#Colorado fitness photographer
mikeconphoto · 3 months
Hey there, fans, fellow shutterbugs, realtors and home enthusiasts! It's Mike here from MikeCon Photography, and boy, do I have a tale to share today. Grab your favorite beverage and cozy up because this one's about Shayla Chado, the realtor with a heart as big as the Rocky Mountains and a sense of humor that could sell ice to an eskimo...in Alaska.
Picture this: Shayla walks up to the location I was shooting in, and I’ve got my camera in hand, ready to capture the essence for her future listings. From the moment we exchanged greetings, it was like two peas in a pod. You know that feeling when you just click with someone? Well, Shayla and I clicked like the perfect lock on a dream home.
From her infectious laugh to her uncanny ability to find the silver lining in any situation, Shayla's energy was magnetic. It's like she had this aura of positivity that could have made even the dreariest of days feel like a walk in the park. We'd be snapping photos outdoors with the sun beating down and Shayla would crack a joke that had us both doubled over in laughter, forgetting all about the weather, or the sweat dripping down my bald head. She was very patient and positive the entire shoot. This is definitely someone who appreciates being in front of the camera and wants a professional look. Realtors are some of my favorite people to work with because they understand that communication is key to making things go correctly, and the preparation to how things must look in order to market and sell properly.
But Shayla's not just a realtor extraordinaire; she's also a newly-engaged gal with love in her heart and stars in her eyes. I'll never forget the day she showed me the ring her beau had slipped on her finger. The sparkle in her eyes matched the twinkle of that rock, and I knew right then and there that this girl was destined for her own happily ever after. Who knows…maybe I’ll fly back to Colorado and do her wedding photos too. The one thing I know deep in my heart is that her marriage will be awesome because of her faith in God, and her big heart!
Sure, Shayla may be a beginner in the world of real estate, but let me tell you, she's got the drive and determination of a seasoned pro. She tackles every challenge with a can-do attitude and a smile that could light up the Denver skyline. Whether she's negotiating a deal or staging a home, Shayla puts her heart and soul into everything she does, and it shows.
So here's to you, Shayla Chado – the realtor with heart, humor, and a happily ever after on the horizon. Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey, and here's to many more laughs, listings, and love-filled moments ahead. Cheers! 🥂
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On Thursday, Justice Neil Gorsuch released a 26-page opinion venting outrage about a legal dispute that does not exist, involving websites that do not exist. Yet this case, built on imaginary grounds, will have very real consequences for LGBTQ consumers, and for anti-discrimination laws more broadly. All of the Court’s Republican appointees joined Gorsuch’s opinion in 303 Creative v. Elenis.
That said, the fake dispute that Gorsuch imagines in his 303 Creative opinion involves a reasonably narrow legal question.
In the past, Christian right advocates have sought sweeping exemptions from state and federal civil rights laws, rooted in their expansive notion of “religious liberty.” Often, these lawsuits claimed that the Constitution’s safeguards for people of faith allow anyone who objects to LGBTQ people on religious grounds to defy any law prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
303 Creative involves a much narrower dispute. The case centers on Lorie Smith, a website designer who wishes to expand her business into designing wedding websites — something she has never done before. She says she’s reluctant to do so, however, because she fears that if she designs such a website for an opposite-sex couple, Colorado’s anti-discrimination law will compel her to also design wedding websites for same-sex couples. And Smith objects to same-sex marriages.
As Gorsuch summarizes her claim, Smith “worries that, if she [starts designing wedding websites,] Colorado will force her to express views with which she disagrees.”
This is not a religious liberty claim, it is a free speech claim, rooted in well-established law, which says that the First Amendment forbids the government from compelling people to say something that they would rather not say. In ruling in Smith’s favor, the Court does not say that any religious conservative can defy any anti-discrimination law. It simply holds that someone like Smith, who publishes words for a living, may refuse to say something they don’t want to say.
The full implications of Gorsuch’s opinion are not entirely clear. In the past, religious conservatives have argued that artists and artisans of all kinds — including bakers, photographers, and floral arrangement designers — should also be allowed to discriminate under the First Amendment, because all artistic work necessarily entails some kind of expression. Gorsuch punts on this question, writing that “hypotheticals about photographers, stationers, and others, asking if they too provide expressive services covered by the First Amendment,” are not present in the 303 Creative case.
And it is worth emphasizing that the particular kind of work that Smith does, writing words on a publicly available website, fits more snugly within the First Amendment than a similar claim brought by a wedding cake designer or a florist.
Before this case was argued, I wrote that if Lorie Smith had been approached by a same-sex couple and refused to design a wedding website for them, and if she had then been sued for refusing to do so, then she would have a very strong First Amendment defense against such a suit. As the Supreme Court said in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (2006), “freedom of speech prohibits the government from telling people what they must say.” And that includes the right of a web designer to refuse to write words on a website that they do not wish to write.
But none of these events have actually happened. And, for that reason, the Supreme Court should have dismissed the case.
The frustrating thing about this case is that it involves an entirely fabricated legal dispute. Again, Lorie Smith has never actually made a wedding website for a paying customer. Nor has Colorado ever attempted to enforce its civil rights law against Ms. Smith. Indeed, in its brief to the Supreme Court, Colorado expressed doubt that its anti-discrimination law would even apply to Smith.
Yet Gorsuch’s majority opinion repeatedly paints Smith as a hapless victim, oppressed by wicked state officials who insist that she must proclaim a dogma that she denies. As he writes in the very first paragraph of his opinion, “Colorado does not just seek to ensure the sale of goods or services on equal terms. It seeks to use its law to compel an individual to create speech she does not believe.”
This claim is simply untrue. Colorado has not brought any enforcement action against Smith, or taken any other step to compel her to say anything at all — or to design any website that she does not want to design. Nor has anyone ever sued Smith for allegedly violating Colorado’s anti-discrimination law.
Indeed, in one particularly amusing turn, Smith alleged during an early stage of this litigation that she was approached by a man about doing some design work for his wedding to another man. Yet, after the New Republic’s Melissa Gira Grant contacted this man, she learned that he never reached out to Smith — and that he was married to a woman.
These facts matter because federal courts, including the Supreme Court, do not have jurisdiction to decide hypothetical cases. As a unanimous Supreme Court held in Texas v. United States (1998), “a claim is not ripe for adjudication if it rests upon ‘contingent future events that may not occur as anticipated, or indeed may not occur at all.’” So the Court should have told Smith to go away and come back when she had a real dispute with the state of Colorado.
303 Creative, moreover, is the second time Gorsuch has taken such liberties with the truth in order to rule in favor of a religious conservative. Almost exactly one year ago, Gorsuch handed down the Court’s decision in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022), a case about a public school football coach who, after games, would walk to the center of the 50-yard line and ostentatiously kneel down and pray before students and spectators — often while surrounded by players, community members, and even members of the press.
Indeed, in her dissent in Bremerton, Justice Sonia Sotomayor included a photo of Coach Kennedy holding such a prayer session, as a throng of uniformed football players and other individuals kneel with him, and as people holding video cameras look on.
And yet, Gorsuch’s opinion in Bremerton claimed that Kennedy merely wanted to offer a “short, private, personal prayer,” and then Gorsuch ruled in favor of Kennedy based on this fabricated version of Kennedy’s actual conduct.
Needless to say, this is aberrant behavior by a Supreme Court Justice — and really by six Supreme Court justices, since all of the Court’s Republican appointees joined Gorsuch’s decisions in 303 Creative and Kennedy.
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abalidoth · 10 months
Oh shit I totally missed this one, I'm sorry! I was doing Weird Tessa Stories for these, right? Alright, a long one to make up for the delay -- the worst photo experience of my life.
So the year is 2017, I'm finishing up my Ph.D. in Laramie, WY. I'm massively stressed and dissociating all the time from both the stresses of academia and four years in the closet. This was distinctly in my "nail polish and skirt goes on Friday afternoon and comes off Sunday evening" era. I'm also looking for jobs to get OUT of Laramie.
My parents see my LinkedIn picture, which at that point was a selfie, and as a birthday present they offer to buy me a professional photography session to get a nice looking picture for my website/linkedin/etc. Okay, this seems fine. They find a photographer, I go meet with her.
I immediately get Weird Vibes from her. Her office is in this loft thing downtown with tons of example pictures, it looks like she specializes in senior photos and wedding photoshoots but in a way that feels very pandering to that crowd? Also she's talking about her second vacation home in Colorado so I'm like, lady you're already wealthy why the fuck are you doing this
She's incredibly solicitous, all praise and flattery and fluff. Her emails are downright florid, and she's the same way in person. She's the walking incarnation of a Hobby Lobby wooden Bible verse sign.
But the most salient part of the consultation for this story is that she insists on COMING TO YOUR HOUSE to critique your wardrobe.
She comes over and paws through my selection of Guy Clothes (which despite making up most of my wardrobe, I don't care that much about at this point) while constantly making comments to Emma about "Oh, haha, he's such a guy, you know how men are!"
(Emma, for her part, is doing a valiant job of defending me against this dysphoria without actually outing me, because she's the best.)
So, a suit that fits her specifications is selected and the day of photographs comes around. At this point, if I was paying for this myself, I would have bailed long ago; but it was a gift from my parents and I'm debilitatingly conflict averse, so out I went.
Immediately she takes me to a back alley in Laramie. I ask her why, she says she wants to get some casual shots of me first. I tell her I'm just here for business shots, she tells me to loosen up, it'll be fun!
Did I mention I'm conflict averse?
So I'm standing there in an alley, holding my suit jacket over my shoulder in the most awkward possible way, staring at a piece of graffiti that says "JESUS SUCKED YOUR DAD'S COCK", when I start to realize that maybe this has all gone a little off the rails.
Eventually we do get some good professional shots by the river.
A couple weeks later she calls me in for a consultation. I bring Emma along for moral support, because the weird vibes at this point are getting pretty overwhelming. The photographer sets up a projector and shows off these hugely blown-up portraits of me on the wall, saying "Oh, getting a print of this size is only $930, I have one above my couch!"
(Also, she's showing off the alley pictures. I do not want the alley pictures. I think maybe Modern Tessa could pull it off in like a crop top or something, but Awkward 2017 Closet Tessa in a suit could not. We tell her we do not want the alley pictures. She shows us more alley pictures.)
Each time, she's trying to talk us down and down to smaller and smaller sizes of print. My dysphoric ass at the time doesn't want ANY picture of myself hanging on the wall; also, that's just not the tenor of our decor at all. We keep politely saying no.
Eventually we're just blunt with her: my parents already paid, can you just give us the digital files? We hired you for a LinkedIn photo, you have taken the photos, we don't want prints.
She says "I don't give out digital files."
Not once during this whole process has she mentioned this; not once in all the times that either my parents or myself have told her that this is for job hunting. We say this, and additionally say "When we hired our wedding photographer, she gave us a thumbdrive with ALL the pictures she took, AND the retouches, as part of the package."
This woman has the fucking gall to say "Well, I'm sure some people do that, but not serious portrait photographers."
We manage to get out of there without buying a fucking poster-size print of Jesus Cock Alley Tessa. I call my parents and tell them the situation. My parents, eminently practical people, say they'll deal with it.
Two days later I get an email from her, forwarded from my dad. It has the subject "linked in photo attached", no text, and a single medium-resolution picture from the river photoshoot, and I never hear from her again.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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Does anyone want a T7S Titanic AU?
Steven Hyde (born 1885) as Jack Dawson: A twenty-six-year-old drifter from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, who gambled his way onto the Titanic. He's traveled throughout North America and western Europe, including Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London, never settling down in one place. It's just him, his new friend Fez, a few books, and an acoustic guitar. Until he finds Jackie, a young woman who longs to free herself from the shackles of high society.
Jacqueline "Jackie" Burkhart (born 1887) as Rose Dewitt-Bukater: Part of the disgraced Burkhart family, her father Jack is in prison (he was on the wrong side of the law, and his trust was broken up by Teddy Roosevelt himself). And she's close to becoming an old maid, in her mother's eyes, so she must maintain appearances. And engage herself to a restless investment banker, and commit herself to misery. Like many before her.
Pamela "Pam" Burkhart (born 1865) as Ruth Dewitt-Bukater: Pam is desperate. Her husband is in prison, the money is almost gone, and she's trying to salvage what's left and save face. And that includes marrying her "old maid" of a daughter off to an investment banker.
Katherine "Kitty" Forman (nee Sigurdson) (born 1861) as Margaret "Molly" Brown: A former Wisconsinite and daughter of an abolitionist, she follows her restless husband Red to Chicago and then to Leadville, Colorado, where he strikes it rich. She's a mother, a nurse, and heads a soup kitchen. And as a part of the "nouveau riche," she's almost universally shunned by high society. But she's willing to lend a hand, when the rest? They hoard their riches, and sit on their laurels.
Michael Kelso (born 1885) as Tommy: A meager, reckless Scotsman and welder, hoping to find a better life in America with his wife Elizabeth "Brooke" (born 1883) and their children Elizabeth "Betsy" (born 1904) and John "Jay" (born 1910).
Fez (born 1886) as Fabrizio: Hyde's close friend, who he met in New York. He has accompanied him on his adventures in Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London.
Karl Schmidt (born 1884) as Cal Hockley: Jackie's fiance. A hot-headed, ambitious investment banker.
Eric Forman (born 1886) as Lawrence "Larry" Brown: Shunning the family mining business by being a history professor at the University of Chicago and an amateur photographer and filmmaker, he's well known for consistently disappointing his father. But because of Red's failing health, his father appointed him to be the representative of the American branch of the Forman family at the family reunion in Northern Ireland. Unlike his father, he is notorious for being incredibly unlucky.
Donna Forman (nee Pinciotti) (born 1886): Eric's progressive suffragette wife and a promising freelancer, originally from New York, who fails to fit in with the society ladies. Her paternal grandmother (a Visconti) was born into old money, older than even the society ladies can possibly boast. But her father Bob also lucked out by investing in Henry Ford's business early on, largely due to his daughter's insistence.
Sarah "Sadie" Forman (born 1905): Eric and Donna's young daughter, who is quiet, pensive, and creative. She seems to have both her mother's love for reading and writing, and her father's love for photography and filmography.
William "Liam" Forman (born 1909): Eric and Donna's young son, who is often attached to his sister's hip.
Reginald "Red" Forman (born 1857) as JJ Brown: Not featured but consistently mentioned, Red is a mining engineer that struck it rich (and found a massive ore seam) in Leadville, Colorado, with his wife Kitty already (and still firmly) by his side. His branch of the family, hailing from Northern Ireland, left during the potato famine and initially settled in Point Place, Wisconsin. But his failing health prevented him from attending the Forman family reunion, so he asked Eric to represent the family in lieu of his attendance.
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ollieofthebeholder · 7 months
Each Sunday, post six sentences from a writing project — published, submitted, in progress, for your cat — whatever.
His office, small as it is, bursts with his personality—the wall calendar with pictures of lakes and waterfalls he’s planning to hike to someday, the desk organizer with an image of the man from the Monopoly board leaping out of a flaming pit with GET OUT OF HELL FREE written beneath it the guy he’d been with in uni had given him for Christmas before breaking it off and moving back to Colorado, the lopsided trinket box constructed of flat wooden sticks and glitter glue his neighbor’s son had made for him at summer camp as a thank you for teaching him to ride a bike while his mum was at work, the photograph in a goofy ceramic frame currently lying face down because he can’t bear to look at it anymore but also can’t bear to take it down. Five days out of nine he can also count on there being a lemon with googly eyes glued to its peel staring at him from somewhere, which is usually his cue to go down to Lou’s office, with its photographs of her nephews and nieces and their kids—or at least the ones speaking to her this week—its awards and accolades proudly displayed wherever they’ll fit, its Newton’s cradle, and the knitted shawl draped over the back of her chair, for a cup of tea and a chat or a good laugh about something. Hell, even Howard Jackson, who hardly ever says a word to anyone except to snap about the quality of authors these days, has a pair of small flags stuck in a bud vase on one corner of his desk—the Portuguese flag and a pride flag that Tim’s never worked up the courage to ask him about. But Elias Bouchard’s office has…nothing.
It’s unnerving. Much like the rest of this place.
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xtinedancefit · 2 years
What were you favorite places and things to do in Colorado? I want to take a vacation there sometime in the future.
So I was staying in the town of Aspen, I didn't a have whole lot of time to explore lot outside of the town due to work.
But I do recommend 2 places to visit in Colorado:
#1 Maroon Bells
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It's one of the most photographed mountains in the US. They are absolutely stunning! Because it's a highly trafficked area, you have to pay for a shuttle to take you there and back, but's totally worth the money.
#2 Independence Pass
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Independence Pass is a stretch of highway 82 from Aspen to Twin Lakes. It's only open from June until Oct. It's one of the most epic drives, because it crosses the Continental Divide over 12,00ft. It literally feels like you are on top of the world.
I know I said I had 2 recommendations, but I need to add a 3rd.
#3 Denver
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(not my image)
I took a pit stop at Denver on my roadtrip to Aspen and on my way back to NC to explore a bit of the city. There's so much to do there. When I stopped by, I went to the Red Rocks Park and the Botanics Garden. I wanted to go to the Meow Wolf Museum, but I could fit it into my schedule.
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(also not my image)
Like how cool does this place look!!! This is definitely on my itinerary next time I visit.
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Colorado Wedding Photographer
Our skilled team specializes in capturing the essence of Colorado weddings, ensuring timeless memories that fit your budget. Explore our Pueblo wedding photography services.
Colorado Wedding Photographer
About Company:-
We’re a husband and wife with three beautiful and entertaining children. We live in a supportive community, work in a breathtaking landscape, watch our family grow day-by-day. Try telling us we don’t have the finest job on earth. To know us is to know us as parents, partners in love and life, photographers of kindred spirit. We come from deep, knowable roots.
Four generations of farm families that lived, loved, worked and were buried in the same land.  We invite you to dive into our web site. See some of the fun, relaxed and intimate weddings we’ve been privileged to photograph. Learn how we photograph and why one of us always has camera in hand. See what gets us visually excited — always emotion, and those fleeting (often lost) moments that speak for themselves.
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caytonphotography80 · 16 days
Affordable Wedding Photographers in Denver
Our skilled team specializes in capturing the essence of Colorado weddings, ensuring timeless memories that fit your budget. Explore our Pueblo wedding photography services.
Affordable Wedding Photographers in Denver
About Company:-
We’re a husband and wife with three beautiful and entertaining children. We live in a supportive community, work in a breathtaking landscape, watch our family grow day-by-day. Try telling us we don’t have the finest job on earth. To know us is to know us as parents, partners in love and life, photographers of kindred spirit. We come from deep, knowable roots.
Four generations of farm families that lived, loved, worked and were buried in the same land.  We invite you to dive into our web site. See some of the fun, relaxed and intimate weddings we’ve been privileged to photograph. Learn how we photograph and why one of us always has camera in hand. See what gets us visually excited — always emotion, and those fleeting (often lost) moments that speak for themselves.
Click For More info :- https://caytonphotography.com/portfolio/
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caytonpho1 · 2 months
Colorado Wedding Photographer | caytonphotography.com
Our skilled team specializes in capturing the essence of Colorado weddings, ensuring timeless memories that fit your budget. Explore our Pueblo wedding photography services.
Visit Us : https://caytonphotography.com/portfolio/
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mcgrathcross05 · 2 months
Celebrating America By If You Grand Canyon Helicopter Ride
Assess whether or even otherwise you will be fit enough to love the walk. Some of the best camping and fishing that organization find always be at a national park. Townsend, Tennessee is the quiet side of the Smokies. Day Six of Colorado Beer Week takes place at Cheeky Monkey. Called the premier Belgian beer bar in the city, hosting 15 beers on a tap, yet another 15 together with bottle this is where you go along with traditional and truly only Belgium lager. Rouge Brewing (Oregon) will be presenting four in addition to very best beers coupled with oysters around half cover. First dozen are free as would be beers. Rouge Brewery is recognized for brewing outside of the box; expect some outstanding pairings with some of really shellfish in the world at one of the best Belgium beer bars a state. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh You both choose to be a hotel or a resort or you can even choose tent camping in the lamp. Tent camping can be genuine fun ordinary park. There are lots of campgrounds specific to the Yellowstone national park. You need to you should choose the place that fits you and your family. Tigers - This Park has one amongst the country's best nature in spotting a competition. These majestic predators are often spotted basking or ambling under the sun.
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View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Corbett National Park is widely referred to as a Jim Corbett National Park which is named after the hunter turned conservationist Jim Corbett who played so role in establishment for the park. It is known with regard to the oldest national park of the country. The park was build in 1936 beeing the Hailey National Park. The park is positioned at the Nainital district of Uttrakhand, it acts as protection reservoir for the critically endangered Bengal Tigers of Indian. The main objective of the Park is with the Project Tiger, an Indian wildlife protection initiative. There are places to picnic in the Visitor Center and there could short walking trail on Convoy Point and fishing is allowed in the spot. Campsites are available on Elliott Key and Boca Chita Key, as appropriately. Elliott Key also has places to hike generally there are still more hiking trails on Adams Key. These keys are found accessible by boat. Day Six of Colorado Beer Week takes place at Cheeky Monkey. Known as the premier Belgian beer bar in the city, hosting 15 beers on a tap, yet another 15 the actual bottle this is when you go with traditional and truly only Belgium beverage. Rouge Brewing (Oregon) will be presenting four associated with their very best beers paired with oysters over the half casing. First dozen are free as are the beers. Rouge Brewery is acknowledged for brewing right out of the box; expect some outstanding pairings by of probably the most effective shellfish in the united states at great Belgium beer bars planet state. Air facilities have not been developed as such by the park. The closest domestic airport to get the park can be obtained at Phoolbagh in pantnagar which is situated some 100 kilometres from that. There are regular flights from major cities to are of the country. There are few sights in nature as spectacular as Acadia National Park's autumn leaves: a fiery combination of burnt orange, fire engine red and blazing gold rings. Fall is a favorite time of the season for fall foliage aficionados - since "leaf peepers" - to flock to Acadia to photograph and bask involving blaze of color that carpets the park. Visitors can learn all around the park in the Dante Fascell Visitor Center at Convoy Point. Exhibits in the museum concentrate on the park's ecosystems and artwork Bac Kan in Viet Nam from the park is displayed in a gallery and films are shown here, too. Visitors can touch bones, coral and other pursuits at the Touch Cubical. Educational items are sold in the bookstore and souvenirs may be in the gift garage. The Smoky Mountains was home towards Eastern Gang of the Cherokee Nation. It really is still home to this Nation. War and treaties eventually forced the Cherokee Nation the land. Some hid ultimately mountains refusing to walk out of. Eventually, the remaining Indians banned together in Swain County, which was formed from Indian Arrives. Later, livestock was moved in the area along with white residents. Prospectors mined for gold, tin, silver, copper, and zinc. Large mines were established in the region. Timber was abused. Roads, turnpikes, and train tracks were brought to transport commodities. Major changes had taken place over dispersed in the remaining 100 months. Yes, the tourist capital of scotland- Jackson, Wyoming is definitely a "must see" while vacationing in Grand Teton National Woodland. Located 4 miles south of the park's southern border, this "cowboy town" is regarding gift shops, clothing and outdoor stores, galleries, restaurants, whitewater rafting guides, hotels and a lot. Jackson is really a great place to visit, an important part on the Grand Teton experience.
While most travelers associate Halong Bay with water activities, there are a number of other experiences that could be enjoyed during a journey on the fresh. Not only will visitors be in the swim, canoe and kayak in the water, but they'll also be that can hike, walk and tour different islands. Here are some ideas to assist you in getting most out of your hiking expeditions. Top Bắc Kạn AZ 24h Tin Top Bắc Kạn AZ 24h The closest railway station to Corbett National Park is Ramnagar, which is 12 km from the Park. The Ranikhet Express plies between Delhi and Ramnagar, departing from Delhi at a dozen.50 pm and arriving at 4.35 am the overnight. The train from to put Delhi begins at getting.05 pm, reaching Delhi at 5 am the subsequent day. Acadia National Park delivers a glimpse into everything for Maine. Craggy coast lines bordering the Atlantic Ocean, cobble stone beaches, deep valley carved out of majestic mountain ranges are just some of the things Acadia provides. Tin tổng hợp Top Bắc Kạn AZ The geography of Acadia National park is one of the most diverse in the united kingdom. You can find sprawling meadows, salty marshes and densely lush green forest all inside the park. There is a little bit of the things at the park. What's really is phenomenal is this : no matter where you're you may like to smell traces of the ocean the actual park. Mobile phone coverage. Dependant on the network you are with, the Murramarang National Park has very limited mobile phone reception, if any. Even UHF radios often don't work due Bac Kan in Viet Nam the hilly esplanade. The dune heaths at Thy National Park are unique not only in Denmark but across the globe. The heath land along the coast alternates with dune plantations. To the north of the park is the Hanstholm Game Reserve to select from two of Denmark's cleanest and unspoiled lakes, Nors Lake and Vandet Plaza de oriente. Nors Lake's beach is child-friendly. Red deer, roe and an assortment of Denmark's rare birds the same as wood sandpiper and golden plover refer to this as area abode. There are more than 30 varied species of birds in your community. Otters have found homes along the protected regions of the lakes too. In addition to the elephants, driving around the muddy roads you in addition be come across other connected with wildlife are generally a familiar sight in Sri Lankan jungles. Watch the Sambar Deer and Axis Deer graze or see Wild Boar burrowing. If are usually really lucky you can see the beautiful leopard insect killer lazy sloth bear. Another important animal will be the Gray Slender Loris and Kaudalla National Park was one of this first places it was spotted with regard to. Kaudalla National Park is also they make park to have an albino deer. The Grand Canyon has campsites both outside, likewise the theme park. One site has tent and RV camping with no hookups, the additional has camping with hookups. Rocky Mountain National Nufactured. has no hookups in the park, but numerous nearby RV parks have got them. Top Bắc Kạn AZ News Perform have a wheelchair accessible campsite. Some parks need to reserve sites; others are "first come, first worked on." Call your park of choice for greater information, or look along the home page and see what amenities are to be found. In the centre in the park, can be a lake which is amazingly beautiful plus gives a pleasant look on the visitors. Visitors automatically get attracted towards this lakeside. Periyar national park is surrounded by deciduous forest. It provides visitors the impression of fresh and untainted air. Visitors usually take advantage of the inhaling of fresh air emitting from the deciduous hardwoods. There are so many factors involving Periyar National Park which compel the tourists to revisit the park. Visitors enjoy their morning too as evening boat cruise in addition to wild elephants frolicking your past lake. Most of them take pleasure in bird watching also. The national park can be found in the Uttarakhand state of India generally there are a number of ways with which we can reach right now there. Being the oldest in the country the park has been a hit amongst dynamics lovers and tourists same. In Periyaar National Park, birds like Kingfishers, racket-tailed Drongoes, cormorants, hornbills etc are stumbled upon. Python and a King Cobra are frequently spotted by the visitors while trekking within Periyar National Park. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: CHU THỊ SAO MAI - Chu Thi Sao Mai
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Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: HÀ DIỆU LINH - Ha Dieu Linh
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caytonphotography01 · 3 months
Colorado Wedding Photographer
Our skilled team specializes in capturing the essence of Colorado weddings, ensuring timeless memories that fit your budget. Explore our Pueblo wedding photography services. Colorado Wedding Photographer
About Company:-
We’re a husband and wife with three beautiful and entertaining children. We live in a supportive community, work in a breathtaking landscape, watch our family grow day-by-day. Try telling us we don’t have the finest job on earth. To know us is to know us as parents, partners in love and life, photographers of kindred spirit. We come from deep, knowable roots.
Four generations of farm families that lived, loved, worked and were buried in the same land.  We invite you to dive into our web site. See some of the fun, relaxed and intimate weddings we’ve been privileged to photograph. Learn how we photograph and why one of us always has camera in hand. See what gets us visually excited — always emotion, and those fleeting (often lost) moments that speak for themselves.
Click For More info :- https://caytonphotography.com/
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datascraping001 · 5 months
Photographers Email List
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Enhancing Your Photography Business with Photographers Email List. In today's competitive photography market, connecting with the right audience can make all the difference. Photographers need to be able to reach potential clients and collaborate with other professionals in the industry. That's where a comprehensive Photographers Email List becomes an invaluable tool for any photography business.
At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of accurate and up-to-date data in today's fast-paced world. Our Photographers Email List service is designed to provide photographers and photography-related businesses with a reliable source of contact information for photographers across various specialties and regions.
The benefits of having a curated Photographers Email List are numerous. Firstly, it provides a direct channel for communication, enabling photographers to connect with potential clients for bookings, inquiries, and collaborations. This direct line of communication can significantly enhance business opportunities and facilitate a broader network within the photography community. Moreover, a well-segmented and organized Photographers Email List allows for targeted marketing strategies. Photographers can tailor their promotional efforts, showcasing their expertise and services to the right audience. Whether you specialize in wedding photography, fashion photography, or any other niche, having access to a targeted email list can amplify your marketing ROI.
Our team at datascrapingservices.com is dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable data that aligns with your business objectives. We take pride in offering a seamless experience, making the acquisition of the Photographers Email List a hassle-free process. In conclusion, a well-curated Photographers Email List is a powerful tool for photographers and photography-related businesses. It streamlines communication, amplifies marketing efforts, and expands networking opportunities within the photography industry.
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To learn more about our Photographers Email List service and how it can empower your photography business, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Let's take the first step toward enhancing your photography business with targeted and accurate data. Discover how our Photographers Email List can elevate your photography business to new heights and help you forge lasting relationships within the photography community.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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abbipittman · 9 months
Priceless Moments, Affordable Rates: Family Photography in Colorado That Fits Your Budget
In the picturesque landscapes of Colorado, where the Rocky Mountains meet serene valleys and vibrant urban centers, capturing your family's precious moments is a timeless tradition. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply cherishing everyday joys, the right family photographer can turn those moments into lifelong memories. Here, you will explore how you can find affordable family photography in Colorado without compromising on quality. 
Read More: https://demo.sngine.com/blogs/350693/Priceless-Moments-Affordable-Rates-Family-Photography-in-Colorado-That-Fits
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scarlettnill · 10 months
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FULL NAME: scarlett jane nill.
NICKNAME(S): scar, sj.
AGE:  thirty-six.
DATE OF BIRTH: november 9th.
PLACE OF BIRTH: salt lake city, utah.
CURRENT LOCATION: angelwoods, colorado.
GENDER: cis female.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
OCCUPATION: photographer.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  bachelor’s degree of photography.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: her old home in angelwoods.
FACECLAIM:  brianne howey.
HAIR COLOR AND STYLE: blonde. usually down and curled to perfection but sometimes up in a messy bun when she doesn't want to fool with it.
EYE COLOR: hazel.
EYESIGHT:  perfect vision.
HEIGHT:  five foot, six inches.
WEIGHT:  one hundred and twenty-five pounds.
BODY AND BUILD:  athletic.
TATTOOS: none.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: burn scars scattered along her back and upper thighs.
MENTAL DISORDER(S): ctsd, anxiety.
ALLERGIES: mangos.
SLEEPING HABITS: she barely gets three hours of sleep a night. her mind does not quit racing so she spends most nights tossing and turning..
EATING HABITS: great cook. spends a lot of time in the kitchen but also enjoys take-out more often than not.
SOCIABILITY: she is a chameleon so she can fit in with any crowd that is around. she is very outgoing, bubbly, and makes everyone remember her.
DRUG USE: depends on her mood and what she can find available.
ALCOHOL USE: glass of wine per day is like a minimum esp when she can't sleep.
MOTHER: molly nill, nee masters
FATHER: raymond nill
BEST FRIEND: wanted connection.
EXES: nate dalton.
SIBLING(S): none.
PET(S): none.
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mikeconphoto · 11 months
Greetings, fitness fanatics and Star Wars aficionados! First and foremost, I’d like to again wish Alex a very Happy Birthday, and I pray that she enjoyed it to the fullest! Today, I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to the one and only Dr. Alex Paine, the tall, pretty, and hilarious fitness model from the enchanting state of Colorado. As the proud owner of MikeCon Photography, I've had the delightful pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Paine multiple times, and boy, is she a force to be reckoned with in the fitness community!
**A Fit Pro with a Sense of Humor: Meet Dr. Alex Paine**
Dr. Paine is not your run-of-the-mill fitness pro. Besides her jaw-dropping beauty and her impeccable physique, she is an absolute goofball! With a fantastic sense of humor and an unwavering love for Star Wars movies, she brings a nerdy twist to the fitness world, and we just can't get enough of it!
**Boundless Trust and Hilarious Moments**
Now, let me take you back to 2019 when I was getting ready to relocate to Germany. Dr. Paine, being the wonderful human she is, graced us all with her presence at my going-away party. Amidst the farewell tears, she managed to keep us all in stitches with her witty one-liners and contagious laughter. It was then that I realized that beyond being a fitness pro, she was a gem of a friend who brightened every room she entered.
**From Germany to Colorado: A Legendary Photo Shoot**
Fast forward to 2022, I was back in Colorado, and it was time for another memorable collaboration with the fantastic Dr. Alex Paine. Her radiant red hair and quirky charm were as captivating as ever. During the photo shoot, we had a blast capturing her passion for fitness and Star Wars. The shots were nothing short of phenomenal, and her goofy side shone through, adding an unparalleled vibrancy to the images.
**The Trust Game: Dr. Paine and MikeCon Photography**
Dr. Alex Paine is a Doctor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and she takes her fitness journey as seriously as her scientific pursuits. She chose MikeCon Photography above all other photographers in the world, and boy, am I honored! Her trust in our team allowed us to create artistic shots that truly showcased her dedication to both fitness and her nerdy passions.
**A Thank You Email from Mama Paine**
But the love and trust don't stop there! Dr. Paine's mother, who also happens to be a bodybuilder, sent me a heartfelt thank-you email for working with her daughter as a professional. Knowing that another photographer had turned her down before, I was determined to make her photo shoot extraordinary. Together, we proved that embracing uniqueness and being a little bit of a nerd can lead to remarkable results.
**MikeCon Photography: Your Go-To Fitness Connection**
Located in the DMV area, we at MikeCon Photography take pride in our ability to travel frequently to Colorado and beyond, connecting with exceptional individuals like Dr. Alex Paine. We're not just photographers; we're storytellers, capturing the essence of each person we work with.
**Join the Fitness Fun: Go Viral with Dr. Alex Paine!**
So, my fellow fitness enthusiasts and Star Wars lovers, get ready to go viral with the one and only Dr. Alex Paine! Follow her fitness journey, be captivated by her infectious sense of humor, and embrace your inner nerd alongside her. Share this blog far and wide, and let's celebrate the incredible impact she's making in the fitness community. Remember, “Sharing is caring!”
And remember, at MikeCon Photography, we're not just creating images; we're capturing the heart and soul of each individual. So whether you're in Colorado, the DMV area, or anywhere in the world, let us tell your story and make your fitness dreams come to life!
Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to mention that Dr. Paine also designs and creates custom bikinis. Feel free to check out her website Xela’s Customs and get yours done today. She can ship all around the world! She has gone above and beyond to ensure that people get exactly what they need, when they need it!
#DrAlexPaine #FitnessPro #MikeConPhotography #StarWarsFitness #NerdyFitness #Colorado #DMV #FitnessJourney
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mantratattoosblog · 1 year
Tattoo Artists near Lakewood
Lakewood, Colorado is a great city that offers a unique blend of urban and outdoor experiences. From parks and lakes to shopping and dining, Lakewood has something for everyone. If you're in the market for a new tattoo, Lakewood has a number of talented tattoo artists to choose from. Here are some of the top tattoo artists in Lakewood:
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Dan DiMattia - Calypso Tattoo
Dan DiMattia is the owner of Calypso Tattoo, a popular tattoo shop located in Lakewood. He has been tattooing for over 20 years and is known for his stunning traditional tattoo designs. Dan's attention to detail and expertise in traditional tattooing make him a top choice for anyone looking for a classic, timeless tattoo.
Robert Maldonado - Crown and Anchor Tattoo
Robert Maldonado is the owner and lead artist at Crown and Anchor Tattoo, located in Lakewood. Robert has been tattooing for over a decade and specializes in black and grey realism tattoos. His work is incredibly detailed and realistic, and he has a talent for creating lifelike portraits and animal tattoos.
Molly McCulloch - Ritual Tattoo Gallery
Molly McCulloch is a talented tattoo artist at Ritual Tattoo Gallery in Lakewood. She has been tattooing for over a decade and is known for her intricate, detailed tattoos. Molly's style is heavily influenced by nature and animals, and her tattoos often feature intricate linework and shading.
Brian Thurow - White Lotus Tattoo
Brian Thurow is a tattoo artist at White Lotus Tattoo in Lakewood. He has been tattooing for over a decade and is known for his bright, colorful tattoos. Brian's style is heavily influenced by Japanese tattooing, and he has a talent for creating large, intricate designs that flow seamlessly with the body.
Jason Lantz - Lucky 13 Tattoo
Jason Lantz is a tattoo artist at Lucky 13 Tattoo in Lakewood. He has been tattooing for over 15 years and is known for his bold, colorful tattoos. Jason's style is heavily influenced by American traditional tattooing, and his tattoos often feature bold lines and bright colors.
Gabriel Massey - Massey Tattoo Co.
Gabriel Massey is the owner and lead artist at Massey Tattoo Co. in Lakewood. He has been tattooing for over a decade and is known for his stunning realism tattoos. Gabriel's work is incredibly detailed and lifelike, and he has a talent for creating tattoos that look like photographs.
Eric Johanson - Freaky's Lakewood
Eric Johanson is a tattoo artist at Freaky's Lakewood, a popular tattoo shop in the area. He has been tattooing for over a decade and is known for his bold, graphic tattoos. Eric's style is heavily influenced by graffiti and street art, and his tattoos often feature bold lines and bright colors.
Conclusion: These are just a few of the top tattoo artists in Lakewood. Each artist has their own unique style and specialty, so it's important to research and find the one that best fits your vision for your new tattoo. Whether you're looking for a classic, traditional tattoo or a bold, colorful design, Lakewood has an artist that can bring your ideas to life.
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