#EDIT: uhhhh turns out i did NOT publish this on the correct day
cheapthrillsbeca · 3 years
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fic: baby, i know places we won't be found (1/3)
They meet at the table read.
Beca didn’t know what Chloe Beale would be like in real life -- her years in the music industry have taught her to never take someone’s public persona at face value. No one is who they project themselves to be on social media and red carpets, least of all actors.
But Chloe Beale, Beca quickly learns, is the exception to the rule.
(@bechloe-week day 6: famous au)
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bastionkeeper · 5 years
Idk if you’d be interested but I absolutely die for 10 meeting Crowley somewhere in history and having a fun lil mix up with the trouble they’re both in
Anonymous said: Can I get some fuckin uhhhh Donna content? If you want!
I’m so sorry this took a million years and came out totally different, shorter, and probably less good than expected asdflkja it’s been a long bit of getting back to school, working in preparation for the festival that’s gonna kill me this weekend, and the big sad writer’s block, I decided to just post it now while I have SOMETHING at least
"I promise this is going to make up for that whole mess with the novasquid."
"It better, my hair still smells like calamari and I've showered four times now."
The sound of fond bickering often filled the TARDIS, though the incident with the novasquid had, indeed, increased the usual amount of bickering quite a bit. 
"Look, 3308, Mars, the nightlife is incredible," The Doctor assured Donna. "I once spent a night there, don't remember a thing, might have gotten married or… divorced, anyway…"
"I can't believe it, we're going clubbing," Donna laughed.
"Well, yeah, but on Mars," the Doctor emphasized, hoping for the usual human wonder at travel in time and space.
"You gonna go dressed like that? All suit and teacher glasses?" 
"You're one to talk, showing up to a 3308 club dressed like it's 2007," the Doctor said, grinning and raising a critical eyebrow.
He threw a lever and flipped a switch, and the TARDIS stopped groaning and shaking as they landed.
"Alright, Mars," Donna said, dramatically tossing her hair. "Lock up your husbands."
"Right…" the Doctor raised an eyebrow and headed for the door, grabbing his coat on the way.
The door opened and Donna and the Doctor stepped out…
...onto a London street.
"Mars, right?" Donna huffed. "You need to fix that GPS. Are we at least in the future?"
"Uh…" the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and took readings only he could read from a device with neither screen nor speaker. "Depends… we're either somewhere in the nineties or 2019…"
"How can it be either the nineties or 2019?" Donna asked. 
"This is really strange…"
"No stranger than usual, you promising a vacation and us ending up in the wrong part of the universe."
"No, I mean…" the Doctor looked at the sonic with a frown. "These readings for Earth are all… well… it's saying it's only about six thousand years old."
"So it's busted then," Donna said. 
"Maybe…" the Doctor pocketed the sonic and looked around. "Well, so long as we're here."
"Oh no," Donna sighed. "No, don't get distracted. Let's get back in the TARDIS and go to Mars."
"Look! An old bookshop!" The Doctor beamed, pointing out the building. "Love an old bookshop, let's take a peek."
"Oh no," Donna groaned, as the Doctor grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the shop labeled: A.Z. FELL.
"Your orchid is getting lazy."
Aziraphale looked up from his book to where Crowley was examining a flower, one he'd brought to the bookshop as a gift a month ago.
"Maybe it's just enjoying a quiet moment away from all the yelling," Aziraphale said coyly, returning to his book. 
The bell at the door rang as a pair of customers entered, and neither demon nor angel took notice. 
"Sure, let it go soft," Crowley scoffed. 
"As if you don't like soft," Aziraphale shot back, not looking up from his book.
Crowley made a big show of snarling like he was offended as he wrapped his arms around Aziraphale's waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Don't you have things to do today? Besides harass the orchid?" Aziraphale asked.
"Yeah, but I'll be back for it," Crowley said with a wink. "You enjoy chasing people off all day."
Aziraphale waved him off, and for a split second two non-humans with remarkably similar faces passed by each other without noticing.
Then Crowley left the shop.
"Are you done yet?" Donna sighed, leaning heavily on a bookshelf. The Doctor was nose deep in a book, and had been for about an hour. Not the same book, no, he kept poking around in books and peeking around the bookshop much to the owner's dismay. Donna suspected if it weren't for the other customers that he'd have personally chased them off long ago.
"Something's very strange about all this," the Doctor said, not looking up. 
"Yeah, strange how you promised me adventure and now we're standing around looking at antique books," Donna said. "I think you do this on purpose."
"I wish I could claim that," the Doctor chuckled. "Nope, all accident."
"Well so long as you're reading, I'm going to go find something to do," Donna said. "You know, while you gather dust."
The Doctor waved her off and she stuck her tongue out at him, before heading for the door. 
The Doctor was reading Hamlet or rather he was sort of reading it, because it was just a little different from what he remembered. 
For starters it was completely dull, not at all the play remembered by the ages. Second of all the publishing date was definitely not the correct one, and yet he was certain this was an original copy. An original copy somehow lovingly maintained without a temperature controlled room or protective case, just placed on a bookshelf surrounded by several other well loved books.
"Oh, you don't want that one."
The Doctor looked up at the voice, the owner had left his post and come over to him. Aziraphale hadn't seen the customer's face yet, only seen his back as he pursued for far too long with too much interest. Another collector, probably, hard to shake.
"Oh?" The Doctor asked, turning to face Aziraphale. "Why not?"
For a moment surprise spread over Aziraphale's face, and then confusion.
"Wait… but…" he squinted. "Crowley, are you playing some kind of trick?"
"Uh, no, no tricks here," the Doctor said with an equally confused look and a friendly shrug. "Sorry, what did you call me?"
"Oh stop it," Aziraphale huffed. "You've barely even shapeshifted, are you trying to be funny?"
"Well now that's just rude," the Doctor said. "I'm very different now, got all long and grew my hair out, and the ears are totally different."
"Ears?" Aziraphale asked, bewildered.
"Do you know me?" The Doctor asked curiously.
"I should say so I…" Aziraphale paused. "... or maybe I don't. You don't feel… demonic. Are you not Crowley?"
"I'm the Doctor," he replied. "And I'm not a demon, sorry."
"That's bizarre." Aziraphale gaped. "You look just like him…"
"You did say demon, right?" The Doctor asked, and Aziraphale blanched.
"Did I?" He asked casually.
"Oh, don't get secretive now," the Doctor chuckled. "Would it help if I said I was an alien? I show you mine you show me… well, you get it." He pulled a face at his own choice of words.
"That's impossible," Aziraphale laughed. "She hasn't started work on the other worlds yet."
"Nothing you need to worry about," Aziraphale said finally.
"Why didn't you want me to buy this book?" The Doctor asked. "And why's it all wrong? It's Hamlet but it's garbage, Hamlet's not garbage."
"That's the pre-edited copy," Aziraphale said smugly. 
"What edits are those?"
"The important ones." Aziraphale looked impatient now. "Who are you, really?"
"I told you, I'm the Doctor, I'm a time lord, I'm not from around here."
"Time lord? Sounds a bit pompous…"
"So does claiming intimate knowledge of the writing of Hamlet, but I think maybe we've both got the right," the Doctor said, eyes burning with interest. "Were you there? When it was written?"
"Were you?" Aziraphale countered.
"I was."
"Well I certainly don't remember you."
The Doctor looked triumphant at having gotten a confession that might help him puzzle out the situation, and Aziraphale sighed.
"Alright, which office sent you?"
"What offices?" The Doctor asked.
"Heaven! Hell! What "department" are you?" Aziraphale pushed. 
"Neither, and what exactly are you?"
"I am an angel," Aziraphale said defensively. "And I am very confused."
"Confused isn't so bad, confused means you get to figure something out," the Doctor said. "Tell you what, you tell me about Heaven, Hell, and Hamlet and maybe we can figure this out."
Aziraphale sighed and gestured to the back room, miracling on some tea. "Might as well. This way."
Donna was just starting to get bored when she saw him, crossing the street just a bit away. She chased after him, shouting when he didn't stop for her.
"Hey! Spaceman! You gone deaf and blind?" She huffed, grabbing Crowley by the arm and surprising him considerably. "You finally done with that bookshop then?"
"I… what?" Crowley asked.
"What have you done to your hair?" Donna asked. "And your…" she gestured broadly to all of him. "... all that."
"Well, nothing recently, bout time for a change," Crowley said. "Do I know you?"
"Haha, very funny." Donna rolled her eyes. "Can we go now?"
"Seriously, who are you?" Crowley asked.
"Oh God, I know what this is," Donna sighed in exasperation. "Martha told me about this, you got a pocket watch on you then?"
"Why would I have a pocket watch? What year do you think it is?" Crowley scoffed. 
"C'mon, it's not funny," Donna said. "Just hurry up and-"
Crowley snapped, trying to put the woman in a trance so he could get some answers out of her.
But Donna Noble was not so easily tranced.
"Are you snapping at me?" She shouted, putting her hands on her hips.
"Nngk!" Crowley choked, startled into backing up, arms pinwheeling comically.
"Something happened to you at that bookstore, is that it?" She said. "Right, we're going back, I'll not have you walking around looking like Mr. Goth Fashion and snapping at me."
"I'm… sorry?" Crowley spluttered, finding himself being dragged along. Oh well, she was headed towards Aziraphale's anyway, at least he'd have backup.
Crowley and Donna entered the bookshop just as Aziraphale and the Doctor had decided to go looking for them. There was a minute of Donna, Aziraphale, and the Doctor gaping in confusion at the demonic and alien doppelganger situation, before Crowley broke the silence.
"YOU!" he accused. "Of course it's you!"
"So you know me?" The Doctor asked.
"And you don't know me yet? Great," Crowley huffed. "You made a real mess of the thirties, you know that?"
"Not yet I haven't," the Doctor said, sounding offended.
"So you know him, Crowley?" Aziraphale asked.
"Yeah, he's the idiot with my face who always got me blamed for everything," Crowley said. "Trying to get back to his own universe, is this day one then?"
"What. The hell. Is going on?" Donna asked.
"Funny you should mention hell," the Doctor chuckled. "You know I met Satan once."
"Twice," Crowley corrected him. "Look forward to it. That one actually did me a favor, I was employee of the month."
"No one's answered me," Donna pointed out.
"You and your alien boyfriend are about to time travel through our world till you find a way back to yours, that's what's going on," Crowley said.
"Not my boyfriend," Donna said just as the Doctor said "I'm not her boyfriend."
"And Mr. Fell and his friend here are an angel and a demon," the Doctor added.
"We're not friends," Aziraphale said, just as Crowley corrected him to "partner."
"No way," Donna said.
"I assure you, miss," Aziraphale said. "Very much 'way.'"
"Satan, you're so embarrassing," Crowley chuckled.
"You know, normally I've seen a face before I steal it," the Doctor said.
"Likewise," Crowley said. "But I've got a few thousand years on you so I can say for sure She didn't copy paste me."
“Copy paste?” the Doctor asked, offended.
“Regardless, it seems we’ve sorted things out,” Aziraphale said. “Though I must admit , knowing you really are a time traveling alien from another dimension opens up so many questions…” his eyes glittered with that familiar look he got when discovering a new and fascinating book. “I have questions,” he said, taking the Doctor by the arm and leading him to the back room where he’d ply him for stories with refreshments and stories of his own.
“I’ll just be a minute, Donna,” the Doctor called over his shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s what he said last time,” Donna sighed.
“We’ll be lucky to see them sometime this century,” Crowley sighed along with her. “I’m going to have to dust him off again.”
“Whatchu say we leave them and go get some drinks?” Donna suggested.
“Told you, he’s my partner… thing,” Crowley said awkwardly, as Donna rolled her eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, hellboy, you’re all bones and sunglasses,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “C’mon, I want to know which of my friends are going to hell.”
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tracle0 · 5 years
I was tagged by @joyful-soul-collector​ (thank you this is possibly one of my favourite tag games) ... Okay also also before I could finish this up, @hyba also tagged me so uh it’s 22/11 instead, ty ty. You two might want to check the tag list cause uhhh you might be there who knows not me c:
The rules are: Answer the 11 (22 this time but hush) questions, make up your own 11 and then tag... I think it’s 11 people but I don’t know 11 people who I haven’t already tagged so...
I sort of started spamming pictures to answer a question so I’m gonna... put the pictures under the cut. 
1. Have any of your OCs ever stolen something? What did they steal, and why? Oh yeah sure - the first one I can think of easily is Cain. He used to live on the streets so had to steal to survive. But he’d also work for money. He’s not heartless, just desperate. 
Also now I’m thinking about it, Tag would definitely be the kind of guy to just... hey I know I’m meant to hand this gear in but... no-one will miss it so.... he steals to amuse himself with the gadgets he gets. 
2. Did you ever have imaginary friends as a kid? What were they like? I copied my sister in having pretend animal friends, but not really. Who needs imaginary friends when you have real-life ones lol I was a lot more liked as a kid.
3. Do any of your  OCs have a favorite article of clothing? Why is it their favorite?
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Yeah, you could say that. 
Andy likes his hoodie because it’s a thing that is only his. He didn’t get it from Murdock, I honestly don’t know WHERE he got it from, but it’s his, and the fact he owns anything means a lot to him.
Cain likes his because it’s one of the few things left over from when he was younger and again, it’s his. He didn’t steal it. It belongs to Only Him. He feels comfortable in it. 
4. What do you fist develop about a character when you make one up? Do you think of their appearance first? Their personality? Their backstory?
Honestly? It depends. Backstory always comes after, but personality and appearance often intersect. I know for WIP 3 I thought of personality and traits first, and for Collateral it was appearance first. I think for Sonder it was more.. their role in the story? ‘Oh hey this is the antagonist, this is the protagonist, this is the love interest wait I hate romance, okay, side kick’ etc
5. Fluff or Angst?
If it’s not romantic? Fluff. I made myself angsty enough when I was younger, I want more happiness in my life.
6. Remember the color of that dress that everyone was debating about however many years ago? The one that was blue and black, or white and gold? What colors did you see?
The correct colours.
7. Pick your bubbliest, happiest OC. Now tell me what will make them turn into your worst nightmare. I wanna see what makes them the angriest.
Oh boy, let’s see uhhh... Tag. Tag from WIP 3 who is undergoing the process of a name change. 
Seeing someone he loves die would twist him. Being isolated would eventually break him. Being unable to do what he loves would definitely upset him also. 
Also idk if you’ve heard about it but in his world, there’s a nifty ability called being a silvertongue and I know at least one silvertongue is not gonna exploit this but I also know of another who would even on this19-year-old kid so maybe it’s not by choice but that could make him a nightmare. Just sayin’
8. Now pick your angstiest, most emo OC. And tell me what would make them blush and giggle like an idiot. I wanna see what makes them the happiest.
Okay for this one it’s a tie I write a lot of angsty characters. 
>Andy - seeing something just. Really funny. Oh did Sam just fall over in a ridiculous way? Fantastic. That’s actually how they first have a proper conversation. Sam falls over, he laughs, they talk.
>Cain - anything awesome that Duck does. Oh hey what’s up Goose oh you drew this radical picture? /tearing up/ it’s so great oh my gosh you’re so talented. That’s more being happy than giggling but can you see Cain giggling? No, me neither. 
9. If you could have any mythical creature for a pet, what would it be?
Dragon, next question.
10. What’s your go-to thing for when you’re hungry but don’t have time/energy to cook something?
Fruit! It is! Very good! And tasty! Apples have a good cronch! Oranges are mmmm juicy. Banana? Yes nice thank you. Oh wow we have strawberries? What a sweet treat. Also healthy!
11. Do any of your OCs have scars? Would they be confident enough to show them in public (like at the beach)?
Oh yeah sure man. Andy’s got multiple from... ‘training’. He doesn't show them off. Cain, Duck and Theo have all been badly burnt on the arms, and Cain ‘’shows it off’’ just because it makes him uncomfortable to have his arms covered. And uh Raya probably has some sort of scar on her knees or elbow from rollerblading. Because you do fall over and it does scar.
And now for Hyba’s questions, lez go bois
1. What cultural value do you see in writing/reading/storytelling/etc.?
I think that without storytelling specifically, humans would be so... mundane? We’d be no different to any other animal on the planet. Creating anything, be that stories or art or literally anything is so... human. To take that away would be like taking away humanities soul. The cultural value isn’t really measurable - storytelling makes up the culture. 
2. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Honestly, I have no idea. I try to entertain myself, and if other people like it too, then that’s neat. But because I’m writing for myself, I anticipate everything, so I don’t know if it’s original or not. I know it delivers what I want! But is that readers want? Who knows!
3. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
Crow. Not even as a writer, just... dude crows are so damn cool. 
4.  What do you think most characterizes your writing?
I’m not quite sure about the phrasing so uhhhh represents? Google is telling me ‘describes’. 
In which case, a midnight fever jolting you out of bed, moments before you could fall asleep, and puppeting you to a writing surface so you can splurge ideas onto it sounds about right. 66% of my WIPs have elements in them that were based on dreams. 
5. How do you select the names of your characters?
Mostly? Spite. ‘Oh Trade, you can’t have a bad guy named Andy, all Andy’s are good’ NOPE NOT ANYMORE SUCK IT. I also have a friend who is really good at coming up with names that fit the exact mood of the character so I go to her a lot. Sometimes they’re puns. 
6. Choose one of your OCs (or more). How would they want to be seen by others?
Sam from Sonder wants to be seen as someone people can talk to, but also someone who pursues a science because yes sociology is a science to her, shut up, don’t talk to me if you’re going to mention the words ‘paradigm’ or ‘objective’ thank you.
7. How do you find or make time to write? Are you consistent or do you write whenever you get the chance?
In the past few months, I’ve not been writing because I’ve had exams. Before that, I wrote at every chance I had - being a student, I had a fair bit of free time during the day, so I’d use that to write. But for a while, it was a nothing on the ‘what has Trade written recently’ chart. 
Going up again boiiis
8. What does literary success look like to you? Is it important for you as a writer?
Literary success? That’s... a very interesting question. I think I’d be satisfied and feel successful if one person told me that my book helped them through something. 
Jokes on me, I’ve already had that, my books helped me, I have already succeeded, see you losers in hell.
Also fanart but uh who needs fanart when you draw enough for five armies?
9. Are there any scenes that you’ve had to edit out of your WIPs? Can you tell us about them if they don’t spoil the book?
YES oh lord yes okay so in Sonder, chapter 15, I decided around draft 2 that I wanted a scene where Atlas got drunk. I made up reasons for it, asked lots of friends about what it was like to be drunk (as I personally have never been drunk), attended parties to get first-hand research and did so much preparation. 
Wrote the scene, was pleased with it, left it to fester. Two years and two drafts later (now), I’ve come back and realised oh hey that scene is utterly useless and de-rails the plot. Time to remove it I guess. 
I rationalise it as ‘well you wrote it and you had fun but it’s not needed, move on’ and that works well for me. 
10. Would you feel comfortable publishing or sharing your writing using your real name, or would you prefer a pseudonym?
Pseudonym 100%. As cool as it would be to be able to go ‘hey I wrote this’ to people, the terrifying ordeal of being known is horrific, and people being able to track all my past activity from when I was literally seven is my worst nightmare. I wouldn’t even tell family or friends if I could get away with it. 
‘Hey [real name], there’s a book at Waterstones called Sonder? With the exact same characters, plot and writing style as you have? But it’s under [pseudonym]?’ ‘oh hey, really that’s wild. Anyway,’
11. When writing, do you try more to be original or do you prefer to deliver to readers what they want? Do you think that a book can do both? Which is more important to you as a writer?
Oh hey, this is like question two but MORE. Standing by my previous answer, I think a book can do both - people want a happy ending, usually, but you can always be original in how you do that. No two stories can be told in exactly the same way. And hey - even if people do guess what’s coming up, that’s good. 
As a writer? It’s most important to entertain. I don’t try and catch people out, I just deliver the story I have in my head and then edit it mercilessly until I’m pleased. 
1) Design a mask for an OC to wear. Would it cover their whole face? Is it a mascarade mask? Is it fancy or simple? Bonus cool kid points if you draw it.
2) Which OCs like spicy food?
3) Which OCs can take care of a plant - an orchid, to be exact? 
4) Do you tell stories in any other medium beyond writing? eg: art or roleplay or...? 
5) Do you have any irl items that you have because ‘oh dude this is something that’d totally be in my story’? Can I see them?
6) What’s the first book you remember buying? 
7) Do you have any weird collections of things? As an example, I have a skull collection and a collection of... what’s best described as doll body parts. Anything just... weird that you have a lot of? Can I see it? 
8) Which OC gets distracted by watching birds and which OC is like ‘dude stop watching the birds we’ve got STUFF TO DO’
9) Have you ever met a published author? Who? 
10) Are you a person who likes tea or are you a person who prefers coffee? If the latter - dude c’mon tea is so much better smh
11) Have you backed up your files recently? Do it now. Please, for the love of god, back up your files. 
@hyba @joyful-soul-collector (dunno if I’m allowed to tag the people who tagged me but fukkit here’s some more questions you eggs) @kaatiba @albatris @timetravelingpigeon @note-katha (hi we have barely interacted but nice new username) @nymph-of-diana (on your main if you want, idm c:) @writing-and-nutmeg @futurity-writing @osteoprecocious and @thatfizzyyyy 
Honestly, the fact I made it to 11 is - wowza. Uhhh if you don’t want to then don’t, if you do want to then PLEASE do and then tag me so I can see your answers, I’m curious. 
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pagegoat · 6 years
I was tagged by @hummingbirdcas (yay does this mean we can be friends)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people (lol I don’t know 20 people on here to even tag so it’ll probably be like 1)
1. Last drink: Diet Coke
2. Last phone call: my friend Sumner
3. Last text message: a video of a really cute dog to my mom and uncle
4. Last song you listened to: the final song from pitch perfect 1 (I’m working on learning the dance to it)
5. Last time you cried: surprisingly I don’t remember, it’s been a little while
6. Dated someone twice: nope no thank you
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: well not like right after but now I just generally regret having dated 2 of my exes so I guess yeah
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: by death, no; by end of a friendship, yeah
10. Been depressed: I mean not like medically so no I guess? Not sure exactly what this is asking
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: twice. It’s not pleasant. The mere thought of redds apple ale makes me nauseous now
Fav colors
12. Emerald green
13. Dark teal
14. Dark purple
(basically I just love jewel tones ‘kay)
In the last year have you...
15. Made new friends?: yes, tons, because I came to college
16. Fallen out of love?: nope
17. Laughed until you cried?: this basically happens every time I laugh so yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you?: nope
19. Met someone who changed you?: I mean I became a partier when I came to school and met my friends here and I didn’t think I would so I guess kinda
20. Found out who your friends are?: yep definitely
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list?: nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: all of them
23. Do you have any pets?: a dog named Bob Wiley
24. Do you want to change your name?: nah
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: went to the beach with most of my best friends, saw dolphins, ate cake, it was by far the best birthday I’ve ever had
26. What time did you wake up today?: 7 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: getting back to my dorm from my weekly trivia night
28. What’s something you can’t wait for?: being in a stable job that I enjoy
29. What are you listening to right now?: nothing but I’m watching the office
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: yes
31. Something that’s getting on your nerves?: when my roommate watches Netflix out loud while I’m trying to do homework (it doesn’t happen often but when it does it drives me nuts)
32. Most visited website: tumblr or Twitter
33. Hair color: dark brown
34. Hair length: it’s pretty long rn
35. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
36. What do you like about yourself: uhhhh I like my acting talents, I like my hair usually, I like my makeup skills, I like my baking and cookie decorating abilities
37. Want any piercing: well I passed out just getting my ears pierced so it’s a no from me
38. Blood type: O-
39. Nicknames: well maggie is a nickname for Margaret, mags, magg-o, tiny mags, pagegoat, marijuana maggie (that’s just from 2 of my friends and it’s a long story)
40. Relationship status: it’s complicated
41. Zodiac: Gemini (I know everyone hates us)
42. Pronouns: she/her
43. Fav tv shows: supernatural, Sherlock, the office, friends, psych, monk, Smallville, lost, probably something else I’m forgetting
44. Tattoos: none yet but I’m getting one sometime soon hopefully
45. Right or left handed: right
46. Ever had surgery: I had a cyst removed from my neck when I was 8, and I had scoliosis corrective surgery when I was 16 so I have a pretty rad scar all the way down my spine
47. Piercings: just regular old earlobes
48. Sport: uh....... choreography for musicals??
49. Vacation: basically anywhere in Italy, NYC, Germany, Austria
50. Trainers: no clue what that means
More general
51. Eating: just had some chick fil a and a donut
52. Drinking: still my Diet Coke
53. I’m about to watch: well I’m currently watching the office so
54. Waiting for: this is very vague but I’m gonna go with Thursday for the next supernatural episode
55. Want: for every store and restaurant and website to accept PayPal to make my life easier
56. Get married: I mean not anytime soon but someday
57. Career: work in NYC for either a publishing company or a magazine in editing
Which is better (I’m assuming these are in relation to a potential SO)
58. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person I guess?
59. Lips or eyes: eyes
60. Shorter or taller: enough taller that I can wear heels
61. Older or younger: within a year younger or 2 years older
62. Nice arms or stomach: both please?
63. Hookup or relationship: def relationship
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: little of both depending on situation
Have you ever
65. Kissed a stranger: nope
66. Drank hard liquor: yep
67. Lost glasses: maybe when I was little but not recently
68. Turned someone down: yep
69. Sex on first date: nope
70. Broken someone’s heart: yep
71. Had your heart broken: yep
72. Been arrested: nope
73. Cried when someone died: not that I recall
74. Fallen for a friend: yep, several times
Do you believe in
75. Yourself: yes? Most of the time?
76. Miracles: depends on definition of that but tentatively yes
77. Love at first sight: nope
78. Santa clause: sadly no
79. Kiss on first date: I didn’t realize that was a belief but yeah
80. Angels: yes
81. Best friend’s name: tim
82. Eye color: technically hazel but they’re really green with just a little ring of brown around my pupil
83. Fav movie: uhhh all the back to the futures, o brother whereart thou, beauty and the beast new and old, Chicago, Groundhog Day, what about bob?, HP and the half blood prince
84. Fav actor: misha collins, cole sprouse, Alan rickman, Martin freeman (and not just cuz of Sherlock I swear), bill Murray, Christopher Lloyd, Tim curry, I know there are others I’m forgetting
hey @southerntinkerbelle if you wanna do this knock yourself out it literally took me like a week to actually get all of this typed out cuz I kept not having time to finish it
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