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Propaganda under the cut
Diggory Graves/Percy Reed - Hello From The Hallowoods
nb4t (Diggory is non binary and uses they/them pronouns, Percy is a trans man who uses he/him pronouns), I yearn for what they have, Frankenstein-monster-esque character and a ghost
Miss Lupescu/Silas - The Graveyard Book
No submitted propaganda
Art by @angryducktimemachine and Nina Levy respectively.
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Monster4Monster Bracket (Round 1, side 1)
Baron Dark X Cyborn (Skeleton Warriors) VS. Madame Pandora X The Captain of the Dead (the Petit Vampire Franchise)
Nefertina X Apep Vs. Scarab X Heka (Mummies Alive)
Dinobot/Rattrap (Transformers Beast Wars) VS. Jega ‘rdomnai X Escharum (Halo Infinate)
Rtas’Vadum x Thel ‘Vadam (Halo) VS. Fangus/Stranger (Oddworld)
Beating Heart Bride X Hatbox Ghost (The Haunted Mansion) VS. James Sullivan/Mike Wazowski (monsters Inc.)
Shrek/Fiona (Shrek Franchise) VS. Swamp Thing/Godess of Rot (aka Abigail Arcane) (DC Comics)
Dracula/R.M. Renfield (Dracula, all media types) VS. Other Mother/Other Father (Coraline)
Caliban/Lily Frankinstein (Penny Dreadful) VS. Carmela Karnstein/Geraldine (Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu and Christabel by Samuel Coleridge)
Killian/Carey (The Adventure Zone Balence) VS. Scam Likely (aka Well Actually or Scam Actually)/Jodie Foster (not the actor) (Dungeons and Daddies)
Lumiére/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) VS. Vickey Schmidt/Calculester Packard (Monster Prom)
Poison Ivy/Swamp Thing (DC Comics VS. Groot/Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)
Louis/Lestat (Interveiw With The Vampire) VS. Upsher/Dolf (Saga)
Carrion/The Thing (Carrion game and The Thing (1982) VS. Ebrieteas/Rom (Bloodborne) VS. Princess/Bird Hero (Slay the Princess)
Diggiry Graves/Percy Reed (Hello From The Hollowoods) VS. Miss Lupescu/Silas (The Graveyard Book)
Link to round 1, side 2
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