for another kiss:
“I agree that you’re the real winner tonight and so?”
He couldn’t stop smiling when I stood up, giving him a little show as I stripped, keeping his hat on, smirking at the sight of his cock erect against his shorts and winking to him:
“Wanna go for a rodeo that’s even better?”
“Hell yeah,” He quickly kicked off his shorts and boxers, taking my hand and pulling me back on his lap. Taking my time, I picked up my hips, squealing a little at the slap on ass, his hand grabbing at it, showing his low amount of patience and that he was ready to go.
"Better be careful getting me rowdy," I warned, raising up on my knees.
Holding the base of his shaft, I noticed his eyes looking down, then he picked up his hips, sliding right into me. With a bounce, I made his hips fall to the couch, sitting down on all of him.
"Only gonna make me to do it more,” He smirked, delivering another spank before holding onto my hips.
A string of swear words, a few praises, fell from his lips as I wound my hips onto him, giving myself some more pleasure, just to mess with his a little..
"You still thinking I’m too worn down?” He murmured, throwing up his hips hard and earning a sharp gasp from me:
“Oh my god, Brock.”
Nodding his head and loving my reactions, he placed both hands on my breasts, keeping those same thrusts, only quicker:
“Think I’m still worn down now?”
His chuckling fired me up more, holding his face and kissing hard with my tongue:
“No, but I’m fresher than you are.”
I completely went off and established a rhythm, bouncing down onto his cock hard, making sure he was buried deep as I crashed down. That's when I still realized, it was becoming hard to hold myself together.
After so much, my body fell to his chest,, holding onto his shoulders as I slowed down a bit, still rolling my hips and whining out his name.
"Don't give up on me now,"He encouraged with some kisses, leaving some bite down my neck.
“God, you’re just so much, Brock,” I groaned softly as I felt the slight buckle of my hips, could feel all of the intensity in his shoulders, then his whole body became electric and he picked me up by the hips, slamming up into me over and over.
"Brock, fuck!" I cried, my nails digging into his shoulders as my orgasm was edging closer.
Jolting pleasure shot up through my whole body with each hit, his name falling from my lips more and more, my head becoming dizzy from he was so deep, fucking me thoroughly and sensitizing ever spot in me. My walls began to clamp around him eagerly and tightly. He knew that I was ready and he wanted it.
I was beginning to fall off of the edge, hips fell back to the couch, my back arching and somehow, he slid in even deeper, getting every sweet spot in me. With that, my body was filled with a steaming heat.
"Brock! Brock-" I cried frantically, moaning like crazy at squelching slick around his cock that was still taking me.
"Damn, baby girl-“ He huffed out, hugging my torso, kissing and exchanging soft groans and rumbles with me.
Even though my walls clamped and it felt like I couldn't move, I kissed him back, grinding my hips onto him, again, pushing down to meet his base again, my walls clenching, creating a beyond frictional, tight grip, and a deep rumble in his chest breaking out kiss.
Tossing his hat to the empty space next to us, head dropping to his chest and shaking slight with a dropped jaw at his heat shooting straight into me, sweating a little from the heat trapped inside of me:
“What are you made out of? I’m so serious?”
“Raw power, baby,” His laugh was everything, raising his arms up and flexing them, seeing how despite that crazy match, he wasn’t letting it bring him down, smiling up at him:
“No one on this earth is like you Brock, and I love that.”
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randyortonofficial · 1 year
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cupidsfaerie · 11 months
good luck charm ✧.* | cody rhodes x reader
cody rhodes x fem! reader
summary: brock flirts with reader, leading to cody's jealousy. in the end, reader is cody's good luck charm to getting the beast down. ·˚ ༘
genre: fluff + implied smut ·˚ ༘
a/n: cody has had me in a slight chokehold lately, so here's a fic for you guys who have been in the same boat <3
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mondays were always the longest day of the week. the start of a fresh new week, but also having to be at work for monday night raw was always something you had to get used to, no matter how long you had worked for wwe. you were currently in the locker room that you shared with your boyfriend, cody rhodes, as you watched him prepare to go out to the ring and cut a promo.
"how does this look, babe?" he questioned, as he finished putting on his suit jacket. you looked up at him, softly biting your lip, "so good, i feel like you know what you do to me when you look this good every week." you said, as you wrapped your arms around him. "maybe i do, i just like hearing it." he said, as he pulled you in for a kiss.
you heard a knock at the door, followed by the crew calling for cody. "you're up next cody!" you smiled softly, as you heard cody respond with, "on it!"
"duty calls. you got this, baby. i know brock keeps coming and attacking you, but i know you're strong enough to take him. i have to get ready for my match now, but i'll be keeping my eye on you." you added, kissing his cheek softly.
"thank you, babe. good luck tonight. i love you." he said, kissing you one more time. "thank you, baby. now go out there and make brock pay!" you said, chuckling.
once cody had left, you started to get changed into your attire, but still never taking your eyes off of the screen. something about your boyfriend had always put you into a trance. the suits he wore, the confidence he had when he spoke. you truly were lucky, and you knew it too. you softly gasped, as you watched the screen, seeing brock lesnar come and attack cody from behind, starting to beat him down.
you knew cody would be able to handle himself, but he was already injured. thinking quickly, you tied your boots quickly, and went out to the gorilla. fans knew you and cody were together, and everyone looked at you two as a power couple. you looked over to see triple h and stephanie mcmahon, one of the greatest wrestling power couples to exist, give you a nod of approval. once you got the approval, the sound crew knew to hit your music, as you ran out to do your best to save him.
the crowd roared at the sound of your music, yes chants flowing, and the commentators went insane. you came with no game plan, just a lot of hope. as you slid into the ring, you looked up at brock lesnar, gulping. you knew that as strong and powerful as brock was, he would not do anything to hurt you specifically. so you did what you knew would be your best option, you hit him with the best slap you possibly could.
brock's head turned at the slap, but he let it off with a laugh. "aww, what's the matter, sweetie? i attacked your boyfriend? why don't you get yourself a real man?" he said, laughing, as he started to grab you by your waist.
before brock could do anything more, you watched cody hit him from behind. you slid out of the ring, as you watched cody finish him off with a cross rhodes, before him ending him off by yelling, "don't ever touch her again!" once brock was finally laid out, cody found you and slid out of the ring, pulling you into his side. "thank you, baby. but, please be careful." he said, whispering into your ear, followed by you nodding, and following him backstage.
once you were backstage, cody pulled you into a hug. "god, i almost killed him once i saw him flirting with you, y/n." he said, followed by a slight chuckle. "i really need you to be careful, i don't want brock, or me to be the reason anything bad happens to you." he said, sighing. you smiled, and pulled him into a hug. "baby, you're forgetting that i do this for a living too. i know brock is scary, but i would do anything to make sure you're okay too. if it wasn't for the slight distraction, you might not have gotten him as good as you did." you said, as you pulled him out of the hug. he nodded, and you heard your name called before he could respond.
"y/n! your match is next." you nodded, as you saw your opponent, bayley making her way to the gorilla. cody smiled, and looked down at you. "hey, you're gonna kill it out there. you always do. thank you, for always being my good luck charm." he said, planting a kiss on your lips. "thank you baby, you're my good luck charm. every single day." you replied. "ooh! what do i get if i win tonight?" you questioned, jokingly. cody smiled, and placed your hair behind your ear, before whispering into your ear, "you'll just have to wait and see, now won't you." he said, teasingly, before running his hand up your back softly, and planting a kiss on your cheek. "make me proud, baby." he said, slapping your ass softly.
the end.
hi everyone!! this one was so much fun to write. please let me know if you would like a part two, or leave any requests you have for me. thank you all, and let me know what you think!
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bluestarzi · 3 months
Hi! I'm Bluey
You can submit a request/prompt for me to write about here, and if I like the prompt enough I'll write a full fic on ao3!! (ao3)
Things I'll write about:
• age regression
• judgment day (Rhea, Finn, Damian, Dom)
• kink (nothing too extreme)
Things I won't write:
• incest
• rape/non con
• drinking and driving (for personal trauma reasons)
• brock lesnar, vince mcmahon
• x-reader (sorry i just don't like these ones)
• y/n (again, i just don't like these)
My main pairings are:
• damian x dominik
• rhea x liv
• rhea x damian x dominik
Would anyone like a headcanons post?
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cowboywritersworld · 4 months
Fan fiction requests
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• I write for All Elite Wrestling and WWE. Can add wrestlers from NJPW as well.
• I DO NOT write for: Cm Punk, The Miz, Matt Riddle, Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Brock Lesnar.
• Don't want to write only smut, so other type of prompts are welcomed as well.
• If I write smut, only 18+ are allowed to read it
• Might take a bit to post a request, but don't lose hope.
• The fics will be all xreader!
Credits for the dividers to @hitobaby
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hobisstar · 2 years
Baby Why do you make it hard? |Roman Reigns x Reader
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This is a part 2 FINALLY of the Roman, Brock, and WrestleMania fic. I’m gonna be completely honest here, I have no idea how this is gonna go. I write what I feel. Lately I haven’t had to energy to write smut for Roman. So this won’t be a smut and it probably wont be any smut for Roman any time soon. Anyways, Happy Pride Month and Enjoy!
Short but sweet!
Romans family will be mentioned in this! No! He didn’t not CHEAT alright? Don’t make him out to be THAT type of bad guy please🤧. Y/N wasn’t around Ro with the 2 sets of twins were born. I’m this story she was around after JoJo (his daughter) was born. DISCLAIMER: I’m not say Galina is a bad mother, nor wife, Im very much aware of her existence. in this story this story she and Roman is not married nor together. Thank you
“Where is She?! Paul don’t tell me no bull shit you understand?”
“My tribal Chief she went out with Brock this morning… She told me not to tell you. I’m so sorry.” Paul cried on his knees. At this point pleading for him to not be angry or reck anything else in the hotel room.
“We have our flight in 2 hours and she’s not here? Why does she have to be so difficult.” Roman walked to the door and as soon as he was about to open it, Y/N walked it.
“Where the hell have you been? You where with that fake ass cowboy werent you?”
“Hold now Ro, I can explain. He offered me breakfast and I agreed. Just because I’m with you doesn’t mean I can’t hang out with him. Plus we haven’t even made it official.” She replied looking at him seeing the anger.
Yeah, they haven’t made it officially I mean she realizes that she really doesn’t want to leave her best friend for Roman again. She has to make room for both and if not dating Roman just yet will help it, so be it.
He insisted that they try before she gave up on their love, though she already had her mind set. I mean they were going to have to travel together, could the sparks zap again?
He was willing to try anything. I mean she helped him take care of his children when they aren’t with their mom.
They had it all, Why didn’t she just want to stay with him? Well, To Y/N Brock’s feeling mattered too.
After WrestleMania
“ I… Wasn’t expecting myself to loose ,Y/N. I’m sorry I even put you in that situation now you are stuck with that ass hat. “ Brock sighed sitting on the couch.
“ Lesnar, We’ve been best friends since UFC. I’m not letting this stop our friendship.” She sat across from him.
“I’m gonna be gone for awhile after this ya know? At the farm? I really wish you could help me..”
You would think Brock was a prick, but he is a the biggest baby when it comes to Y/N. He’s a grizzly bear that will fight for his family and friends. He’s a softy.
“I know I know but I promise I’ll visit you on my breaks. Plus Roman wont need me anyways. He has his people to do mostly everything im just eye candy.” She assured.
“ You are more than just eye candy Y/N you know that.”
“Yeah well so not everyone thinks that.”
“ I think it time you tell Brock, My tribal Chief.” Paul started. “Tell him the truth that happened in your shield days.”
“About me and y/n? Wise man, I promised not to tell him.” He raised his eyebrows looking at Haymen.
“I think he deserves to know My tribal chief”
He turned to Paul “ Why do you say that?”
“What if she doesn’t choose you? What if she chooses him?” Paul stated looking at Roman then the USOs.
“Personal big Uce, I see where Paul E. is coming from but come on Uce, You promised her you wouldn’t tell him.” Jey said.
While they were talking A wild Brock storms into the lockerroom. “You! You dated MY Y/N and made her choose?! So your telling me you ARE the reason she was distant all those years ago!” He was heated.
“Who told you?” Was all Roman could say. I mean a lot of weight was off his chest and shoulders.
“That doesn’t matter. How dare you of all people make her choose.” He stepped closer.
“ you come anywhere near her again I will send your ass to a hospital you understand?” Brock didn’t wait for an answer he just stormed out. Irritated from the truth.
To be continued…
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
Poppin The Question- Ch.5/10 (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins
Summary: Got nothin' to say about this chapter, lmao. Enjoy and leave comments if you did (or didn't). I think this was quite literally my very first WWE fic. Wow!
Tags: 18+, M/M, smut, fluff, angst, angst with a happy ending, hair-pulling, hair kink, daddy kink, name-calling.
Word Count: 17,916
(Prev. Chapter)
A few months later, the boys and the rest of the RAW roster were gearing up for WrestleMania.
And Roman, being the winner of that year's Royal Rumble, was both annoyed and excited that he once again was going up against Vince's first-born golden child, Brock Lesnar.
The fans were also pretty excited at the prospect of having a new and fighting champion as well.
It had been 5 months to be exact.
And it had been just as long since that night in the woods.
Roman, Seth and Jon never talked about that night.
The boys themselves were on good terms, however.
They were talking, joking and just being best friends again.
But no matter how much he tried, Roman just couldn't shake the guilt that he's felt all this time.
He knew Jon was right.
He knew he had every right to move on with his life, and to have fun again.
After all, it was Alexis who ended it.
But...there was something else he wasn't telling the boys.
While Roman was an alpha he had a bit of a submissive streak.
Even the fans picked up on it sometimes while he was doing something as innocent as sparring against someone, or even interacting with his boys.
And while Alexis started off being supportive and tried to indulge him whenever she could, it ended up taking a huge toll on their marriage.
She never belittled him for it, though.
She never made him feel less than because he was an alpha who just so happened to enjoy being cuddled, fucked and told he was good after a hard day's work.
Or that he did his best, and that that was enough.
But she just wasn't satisfied and Roman didn't fault her for ending things.
Alexis knew he swung both ways.
And she knew that he found both Seth and Jon attractive, and she was okay with that.
She trusted him and she knew he wouldn't fool around with anyone outside of their marriage, much less with people so close to them both.
Some people would view their past relationship as a little more than unconventional, but Roman appreciated how open and accepting she was when it came to who he was, at least in that regard.
And he appreciated being able to talk to her about that kinda thing.
But he just couldn't stop thinking about the whole encounter.
And after tonight, unbeknownst to Roman, he was going to be feeling way worse and confused.
Roman was deep in his thoughts when Jon found him and slung his arm over his shoulder.
''How's it goin', champ?'' Jon drawled with a smirk.
Roman couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he locked eyes with Jon.
''Hol' up now. I'm not champ just yet, babe.'' Roman laughed, only to get a playful eye roll in response.
''Don't roll your eyes at me, Mox.'' Roman growled equally as playful.
Both men started aggressively rolling on the ground, their bared canines snapping until Seth, overhearing the conversation, found them and cut in with a laugh.
''Alright, enough you two. You got this in the bag, Big Guy.'' Seth remarked as he joined the duo and sat on the bench that the pair once occupied.
Roman ducked his head a little at the compliment as he and Jon dusted themselves off and got up off the floor, and he shot both men a grateful grin.
''We'll see.'' He conceded.
Jon gave Roman a gentle and affectionate head butt and chuckled, ridiculously endeared.
''So modest.'' Ruffling Romans wet hair, Jon joined Seth on the bench.
''I just wish I didn't have to do this shit all over again with Brock, man...'' Roman flashed them an irritated look as he took a generous swig from his near frozen water bottle.
Both Jon and Seth understood where Roman was coming from.
They couldn't count how many times they were shoved into the same boring feuds with the same people every week without any real payoff.
But they felt especially bad for Roman because Brock was nowhere near a deserving opponent.
''I know, bro.'' Seth said, his tone full of sympathy.
Leaning against Seth, Jon eyed Roman's tense back.
''Tonight's your lucky night, Uce. I can feel it.''
Roman dumped his now empty water bottle in the trash bin and ran his fingers through his hair.
''Let's just hope it's a decent match at least.'' Roman sighed, leaving Jon and Seth alone with their thoughts as Roman got called for his match.
----- The match that night left Roman both exhausted-emotionally and physically, but also absolutely elated.
Finally, he was Universal Champion.
Finally, they no longer had to deal with Brock...well, that was until the powers that be decided otherwise.
Still, all Roman wanted to do was go to the hotel and sleep the night off.
But Jon and Seth had other plans.
''Congrats, Big Dog.'' Seth smiled at the exhausted man.
''Thank you, thank you.'' Roman smiled back tiredly, adjusting the title up over his shoulder.
Roman laughed a little painfully as he felt Jon plaster himself onto Roman's aching back.
''We goin' out to celebrate?'' Jon bounced excitedly against Roman's back making him laugh again.
But his brow furrowed when he felt more than heard Roman's tired sigh.
''We are gonna celebrate..aren't we?'' Jon raised a ginger brow as Roman shrugged, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the mere thought of going anywhere except to his hotel room for the night.
''...Fine. You're the champ, so you decide how we celebrate.'' Jon conceded.
Roman sighed once again, this time in fond exasperation.
''I honestly just wanna sleep, man... Maybe we can do something tomorrow night after RAW...?'' Roman offered, but Jon was having none of it.
''Cmon, man- look, tell ya what. Why don't we crash together- like old times! Huh? Crack open a beer or two...or three?'' Jon laughed, the two men joining in.
Slinging his arm around Roman, Jon ruffled his dark hair, smiling encouragingly.
Roman reluctantly nodded, smiling fondly at the small yip released by the ginger.
----- Not even 2 hours later Roman, Seth and Jon piled up in bed to sleep after knocking back a couple beers.
Well, all except Roman.
With all his exhaustion, Roman couldn't for the life of him get some sleep.
Getting up groggily to stretch out his limbs, Roman ran his fingers through his thick black hair, and after he sluggishly walked toward the bathroom to relieve his full bladder, he strode over to the door to leave their shared room.
Where he was going, Roman didn't know.
But he just needed to get out of that room and gather his thoughts.
But his actions were interrupted by a sleepy voice coming from the bed behind him.
''Going somewhere, Ro?'' Jon asked gruffly.
His eyes peered curiously up at Roman from where he rested against Seth's stomach.
''Yeah. Going for a run maybe, I dunno.'' Roman shrugged, still facing the door.
''Thought you were exhausted.''
Roman groaned irritably as he caught Jon’s suspicious and borderline icy tone, and he rolled his eyes before he turned around to face the ginger.
''I'll be back, alright? Relax.'' He replied, raising his voice an octave, causing Seth's body to give a small jolt even in his deep beer-induced slumber.
Roman bristled with jealousy as he watched Jon run his fingers through Seth's curls soothingly.
He wasn't jealous of Seth, really...
He wasn't.
And the last thing he wanted was for them to go back to square one but, he just didn't know how to voice his thoughts and fears to either of his friends.
He was their pack leader.
The strong one.
The one they turned to when they needed to.
The one who kept them in check, kept them in line.
He knew they trusted him with their lives and vice versa, but he just couldn't trust them this time.
Not with this.
Not when his brain was constantly muddled with these conflicting feelings since that night in the woods- hell, ever since he could remember.
''What the hell's your problem, man?'' Jon whispered harshly, not wanting to disturb Seth again.
''Aren't I supposed to be the bratty one of this group? What's your deal?'' Jon finally stood up and he crossed his arms over his chest.
Roman scoffed dryly, shrugging his shoulders.
''That's just it, isn't it?'' He remarked.
Roman's hands played with the drawstring of his sweatpants simply for something to do.
As he looked down at his pants, he didn't see Jon’s brow furrow in confusion.
''What are you talkin about, Ro?'' Jon exclaimed.
His frustrations were beginning to escalate.
''Just forget it, Jon.'' Roman sighed, shaking his head and not wanting to get into this.
He got the shock of his life when he was met with Jon’s furious blue eyes and his hand firmly gripped Roman's chin.
Roman shrugged the hand off roughly, snarling softly under his breath.
''No. I will not forget it, Roman.'' Jon growled.
''Jon, I'm warning y-'' Roman started, only for Jon to interrupt.
''Oh, we're startin' that ''my dick is bigger than yours'' alpha bullshit again, are we?''
Seth woke up alarmed to see Roman and Jon scuffling on the ground for the second time that day, only this time the growls and snarls he heard coming from them were anything but playful.
He stood up and immediately pulled both men apart.
''Are we really doing this again?'' Seth looked between Roman and Jon who were glaring daggers at one another.
This wasn't exactly how he planned to spend the evening after having a few drinks with his boys and some much-needed RnR.
He shoved Jon back when he lunged for Roman again, clearly fired up for whatever reason unknown to Seth.
''Okay. Both of you, calm down! Jeez...what happened now?'' Seth continued to glance between them, waiting for an explanation, when Jon finally exploded.
''He's doin it again, man!'' Jon pointed at Roman in an accusatory tone to which Roman responded with a glare of his own.
''Seriously, dude? You are such a child, dawg!'' Roman sneered.
Then he moved toward the door again and rested his forehead against it when he was stopped once again, this time by Seth's hand on his shoulder.
His eyes flashed angrily when Jon spat his next words, more so speaking at Roman than to him.
''I'm a fuckin child for wantin to know if you're okay? For wantin to fuckin help you!?'' Jon bellowed, shrugging off Seth's calming hand as it came to rest on the back of his neck in the placating way the three of them always did when either one was stressed or fired up.
'''Hey.'' Seth said.
''Lower your voices, guys. We don't want security coming.''
''Fuck that!'' Jon roared, being shushed loudly by Seth as a result.
''No! I'm sick o' his shit! We're your best friends! Your pack! It's our job to know if somethin's wrong, you prick!'' Jon spat again.
However, Roman didn't take the bait.
Instead, he gave Seth a dry look.
''I honestly don't know how I dealt with his ass when we got split up.''
Seth blinked at that.
He was more than a little shocked by Roman's comment and he felt Jon flinch slightly due to their close proximity.
Seth watched as Jon then just quietly moved toward the bed, hooking one ankle over the other once he laid down.
Jon didn't look at either of them.
Seth couldn't even begin to understand what was going on with Roman.
He never spoke this way to anyone, ever- much less to Jon- unless they genuinely deserved it.
''Dude, what is up with you-'' Seth clamped his mouth shut when Roman flashed his now bright yellow and angry eyes at him, the wild look in them started to make Seth nervous.
They stayed that way until Roman caught sight of the wounded look on Jon’s face that the ginger quickly tried to hide.
''Babe...I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean that...'' Roman slid into the spot on the bed next to Jon and he ran one of his large hands smoothly over the other man's buzzed cut head, biting back a sigh of disappointment when he was met with no response.
He tried to hold Jon’s face only to be shoved away.
''Nah. Don't worry bout it, Ro..'' Jon shrugged, feigning a nonchalant attitude.
''Just go. You're right, you don't owe me nothin'.'' Jon shrugged again.
''It's cool.''
''.....Can I show you guys something?'' Roman asked shyly.
His palms began to sweat.
He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he knew he had to.
He wasn't gonna lose them again out of fear.
Or out of shame.
He was going to be honest with them like they deserved, no matter the outcome.
He had to trust in them.
He did trust them.
Roman nervously reached for his phone that he had placed on the bedside table.
''We've seen it already, Ro. 'Member?'' Jon quipped like a smart ass, unable to help himself.
''Don't be a dick, Mox.'' Roman replied.
Jon was about to make another smart-assed comment, until he noticed the slight tremble in Roman's hands.
''Okay, I'm sorry.'' He made his point by affectionately squeezing the back of Roman's neck.
He and Seth watched as Roman fiddled with his phone, until he pulled up a video.
And on that video, a well-built man- about Roman's size, give or take- laid at another equally well-built man's feet.
Roman didn't dare look either Seth nor Jon in the eye.
And he didn't know if their silence was something he was grateful for or not.
''Rome...'' Seth started to speak but he cut himself off when the man on the video motioned for the black-haired man on the ground to unbuckle his top's jeans.
Once the man's cock was exposed, the black-haired man took the shaft into his hand, and he gave the head a few small kitten-like licks and he stroked it slowly as his top showered him with praise.
Before the video could go on, Roman shut it off and tossed his phone onto the bed as if it were a ticking time bomb. '
'This was a mistake...'' Roman said in a quivering voice.
He strode over to the door, ready to bolt again.
''C'mon, man. Stop running.'' Jon implored, his tone void of the malice and anger from earlier.
All that was left was frustration and sadness.
Roman held the knob in his hand so tight that Jon had to pry his fingers off of it.
He sighed in defeat, and followed Jon to the bed with Seth sitting to his left.
''Get on your knees, Ro.'' Jon was the one to fill the silence as it began to consume the room.
He gave Roman an expectant look and it was returned with a blank expression from the Samoan.
Jon rolled his eyes at Roman's hesitance.
''Cmon, Ro. I need my cock sucked and you need to be told you're a good boy.'' Jon replied casually, not missing the sharp intake of breath from Roman.
''I-I don't think so, man...'' Roman stuttered.
Jon leaned forward with his elbows resting against his knees.
''So, what? You're just gonna keep it all bottled up inside and keep bein' a dick to us instead?''
''Oh, because you're such an expert at sharing your feelings,'' Roman snapped.
But Jon was unbothered because he knew Roman was just lashing out at him out of pure fear and nervousness.
Instead, Jon rubbed a hand down his own face, and he tried to calm Roman down.
''You'd do this for me, right?''
''Thanks, but I don't need the charity.'' Roman scoffed as he rolled his neck slowly when Jon let out a loud groan.
'Dude, it's not charity!'' Jon was going to go on but instead, he pulled Roman into a heated kiss, taking advantage of Roman's surprised gasp to expertly lick into the man's mouth.
Then he pulled away, panting hard and his mouth glistening.
''Look, I think we've all established that we're attracted to each other. Right? Cool. So, what's the problem? Let us do this for you, man!'' Jon nudged him encouragingly, but Roman still didn't look convinced.
Rather than press him, Jon beckoned Seth in front of him.
''...Okay then. Get on your knees, Seth.'' Jon commanded and he smiled when Seth got on his knees in front of him without objections, to Roman's utter shock.
''Good boy.''
And with that, Jon stood up to unbuckle his jeans, batting Seth's impatient hands away with a mild scowl.
''Did I say you could touch?'' He asked firmly, even though Seth's eagerness made his cock stir in his jeans, and Roman wasn't too far behind.
The latter of the three grabbed one of the pillows on the bed and he laid it across his lap over his raging erection as he watched his two best friends.
''Did I say you could touch?'' Jon asked again, punctuating his words with a firm tug to Seth's curls until Seth responded.
''I-I'm sorry, Sir...'' Seth whimpered, sighing when Jon loosened his grip, and he ran his blunt fingernails over Seth's scalp in silent praise.
Seth watched patiently as Jon continued to remove his own clothes.
Once that was done, Jon motioned to Seth's clothes, and he gave him a single command.
''Off. Now.''
''Yes, Si-'' Seth went to respond before being cut off by Roman's soft rumbling voice.
''Can I do it?'' Roman asked as he looked Seth straight in the eye hungrily, making the raven-haired man smirk.
''What?'' Jon raised a brow as he watched Roman's aroused yet still tentative features carefully.
He laid on his side and cupped Roman's chin to make Roman look at him.
''You wanna undress 'im?''
Roman nodded jerkily and he cleared his throat to respond properly.
''Yes, Sir.”
Roman sighed once those two words came out of his mouth.
The words felt so right as he said them.
He practically purred in delight when this time his scalp was scratched lightly by Jon, who nodded his approval.
''Okay. Go 'head.''
Jon sat back and watched Roman undress Seth, while giving his own cock a few firm tugs.
Eyeing Roman intently, he knew the man was nervous.
Almost like he was measuring his movements, expecting Jon to correct him at any second.
In an attempt to soothe Roman's nerves, Jon sat up and kissed a patch of skin on Roman's shoulder that was peeking from his tank top.
''It's okay, Ro. Seth knows what I expect of him. You don't. Let's just relax and have some fun, alright? It's just us.''
Kissing that spot on Roman's shoulder again, he stayed sitting at the edge of the bed, and he flashed Seth a dimply and devilish smirk when they both could tell that Roman was starting to relax.
Undressing Seth in record time, Roman sank back down to his knees and took Seth's cock into his large hand and smiled up at him with a wicked glint in his eye before he gave the head a long swipe of his tongue.
''Fuck...'' Seth gasped, smirking down at Roman through hazy eyes.
Roman returned the smile and he began to breathe through his nose to Seth further down his throat, making him and Jon groan.
Jon’s hand began to pump his cock faster, growing impossibly harder as Roman pulled his mouth away from Seth's cock to ask, ''You missed my mouth on you, Seth?'' Roman asked with a seductive smirk.
Roman's full lips glistened sinfully with spit and precum as he looked into Seth's chocolate brown eyes that began to shine with pleasure.
All Seth could do was release a deep, guttural groan and he nodded enthusiastically as Roman's mouth sank down onto him once again.
Resting his head against the sheets, Seth turned his head, and he aimed that same lustful smirk at Jon who watched the scene intently.
''Seems like we're not the only ones enjoying ourselves.'' Seth laughed.
''You like watching us, Sir?'' he purred.
'You like watching him suck me off- fuck...! He's so good at that...'' Seth grunted through clenched teeth.
Seth threw his head back against the sheets and he released Roman's hair from the bun that the man pretty much always sported after shows or on his downtime, and he carded his fingers through the strands then fisted it into his hand as Roman brought him closer and closer to the edge.
''I know we've done this before but...shit,'' Seth chuckled breathlessly.
''I didn't know you were this good of a cock slut, Ro.'' He praised and let his eyes flutter shut in pleasure.
Roman's mouth moved down to Seth's balls to give them some attention, and at Seth's words, one of his hands palmed himself over his sweats and he damn near mewled with his mouth still pleasuring Seth.
At the sound, Seth's eyes reopened, and he looked into Roman's glassy brown eyes that now looked more like a stunning bronze as the wolf in him struggled to contain itself.
''Oh really?” Seth grinned wickedly.
''You like that, Ro?'' Seth cooed seductively.
''You need this, uh? You need to have your mouth filled with a big hard cock. Hm?'' He continued filthily.
Roman couldn't believe his luck.
If he weren't so focused on bringing pleasure to Seth, he'd pinch himself right now.
And he'd beat himself up for being so stupid.
Of course, Jon and Seth understood him and tried their hardest to indulge his needs.
Of course.
Roman replied with a sharp nod as he swirled his velvety tongue along the head of Seth's cock.
''Yeah. Thought so.'' Seth quipped.
Both men were so engrossed in their activities, that they missed the moment Jon stood up to grab the small bottle of lube he always kept in his carry-on bag.
Roman struggled to not let out a whimper of disappointment when he felt Jon shake him by the shoulder slightly.
''Oh, you don't wanna get fucked? Okay, my mistake.'' Jon lifted his hands, trying to keep a straight face as he made to put the bottle back in its original place.
Seth and Jon burst into laughter as Roman hurriedly stood up to grab Jon to try and stop him.
''No.'' Roman stuttered.
''No?'' Jon raised a brow.
''I mean- fuck me.'' Roman tried again as his cheeks burned in embarrassment or arousal-both, maybe.
After the three of them got themselves fully undressed, Seth and Jon settled Roman onto the bed.
Seth was in charge of keeping Roman as relaxed as possible while Jon stretched him open gently.
Before too long the Samoan's hips tried their damnest to match the delicious rhythm of Jon’s fingers.
His moans escalated when he felt Seth's large hand firmly wrap itself around his throat as the man whispered filth into his ear.
''You want it?'' Seth whispered huskily.
His lips took their time to nibble and suck on the hot skin of Roman's neck before moving back up to his ear to whisper more filth.
''I might get in there after Mox.'' Seth chuckled huskily, playfully biting Roman's scruffy chin.
Eventually, Jon slowly withdrew his fingers, deeming Roman ready for him.
As he slowly entered Roman, Jon let him gradually adjust to his girth.
After a little while, he started to move his hips a little faster, gripping Roman's hips tightly for leverage.
''How's that?'' Jon breathed.
All Roman could do was moan in response and roll his hips even more enthusiastically against Jon’s.
He clawed at Jon’s forearms as the sensations of Jon thrusting into him and Seth whispering and mouthing against him overwhelmed him.
His body felt like it was on fire in the most delicious way possible.
''Don't stop...! Please...'' Roman whimpered.
Their golden eyes locked as their bodies moved in unison.
Roman's eyes lost focus on Jon’s as he felt the head of Jon’s cock brush up against that bundle of nerves.
''Ohh, that's the spot, is it? S' that feel good? Look at you taking me like a good little cockwhore.'' Jon’s words came out slurred as his thrusts continued.
''I think you can do better than that, Sir.'' Roman smirked.
''Harder.'' Roman commanded.
''Was that a challenge, Ro?'' Jon lifted a brow as he asked.
He felt his balls tighten as Roman continued to smirk at him while he looked at him through his lashes.
''You can take that however you want.'' Roman shrugged.
''...Pin him down.''
Roman's breath was taken away as Seth pinned his wrists above his head against the bed and Jon started jackhammering into him.
At first Roman's mouth remained open in a silent moan until his body began to tremble and small whimpers left his lips.
''Got nothin to say now, huh?'' Jon growled, grabbing onto Roman's raven-colored locks roughly.
Jon blinked back the beads of sweat that started to pool along his face.
Then he attached his lips to Roman's for a couple of heated seconds until Roman pulled away and it was like a dam had been opened.
''Please.'' Roman whimpered under his breath repeatedly.
He bit back a wince only to let out a guttural moan when he felt a sharp yet delicious tug against his nipple, and he keened loudly as Seth released the tender bud from between his teeth and he soothed it with his tongue.
''Think he wants you to come inside him, Mox.'' Seth said, as he started to lazily stroke Roman's cock between his and Jon’s bodies.
''Yes...'' Roman hissed.
''Fuckin give it to me. I want it, please. Need it so bad, Sir. Wanna come inside me, sir? Huh?'' Roman babbled, only to get his breath taken away again by Jon’s hands firmly against his throat.
He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes at the overload of sensations coursing through his body as he was being choked and used.
His eyes rolled back into his skull just as Jon reached his peak, releasing a long growl of pleasure along with a sharp bite to Roman's neck that had both Roman and Seth's cocks twitching in arousal.
Jon shivered pleasantly as the mild copper taste of Roman's blood flooded his tastebuds while Roman's entire body shook as Jon’s warm release gushed inside him, and he started to struggle against Seth's strong grip.
Once Seth released his wrists, Roman held onto Jon and Seth, and he shared a heated kiss with Seth.
Roman's own release came soon enough when Seth wrapped his mouth around him, bobbing his head enthusiastically until Roman was left shivering with aftershocks, tears caused by overstimulation streaming down his cheeks.
Roman felt warm all over when soft kisses and caresses were peppered everywhere the men could reach and before Roman knew it, he was sobbing uncontrollably, hiding his face into the crook of his elbow as his body shook with silent sobs instead of the pleasure from a few minutes earlier.
''I'm s-sorry...'' Roman cleared the tears away from his throat and wiped his eyes, not meeting Jon’s nor Seth's concerned eyes.
''You alright?'' Jon asked as he lied next to Roman on the bed once he had cleaned them both up.
His fingers carded soothingly through the Samoan's dark hair in an effort to soothe him while Seth continued to pepper soft and loving kisses along Roman's neck, making the man bare his neck to give Seth better access.
''Yes...''Roman sighed pleasantly as he slowly came back down from his high.
''Thank you, guys. And I'm sorry for actin like such an asshole to y'all...I promise I won't hide shit anymore. Okay?''
''We're gonna hold you to that.'' Jon winked.
''... Are we gonna leave this guy's blue balls hangin'?'' Roman asked with a teasing smirk.
''Noo.'' Seth whined through soft laughter.
Roman licked his lips, eyeing Seth seductively before his eyes shone golden again, and he nipped at Seth's nipple playfully, laughing as the man released a gasp of surprise mixed with pleasure.
''You can't just do that, babe.'' Seth whined again in protest.
The next morning, the boys woke up in an extra good mood.
But instead of getting in their usually early-morning workout at the gym, they rolled around in the sheets and spent the day together, getting in their workout without having to leave their room.
(Next Chapter.)
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queencherryberry · 1 year
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I posted 2,334 times in 2022
That's 2,320 more posts than 2021!
240 posts created (10%)
2,094 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 551 of my posts in 2022
#wwe - 237 posts
#seth rollins - 155 posts
#cody rhodes - 133 posts
#drew mcintyre - 73 posts
#matt riddle - 65 posts
#seth freakin rollins - 62 posts
#bookshelf - 58 posts
#roman reigns - 50 posts
#jey uso - 38 posts
#daddy seth - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#i got to meet my great grandma from moms side. she died of natural causes when i was 4 so i dont have much memory of her
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m out of ‘reading material’ anyone know of good Seth/Cody/Drew or Damian fics? I’ve read pretty much everything on this website. 😩
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42 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
PAUL YOU 2 TIMING MAN WHORE!!! Welcome back. Wise choice.
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43 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
@sunnyfleur23 I feel like I’m in a lifetime story with this drama that’s happening between Cody Seth and randy. So to explain it, Seth is the ex husband but I still support him, Cody is my soulmate and hubby number 2, Randy is trying to be hubby number 3 but I won’t let him but Randy don’t take no an answer
55 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
*Cracks knuckles*
Alrighty, let’s get this show on the road, while I wait for my roommate to get home from work so we can watch raw and I can see my sons and my crazy ex husband who needs to rethink his fashion choices just a little bit.
@sunnyfleur23 would you like to do the previously on or should I?
56 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My roommates are stoned asf and we’re watching Raw.
Here’s the wrestlers new names
Roman reigns: tall man
The usos: the short men
Austin theory: still a douchebag
Edge: evil man
Damian priest: angel man
Seth Rollins: my little pony
Cody Rhodes: Daffy Duck
Paul haymen: high Jewish man who’re
Brock lesnar: Cody Rhodes
RKBro- RKSmoke
68 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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justclowning420 · 2 months
hello!! i probably should have made an introduction post first but i got distracted lol so heres a little bit about me:
- 18+ ONLY. period. i am not comfortable with minors here.
- feel free to call me clown (in place of my real name lmao)
- im transmasc nonbinary and i use mainly they/them (he/him is good sometimes too)
- i'm a disaster bisexual :'(
- i started watching wrestling around 2018 (ish?), but recently got back into it and started watching stuff from '97-'98! in my experience, watching wrestling is better when you're gay, so i started this blog as a safe space for myself to be able to be as gay as i want >:)
- i'm autistic and wrestling is one of my all time special interests!
- i plan on getting into writing fanfics, so this will be updated with a link to my ao3 when i make my first post there
- everything i talk about is in regards to kayfabe!! no thirsting/fics are targeted at the actual people who play the roles, but rather the characters they play :)
- mutuals are welcome!! im not looking for mutuals who post things other than wrestling tho, sorry :(
fun facts!:
fav ppv event? -> royal rumble!!
fav era? -> attitude era, hands down
who was the wwe champion on my birthday? -> brock lesnar *rolls eyes*
ultimate fav wrestlers? -> shawn michaels and stone cold (my pookie bears <3 /j)
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Me, typing “h” in the tags and seeing
#hotdog discourse
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Scans through my memes:
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Me: ????I know I save a lot of random crap but like…
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Later, when I’m trying to make a Bork Lesnar (ie Brock Lesnar ie. the beast incarnate) joke that no one in my dnd discord group will understand or appreciate…
Me: starts to type “Bork Lesn”
My phone: autocorrects to “Brock Rumlow”
Me: wtf????
*remembers when I wrote a long comment about a fic where Brock Rumlow was a minor character but a major plot point, and after the third time I had to edit myself, I just set my phone to autocorrect “Bork Lesnar” to “Brock Rumlow” and “Bork” to “Brock”😑
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0 notes
itjazzbicch · 2 years
The Man in The Beast
Pairing:  Brock Lesnar x Fem Reader 
Summary: The reader has managed Roman Reigns since he returned and became the champion in WWE, annoyed with Brock Lesnar challenging him again, she lets things take their own course, but is surprised when Roman uses her to save himself during a physical altercation with Brock, learning that Brock isn't a beast when it comes to her…
Warnings: Accidental Male x Female wrestling interaction, swearing
Word Count: 1.3k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks 
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Contract signings almost always ended the same, especially for Roman. There was always a fight bound to break out and with his opponent being Brock? Good thing I didn't wear heels tonight.
Two years I've been managing Roman, known him longer and it was a bore truly sitting through this contract signing because Brock and Roman have beaten the living crap out of each other so many times that I've lost count.
"A hog is going to get slaughtered," Roman signed the contract last and it didn't even click in my mind that the Uso's were in position, a smile growing on Roman's face when he sat up straight, "It's not going to be me and why wait till Summerslam?"
Brock was called a beast for a reason, even with Jimmy and Jey on top of him, he was throwing them around like rag dolls. Meanwhile, Roman was trying to rush me out of the ring, but there was too much going on. The table was in our way, the announcer getting out at the same time and Brock was on it, ready to go for Roman.
I was just about to lean down to get out when suddenly I was up straight, Brock's massive arm ready to clothesline Roman out of the ring, but instead, Roman moved out of the way, pulling me right into Brock's clothesline.
Now, this wasn't my first rodeo in wrestling, but this was Brock Lesnar. He gave a clothesline from hell, a whole new meaning, sending me flying out of the ring, not only cracking my head on the apron but smacking the ground hard.
I wasn't sure if I hit my head that hard or if it was truly that silent, but you could hear a pin drop in the arena when it happened.
"Oh my god," I was able to hear Pat McAfee on commentary, in utter shock like everyone else, "Roman Reigns just used Y/N to avoid Brock Lesnar! Someone check on her!"
Holding the back of my head, I looked to see what was going on because I could hear a lot of running in the ring. It was hard to look with the pounding headache that I had and it brought me to tears to see Roman running from Brock and completely forgetting about me.
I've seen Brock in a fury before, but this was different. Frozen in place, I never thought I'd see a moment like this. The first person who came to check on me was Brock himself.
"Y/N," He was so red from being angry and was still truly concerned and explaining, "I did not mean to do that."
"That fucker pulled me," I whispered and retraced my steps, remembering the feeling of Roman pulling me. He easily could've avoided that or just pushed me out of the way, but he pulled me.
"I'm sure you already knew, but I'm murdering his ass on Sunday," He was still heaving from anger, showing a side of him that I don't think anyone has ever seen while tending to me, checking my head because we all saw how I cracked my head.
"I'm fine," I tried to turn my head and the pain pounded in me like a drum, closing my eyes tight and groaning, hating that he was right, but hearing a sweetness in his voice:
"I was trying to take his head off and I know how hard I hit. This is my fault, just let me help you. You see that your 'family' isn't trying to."
"You sure do hit hard," I whined, trying not to cry, not at the pain, but the truth he spoke, turning towards him when he pulled me to his chest, scooping me up.
"Hey, I got her," Looking, Brock was talking to medical personnel and gosh, he was so big, still a good length above me in even his arms.
It was hard to process how comfortable I was in his arms and for someone he called a beast, he was very gentle and made sure my head wasn't moving too much while heading back, keeping it placed and snug against his firm chest.
The human body is very complex and as I expected, the first thing they did was make sure that I didn't have a concussion and he wasn't showing it, but I imagined Brock felt guilty about what happened because he didn't leave my side till we knew that I was okay, only took a rough bump. 
"First," Brock began once the staff left, letting us have a moment, "Again, I'm sorry about-"
"It's okay," I spoke softly, meeting his gaze, "It was an accident and we're wrestlers. I know there's danger regardless of what I'm doing."
"It may have been an accident on my end," He never looked so serious, trying to get a point across to me, "Roman used you to avoid taking a hit and that was no accident."
I just sat there silent because he was right. It was just so hard to believe because Roman has never done such a thing to me, just listening as he continued:
"He knows that this match at Summerslam isn't going to be like our other matches. I meant it when I said that I'm going to slaughter him. And him using you like that shows that he's a bitch and now, I lost respect for him as a man."
Why did he have to be right, and brutally honest at that? I was going to put my head down, try to ignore it, but he caught my attention by sitting his hat next to me, breathing:
"Excuse me. I shouldn't swear and all that around a lady."
"Must not know me," I joked softly, wanting to ease up the seriousness just for it to grow, heart racing with his huge frame in front of me, looking down into my eyes.
His blue eyes were easy to rest on this time and I did take his words in and thought about it deeply:
"Now, I can't tell you what to do, but I think it's best for you to part ways with Roman. It goes to show that he's a coward, doing that when all you've ever done is be good to him."
"I know," Tears started to form in my eyes, one running down my cheek, and for the first time today, there was a smile on my face, his hand actually nice and soft, warm thumb wiping that tear away:
"But I will give you credit. You took that clothesline like a champ."
"I'm no ordinary lady," I smiled up at him softly, appreciating his kindness, and this time, my heart was pounding, eyes closing softly at his kiss on my forehead:
"I like that about you."
Was all of this really making me feel better? That little kiss was like medicine, the headache I had eased up and his words helped too by making me giggle:
"Took that better than any guy I've wrestled. But you take care of your precious self, alright?"
"I will," I breathed in, processing another kiss on my head, this one having a harder press, but was still tender, even hugging him back when he hugged, rubbing my back:
"And just know, I'm not your enemy. You ever need me?"
God, the charm he had was mind-blowing, standing back up and fixing his cowboy hat, winking down at me:
"Just come and get me, darling."
"I'll keep that in mind," I whispered, feeling stuck in a place; Brock or Roman.
At that moment, Brock's side was feeling a whole lot better than Roman's ever was, his last kiss on the top of my head, knowing that Jimmy, Jey, and Roman would be on their way, made it so hard to watch him walk out of the door. 
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ghostsoapgirl · 3 years
Can anyone link me to this Brock lesnar fic? He finds a woman face down in the snow with amnesia. His wife has just passed away brand he nurses her back to health and they fall in love ? It’s on here PLEASEEE.
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malethirsty · 4 years
The Master & The Prinxe - Seth Rollins & Finn Balor
Summary: Seth Rollins has been the lightning rod of anger from the WWE Universe and it’s starting to affect him. After Kevin Owens insults him by bringing up The Shield, Seth is at his breaking point. However the arrival of a friend from another brand throws everything up in the air.
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Violence
Authors Note: This was a fic I had posted on my personal account @thesimonkshow​, reposted here because this is where my M/M fics go. 
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Seth Rollins was in a bad mood. He had just confronted Kevin Owens about his defection to NXT at War Games & he retaliated by bringing up Seth betraying The Shield, which had happened once, incomparable to the opposing RAW team members consistent level of betrayal, which seemed to happen every other day.
He didn’t notice the pacing of feet as someone sat down besides him “Well hey there Seth. Someone got you hot and bothered?” Seth turned to see Finn Bálor, his friend & also a member of the NXT team this evening. “And why would I tell you?, you’d only use it to further your team.” “Now why would I do something like that? I may be on their team, but you & I run deeper than this match.” Finn responded. Seth sighed, it seemed he would be safe. “Fucking Kevin Owens, I brought up War Games, cause I was worried about our team that I have pit my grieviances aside for, and that bitch brings up me betraying The Shield, when he’s on Betrayal number who fucking knows?” Finn chuckled “That little cunt wouldn’t know loyalty even if it decked him in the face.” Seth let out a gutteral laugh, somehow things felt better when he was with Finn. They had grown close when they first feuded, the connection deepening when they would face The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship, Seth even considered making him a Shield member, maybe something even more, but anytime he thought about it, his mind returned to Dean & he pushed the thought away.
“It seems like your putting your reputation on the line for people who couldn’t give a shit about you. They just throw you away like you’re nothing. I remember when I faced The Fiend, everyone wanted me to lose, I was so alone, so unhappy. And when I lost I heard the audience cheer & I felt so full of rage, like darkness just filled me. I waited for my moment to strike, and when it came, I ripped Johnny Gargano from limb to limb, I became The Prinxe.” Seth listened to Finn entranced by the Irishman’s words, he felt the same way, he’d tried to stand for the lockerroom, for Vince, for WWE, but found himself hated and despised. Legends had tried to stand up for Seth like Bret Hart, but their appreciation did the exact opposite of what was intended. Hell In A Cell was both a release of that tension but also rock bottom, the hatred became like acid, attacks on him became more frequent. After emerging from that damn hole after being attacked by The Fiend at the draft, he had felt humiliated, but that quickly turned to rage, he had felt that same anger Finn felt.
“Yeah, I know what you mean, after everything that has happened, when I beat Bray up & set fire to his house, I felt so good, like at WrestleMania where I won the Universal Championship. I felt like Seth Rollins again.” “When Hunter pulled me from the roster & got me back to his brand NXT, I felt like I had just won the Intercontinental title again. So on top of the world, even though I should have known I was all along, I just needed that push.” Seth paid attention to every word Finn said, it felt as if his friend knew his struggle & was giving his hand to help, the only person he cared about was giving him a way out. “Listen, I have to get back to my team, but I heard you weren’t gonna be wearing your RAW shirt, so if you choose, I got you something more your style. See you out there.” He pushed a package into Seth’s hand, grinned and set off. Seth opened the package, making sure no one was looking & grinned, he knew what he had to do.
The match was fury and fire as expected, Drew scored a big opening by knocking Dominik Dijakovic out in a few moments and to Seth’s delight, Kevin was quickly chucked by Tomasso Ciampa. After a lengthy match, he, Roman & Finn were the only surviviors. He knew Roman would form an alliance with him & sure enough “We take Finn, then you & me” he heard Roman whisper in his ear “Always man” Seth said back, Roman advanced forwards. Seth knew, now was the time.
He raced up behind Roman, low blowing him, putting Roman into a Pedigree & let Finn take him out. The crowd, already hostile enough on it’s own right, began booing at an alarming rate. Seth caught Finn’s eye & Finn knew what Seth wanted to do, he slipped out of the ring, marched to the announcer & tore the mic out of their hands. Returning to the ring he passed Seth the mic, the crowds now preceding to chant ‘CM Punk’ as loud as they possibly could. “SHUT UP!” Seth screamed with so much malice and venom exuding from his booming voice, that everyone actually listened and fell silent, even the commentary team. “For years I have been the one paving the way for WWE, creating The Shield, becoming the beacon for all of the heels when I joined The Authority, setting a precedent for Money In The Bank when I cashed in the Main Event of WrestleMania, a precedent yet to be topped! I became a Grand Slam Champion & even came to your aid when Brock Lesnar had this division by it’s balls and wouldn’t let go, TWICE!” Seth sucked in an angry breath & continued “And how did you repay me? You went beyond the booing expected by the WWE Universe. You spat on my reputation, you cursed my name when I disagreed with AEW, when I tried to stand up for everyone in the back, you hoped for The Fiend’s success, though he’ll soon run through the entire division, treat us like he was treated by Vince, until the entire division is buried. You wished for my death just for your own pettiness to be sated. You ran from me, just like your precious Roman Reigns ran.” He kicked Roman’s unconscious body emphasising his point. “He ran, all the way to SmackDown & besides our match at the Draft never once bothered to check up on me. Use me to achieve his selfishness of wanted his ‘Band of Brothers’ back together, and what did he do? Threw me away like I was disposable. Dean left because Vince used him, got the crowd to hate him through his turn that night, through those orders of saying he wanted Roman dead. Dean saw through it, much earlier than this time last year, he was right to leave.”
Seth looked at Finn, every word he said about the universe turning on him, he meant, not just for himself but for Finn as well “There was one man who truly cared, and that” he gestured over to Finn, watching on with his trademark smile, not filled with love, but with pure evilness, joyful at how Seth was brutalising everyone “was Finn Bálor. He was the only one who knew exactly what I was going through, cause he was there in my spot just months ago. He even knew I wasn’t myself, so he got me something that showed he knew me, what I’m all about, what I should have been about from Day One.” Seth ripped off his Red Chicago cover & the entire arena gasped. Below it, Seth wore Finn’s package, a half shirt, one side with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, another a side decorated in gold and black, the NXT logo emblazoned on the front.
“The Prinxe saw me when I was feeling the strain & gave me a way out. So Monday’s will no longer be Monday Night Rollins, cause I am no longer here to please you or anyone else. I’m in it for myself like Finn, doing things because I want to. I’m The Master of NXT, and if anyone gets in my way I will BURN. THEM. DOWN.” Seth let out his familar heel cackle & threw the mic away, hitting Corey Graves in the face with it. As the crowds boos sounded, he no longer cared, he was liberated, himself again. He grabbed Finn’s hand, the two survivors, the two that would always survive & strode to the back of the arena, they turned & in unison, raised Finn’s trademark guns, and shot right at the centre, where Roman still laid broken.
NXT would go on to win the evening, and a party at the bar was where everyone went, even the Undisputed Era, still sore but exctatic that their brand won the night. Triple H was the only one whom noticed Seth & Finn were not there, he rang them both, letting them know where their victory party was. Unbeknownst to Triple H, Seth & Finn were partaking in their own victory party. In Finn’s apartment, the two had thrown off each others clothes, both men on the bed, Seth’s head thrown back in ecstasy as Finn’s mouth worked his cock. “Fuck Finn, I’ve wanted you for such a long time.” Seth moaned, Finn proceeded to suck Seth’s balls, Seth letting out a sharp groan “Fuck, I should have told you earlier, I put it to the side, scared of hurting Dean, no more, I do what I want from now on.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, kissing him. “And what does The Master want?” He asked, flirtingly, Seth gripping onto Finn’s back, nails digging in “You, Finn Bálor.” He threw Finn onto the bed, sinking into his tight ass. Both men moaned as Seth began to fuck his Prinxe “Fuck, you feel so good around me Bálor. So good for your master.” Finn gave Seth a seering kiss “We work with each other, now and forever, the NXT division will tremble before both of us, together on our rightful thrones, the way we knew it was from day one, the way it should have been.” Motivated by Finn’s powerful words, the two began to thrust faster and faster, the clock on the wall, the pouring of the rain, the buzzing of their phones, all lost to their pleasure. “Seth, Master, I’m about to cum.” Finn moaned out loud as Seth grabbed his dick and began to jerk it, desperate to get Finn off, to get his Prinxe to orgasm. “Seth yes, keep going. SETH FUCK!” Finn screamed at the top of his lungs as he came, landing atop of Seth’s chest. He leant down and licked it off, causing Finn to moan. “God Finn, your ass is so tight, I’m going to cum!” Seth made to pull out but Finn shook his head, he wanted Seth’s load. Seth moved his hand onto Finn’s torso, gracing every single one of Finn’s amazing abs. “God, I love you Finn Bálor.” Seth’s face, eyes and whole body lit up with adoration as he thrusted with more strength than he’d ever had, leaning down to kiss Finn as he came, shot after shot filling Finn’s ass. Pulling out slowly, Seth collapsed next to Finn. Pulling him in for a kiss. “Wow babe.” Seth grinned at Finn “You’re welcome babe.” The Prinxe letting out a cold laugh, one that many would never thought they would hear out of the good hearted Finn Bálor, but one that was soothing to Seth as The Master laughed coldly as well “We’ve got each other now though, as we truly are: The Master & The Prinxe.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, Seth leaning down, catching his soulmate’s lips in an Earth shattering kiss.
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windhamsrotunda · 3 years
- Brock Lesnar
- Jimmy Hav*c
- Shawn Spears
- Velveteen Dream
- Chris Benoit
- Jake Hager (depending on what type of fic it is. If it's smut then no, sorry.)
- Paul Heyman (I know he is not a wrestler; but I just refuse)
- Triple H
- Shane McMahon
- CM Punk
- Matt Riddle (again, depending on the fic.)
Andddd can't think of anyone else.
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
Poppin the Question (Ch. 5/10)(Werewolf!The Shield) (18+ Ship Fic) (Repost)
Summary: Jon and Seth have a proposition for Roman. One that throws him in for a loop … (this fic was first posted in 2018. I can’t believe.)
Tags: 18+, M/M, smut, fluff, angst, angst with a happy ending, hair-pulling, hair kink, Daddy kink, name-calling.
Word Count: 17,916
A few months later, the boys and the rest of the RAW roster were gearing up for WrestleMania.
And Roman, being the winner of that year's Royal Rumble, was both annoyed and excited that he once again was going up against Vince's first-born golden child, Brock Lesnar.
The fans were also pretty excited at the prospect of having a new and fighting champion as well.
It had been 5 months to be exact. And it had been just as long since that night in the woods.
Roman, Seth and Jon never talked about that night. The boys themselves were on good terms, however. They were talking, joking and just being best friends again.
But no matter how much he tried, Roman just couldn't shake the guilt that he's felt all this time.
He knew Jon was right.
He knew he had every right to move on with his life, and to have fun again.
After all, it was Alexis who ended it.
But…there was something else he wasn't telling the boys.
While Roman was an alpha he had a bit of a submissive streak.
Even the fans picked up on it sometimes while he was doing something as innocent as sparring against someone, or even interacting with his boys.
And while Alexis started off being supportive and tried to indulge him whenever she could, it ended up taking a huge toll on their marriage.
She never belittled him for it, though.
She never made him feel less than because he was an alpha who just so happened to enjoy being cuddled, fucked and told he was good after a hard day's work.
Or that he did his best, and that that was enough.
But she just wasn't satisfied and Roman didn't fault her for ending things.
Alexis knew he swung both ways.
And she knew that he found both Seth and Jon attractive, and she was okay with that.
She trusted him and she knew he wouldn't fool around with anyone outside of their marriage, much less with people so close to them both.
Some people would view their past relationship as a little more than unconventional, but Roman appreciated how open and accepting she was when it came to who he was, at least in that regard.
And he appreciated being able to talk to her about that kinda thing.
But he just couldn't stop thinking about the whole encounter.
And after tonight, unbeknownst to Roman, he was going to be feeling way worse and confused.
Roman was deep in his thoughts when Jon found him and slung his arm over his shoulder.
''How's it goin', champ?'' Jon drawled with a smirk.
Roman couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he locked eyes with Jon.
'Hol' up now. I'm not champ just yet, babe.'' Roman laughed, only to get a playful eye roll in response.
''Don't roll your eyes at me, Mox.'' Roman growled equally as playful.
Both men started aggressively rolling on the ground, their bared canines snapping until Seth, overhearing the conversation, found them and cut in with a laugh.
''Alright, enough you two. You got this in the bag, Big Guy.'' Seth remarked as he joined the duo and sat on the bench that the pair once occupied.
Roman ducked his head a little at the compliment as he and Jon dusted themselves off and got up off the floor, and he shot both men a grateful grin.
''We'll see.'' He conceded.
Jon gave Roman a gentle and affectionate head butt and chuckled, ridiculously endeared.
''So modest.'' Ruffling Roman's wet hair, Jon joined Seth on the bench. ''I just wish I didn't have to do this shit all over again with Brock, man…'' Roman flashed them an irritated look as he took a generous swig from his near frozen water bottle.
Both Jon and Seth understood where Roman was coming from.
They couldn't count how many times they were shoved into the same boring feuds with the same people every week without any real payoff.
But they felt especially bad for Roman because Brock was nowhere near a deserving opponent.
''I know, bro.'' Seth said, his tone full of sympathy.
Leaning against Seth, Jon eyed Roman's tense back.
''Tonight's your lucky night, Uce. I can feel it.''
Roman dumped his now empty water bottle in the trash bin and ran his fingers through his hair.
''Let's just hope it's a decent match at least.'' Roman sighed, leaving Jon and Seth alone with their thoughts as Roman got called for his match.
The match that night left Roman both exhausted-emotionally and physically, but also absolutely elated.
Finally, he was Universal Champion.
Finally, they no longer had to deal with Brock…well, that was until the powers that be decided otherwise.
Still, all Roman wanted to do was go to the hotel and sleep the night off. But Jon and Seth had other plans.
''Congrats, Big Dog.'' Seth smiled at the exhausted man.
''Thank you, thank you.'' Roman smiled back tiredly, adjusting the title up over his shoulder.
Roman laughed a little painfully as he felt Jon plaster himself onto his aching back.
"'We goin' out to celebrate?'' Jon bounced excitedly against Roman's back making him laugh again.
But Jon's brow furrowed when he felt more than heard Roman's tired sigh.
''We are gonna celebrate…aren't we?'' Jon raised a ginger brow as Roman shrugged, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the mere thought of going anywhere except to his hotel room for the night.
''…Fine. You're the champ, so you decide how we celebrate.'' Jon conceded.
Roman sighed once again, this time in fond exasperation.
''I honestly just wanna sleep, man… Maybe we can do something tomorrow night after RAW…?'' Roman offered, but Jon was having none of it.
''Cmon, man- look, tell ya what. Why don't we crash together- like old times! Huh? Crack open a beer or two…or three?'' Jon laughed, the two men joining in.
Slinging his arm around Roman, Jon ruffled his dark hair, smiling encouragingly.
Roman reluctantly nodded, smiling fondly at the small yip released by the ginger. -------
Not even 2 hours later Roman, Seth and Jon piled up in bed to sleep after knocking back a couple beers.
Well, all except Roman.
With all his exhaustion, Roman couldn't for the life of him get some sleep.
Getting up groggily to stretch out his limbs, Roman ran his fingers through his thick black hair, and after he sluggishly walked toward the bathroom to relieve his full bladder, he strode over to the door to leave their shared room.
Where he was going, Roman didn't know.
But he just needed to get out of that room and gather his thoughts.
But his actions were interrupted by a sleepy voice coming from the bed behind him.
''Going somewhere, Ro?'' Jon asked gruffly. His eyes peered curiously up at Roman from where he rested against Seth's stomach.
''Yeah. Going for a run maybe, I dunno.'' Roman shrugged, still facing the door.
''Thought you were exhausted.''
Roman groaned irritably as he caught Jon’s suspicious and borderline icy tone, and he rolled his eyes before he turned around to face the ginger.
''I'll be back, alright? Relax.'' He replied, raising his voice an octave, causing Seth's body to give a small jolt even in his deep beer-induced slumber.
Roman bristled with jealousy as he watched Jon run his fingers through Seth's curls soothingly.
He wasn't jealous of Seth, really…. He wasn't.
And the last thing he wanted was for them to go back to square one but, he just didn't know how to voice his thoughts and fears to either of his friends.
He was their pack leader.
The strong one.
The one they turned to when they needed to.
The one who kept them in check, kept them in line. He knew they trusted him with their lives and vice versa, but he just couldn't trust them this time.
Not with this.
Not when his brain was constantly muddled with these conflicting feelings since that night in the woods- hell, ever since he could remember.
''What the hell's your problem, man?'' Jon whispered harshly, not wanting to disturb Seth again.
''Aren't I supposed to be the bratty one of this group? What's your deal?'' Jon finally stood up and he crossed his arms over his chest.
Roman scoffed dryly, shrugging his shoulders.
''That's just it, isn't it?'' He remarked.
Roman's hands played with the drawstring of his sweatpants simply for something to do.
As he looked down at his pants, he didn't see Jon’s brow furrow in confusion.
''What are you talkin about, Ro?'' Jon exclaimed. His frustrations were beginning to escalate.
''Just forget it, Jon.'' Roman sighed, shaking his head and not wanting to get into this.
He got the shock of his life when he was met with Jon’s furious blue eyes and his hand firmly gripped Roman's chin.
Roman shrugged the hand off roughly, snarling softly under his breath.
''No. I will not forget it, Roman.'' Jon growled.
''Jon, I'm warning y-'' Roman started, only for Jon to interrupt.
''Oh, we're startin' that ''my dick is bigger than yours'' alpha bullshit again, are we?''
Seth woke up alarmed to see Roman and Jon scuffling on the ground for the second time that day, only this time the growls and snarls he heard coming from them were anything but playful.
He stood up and immediately pulled both men apart.
''Are we really doing this again?'' Seth looked between Roman and Jon who were glaring daggers at one another.
This wasn't exactly how he planned to spend the evening after having a few drinks with his boys and some much-needed RnR.
He shoved Jon back when he lunged for Roman again, clearly fired up for whatever reason unknown to Seth.
''Okay. Both of you, calm down! Jeez…what happened now?'' Seth continued to glance between them, waiting for an explanation, when Jon finally exploded.
''He's doin' it again, man!'' Jon pointed at Roman in an accusatory tone to which Roman responded with a glare of his own.
''Seriously, dude? You are such a child, dawg!'' Roman sneered.
Then he moved toward the door again and rested his forehead against it when he was stopped once again, this time by Seth's hand on his shoulder.
His eyes flashed angrily when Jon spat his next words, more so speaking at Roman than to him.
''I'm a fuckin child for wantin' to know you're okay? For wantin to fuckin help you!?'' Jon bellowed, shrugging off Seth's calming hand as it came to rest on the back of his neck in the placating way the three of them always did when either one was stressed or fired up.
'''Hey.'' Seth said. ''Lower your voices, guys. We don't want security coming.''
''Fuck that!'' Jon roared, being shushed loudly by Seth as a result.
''No! I'm sick o' his shit! We're your best friends! Your pack! It's our job to know if somethin's wrong, you prick!'' Jon spat out again.
However, Roman didn't take the bait. Instead, he gave Seth a dry look. ''I honestly don't know how I dealt with his ass when we got split up.''
Seth blinked at that.
He was more than a little shocked by Roman's comment and he felt Jon flinch slightly due to their close proximity.
Seth watched as Jon then just quietly moved toward the bed, hooking one ankle over the other once he laid down.
Jon didn't look at either of them.
Seth couldn't even begin to understand what was going on with Roman.
He never spoke this way to anyone, ever- much less to Jon- unless they genuinely deserved it.
''Dude, what is up with you-'' Seth clamped his mouth shut when Roman flashed his now bright yellow and angry eyes at him, the wild look in them started to make Seth nervous.
They stayed that way until Roman caught sight of the wounded look on Jon’s face that the ginger quickly tried to hide.
''Babe…I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean that…'' Roman slid into the spot on the bed next to Jon and he ran one of his large hands smoothly over the other man's buzzed cut head, biting back a sigh of disappointment when he was met with no response.
He tried to hold Jon’s face only to be shoved away.
''Nah. Don't worry bout it, Ro..'' Jon shrugged, feigning a nonchalant attitude.
''Just go. You're right, you don't owe me nothin'.'' Jon shrugged again.
''It's cool.''
''…Can I show you guys something?'' Roman asked shyly.
His palms began to sweat. He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he knew he had to.
He wasn't gonna lose them again out of fear.
Or out of shame.
He was going to be honest with them like they deserved, no matter the outcome.
He had to trust in them.
He did trust them.
Roman nervously reached for his phone that he had placed on the bedside table.
''We've seen it already, Ro. 'member?'' Jon quipped like a smart ass, unable to help himself.
''Don't be a dick, Mox.'' Roman replied.
Jon was about to make another smart-assed comment, until he noticed the slight tremble in Roman's hands.
''Okay, I'm sorry.'' He made his point by affectionately squeezing the back of Roman's neck.
He and Seth watched as Roman fiddled with his phone, until he pulled up a video.
And on that video, a well-built man- about Roman's size, give or take- laid at another equally well-built man's feet.
Roman didn't dare look either Seth nor Jon in the eye.
And he didn't know if their silence was something he was grateful for or not.
''Rome…'' Seth started to speak but he cut himself off when the man on the video motioned for the black-haired man on the ground to unbuckle his top's jeans.
Once the man's cock was exposed, the black-haired man took the shaft into his hand and he gave the head a few small kitten-like licks and he stroked it slowly as his top showered him with praise.
Before the video could go on, Roman shut it off and tossed his phone onto the bed as if it were a ticking time bomb.
''This was a mistake…'' Roman said in a quivering voice.
He strode over to the door, ready to bolt again.
''C'mon, man. Stop running.'' Jon implored, his tone void of the malice and anger from earlier. All that was left was frustration and sadness.
Roman held the knob in his hand so tight that Jon had to pry his fingers off of it.
He sighed in defeat and followed Jon back to the bed with Seth sitting to his left.
''Get on your knees, Ro.'' Jon was the one to fill the silence as it began to consume the room.
He gave Roman an expectant look and it was returned with a blank expression from the Samoan.
Jon rolled his eyes at Roman's hesitance.
''Cmon, Ro. I need my cock sucked and you need to be told you're a good boy.'' Jon replied casually, not missing the sharp intake of breath from Roman.
''I-I don't think so, man…'' Roman stuttered.
Jon leaned forward with his elbows resting against his knees.
''So, what? You're just gonna keep it all bottled up inside and keep bein' a dick to us instead?''
''Oh, because you're such an expert at sharing your feelings,'' Roman snapped.
But Jon was unbothered because he knew Roman was just lashing out at him out of pure fear and nervousness.
Instead, Jon rubbed a hand down his own face, and he tried to calm Roman down.
''You'd do this for me, right?''
''Thanks, but I don't need the charity.''
Roman scoffed as he rolled his neck slowly when Jon let out a loud groan.
''Dude, it's not charity!'' Jon was going to go on but instead, he pulled Roman into a heated kiss, taking advantage of Roman's surprised gasp to expertly lick into the man's mouth.
Then he pulled away, panting hard and his mouth glistening.
''Look, I think we've all established that we're attracted to each other. Right? Cool. So, what's the problem? Let us do this for you, man!'' Jon nudged him encouragingly, but Roman still didn't look convinced.
Rather than press him, Jon beckoned Seth in front of him.
''…Okay then. Get on your knees, Seth.'' Jon commanded, and he smiled when Seth got on his knees in front of him without objections, to Roman's utter shock.
''Good boy.'' And with that, Jon stood up to unbuckle his jeans, batting Seth's impatient hands away with a mild scowl.
''Did I say you could touch?'' He asked firmly, even though Seth's eagerness made his cock stir in his jeans, and Roman wasn't too far behind.
The latter of the three grabbed one of the pillows on the bed and he laid it across his lap over his raging erection as he watched his two best friends.
''Did I say you could touch?'' Jon asked again, punctuating his words with a firm tug to Seth's curls until Seth responded.
''I-I'm sorry, Sir…'' Seth whimpered, sighing when Jon loosened his grip, and he ran his blunt fingernails over Seth's scalp in silent praise.
Seth watched patiently as Jon continued to remove his own clothes.
Once that was done, Jon motioned to Seth's clothes, and he gave him a single command.
''Off. Now.''
''Yes, Si-'' Seth went to respond before being cut off by Roman's soft rumbling voice.
''Can I do it?'' Roman asked as he looked Seth straight in the eye hungrily, making the raven-haired man smirk.
''What?'' Jon raised a brow as he watched Roman's aroused yet still tentative features carefully.
He laid on his side and cupped Roman's chin to make Roman look at him. ''You wanna undress 'im?''
Roman nodded jerkily and he cleared his throat to respond properly.
''Yes, Sir.”
Roman sighed once those two words came out of his mouth.
The words felt so right as he said them.
He practically purred in delight when this time his scalp was scratched lightly by Jon, who nodded his approval.
''Okay. Go 'head.''
Jon sat back and watched Roman undress Seth, while giving his own cock a few firm tugs.
Eyeing Roman intently, he knew the man was nervous.
Almost like he was measuring his movements, expecting Jon to correct him at any second.
In an attempt to soothe Roman's nerves, Jon sat up and kissed a patch of skin on Roman's shoulder that was peeking from his tank top.
''It's okay, Ro. Seth knows what I expect of him. You don't. Let's just relax and have some fun, alright? It's just us.''
Kissing that spot on Roman's shoulder again, he stayed sitting at the edge of the bed, and he flashed Seth a dimply and devilish smirk when they both could tell that Roman was starting to relax.
Undressing Seth in record time, Roman sank back down to his knees and took Seth's cock into his large hand and smiled up at him with a wicked glint in his eye before he gave the head a long swipe of his tongue.
''Fuck...'' Seth gasped, smirking down at Roman through hazy eyes.
Roman returned the smile and he began to breathe through his nose to take Seth further down his throat, making him and Jon groan.
Jon’s hand began to pump his own cock faster, growing impossibly harder as Roman pulled his mouth away from Seth's cock to ask,
''You missed my mouth on you, Seth?'' Roman asked with a seductive smirk. Roman's full lips glistened sinfully with spit and precum as he looked into Seth's chocolate brown eyes that began to shine with pleasure.
All Seth could do was release a deep, guttural groan and he nodded enthusiastically as Roman's mouth sank down onto him once again.
Resting his head against the sheets, Seth turned his head, and he aimed that same lustful smirk at Jon who watched the scene intently.
''Seems like we're not the only ones enjoying ourselves.'' He laughed.
''You like watching us, Sir?'' Seth purred.
''You like watching him suck me off- fuck...! He's so good at that...'' Seth grunted through clenched teeth.
Seth threw his head back against the sheets and he released Roman's hair from the bun that the man pretty much always sported after shows or on his downtime, and he carded his fingers through the strands then he fisted it into his hand as Roman brought him closer and closer to the edge.
''I know we've done this before but...shit,'' Seth chuckled breathlessly.
''I didn't know you were this good of a cock slut, Ro.'' He praised and let his eyes flutter shut in pleasure.
Roman's mouth moved down to Seth's balls to give them some attention, and at Seth's words, one of his hands palmed himself over his sweats and he damn near mewled with his mouth still pleasuring Seth.
At the sound, Seth's eyes reopened, and he looked into Roman's glassy brown eyes that now looked more like a stunning bronze as the wolf in him struggled to contain itself.
''Oh really?” Seth grinned wickedly. ''You like that, Ro?'' Seth cooed seductively.
''You need this, uh? You need to have your mouth filled with a big hard cock. Hm?'' He continued filthily.
Roman couldn't believe his luck.
If he weren't so focused on bringing pleasure to Seth, he'd pinch himself right now.
And he'd beat himself up for being so stupid.
Of course, Jon and Seth understood him and tried their hardest to indulge his needs.
Of course.
Roman replied with a sharp nod as he swirled his velvety tongue along the head of Seth's cock.
''Yeah. Thought so.'' Seth quipped.
Both men were so engrossed in their activities, that they missed the moment Jon stood up to grab the small bottle of lube he always kept in his carry-on bag.
Roman struggled to not let out a whimper of disappointment when he felt Jon shake him by the shoulder slightly.
''Oh, you don't wanna get fucked? Okay, my mistake.'' Jon lifted his hands, trying to keep a straight face as he made to put the bottle back in its original place.
Seth and Jon burst into laughter as Roman hurriedly stood up to grab Jon to try and stop him.
''No.'' Roman stuttered.
''No?'' Jon raised a brow.
''I mean- fuck me.'' Roman tried again as his cheeks burned in embarrassment or arousal-both, maybe.
After the three of them got themselves fully undressed, Seth and Jon settled Roman onto the bed.
Seth was in charge of keeping Roman as relaxed as possible while Jon stretched him open gently.
Before too long the Samoan's hips tried their damnedest to match the delicious rhythm of Jon’s fingers.
His moans escalated when he felt Seth's large hand firmly wrap itself around his throat as the man whispered filth into his ear.
''You want it?'' Seth whispered huskily.
His lips took their time to nibble and suck on the hot skin of Roman's neck before moving back up to his ear to whisper more filth.
''I might get in there after Mox.'' Seth chuckled huskily, playfully biting Roman's scruffy chin.
Eventually, Jon slowly withdrew his fingers, deeming Roman ready for him.
As he slowly entered Roman, Jon let him gradually adjust to his girth.
After a little while, he started to move his hips a little faster, gripping Roman's hips tightly for leverage.
''How's that?'' Jon breathed.
All Roman could do was moan in response and roll his hips even more enthusiastically against Jon’s.
He clawed at Jon’s forearms as the sensations of Jon thrusting into him and Seth whispering and mouthing against him overwhelmed him.
His body felt like it was on fire in the most delicious way possible.
''Don't stop...! Please...'' Roman whimpered.
Their golden eyes locked as their bodies moved in unison.
Roman's eyes lost focus on Jon’s as he felt the head of Jon’s cock brush up against that bundle of nerves.
''Oh, that's the spot, is it? S' that feel good? Look at you taking me like a good little cockwhore.'' Jon’s words came out slurred as his thrusts continued.
''I think you can do better than that, Sir.'' Roman smirked. ''Harder.'' Roman commanded.
''Was that a challenge, Ro?'' Jon lifted a brow as he asked.
He felt his balls tighten as Roman continued to smirk at him while he looked at him through his lashes.
''You can take that however you want.'' Roman shrugged.
''...Pin him down.''
Roman's breath was taken away as Seth pinned his wrists above his head against the bed and Jon started jackhammering into him.
At first Roman's mouth remained open in a silent moan until his body began to tremble and small whimpers left his lips.
''Got nothin to say now, huh?'' Jon growled, grabbing onto Roman's raven-colored locks roughly.
Jon blinked back the beads of sweat that started to pool along his face.
Then he attached his lips to Roman's for a couple of heated seconds until Roman pulled away and it was like a dam had been opened.
''Please.'' Roman whimpered under his breath repeatedly.
He bit back a wince only to let out a guttural moan when he felt a sharp yet delicious tug against his nipple, and he keened loudly as Seth released the tender bud from between his teeth and he soothed it with his tongue.
''Think he wants you to come inside him, Mox.'' Seth said, as he started to lazily stroke Roman's cock between his and Jon’s bodies.
''Yes...'' Roman hissed.
''Fuckin give it to me. I want it, please. Need it so bad, Sir. Wanna come inside me, sir? Huh?'' Roman babbled, only to get his breath taken away again by Jon’s hands firmly against his throat.
He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes at the overload of sensations coursing through his body as he was being choked and used.
His eyes rolled back into his skull just as Jon reached his peak, releasing a long growl of pleasure along with a sharp bite to Roman's neck that had both Roman and Seth's cocks twitching in arousal.
Jon shivered pleasantly as the mild copper taste of Roman's blood flooded his tastebuds while Roman's entire body shook as Jon’s warm release gushed inside him, and he started to struggle against Seth's strong grip.
Once Seth released his wrists, Roman held onto Jon and Seth, and he shared a heated kiss with Seth.
Roman's own release came soon enough when Seth wrapped his mouth around him, bobbing his head enthusiastically until Roman was left shivering with aftershocks, tears caused by overstimulation streaming down his cheeks.
Roman felt warm all over when soft kisses and caresses were peppered everywhere the men could reach and before Roman knew it, he was sobbing uncontrollably, hiding his face into the crook of his elbow as his body shook with silent sobs instead of the pleasure from a few minutes earlier.
''I'm s-sorry...'' Roman cleared the tears away from his throat and wiped his eyes, not meeting Jon’s nor Seth's concerned eyes.
''You alright?'' Jon asked as he lied next to Roman on the bed once he had cleaned them both up.
His fingers carded soothingly through the Samoan's dark hair in an effort to soothe him while Seth continued to pepper soft and loving kisses along Roman's neck, making the man bare his neck to give Seth better access.
''Yes...''Roman sighed pleasantly as he slowly came back down from his high.
''Thank you, guys. And I'm sorry for actin like such an asshole to y'all...I promise I won't hide shit anymore. Okay?''
''We're gonna hold you to that.'' Jon winked.
''... Are we gonna leave this guy's blue balls hangin'?'' Roman asked with a teasing smirk.
''Noo.'' Seth whined through soft laughter.
Roman licked his lips, eyeing Seth seductively before his eyes shone golden again, and he nipped at Seth's nipple playfully, laughing as the man released a gasp of surprise mixed with pleasure.
''You can't just do that, babe.'' Seth whined again in protest. ------
The next morning, the boys woke up in an extra good mood. But instead of getting in their usual early-morning workout at the gym, they rolled around in the sheets and spent the day together, getting in their workout without having to leave their room.
(Next Part)
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Pairing - Drew McIntyre/Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Rating: Explicit (Its filth yall)
Warnings: SMUT, Sex Magic, Mentions of decapitation, and a severed head?
Summary: King Sethiel, Queen Rebecca and their loyal General Drew celebrate finally taking back Seth's birthright.
Taglist: @hitory--chan @theworldofotps @finnsauroraborealis @axelwolf8109 @mondaynightriott @sethsevolution @rxllynch @writinglionqueen @swifteforeverandalways @neversatisfiedgirl @lkasapovic @new-zealand-chic
Authors Note: See this picture 🔽🔽🔽
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this man is trying to ruin my entire existence, I swear to God. I am currently writing 5 other fics and this big Scottish motherfucker done totally derailed me. And then these two who just ruin me everyday.
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King Sethiel sat on his throne, Queen Rebecca by his side both monarchs becoming increasingly annoyed with the way they were being spoken to as they listened to the advisor they'd inherited drone on about the state of their newly won kingdom.
General Drew McIntyre stood to the side as he watched his King and Queen become more and more fed up with the way Lord Heyman patronizingly spoke to them.
While yes, his King and Queen were young both Sethiel and Rebecca were a formidable force on the battlefield and not ones to be trifled with. The Mage and Warrior had defeated Sethiel's Warlord grandfather and after his parents had refused to take the throne, taken it for themselves.
'Can we kill him yet?' Rebecca mouthed at him, rolling her eyes in disgust when Drew shook his head.
"Do you really think that you're going to just pull the wool over our eyes as you did my grandfather?" Sethiel finally says in a deceptively quiet voice. "You know, Lord Heyman I do try my best not to use mind spells…they have a habit of leaving a…shall we say lasting impression on the victim's mind….but I find I haven't the patience for my General and Queen to discover the rest of your deceptions."
"My King, I have no idea what you could possibly mean by…." Heyman says trying to find a way out of the trap he could already feel closing around him
Seth simply makes a delicate motion in the air cutting off the portly man's words with a spark of purple energy.
"Please, no more lies Lord Heyman," Seth says rising from his throne and walking towards the man, Drew at his heels, just in case. "Now let's see what exactly you have planned." The master mage says before chanting under his breath as a halo of dark purple energy surrounds the panicking Lord's head.
Drew loved this part. While he and his Queen had no problems beating the truth out of their enemies…his King, who quite frankly was always attractive despite being a bit of a brat at times was even more so when using his magic. Most people found the purple glow that currently filled Seth's normally dark brown eyes disturbing but not Drew. Those eyes meant life to him for his king's magic-filled eyes had been the first thing he'd seen when the then Prince had quite literally brought Drew back from the dead.
Drew, Sethiel, and Rebecca had all grown up together in the kingdom ruled by Rebecca's older brother. Seth's parents had begged King Balor for sanctuary when they had managed to escape Princess Stephanie's father who had tried to stop the Princess from marrying Seth's father who he believed wasn't good enough (or controllable enough) for his daughter. Drew's parents had made a similar decision and followed the displaced Princess and her soldier into King Balor and Queen Violet's kingdom.
The three of them had been inseparable ever since, so much so that when Drew had been killed protecting them from a wolf attack, the Prince, in his grief ripped a hole in the afterlife to bring Drew back to them. That moment cemented them, the princely mage, the warrior princess and their trusted knight as more then childhood friends. They were all they would ever need and as long as they were together? Everyone else should just get out of their way.
"He plans to set his pet beast loose on us in the night," his King says bringing Drew out of the past and into the present as the spell around Heyman shattered and the traitorous Lord came back to himself.
At these words, Queen Rebecca rose and retrieved a blood-soaked sack from behind her throne "Was he now? Too bad I beheaded that monster yesterday then." She says with a wicked smirk as she walked down to where the other three men were standing and dumped the severed head of Brock Lesnar at Heyman's feet to his disgusted horror and her men's awe.
Drew whistled "That new ax I gifted you for yule came in handy I see."
"It surely did," She replied with a smile
"Take him away," Seth told the guards at the door. "And place his beastly lover's head in the cell with him to remind him of his mistakes"
"Do not come back here." Rebecca added "We will come out when we're ready"
As soon as the heavy doors close behind the last of the guards, and Seth locks them with a flash of purple light. Drew tugs his King toward him, covering the monarch's mouth with his own in a rough kiss.
"You know what being so close to your magic does to me, love" he growls
"Why do you think I did it?" Seth replies with a naughty smirk causing their Queen to giggle
"And you, little minx. When did you sneak off and behead Heyman's beast?"
"Last night, while you two were…otherwise engaged" she replies cheekily right before Drew gives her an equally rough and passionate kiss.
"Throne, my wicked ones." He says nudging them both toward the dias. "Let's celebrate. Our last enemy has been defeated and your birthright is finally yours My King" Drew says softly before sitting in Seth's throne himself.
"Kneel, your majesties" Drew commands
Seth and Becky share an equally evil grin and kneel before the general of their armies "But I thought we were in charge," Becky says looking up at him innocently
"I mean really, that's my throne. I could have you executed" Seth says equally innocent
"Silence teases. I have been with both of you for most of my life, and we all know who is in charge when it comes to these sorts of activities" Drew says on a deep chuckle, spreading his legs to create a space for both of them.
Already knowing exactly what their lover wanted of them, the King and Queen worked together to undo the laces on Drew's breeches, freeing his already hard cock.
"Don't," Drew says before either of them could get a word in. "You both know quite well what you do to me. Now take care of it"
Drew looked down and moaned as his pair of pretty royals began to lick at his cock together, sometimes getting distracted by one another and kissing deeply.
"Give me these," Drew says, scooping their crowns off their heads and tossing Becky's onto the seat of her throne, before placing Seth's on his own head.
"You're so cruel, Love" Seth murmurs between licks and sucks at the head of his lover's cock "You know what you wearing my crown does to ME"
"Turnabout is fair play, darling" Drew murmurs in return taking a fistful of raven hair in one hand and one of firey orange-red in the other, moaning as they expertly licked and sucked at him.
"Up, spitfire. Take that gown off" Drew orders his Queen
Quickly doing as her general commands, soon his Queen's perfectly curvy warrior's body was bared to his gaze.
"Seth, go sit on our Queen's throne. You may watch and touch .but if you come you will be punished" Drew tells his King
"Yes, sir" Seth replied quietly before stripping and settling himself in his Queen's throne, holding her crown in hands for a moment before shrugging and placing the Onyx and Silver tiara on his own head.
After making sure Seth had done as he said Drew turned is attention to the woman standing in front of him. "Now as for you. Eyes on me, Spitfire.” Waiting for her to do as he said and look at him he told her “I want this sexy fucking mouth on my cock” he says rubbing his thumb across her plush red lips.
Becky smirked and gracefully kneeling between his legs took her lover’s cock in her mouth, causing his head to drop back on the couch and let loose a loud groan. “That’s it, love,” He said running his fingers through her long red hair, as she started to bob her head taking him deeper and deeper with each pass.
After a few long minutes, he tugged on her hair signaling to stop. “Our Spitfire is so good at that," Drew says lazily looking over at Seth, sitting there stroking his own cock slowly.
"I don’t want to come down your throat right now sweetheart, but I do want my mouth on that cunt." Drew growls standing and in one motion placing his Queen in the seat he was just occupying.
Now Drew was the one kneeling in front of the throne as he placed his Queen's legs over the armrest and buried his face in between her legs
“Bloody Hell your so good at this please baby, fuck you take care of me so good,” Becky said babbling as he slowly fried her brain with pleasure, his thick beard rasping against her thighs adding another layer of sensation to the always overwhelming experience.
“Come on, Spitfire come on my face, then I’m going to make you come again on my cock”
Almost instantly after being given permission, Rebecca wailed Drew’s name loudly as she fell over into her orgasm, not giving a damn who might have heard her. It wasn't like the entire kingdom didn't know that they were actually ruled by three instead of two and that the first decree wasn't going to be making group marriages legal so that their precious knight would be the King he was meant to be alongside them.
Before her pussy could even stop spasming in pleasure Drew reached down and gripped her hips and in an impressive show of strength hauled her up onto his lap and impaled her right on his rigid cock, causing an instant second orgasm as he started bouncing her up and down taking her hard and deep just the way she loved it.
Another one, spitfire, with me.” He said before taking one hand off her hip to rub at her swollen, sensitive clit.
“DREW!” She screamed as she came for the third time, the tight, clenching inner muscles of her pussy dragging Drew happily over the edge with her with a guttural groan of her name.
Both Becky and Drew turned their heads to face Seth, where he was still sitting, practically vibrating as he now gripped the armrests of his wife's throne, a ring of pale purple magic circling the base of his cock.
"Our King was such a good boy wasn't he darling?" Drew says to Becky, licking his lips. "I think he deserves a reward, don't you? Why don't you go…help him out?"
Becky got to her husband first, removing her crown from his head and placing it on the ground before straddling his lap and running her hands through his long raven hair. "Such a good boy, listening to our lover."
"Make our Queen come again, love. Then you can remove the spell and have your own release." Drew says watching them with a filthy smile.
"Are you ready for me, My King" Becky asks kissing him gently
"Please…please use me, my Queen," Seth whispered in a broken voice that bordered on a whine.
All three lovers moan as Becky took Seth's needy cock inside her and she began to rock back and forth chasing another orgasm
"That's it darling," Seth said leaning down to suck a hard nipple into his mouth.
"Come again, sweetheart. Come for both your Kings." Drew growled
Becky's orgasmic scream was so loud Drew knew the maids would be blushing in their presence for a fortnight.
"Can.…I? Can I….please?" Seth begged
"Release your spell, Darling" Becky gasps, still shaken by the aftershocks of her pleasure "Fill me up"
Seth threw his head back as his eyes turned an even brighter purple and every candle in the throne room flared as he flooded her pussy with his seed.
"Don't even think about falling asleep, Darlings we have a chamber for that" Drew scolds them, only to be greeted by twin snores
Drew sighed, realizing he'd spoken too late and after dressing himself went to clear the hallways once again so he wouldn't have to kill anyone for seeing his lovers naked when he carried them to bed.
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