#Diedre Johnson
90363462 · 2 years
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7 Signs You're A Total Control Freak. In Bed.
Being too controlling is pretty annoying. Everywhere.
Shellie R. Warren
Nov. 19, 2021 05:00PM EST
I'm just gonna warn you now — while one day I might pen something that addresses the signs of being a total freak in the bedroom, this piece right here isn't something that I would categorize as being a good thing. Nah, what we're gonna tackle here is what happens when you're someone who is so controlling in virtually every aspect of your life, you don't even know how to ease up, even if it's just a little bit, when it comes to sex. And because of that, whether you realize it or not, it's costing you what could be so much more of a satisfying experience.
The fascinating thing about control freaks is oftentimes they are so caught up in what they think everyone else should be doing better that they don't even see where they are falling short. So, if you're curious, I'll share seven signs that wanting to run the show is causing your sex life to be…let's go with lackluster (just ask your partner).
1. Your Dirty Talk Sounds More Like a Drill Sergeant
How many of y'all remember the movieStrictly Business(Halle Berry, Tommy Davidson, Samuel L. Jackson)? Anyway, whenever I think about vocally bossy women in bed, I think about a scene in it where Wayman (Joseph C. Phillips) was having sex with his girlfriend, Diedre (Anne-Marie Johnson) and she was even annoying me with all of her "up, down", "right, left" — geez…shuuuuuuut uuuuuuup. The thing about being a true master at dirty talk is your words should be conveyed in such a way that it turns both you and your partner on to hear them. Matter of fact, I'll raise that point and say that it should also evoke your partner to want to actually engage in the sexy banter with you.
Listen, I don't know a man (short of fem-dom dynamics which is another article for another time) who wants to feel like he's in some sort of boot camp with his partner — shoot, whether it's in the bedroom or outside of it. So, if that's the way you've been going about doing things, you might want to switch that ish up a bit. I'll bet my next paycheck that you'll get far better results if/when you do.
2. There Is No Compromising. At All.
Even if you're not physically flexible, you should be all about being sexually flexible. What I mean by that is, while your body might not allow you to be a sexual contortionist of sorts (sometimes guys will really be trying to act like we're a slinky with no nerve endings…geez), if you want to be thought of as a great lover, that requires being someone who is open to compromise. I know some folks who hate to kiss (check out "Umm, What's Up With These People Who Hate Kissing?"), but if you've got a partner who is the exact opposite, kiss sometimes. I definitely know some women who hate giving head (check out "Sooo...What If You HATE Oral?") yet my take on that always is, "If you don't want to give or receive and your partner is fine with that, cool but if you want to receive and you never give, somebody is trippin' and it ain't him." That said, there are workarounds that can make the experience more pleasant for you (check out "12 'Sex Condiments' That Can Make Coitus Even More...Delicious"). Maybe you prefer sex in the morning while he does late at night. Sleep naked and let things happen naturally, whether that's at midnight or 3 a.m.
The point here is sex is best when both partners are willing to do some "bending" in order to make each other happy. If you read all of this and you heard the sound effect of "hmph" come out of your mouth right after rolling your eyes at the monitor, while you might not be a total control freak in the bedroom, you've definitely got some strong tendencies, chile.
3. You Are a Constant Sexual Critic
Something that I find to be really interesting about hypercritical-of-others people is they tend to be overly sensitive when it comes to being on the receiving end of critiques. Prime example — some of the main women who will talk about how small a man's member is (check out "BDE: Please Let The 'It Needs To Be Huge' Myth Go" and "Sex Hacks For Different Kinds Of Penises (You Heard Me Right)") will damn near melt into the floor if that same man says something about their stretch marks or the size of their butt. Mature people know that life doesn't work in the way where you can "dish" all day long while not being able to "take" anything at all. 
Besides, when you are naked and alone with someone, it really doesn't get too much more vulnerable than that. This means that if there is any place where both of you should feel comfortable and safe as it relates to your bodies and performance, then should be it.
Am I saying that if you're not getting your needs met that you should — no pun intended — just lie down and take it? No. What I am saying, though, is whatever "constructive criticism" that you may have, make sure that 1) it is indeed constructive and 2) you deliver it in the way that you would want to receive it. Otherwise, you may discover that your partner either wants to end things (so that he can find someone who he feels more valued by) or that he will start talking to you the way that you speak to them — and you just might not like what you hear.
4. You’re Super Sexually Selfish
OK, so raise your hand if you remember the throwback R&B jam by Mýa featuring Dru Hill entitled "It's All About Me". Have you ever really just sat and processed the lyrics before? Hun-nay:
Tonight it's 'bout me, me, me, me, me
Forget about you, you, you, you , you
So, what you gonna do, do, do, do, do?
Are you gonna get it up? Get it up?
Good sex is all about reciprocity and sexually selfish people couldn't care less about this being the truth. Just recently, I was talking to a wife-friend of mine about the fact that her husband keeps thinking that since he brings a "big thang" to the bedroom that he's really doing something. As a direct result, they are now going on a few years of being virtually sexless because she feels like sex has become more of a service than a mutually-enjoyable experience.
You know what, though? I've had some men vent to me about similar issues — that sex only happens when they initiate and "the little things that they like" seem to only transpire on special occasions and/or when their partner is trying to get something out of them (one day, we need to discuss what sexual manipulation looks like too). When sex is approached from this angle, not only is it a sign of being super self-consumed but it's also a form of control — you've told yourself that you will use sex as a way to get things, that sex is transactional. Romanticize it however you want, but that's pretty damn problematic. Real talk.
5. You’re Unwilling to Try New Things
If I've said it once, I've said it a billion times before. What's "it"? The fact that one of the leading causes for why long-term relationships end is the fact that something that isn't discussed nearly enough — boredom. And please don't think that this doesn't apply to the bedroom too. While one cause of sexual dissatisfaction can be not getting your needs met, another can be getting so comfortable with how things have been happening that you fall into a predictable routine; one that consists of refusing to switch things up.
If you've never made a sex video, why is that? If it's been forever since you and your partner have checked things off of your sex bucket list, what is the problem? If you've never gone sex shopping together before (check out "I've Got 12 Random Sex Items You'll Wish You Knew About Sooner"), there's no time like the present. Life is all about trying new things because that's how you grow. If you'd rather be stubborn and only do what you've been doing for years on end, that means you're trying to hinder progress. There's nothing good, smart, or impressive about that.
6. You Are “Sexually Moody”
Earlier this year, I penned an article for the platform entitled, "Are You Someone Who Suffers From 'Sexual Mood Swings'?". Another way that I refer to this is "false advertising" and whew, I can't tell you how often I deal with this in counseling sessions. What is false advertising all about? These are the kinds of people who give the impression that they are sexually one way (especially while dating) and then, out of nowhere, completely switch it up. Case in point — a husband once told me that he actually was the one who wanted to wait during the dating season of his relationship with his wife, just to make sure they were on solid footing. She kept persisting and so they eventually had sex. Great sex. Consistent sex. Sexy sex. All of the time. Then, about a year into their marriage, she started trying to deflect from copulation, telling him that sex is all he thinks about and she's not in the mood. What in the world?
After having a few sessions with them, the conclusion I've come to is sex was being somewhat manipulated when they were dating in order for her to get the ring. Now that she has it, she's gotten comfortable not being the kind of sexually voracious woman that she once was. And because of this, she has her husband on quite a roller coaster ride as he tries to figure out just what their sex life looks like — now that he's "locked-in."
And just how can moodiness be a form of control? Simple. When you're all over the place and no one can figure you out, it puts them on eggshells which makes them so uncomfortable that they are constantly trying to handle you with kid gloves — and yes, there is something that is pretty manipulative and also unfair about that. Stability is a beautiful thing. In the bedroom, it's sexy AF. Literally.
7. You’re an Egomaniac
Ugh. Pardon the pun but cocky people in the bedroom are the absolute worst. They tend to think they are better than their partner. They assume that because something might've worked with someone else that it will work with who they are currently sleeping with. Their partner might express their wants and needs yet they will dismiss both because they think that the honor of being with them should trump all else. They tend to assume that they are bomb at all avenues of sex even though their partners may feel otherwise. They have a sense of entitlement (you should give me whatever I want, just because I said so). I could go on and on. And here's the thing — when someone brings all of that arrogant energy into the bedroom, they can't help but want to control everything because they feel like they should. Again, the worst.
Having a sense of sexual confidence is one thing. It's beautiful and it's needed. But that "I am the prize" mentality that is SO BIG that you don't treat the moment you are sharing with your partner as being something special and while letting them know that they too have value is something that is keeping you from experiencing better sensations than what your ego may be currently granting you.
A freak in the bedroom? I am all for it. A control freak?That's a hard pass. Because if you feel like it's all about you and your needs…what do you need me for? There are other options…for that.
Featured image by Giphy
You Just Might Be A Control Freak (In Recovery) - xoNecole ... ›
How To Ask For What You Need In Bed - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
8 Signs You're a Control Freak | Inc.com ›
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thejazzspot · 7 years
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Larry Young ‎- Lawrence Of Newark (1973, Perception Records - PLP 034, US)
After experiencing a deep identity crisis in the late 1960s, Jazz progressed through new directions, reinventing itself and finding a new course under a fertile proliferation of disparate elements. The fusion of styles gained space with musicians such as Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Bennie Maupin, Larry Coryell, Wayne Shorter, Eddie Henderson and the already renowned Miles Davis, opening the doors to Rock, R&B or Popular Music and therefore attaining a more mainstream sound and a wider audience.
It is in this period of change that this peculiar record appears, though never surpassing a faint visibility by virtue of the subsequent extinction of the small record label responsible for its release. Recorded in 1973, "Lawrence Of Newark" is nevertheless a remarkable case of creativity and inspiration. Almost a decade after recording his most recognized work ("Unity" with Elvin Jones and Joe Henderson), Larry Young was still in great shape, but this time demonstrating an avant-garde and experimental nature hardly found in his previous discography with Prestige and Blue Note.
To accomplish this work, the nicknamed "John Coltrane of the organ" was accompanied by a considerable panel of rotating musicians that included, among others, several percussionists (Abdul Shahid, Armen Halburian, Jumma Santos, etc.) the guitarist James "Blood" Ulmer, the bassists Don Pate and Juni Booth and the mystery guest Pharaoh Sanders (possibly not listed in the album for contractual reasons).
This cosmic journey has its start with “Sunshine Fly Away” (in spite of the different alignment of the back cover), in a sort of tribal pace that supports Larry Young's organ and Dennis Mourose's saxophone. Between moments of greater harmony and collective jubilation, this introductory theme develops under an immense variety of sounds, opening the appetite for what follows.
Through an organic narrative, "Khalid Of Space - Part Two" takes us to a moment of strong inspiration in a kind of a cosmic jam-session by Sun Ra and his Arkestra. With an unparalleled intensity, funk, jazz, rock, and afro-oriental influences (and whatever else) merge into a language of psychedelic textures for over 12 minutes of pure magic. Between styles that blend viscerally, the references can be as varied and scattered as Terry Riley's minimalism, James Brown's rhythmic sense or the ferocity of Jon Lord's organ and Ian Gillan's screams. Under an inebriating atmosphere led by Larry Young and James "Blood" Ulmer, the thresholds of Jazz Fusion are here raised to territories close to free-jazz.
But although "Khalid Of Space" represents the high point of this work, the other themes are equally worthy of an attentive audition, as is the case of “Saudia” and “Alive” (of less than 2 minutes) developed under a latent improvisation and lines of greater atmospheric contours.
Finally, “Hello Your Quietness” closes this masterpiece with yet another moment of artistic hypnotism. While electronics reach a sometimes abstract slope, the saxophones of Pharoah Sanders and Dennis Mourouse intertwine in moments full of harmony. Throughout more than 10 minutes of pure musical seduction, Diedre Johnson (cello) and Charles Magee (electric trumpet) are also called upon to intervene, adding their personal stamp to the overall shape of this piece.
Although the quality of this recording is far from ideal, at no time does the music of this session fail to stand out, being that creativity and emotional impact largely compensate for the lack of a more transparent and dynamic sound.
For this emblematic session contributed the intense improvisation carried out by this group of excellent musicians, their diversified instrumentation and above all, the vernacular kinetic responsible for the collective energy evident throughout this date. Equally significant for the final result of this music certainly were the influences obtained by Young on collaborations and recordings such as John McLaughlin's "Devotion", Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew" or the participation in Tony Williams' “Lifetime” project.
Through a new freedom and a more imaginative rapport, Young reaches here a creative dimension and an artistic level that transcends formats and genres. His strong experimental bent, initially manifested in his forays in the soul and modal-jazz, culminates in an alliance of his virtuosity with the more avant-garde forms of jazz.
Equally noteworthy in the trajectory of this insatiable innovator is the participation in Jimmy Hendrix's album "Nine to the Universe" (recorded in 1969 but only released after the death of the legendary Seattle guitarist) or the accession to the Sunni Muslim religion, quite evident in themes like “Khalid of Space” (in reference to its Islamic name Khalid Yasin) as in the album's title and cover.
Despite his premature death at age 37, Larry Young spread his magic and inscribed his name in the history of Jazz along with other Hammond B3 organists like the legendary Jimmy Smith.
Mister W
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Photo Credit: Bill May
***Portuguese version***
Após ter enfrentado uma profunda crise de identidade no final da década de 60, o Jazz progrediu por novos terrenos, reinventando-se e encontrando um novo rumo sob uma proliferação fértil em elementos dispares. A fusão de estilos ganhou o seu espaço com músicos como Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Bennie Maupin, Larry Coryell, Wayne Shorter, Eddie Henderson e o já consagrado Miles Davis, abrindo as portas ao Rock, ao R&B ou à Música Popular, e visando assim uma sonoridade mais mainstream e um público mais abrangente.
É neste período de mudança que surge este disco peculiar, na forma e no conteúdo, que nunca ultrapassou uma ténue visibilidade por força da posterior extinção da pequena editora responsável pelo seu lançamento. Gravado em 1973, “Lawrence Of Newark” não deixa por isso de ser um caso notável de criatividade e inspiração. Quase uma década depois de ter gravado o seu trabalho mais reconhecido ("Unity" com Elvin Jones e Joe Henderson), Larry Young continuava em grande forma, mas desta feita demonstrando uma natureza vanguardista e experimental dificilmente encontrada na sua discografia anterior com a Prestige e Blue Note.
Para a concretização deste trabalho, o então apelidado de “John Coltrane do órgão" fez-se acompanhar de um considerável painel de músicos rotativos que inclui, entre outros, vários percussionistas (Abdul Shahid, Armen Halburian, Jumma Santos, etc.), o guitarrista James “Blood” Ulmer, os baixistas Don Pate e Juni Booth ou o convidado mistério Pharaoh Sanders (possivelmente não listado no álbum por questões contratuais).
Esta viagem cósmica tem o seu início com “Sunshine Fly Away” (apesar do diferente alinhamento da contra-capa), numa toada ritmada por uma percussão tribal que suporta as investidas do orgão de Larry Young e do saxofone de Dennis Mourose. Por entre momentos de maior harmonia ou de júbilo colectivo, este tema introdutório desenvolve-se sob uma imensa variedade de sons, abrindo o apetite para o que se segue. 
Através de uma narrativa orgânica, “Khalid Of Space, Part Two” remete-nos para um momento de forte inspiração ao jeito de uma jam-cósmica de Sun Ra e sua Arkestra. Com uma intensidade sem paralelo, o funk, o jazz, o rock, as influências afro-orientais (e sei lá mais o quê) fundem-se numa linguagem de texturas psicadélicas ao longo de 12 minutos de pura magia. Entre estilos que se mesclam de forma visceral, as referências podem ser tão variadas e dispersas como o minimalismo de Terry Riley, o sentido rítmico de James Brown ou a ferocidade do orgão de Jon Lord e dos gritos de Ian Gillan. Sob uma atmosfera inebriante, liderada por Larry Young e James “Blood” Ulmer, a fasquia do vulgarmente denominado Jazz de Fusão é aqui elevada para territórios próximos do free-jazz.
Mas apesar de “Khalid Of Space” representar o ponto alto desta obra, os demais temas são igualmente dignos de uma audição atenta, como é o caso de “Saudia” e de “Alive” (de menos de 2 minutos) desenvolvidos sob um improviso latente e uma sonoridade de maiores contornos atmosféricos.
Por último, “Hello Your Quietness” encerra esta obra-prima com mais um momento de hipnotismo artístico. Enquanto a electrónica atinge uma vertente por vezes abstracta, os saxofones de Pharoah Sanders e Dennis Mourouse entrelaçam-se em momentos plenos de harmonia. Ao longo dos mais de 10 minutos de pura sedução musical, Diedre Johnson (violoncelo) e Charles Magee (trompete eléctrico) são igualmente chamados a intervir, acrescentando o seu cunho pessoal à sonoridade global desta peça. 
Não obstante a qualidade desta gravação estar longe de ser a melhor, em momento algum a música desta sessão deixa de sobressair, fazendo com que a criatividade e o impacto emocional compensem largamente a falta de um som mais transparente e dinâmico.
Para esta sessão emblemática, contribuiu o improviso levado a cabo por este rol de excelentes músicos, a instrumentação diversificada e sobretudo o vernáculo cinético responsável pela energia colectiva patente ao longo desta gravação. De igual modo significativo para o resultado final deste trabalho foi concerteza a influência que Young bebeu em colaborações anteriores, como o àlbum “Devotion” de John McLaughlin, “Bitches Brew” de Miles Davis ou a participação no excelente projecto “Lifetime” de Tony Williams.
Através de uma nova liberdade e de um registo mais imaginativo, Young atinge aqui uma dimensão criativa e um patamar artístico que transcende formatos e géneros. O seu forte desejo experimentalista, inicialmente manifestado nas suas incursões pelo soul-jazz e modal-jazz, culmina numa aliança do seu virtuosismo às formas mais vanguardistas do jazz.
Igualmente dignos de nota no percurso deste inovador insaciável são a participação no álbum “Nine to the Universe” de Jimmy Hendrix (gravado em 1969 mas só editado após a morte do mítico guitarrista de Seattle) ou a adesão à religião muçulmana/sunita, bem patente em temas como Khalid of Space (em referência ao seu nome muçulmano Khalid Yasin) como no título e na capa do álbum.
Apesar da sua morte prematura aos 37 anos, Larry Young espalhou a sua magia e inscreveu o seu nome junto de outros nomes do Hammond B3 como o lendário Jimmy Smith.
Mister W
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italianartsociety · 5 years
To the Moon and Back: The Artistic Career of Emilio Pucci
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Born in Naples on 20 November, 1914,  Emilio Pucci, the Marquis of Barsento, belonged to one of the oldest patrician families of Tuscany, who could trace their ancestry back to the thirteenth century. 
Educated to the highest level, Emilio spent his time as an undergraduate at the Universities of Milan and Georgia and subsequently received a scholarhip from Reed College, Oragon, where he gained an MA. In 1937, Pucci was awarded a doctorate from the University of Florence. 
An olympic skier, Pucci made his first foray into fashion designing practical ski wear. Accordingly, he introduced the first one-peice ski suit, which took the both the sport and fashion industries by storm.
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Having set up a high-fashion house on the Isle of Capri, Emilio went on to dress the rich, the famous and members of the post-war jet set. 
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During the mid 1960s and early 1970s Pucci was commissioned by Braniff International Airways to design several distinctive and futuristic sets of uniform for their air crew. Furthermore, prior to the 1971 Apollo 15 space mission, Emilio also devised a design that, with a small colour adjustment, would become the official mission motif. 
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Despite various forays into designs for extraterrestrial activities, Emilio Pucci’s creations were a homage to the colours, textures and patterns that he experienced here on earth and were often devised with comfort and practicality in mind. For instance, the tropical colours that swirled in abstract patterns were perhaps inspired by the topography and raucous natural palate of the mediterranean regions, while other more geometric patterns were, according to  Laura Mansour, “inspired by the world around him, which included Sicilian mosaics, the heraldic banners of Siena’s Palio horse race, Bali Batiks, and African motifs.” Pucci however, maintained that he didn’t “need any special inspiration for my fashion, all I need to do is leave my home and look towards Palazzo Medici Riccardi, gaze at the rooftops and the people in the streets, walk the cobblestones of the Centre and glance towards the Loggia dei Lanzi.”
In later life, Pucci retreated to his Florentine palazzo, which he had refurbished,  and was rarely seen in public. On 29 November, 1992, he died after suffering a heart attack. The Independent newspaper described him as, “the most important figure in Italian fashion during the 1950s and 1960s.” The New York Times stated that, “at the top of his career, the designer did not stop at clothes. His distinctive prints, a mixture of geometric and art nouveau designs, appeared in towels, sheets, wall coverings, jewelry, glasses, airline uniforms, bath products and underwear. His clothes were sold widely throughout the Orient, Europe, the Caribbean and the United States.In addition to his work in fashion, Mr. Pucci was concerned with politics. He served two terms in the Italian Chamber of Deputies in the 1950's.” Pucci’s own opinion of himself however, may have been a little more tongue-in-cheek. According to journalists he had once described himself as “the only member of his family to work for a thousand years, “ the fortunate guy who “married a Botticelli.” 
Images: 1 and 2 Wikimedia Commons.
Image 3 © 2000 Mark Shaw.
Image 4 Courtesy of Casci Rirchie.
Image 5 Courtesy of La Yaya Cosuturera. 
Image 6 Courtesy of The Sir’s Corner. 
Image 7 © 2019 Dexigner.
Image 8 © 2019 - 13 THINGS LTD.
Image 9 Courtesy of The Space Patch Database. 
References: Lara Mansour, “The Prince of Prints: The History of Emilio Pucci.” In AEWorld, February 22, 2018. 
Bernardine Morris, “Emilio Pucci, Designer of Bright Prints, Dies at 78.” In The New York Times, December 1, 1992. 
Diedre Pirro, “Emilio Pucci: The Noble Designer.” In The Florentine, June 12 2008. 
Rupert Scott, “Emilio Pucci: Obituary:. In The Independent, December 1, 1992. 
Posted by Samantha Hughes-Johnson. 
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farragoofwires · 5 years
don’ dweeblog
okay so maybe like. time for a longer Opinions Post?
yes kuzu thanks that wasn’t az. he seemed woobified as hell on basically every axis. and like. leaving personality aside, i know that crowley in the book tends to be on the ball better than az. but az was straight up nerfed out of doing miracles a large majority of the time and i didn’t appreciate it. he’s not that much farther off the ball!
“you’re just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing” so like. not a bastard. is all that you need there. okay.
didn’t like how crowley decided to get back in the game post-bookshop fire purely because az told him to? that’s a blatant change from the book and honestly changes crowley’s characterization a lot
my absolute favorite acting in the whole series was michael sheen as crowley acting like himself in that last scene. it was so short and i loved it so much.
what was up with the them though. like i appreciate very much that diedre was Attempted To Be In There More Often and it seems like they kinda realized Shit If Uh Mr. Young Is Gonna Be Part Of The Solution He Needs Better Building Up but not at the expense of the them!
i don’t know if this was a ‘these actors are kids and it just was never gonna be in the cards based on their acting abilities’ or a ‘these actors were given fuckening nothing from the script’ but! hey! did you know that the them are in fact friends! and up until the point that adam REALLY went off the rails they were completely game! and also he DOES NOT HURT THEM AT ANY POINT WHAT THE FUCK.
pepper being black: inspired, perfect. pepper being sanitized down from the scrappy trying-to-cope-with-internalized-misogyny-vs-trying-to-cope-with-patriarchy tomboy who plays with dolls and gets Girl Magazines i love? less so.
why aren’t the them more feral. goblinous rights and goblinous rep!!!!!!!
full offense and the thing about gangs comes out of FUCKING NOWHERE at the end? like we don’t HAVE greasy johnson here! i know it gets very little build up in the book but there was ENOUGH!? a good thing for anathema could have been interacting with the johnsonites a bit and hating it thus showing “oh no she doesn’t just Love All Kids Because She Is An Older Female Caretaker Type she just found some cool fuckin’ kids and now they’re friends”
i really liked hell’s aesthetic! crowded and dingy and no fire to speak of! 
i loved all the demons SO MUCH. costuming//makeup/cgi, all of it. really really really good! props to that post about ‘thank you for women demons are just disgusting and bad instead of sexy’ that post is absolutely correct great job production team.
it’s really really really good that, iirc, all the hellfire happens on earth and in heaven. like YEAH. that is SUBTLE and GOOD.
heaven was also good! so open and isolating! so bare! so clean!! wish the line about “the boredom of  heaven was almost as bad as the excitements of hell” had got in! that post about how it’s so modern!
god i wish we had gotten more of Fake Nice Gabriel even after he’s clearly Bad For Az And Bad For Us
i wish we had gotten more with michael, the thread of ???them??? covertly in an arrangement JUST LIKE CROWLEY AND AZ was dropped and ???them??? being there at the last episode didn’t fix that.
crowley: partially sentenced for murdering a fellow demon with holy water. ligor or hastur i can never remember which is which: just casually murders a fellow demon with holy water because wrong time wrong place. i LOVE it i LOVE it i love hell being COMPLETELY UNFAIR i love it so much.
god being a woman, ESPECIALLY one with a dude metatron: inspired, perfect. god being the narrator: less so.
i talked to trr about this--i was so very on board for the first episode and up through And God Asked The Angel Of The East Gate Where Is The Sword I Gave You And God Did Not Ask Again like it makes a lot of sense for god to step out at that point!
 but then it was. like. this is a story where god and her plans are wondered about, not one where god is present. making god there the whole time, intimately there, able to narrate even internal feelings... either messes that up or makes it WORSE how absent she is. which like. if the latter was what the show was going for that’s actually cool, but i think it should have shown up in other places too in that case! and i didn’t get the impression that it did. ergo, i’m left with mess up.
trr disagrees with my take that book!narrator is unreliable, therefore finds non-admissible my corollary: making the narrator god is REAL WEIRD because it either causes the narrator to be reliable because she’s god or else causes god to be unreliable because she’s the narrator. (i lean towards the former.) but listen. that’s my take and that’s my corollary.
why is anathema american now? like. what did that achieve? aside from that i really liked all the changes! the idea that now she’s not just Going To Be There now she’s Going To Help and her family is Building Up To It like she’s the fuckin’ kwisatz haderach and now somehow she has to LIVE UP TO THAT. i LOVED what they did to expand her PISS POOR story arc of “show up so you can dump exposition for hundreds of pages until you finally get to experience character growth in like TWO SCENES at the end”
but. you know what. would be cool. if she didn’t get shoehorned into this hetmance. “my boyfriend” are you KIDDING me!?
super weird to film the sex scene as like BOOM BOOM BOOM SO MUCH ENERGY POSITIONS CONSTANTLY CHANGING HAVING A GOOD TIME HAVING A BALL and then. she. had such an apparently bad time.
on the other hand: definitely appreciate that the sex scene was filmed high energy instead of high intimacy because YEAH! THEY HAVE IN FACT KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR 5 MINUTES AND SHE’S ONLY BANGING HIM BECAUSE HER GREAT WHATEVER GRANNY WANTS DESCENDANTS SAID SO
crowley&az history montage: woobified az aside, great except for the crucifixion which alfie had to remind me how to spell and which we are not addressing because pip is helpfully going to kill a man with its teeth. that’s all that needs to be said!!!
would have been MUCH GREATER if az and crowley hadn’t been AGGRESSIVELY WHITE in the first few scenes though? like. especially for the arc scene? all these brown mesopotamians are definitely going to get flooded to death and these white dude principalities are definitely gonna be fine. not to put TOO fine a point on it but this is a canon with bodily but not consciousness death. why can we not get some regenerations in here.
really don’t get all these hot takes about “there’s not a point where crowley falls for az he’s just in love the whole time” UM, y’all wrong, it’s rome 41 ad. before that he’s just coming over for relevant conversations that HE STARTS. when it’s just az trying to chitchat he’s COMPLETELY TUNED OUT, TURNED AWAY. then one “oh! well, let me tempt you” and suddenly his entire body language opens up. az didn’t even have his curiosity before. now he’s got his attention, and also eternal love and devotion, none of which he particularly asked for. incredible.
this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with ANYTHING gomens but. there was an Arthur’s Round Table Scene circa 500 ce and. do you ever want to fistfight jkr in the STREET for saying that merlin attended HOGWARTS. FOUNDED CIRCA 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i assume the reason they played down the spanish inquisition stuff was for Today’s Political Climate reasons and if so: i approve
this i guess is all i got for now i’ll probably reblog this with more garbage later.
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therewasabrowncrow · 2 years
Tumblr media
Wrote to my MP Diedre Brock to urge PM Boris Johnson to confront Indian gov on the escalating violence against its Muslim citizens.
Boris plans to visit India later this month
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jobsaggregation2 · 4 years
Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN
Provide maintenance support for manufacturing operations. Troubleshoot, repair, and install beverage bottling machinery including liquid fillers, automated cappers, labelers, boxers and robotic palletizers and related equipment. Execute preventive maintenance and breakdown support activities. Utilize Computerized Maintenance Management System for scheduling and documenting maintenance work. Evaluate equipment effectiveness and making necessary changes following quality system guidelines. Work with engineers, consultants, and contractors on system design and equipment reliability improvements. Guide and evaluate contractor services. Support continuous improvement activities. Join a team offering a broad spectrum of benefits including health, medical, dental, life insurance, company matched 401(k), paid vacations, holidays, discounted fitness club memberships and flexible spending accounts. For complete details contact Nicholas Occhipinti at: (609) 584-9000 ext 240 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/nao/app.asp Or email to: 1000046240_10007368 AT najbcareers302.com Please reference #41259252 when responding.Educational Requirements: High SchoolSalary Range: $50,000 to $80,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Plant Maintenance Technician Manufacturing Facility Maintenance Tech Electrician Mechanical Maintenance PLC #DiedreMoire #IndustrialMaintenance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/maintenance-mechanic-beverage-bottling-plant-johnson-city-tn_i10549
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nox-lathiaen · 4 years
Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN
Provide maintenance support for manufacturing operations. Troubleshoot, repair, and install beverage bottling machinery including liquid fillers, automated cappers, labelers, boxers and robotic palletizers and related equipment. Execute preventive maintenance and breakdown support activities. Utilize Computerized Maintenance Management System for scheduling and documenting maintenance work. Evaluate equipment effectiveness and making necessary changes following quality system guidelines. Work with engineers, consultants, and contractors on system design and equipment reliability improvements. Guide and evaluate contractor services. Support continuous improvement activities. Join a team offering a broad spectrum of benefits including health, medical, dental, life insurance, company matched 401(k), paid vacations, holidays, discounted fitness club memberships and flexible spending accounts. For complete details contact Nicholas Occhipinti at: (609) 584-9000 ext 240 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/nao/app.asp Or email to: 1000046240_10007368 AT najbcareers302.com Please reference #41259252 when responding.Educational Requirements: High SchoolSalary Range: $50,000 to $80,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Plant Maintenance Technician Manufacturing Facility Maintenance Tech Electrician Mechanical Maintenance PLC #DiedreMoire #IndustrialMaintenance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/maintenance-mechanic-beverage-bottling-plant-johnson-city-tn_i11263
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janlin17 · 7 years
A mystery wrapped in an enigma
Topic: Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you.
One thing most people do not know about me is that I collect autographs. I have been collecting autographs for several years now. It first started when I wrote to Patricia Richardson from the show Home Improvement. I wrote to her not expecting anything at all and lo and behold she responded. From that time on I was hooked. I continued on. Between 1998 and 2003 I did not have much luck and more returned mail. So I stopped for a while to focus on schoolwork. Then in 2003, I found out that my favorite then ABC7-KGO News anchor Carolyn Johnson was going to be at the library for a special segment. I got to meet her and got her autograph in person! It made so happy! After that, I didn’t start collecting autographs until I was in my third year of college. The first autograph then was from Vanna White, which took only about a week or so for me to receive it! From there it grew to include to Jennifer Garner, Catherine Hicks, Bea Arthur, Laila Ali, Nancy Lee Grahn Kristina Wagner, Betty White, Diedre Hall, Diane Neal, Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer,  Stana Katic, Kathryn Erbe, Sela Ward, Gary Sinise, Dick Van Dyke, Derek Hough, Joe Mantegna, and last but least, the wonderful and magnificent Valerie Harper.
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cvwing1 · 4 years
Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN
Provide maintenance support for manufacturing operations. Troubleshoot, repair, and install beverage bottling machinery including liquid fillers, automated cappers, labelers, boxers and robotic palletizers and related equipment. Execute preventive maintenance and breakdown support activities. Utilize Computerized Maintenance Management System for scheduling and documenting maintenance work. Evaluate equipment effectiveness and making necessary changes following quality system guidelines. Work with engineers, consultants, and contractors on system design and equipment reliability improvements. Guide and evaluate contractor services. Support continuous improvement activities. Join a team offering a broad spectrum of benefits including health, medical, dental, life insurance, company matched 401(k), paid vacations, holidays, discounted fitness club memberships and flexible spending accounts. For complete details contact Nicholas Occhipinti at: (609) 584-9000 ext 240 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/nao/app.asp Or email to: 1000046240_10007368 AT najbcareers302.com Please reference #41259252 when responding.Educational Requirements: High SchoolSalary Range: $50,000 to $80,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Plant Maintenance Technician Manufacturing Facility Maintenance Tech Electrician Mechanical Maintenance PLC #DiedreMoire #IndustrialMaintenance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN jobs from Latest listings added - cvwing http://cvwing.com/jobs/technology/maintenance-mechanic-beverage-bottling-plant-johnson-city-tn_i14289
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linkhello1 · 4 years
Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN
Provide maintenance support for manufacturing operations. Troubleshoot, repair, and install beverage bottling machinery including liquid fillers, automated cappers, labelers, boxers and robotic palletizers and related equipment. Execute preventive maintenance and breakdown support activities. Utilize Computerized Maintenance Management System for scheduling and documenting maintenance work. Evaluate equipment effectiveness and making necessary changes following quality system guidelines. Work with engineers, consultants, and contractors on system design and equipment reliability improvements. Guide and evaluate contractor services. Support continuous improvement activities. Join a team offering a broad spectrum of benefits including health, medical, dental, life insurance, company matched 401(k), paid vacations, holidays, discounted fitness club memberships and flexible spending accounts. For complete details contact Nicholas Occhipinti at: (609) 584-9000 ext 240 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/nao/app.asp Or email to: 1000046240_10007368 AT najbcareers302.com Please reference #41259252 when responding.Educational Requirements: High SchoolSalary Range: $50,000 to $80,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Plant Maintenance Technician Manufacturing Facility Maintenance Tech Electrician Mechanical Maintenance PLC #DiedreMoire #IndustrialMaintenance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN jobs from Latest listings added - LinkHello http://linkhello.com/jobs/technology/maintenance-mechanic-beverage-bottling-plant-johnson-city-tn_i11367
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linkhellojobs · 4 years
Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN
Provide maintenance support for manufacturing operations. Troubleshoot, repair, and install beverage bottling machinery including liquid fillers, automated cappers, labelers, boxers and robotic palletizers and related equipment. Execute preventive maintenance and breakdown support activities. Utilize Computerized Maintenance Management System for scheduling and documenting maintenance work. Evaluate equipment effectiveness and making necessary changes following quality system guidelines. Work with engineers, consultants, and contractors on system design and equipment reliability improvements. Guide and evaluate contractor services. Support continuous improvement activities. Join a team offering a broad spectrum of benefits including health, medical, dental, life insurance, company matched 401(k), paid vacations, holidays, discounted fitness club memberships and flexible spending accounts. For complete details contact Nicholas Occhipinti at: (609) 584-9000 ext 240 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/nao/app.asp Or email to: 1000046240_10007368 AT najbcareers302.com Please reference #41259252 when responding.Educational Requirements: High SchoolSalary Range: $50,000 to $80,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Plant Maintenance Technician Manufacturing Facility Maintenance Tech Electrician Mechanical Maintenance PLC #DiedreMoire #IndustrialMaintenance #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Maintenance Mechanic Beverage Bottling Plant - Johnson City, TN jobs from Latest listings added - LinkHello http://linkhello.com/jobs/technology/maintenance-mechanic-beverage-bottling-plant-johnson-city-tn_i11367
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mastcomm · 4 years
12 Plays and Musicals to Go to in N.Y.C. This Weekend
Our guide to plays and musicals coming to New York stages and a few last-chance picks of shows that are about to close. Our reviews of open shows are at nytimes.com/reviews/theater.
Previews & Openings
‘ALL THE NATALIE PORTMANS’ at the Robert W. Wilson MCC Theater Space (in previews; opens on Feb. 24). May the Padmé Amidala be with you. In C. A. Johnson’s magical realist play, a young queer woman, Keyonna, leads an active fantasy life with her muse, Natalie Portman. Then reality impinges. Kate Whoriskey directs; Kara Young stars as Keyonna, with Joshua Boone as her brother Samuel and Elise Kibler as Natalie. 212-727-7722, mcctheater.org
‘CAMBODIAN ROCK BAND’ at the Pershing Square Signature Center (in previews; opens on Feb. 24). A rock show, a family tragedy and a historical mystery, Lauren Yee’s prizewinning play finds a California father and daughter meeting again in Cambodia, reinvestigating the crimes of the Khmer Rouge. Chay Yew directs a cast that includes Francis Jue, Joe Ngo and Courtney Reed. With music by the real-life Cambodian-American rock band Dengue Fever. 212-244-7529, signaturetheatre.org
‘DANA H.’ at the Vineyard Theater (in previews; opens on Feb. 25). Lucas Hnath often writes about famous figures — Isaac Newton, Walt Disney, Hillary Clinton. His subject this time: his own mother, Dana Higginbotham. Hnath adapted the play from interviews that were conducted with her about the time she was held captive by a psychiatric patient she ministered to as a chaplain at a mental institution. The Obie winner Diedre O’Connell brings the harrowing true story to life. 212-353-0303, vineyardtheatre.org
‘THE HEADLANDS’ at the Claire Tow Theater (in previews; opens on Feb. 24). A writer of puzzle-box plays, Christopher Chen (“Caught,” “Passage”) unspools a new mystery for LCT3. In this detective drama, directed by Knud Adams, a grown son, Henry (Aaron Yoo), pieces together memories to try to solve the murder of his father (Johnny Wu). Laura Kai Chen portrays Henry’s mother in the past; Mia Katigbak, his present one. 212-239-6200, lct3.org
‘THE MINUTES’ at the Cort Theater (previews start on Feb. 25; opens on March 15). Steppenwolf’s artistic director, Anna D. Shapiro, calls a new Tracy Letts play to order. Taking place in brisk real time — just 90 minutes — it sits in on a small-town council meeting. Armie Hammer and Jessie Mueller join Letts regulars Blair Brown, Ian Barford, K. Todd Freeman and Sally Murphy. 800-447-7400, theminutesbroadway.com
‘SIDEWAYS THE EXPERIENCE’ at the Theater at St. Clement’s (in previews; opens on Feb. 23). Napa comes to New York with a bibulously interactive theatrical version of Rex Pickett’s novel, which also inspired the 2004 movie. Before this tale of a wine-soaked bachelor weekend unfolds, patrons are invited to eat and drink. Glasses of wine are available throughout the show, too. Will it intoxicate? Dan Wackerman directs. sidewaystheexperience.com
[Read about the events that our other critics have chosen for the week ahead.]
‘TUMACHO’ at the Connelly Theater (in previews; opens on Feb. 22). Ethan Lipton’s mostly western musical, which Ben Brantley called an “impeccably inane horse opera,” rides back in town. Can the townspeople — and a three-legged coyote — survive a villainous man in black? Leigh Silverman directs a cast that features Phillipa Soo and John Ellison Conlee, who periodically dress as cactuses. clubbedthumb.org
‘THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN’ at Abrons Arts Center (in previews; opens on Feb. 26). Can the 1960 Meredith Willson musical about a Titanic survivor float? The book writer Dick Scanlan’s update for the Transport Group pushes the show toward the actual history of the lifeboat queen Margaret Tobin Brown, played here by Beth Malone. Kathleen Marshall directs and choreographs the show’s Off Broadway premiere. 866-811-4111, transportgroup.org
‘WE’RE GONNA DIE’ at the Tony Kiser Theater at Second Stage Theater (in previews; opens on Feb. 25). Young Jean Lee’s autobiographical rock almost-musical, written as part of her work with the playwrights’ collective 13P, has a new lease on life. Backed by a five-piece band, Janelle McDermoth discourses on life, death and the arguable usefulness of art. Raja Feather Kelly directs. 212-541-4516, 2st.com
Last Chance
‘GRAND HORIZONS’ at Hayes Theater (closes on March 1). Bess Wohl’s comedy of divorce, directed by Leigh Silverman, calls it quits. Jesse Green questioned the wisdom of writing “a boulevard comedy for a cul-de-sac age.” However, he had particular praise for Jane Alexander, writing that “you haven’t lived until you’ve heard a woman who once played Eleanor Roosevelt sing the praises of cunnilingus.” 2st.com
‘MAC BETH’ at the Frederick Loewe Theater (closes on Feb. 22). A gaggle of teen girls leave Dunsinane as Erica Schmidt’s reimagining of the Scottish tragedy closes. Laura Collins-Hughes wrote that the play’s power lies not in its true-crime-inspired violence, but in “watching a group of girls meet Shakespeare on their own electric terms — with ferocity, abandon and the occasional wild dance break.” 212-772-4448, huntertheaterproject.org
‘MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON’ at Samuel J. Friedman Theater (closes on Feb. 29). Rona Munro’s adaptation of Elizabeth Strout’s glimmering 2016 novel, directed by Richard Eyre and starring a scarf-wrapped Laura Linney, reaches its final paragraphs. Ben Brantley wrote that “as embodied with middle-American forthrightness” by Linney, the play’s title character “may be the most translucent figure now on a New York stage.” 212-239-6200, manhattantheatreclub.com
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/entertainment/12-plays-and-musicals-to-go-to-in-n-y-c-this-weekend-2/
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jupiterxjakarta · 7 years
High Frequency Fashion
I wear beauty that keeps my frequency high. High Frequency Fashion via @maxhosabyl @onychek @ammaniijewelry #joydonnell
Wearing beauty that keeps your frequency high. Here’s how Joy curates high frequency fashion.
I like to wear beauty that keeps my frequency high. My friend, Diedre Johnson, has often pointed out to me that I’m a sensualist. I’m always talking about the senses and how clothing, food, jewelry and the like relate to our senses. It’s not incredibly deep for me. We are not these bodies, but these…
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findjoyhere · 7 years
High Frequency Fashion
I wear beauty that keeps my frequency high. High Frequency Fashion via @maxhosabyl @onychek @ammaniijewelry #joydonnell
Wearing beauty that keeps your frequency high. Here’s how Joy curates high frequency fashion.
I like to wear beauty that keeps my frequency high. My friend, Diedre Johnson, has often pointed out to me that I’m a sensualist. I’m always talking about the senses and how clothing, food, jewelry and the like relate to our senses. It’s not incredibly deep for me. We are not these bodies, but these…
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jobsaggregation2 · 4 years
Industrial & Commercial Bldg HVAC Controls Engineer - Indianapolis, IN
Design, configure, and operate HVAC building automation and control systems and complex software programs based on contract documents and oversee commissioning and troubleshooting to ensure proper operations. Design and configure complex building control systems in AutoCAD or Visio, including flow diagrams, sequence of operations, bill of material, network layouts, and electrical schematics. Coordinate creation of drawings and equipment schedules for submittals and installation; communicate design and operation to customers, consultants, field installation team and subcontractors. Select, order, and track delivery of materials for assigned projects. Develop and test software programs to operate control system per project requirements. Assist loading and commissioning of all system and network-level controllers as well as validation of complete system functionality; troubleshoot problems with subcontractors to ensure proper operation. Support integration of low voltage building sub-systems using various industry protocols (i.e. LON, BacNet, Modbus, etc). Provide field change information to project team for creation of as-built drawings and software. Perform site-specific training for owner and operators on total building control system. Requires demonstrated experience working with Metasys or Tridium Niagara Direct Digital Control (DDC) systems. Great opportunity in progressive, stable company with state of the art technology. Offering a competitive compensation package with bonuses and excellent benefits including a fully covered health insurance plan (medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug), disability insurance, life insurance, company matched 401(k) savings plan, flexible vacation days, paid holidays, paid time off, tuition reimbursement, and so much more. For complete details contact Christopher Moreno at: (609) 584-9000 ext 264 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/cam/app.asp Or email to: 1000044701_10007349 AT najbcareers303.com Please reference #41239224 when responding. Education Requirements: Bachelor Degree Minimum Experience Requirements: 2-5 years Job City Location: Indianapolis Job State Location: IN Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $75,000 to $120,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: HVAC Controls Engineer Building Automation Engineer Applications Engineer DDC Controls Programming Direct Digital Control Building Control Systems Schneider Electric Andover Controls, Johnson Controls Tridium DDC #DiedreMoire #EngineerJobs #ControlsEngineer #Building Automation #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Industrial & Commercial Bldg HVAC Controls Engineer - Indianapolis, IN jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/industrial-commercial-bldg-hvac-controls-engineer-indianapolis-in_i9226
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nox-lathiaen · 4 years
Industrial & Commercial Bldg HVAC Controls Engineer - Indianapolis, IN
Design, configure, and operate HVAC building automation and control systems and complex software programs based on contract documents and oversee commissioning and troubleshooting to ensure proper operations. Design and configure complex building control systems in AutoCAD or Visio, including flow diagrams, sequence of operations, bill of material, network layouts, and electrical schematics. Coordinate creation of drawings and equipment schedules for submittals and installation; communicate design and operation to customers, consultants, field installation team and subcontractors. Select, order, and track delivery of materials for assigned projects. Develop and test software programs to operate control system per project requirements. Assist loading and commissioning of all system and network-level controllers as well as validation of complete system functionality; troubleshoot problems with subcontractors to ensure proper operation. Support integration of low voltage building sub-systems using various industry protocols (i.e. LON, BacNet, Modbus, etc). Provide field change information to project team for creation of as-built drawings and software. Perform site-specific training for owner and operators on total building control system. Requires demonstrated experience working with Metasys or Tridium Niagara Direct Digital Control (DDC) systems. Great opportunity in progressive, stable company with state of the art technology. Offering a competitive compensation package with bonuses and excellent benefits including a fully covered health insurance plan (medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug), disability insurance, life insurance, company matched 401(k) savings plan, flexible vacation days, paid holidays, paid time off, tuition reimbursement, and so much more. For complete details contact Christopher Moreno at: (609) 584-9000 ext 264 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/cam/app.asp Or email to: 1000044701_10007349 AT najbcareers303.com Please reference #41239224 when responding. Education Requirements: Bachelor Degree Minimum Experience Requirements: 2-5 years Job City Location: Indianapolis Job State Location: IN Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $75,000 to $120,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: HVAC Controls Engineer Building Automation Engineer Applications Engineer DDC Controls Programming Direct Digital Control Building Control Systems Schneider Electric Andover Controls, Johnson Controls Tridium DDC #DiedreMoire #EngineerJobs #ControlsEngineer #Building Automation #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Industrial & Commercial Bldg HVAC Controls Engineer - Indianapolis, IN jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/industrial-commercial-bldg-hvac-controls-engineer-indianapolis-in_i9940
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