#Earth moving equipment hire
rmscontracting · 1 year
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rangehirebg · 8 months
Safety First: Best Practices for Operating Heavy Equipment
Operating heavy equipment, like earthmovers, requires utmost care and attention to ensure safety at every step. As reputable farm equipment suppliers, we understand the significance of safety when dealing with these robust machines. Whether it's mining equipment or earthmovers, safety should always be the top priority. Here are essential safety tips for operating heavy equipment:
Understanding Your Equipment
Before you start operating any heavy machinery, take the time to understand it thoroughly. Each piece of equipment is unique, so read the operator's manual carefully. Familiarize yourself with the controls, safety features, and operational procedures specific to that machine.
Regular Maintenance is Key
Routine maintenance is not just about keeping the equipment in good shape; it's a safety imperative. Ensure that all heavy equipment is regularly inspected, serviced, and well-maintained. This practice reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns that can lead to accidents.
Pre-Operational Checks
Before starting the engine, conduct a comprehensive pre-operational check. Inspect for any indications of damage, signs of wear, or components that may be loose.. Ensure that all safety systems, such as brakes, lights, and warning alarms, are in working order.
Know Your Surroundings
Operating heavy equipment such as earth-moving machines often means working in dynamic environments. Always stay aware of your surroundings, including other workers, pedestrians, and potential obstacles. Maintain clear communication with your team through hand signals or two-way radios.
Stay Alert and Avoid Distractions
Operating heavy machinery requires your full attention. Avoid distractions like using your mobile phone, listening to music at high volumes, or engaging in conversations unrelated to the task at hand. Your focus should always be on your equipment and the job.
Plan for Emergencies
Emergencies can happen despite your best efforts. Be prepared by knowing the location of fire extinguishers, first-aid kits, and emergency exits. Ensure that you and your team are trained in emergency procedures.
Safety is paramount in the heavy equipment industry. At Range Hire, as your trusted equipment suppliers and fleet solutions providers, we prioritize safety in every aspect of our business. By following these safety best practices, you can protect yourself, your colleagues, and your equipment, ensuring a secure and successful work environment.
Visit Range Hire today to explore our comprehensive range of heavy equipment, including mining equipment for hire and expert guidance.
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anglingforlevels · 9 months
Through the Mountains (Paranormal Investigator Reader x Yan!Creatures)
A small concept blurb about a paranormal investigator that attracts the supernatural. Reader is honestly having such a good time doing it that they’ve thrown the horror genre out of the story.
CW: Death, Light Body Horror, Not Proof-Read, Not really a story just a concept, Yandere (more suggested than shown in this), monsterfuckery, Reader's morality is dubious at best.
Minors DNI
Humans have always been both fearful and drawn by the unknown, looking to the vastness of space or the depths of the oceans. But we know very little about the earth we stand on – hidden in creaks and shadows, or sometimes even plainly in sight, lies the unknown, beckoning us forth.
And you have never been one to ignore a call.
Already from an early age, you had noticed things, oddities that set themselves apart from what others believed to be possible or real. You didn’t particularly believe in magic, anything could be magic as long as it was unknown, but you didn’t care much to unveil the science of these oddities either, you were simply enthralled by what you didn’t know.
And the unknown seemed enthralled by you as well.
From the curious pebble-figures there’d wander through the gardens to move rocks – and who had left many small presents for you to slithering and clicking creatures there’d cling to your shadow, melting it to the ground so that you were forced to stay.
All manners of creatures, from harmless to terrifying to downright confusing, flocked to you, which was perfect for someone with your enthusiasm. It was obvious you’d make use of this to study them in full, traveling around with your notebooks and gear, hoping to study a new oddity every day.
Some days were more difficult than others, some creatures more persistent than others. You were much flimsier than they were, happy to fly from one thing to the other, it was the way you preferred. One oddity was far from enough, you needed to see everything the world had to offer. They were much more content with just you, and rarely willing to let you go on your merry way.
Alas, as someone setting out to be an expert in this field, you welcomed the challenge. It only meant that you had to be thorough in learning about the creatures, as to foil their attempts at keeping you, so it wasn’t much more than further encouragement to you.
Besides, it was a fair trade-off for getting the chance to meet them to begin with.
You were tracking through the mountain forests presently, returning from the peak of the mountain, which you had visited to get some good readings and pictures of the place to better understand the habitat of the oddities who made this place their home. Though the equipment was heavier than you cared for, thus you had hired a helping hand from the local town at the foot of the mountain.
Tally, a fit twenty-something that had wanted the extra cash and had the needed youthful hubris to disregard the warnings of their elders, who had grown up with the tales of dangerous monsters and disappearing trekkers in the mountains. They had shrugged it off as old wives tales, and you were grateful for that, because every other young adult you had asked, had assumed it was wild animals.
They wouldn’t go far in life with that attitude, but you appreciated it greatly.
“How are you so familiar with the mountains?” Tally asked, as you decisively led the two of you through the terrain. It was a fair question, there was no man-made paths here, after all, people did tend to go missing in the mountains.
“Oh, I’ve been here before, but I usually never bothered with the village beyond restocking. But I needed extra muscle this time around.” You explained while fiddling with some of the pictures from the instant camera you also had brought along.
“See,” Tally said with a satisfied smile, “I knew all those stories were bu-“
You shushed them. “No swearing, remember?”
“Oh, right. Sorry. Force of habit.” Tally apologized. When you had hired them, one of your set rules was no swearing in the mountains. “So, what exactly have you been studying since you visited here? Is there some kind of animal native to this mountain or something?”
“I don’t know about native, but most of them have probably been here longer than your village at least. At least, that’s what suggested by the stories your town tell.” You weren’t really paying much attention till you realized Tally had stopped up.
They groaned. “Stories? Don’t tell me you’re here to look for monsters.”
“Of course not.” You waved your hand dismissively, earning a sigh of relief from Tally. “I’ve already found them, well, most of them I’m guessing. I just wanted to know a bit more about their living habitat, I may not look it, but I’m a professional.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“I’ve been told that jokes aren’t my strong suit, so no.” You simply said, growing a little impatient at the fact Tally still wasn’t walking.
“Right… If these things were real, don’t you think you’d be dead by now.” It was a fair point, albeit Tally’s dry delivery hurt a little.
“Most of the things in this mountain only act if provoked, besides, they like me. Death is usually the only thing I don’t have to worry about, they usually try to take me rather than my life. But I’m very good at what I do, I don’t mess up, so I always manage.” At this, Tally lifted an eyebrow, looking perplexed and completely unconvinced.
” So, if you slip up, even once, you might be taken by any given one of these so-called "monsters"?"
“The quotation marks hurt a bit but yes. But what other choice do I have but to continue? Either risk being whisked away eternally to the obsessive whims of creatures who work on moral and biological systems beyond humanity’s ken or not go looking for weird creatures?”
“…See, that sounds like a very easy dilemma.”
“Exactly, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
“This is so fucking dumb.” They sighed.
“Ah,” you sighed with a troubled smile, “Swearing is off limit in this forest, remember?”
“Huh? Uh, sorry it was a- grh!” They let out a pained grunt, their eyes traveling down to their legs, where something beneath their skins were rapidly crawling up their legs. They fell to the ground, howling in pain.
“Yeah, the thing in this forest really took that youth pamphlet about not doing drugs or swearing to heart, it considers swearing a sign of hostility.” You explained though they did not seem very interested in what you had to say.
“Do something!”
You scratched your neck awkwardly. You did feel bad, it looked very painful to watch small bulges and bony finger push against their skin, traveling upward their bodies. But… “It’s contagious at this point, I don’t want that thing in my body. Trust me, even when it’s not trying to kill, it’s a hassle.”
If they had a response to that, they never got a chance to say it, as their eyeballs were pushed out of their head and bony, tree-like fingers poked through their cheeks and mouth. They collapsed on the ground, the gear they had been carrying clattering to the ground.
“Guess this means I’m carrying all of this back myself.”
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bitbybitwrites · 22 days
This Ficlet Friday sounds like so much fun!
How about 1. 'I leave you alone for five minutes...' for Klaine?
Here ya go! Thanks for the prompt, @annepi-blog!
You can read it either on A03, or below the pretty picture! 😊
To play, click here
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The clangs and shrieks of the alarm system at Christie's Auction House filled the corridors, echoing through the mostly empty building.  They were just as loud as the beating of Kurt and Blaine's hearts as they raced down corridor after corridor while they attempted to escape.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Kurt growled through his teeth as he ran, slipping slightly on the polished marble floor as he turned another corner.  “I leave you alone for five minutes . . . FIVE MINUTES, Blaine.  What on earth did you do?”
Blaine at least had the common decency to look a little sheepish.   "I'm sorry, Kurt.  It's just. . .”
"Just what?  Just what, Blaine?"  Kurt shouted as they zipped into a nearby storage closet where they had stashed some vital equipment a few days prior.  We had ONE goal, well, two goals, for this job.  That was it.  Remember?  It was supposed to be quick and easy—just in and out."
The two jewel thieves quickly shrugged out of their black overalls, flipping them around so that the bright blue interior of the garments now showed on the outside.  Basically, they were returning to the ones of the custodial service staff that they had worn once they reported in for work earlier that evening.
The day billionaire Santana Lopez approached them to "procure" one particular Bulgari emerald and diamond flower brooch and its matching emerald ring for her, Kurt knew then and there he should have turned the job down.  Apparently, they were intended as engagement presents for her lover, Brittany Pierce.  Ms. Lopez saw the young heiress had fallen in love with the pieces when they had toured the auction house the week prior.  Ms. Lopez wanted to keep her girlfriend happy, so Kurt and Blaine's company was contacted, and their services were hired for the evening.
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Kurt always swore that Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry collection was sacred and sacrosanct—totally out of reach as a career goal.  In his heart of hearts, he knew it wasn't a job they should have taken, but they needed the money, so Kurt folded.  He thought he could at least get close enough to salivate and gaze upon the beauty of that collection, even though they only had the job of stealing the brooch and ring combination out of it for Ms. Lopez.
Blaine shoved his curls back into the baseball cap he had worn when reporting to work that evening.  "I didn't mean to trip the alarm, Kurt.  It was an accident.  I swear."
The puppy dog eyes. 
Oh god, Blaine turned on the puppy dog eyes because he knew Kurt couldn’t stay mad at him when he did that.
Kurt jammed his cap on his head, pulling it low over his eyes as he sighed in defeat.  “I know you didn’t mean to, sweetheart.  And I’m sorry I yelled.  It’s just . . . We needed this to go off without any problems."
Blaine nodded as he bent over to grab one of the bottles of "cleaning chemicals" from one corner of the closet and began spreading it around the tiny space, taking care not to spill any on him or Kurt.  "I know, I know, Kurt.  I'm really am sorry.”
A hiss and a crackle were heard in both of their ears as their communication pieces popped to life:
“As much as I love listening to my two favorite gays fight AND make up in the span of five minutes, can we all get a move on?”
Kurt sighed again.  “Yes, Artie,  we’re on it.  What's happening out there?"
"And what's the ETA of the cops?" Blaine said as he fumbled around in his pockets for his lighter.
“Puck's trying to stall by causing a scene because the po-po are ALREADY THERE . . . so can we all get a move on and set this bitch aflame?”
“Can we not use the terms, 'po-po' and ‘set this bitch aflame'?   I think you've been watching too many movies, Artie," Kurt pleaded as Blaine snorted.  He did just that,  grabbing a mop and pushing Kurt out the door as he tossed the lighter back into the room, the flame igniting the chemical-soaked contents within.
They followed Artie's directions down individual hallways empty of custodial staff until they found a staircase.  They followed it down to the lobby, blending in with the other night staff taking the same route out of the building.
As they approached the exit, the men could see a handful of others waiting to leave,  the cops eying everyone warily.  The head security guard was swearing up a storm at the people gathered.
“What the hell happened?” he yelled.  “And will someone turn off that goddamned alarm?!”
As the ear-splitting cacophony ceased, the workers shook their heads, staring at one another, many unsure of how to explain the  mess to their superior.
“Um . . . I think it was me, sir?" Blaine meekly waved his hand.
“Goddamn it, Davis.”
“It was an accident, Mr. Puckerman." Kurt chimed in, his hands still clutching a dirty rag and spray bottle.  We were just cleaning the 4th-floor gallery and . . .”
“I kind of nudged one of the paintings with my mop," Blaine held up the offensive article gingerly, a pained expression on his face.  "And it fell of the wall."
"We fixed it right away, though.  It's all straight and everything now." Kurt tried to reassure the head of security.  "Promise."
"I don't give a rat's ass about your promises, Turner," Puckerman glared darkly at Kurt.  “This is the third strike for you two.  Turn in your badges.  You’re fired.”
“Aww, but sir, it really was an accident . .” Blaine pleaded.
“Yeah, you can’t just get rid of us for that," Kurt piped up with a frown.  Some of the surrounding custodial staff began to agree, a growing sound of discontent rising among them all.
"Oh well, you see, I can, and just did," Puckerman shouted, holding his hand out for their ID badges.  Both men unclipped them from their jumpsuits and handed them over as ordered.  "Go and clean out your lockers, “ Puckerman barked at the two, who flinched and stepped away quickly.
Before Kurt and Blaine could say any more in their defense, yet another alarm began to sound, and a red light began to flash.  The assembled crowd began to rush to the front door despite the police presence in front of them.
“Fuck!” Puckerman shouted.  “That’s the fire alarm.  Everybody out!”
The chaos that ensued as policemen hustled people out as quickly as possible gave Blaine and Kurt the out they were looking for.  They easily slipped away and into the night.
Once they felt they were far enough away, Kurt and Blaine removed their jumpsuits, discarding them in a dumpster they had allocated for the occasion.  They knew that the next day's early garbage pick up would bring it straight to an incinerator, their tracks quite easily covered once the contents all went up in smoke.
A few subway stops later, they finally were back home in Brooklyn.  Kurt groaned as he collapsed onto the couch.  He reached into his shirt, pulled a padded drawstring pouch hanging around his neck, and dropped it on the coffee table beside him.  Kurt quickly pulled a pillow over his head as Blaine perched on the couch beside him.
"God, that was exhausting.  We're back home, Artie.  Go ahead and wire Noah the cash for the loud and dramatic scene at the exit.  Oh, and drop Ms. Lopez a line.  See where she wants to do the exchange, but remind her that nothing changes hands until we see the rest of our payment in our account."
"You got it, boss," their tech guru chimed in before signing off for the night.
Kurt reached in, removed his earpiece, and tossed it toward the table.  He heard a soft clatter, confirming that it hit its mark instead of the floor.
"What a night," Kurt sighed, his voice still muffled from the pillow.  "I think I am ready for a shower, cheesecake, and bed."
"Well, before that . .”
Kurt felt the weight of the couch shift as Blaine stood up and got off the couch, only to move somewhere nearby, judging by the soft, close rustle of his clothing.  When Kurt peeked out from under the decorative pillow to see Blaine, down on one knee before him, a small silk bundle in his hands.
“B . . . Blaine?"  Kurt said, eying the small package warily as he sat up.  The cushion slid from his hands, softly landing on the floor at his boyfriend's feet.  His heart began to thump loudly in his chest. 
This couldn’t be.
Could it?
Blaine took a deep breath, a soft smile gracing his features.  “Kurt.  I . . .  fuck, I know this isn't conventional and all . . because of what we do.  But ever since I met you, you've been this brilliant, beautiful force of nature that's just barrelled into my life and swept me off my feet.  I love you so so much.  I . . would love to have you by my side for the rest of my days.  Will you marry me?”
Blaine gently unwrapped the small item in the palm of his hand.  As the silk fell away, Kurt could spy a necklace of pale inscribed circles linked to an impressive gold chain.
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“Blaine . . . is that what I think it is?”
Blaine nodded.  “The Edith Head Ivory Disc Necklace . . . " he confirmed.  “From the auction house.  I . . . I know it's your favorite piece from Elizabeth Taylor's collection.  And there's no way we could have afforded to bid for it in the auction itself.  Everything there will go for millions of dollars we don't have.  But this . .”
Kurt trembled as he reached out a hand, his fingertips reverently stroking the ivory discs rimmed with gold.  “Blaine . . you stole this?  For me?”
“Sweetheart, I’d steal the moon and the stars for you if you wanted them.”
“Blaine . . “
After he let the scrap of silk slip to the floor, Blaine gently unclasped the necklace, holding it out to his boyfriend.
“Kurt, I know it isn’t an engagement ring, but, well, you haven't actually answered my question. . .”
"Oh god," Kurt said, tears streaming down his cheeks.  Yes, yes, you incredible man.  I'll marry you!"
Blaine grinned from ear to ear as he leaned forward and gently fastened the necklace around Kurt's neck.  Capturing Kurt's face in his hands, Blaine softly kissed his new fiancee joyously.
“Blaine  . . .”
“Yes, Kurt?”
“Is this the reason why the alarms went off tonight?”
Blaine pulled away, blushing. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.  “Um, yeah, " Another apologetic expression crossed Blaine's face.  "I kind of miscalculated my angles, and then my hand slipped and. . . God, such an rookie mistake . .I promise not to do it again."
Kurt pulled Blaine up and back onto the couch in a sitting position.  He swung one leg and easily positioned himself in his fiancée's lap, straddling Blaine.  Slowly, Kurt undid a few buttons on his shirt, pushing the clothing back so the gold necklace lay flat against his chest.  Kurt trailed his fingers lightly against his skin, tracing the shining collar with his fingertips before unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.  Blaine watched, his eyes darkening and his hands gripping Kurt's waist tightly.
"Oh, sweetheart," Kurt purred as the shirt fell to the floor behind him. I'll hold you to that."  He leaned forward to nip at Blaine's neck, grinding his hips in a downward motion. Blaine groaned in response as he clutched Kurt closer. His breath hitched as Kurt whispered in his ear, "You're lucky I love you a lot more than I do pretty, shiny things."
If you caught it, the Edith Head Ivory Disc Necklace was a deliberate choice, if we all remember one of the deleted scenes from the show :)
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Tovar’s Treasure {Modern!Pero Tovar x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: Sexism, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, betrayal, heartbreak, kidnapping, allusions to sexual assault, physical violence, gun violence
Comments: You are an archeologist, researching the Nameless Order and in China to uncover the truth of their existence. William Garin and Pero Tovar have been hired as security for your dig and despite a rocky start, you manage to become entangled with the Spaniard. Until the backstab is revealed. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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It’s gorgeous, wild and stunning. The scenery around you makes you itch to pull out your camera and snap photos all day even though that is not why you are here. Your entire purpose for being here, at this specific spot at the Great Wall of China is to search for the proof of the existence of the Nameless Order. 
Archeology is your field of study and after many months of petitioning the Chinese government to dig at this section of the wall, ramshackled and off limits to tourists, you are here. Granted a six month stay to find something, anything to prove that the order was more than myth and legend. More specifically to find the Tao Tei scrolls. A priceless telling of the fable of the Nameless Order’s secret battle with creatures that nearly overran the earth. 
Pero grunts as he carries his satchel, following William as they set up camp in the desolate region where the scrolls are rumored to be buried. Having taken this job for one reason only: to get the fortunate his family deserves after centuries of being lost. His former position in the Spanish army has granted him the skills to be a personal guard. “How much shit does she have?” He grunts as he carries your bag of excavation tools.
You sigh as you hear the complaint. Security. You had argued that you didn’t need it but it had been a part of the agreement to allow you to dig. The region was not one that the government monitored much. Too many bandits and thieves roamed the hills. Security was necessary to prevent the story of an archeologist being murdered from becoming news. 
“I’ve had less complaints from freshmen who are on a dig for course credit.” You call back, busy arranging some of the more delicate equipment in their large storage boxes. Because this dig was small, it was going to be you and the two men the museum hired and no one else. Thankfully, they were going to assist with any of the muscle you needed for moving equipment, although you were already tired of the one called Tovar complaining.
Tovar looks over at William, raising his eyebrows at your tone. “Well, I doubt they had to carry all of your shit around like donkeys.” Tovar grumps, adjusting his satchel as he struggles with the box. “What is all of this shit anyway? Surely all you need is a goddamn shovel and a good compass.” He looks at you, brow beaded with sweat, and he ignores the pointed look from his companion who assigned - forced - him into the job.
You snort and shake your head. “Regardless of what you think, Indiana fucking Jones was not a good archeologist.” You shoot back at him. “Properly cataloging something and preserving it is paramount to what I do. This ‘shit’ you are carrying around like a donkey are things I need to make sure the scrolls aren’t destroyed by careless hands.” You give him a pointed look.
Pero snorts, “sounds like a lot of unnecessarily shit to me. Surely all you need is a brush and some fucking air to blow off the dirt. I doubt anyone would care.” He grunts as he drops the box onto the ground. “Princess, you aren’t gonna use all of this. You just wanted to make sure our fucking backs were wrecked. Now, I’m gonna put up my tent. You got yours?” He asks, a condescending smirk on his face.
You roll your eyes and point to the box that contains your tent. “I do.” You huff, smirking slightly when you remember you have a solar powered air conditioner built in. “Don’t ask to share. I don’t sleep with donkeys.” You hum in amusement, watching the smirk change into a scowl. “Let me know if you need help putting yours together though.”
He looks at William, “she’s gonna be a fun time, hermano. Tell me, why the fuck did you sign up for this?” He knows why he did it, but he can’t tell you that. He can’t reveal why he wanted to join you on this trip. After setting down the boxes, he works on putting his tent up, cursing the poles and stents. Especially when he sees the way your tent seems to just inflate.
You smirk to yourself as you set your stakes, pushing them deep into the sand to secure the tents. The edge of the wall, although it’s crumbling, will provide shelter from the wind. Your bags are tossed inside and you lay down a rug outside to keep the sand from getting inside. The rest can be set up later but you need to get the tent up for the supplies to be stored in. That was more important than anything else. 
William Garin and Pero Tovar were the top men at Mercenary Securities, a company that had a reputation of being fiercely protective of their clients, which the museum wanted, but the Spaniard’s manners left much to be desired. He was scathing and insulting from the beginning, as if he didn’t want to be here. “Since you are still worrying with your own tent, I will be my own donkey and set up the supply tent.” You tell him, walking by where he is still struggling with his own smaller tent.
He curses, working on putting his tent up and he watches you as you expertly put the tent together. William watches, amused at his friend's frustration, and he chuckles at how annoyed Pero is when you put the supply tent together with ease. “Show off.” Pero grunts under his breath, finally getting his tent together after several minutes of struggling. He has finally made it to where he needs to be. He longs to find the ancient scrolls that detail the whereabouts of his family’s long lost fortune. The black powder his ancestor lost during the fabled battle. He wants it. He needs it. The fortune he is owed.
You sigh in satisfaction and look around the area. “Tonight we will finish setting up camp, I think.” You are directing your words to William, ignoring the other man. “I’ll organize my ‘shit’ and make sure that my compass and shovel are all ready for an early start tomorrow.” You point to the crumbled column. “I want to see if the entire structure has collapsed. It is much larger than other sections of the wall.”
Pero rolls his eyes, unable to help himself and he looks at you in amusement. “So…shovel and compass and we shall see if you find the scrolls. It’s - it’s not gonna be easy, princesa. Are you sure you don’t need some help?” He mocks you. He knows you’re capable, he has heard of your work in Egypt but he won’t relent when you’ve questioned his abilities.
“Are you sure you don’t?” You put your hands on your hips and raise a brow at him. “Do you have a doctorate in ancient Chinese mythology with a thesis that centered on the Nameless Order? Or any experience in archeology?” You ask him. “Because when you were trying to reason with the guards your Mandarin was shit, and I’d be surprised if you know a rock from petrified shit.” You shoot him a grin. “You want to help? You can build a fire.”
He narrows his eyes at you, wondering why you have decided to be such a bitch. He is a little shocked at your credentials and he swallows down his retort. “I can build the fire.” He relents, ignoring the smirk on William’s face as you raise your eyebrows at Pero, a satisfied smile on your face. Pero doesn’t know how he is going to handle dealing with you. For now, he just needs to focus on getting the scrolls.
Later on, you feel a little guilty for how harshly you’ve been treating Tovar. The two of you have not gotten off to a great start but you completely blame him for that. When you had met the two of them in Shanghai, he had launched into a tirade about how a woman was going to be trouble and get them killed. All hissed to William in Spanish, unaware and still unaware of the fact that you speak Spanish. So you haven’t exactly been nice to him. 
You unpack the cooking gear and bring it over to the fire with the first meal you had planned for tonight. Planning to cook for everyone and you bring over three beers from the cooler that you had brought. The dry ice kept the beer icy cold and would be perfect after the long day. “Here.” You offer two of the beers to William and Tovar who are still messing with the fire.
Tovar looks up as you hold out the beer, taking it from your hand and he notices how soft your hand is despite your hands-on job. He swallows harshly, nodding as he takes the beer. He doesn’t feel guilty for what he’s about to do, taking the scrolls. They belong to his family. Generations have searched for them and he needs to get them to finally bring wealth to his family. He won’t go home without them, no matter what it takes. “What are you cooking?” He grunts when you are sitting by the fire. It smells good and his stomach rumbles, hungry after the long journey.
You look over at him with a grin. “Donkey.” You joke, turning the thin slices of seasoned meat. “It's a curry seasoned goat.” You explain. “I honestly thought that before we start having to eat freeze dried and dehydrated meals that some fresh dinners would be good. A celebratory start to the dig.” You reach over and stir the rice and beans that are to accompany it. “Anytime I go on site, I try to make it fun for my students or fellow humans.” You blow out a sigh and look around the small camp. “But this time they wouldn’t let me bring anyone else.”
He rolls his eyes before he looks at you. “Well, it smells good.” William hums in agreement, sitting down at the table. “I am certain you will struggle to not have your home comforts, eh princesa? After all, your tent has air conditioning.” He snorts, crossing his arms as he leans back. “What are you planning on doing during this trip? It’s harsh in these conditions. Are you sure you can manage without a running shower?” He smirks.
Once again irritation fills you, the condescending attitude of the man pisses you off. “Well, I can always go down to the river and bathe, or there is the option to just … not and smell like you.” You retort. “Tell me, are you like this to every woman you meet or am I just special?”
William snorts, “you should see him when he wants to get laid. Then he lays on the Spanish charm. He’s just grumpy. Tovar, you prick, be nice to the lady. Say sorry.” William shakes his head. With a grunt, 
Pero looks over at you, “apologies. I- I was merely concerned about your capability to survive in these conditions.” He lies through gritted teeth, unable to stop his gaze from dropping down to your chest as you lean forward to take the goat off of the fire.
You snort, shaking your head and you look up to meet the Spaniard’s eyes. “La próxima vez, asegúrate de que una mujer no hable español antes de empezar a insultarla.” Next time, make sure a woman doesn't speak Spanish before you start to insult her. You tell him succinctly before you turn back to check the rice and beans one last time. You know that he doesn’t mean his apology, but you couldn’t care less. You’ve been doubted your entire career.
His eyes widen, unable to believe you are speaking Spanish. His cheeks burn and he feels terrible, for once, guilt swarming him as he realizes you understood everything. “I, uh, lo siento. I didn’t mean - I’m sorry. I didn’t know you understood. I will not speak about you like that again.” He murmurs, crossing his arms.
William chuckles at his friend’s discomfort and you just shrug. “I’ve been looked down on and criticized my entire career because I’m a woman.” You tell him. “You are no different from the sexist assholes in my department. Believing that they are smarter and more qualified than I am.” You look over to your tent. “I have an air conditioner because it would be nice to come back from a hot day digging and be comfortable. Or when I masturbate. But it’s not necessary.”
Pero swallows harshly at the idea of you masturbating, making him rub his suddenly damp hands on his pants. He watches you with dark eyes as you plate up the food, and he wonders if this trip will be so bad after all. William notices the change in his friend's demeanor and groans softly, knowing this won’t end well.
You hand William a plate and the Pero, finally taking one for yourself and cracking open your own beer. Groaning softly as you swallow down the sudsy brew. “God, that is well worth the wait.” You comment, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand and setting it down in the sand before you pick up your fork. “We have enough for two more fresh meals.” You tell them. “So enjoy.”
Pero stares at you for another moment, the groan that escaped your lips makes his cock twitch and he reminds himself once again that this is about the scrolls. With a sigh, he digs into his food, groaning himself at the burst of spices on his tongue. Three more fresh meals, you said, and he’s going to enjoy every bite.
As night falls, the temperature drops like it is prone to do in the desert, making you appreciate the crackling fire. You clean up, wash the pot and your dishes but you don’t wash the men’s. They are grown after all. “I am going to finish setting up my tent and go to bed.” You announce, getting up from one of the chairs that had been unpacked for you to sit on around the fire. You smile at William. “Goodnight.” Tovar grunts but you decide to simply nod at the grumpy man and make your way back to your tent, leaving them alone by the fire.
Tovar huffs as he cleans his dishes, placing them back onto the box once they are dry, and William watches him with amusement. “What? Pendejo.” He huffs, glaring at the Irishman. 
“You like her.” He smirks, making Pero curl his lip. 
“I do not like her. She’s - she’s entitled and I- I like a capable woman.” He lies.
William chuckles, swiping his tongue over his teeth. “Bullshit.” He declares, calling his friend out. “She is more capable than the last three women you were involved with. She hasn’t once complained and even better, she didn’t toss your ass out of the truck on the way here.” Tovar refuses to answer him and William tuts. “Suit yourself. Since you aren’t interested, perhaps I will see if I can share the good doctor’s air conditioned tent at night.” He teases, pushing himself to his feet to clean his own dishes.
Pero narrows his eyes, knowing the Irishman is joking but it still makes him growl despite his denial that he is interested in you. When he is in his tent, the hot air muggy and suffocating, he wonders if you are touching yourself. At that though, he can’t help but wrap his fingers around his cock and imagine your fingers instead, working him until he cums. “Fuck.” He curses when his seed coats his stomach, knowing this is going to make things complicated.
You are up before the sun. Already outside of your tent when the two men wake up. The fire built back up and coffee brewed while you had watched the sun rise, painting the wall in a myriad of colors that had taken your breath away and made you grab your camera. Today is for exploring the ruined section of the wall and you are wearing your sturdy hiking boots with practical clothes for working. “Morning.” You greet them in a chipper voice, amused with the grumpy expression on one man’s face.
Pero rubs his eyes, sleep avoiding him most of the night as his mind focuses on you and imagining the feel of your body under his. His tongue and his cock silencing you while you took what he gave you and got wet from it. He groans as he stretches, the t-shirt he is wearing riding up to expose his lower stomach.
Eyes drifting down to the tanned skin that is exposed, you find yourself sorry that he was not more friendly. He was a handsome man, even more appealing with the glower and the scar that some would think marred his face. You found that it gave him character. He was a man you would not mind taking into your bed, if not for his dismal attitude and view of your abilities. “Now that the two of you are up, I will get ready to leave.” You drink down the last mouthful of your coffee and move to the wash basin to clean the cup. 
He huffs, reaching for his boots before he grabs himself a coffee and a granola bar. This will have to do for now until he can have the dehydrated meat in his pack. "Come on princessa, let's go find your treasure." He says, placing the sunglasses on his face after checking the perimeter is clear and his gun is holstered to his hip.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head. “No, you stay here and do whatever you need to do.” You argue. “I am going for a scout of the area and to determine where I want to start. No need to hold my hand while I do that.” You shift your back onto your back and turn around to walk off. 
He reaches out to grip your elbow, stopping you from walking. He shakes his head. "No, chiquita. We were hired to protect you and that is what we will do. Let us do your jobs and we will let you do yours. Now, let's go check out the area together so you are protected."
Wanting to argue, you open your mouth but decide not to say anything. As much as you hated the idea of being watched like a child, it was a provision of the stay that you have protection from the bandits and thieves that could be roaming the area. Giving him a nod, you sigh. “Very well.” You relent. “Take a few more minutes to do what you need to do to wake up. I’ll wait.” 
Pero grabs what he needs for the day and waits for William, both men soon flanking you as you make your way to the dig site. Your tools in your pack as they carry the other items you need. The sun is already hot but you ignore it, determined to make a start on finding the scrolls. Pero wipes his brow after taking his hat off, his dark gaze dipping down to stare at your ass every now and then. You are beautiful, strong, and everything he has avoided until now. He doesn't want a strong woman to call him out on his bullshit. It's fucked up he knows but he wants a pliable woman he can fuck and duck.
The section of the wall that all your research points to being the headquarters for the Nameless Order is dilapidated, crumbling from neglect or sabotaged to hide the secrets of the past. Your camera carefully documents the facade from several angles and you feel the anticipation and excitement building when you finish taking a hundred photos. “I don’t want you shifting anything.” You tell them as you walk back over to them and the gear. “The structure is unstable and until I determine how to get inside safely, I don’t want to risk having it collapse on your head.” 
Pero rolls his eyes, placing his hands on his hips as he watches you inspect the structure. His ancestor - his namesake - had written about a mighty structure in the nearly faded letters that had been passed down from one generation to the next. “Idiot. Slow your roll. We will be able to get in there soon. Just keep an eye out.” William says and keeps his eyes on the horizon
It takes you about half an hour, evaluating and climbing over the stones before you give a joyous shout. “There’s an entrance!” You cry out happily, slinging your pack off of your back so you can take out the helmet with an attached headlamp on it, perfect for protecting your head when diving inside. Your rope comes out as well as you start to tie it around your waist. 
“Woah. Woah. Woah.” Pero steps forward to grab onto the back of your belt. “Jesus Christ, Chiquita. You need to fucking wait for us. Who the fuck knows what’s down there. One of us will go first and then you.” Pero pulls you back and grabs his flashlight to shine it into the cavern.
“No, you won’t.” On that front, you will stand your ground. “I am in charge of this dig site and it’s my rules.” You remind him stiffly. “I will go in first.” You turn on your own headlamp and start to move towards the entrance. “You might want to put a helmet on that hard head of yours.” You call over your shoulder. “Although I don’t know if it will fit over that overblown ego.” 
Pero growls, “fucking infuriating woman.” He spits in Spanish as you begin to lower yourself down into the darkness after securing the rope. Pero huffs, putting the hard hat on before he hammers the hook into the ground before he rappels down the side into the abyss.
You would smirk over his small fit, however you are too busy taking in every detail you possibly can. Halfway down you take out a glow stick and break it, illuminating the space and gasping. The inside of the structure is gigantic and you see the rotting remnants of an enormous wheel, evidence that this portion of the wall was far different from the others that are thoroughly explored and opened to tourists. “I knew it!” You crow happily. “This is it!”
Pero’s heart thumps in his chest and he prays you have found the place. The weight of his family’s generational endeavor weighs heavy on his shoulders and he lowers himself down until his feet hit solid ground. Turning on the light on his helmet, he glances around, admiring the ruins. “This is it?” He asks you, his voice a little breathless.
Bending down, you brush some dirt off of an artifact, a shredded piece of leather that seemed to be dyed blue at one time. Just bare traces of the color remain and you wonder if it had been part of a suit of armor. The legend claimed the Cranes wore blue, the Nameless order divided into specific tasks and were identified by the colors they wore. “I think this is it.” You answer in awe, smiling at the small piece of history in your hand. “This is…..amazing.” 
Pero strides over to look over your shoulder, inspecting the piece of leather. “I don’t understand what is so special about it. It’s just a piece of leather. Doesn’t tell us anything.” He plays dumb, not wanting you to know about his true motive.
You turn to him, excitement sparkling in your eyes. “The Crane Corps was a regiment of women. Chosen because they, of course, were lighter than their male counterparts. Although they were supposed to be just as deadly, if not more so. Incredibly brave, they hurled themselves off platforms over the top of the wall to fight the enemy below before they were hauled back up with a pulley.” You explain. “This blue matches the description of their armor. I need to find more, of course. Can you imagine if I found the old platforms?” You squeal in excitement at the possibility and look at him with absolute joy.
Pero huffs, getting a little impatient. “What about the scrolls? Do you know where they are? Any idea where they have been hidden?” He inquires, uninterested in the history of the ruins, more concerned with finding what he traveled so far for.
Your brow furrows and you look around. “I am sure they had a chamber for the council. Perhaps a meeting room.” You tell him. “We will find out soon. But first I need to examine here. Take photos and document it.”
Pero huffs, growing even more impatient, but he holds his tongue. Knowing you need to get your nerdy shit out of the way before he can get his hands on the scrolls. “Are you going to get started? We can set up some lights.”
“Yes! Yes, go get William and set up the lights.” You shove him back towards the hole you had come down. “I can’t wait to see this room lit up.” You turn around and immediately start looking around again, absorbing everything you can like a greedy child.
Pero climbs up to find William waiting for his companion, and he asks Pero how it’s going. “We’ve found the site. She just- she’s focusing on the wrong fucking things. She’s interested in fucking leather scraps instead of focusing on the prize. I told her we’d get the lights so we can see what the fuck is going on down there. Shall we get the shit and I’ll send it down to you?” He suggests, rubbing his gloved hands on his pants.
William shakes his head at his friend’s impatience. The Garin and Tovar families have been friends for generations and it’s nearly kismet that both of them are named after the same ancestors who had traveled to this exact spot hundreds of years ago. “We need to be patient.” William cautions. “We do not want her to suspect anything until we have those scrolls and can finally fulfill our family legacy.” He tells him, slapping  him on the back with a grin. He had thought they would be here for weeks before they found anything. 
Pero nods, his lips downturned when he thinks about betraying you. You’re a spitfire and he knows you will not give the scrolls up without a fight. “Let’s get the shit she wants and hopefully she won’t take all day to find the scrolls. I’m already over being in the desert again.” He glances behind him at the dunes and it reminds him of his time in the army.
William laughs again. “You always did hate the desert.” He says fondly, looking over at the equipment. “Let’s get her set up. The sooner we do, the sooner she can get to work.”
Huffing, Pero grabs the satchels and carries them towards the small cliff. He and William work in tandem to lower the satchels down before they work on putting together the lights. Within 30 minutes the lights are put together and the men light the cave for the first time in centuries. “Wow.” Pero murmurs, amazed at the ruins in front of him.
You have unearthed several more samples, practically giddy and grinning when you see the chamber flooded with light. “Can you feel it?” You ask, looking around and then back at the two men. “The history here. The stories these walls must hold.”
Pero can’t help but think your excitement makes you look even more beautiful. The way your eyes light up…it’s intoxicating and he can’t help but admire you when your passion shines through. He shakes his head, trying to get his mind away from any positive thought of you, needing to focus on you finding those scrolls. William raises his eyebrows at Pero, making him avert his eyes. “So…what next?” Tovar asks you.
“I need to document the room but then I want to explore.” You tell him excitedly. “I’m hoping that we can find the barracks rooms and then the council’s room. I want to see if I can find the scrolls.”
“Let’s hurry it up, princesa. Every moment we spend here is giving me the creeps.” Pero shivers, glancing around the ruins and he is anxious for you to find the scrolls. 
William shakes his head, “patience my friend.” He tells Pero, nudging him as you begin to take photos.
You take two hundred photos at least. Mapping every corner of the room and everything in it. You are thrilled, just this room alone has enough to keep you busy for weeks but you are here for the scrolls. Lowering the camera, you look towards the hallway. “I think I’m going to go down the hall and scope out what’s behind.”
Pero glances at William, raising his eyebrows. “Look at her. She just runs off with no concern for her safety. She’s fucking infuriating.” He growls and walks off, following you down the hall with his flashlight. You are speeding ahead and he calls out, “slow down, princesa. Fuck. I’m too old to run after you.” He half jokes as he tries to keep up.
You snort and keep going. There is a long hallway and your breath catches when you see the planks of a sturdy wooden door. “Oh that has to be a barracks room. Where they lived, bathed, slept.” You whisper, caressing the iron rivets in the steel band keeping the thick oak together. “Can you imagine? Men and women served together here.”
“Very progressive of them.” He murmurs, his eyes following your every move while keeping his eyes on the peripheral. He swallows harshly, “so…what got you interested in all this old shit?” He asks.
You brace your shoulder against the door and try to shove it open, hearing the wood creak but it doesn’t give. “I loved books growing up.” You explain. “I found one that talked about ancient myths.” You shove at the door again and crow happily when it slides open two inches. “And I went from there.”
Deciding to help, Pero shoves his shoulder against the door, deciding to help you, and he grunts as he pushes on the door, coughing when dust hits his face and the door swings open. “There you go hermosa.” He gestures to the empty room. “Books, huh? What about movies? Indiana Jones perhaps?” He teases.
You snort and give a small shrug. “Maybe a little.” You admit. “Harrison Ford is hot.” You look around the room, stepping in to view the dusty room with nothing but a stone ledge along one wall. “This should have been the bed.” You whisper. “Individual rooms. Nursing wounds, maybe fucking, right here.”
Pero raises his eyebrows, unable to deny the way his cock twitches at your curse. He imagines you on the stone ledge, naked and spread out for him, eager for him to lick your cu- “Did you hear me? Can you put the flashlight up?” You ask him, drawing him out of his fantasy. 
“Sure.” He raises his arm, allowing you to see more of the room.
You start photographing the room as well. “It’s amazing how well this structure was constructed. According to the myths, this section of the wall was used in the 11th century.” You spy a slightly divot in the floor and there is a missing stone in the center. “Ingenious.” You whisper. “There is a drain. I wonder if they had a bathing room or if they bathed privately.” You smirk to yourself. “I’ve always loved the idea of bathing in a big wooden tub of steaming water.”
He somehow manages to stop himself from imagining you in the bath, naked with suds just covering your tits. He definitely struggles to stop himself from imagining himself in the tub with you. "They were certainly ahead of their time." He hums, allowing himself a moment to admire the structure.
“Yes they were.” You breathe out in excitement. “The weaponry described is amazing. Even the recipe of the black powder. The precursor to gun powder we use today.” You sigh and look around the room. “They were warriors here. And I cannot wait to uncover more secrets.”
You spend a few hours exploring, Pero on your heels while William covertly searches for the scrolls. With no scrolls found and you needing a rest, the three of you make your way back to camp and start a new fire. “Fresh meal number two. One left to go.” You tease as you prepare the food. 
“I could do with losing some weight.” Pero rubs his stomach, glaring at William who agrees.
You snort and walk back over to the cooler where you had stored the fresh food, pulling a bottle of whiskey out. “I didn’t think we would find evidence of soldiers here so soon, but I knew we would find them.” You tell them as you turn back around and bring the bottle over. “This is to celebrate.”
Raising his eyebrows, Pero is impressed by your choice in whiskey. Watching as you pour each of you a glass before you hand them out. His heart thumps a little when your fingers brush his and he ignores the way his stomach twists. “Thanks, hermosa.” He murmurs, unable to stop himself despite knowing you’ll know what he means.
William chuckles but you just roll your eyes at the other man and give Tovar a small smile before you hold up your own glass in a toast. “I’ll take it as a compliment. It’s better than the mocking princesa nickname.” You hum before you take a large swallow of your own drink.
Chuckling, Pero sips his drink and leans back as you serve up the food, eagerly digging in after you hand him the metal bowl. “I gotta say…you’re a bloody good cook.” William compliments you with a groan. Pero nods in agreement, knowing that he’d starve if William and him were left in charge of the food. They had both survived far too many times on jerky and granola bars.
You give a small laugh, only a little bitter after all these years. “If you can’t cook, you can’t find a husband. No man wants a wife who’s smart and can’t cook.” You quote your mother as you pick up your own bowl after pouring yourself another glass of whiskey. “My mother was convinced I would forget about being an archeologist one day and want to be a housewife.”
“Not all women are as brave as you, or as smart. Some are happy to simply stay at home and have babies…which there is nothing wrong with that, but some women are destined for more. For greatness.” Pedro says, looking down at the metal glass. “Not that I’ll ever have a wife to find that out. William too.”
“No, there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife. Honestly, I admire them, but there is no way.” You shake your head and grin as you swallow down your second drink. “See where we are?” You gesture to the fading light and the scenery around you. “We are in fucking China. And I’m going to find scrolls that will change history!” You shout out into the air, giggling happily.
Pero and William exchange a look, knowing they are going to ruin your career but they need to finally find the scrolls and fulfill their families plight. They need that scroll. No matter what. “An early start tomorrow. Huh?” William says before finishing his whiskey. “In that case, I’m gonna get some shut eye. I’ll see you in the morning.” William says, standing up and washing out his dishes before leaving them to dry. He offers Pero a pointed look before he makes his way over to his tent.
You don’t drink much and the two you’ve had loosens your tongue more than perhaps you would have normally liked. “It’s too bad you’re an asshole.” You tell Pero, washing your own dishes in the tub of soapy water. 
“Why is that?” Pero huffs. 
You turn and give him a slight smile. “Because of the two of you, you would have been the one I’d have fucked if given a chance.”
His eyebrows shoot up and he can’t help but chuckle. “Yeah?” His voice deepens unconsciously. “You would’ve fucked me?” He asks. You nod, a cheeky grin on your face that makes him want to kiss it off of your lips. “Estas borracha, hermosa“ You’re drunk, beautiful. He sighs, knowing he should not touch you.
“Maybe a little.” You give a drunken shrug and put your dishes in the box to dry overnight. “Feels good though.” You tell him before you give him a small wink. “But I should go to bed. Or at least tell you I’m going to bed.” You huff. “You can’t hear me masturbate with the AC running. Another reason I wanted it.”
Pero’s cock twitches in his pants and he swallows down the growl that threatens to escape his lips. “And what if I want to hear?” He challenges you, his dark eyes meeting yours and the brown looks orange with the flames reflecting in his orbs.
You know you shouldn’t be talking about this at all, especially with him. You give a slightly wobbly smirk. “Then I guess you shouldn’t have been an ass.” You hum, turning back around to walk to your tent. “Night.” You call out before you unzip the flaps and let yourself into the cool tent.
Pero rubs his hands on his jeans, pacing back and forth as the fire crackles. He glances at his own tent before he looks over at you. He knows he should go to his own tent but the thought of touching you had him hard as rock. A small part of him wonders if he can get you on side for when you find the scrolls, maybe he can sweet talk you into giving them up. Deciding to give it a try, he strides over to your tent, knocking on the flap so you know he’s there.
Turning from where you were about to start getting undressed, you walk over to the tent flap. Your tent is large enough to stand up in, something you are grateful for and gives you enough room to move around. Unzipping the flap, you open it to find Tovar standing there. “Is something wrong?” You hadn’t been gone for too long, but you don’t know why he would be in front of your tent otherwise.
Pero doesn’t say a word as he steps into the tent and surges forward to press his lips to yours. Groaning into your mouth as his hands grip your waist. When you don’t push him away, he slides his tongue into your mouth.
You are shocked, surprised that he is here, kissing you. But your hands slide up his arms and across his shoulders to wrap around his neck. You hadn’t been lying when you told him that he was the one you would sleep with. Whether or not it was because he wanted you or just to say that he had fucked you, you don’t know or care in that moment. Intoxicated by the taste of the whiskey on his tongue, you feel your entire body start to hum. You are sober enough to say no, but you don’t want to.
His hands slide from your waist down to the ass he has stared at far more times than he’s willing to admit. Squeezing the flesh in his hands before his fingers tug on your button down. He pulls back from your mouth, kissing down your neck, and he growls in frustration when the shirt won’t come out of your pants. “How fucking tight is this?” He hisses, wanting to feel more of your skin.
You give a small giggle, amused by his impatience. You’ve discovered that Tovar wants everything now. Although you think teasing would be fun, you reach down and unbuckle your belt and flick the button of your jeans open. “There.” You coo. “Now you can get what you want.”
He huffs, “princesa,” before he grabs the bottom of your button down, pulling it up and off of you to expose your sensible bra. He can’t help but trace his fingers along the swell of your breast, leaning in afterwards to kiss along the flesh. His hands slide back to expertly unclasp the bra, tugging it down your arms to expose your tits. “Hermosa.” He groans, cupping and squeezing the flesh, his thumbs brushing your nipples.
“¿Te gustan las tetas?” You like tits? You moan softly, closing your eyes and enjoying the rough feel of his hands on your skin. They weren’t soft or pampered, calloused and hard, they felt perfect on your tender flesh. Arching your back so he touches you more and whining when he pinches your nipple and tugs.
He nods, leaning down to take your nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting down on the sensitive nub. He switches over to the other nipple, his hands now pushing your pants down, grateful your pants are shoved down to your ankles. He pulls back after a moment, pulling his shirt over his head, “take your panties off and lay down.” He orders as he works on removing his boots.
Moaning, you obey his order and undress completely before you lay down on the cot that served as your bed. Luckily it’s wide, nearly full sized with a thick pad on it for comfort before your bedding adds more cushion to it. You watch as Tovar strips down, revealing tan, scared skin that makes you want to ask about his past. Instead you squirm and reach up to squeeze your tits.
Tovar shoves his pants down along with his briefs, his cock bouncing now that it’s free, and he kneels on your cot between your legs. His fingers trail from your ankle to your thigh until his digits are brushing the curls at the apex of your thighs. “Hermosa.” He murmurs, voice deeper than before, and he slides his digits through your folds, groaning at how wet you are.
You bite your lip and shift your legs further apart. “T-Tovar.” You murmur softly, sighing happily when you feel him rub your clit. You had been trying to goad him when you talked about masturbating but you would rather have sex than take care of yourself.
“Dígame. Are you on birth control? If not, I have condoms in my pack in my tent and I’m clean.” He murmurs, sliding his fingers lower so he can push two into your cunt, groaning softly at how tight you are.
You gasp and your nails dig into his forearm when he pushes his fingers inside you. Loving how thick they are and the pleasure that bursts forth so easily. “I-I have, oh, it’s an IUD.” You moan. “N-no period. Good for f-field work.”
Pero groans in appreciation, “I’m clean. Got tested before we left.” He confesses and curls his fingers as he pushes them deeper. “So tight. Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.” He declares, withdrawing his fingers and he wraps his wet digits around his cock, pumping himself as he shuffles to position himself between your thighs.
Oh. You hadn’t expected him to make you cum by eating you out; but you had expected more than just a few pumps of his fingers. He grunts as he pushes inside you, making you bite your lip and hiss at the stretch without much more than your own natural wetness. “Fuck.”
Pero notices your hiss and stops, looking down at you with a furrowed brow. “Are you okay, hermosa?” He asks softly, his hand caressing your side. He’s many things but he doesn’t hurt women, and he is determined to make sure that you are okay.
You squirm slightly and exhale. “I’m good.” You tell him, not wanting him to think that you are wanting to stop. “It’s been awhile.” You confess quietly.
He nods in understanding. “I’ll go slow.” He promises and leans down to press his lips to yours before he resumes pushing into you. When he’s fully sheathed inside of you, he begins to move, slowly rocking his hips.
You moan after a few thrusts, your pussy flooding itself and making it easier for him to move. This is what you’ve missed, the weight of a man on top of you and the feeling of being full. Something that nothing else but sex could give you. “Tovar.” You whimper, kissing along his jaw and enjoying the way that his muscles strain under your fingertips
“Call me Pero.” He requests, kissing along your jaw as his hand slides up to squeeze your breast while he moves inside of you. “You feel so good baby. So fucking tight.” He grunts, closing his eyes as he tries to contain himself, stopping himself from spilling within a few thrusts.
You whine, feeling his body tense. “Pero.” You try his name out, the first time you’ve used his Christian name since being introduced to him. Oddly intimate considering he is inside you. Your hand slides down his back and you grip his ass while your legs wind around him.
Pero groans at the way his cock sinks deeper into you, loving the way you whimper when he hits something deep. He can’t help but pick up the pace, his stomach twisting as his cock twitches inside of you. “Fuck. I’m gonna- mierda.” He grunts, burying his cock deep inside of you before he paints your walls with his cum.
You can’t believe that he’s already cumming. Your walls flutter but you are nowhere near having an orgasm yourself. Still, you rock your hips with him to help him ride out his high.
He pants, closing his eyes as he buries his face in your neck. He feels guilty but it’s been a while since he felt a woman as tight as you and he couldn’t help but cum. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He mutters, “lo siento, princesa.” He shifts to pull out of you but makes no moves to help you cum either through oral or fingering.
You lay there for a moment, wondering if you should just take care of yourself or just let your body cool down. You shift, moving off the cot and walking over to the small table you have set up for a wet wipe to clean yourself up and wipe his seed from your cunt.
Pero closes his eyes as he relaxes on your mattress, so much softer than the simple cots he and William have. It’s also so cool in your tent, he is close to falling asleep but he knows he needs to leave and go back to his own tent. He knows you enjoyed having his cock inside of you, so he quickly redresses. “We better get some sleep. Goodnight princesa.” He winks before he sneaks over to his own tent.
You huff, annoyed that you will still have to masturbate if you want to have any satisfaction tonight. Flopping back down on your bed, you don’t bother redressing. Instead you slip your hand between your thighs, determined to do what he did not.
The next morning, you, William, and Perro end up eating breakfast around the now burned out fire, and Pero is looking at you with a cheeky smirk on his lips. “Did you have a good night's sleep, hermosa?“ He asks with a wink in your direction.
William pauses, catching the wink and his eyebrows shoot up as he looks over at you. Amazed that his friend has already managed to slide between your thighs if he’s reading the signs right. You give a small shrug. “Slept fine.” You answer back. “Not hungover at least. Although I could hear your snoring over my AC.”
Pero chuckles, finishing up his breakfast before he gets up to wash his dishes. “Sorry about that. Slept like a baby. Always do after a - well, you know.” He says, not wanting to announce to William what had happened despite the pointed look his friend offered him.
You hum, nodding and shoveling your last bite of food in your mouth so you don’t make some pithy comment that will annoy him. Swallowing, you stand up and pick up your water bottle to drain the last of it. “We better get started then.” You tell them, walking over to wash your own dishes. “Let me get my pack and pee and I’ll be ready.”
Pero watches you go, a smirk still on his face, and William shakes his head. “I can’t believe you fucked her. I told you - did she - fuck. You’ve made this even more complicated, you idiot.” William groans, rubbing his temple.
William listens as Pero argues, telling him that he made it easier. You were going to be distracted by him at night. “Yeah, right.” William huffs, pointing a finger at him. “You better not fuck this up.”
“I know what I’m doing.” Pero lies, standing up to wash his dishes before he gets ready for the trek to the dig site. Soon enough, the trio are making their way to the dig site and Pero walks next to you instead of ahead of you, keeping his eyes and ears open but he can’t help but be close to you. “You enjoy last night, hermosa?” He asks.
You should have known Pero would want to crow about having sex with you. Disappointment fills you, but you brush it aside. “Dinner?” You ask. “Yes, it was delicious, I’m looking forward to our last fresh meal.” You catch sight of him shaking his head 
“No, princesa, I mean-“ 
“I know what you meant, Tovar.” You interrupt, shuffling your bag higher on your shoulders. “Hard to enjoy it when I was fingered for two seconds, fucked for thirty and then ended up having to take care of myself while you were snoring in your own tent.”
Pero stops walking, staring at you until William catches up. “Not going so well, brother?” The Irishman smirks, patting Pero on the back as he continues walking. Pero feels guilty as hell, wishing he had satisfied you and he knows he’s been a selfish lover in the past but he wants to rectify that. Perhaps it’s some ego trip but he wants you to scream his name in pleasure so loud, the ancient men and women who lived here hear it through time.
Getting back to where you had left off last night was easy, although you groan when you turn a corner to see a portion of a wall has collapsed and is blocking the way. “Fuck.” You hiss, hands on your hips for a moment before you pick up your camera and start documenting the site so you can start moving things. Once you are done, you pull out work gloves; knowing that moving the stones is the only way to get through. “Well, at least I’ll be tired tonight.” You mutter to yourself as you start to move the material.
Pero and William find you moving stones, both of them tutting as they step forward to help. “I’m gonna go get that shovel.” William says after all three of you are heaving and panting as you try to move the pieces. 
Pero wipes his forehead with the back of his gloved hand. “I’m sorry about late night. I- it was selfish and I should have at least made you cum once.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You pant out shortly, moving another larger stone and grunting from the effort. “Apparently it’s the Soul Snatcher 3000.” You joke. “At least that’s what my ex used to call it.”
Pero reaches for you, stopping you from lifting another rock, and he glances behind to see if William had returned. When he doesn’t hear the Irishman, he takes his glove off and reaches for you to press his lips to yours. “Let me make it up to you.” He requests, pecking your lips.
You raise a brow and accept another kiss. “You can make it up to me tonight.” You tell him with a smirk. “Show me that famous lover that William had talked about. Unless that was just as good as you get.”
Pero scoffs, “no. No. I - that was not my finest hour. It has been a while since I have been with a woman as - as beautiful as you. It got to me.” He flusters, biting his lip as he leans away from you. He puts his glove back on and kisses your lips again. “Tonight. I will make it up to you.” He vows.
You grin and lean forward to kiss him once more, biting down on his bottom lip. “Okay.” You agree, enjoying the way he grunts and his eyes darken in the light from your headlamp. “I want to see what you can really do tonight. So I don’t have to masturbate again.”
The day passes with no sign of the scrolls but Pero isn’t as frustrated as he was during the first day. He is eager for the night. He wants to see you spread out again so he can taste you. He wants to make up for his disappointing performance. The last fresh dinner is cooked and Pero’s eyes watch you over the flames of the fire.
You don’t give any hint that you are looking forward to later. Talking with Will and moaning over the last fresh meal. It’s delicious and you roll your eyes when you take your first bite. “Oh god, I’m going to miss this.” You huff, closing your eyes in pleasure as the food melts in your mouth.
Tovar tries and fails to ignore the way his cock twitches in his pants at your groans, the way your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks. William can’t help but pick up on the tension, anxious to scoff his dinner and find respite in his tent. “Sounds like you’re enjoying the meal, princesa?” He teases before digging into his own meal, a groan escaping his lips.
“Yes.” You savor another bite and then open your eyes to look over at the two men. “There are plenty of seasonings but nothing ever makes food from a bag taste as good as fresh in my opinion.” You tell him. “Especially after a long, hot day.” You have every intention of finishing your meal and going back to your tent to wash up before Tovar comes to join you. While you aren’t going to go to the nearest river and bath, you still can sponge off and make sure that you are clean enough.
William nods in agreement, hating that he has to rush this meal but it's best that he escapes before Tovar sets his sights on you. "Delicious." William hums as he finishes his food, shifting to stand up. "You know what? I'm exhausted. I'm gonna get some sleep." He feigns a yawn and walks over to wash up his dishes.
You wonder if the Irishman knows Pero is going to be in your tent tonight, not that it matters to you. You are a big girl, a grown up who was perfectly capable of making your own decisions. Turning your gaze to Tovar, you give him an amused look. “Yeah, I’m tired too. I need to wash off and fall into my bed.” You tell them as you stand up too. “Early night for everyone I guess.”
Pero nods, rubbing his sweaty hands on his jeans after washing up his dishes. He is anxious and excited to touch you again. This time, he is determined to hear you scream out his name in pleasure. Loud enough to keep William awake at night. "I'm tired too." Pero announces and William offers him a roll of his eyes along with a "just don't be too loud" before he bids you both goodnight, making his way over to the tent.
"I can give you a few minutes if you wish, hermosa." He smiles softly and shoves his hands in his pockets. "I should wash up too." He blushes a little, knowing the desert has the ability to make you sweat and combined with the dust from the ruins. "Go clean up baby." He jerks his chin as your tent before making his way back over to his own.
Tovar quickly washes off, leaving his shirt off and forgoing boots so he is left in his jeans before he makes his way over to your tent. Sniffing his breath to make sure brushing his teeth had removed the remaining taste of the dinner you cooked. He knocks on the flap of your tent, hearing your soft 'come in' and he enters, his breath leaving his lungs at the sight of you spread out and waiting for him.
“Hey.” You shamelessly watch him as he closes the tent flap and walks towards you. “So what do you want to do tonight?” You ask slightly breathless with anticipation and you spread your legs apart even more.
"Make you cum." He growls, kneeling down on your cot and wasting no time in burying his face into your folds. His tongue sliding through them until he is flicking the tip over your clit. "You taste fucking incredible, princesa." He groans, leaning back in to harshly suck on your clit.
You cry out, reaching up to cover your mouth so you don’t bother William. Moaning into your palm while he licks through your folds. “I want to hear you.” He growls, reaching up and grabbing your wrist to pull it away from your mouth, making you moan again and slide your legs onto his back so he can reach more of you.
His tongue slides deep into your cunt, a groan escaping his lips as he dives deeper for more of your tangy arousal. His hands dig into your thighs, pushing them backwards towards your stomach so he can delve into your cunt. His tongue slides back up to your clit and he takes it between his lips, sucking harshly while his eyes look up at you.
Rocking your hips against his mouth you whimper his name. Watching his dark eyes as he pierces you with their gaze. You can see he wants to make it good for you, make you cum. That itself is sexy and makes you reach down to tangle your fingers into his dark curls while you shamelessly use his tongue for your pleasure. “Oh fuck.” You gasp. “Pero!”
He loves how you gasp his name. He is desperate to hear it again and again. “Good girl, hermosa. Cum for me.” He growls after pulling back from your clit for a moment. He needs to make you cum. Sucking your clit back into his mouth, he growls when you squeal.
“Pero, Pero, Perooooooooo!” You cry out, arching your back off the cot as the liquid heat of your orgasm whips through you. Igniting every cell in your body and flooding it with endorphins that seems to make you sing in pleasure. Sobbing his name again when he keeps sucking on your clit like it’s his favorite candy until you are whining and shoving at his head as he resists letting go.
He reluctantly pulls away from you after several more licks that make your thighs shake. “Did I make up for last night?” He smirks, kissing the back of your thigh. 
“Oh God. Yes.” You pant and he chuckles. 
“Good. Another one.” He orders, pushing two thick digits into your still pulsing walls.
You whimper, grabbing the sheets and twisting them in your hands while his fingers work deep in your cunt. “Oh fuck. Shit, there!” Your hips jerk when he presses against that spongy little spot you can never seem to reach yourself. “Oh god, right there.”
Surging forward, Pero sucks your clit into his mouth with a groan, keeping his fingers pressed against that spot that made you moan. He wants to leave you wrecked, he wants to have you ache in the morning and be reminded of him with every step you take. You're his new addiction, obsessed with the way you cry out his name.
It burns, that’s how good it feels. Consuming everything inside you and leaving you unable to do more than pant out his name and take the way that he strokes his fingers deep into your cunt. “Pero.” Sobbing out his name again, you feel the pressure building up in your core. “Gonna cum.”
He doesn’t let up, sucking on your clit as he breathes harshly through your nose, and he continues pumping his fingers into your cunt, curling them to hit that spot over and over again. When you clamp down on his fingers, he loves the way you squeal so loud, he’s certain people in the nearest village hear you.
Gasping and shuddering your way through your orgasm, you feel like you are soaking him in a flood of your cum. Not that he seems to mind, the slick squelch of his fingers keeps moving inside you. “Oh shit, oh shit.” Whimper and finally having enough so that you slump down and try to close your legs so he can’t touch you anymore. “Pero please!”
He relents, withdrawing his fingers from your leaking cunt, and he kisses your stomach as he snakes his way up your body. Taking a nipple into his mouth, he sucks hard before biting down on the sensitive flesh, his cock pressing against the zipper of his jeans.
You mewl, rolling your hips up and sliding your hand down so you can cup his through the material. “Strip.” You pant desperately. “Want you inside me.” You don’t say that you hope he lasts longer, but you do. Even with your orgasms, you want him to fuck you longer this time.
Pero is reluctant to move off of you but he does, shifting to stand up, and he shoves his jeans down, revealing his lack of underwear. His cock is rock hard, throbbing and leaking pre cum as the need for you burns higher inside of him. He is desperate to feel your tight cunt clamp down on his cock when you cum, soaking him. “Hands and knees.” He orders, reaching down to pump his cock.
You flip over to your stomach and push up onto your knees, presenting your ass to him. Wiggling it around and looking over your shoulder with a smirk on your face. “You gonna fuck me?” You hum.
He nods, kneeling on the bed, and he can’t believe how fucking sexy you are. With his free hand, he slaps your ass cheek, loving the jiggle of the flesh, and he steps closer to slide the head of his cock through your folds until he can notch the head at your entrance. He pushes into you with a hiss, unable to believe how tight you are around him.
“Fuuuuuuuuck.” Your head drops between your shoulders and you rock your hips forward, loving how he feels filling you up. “Fuck Pero.” You hiss. “You feel so fucking big inside me.” You have no problem praising him, because he feels like he’s splitting you open.
He reaches out to caress along your spine before he grips your hips, keeping you still so he can work his cock inside of you. After he is fully seated inside of you, he rocks his hips, barely pulling out of you before he is surging back into you. “I - It’s just that you’re fucking tight. Jesus, princesa. Gonna - gonna make you cum on my cock.” He is glad he jerked off before dinner because he definitely would’ve cum by now. “Mierda.” He hisses when you clench around him.
“Yesss.” You drop down to your elbow and push back against him. “Make me cum. I want to cum on your cock. Soak it.” You whimper and clench down around him again when he gives another rough thrust.
He thrusts into you with a groan, his fingers digging into your hips, and he bends over your body to kiss along your neck. Biting down on the juncture of your shoulder and neck, he thrusts deep and hard, wanting you to feel him in your stomach. “So- so good baby. Taking me so well.”
All you can do is groan, each thrust pushing the air out of your lungs to where all you can manage is pathetic little noises. Squeaks and whimpers every time his cock slams back into you. Your eyes roll back and you whine when his teeth dig in a little deeper into the meat of your skin, marking you with the outline of his pearly whites.
His hand slides along your waist until he is squeezing your breast, while his other hand finds your clit. He’s determined to make you cum as he rubs your bundle of nerves, needing you to clamp down on his cock.
Your entire body reacts to his hands. Tensing and bowing up seconds before you cum. Wailing out his name as your cunt bears down on him in a vice grip, soaking him with your arousal.
"That's it baby. That's fucking it." He grunts through gritted teeth, loving the way you wail and clamp down on him. He works you through it, feeling his cock twitch but he closes his eyes and tries to not cum yet. He has to make up for how he treated you last night. He pulls out of you after you finish shaking from your orgasm, and he slaps your ass again. "Want you to ride me. Need you to cum one more time." He orders.
Moaning, you watch him flip onto his back and quickly straddle his thighs. Wrapping your fingers around his cock, you pump it and hold him steady while you shuffle over him and start to sink down on him.
His dark eyes focus on the way you sink down onto his cock, watching his length disappear inside of your body. It's almost enough to make him cum but he holds his breath and controls himself. "Hermosa." He murmurs, looking up into your eyes and his hands cup your tits, squeezing the flesh with an appreciative groan.
“So I just needed to sleep with you to sweeten that sharp tongue?” You tease as you roll your hips and grind down on him. “How sweet will you be if I suck your cock?” You hun, squeezing him right before you lift your hips to take him deep again.
He shakes his head, “no. No. You. You sweetened my tongue. You’re brilliant. Smart. Sexy.” He smirks, his hands sliding down to your waist, helping you lift up and down on his cock. “So fucking sexy.” He groans. Needing you to cum one more time, his hand slides lower so he can rub your clit with his thumb.
“Ohhhhh.” You tilt your head back and moan, bracing your hands on his chest and rocking just a bit harder. “Fuck Pero.” You whimper, feeling him twitch when you grip him again. “You feel so big, I feel you so deep.”
His other hand slides to your stomach, pressing down so he can feel his cock move inside of you. It twitches in reaction and a shaky breath escapes him. He’s never felt so connected to someone he’s had sex with. “Cum for me baby. Cum for me.” He orders, his dark eyes meeting yours when your chin falls to your chest.
Your body can’t help but obey his order. Struggling to keep your eyes open when you cum, your vision goes blurry, making your hips rock towards him and you collapse against his chest. Blindly pressing your lips to his and moaning his name against them again.
Pero is on the edge, the way you’ve soaked his cock and grip him tight has him ready to cum. He wraps his arms around your waist, dragging you down further so he can press his lips to yours before he thrusts up into you. A groan pushed into your lips as he fucks you hard and fast, seeking his own high. “Mierda.” He growls into your mouth before he cums, his cock thrusting up deep into you before he freezes and his cock twitches, painting your walls with his cum.
Whimpering at the hot flood of his seed inside you, you kiss him through his high, slowly grinding on him until his arms relax around you. “God.” You pant, trying to catch your breath. “That was- fuck.” You giggle, draping yourself over him and feeling his heart race against your breast. “Yeah. That was good.”
He turns his head to kiss along your jaw as you rest on top of him. “Did that make up for last night, hermosa?” He asks, his hands caressing along your spine and down to your ass. Squeezing playfully before coming back up.
“Definitely.” You hum, tucking your head against his neck for a moment and kissing his pulse before you start to reluctantly move away. He had left pretty quickly after last night and you don’t want to make him feel like he had to stay.
Pero doesn’t want to let go, dragging you back into his chest as he shifts his hips to turn you on your side so he can curl around you while his softening cock is still inside of you. He doesn’t want to let go and break this spell, knowing that when tomorrow arrives, you’ll be annoyed by him again.
You don’t comment, just curl into his chest and close your eyes. The sweat drying on your skin in the cool air of your tent and you don’t mind him being here. Scared to voice the idea of him staying because he may want to fuck you, but he still most likely doesn’t like you. Instead you just let yourself drift off to sleep, aware that he will be gone when you wake up.
A week passes by and Pero sleeps in your cot every night, wrapped around you, but he is gone before the sun comes up. He doesn't really say a lot to you during the day, letting you focus on the excavation, and he ignores the looks from William. When the Irishman goes to get some more tools for you, Pero takes the opportunity to grab the back of your jeans and pull you back into him, his hands gripping your waist. "Been thinking about touching you all day, hermosa." He reveals, leaning down to kiss your neck.
You tilt your head and moan softly. “Yeah?” You ask with a grin. “How do you want to touch me? Like you did last night? Or the night before?” The sex has been amazing, every night he pulls orgasms out of you, determined to make sure that he knows your body better than anyone. He had learned everything that makes you squeal.
“I want you-” He kisses along your neck, “to let me put your legs over my shoulders, and fuck you so hard, you squirt like you did a few days ago. Want you to soak my cock and my stomach like a fucking waterfall.” He growls, nipping on your jaw as his hands slide higher to squeeze your tits through your shirt.
“Oh fuck.” You pant softly, remembering how fucking pleased with himself he had been. Just fucking smug and demanding that you do it again. “Yesss.” You whimper, pushing your ass back against his cock. “I want - fuck, I want that.” You admit, reaching back and tangling your fingers into his slightly greasy hair. “I’m going to go bathe in the river tonight.” You murmur softly, extending a silent invitation to him. “Do more than sponge off.”
“Mmmm, I suppose I need a wash too. After dinner, we can go.” He says, kissing along your jaw until he can press his lips to yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth. With every moment he spends in your company, it gets harder to remind himself why he’s here. To steal the scrolls. He will focus once they have been found. 
“Fuck. Now you’re doing it in the daylight? Gimme a break.” William groans as he carries the box full of supplies you need.
Your cheeks flame hit and you quickly pull away from Pero, embarrassed that you hadn’t heard the other man return. “Sorry.” You murmur, quickly walking over to grab what you need. Tovar has become a distraction and you need to keep your mind on your work during the day and not on the handsome Spaniard who is warming your bed.
“Tonight.” Pero murmurs, pecking your cheek before he lets you go so you can continue with your inspection of the ruins. He doesn’t miss the pointed look from William and he knows he needs to focus again on the scrolls but his eyes flick down to your ass as you walk off.
Hours later, you squeal in excitement, echoing down the stone hallways and alerting the men who are nearby. “Oh my god!” Your eyes are wide as you uncover the ornate box. The two men burst into the room, looking for danger or trouble before they spot you and the wooden and gold box.
Pero’s hand drops from his gun and his eyes widen as you work on opening the box. “Is that- are those-?” William gasps and looks over at Tovar whose heart is beating in his chest. He can’t believe you’ve actually found them. Finally. After so many generations searching for them, he and William are going to be the ones to fulfill the family plight.
“The scrolls of the Nameless Order.” Yin whisper reverently, sliding your hand over the inlaid gold writing and pictures that are covering the box. “It has to be, there is a creature….one that I’ve seen in the myths. The Tao Tei, the creatures the Nameless were supposed to have fought.”
Pero can’t help but move closer, looming over you so he can see the box when you open it. His heart stops when the box reveals its contents: the scrolls. He looks over at William, both men are in awe of the scrolls they searched for.
“Don’t touch anything.” You demand, your tone is serious and professional. Your gloves will prevent any oils from getting on the parchment from your skin but you need to make sure they are preserved properly. “We need to make sure we treat them gently. They are over one thousand years old.”
Pero nods, listening to you as you gently pick up the parchment. His impatience makes him huff but he allows you to take the lead. Both he and William need to know what is in those scrolls.
You take a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest and you open one of the scrolls, nearly vibrating out of your skin in excitement. “Oh, it’s gorgeous.” You breathe out in awe as the beautiful script unfolds. “Look at how well the ink has held up.” Your eyes roam over the pages and you hum in satisfaction. “I will be able to translate this easily.”
Pero is stunned for a moment, not sure what he expected, but he curses himself for not being able to read Archaic Chinese, for not remembering that the scrolls would be written in another language. He knows that’s stupid but he’s been obsessed with getting these scrolls.
William huffs, hands on his hips and then he starts laughing. He hadn’t thought about the language barrier either. “Damn, you can read it?” With a grin. “You speak Spanish and Chinese?” You shrug and keep looking at the scrolls. “My field of study is ancient China. Of course reading and speaking the language is required.”
Pero is impressed by you, and he can’t help but say, “beauty and brains.” He quips, winking at you when you fluster and duck your head to continue inspecting the scroll. “I guess we are in your capable hands to read this.” William says, his fingers already itching to just steal the scrolls and get the fuck out of the desert. He never wants to come to the desert again.
“We need to be careful now.” You tell both of them. “I know many people would love to get their hands on the scrolls and use them for their own gain.” You carefully roll the scroll up and place it back in the box. “I need to get this back to camp to photograph and start translating.”
Pero doesn’t look at William, biting his lip as he knows it’s gonna destroy you when he steals the scrolls from you. He knows it’s gonna hurt but generations of ancestors have sought out these scrolls. “Let’s get it back to camp then.” Pedro says and William nods, his jaw clenched slightly.
You nod quickly, eager to get back so you can start documenting. “Okay.” You agree. “Let’s pack it up for the day. I want to spend the rest of the day with these babies.” You grin, caressing the box gently. “I did it. I found the scrolls.”
Later that night, after the dehydrated dinner has been eaten and dishes washed, Tovar makes his way to your tent. Tonight, he isn't going to get straight to sex, he wants to find those scrolls. He enters your tent to find you standing there waiting and he surges forward to kiss you, needing to have one last kiss before he betrays you. "Wait. Wait, baby. I need to go pee." You murmur, pecking his chin before you offer him a smirk, exiting the tent. Taking the opportunity, Tovar begins to rifle through your things, desperate to find those scrolls.
You feel like you are walking on air. Nothing could ruin your good mood. You’ve found the scrolls within a week of being on the dig site, evidence that would change history forever. Proving the existence of the elite order and guaranteeing that you can work for any museum or college department you want. Peeing quickly and cleaning up, you make your way to your tent to celebrate. Your good mood instantly deflates when you see Pero digging through your cases. “What are you doing?” You demand.
Tovar spins around to look at you, eyes wide, and he swallows harshly, the guilt threatening to overwhelm him but he doesn’t want to lie to you. “I- I’m trying to find the scrolls. To, uh, to keep them somewhere safe.” He lies, unable to stop himself from sounding suspicious. It’s hard to lie to you.
You see right through him. Anger and crushing disappointment floods you, making you scoff. “Right. Keep them safe.” You stride past him. 
“Don’t call me that.” You hiss, snatching up the bag you had planned to take to the river to bathe. Merely hours ago you were completely enthralled with this man and now you catch him trying to steal the scrolls. 
“Let me-“ 
“You don’t need to explain shit.” You whirl around and glare at him. “You had every intention of fucking me until we found the scrolls. God, I’m such an idiot.” You chuckle dryly, ignoring the quick shake of his head, his eyes look guilty though. “I’m going to bathe, alone.” Your glare turns sardonic, cutting. “It’ll give you more time to try to find the scrolls and steal them.” You spit, rushing out of the tent and away from the camp.
Pero watches you run away, his stomach churning and the guilt settles in his gut like rocks on the bottom of a river. He can’t help but spin around, punching through the tent in his anger and embarrassment. He should’ve told you about his family. He should’ve told you about William’s and his plan. He knows he should’ve told you everything…even how he feels. “Fuck!” He shouts, deciding to go and find you, to try and explain.
It’s good that you are alone, tears sliding down your face. You are embarrassed because you started to care for the infuriating man, maybe even love him. Finding out that he has just gotten close to you to get the scrolls hurt more than you can imagine. Through your tears and distress, you don’t see them until you are running into one. Men, a group of them, making you gasp when one of them grabs you. 
“Tov-“ Slapping his hand over your mouth when you shriek, pinning you to him as you start to thrash around to get away. Bandits. You hear them start talking about you, realizing they had been waiting for night to raid the camp, they had seen you digging. Now you are at their mercy as they drag you away from the river, the bag you had carried gets dropped, left behind.
Pero is making his way down to the river when he hears your shriek. Running through the sand, he nearly falls when his boots slide through the mud, and he calls out your name. Trying to figure out where you have gone, he uses his flashlight to look down and see the footprints. “Mierda. Mierda!” He growls, knowing you’ve been taken. He rushes back to the camp, opening William’s tent without a thought. “She’s gone. She’s been taken.” Pero shouts, making William jump.
“Taken?” William stares at his friend in confusion. “She was with you. What do you mean?” He demands, unaware of what happened before you left.
“I- I was trying to find the scrolls and she - she found me. Knew what I was doing and I- fuck. Amigo, It’s no longer about the scrolls. It’s about her.” Pero declares and William nods. 
“I know. I know. I- I’ve known for a while that you’re in love with her.” The Irishman’s words make Pero reel back slightly in shock, unable to really admit it to himself until that moment. 
“Yes. Yes. I love her. We need to find her. Get your guns. I’m going to fucking kill those bastards.” Tovar growls.
“Fuck you!” Your words are muffled as you spit them through the gag that is tied around your mouth, although they know what you are saying. The one closest to you pulls back and slaps you across the face hard enough to make you choke out a sob and your eyes water, feeling the pain explode across your cheek. 
“We will trade her for the scrolls. The one fucking her will give them up.” You hear them discussing you in their language and your heart sinks. There is no way that you would be traded for the scrolls. Pero is probably already out of China by now. It’s been two days since you have been taken and you know that they will kill you once they figure out he’s gone.
Pero and William are exhausted. They haven’t slept since you were taken, tracking you and the bastards that took you. Tovar has been anxious, and that’s putting it lightly. Driving William mad with his heavy breathing and anxiety. When the men finally find where you are being kept, they hang back and watch the men. Pero growing more and more furious.
“We could keep her.” You cringe away from the hand of one of the men, trying to touch you and grabbing your thigh, squeezing it roughly. It’s been hard to ignore the comments they have made about you. It isn’t the first time one of them suggested using you, but you squirm away from him, not liking the look in his eyes. “Bitch.” He hisses, scowling at you and slapping you again. “You think you’re too good for me?”
Pero and William watch from the rocky outcrop. Pero is ready to pounce, to cut the jugular of every single fucker keeping you hostage, but he can't. They are outnumbered and they need to be smart. "They are all dead." Pero growls and reaches for his sniper rifle, determined to kill those fucks for even breathing near you.
“Don’t lose your head.” William cautions, putting his hand on the top of the rifle to push it down. “Let me get close to her. So I can grab her when you start causing chaos.”
Pero nods, knowing he needs to control himself if he is going to rescue you. “Go. Go now.” Tovar orders, impatient to get you away from the assholes who took you. He watches William get up, trusty bow and arrows in his hands. Maybe they are old fashioned but he is an expert with them.
William creeps close to the rocks where you are being held. The bow is already notched on the string as he moves closer. He has never seen his friend as frantic or angry as he is right now, even when they were fighting for their lives. He knows that his job is to get to you, to protect you. The silent agreement being that the men who had taken you would be left for Tovar to dispatch to hell personally. Especially the man who had put his hands on you. Right at the edge of the boulders, William looks towards where Pero is set up and nods, drawing his bow back and aiming for the bandit closest to him.
"Fuck!" The man yelps, the arrow piercing his arm, and his crying out makes the other men look around. They try to find where the arrow came from and Pero takes the opportunity to fire at a few of them. Quick pops of gunfire have the men falling to the ground as William tries to distract them enough to grab you.
You scream against the gag when you start to hear gunfire and people dropping around you, covering your head and trying to cower down. Struggling when someone grabs you until you hear your name being shouted over and over again and you open your eyes to see William. “Let’s get you out of here!” He shouts and starts dragging you towards the gunfire.
Tovar focuses on taking out the men now that you’ve been rescued by William. He easily takes out the bastards, watching them drop to the ground one by one as bullets fly. He can’t focus on you right now, he will after the men have been taken out. He hums in satisfaction when all the men are dead. One - the one who touched you- is groaning in agony, and Pero stands up, taking his handgun out of his pocket, and he slowly walks over to loom over the man. He curls his lip up as he glares at the man, wasting no time in shooting him in the head. Sweat is beaded on his brow and he glares at the man before holstering his gun, making sure they are all dead.
When you are away from the rocks, about two hundred yards away and can’t see the camp anymore you shove away from William and start tearing at the gag around your mouth with your bound hands. “Oh God, oh God.” You stammer, shaking when you realize that William had saved you and then look around, disappointed it wasn’t Pero that had come for you. “Why- where- did he run off already?” You ask, shaking your head as you scrub at your skin where it has been raw from the bonds they had you in. 
Tovar comes into view as you say that, feeling guilty once again but also relieved that you are safe. He reaches to grab you, pulling you into his chest and breathing you in despite knowing you’ll be shoving him away. “I’m so sorry hermosa. So sorry. I- I shouldn’t - fuck. Are you okay?” He asks, pulling away and cupping your cheeks to look into your eyes.
You let out a sob and you want to curl into his chest, take comfort in his scent and presence. Instead you nod and pull away. “I’m fine.” Your voice wavers but you take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to believe that this isn’t some kind of dream. “I take it you didn’t find the scroll, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.” You tell him coldly before you turn back to William. “Where is camp? I want to get away from here.” 
Pero's heart aches at your words, knowing he's ruined any chance of him being able to tell you how he really feels. "Hermosa. Are you - I'm sorry. So sorry. I- fuck. Please. Just listen to me." He pleads, hating the way you wrench out his grip and begin making your way across the desert.
You hear him start to follow you, scrubbing your eyes and trying to keep yourself from crying. You feel betrayed in every sense of the word but you are also grateful that he came for you. “You didn’t have to sleep with me.” You murmur to yourself, just loud enough that you know he can hear you. “Or was that just a bonus? Fuck the stupid archeologist and then rob her blind, all while you can tell your friend that you tricked me.”
Tovar can’t help but reach for your wrist, gently stopping you and turning you back to face him. “No. No. I- I tried to stay away. I tried to not touch you but you’re so fucking irresistible it’s irritating.” You roll your eyes and try to pull out of his grip but he keeps you close. “I tried to stay away but you drew me in and now- fuck - now I can’t stop thinking about you. Hermosa. Please understand. My ancestors have been searching for those scrolls for generations. It details the family fortune in black powder. My ancestors and William’s fought hard for the wealth but it was stolen. We are just trying to get back what is rightfully ours. The side effect that I fell in love with you was not planned.”
Your mouth drops open and you gape start him in shock. “You- you love me?” You want to believe it but it’s hard, the image of him digging through your stuff looking for the scrolls flashes in your mind. 
“He does.” William speaks up, having trailed behind both of you. “He wanted to kill all of them. Especially the fucker who hit you.” He offers with a smile. “My friend is an asshole but he’s not lying. He loves you.”
A blush covers Pero’s cheeks as he ducks his head, unused to such intimate terms when his life has been so full of turmoil and violence. His hand gently grips yours, his thumb caressing the back and he bites his lip while looking into your eyes. “I am a bad man. I am a thief. A killer. I have lied and I have stolen but believe me when I say that I will offer you my body, my heart, for as long as you want me, and I will never lie to you again. I swear it, hermosa. I’m yours if you want me. If not, William and I will escort you home with the scrolls and will leave you be.”
You stay silent for a long moment before you step up to him. Reaching out and slapping him across the cheek. “That’s for lying to me. Sleeping with me while you had every intention of stealing from me.” You hiss. Pero looks shocked before his eyes fall to the ground and he nods. Stepping closer, you grab the back of his neck and yank him to you. “This is because I love you.” You murmur before you press your lips to his.
His shock fades and his cheek stings but he grabs your waist to pull you closer, deepening the kiss as he tilts his head. The kiss lasts several moments until William clears his throat. When Pero breaks the kiss, he nudges your nose with his and kisses your forehead. “Te amo, amor.” He murmurs, pulling back to look into your eyes.
“I love you too.” You murmur softly. “I shouldn’t, but I do.” You caress his cheek gently, soothing the sting of your hand. “I know that you didn’t have to save me, thank you.” You whisper.
"Always. I will always save you. Come on hermosa, let's head back to camp. I am sure you want something to eat and to clean up and then I want to show you how much I love you." William groans at that, having had to listen to you fuck every night. Tovar chuckles, shaking his head at William as he picks up the rifle before beginning the journey back to camp. "Forget the scrolls, amigo. I think I found something far more precious." Pero coos, lifting your joined hands to kiss the back of it. William groans, making you giggle. 
"You have a lot of making up to do, Tovar." You tell him, squeezing his hand. 
"I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, baby." He promises, offering you a smile. It's true, he arrived in China desperate to find the scrolls and find his ancestors' fortune, but he doesn't care about the treasure now that he has you: the greatest prize of all.
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #286: The FIX Is On!
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December, 1987
That android is going to press charges! Andy knows She-Hul- oh I see she’s about to wallop him.
Also, Namor is in the little cast box. And on the cover. I guess he really is rejoining the team. I get the feeling he was just away from the team long enough for the Masters of Evil to start shit.
I have friends that love Andy the Awesome Android. I hope they enjoy this issue, vicariously.
The story starts in a random Manhattan scientific research lab. I assume Manhattan just has random scientific research labs considering Spider-Man is always thwarting people who are trying to rob random scientific research labs.
This random scientific research lab has been hired, I guess, to study the equipment of the Fixer, seized when he got arrested after that whole Avengers Mansion debacle.
But when Todd Martin, random scientific researcher, picks up the Fixer’s helmet, it shoots a mind control beam at him. He picks up the Fixer’s laser gun, shoots the other scientists, and then puts on the Fixer’s outfit and flies through the skylight.
Chilling stuff. The Fixer is truly a cruel, callous dick.
He’s gonna be a Thunderbolt one day.
The sad mind controlling of Todd Martin, random scientific researcher, may have been the opening scene. But the splash page goes to
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Who is here spying on his teammates for some reason.
“Doctor Anthony Druid appears in repose, yet his astral image is awake and alert as he prepares to send it forth for the purpose of observation. Those he would observe are also members of Earth’s mightiest fighting team. While their physical movements are easily monitored on the screens around him, it is their innermost thoughts and desires that concern Doctor Druid. These things he can only learn through astral eavesdropping. None will know they are being observed... and none -- save Anthony Druid -- will know why they are being watched... for now.”
You’re a creep, Doctor Anthony Druid.
One of the effects of Dr Druid’s creeping is that his creepy melon hovers over Namor’s shoulder as he has a tantrum about that lawsuit he’s involved with.
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Remember that lawsuit? For property damage? That he insisted go to court ASAP and then bailed on preparations to go do ocean stuff?
Yeah, that didn’t go away.
Namor’s wife Marrina assures him that she’s going to face this legal battle with him but Namor just rages that he has to do legal battles when once he sat on a throne under the sea and made prince decisions.
Marrina asks him what kind of supportive wife he wants her to be then and he just sulks off into the sea.
This marriage is going great, so far.
I’d thought Namor had calmed down a little recently. Buuuuut, I guess nooooot?
Namor’s attorney Mr. Costello begs Marrina to go talk to Namor because dammit he needs to sign various things!
So Marrina goes under the sea where Namor probably feels like life is better down where its wetter. The once and future Prince of Abslantis is brooding amongst the kelp when Marrina finds him.
Explicitly brooding.
Marrina: “Oh, Namor, don’t brood so. We have such a life ahead of us -- so much fulfillment and love to come.”
Namor: “But this, my wife, this could delay our wedded bliss for some time. If I should goback. But that is an affair of the surface. Here, beneath the waves with you in my arms -- all things seem possible.”
Marrina: “Of course they do, Namor.”
Aww, maybe these two crazy kids can make it work.
I mean, Namor isn’t married in current comics. In current comics, he’s crashing on the Avengers’ couch after being kicked out of Abslantis and he’s only technically not under arrest by them for all the war crimes because they need him to punch the devil.
So clearly Namor’s life takes a turn at some point.
Meanwhile, Black Knight on Hydrobase. Examining all the equipment they took from Avengers Mansion. Bemoaning that he struck out with Janet van Dyne the Wasp by never making a move.
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Meanwhile, Dr Druid’s giant creeper head lurks over Dane’s shoulder reading Dane’s thoughts like they’re Dane’s diary.
What a rude floating invisible head.
Meanwhile, also on Hydrobase, Captain Marvel Monica Rambeau supervises the construction of new Avengers facilities on Hydrobase.
Huh. I don’t remember if they ever said for sure they were relocating permanently to Hydrobase after Avengers Mansion got basically demolished. But its definitely happening.
She-Hulk does the construction foreman a startle by walking up carrying an I-beam by herself. With She-Hulk on scene, Captain Marvel puts her in charge so she can run errands.
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Ha, way to throw shade at the Distinguished Competition.
Apropos of Monica flying off I guess, She-Hulk starts thinking about how creepy Captain Marvel’s powers are. Just turning into energy and all.
Vision used to get a lot of people randomly commenting he was creepy but hmmmmm.
I wonderrrrrrr.
I don’t mean to be coy. I wonder if Dr Druid has any relation to this. I might be paranoid but his noggin is wandering around peering into people’s brains during this exact time.
Monica’s errand that she had to do was nyooming into FBI agent Derek Freeman in Washington DC and asking him if he knows anything about where Captain America is.
Apparently, a couple of FBI agents got caught by the Avengers Mansion security system snooping around looking for Cap. And only a few days after that Cap(tain America) called Monica Marvel and told her that the government kept nagging him to come work directly for them. And not long after that he took an indefinite leave of absence.
So something is going on.
But what could it be? Well, Captain America Meets the Asthma Monster came out this same month.
Mystery solved.
(Another possible answer: the federal government issued an ultimatum that Captain America become an official entity of the US Government and I believe told him they owned the rights to his name, costume, and shield. So he told them to take the job and shove it and turned over his name, costume, and shield. This is when John Walker becomes Captain America and Steve Rogers becomes The Captain.)
FBI agent Derek Freeman tells Captain Marvel that the Avengers don’t have official security clearance anymore -- what with the Vision taking over the Pentagon’s computers -- but because he likes Monica, he’ll go ahead and do a little digging for her.
But what he finds is that whatever is going on is way over his security clearance and tied up in red tape.
Captain Monica is annoyed that she can’t find out anything about Cap(tain America) but FBI agent Derek Freeman is like eh Cap’s an adult. And tells her what she SHOULD be worried about is how the Fixer’s gear was stolen from where it was being studied.
Speak of the devil, in a maximum security prison in upstate New York, the Fixer is brought before the warden to be grilled about the equipment walking away.
Then Fixered Todd Martin OH YEAHs through the wall, shoots the guards, grabs the Fixer, and flies out.
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Random scientific researcher Todd Martin comes to in the secret lair of the Fixer. He demands to know what’s going on but since the Fixer doesn’t need him anymore, he shoots him in the face.
That’s cold.
After leaving Todd Martin, random deceased scientific researcher, on the ground, the Fixer muses over his next grand plan. Even though he’s just thinking to himself, he’s very vague about it. He does pull up a big computer monitor map of the US with various points marked with Things He Needs.
Fixer: “So satisfying to see one’s grand design taking shape -- the itch of great ambition about to be scratched. And soon I will have more tools to complete my plans. Many more tools. One, in fact, is very close at hand.”
Dun dun dun!
Back at Hydrobase, the priority alert goes off, drawing She-Hulk, Black Knight, Namor and Marrina from the various things they were up to... to find that Dr Druid is the one who set off the alarm and is waiting in the Quinjet for them.
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He even insists that they take off now, without waiting for team leader Captain Marvel.
Although she can easily catch up. But still.
As everyone is getting into the Quinjet, Marrina insists that she come along. Namor goes ‘no, there might be danger on this superhero mission we’re presumably going to’ and Marrina reminds him that she’s a superhero too. She was with Alpha Flight!
Namor agrees that she can come with but tells her that she’s got to stay on the sidelines until she’s made an Avenger too.
Ahhh so Namor is doing the Hawkeye thing of bringing his love interest in and insisting that she be made an Avenger. Well, Marrina seems cool so I’m game.
Captain Marvel does show up, nyooming into the cockpit through the glass.
Captain Marvel: “Now why have you mobilized the team?”
Dr Druid: “Well, I assumed -- quite naturally -- that you would want us mobilized as soon as possible, since something has come up.”
Captain Marvel doesn’t like this. (Neither do I). She especially doesn’t like how he alerted the rest of the team before he sent her an alert. So they’d already be in route before she even heard about it, maybe?
Even if he’s on the up and up as the newest member of the team, he really shouldn’t be taking unilateral action like this.
Anyway, now that Monica has arrived, Dr Druid tells everyone why he Avengers assembled.
An urgent call came over the direct line from Bobby Hutchinson, a boy in Ohio who Captain America tasked with keeping an eye on an android in a barn.
A weirdo in a costume drove up in a truck and went into the barn earlier and Cap(tain America) DID say to call if anything weird happened.
Oh, and then the barn explodes and Captain Marvel has to shove Bobby Hutchinson to safety.
Where the barn was, now the Fixer and the Awesome Android stand.
Fixer: “I have ‘fixed’ your programming, my Awesome Android. You no longer serve the Thinker -- henceforth, you are my ally!”
Captain Marvel nyooms onto the scene and shoves the Fixer with (what is apparently) a concussive blast of energized particles. Which flings him away from the barn and bonks him unconscious against a tree.
Since Monica does her homework, she’s familiar with the Awesome Android and its superpower mimicry abilities. So she doesn’t want to use her powers unless she wants the Android to start using them.
Instead, she tries to talk the Android down. Hey, why not? The Android didn’t really react aggressively when she bonked the Fixer out of the scene. He doesn’t have any standing orders.
Maybe the Avengers won’t even have to fight him!
-checks how many pages are left- Oh.
Neat thing though. We see from the Android’s POV as it scans Captain Marvel and he has pixel vision.
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Oh, and the Fixer’s battle harness seemingly shoots a gas bomb by itself.
The gas surprises Monica so she can’t turn to energy before she takes a big ol’ breath of gas and passes out.
For whatever reason - hostility or curiosity - the Awesome Android picks up Captain Marvel.
The rest of the non-lightspeed Avengers in the Quinjet catch up about now and seeing the Awesome Android holding Captain Marvel, Namor immediately assumes its punching time and BWUNT!s the Android right in the vaguely face-ish part of his anatomy.
I mean, Namor calls him a faceless one and the narration claims he doesn’t have any lips or eyes. But he just looks like he’s constantly squinting and grimacing.
Anyway. The Awesome Android copied Captain Marvel’s powers just by picking her up. In exchange for the BWUNT!, he BWAAASH!s Namor out of the air with a concussive blast of energized particles.
Namor goes down.
Prompting She-Hulk, because she’s-Hulk, to muse about how hot Namor is and how she’d “swim in his wake” if he were only not married.
Anyway, she dodges the Awesome Android’s concussive blasts to close in and start punching.
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Hard to say whether she’s making headway or not but she sure punches him a lot.
Maybe she was winning the exchange? But she gets distracted by a truck taking off and Awesome Android BLAPP!s her in the head.
Marrina finds Namor where he got blasted to. He’s conscious but recovering from the blast. Marrina even notes that his skin is still hot from the blast. She decides that now that he can’t get up and stop her is when she’s going to prove to Namor that she can handle herself.
She chose her time well to prevent arguments, at least.
Anyway, with the team getting its ass kicked and Captain Marvel unconscious, Dr Druid takes command. Which obviously he should be doing as the least senior person here, of course.
He tells Black Knight to rescue Captain Marvel while he, Dr Druid, distracts the Android.
Black Knight uses his cut-anything sword and hey what do you know, it cuts pretty deeply into Awesome Android’s arm. He drops Captain Marvel, Black Knight catches her.
Black Knight: “Whew! I wonder where dead weight is on the electromagnetic spectrum?”
Awesome Andydroid opens his mouth and just blows at 200 mph. Apparently this is an innate android power he has and not mimicked or absorbed. He was just designed to go BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and make things whhoooosshh
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About a mile away from all this, Marrina catches up to the escaping truck and jumps on it.
She’s totally going to prove that she’s not a “helpless female” which of course is why she immediately gets captured, falling through a trapdoor in the roof of the truck.
Great, comic. Just great.
Anyway again
The Avengers recover after being blown away by the Awesome Android’s ability. But good news is that Captain Marvel is back up! And so is Namor!
Bad news is that Black Knight is thinking some pretty disgruntled thoughts about Monica’s leadership.
Black Knight: The Wasp would never have let us all go traipsing into battle without a plan. But our new chairwoman did -- and we’re on our butts for it! Come on, Captain Marvel. What’s our plan?
Instead of continuing to attack the Avengers, Awesome Android shambles over to the unconscious Fixer but Captain Monica has Namor whisk the supervillain out of his reach.
So now that they’ve done that, now Awesome Android is getting aggressive.
She-Hulk steps back up to the plate since she wants to repay the cheap shot he got on her.
Dr Druid pipes up in her head to suggest she hit Awesome Android in the right armpit because he’s “mentally located a strange nerve ganglia.”
That same nerve in the armpit is how the Fantastic Four beat the Awesome Android the first time so good mental locating, I guess, Dr Druid.
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She-Hulk pops the Awesome Android in the pit and down he goes. Simple as that.
She(-Hulk) even has the spare time to ogle Namor some more as he’s helping lift the deactivated Awesome Android off of her.
Dr Druid lifts Captain Marvel to her feet despite her insistence that she can get up on her own, suggesting that it’d be bad for moral for the team to see Monica not on her feet.
Monica is suspicious of his motives but it’s She-Hulk who comes to her sort of rescue.
She gives Dr Druid a kiss on the dome for his help in defeating the Android and he indignantly scolds her.
Dr Druid: “These sort of emotional displays will not be tolerated, She-Hulk! This is a fighting team -- not a lonely hearts club! We should behave as warriors, not high school children!”
She-Hulk: “Anyone ever tell you you’re cute when you’re mad?”
Monica manages not to smirk in the background.
Despite the rocky way things went, Captain Marvel is pretty satisfied with how the team is gelling. She knows she’s got a long way to go before she can fulfill the chairwoman role as she should but she’s sure she’s on her way.
And then Black Knight points out that the Fixer they caught isn’t the Fixer.
Huh. I guess Fixer didn’t kill him. Used him as a surrogate again. Todd Martin has no idea what’s going on or how he got here. Or where the Fixer is, obviously.
And Namor just remembered that Marrina ran off on her own and hasn’t returned.
I wonder if those two things are connected.
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Dangit, Marrina. Stop saying stuff about proving yourself or that you’re actually competent. It just sets you up for irony.
Anyway, yeah, the truck leaving the scene of a giant robot fight that also had a secret trapdoor in its roof was in fact the Fixer.
He sent in a decoy but was on scene until he wasn’t.
Fixer: “In the past, I contented myself with petty dreams and schemes -- never saw the big picture! But all that has changed! I’ve learned from my mistakes -- I’ve fixed my own shortcomings! And soon everything will be fixed! EVERYTHING... including the AVENGERS!”
So the good news is that he’s been bad at killing people so far so Marrina is definitely still alive. This ain’t her time to die!
The bad news is that next week, it’s time for more West Coast Avengers. We’ll have to wait to see what happens with Marrina.
The weird news is that robots have nerve ganglia apparently.
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spearxwind · 2 years
THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY SATISFACTORY I AM PUTTING IT IN MY MOUTH AS WE SPEAK. but also now i have more specific questions: how does one kill talas, how does the entire fishfam come to be (like how they all individually know eachother) and also why does connan live on her boat. its a girlboss move but im just wondering why
1. You have to kill talas with a leviathan weapon, otherwise his healing will kick in and render your attacks ineffective (which is why Graves failed several times) and, you need to either destroy all of his gills so he suffocates (the scar on the side of his face/neck is brahms failed attempt at this) OR drive something through his eyes or skull and into his brain. Its pretty general and similar to other leviathans, But like, the hard bit is actually getting close enough to do that, which is what he teaches Graves. Essentially how to maneuver and fight something so colossal without holding back
2. Talas and Connon know each other before the story starts. Connon was the boat captain for Talas' old team, and he kills her as collateral when he turns on them. She eventually respawns and gets her own boat and starts working as a captain for hire at Earths End. When Talas ends up there eventually, since he no longer has a team of his own to sail him around to targets, he hires a boat captain off a job board. It just so turns out that its Connon and they both have a spiderman pointing at each other moment, and just end up becoming friends because they are both Deranged.
Graves is the next one, they seek talas out to fucking Kill Destroy Annihilate but fail, repeatedly, and eventually Talas just. Offhandedly starts giving Graves advice like "your posture is bad btw" when knocking them down, and Graves gets bold enough to ask him like. If youre so fucking good then teach me how to kill you, bastard. And he does
Hades is the last one, during a particularly bad hunt Talas and Graves both lose all of their equipment, their weapons break, and they try to seek out someone who will make them new ones, and hear about Hades and how he used to make weapons. Its not easy getting him to their side but they do eventually
3. Connon lives on her boat because she kinda used to travel all over, and spends a significant amount of time out at sea, and also its better than paying rent somewhere (the boat is also fairly big as it's meant to have a crew in it). Its pretty common in CD for people who have boats and sail often to live in them, that way when visiting other ports they have someplace to stay too and arent hurting for a place to crash
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rmscontracting · 1 year
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rangehirebg · 1 year
Tips To Choose The Best Earth Moving Equipment
When it comes to construction, mining, or any project involving heavy-duty work, having the right earthmoving equipment is crucial. Whether you're looking to hire mining equipment or considering earthmoving equipment for sale, selecting the best machinery for your needs can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your project. In this blog post, we will provide valuable tips to help you choose the perfect earthmoving equipment, including tractors, to ensure your project runs smoothly.
Assess Your Project Requirements
Before making any decisions, carefully evaluate your project's specific needs. Consider factors such as the scope of work, terrain, size of the project, and the materials to be moved. This analysis will help determine the type and size of equipment required for efficient operations.
Understand Equipment Options
Familiarize yourself with the various types of earthmoving equipment available in the market. Some common options include bulldozers, excavators, loaders, graders, and dump trucks. Each machine serves a specific purpose, so understanding its capabilities and limitations will allow you to make an informed choice.
Consider Equipment Features
When choosing earthmoving equipment, prioritize features that align with your project requirements. Factors to consider are engine power, bucket or blade capacity, lifting capacity, fuel efficiency, operator comfort, and safety features. Ensure the equipment you select offers the right combination of features to optimize productivity and safety.
Assess Maintenance and Operating Costs
Apart from the initial cost, it is essential to evaluate the long-term maintenance and operating costs associated with the equipment. Look for machinery that is known for reliability and durability, as this can minimize downtime and repair expenses. Additionally, consider fuel consumption, ease of maintenance, and availability of spare parts.
Explore Rental and Purchase Options
Depending on your needs, you can choose to hire mining equipment or consider purchasing it. For short-term projects or occasional use, renting equipment may be a cost-effective option. On the other hand, if your project demands long-term machinery usage, buying may be a more viable choice. Evaluate both options based on your budget and project duration. You can also consider and choose as per your project tractor hire or purchasing it.
Choosing the right earthmoving equipment is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your construction or mining project. Whether you opt to hire mining equipment or purchase earthmoving equipment for sale, selecting the best machinery, including tractors, will ensure smooth operations and maximize productivity. We at Range Hire help you in getting the best equipment for your project. Remember, investing time and effort in choosing the right equipment upfront can save you valuable time, resources, and money in the long run.
Originally published at: https://sites.google.com/view/range-hire/blog/tips-to-choose-the-best-earth-moving-equipment
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bovufluid21 · 1 year
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harryjessicaa · 7 days
Efficient Backhoe Hire Deals Available For Construction Projects
In any civil construction or mining project, the importance of a backhoe hired by you will be very significant. These machines are highly versatile, and this company has professionals to help you choose the best range of earthmoving machines for your project. All their machines come with the latest safety and efficiency features and are a perfect combination of functionality and versatility.
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bandhearthmoving · 13 days
The Ultimate Guide to Excavating Services: What to Expect
Are you planning a construction project or a landscaping makeover? If so, you might find yourself in need of excavating services.
But what exactly do these services entail? In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about Best excavating Adelaide services and what you can expect when hiring a professional.
What are Excavating Services?
Before diving into the details, let's start with a basic understanding of excavating services. Essentially, excavating services involve the process of digging, moving, and shaping earth to prepare a site for construction, landscaping, or other projects.
Whether you need to clear land, create a foundation, or install utility lines, excavating services are essential for many types of projects.
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The Excavating Process
Initial Assessment and Planning
The first step in any excavating services project is an initial assessment and planning phase. During this stage, the excavating services provider will visit the site to evaluate the terrain, soil conditions, and any potential obstacles.
This information helps them develop a plan for the excavation process, including the equipment and techniques that will be used.
Site Preparation
Once the planning is complete, the professional excavating Adelaide team will begin preparing the site for excavation. This may involve clearing vegetation, removing debris, and marking the boundaries of the excavation area.
Safety measures, such as fencing and signage, may also be put in place to ensure the protection of workers and the public.
With the site prepared, the actual excavation work can begin. Using heavy machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and loaders, the excavating team will carefully dig, move, and shape the earth according to the project specifications.
This may involve digging trenches, creating embankments, or levelling the ground, depending on the requirements of the project.
Hauling and Disposal
As the excavation progresses, any excess soil or debris will need to be removed from the site.
The excavating services provider will handle the hauling and disposal of these materials, ensuring that they are transported safely and disposed of in accordance with local regulations. This step is crucial for maintaining a clean and organised work site.
Backfilling and Grading
Once the excavation is complete, the next step is to backfill the trenches and grade the site as needed. This involves filling in any holes or trenches with soil and compacting it to ensure stability.
Grading may also be done to ensure proper drainage and surface smoothness, preparing the site for the next phase of the project.
Final Inspection and Cleanup
Before wrapping up the project, the excavating services provider will conduct a final inspection of the site to ensure that all work has been completed to the highest standards.
Any remaining debris or equipment will be removed, and the site will be cleaned up to leave it looking neat and tidy.
Excavating services play a crucial role in many construction and landscaping projects. By understanding the process and what to expect when hiring excavating Adelaide services, you can ensure that your project is completed safely, efficiently, and to your satisfaction.
Whether you're building a new home, installing a swimming pool, or simply clearing land for a garden, excavating services are an essential part of the process. So, the next time you embark on a project that requires earth-moving expertise, be sure to enlist the help of experienced excavating professionals.
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vermonthire · 1 month
What to Expect When You Hire a Bobcat for the First Time?
Have you ever found yourself standing before a big project, feeling a mix of excitement and dread, wondering how on earth you’re going to tackle all that work?
Whether it’s a sprawling garden that needs a makeover, a driveway that needs excavating, or a building site that needs clearing, Bobcat Hire East Melbourne might just be the superhero you didn’t know you needed.
In this post, we’ll walk you through what to expect when you bring this powerful ally on board for the first time.
Understanding What a Bobcat Can Do for You
The Versatility of a Bobcat
A Bobcat skid steer loader is a marvel of modern machinery. It's compact, flexible, and can be fitted with various attachments like buckets, augers, grapples, and more.
This versatility makes Bobcat Hire ideal for a wide range of tasks from earthmoving and landscaping to road sweeping and debris removal. Knowing the capabilities of a Bobcat will help you understand how to maximise its use for your specific project needs.
Selecting the Right Model
Not all Bobcats are created equal. Depending on your project’s scale and the space you’re working in, the size and power of the Bobcat you hire will vary.
Smaller models are great for tight spaces and minor jobs like garden landscaping, while larger models will be needed for moving large volumes of earth or heavy materials. Most Bobcat Hire services offer advice on which model suits your job best, so don’t hesitate to ask!
Before the Bobcat Arrives
Preparing Your Site
Before your hired Bobcat rolls onto the scene, you’ll need to make a few preparations. Clear the area of any large debris, mark out any underground utilities to avoid accidents, and ensure there is adequate access for the machinery. The smoother the preparation, the faster the job will get done once the Bobcat is in action.
Safety First
Safety cannot be overstressed when it comes to operating heavy machinery. When you opt for Bobcat Hire East Melbourne, you’ll either be handling the equipment yourself, or you might have a trained operator come with the hire. If you’re operating it, make sure you receive a thorough briefing or, ideally, some training. Always wear appropriate safety gear like helmets, gloves, and visibility jackets.
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During the Bobcat Operation
Understanding the Controls
If you're new to operating a Bobcat, take some time to familiarise yourself with the controls. These machines can be sensitive, and getting a feel for the responsiveness of the controls is crucial. Practice in an open area before starting on the actual task to build your confidence and efficiency.
Efficient Operation Tips
To make the most out of your Bobcat Hire Melbourne, plan your work path and method. Always keep an eye on the weather conditions, as wet weather can affect the ground conditions and make operating a Bobcat more challenging. Work systematically, clear large areas first and tackle detailed work as you progress.
After the Bobcat Has Done Its Job
Checking the Work
Once the major work with the Bobcat is completed, do a thorough check of the area to ensure everything is completed to your satisfaction. This might include smoothing out the terrain, clearing leftover debris, or doing a bit more precision work with smaller attachments.
Returning the Bobcat
After your project is finished, clean the Bobcat as per the hire company’s instructions — clearing out any mud, debris, or materials stuck in the machine. Ensure it's in the same condition as when you received it to avoid any additional fees.
Wrapping Up Your First Bobcat Hire Experience
Congratulations! You've just mastered your first Bobcat Hire and tackled a daunting task with ease. Not only have you learned a lot about handling heavy machinery, but you’ve also significantly advanced your project.
Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional, the Bobcat is an indispensable tool that can save you time and labour. Now that you know what to expect, your next Bobcat Hire East Melbourne should be even smoother.
Ready to start your next big project with a Bobcat? With the right preparation and understanding, your Bobcat is ready to roll whenever you are. Let’s dig in and make that dream project a reality!
Source: https://vermonthire.mystrikingly.com/blog/what-to-expect-when-you-hire-a-bobcat-for-the-first-time
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7consultancyblog · 1 month
You will have ample of good career opportunities in Oil, Gas and Petrolium Industry in India
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The processes and systems involved in producing and distributing oil and gas are highly complex, capital-intensive, and require state-of-the-art technology. Hydrocarbons make up crude oil and natural gas, which are naturally occurring substances found in rock in the earth’s crust. These organic raw materials are created by the compression of the remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, limestone, and shale. The sedimentary rock itself is a product of deposits in ancient oceans and other bodies of water. As layers of sediment were deposited on the ocean floor, the decaying remains of plants and animals were integrated into the forming rock. The organic material eventually transforms into oil and gas after being exposed to specific temperature and pressure ranges deep within the earth’s crust. Oil, Gas and Petroleum Industry Recruitment Agency in India that provide recruitment service.
From engineers and geologists to office-based roles in accounting and human resources (HR), employers require graduates with varying interests and from many different academic backgrounds. You could be a chef supporting the workforce on an oil rig; you could work on sustainable energy futures, climate change and international development for an energy giant such as Scottish power. With oil and gas demand still high, this industry is one of the most in-demand sectors for jobs right now. Best Oil, Gas and Petroleum Industry Recruitment Agency in India provides services. Oil and Gas employees work in various fields, such as geology, engineering, drilling, accounting, marketing, and more. Oil and gas is a significant industry with many career opportunities. It produces, refines, and distributes petroleum products such as gasoline, natural gas, and crude oil. The oil and gas industry also includes companies that provide drilling, transportation, and equipment manufacturing services. The oil and gas industry is vital to the global economy and is expected to grow in the coming years.
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting and hiring employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it. The company will also end up wasting its resources if the wrong or unqualified person was actually hired. Not only will this create problems for the company in the long run, particularly in the attainment of its goals, but it would mean that the organization would also have wasted its resources in training an employee that is not right for the job after all. Top Oil, Gas and Petroleum Industry Recruitment Agency in India that provides best service. Employees are the lifeblood of companies, so finding and attracting the best candidates possible is of utmost importance. A poor recruitment effort can result in unfilled jobs and a loss of revenue, while successful recruitment will bring in the right candidates on a timely basis, ensuring a business is able to continue to move forward. The oil and gas industry offers excellent earning potential, travel opportunities, and career progression. Being one of the most globalized energy industries, the oil and gas sector provides opportunities to work in a region or country of your choice. They have compiled the list of the best job consultants in the oil and gas industry. Start your oil and gas job search today and explore the great career opportunities in the oil and gas industry.
The oil gas industry offers exciting career opportunities as well as the opportunity for advancement. You can start with a high school diploma in an entry-level job and work your way to the top. Oil and gas companies employ a diverse range of employees and these populations consume healthcare differently. Because of this, it’s important for the industry to offer competitive health benefits that meet the needs of all employees. These companies are often willing to hire students and high school graduates and provide them with training in order to develop their careers. If you are not interested in jet setting while working for oil and gas industry, there are many opportunities to travel within your own region from site to site.
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excavationexpertfirm · 2 months
The Importance of Hiring a Professional Excavation Contractor
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Excavation projects are a crucial aspect of many construction jobs, whether you're building a new house, installing a swimming pool, or constructing a commercial building. One of the key decisions you'll need to make when planning any excavation work is choosing the right excavation contractor for the job. While you may be tempted to save some money and tackle the excavation yourself or hire a cheaper, inexperienced contractor, there are several compelling reasons why it's worth investing in a professional excavation contractor.
First and foremost, professional earth moving contractors have the expertise and experience to handle a wide range of excavation projects. Whether it involves digging trenches, grading land, or removing debris, they have the necessary skills to complete the job efficiently and safely. Their experience allows them to anticipate potential challenges and deal with them effectively, ensuring that your project stays on track and within budget.
Another important reason to hire a professional excavation contractor is the equipment they bring to the job. Excavation requires specialized machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and dump trucks, which can be expensive to rent or own. Professional contractors not only have access to high-quality equipment but also know how to operate it skillfully, ensuring that the work is done correctly and with precision.
When you hire a professional excavation contractor, you also benefit from their knowledge of local regulations and building codes. They will obtain any necessary permits for the excavation work and ensure that the project complies with all relevant laws. This can save you a significant amount of time and hassle, as navigating these regulations can be complex and confusing for those without experience in the construction industry.
In conclusion, while it may be tempting to cut costs by hiring an inexperienced contractor or attempting to do the excavation work yourself, investing in a professional excavation contractor on this homepage is a decision you won't regret. Their expertise, experience, equipment, and knowledge of regulations make them invaluable partners in ensuring that your excavation project is completed safely, efficiently, and to the highest standards.
Check out this post that has expounded on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digging.
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The Importance of Hiring a Professional Excavation Contractor
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Excavation is a crucial aspect of any construction project, whether it's for building a new home, installing utilities, or landscaping. The success of the entire project depends heavily on the excavation phase, making it essential to hire a professional excavation contractor. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to ensure that the excavation is done correctly and efficiently. Incase of wanting to know the advantages of having contractor, view here for more explanations.
One of the primary reasons to hire a professional excavation contractor is their expertise. Excavation contractors undergo extensive training to learn about soil composition, drainage, and proper excavation techniques. This knowledge allows them to assess the site accurately and determine the best approach to take. They can identify any potential issues or challenges that may arise during the excavation process and address them proactively.
Professional excavation contractors also have the necessary equipment to handle any excavation job effectively. From excavators and bulldozers to dump trucks and backhoes, they have access to a wide range of machinery to complete the work efficiently. By using the right equipment, they can ensure that the excavation is done in a timely manner while maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety.
When you hire a professional excavation contractor, you can also rest assured that the necessary permits and regulations will be taken care of. Excavation projects often require permits from local authorities, and it's essential to comply with all regulations to avoid any legal issues. Professional contractors are familiar with the permitting process and will ensure that everything is in order before starting the project. The earth moving contractors firm has the best work.
In conclusion, hiring a professional excavation contractor is crucial for the success of any construction project. Their expertise, specialized equipment, and knowledge of regulations make them invaluable partners in ensuring that the excavation phase is completed smoothly and efficiently. By entrusting the excavation to professionals, you can have peace of mind knowing that the project is in good hands. For a general overview of this topic, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contractor.
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