mortui-vivi · 2 months
the aesthetics of zombies ::
the smell of damp earth after a thunderstorm and the smell of rotting moss. old horror movies, a vintage t-shirt with a faded print, a table filled with coffee cups. an old wooden house with rotten planks, which is about to finally fall apart. derealization in space, empty gaze and loss of control over emotions. night walks through empty city streets to the sounds of old lanterns or among the trees of the forest to the noise of foliage and branches. a feeling of inner emptiness that nothing can fill.
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catfre8k · 7 months
my limbs are contorted and held together by the slimy muscles that are barely strong enough to cling to my bones and the black stitches that assists my muscles. my skin is dark and cloudy and my bones stick out in all the wrong places. death clings desperately to my organs but my heart keeps them going. i am a mangled, horrific creature.
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biohazard-inevitable · 4 months
Y’know its so funny imagining my more demonic form everytime I’m awake at night- like-
Imagine stumbling into the kitchen only to be stared at by eerie, will-o-wisp eyes in the hollow eye sockets of the skull of something not quite discovered, jaw structure like a deer but with the fangs of a predator as the pale bleached bone is illuminated by the faint golden light of the microwave, its ears flicking to the sound of the beep as it shuffles its attention forward, large taloned claws grasping at a hand towel as it opens the door and pulls out the bowl.
“It’s hot when it first comes out.” It reasons with a shrug, hooves clacking against tile as it maneuvers on wards. “You want some? Its the leftover mac n cheese I made last night. Onion cheddar, pretty good.”
It seeks not your flesh only the leftovers in your fridge
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maulsoleum · 1 year
i’ve grown to find comfort and self worth in the rot, but that doesn’t mean i like that it still hurts
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evildadstims · 1 year
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Ghost kin stimboard. Okay to tag as kin. Sources below.
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crowz-searches · 6 months
🕸️ mopey
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mopey | she, he, they, it | femmasc terms | 18
looking /p or /r
sapphic, sexuality questioning, most likely monogamous, unlabeled but fem nonbinary.
goth, but still needs to find more goth music irl.
i’m human, although dead/undead due to (pseudo)traumas. i have a scrawny headspace body due to drugs, and this causes dysphoria towards the real body; this topic may trigger some people.
athiest, satanist
likes: looking like a goth slut
wants: someone who can handle me
other: may be put into an IWC status, i might be kind of crazy. as far as you’re concerned, mopey is my real name.
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lil-toastie-boi · 11 months
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Psychopomp Kin Stimboard
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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self care for : a grim reaper from the 70s/80s with items relating to their interests with a femme flair requested by 🩵🧷🥀anon
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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kin-and-kaboodle · 7 months
In my memory, the spirit plane was a near identical copy of the living world. The only difference was that anything dead in the living world, was alive and thriving in it’s post-mortem parallel. Every person, every animal, anything that had ever reached the end of it’s life. Wilted flowers bloomed brightly. Every star that burned out and died added a new bright burning orb in the sky of the spirit’s plane.
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mortui-vivi · 2 months
«From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.»
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— Edvard Munch
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uralienlucas · 2 years
I am not cute, wholesome, pretty, I'm unsettling and a fukking menace, i am the most demonic thing you'll ever see
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catfre8k · 7 months
im a corpse in a sown back together in a horrific terrifying way and being given the gift of life way
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biohazard-inevitable · 3 months
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Sooooo I got a new job and had this in my brain the whole first day and simply had to doodle it cause i find it hilarious to think of this freaky eldritch monster delivering pizzas
Also, the song i listened to on loop when drawing this so just- the sound vibes I guess? Its a funky song, but kinda messed up
Some alternate pics under the cut
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systemmonster · 1 month
My kinself
I want to try to describe myself despite I don't have enough words even in my native language
Usually I use "monster", "dragon", "shadow". Sometimes I want to use "demon" but absolutely without Christian contex
In a manner I shapeshift - I can change my size or become more humanlike (similar body but with fangs, feather and claws and without face at all). I can be smaller than my human body or bigger than the Earth...
So. I'm absolutely black, maybe with dark blue and dark purple shades. I have wings - with feather or leather one, it depends. I have no genitalia, sex or gender in my true form. Horns, claws, fangs. Different kind of moves definitely strange for humans.
Sometimes I see myself flying among the stars. Sometimes I see myself killing someone with calm. I feel strength and dark but I'm not evil I'm almost neutral. And I have some connection with Death, it's hard to explane
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toastskinstuff · 11 months
as a psychopomp im adopting all you deathkin as my children
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Absolutely LIVING MY BEST NOT-LIFE with all of the fanart of me <3 - Death (Puss in Boots) #🐝🖤💛
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