#Die unstillbare Gier
faytalepsy · 9 months
Wunschtraum und Wirklichkeit
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Still absolutely obsessed with Tanz der Vampire.
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ayjada · 2 years
Denn Sie müssen wissen: Ich bin ein Vampir. Ich war zwar nie in Transsylvanien, Ich war lediglich im Urlaub mal in Spanien. Doch die Dunkelheit trägt ihre Schatten weit, Denn gebürtig komm′ ich eigentlich aus Wattenscheit. Ich hatte tierisch vor Vampiren Schiss, Bis mich schließlich einer der ihren biss. Da hab' ich Blut geleckt und im Nu entdeckt, Wie gut das schmeckt. Seitdem hab′ ich weit über 1000 Frauen geliebt, Von denen leider keine bei mir blieb, Weil ich sie immer beiße! Scheiße.
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ricoka · 5 months
The last years I was ass deep into my Christmas playlist listening by this point, this year I'm listening to the Tanz der Vampire Soundtrack again 😭😭
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cuntylestat · 1 year
sometimes i wanna musical post here but then i realize not everyone needs to know what a fucking nerd i am
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cuntvonkrolock · 9 months
i find it soooooo funny that my two favourite musicals of all time are tanz der vampire and newsies. i literally could not have picked a more different pair if i tried.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 5 months
My first time experiencing tanz der vampire was me watching the incredibly crunchy 1997 proshot late in the evening when I had school the next day and I was getting so tired my eyes were watering and also the version of the proshot I found inexplicably had sections out of order. like the first act was normal I think but then the second act had all the songs all jumbled up and it was really confusing. so because of that I didnt know until now that during die unstillbare gier Alfred and the professor were apparently just standing there listening to von krolocks dramatic solo. what do you think was going through their heads during that last verse
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chthonic-cassandra · 5 months
@elwing wanted to know more about my vampire brides backstories. I'm putting this behind a cut for Compromise spoilers; also I'm still taking celebratory questions about the series.
So! Not going to share everything I have in my head about this, because some of it might go in stories in the future and I need to sit with it more before I talk about it. I have been writing about Dracula's wives since 2006, and some aspects of their characterization (including names, appearance, and general personality) have stayed consistent since that time, but the backstories I have for them have gradually evolved.
[There is truly a whole arc in the evolution of my own thinking about certain things in my own life reflected in those changes, but that's a conversation for another time.]
I don't have exact dates in my head for each of their turnings (insert "Die unstillbare Gier" joke here?), but I generally place roughly a century between each of them, so that Ecaterina has been with him since roughly the 16th century, Ileana since the 17th, and Adriana the 18th. There's an irony there because Adriana is so medieval in her sensibilities, and would have been more at home in the Eastern Europe of the 15th/16th centuries, while Ecaterina was rather ahead of her time in sensibility and really belongs in the court of Catherine the Great. This does interesting things in both of their relationships with immortality and time.
There's also a class divide between them; Ecaterina and especially Adriana come from upper-class backgrounds, while Ileana was a peasant as a human. I imagine Ecaterina coming from a noble but not royal family in Muscovite Russia; Adriana was born into an actual royal line in soon-to-be Romania but during the period when it was firmly under Ottoman rule (and they had put a Greek regent in place, I think? 18th century Balkan history is messy). Since all the way back in 2006 I've had it in my head that Adriana is herself very, very distantly related to Dracula, hence the familial resemblance Jonathan notes in the novel.
Ileana and Adriana especially really didn't fit into the social contexts in which they were born, Ileana because all she wanted to do was spend all her time in the woods and not deal with people, and Adriana because she was religious and inward-focused and constitutionally incapable of political strategy. Ecaterina did a little better, but ultimately I think all three of them were socially isolated (as, to some extent, Jonathan and Mina both as are before the events of the novel as orphans in a precarious financial position). I don't think Dracula was their first exposure to violence.
None of them came into the transformation entirely voluntarily, though the path looked different for each of them. Ileana somewhat consented to the vampirism, but did not expect the kind of submission and captivity Dracula requires; Ecaterina was into Dracula and, in a somewhat delimited way, into the power dynamic, but she didn't expect to be completely cut off from humanity and isolated. Adriana didn't consent to any of it, but once Dracula took her actually got what he was going for more quickly than the others on a weird intuitive level.
Ecaterina always expected and in fact preferred to be one of multiple fledglings/consorts, partly because of her relationship with unnamed mysterious man-before-Jonathan alluded to in the stories, whose death rather devastated her, so she was eager and relieved when Ileana showed up. Ileana's adjustment to the intra-castle dynamics was rather rougher. Because of who Adriana is it's a little harder to tell how she feels about it; she clearly cares about her vampire sisters, but there are parts of her internal experience that no one but Dracula gets.
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after-perfect · 3 months
So I was listening to Die unstillbare Gier, as one does, and it occurred to me that Herbert is missing from Krolock's regrets. Which makes me wonder - could it have been Herbert who turned Krolock in the first place?
Assuming Krolock is being at least somewhat sincere here, he mourns over having killed Miss 1617, the pastor's daughter, and the pageboy, but doesn't mention Herbert (unless Herbert is the vampire identity of one of those three, but I kinda doubt it). If Krolock really does hate being a vampire, and he was responsible for turning Herbert, you'd think that condemning his son to undeath would be near the top of his regrets, but he doesn't mention it.
On the other hand, Herbert doesn't appear to mind his own vampirism too much (yes, he complains about being bored, but he's pretty gleeful about the prospect of Alfred joining him, whereas Krolock almost seems to wrestle with his conscience a bit during Totale Finsternis - unless he's just wrestling with delayed gratification). So what if Herbert somehow got turned as a young man, found himself enjoying vampirism, and, having one of the best parental relationships in all of German musical theatre, decided to share the fun with his dad?
Assuming again that Krolock is not super happy about being a vampire, you'd think he'd resent whoever turned him. Maybe it's been a few centuries now and he's done the same to enough other people that it's not something he thinks about much; maybe he just doesn't get around to discussing it onstage. Or maybe he can't bring himself to hold onto resentment against his son.
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fitzrove · 7 months
TdV plot summary but with the symbolism being made painfully apparent (Kunze said once that vampire bites = sex) (contains mentions of sexual assault, though very brief and vague. All discussion of Magda and Chagal is omitted because that storyline is a Mess. Not explicit but also not for under 18's)
Alfred and Sarah are innocent youths. The conservative world around them desperately doesn't want them to have sex (of any kind) - the village Sarah lives in works obsessively to keep the local Sex Maniac away, and Professor Abronsius has made his life's mission to eradicate People Having Sex. But one day the Sex Maniac (also known as Count von Krolock) shows up and tells Sarah that sex condemns you to eternal life and a cynical existence (Gott ist Tot) but also that it's thrilling and cool (Einladung zum Ball). Sarah is intrigued but Alfred is terrified and thwarts the invitation by alerting the professor. Sarah's parents punish her for disobeying them. Later, however, she sneaks out again, with the intention of running away; Alfred is outside too, and together they dream of freedom somewhere far away (Draussen ist Freiheit). Alfred still thinks going to the castle (to have sex) is scary and dangerous, but in the end, Sarah resolves to go anyway, distracts him and runs away (Die Roten Stiefel).
Instead of staking Chagal, the professor and Alfred task him with leading them to the castle. In front of it (Vor dem Schloss), Krolock tells Alfred that they should have sex (look, "sink with me into the sea of time" kinda implies that Krolock's offering to bite him, and also, "fühl die Wohllust, dich aufzugeben" helppp??), that Alfred shouldn't think too hard about conservative, stifling morals and that freeing himself is the way to the Enlightenment that Alfred thinks he's pursuing with the professor's cold, logical approach. Alfred gets spooked and runs away.
Sarah and Krolock have a duet (Totale Finsternis) about how thirsty they are - for either new experiences (Sarah) or just plain thirsty/looking for environmental enrichment to his cynical boredom (Krolock), but resolve to wait until the ball. Meanwhile, Alfred has an erotically charged nightmare (Carpe Noctem) where he bangs Krolock first, after which he, emboldened (?), delivers Sarah into Krolock's arms and is therefore guilty for her "loss of innocence" - but also can't resist partaking in "taking it" from her. He wakes up, relieved that his anxieties weren't real (Ein Perfekter Tag), and resolves to destroy Krolock (non-sexual) before Krolock destroys him and Sarah. But in the end, he hesitates and can't do it (In der Grüft) - even though the professor attempts to convince him to do it, for Sarah's sake.
Later, Alfred finds Sarah, attempting to persuade her to flee once again. Sarah is resolved not to go until after the ball. Alfred still doesn't understand why she doesn't want to flee, but swears to stay by her no matter what (Für Sarah).
Herbert comes close to assaulting Alfred until the professor intervenes (Wenn Liebe in dir Ist). Afterwards, Krolock shows up to gloat; he says that the professor, given his academic interest in sex, should have some ("you have to become what you study!"), and taunts Alfred, telling him that the enlightenment (and, therefore, sex) he subconsciously seeks can only be found at the castle, and that if he flees, he won't reach it.
Krolock laments that, through his cynicism and greed, he ends up destroying or "ruining" every romantic/intimate relationship he has (Die Unstillbare Gier).
At the ball, Krolock and Sarah finally Have The Sex, and he implies that the professor and Alfred are free real estate for everyone else (ouch). However, the humans manage to escape before anything happens. But, as the professor sits down to scribble down notes, Sarah takes initiative and her and Alfred Have The Sex. Alfred, to quote him, finds it "not bad at all" despite his fears. They escape into the wide world hand in hand, impliedly with the intention to have sex with lots more people agfghagfhjs, and the finale number is about how YOU (the audience) are NEXT
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noandnooneelse · 21 days
Tdv day the last. I sat next to an absolute fuckwit who kept talking today, but ive already complained about him at length to a friend, so heres all the things i liked, because thats more worth of remembering: sarah hatten wir heute eine zweitbesetzung, und sie war gut! Sie war echt gut! Alfred leider wieder die erstbesetzung, er war mittelmäßig, abronsius und chagal immer noch schlecht (so viel zu "lets remember things i liked" but ok). Es war heute, abgesehen von den eben genannten, so gut gesungen. Totale finsternis vor allem, und unstillbare gier war so gut - also wirklich, so gut. Ich habe endlich bemerkt, wann krolock während ewigkeit hinten auf den friedhof raufkraxelt, aber wenn man nicht sehr genau hinschaut merkt man das wirklich überhaupt nicht. Von weiter weg ist es auch absolut unmöglich krolock oben auf den zinnen zu sehen, bevor er anfängt zu singen, er ist da absolut unsichtbar. He ho he die reprise ist einfach so ein verdammt cooles lied - wie sie die stimme krolocks im raum herumwerfen, das kriegt man von so weit vorne gar nicht so richtig mit, aber wenn man hinten ist - so wie die lautsprecher sind, hört es sich wirklich so an als wäre er auf einmal direkt hinter dir. Der übergang von unstillbare gier zu tanzsaal - einerseits musikalisch, es ist einfach großartig, aber auch rein optisch - sie schießen da scheinwerfer durch ????? Durch? Und der effekt, den der ganze spaß hat ist, dass es einen kranz von lichtstrahlen bildet, fast so als würde die sonne aufgehen, und es wirkt so gut. Es schaut einfach nur verdammt cool aus Ich glaub fast, tanzsaal ist mein neuer liebster teil des ganzen (zerscht wars einladung zum ball, dann wars totale finsternis, dann wars gott ist tot, jetzt ists anscheinend tanzsaal) der borchert singt das "haben wir je davon genug" immer sehr. Borchert, und nicht sehr krolock, das ist eine von den stellen die immer sehr borchert sind - will nicht heißen, dass es nicht gut gesungen wäre, aber wenn man bei ein paar von seinen weihnachtskonzerten war, dann weiß man, wie er klingt. Und so klingt krolock halt nicht, und an dieser einen stelle kommt das immer durch - heute aber überhaupt nicht!! Heute hatten wir durch die bank krolock!! (Thats the thing - imo theres krolock, and then theres borchert-singt-krolock, and the latter is also very very good, but its not exactly krolock. There are some parts of the play where you are very likely to encounter borchert-singt-krolock, wie unstillbare gier, das sehr oft außerhalb des musicals gesungen wird, und diese eine stelle in tanzsaal. However, every krolock who isnt borchert is, to me, automatically x-sings-krolock. And they are very often excellent! But thats not krolock.)
I still fucking miss alfred and sarah and krolock during the finale, its just kind of sad when they arent there. Just do a quuckchange and throw em out on the stage, wenns in wien funktioniert muss es ja auch in deutschland gehen!! But i had such a good time, and im so glad i got to go again, and now im going to go rewatch that one bootleg of 2010 vienna that definitely doesnt exist bc those things are illegal, because god, i love this musical so much
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josh-lanceero · 8 months
I see your art of TdV come up on my dash every now and then because I follow the tag, and I absolutely LOVE it. It's just reminding me that I gotta re-watch it again (for the millionth time LOL.) But I have a question for you too! Do you have a favorite Graf? 👀
Aaaaah glad you enjoy them!! (also brainwashing myself with it currently)
And as for a fav Graf, first, respect to any actor that can pull this character off. My first Graf is Florian Soyka and I like Mathias (saw his last show in Stuttgart so cute) Drew and Marx are sooo unique...I just watched Kevin's last show in Stuttgart and am still super hyped (he's sooooo gooood) so now the answer would be Kevin Tarte. Also because I have a thing for old sounding/looking Graf. (the way he strolled and kneeled and looked worn out in Die Unstillbare Gier is just mmmmmmmmh so good)
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your choice of TdV character for the character ask! trying to leave it open-ended because I'm not sure who you've gotten already lol
Ty for the ask! I'm going to do Krolock, since I've done Sarah, (and I leave thinking about Alfred to Fitz(/hj)), and some multiples of 5 for the numbers then
5)My favorite ship of them
Krolfred, it's not one I see having long term potential but I like it, I also like Krolah just not in a very true love way!
10)Describe the character in one sentence
Vampire does vampire things, with varying degrees of success, whilst internally laughing at everyone else.
20)A weird headcanon
That the events of die Unstillbare gier are completely untrue, he's not manipulating Alfred using real events, he makes up a new lot of dead lovers for each poor soul that turns up at the castle.
25) When do you think they acted the most ooc
Introducing Alfred and Herbert, it doesn't work to corrupt Alfred vampirically (which I think Krolock would know), and I think Krolock would be trying to keep him for himself.
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emeraldskulblaka · 1 year
I hope you're doing okay. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way. For a question....how about, what was a transformative theater experience for you? What show/moment/song/characters/etc. was the lightning moment that ignited your love of theater?
I'm doing a lot better now, thank you 💚
For most people, that "lightning moment" was seeing a musical in person, or a movie musical, I think - but not for me. I'd watched movie musicals before (as far as Disney counts, a bit of Les Mis, a bit of West Side Story), had seen musicals in person (not many, and only small productions), and listened to musical-inspired albums, but I had very little idea of what the genre contained. I clicked on Kendra Masonchuck's cover of "The Phantom of the Opera" by accident, loved it, and decided to explore a bit further. I wouldn't call it a lightning moment, though. My love of theatre developed more gradually.
I've had several lightning moments in the following years though, when I already loved theatre. Sometimes you're reminded of just WHY you love it so much, you know? Those moments include:
August 2017, Tanz der Vampire in Stuttgart: Kirill Zolygin's "Die unstillbare Gier"
February 2019, Laura Michelle Kelly's "Wonder" from the LotR Musical
August 2019, Come From Away from the front row
July 2021, watching the LotR Musical video I'd been sent with 62 others
February 2022, the "Duel" of Finrod and Sauron from the Lay of Leithian rock opera
October 2022, witnessing Yaroslav Bayarunas's "Istina" live
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
für sarah is such a lovely song actually
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mooonchild011 · 1 year
Ngl I cried after seeing Filippo performing Die unstillbare Gier 🥲
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janacariad · 1 year
End of the year asks: 1, 4, 5, 25 😊
Thank you for the asks! 🤗
1. Song of the year? - Very difficult, but probably "Die Unstillbare Gier" from the musical "Tanz der Vampire", sung by Filippo Strocchi 🖤
4. Movie of the year? - Now you got me... Probably "The Fearless Vampire Killers" 😂
5. TV show of the year? - Great British Bake Off 😁 🍰
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. - Yes, an OC for a Tanz fanfic. She doesn't know it, but she's the Professor's niece, which is something the Count hates when they first meet. Long brown curls, pale skin, a former librarian who lost her job. Runs directly into the arms of a couple of heartbroken vampires 🦇
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